Straits Echo, 25 August 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1253 1 .nilihiiiiiHimiiNiii» CEMENTj CEMENT!! TIGER;*' BRAND. Cheapest on the Market I Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Lr. Tie Stocki Held By TIANG LEE CO., Penang tf Kuala Lumpur. ■□■■&Z3KD?aajaKanaunkHßaaaa Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled' engine of high efficiency. Body
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    • 41 1 Driak Dot’s Had Guinncu Stout. 3 ft r'S -a a TfT*'. 3^ 111 VS > a T*J5-g > <2 M tc N c? *4 t 1 3 i S a Sole A f eol.: TIANG LEE 6* Co.. Penang <§ Kvala Lumpur. aiMinanuna nnnnnn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 135 2 i~| f v.. 'T-^-cfpr~^ T lr -.«j* /.mT £rrilkvir*7l>L' jS 1 ’xslL~ i ,A NATURA 1% M. c ij X‘; r LION BRAND. (STERILIZE» J V. Grand Pnx: W) y p aris St. Louis 1904Wto., u,dji' Me(J aille n i 0" H9J. (893 h( "a I «98. 1899 6" 1
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  • 1631 3 An Examination or His Attitude Towards Spiritual Matters. Prolessor George Jackson, in the Londan Quarterly makes an interesting analysis of Lord Morley’s attitude to Christianity as shown by his writings. In passing,” says Mr. Jackson, it may not be out of place to recall that
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  • 40 3 W( dnesday, August 26 Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Overture Le Carnav il R imain Berlioz 2 The Egyptian Patrol Passes Vale Lane 3 Selection Manteaux Noirs Bucalossi 4 Waltz Manuelita Waldteufel 5 March The Devils Hartmann
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  • 25 3 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Ladies Single Handicap. Mrs vs. Miss Hogan. Mrs W Motion vi. Mbs Rickett. (Unfinished
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 968 3 AT Crown Cinema, CHULIA STREET. For Three Nights Only, August 25th, 26th 27th. Three Feature» Specially Chosen for the Occasion. John Sterling, Alderman A 2,00) feet Production by the Imp Company of America. The story deals* with the adventures of a man who had once gone wrong, but who in
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    • 72 3 Teething Chi'dren. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Cbainbvrlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary sto give the prescribed dose alter each operation of t the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 54 3 The rake wastes his substance in pleasure, The wastrel, his pittance in beer The miser wastes life o’er bis treasuie, The sceptic bis wits in a sneer. But no sane and practical mortal, i A cough or a cold will endure, While bearing in mind relief he can find, In
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    • 268 3 vy G o EC£ c fa egvplS^ FELUCCAjgp m IN f <4 J 'V'-^iy^ l F*s«iQutP AS MaSPERO FreRESLio d»ks t(u> WANy»*rrunt >u I r 3„* v, \.'oms v r^> v *'<ry'+r c—t Fabrique de k Cigarettes Egyptiennes i to l_u i r I icnnCj IHBr ft I I r**«'Qu»
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and ptiblio holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Frick. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 f*l CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Departnent 343 N B.— All butin«M communication»
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  • 508 4 In an interesting article on The Interests and Duty of Great Britain which was reproduced in these columns from the Times last Saturday, reference was made to the foreign policy of Great Britain which for the last four hundred years has been synonymous with the maintenance
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  • 767 4 The first big battle has begun around Namur, where the Allied troops apparently pushed forward to meet the German advance. Here probably the fighting was severest. This was the German objective and they made desperate efforts, which j were successful in the end, to take the
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  • 27 4 The R. M. S. Oriental is expected to arrive here at about 9 a.m. to-morrow, and will sail at 3 p.m. the 9ame day.
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  • 955 4 (From Our Oicn Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, August 21. The half-yearly general meeting of the Selangor Club •▼ill be held iu the club reading room at half past six in the evening of Monday week (31st inst) when the accounts will be presented. Meantime the Treasurers have issued
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  • 119 4 STRANGE HAPPENINGS. (From Our Oum CorretpondtrU.) Singapore. Augmt 24. By the Articles of Association of tb« Nyalas Rubber Estates a vacancy 0n the Directorate should have been filled within week. Mr. E. C. Peck, who was thrown off the board at the anuual meeting on the 15th
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  • 302 4 Really there is no reason why the rubber industry should not be running on fairly normal lines before long. There will not be anything in the way of boom prices, but there is good ground to expect that there will be a regular market again after a
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  • 415 4 According to a Colombo contemporary, H. E. Sir Robert Chalmers, Governor of Ceylon, administered a timely and wellmerited rebuke to those who think that all Asiatics will get into a panic at the mere mention of war and lose their heads at the waving of Union Jack
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 139 4 PRITCHARDS Co SOLE AGENTS FOR ROVER CYCLES H FILTER Doulton’s Germ Intercept» ing Filter on the Pasteur m tj m j The Filtration takes place by gravity through compressed Porcelain candles which screw into the* pj base of the Inner Chamber. Points of advantage over other Filters. No rubber tubings
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  • 1129 5 FIRST BIG BATTLE. BRITISH TROOPS UNDER FIRE. FICHTING ON THE FRONTIER. WHOLE GERMAN ARMY ENGAGED. (Reuter.) ENTER JAPAN. British Prrtt Opinions. London, August 25. The Timet, in welcoming the advent of Japan as a combatant in honourable fulfilment of her Treaty obligations, says it will form one more
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  • 226 5 The Straits Tunes thus concludes a leading article with the above caption Local bank managers are powerless, we suppose, because they must follow instructions from headquarters. Whether headquarters are dealing quite fairly by their customers in such places as Malaya is another matter. It seems to us
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  • 161 5 On account of the French mail steamer Polynesien having been detained at Colombo and the Cordillere having been detained in Saigon the Nestle and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co. have had to bring down cargoes from both boats to Singapore by other lines. This will mean
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  • 181 5 The Club monthly spoon shoot was fired for yesterday with the following result. Only eight members competed. The next shoot takes place on Thursday, the 27th inst. —this being an extra shoot to m-ike up for one of those missed r.t the beginning of the month.
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  • 272 5 The following was the result of the play for the monthly medal for August C M Henderson 47+50= 97—22 =75 HG R Leonard 43 42= 85- 3=82 PT Allen 43 52= 95-13=82 V G Ezechiel 47 48= 95-12=83 R R Turner 52 47= 99—16=83 S B Henson
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  • 107 5 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction 13,256£ lb. of rubber were offered for sale and 8,274| lb. were sold at the following prices: Smoked Sheet to Plain Sheet fB5 Unsmoked Sheet Plain Sheet 74 3 81 Fine Pale Crepe No. 1 Dark Scrap Crepe 55 S
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  • 238 5 The alliance betweon Austria-Hungary and Germany was concluded in October 1879, but wa« not published till February 3, 1888, when it was made public simul- taneouslv at Berlin and Vienna Its text is as follows Clause I.—Should, contrary to the hope and against the sincere wish of
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  • 139 5 We have received from Mr. van Rijuberk, local honorary Secretary of the Inter- national Rubb <r Congress at Batavia, thir- j teen introductory papers which we'o to have been read at the International Robber Congress at Batavia, fixpd to tike place next month, but which has since been abandoned.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it. For
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    • 308 5 WA.IVTBD A CHINESE or EURASIAN COR. BESI'ONDENCE CLERK in imi chain’* office. A ssLij to a comj>etent wad reliable wan' Applicants must apply in their own baudwriting accompanied with copies ;>f testimonials to M. M. NOORDIN, 25 8-14 Penang. WANTED. MVTHURANAYAGAM alias E. M. DANIEL. VI7" ANTED tho present address
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  • 279 6 Incrkasino Numbers Since Lord Charles Beresford first conceived the idea of utilising fishing trawlers in connection with mbm-sweeping the branch of the service has increased very largely. About a dozen vessels have been purchase 1 by the Admiralty, and are attached to the torpedo
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  • 305 6 Germans in Rangoon have been put on parole. Between thirty and forty have signed the parole form which runs as follows: Parole. I the undersigned, declare under oath and on my personal honour to comply with the following conditions: (1) Retrain from leaving the left or North
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  • 160 6 The Proclamation issued by the Governor General reads as follows As it. appears from the proclamations of neutrality which have succ -ssively been announced, the Netherlands Government Ims declared that it shall remain absolute- ly neutral in the war which has broken out between the various nations and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 Keep It Hardy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all J >isponsaries and Dealers. Ja V .■'"N a& C: weri Hi ££gj t|-Ot Stf^SrS RrKS's M m m m :ji STO^Sia.SsLoJtrks 2A«C{ < f**l
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    • 44 6 Sick To-day, Well To-morrow. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets before going to bed. They are just what you need, and you will be all right to-morrow. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 256 6 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Gil Compound I TASTELESS ODORLESS C'4 I .TirrT»l The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Poes all that claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by themedi cal profession. OF ALL
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2085 7 <s hipping P.&0. A. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Servico. Outward. I>ue Penang Sept. 3 U Oct. 1 Steamer. Connecting with 8 S. Salaette Mooltan a steamer Macedonia Malta Moldavia Homeward. Date. Sept. ft Oct. o 19 3 17 «1 Nov. 14 28 Dec. 13 26 Jan. Feb. Mar.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1195 8 Guardian Assurance Comptny, Lt sited ESTA.BLIBKSD 1821, Bubscribod Capital <£2,000,00 Total Invested Funis upwards of Total Annual Income over <5,400,000 1,180,000 rjIHE urjdersigned liavo l>een appointed Agents of tUo abo73 Company at Penang, and are propared to i «sue poiicio; of Insurance against loss l>y lira at the owest tar
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