Straits Echo, 19 August 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1234 1 I CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGERj" BRAND. \Z •cat |and Cheapest |on the Market Highly recommended and need by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Largs Stock* M*N By TIANG LEE CO., r«aaag 6 1 Koala Lumpu*. IIIIIIIIIIU Now On Show. Lagondi Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high
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    • 25 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■sib Driftk Dot’s Head Stmt. I ii J I* Nk *2 a S' a a SoU Ageati: TIANG LEE fi* Co., Penang <& Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 NATURA am Jys •A 'K&S P iLft l r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) > a. r, t j K v^ T a Ay Grand Prix; Par »> I*9oo St. Louis 190*. Cow td »iHfn; tfon 1893. *o.'# 1893 ‘rii rBga J K\ *n S» "-"f ”s*l Ehr«nP g ef s» ol
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  • 158 3 The foil .wioif appointments are notified in the current i-sue of the F. M 8. Government Gazette :—Mr. H F. Nutter to act a* an unofficial irember of the Federal Councd, Mr. 11 M icleod to bo an Inspector of Machinery, F M. S., Mr.
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  • 868 3 GERMAN COLO .NY IN CHINA. 1 A Visitor’s ImpressionB, i Tsingtau, tbs German Col my in China, is situate on th j coast between Shanghai and Wei-bai- wei. It is about 3o Lours by steifmer from Shanghai. The town itself lies ia a bav and is veiy picturesque.
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  • 411 3 Writing from Canton on August 6, the special correspondent of the China Mail says: —A few days ago before the declaration of war the Tsingtau steamed up and anchored i off T. e Band. She was cleared for action. Two days iater the majority of
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  • 188 3 Paris Aug. 13 —There has been serious fighting in the region of Diest, between a German Cavalry Division strengthened by infantry and artillery aud a B lgian cavalry division reinforced with a mixed brigide. The Germans were repolsed with heavy loss. Tho battle along the Othiin (south
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  • 206 3 Progress Made in Construction of The Vessel. The following statement of the progre-. made iu the construct ou of H.M S. Malaya appears in the F.M.B. Government Gazette of the 14th instant The total weight on the blocks is about 3 300 tons. The bulkhead armour is approaching
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 330 3 Another Detective Film CROWN CINEMA CHULIA STREET. PRESENT > MA TER CRIMINAL M. Araui'Iiere (Z1G0MAR) in the l:ii\ gr;!:. 5 Parts, 5 Reds. FOR ONE WEEK COMMENCING Friday, August 14th. DELL EVENINGS ARE A MEN'.CE TO HEALTH I To make your «Vanin*# hippy COM E TO THE STRAITS CINEMA PENANG
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    • 314 3 Keep H Hi?dy. Immediate relie f is necessary iu attacks of diarrhovi. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia-tlioea Remedy should always be on baud. For sa’e by all Dbpjnaaries and Dealers. NOTICE. Orders are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old trees, I with a guarantee of
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    • 108 3 Up to the ranged and down to the mines, F.,r out to the plains where the dingo whines, Aud along the coasts by the gale-swept deep, Where the lighthouse-keep rs lone vigil keep. To farm and station, to mansion and tent, bt-rcrer a parcel, per post, cau be sent, Each
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    • 67 3 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Cell Cholera and Remedy because it relieves crauips in the stomach aud intesti;. t! pairs quicker than any preparation they c compound. It can jiy: bought from a chemist. A Ttiil *:eep for years, a no home is complete without it. For s
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    • 333 3 .1 9$L S 09 Hi m EGV p-o*S ME FELUCCA® 3 m ■i a >e M -r («P •■nß' perO M f-REREs y FAbRiQUC A{ sii'lf! fAbKi«UE^ q S-’ ►iPr MASPERO R ESLrD%^ V ANS l f P* AU i W 4 K pSBL > rABRIQUE DE CIC 'w. iiTTES
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  • 96 4 Mliahed daily (except Sundays and pnbiio holidaya) AT Til CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. raicF. Daily Local M $24 per annum. Outststion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDBBM ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo, Printing Department 349 JVA.-AU WaaiaM* thimM a einiwi te
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  • 1025 4 The salient fact in the Belgian campaign is the stout resistance offered to the invader by the L:ege forts. Even if they should fall in the course of the next few weeks they will hare played their part—-and a ▼cry big part—in this war. They have
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  • 111 4 Ag*ia Moviag. (From Onr Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 19. At a Special Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Mr. Darbishire said that there was much brighter outlook. Business was now moving and the Bazaar paving its bills. The Produce Market was re-opening and Singapore had nearly
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  • 66 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 19. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce’» 152nd Rubber Auction took place vegterday 99,881 lb. of rubber were offered for sale and 6,893 lb. were sold. The proceeding» were extremely slow, the highest prices realised beiDg 93 dollar» for smoked sheet and
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  • 38 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 15. The Reservists had an enthusiastic sendoff on the Hirano Maru Comte de Bondy made a thrilling speech which was greeted with deafening applause. There was much flag-waving.
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  • 661 4 Major A. Delacombe, Army Pay Department, in London, hu been appointed for duty at Hongkong. Mr. E. von Zicb, the Austrian Consul in Singapore, has received his cong4 from the Government and is leaving the Colony immediately. At Bi9ley, in the Corporation of London” (S.R. 10 shots
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  • 222 4 News of an interesting nature was brought to Singapore on Monday morning when several Dutch reservists, who had left for Amsterdam on the Princess Juliona, returned to the Colony. When the liner arrived at Sabang it was understood, so we (the Straits Times) are informed, that
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  • 973 4 For over two weeks, because our apM| was wanted for other purpose, these nVte. have been suspended. Let us hope that th# reader will not find them still sufferin from the effects of suspended animation We are all strategists to-dav and 80 of us are experts, more or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 War its thousands slays, Peace its ten thousands. Our stock is entirely new and of the latest season. Sale now in full progress. Every item a startling bargain. im I 4 Our Reliable Cycle complete with lamp, bell, pump and tools, Sale Price $35. Black or Navy Cashmere Socks $3-60
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  • 969 5 SERVIAN VICTORY. BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. SAFE LANDING. THE KITCHENER WAY. (Reuter London, August 17. The Press Bureau announces that the exped.tionary forces, as detailed for foreign service, have safely landed on French soil. The embarkation, transportation, and disembarkation of ai-en and stores were alike tarried through with the
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  • 823 5 TO HIS TROOPjS. 7 p < r (Reuter*) London, August 18. The King’* message to bis says: You are leaviDg home to fight for the i safety and honour of mv Empire. Belgium, i which country we are pledged to defend, has I been attacked and France is
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  • 295 5 Two Police Constables—No. 231, a Malay, land 289, a Chinese—were brought up beI fore Mr. V. G. Ez°ckiel in the Second Court this morning and charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of a sum of $2l, the property of a Malay named Sahat at j
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  • 446 5 Private Harbours in Holland. It is stated from The Hague that tho German Minister there has obtained from the Dutch Government a concession for the establishment of a private harbour and works by Herren Thyssen on the northern bank of the New Waterway, near Rotterdam. According to
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  • 159 5 The Acting Chief. Justice Mr. J Bucknill, Mr, Justice L. P. Ebden and Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule are now sitting in the Supreme Court hearing the appeal brought bv Oog Ah Sok against a judgment given by Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith in favour of.Qaptain R. D.
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  • 91 5 A $2 Ri>«. On Monday and Tuesday the Strait* Trading Co., bought tin ore at $62 a p-kul Much specuiition has be u rinsed b\ the fact, a d the question is being usk»d: Are the Straits Trading Co. vox living independently of the Government Seen
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  • 102 5 On account of the present crisi< t\ >re will be no public Distribution of Prizes this year. Rewards were given to deserving boys before the closing of the school to-day. Prayers have been offered in the school chapel every day since the beginning of the war for
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  • 333 5 The Shanghai correspondent of The Timet telegraphs that the new wireless telegraph station constructed by S omens for the Chinese Government at where the Huangpu River, on which Shanghai stands, enters the Yangtsze. is now complete. This station is one of a chain of Telefunken stations to
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  • 291 5 In the House of C xnrnoai on the 23rd July Mr K<ng asked the sv cre{>f v of Srata tor Foreign Affairs whether he had received infoi in itiou that an arsenal was to be conI stmeted for the Chinese Government cur J Peking, tliit the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 283 5 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Qreit Peppermint Care Is. (hi i -oaxerCTii»ww > c m* iyr.\7r ritf r*-. nw.rmr:- r wr.»rw» r» THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTi>. 1! BAD OPFiCJS :—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance acid Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Fenartg.
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  • 323 6 Says the China Prett (Shanghai) of August 1 The sudden arrival in Shanghai early yesterday of H. M. S Yarmouth, which was moored during the day at the P. and O buoy, created a flutter of excitement. The cruiser is under special orders which are not
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  • 262 6 It is interesting to note the new spirit in diplomacy animating the Republican Government compared with the impossibilist attitude all too often adopted under the Empire. In the old days no foreign Power could mention such a matter as a re-adju«t-meut of bound trjpg without setting up the
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  • 79 6 Wednesday, August 19. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. 1 Reminiscences Of Scotland Godfiey 2 Lancers. A Country Girl Williams 3 Waltz LiMoreua... Fetras 4 Polka Wot Cb.or Hartmann 6 March The Dear Country... Carter Friday, August 21. Esplanade, ti to 7 p.m. 1 Reminiscences Of the Plantation...
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 739 6 THIS IS IT? Hi WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound; it C.i m =rr= M* TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration o f COD LIVER OIL Does all that i*> claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset (he stomach. Highly re commended by th xnedi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1846 7 HIPPING. sV P.&O. Expected Arrival» and Departure». Mall Service Outward. i AWLS BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. Istclaßß ‘2ndclans Ti Ijondou by Sea $565-72 s3*7-14 To Marseille» or Gibraltar $528-00 $350-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea 4518-57 $339-43 To Marseille» or Gibraltar $4BO-85 5320-50 Intermediate Service. WITH excellent accommodation
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1200 8 Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Established 1821. Bu’ hod Capital £2.000,00 Tot;« Invested Funds up!<of t>,460,000 nnual Income over 1,180,000 rp-i 1 undersigned have been appointed gents of the above Company a* Perm-'g, and are prepared to issue policies of I is, .-ranee against loss by tire at the lowe tariff
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