Straits Echo, 18 August 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 40 1 Straits Echo i nil» ciIRCKJCi- b; r iwS. CiKOiLAl>i»fi IHROiffiiiffli? i»S STRAITS, THE Ffc&RAIED MALAY STATES AND TUB FAR fi.iST ti& i .-U VOL. 12. $24 Per Annum PENANG, TUESDAY, 18th AUGUST, 1914. i' gio Ccpy, 10 ceots No. 189
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1168 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! “TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and w builders. m Large Stock* Held By TIANO LEE CO., Peaaag flf Kuala Lumpur. BANKS. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency.
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    • 39 1 wciiiiHSit 1 Biiaiiiaii laaa Drink Dot's Head Guinness Start. mbs r* CL -a a n t> a =1 m C a •5 t C o H a 5o!« Agents TIANG LEE 6* Co.. Penan•) d Kuala Lumpur. iimmi □□□aan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 s*\ y V i r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZED) y jeaw» £~*-s <4 > r. v \>\X* a' 4f/> Grand Prix: y' Paris H9o(j St. Louis l" 4 "y G«ij* Med^illen: 1893. >«93. M B 5 •»n (llle Cl?* 8 (cm v tAtßitiinimmniHMiimimiiuiiinßi SU». iS’lBrem* 3 )g9 Konig sbfTg Pr*B 1893r,r«
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  • 1203 3 Trade conditions here are perplexing. There are no ships available to take away cargo, and the insurance companies refuse to take war risks at any figure. That admirable letter of Mr. Tan Tek Soon’s, which we published yesterday, reveals some of the special difficulties with
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  • 620 3 Confidence in Britain. It is interesting to consider how far the Asiatic inhabitants of Malaya realised the extent of the war in Europe, or how great its direct consequences to them may be. Some of the educated classes have, of course, a very clear idea, and
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  • 234 3 A choice between starvation or torture is the dismal prospect before all victims of indigestion, for although they are actually in need of food to nourish the body, they are afraid to eat because of the long periods of pain and discomfort that follow even the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 911 3 DMa F 1 Miracle-Cure CROWN CINEMA CHULIA STREET. PRESENTS MASTER CRIMINAL M Arquilliere (ZIGOMAR) in the hading role. 5 Parts. 5 Reels. Sleepless and Paralysed. Ordinary Treatment Failed Yet Dr. Cassell's Tablets Cured. 9urely never-in human experience has a more extraordinary <«tory b»«n given to the world than that of
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    • 273 3 3 c 2 o r, c 'G 3Srr res EG^Pj JiL. --H MasperO, 4 MASPERO FRERESLro^ OANS tlu* AU m kM x ts ,r c~ Fabrique DE ~~J riff CIGARETTESEGYPTIENNES Wa Mb M I i"4i >ti £1 Mi r.»».aoe M > _A»SP'W FPtnti I*. tlv. AiiM'vll a cn '>.v.OBTAINABLE AT
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  • 100 4 Published daily (except Sundays and pvbiic holidays) ▲T THS CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. r*ic*. Daily Local $24 per annum. Ontatation... Postage Extra. Ma i Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLH iDDBIII ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 986 Printing Department 849 > Jf B.— All Mim
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  • 20 4 M cheat —At Balgowuie,” Perak Road, Penang, on 17th August, to Mr. and Mrs J R. Murray, a son.
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  • 623 4 Now that we are bidden to possess our souls in patience while the French and German armies develop their attack over a front extending some 250 miles—roughly from Maastricht in the north to Belfort in the south—it will enable us to follow the impending battle intelligently, if,
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  • 258 4 The stars in their courses seem to fight against the Kaiser. Hi 9 army has received an unexpected check in Belgium on the eastern frontier the Russ’an*, mobilising more quickly than the German General Staff cileulat>..d, are already in West Prussia the High Seas Fleet is apparently bottled
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  • 318 4 To-daj Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, celebrates his eighty-fourth birthday, and completes the six*y-sixth year of his reigu. It must be a sad birthday for the aged monarch whose ill-advised ultimatum to Servia, despatched at the instigation of the Kaiser, brought about
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  • 157 4 The Resident of the Western district of Dutch Borneo wired oh the 12th. The detachment under Lieutenant Zeiler had returned from Mentawa. Two detachments under Lieutenant Scbmidbamer hare arrived at Bengkajang without any loss. Two of the enemy were killed. But little resistance to the advance was
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  • 117 4 Karl Kalck, a German, was this morning fined 1100 or three months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. E R. Sykes in the District Court for being in possession of firearms on or about the 15th instant. The Macalister Road murder case was to-day postponed for a week. This
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  • 108 4 On July 16th a long conference was held between Premier Okama, Baron Kato, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and LieutenantGeneral Oka, Minister of War, at the official residence of the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Nichi Nichi states that details are of course, unobtainable, but the
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  • 32 4 On Thursday evening the train from Kravrang ran inte a service train near Poerwakarta. Both locomotives and five carriages were damaged. A guard and two brakemen were wounded.
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  • 369 4 P. O. Homeward Mail. The R.M.3. Oriental is expected to arrive here on Tuesday, the 25th instant, and will probably sail at 6 p m on that date. Very little news is to be gathered round the town not directly or indirectly relating to the war which has become an
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  • 157 4 To THH E DITOE OF THE Strait» Sir, In view of the proclamation by the H Resident Councillor, Penang, to the r# that supplies of rice, flour Ac. are ampler! the requirements of the inhabitant» a?* may I respectfully invite the attention the responsible authorities to the
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  • 130 4 On Friday, August 14. there .waa a Urger attendance than ever at the monthly m»»>. ing of the Ministering Children’s Leap» The Rev Wm. Cross opened tbs mastn* and gave a short, interesting addreaa, %ft»r which Mrs. Youug presented attendant prises to those children who had bst&
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  • 189 4 Dbfects Notorious ih Natal Ciecui. The following comment on the Gerau cruiser Sehanihoret is taken from the Navy League Annual of 1910-11 “This vessel, which is serving a* flagship ou the China Station, is in a mott inefficient state. She is unable to attain 20 knots even for
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  • 126 4 Siamese Goveraiaeet Preeeutio*. An official notification from the Ministry of Marine, transmitted to Bangkok Tm 9 on the Bth instant, is as follows Owing to the closing of the tin markst is Europe, and owing to the possibility of ths tin mines in Monthon Puket suspendiif work,
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  • 224 4 Mr. Churchill, answering Mr. King in the House of Commons, on July 15, «id 40 vessels engaged in carrying corn and es»* to England bad been armed for defensiv* purroses. The comparatively small cost of such structural alterations as had base necessary had been defrayed by the variot*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 PRITCHARD 8 Co. SOLE AGE MTS FOR ROVER CYCLES. I PERFECT FILTER. Doulton’s Germ Intercept* ing Filter on the Pasteur tff i.. f wft I .WiL.: I -w i ivill 4 m ■SL-. The Filtration takes place by gravity through compressed Porcelain candles which screw into the base of the
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  • 470 5 BATTLE IN THE ADRIATIC. RUSSIANS ON THE MOVE. REPORTED SERVIAN VICTORY. (Reuter.) French Naval Victory. Svtipltg tho Adriatic. London, August 17. A Servian semi-official statement says the French Fleet attacked the Austrian Fleet off Budua yesterday morning sinking two Austrian Ironclads and setting another on fire. A fourth
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  • 188 5 Peking, July 31. Reports received from Tsingtau, dated the 27tb., state that three German cruisers there have gone into dock for repairs The Chinese Government, realising that, in addition to destroying all possibility of a loan being made to China, the European embroglioopen9 fresh
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  • 111 5 Hankow, July 31. The keenest excitement was aroused throughout Hankow yesterday afternoon, owing to the fact that British gunboats here received orders to dismantle aud for the crews to proceed immediately to Shanghai. The erdtrs were promptly carried out by H M S. Snipe, Woodcock, and Kinsha,
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  • 211 5 Hongkong, July SI. War preparations in tho dockyard here are the most active ever kuown. The work continues night and day and the guards have been doubled. The new fast C. P. R liner Bmpreaa of Ilueaia will not sail ou this trip. She has been chartered
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  • 793 5 The Dutch steamer Sloet Van de Beele reports haviog seen a foreign warship near Soerabaya on the I2tb instant. The mysterious ship which was rgnalled off the Kangean Islands is probably a German collier. She did not- reply to the signals made. It is interesting to note that
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  • 851 5 A Notable Anniversary—An Ofljwt AdCanton and the Crisis. (From Our Own Correapondent.) Canton, August 4. A year ago to-day the Army at Canton I repudiatt-d the independence of Kwantung declared by the Proviueial Assembly at the! oressure of Tutuh Cbeu Cbiuog-miog aud his Kuomiutacg followers but against
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  • 200 5 The Penang Ladies Rfl» Club re-opened yesterday for the first time this month, the range having been closet! by order of the Adjutant on account of the War Only six ladies competed for the Mills’ Trophv—those marked with an asterisk counting. The next shoot takes place
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  • 82 5 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Auction lb of rubber were offered for sale and 5,486 lb. were sold at the following prices: Smoked Sheet to Plain Sheet Uusmoked Sheet 8 57 8 63 Plain Sheet f 53 63 Pale Ciĕpe 5 65 No. 1 Dark
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  • 81 5 (From Our Own Oorresp indent). Singapore, August 18. Fifty French reservists have left for home by the Hirano Maru to-day. The Acting Governor, the Hon. Mr. K J. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Wilkinson visited the interned Germans at St. John’s Island cn Sunday. The Mithima Maru arrived from Col
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 Arc Too toiAt cn a J:urnry 7 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed iu jour r baud luggage «hen goiug ou a journey Change of water, diet, and temperature all i tend to produce bowel trouble, and this t medicine cannot lie eecured on board the t
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    • 71 5 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can 1« controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary sto give the prescribed dose alter each operation of the bowels more thau natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe
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    • 56 5 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prvseribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R*medv because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pairs quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it. For
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    • 59 5 Hark to tbeir whooping! List, bow thev cry! Sweet children crouping Why need they die They he thy darlings, dearer than wealth Se re for their faring the chalice of health See how it sparkles Nectar dirioe See how it. creams in that crystal of thine. Balm from bronchitis fragrant
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    • 310 5 the great eastern LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. H*ad Office: —«SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR. MURRAY A CO. fior.,l Office: —No. 7, Union Strbbt. HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don't insult and injure them
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  • 555 6 ITS STRIKING HEAD. The Expeditionary Force. Although so far Reuter has seat do news on tho subject, Bays the M. If., there seems to be little doubt that, as stated in the message received by the French Cousul in Singapore, the Euglish troop 3 forming what is
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  • 319 6 The eastern frontier of Germany is no doubt at the present moment the scene of desperate fighting between the Russians and the Germans and Austrians. It is away from the usual known parts of the Atlas, and a little study is needed of say Map 56 iu
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 ▼tTTTTTTTT V V 9 TT”TTT V THIS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound =i=. <r TASTELESB ODORLESS L’ The latest scientific pre J par at ion of COD LIVER J OIL- Does all that is claimed for it and super sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1888 7 HIPPING. P.40. VAl S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall 8srvics. Ootward. Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with 8.8. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. S NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. N. Y. K. jrvpan Mail Steemship Company. LU IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Fo* Intended to Sail. St iamb*. Singapore (Three times a week).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1445 8 Andrew Usher U Co.’s special mmi. O.V.G. Whisky. SANBILANPS, BUTTLP.Y 8 Co., AGKNTS FOB Ft:NANG 8> F. M. S. PAVU) CORSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra Navy Canvas, No. 0. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 6 Co. —WMMWIWM M HU I WĔ xcem* BURRELL Co.’s BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE.
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