Straits Echo, 17 August 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1199 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! ••TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Slock* Held By TIANG LEE CO., Ptau( tf Koala Lumpur. Now On Show. Lagonda Cars ■i BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong V Shanghai 11
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    • 31 1 Drink Dot's Had Guinneu Stovt. j ft T 3 a 3-9 KC O r <2 O m ss «I b* a Sole Agt.U: TIANG LEE fi* Co., Pmang Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■□□□□□a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 b*. '-zsj3-.'.i-23s:2Xu: rK:;NATURA Sti- ♦>• Sfi I v p* 6» .■i IL L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZES) J “ft <& v^ a ‘^/y Gr?nd Prix: (/A P »“S 1900 St. Louis 1904. n: sm. Mcja > 1893. '•H* **lc Scbi '893. _v#r V u ft9B v V 1899 Uili!i(ii!i;ii:i:ini!ii^:}iiiiiiiiui; Sthutimarke
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  • 1271 3 THE NEW BPIRIT CONSTRUCTION EXPEDITED. In an art id* recently written bj the Pari* eorrespotidenr of tbo Naval and Military Record some instructive obervations are offered on the present condition of the French Navy. The plauof armament for 1915 illustrates the noteworthy change that haa taken phice in
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  • 204 3 A Devilish Device. An unusual and significant activity in the fashion of new devices for naval war. which may surprise Mr. Wells and would stagger Jules Verne could he return to life, is disclosed in almost every page of the Naval Annual for 1914 just published. Of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 Art Too Gaia* cn Jjurat* 7 Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should 1 be paoked in your hand luggage when going on a journey Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It
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    • 133 3 POSITION UNRIVALLED IN LONDON, ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, Portland Place and Rrjrcnt St., Lendan V, f \MILY HOTEL. OF THE HIGHEST OI&ER. In Fu!i!KJble *n<s Healthy Locality. TAIPING MEDICAL HALL, 73, 75 A 77. KOTA ROAD. (ESTABLISHED 1900.) Extension of Premises and addition of valuable new lines, to ou numerous
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    • 325 3 #t*ls iM > n]m\Tl 0 n D L Xit*« £r*i JPBSIIb a» THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. -> -sr Price Ex Codown Penang 1 Foolscap 150 Nett No No 75 200 No Brief 225 No Policy »5 THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Old Machines Taken Ove in Part F ayment. A Guarantee
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    • 106 4 Hebe, Br. s.s„ 346, Scott, Aug. 16, Teluk Aufod, Aug. 15, God. —A. G A Co. Jin Ho, Br. 8.», 93. Taylor, Aug. 16, Asahan, Aug- 15, God. —E. S Co., Ltd. Ivdra iri, Dut. s.s, 161, Bron, Aug. 16, Deli, Aug. 15, G^n. —K. P. M. Syrin Br.
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    • 44 4 August 17. JJgt Thye, for A lor Star (Kedah). Cornelia, for Port Swettenbara, Port Dickson and Malacca. Avagyce, for Dingings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Sanuki Maru, fer Rangoon and Calcutta. Seang Choon, for Rangoon. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and T&iping.
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    • 221 4 Fon Tonrkah —Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.m Teiuk Anson—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 pm. Rangoon and Calcutta—Per Torilla, to-morrow, 4 p.Q). Port Rwettenham and Singapore —Per Klang, to-morrow, 4-30 p m. By Train. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong, 7-15 a.m. daily also at. 5-30 p.m., on
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  • 198 4 Gold L«af 164 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buy on j White Pepper 26.30 buyort Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 60.— nom. Mace 110 nominal. Mace l ickings 86. —tellers Nutm- gs 110 23 —nominal No. 1 6.10 tales Sugar < 2 5,50 tales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed)
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  • 228 4 Penang, August 17. Beek— cts Soup per catty 20 Roast 35 Steaks 35 Stew or Curry Meat 22 Rump Steak 35 Ox Tail eaeb 50 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 40 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Fig'* Hoad 22 Feet 28 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 352 4 ISTOTICE P. A. M. A REGISTER of Estate Managers and Assistants has been started by this Association. Employers, having vacant posts to fill and employees seeking engagement, are requested to communicate with the undersigned. By Order, H. C. E. ZACH ARIAS, Secretary, I lantsre' Association of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, August
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    • 81 4 TRANSLATION. r IIHE UNDERSIGNED undertake* to X translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. AUo Chinese accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale: (1) For translations for insertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department
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    • 853 4 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which has now borno the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORT/ YEARS. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* S FRUIT SALT’ o o o o AINC CHEANC A Co., Pleasant to Take, Refreshing and Invigorating. IT IS VERY EiNEFICIAL IK ALL CASES OF O O O O O We
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  • 1508 5 THE EFFECTS OF PROHIBITING EXPORT. The Rice and Bajl,t Fish Trades. To the Editor of tbe Strails Time». Sir, —War having row been declared, and this Colonv and its hinterland having become isolated from the rest of the world it behoves all who have the true
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  • 426 5 Not Expected to Return to The Diocese. It is announced in the current issue of the Singapore Diocesan Magazine, that inside the Diocese the loss of health of Archdeacon Izard and his consequent departure on sick leave is of the greatest importance. His journey home, says the Magazine,
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  • 23 5 The following ties have been filed for Wednesday, the 19th inst.: Ladies Single Handicap. Mrs W. Motion vs. Miss Rickett.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 < Id </> a Id K -I < u Id CL CO to z < z < X u m o t/> Ruchanans SCOTCH V -A i WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" 44 s WHISKY X > ?s JAMES or*oo# OIASOOW C< J» ALWAYSITHEIH IC H EST^OUALITJf' Sole Agents PENANC
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    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Greet Peppermint Cere, Is. $d
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    • 268 5 c o o *8 @5 £&S EGtfPi v&uz r„\y V./ FELUCCA W m >t’-9 -s*« LiL/ fctti JJ* z 9 Tv^2 A2T* riJ FREREs EaB*iQUC MaSPERO FrereSLrp%| O*»S Hu* m*no*actu*l AU 31 (U 'BM c cv KH b W\ Fabrique de *4i CigarettesFgyptiennes 1 iiti Bouton y 3 Rouse s
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  • 93 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE. Dailj Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Fsee) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 545 tf.B. —All bacin.M oemnawniemtiona ihonld ba to
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  • 501 6 When in 1856, by the Treaty of Paris, Turkey was admitted into thy f.iTiy of nations that privilege carried with it certain rights, but it also implied certain obligations and one of these is the observance of International Law, a large section of which is concerned with the
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  • 719 6 The war on land is now being waged in two distinct theatres. Wedged between France and Russia Germany is forced to face both wajs. The Gorman General Staff haß been credited with the plan of first hurling their armies on France to crush her and then hastening back
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  • 894 6 ENTHUSIASTIC SEND CFF. HUGE CROWDS QN THE ESPLANADE. The P. O. Syria, which left Port Swettenham on Saturday afterno irrying a contingent of French and Belgian reservists an i also a few men of the English China Fleet who had beeu recalled for duty iu h me
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  • 511 6 Pir.a Auiuoi Rotb ikit, of Bingkok b two sons iu Germany eligible for Arm* service. 7 Monday, August 24. is the fifth versary of the Consecration of Bishop son- Davie. The leave of absence granted to A. W.H. Hamilton, assistant Superintendent of Police, has extended for three
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  • 150 6 DESPATCH OF AN ULTIMATUM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) fa T- 1. Singapore, August 17. An authoritative telegram received fro* Tokyo to-day states that Japan has sent an ultimatum to Germany requesting the withdrawal of German warships from Chines! waters, also the disarmament and immediate placing of Kiauchau
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  • 85 6 Mr. N. A. M. Griffia, Assistant Super l tendent of Police, Malacca, who returned from leave bj the last mail is now stationed in Penancr. Detective Inspector R. Little has k" for the F. M. S. to take up an appointing in the Government Monopolies there. believe he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 The Dispensary (Penang) Ltd. Beg to ioform their customers and the General Public that their prices are not advanced except for goods the prices of which have already been advanced by the local agents. At a later date prices may have to be raised to meet the extra cost of
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  • 1947 7 THE “GOEBEN” 8 “BRESLAU.” THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. THE BELGIAN CAMPAIGN. (Reuter Gmbu Attack Davslops. Brussels, August 14 The Germans are c>>ncentratiug their attack on those Liege forts which are on the right bauk of the Kiver Meu«e No kaigo at Brussels. The latest telegram from Brussels to date
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  • 18 7 (Reuter.) New York, August 15. The America Cup races have been post poned till 1915.
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  • 12 7 (Reuter). Mexico City, August 15. General C*riauzi has entered Mexico City.
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  • 268 7 Srys the Straits Times in a leading article In spite of all that has be a n said in criticism of German militarv method*, there can be no doubt, we think, that the German army is a splendid fighting machine. Perhaps it is too much a machine
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  • 947 7 The fact that several Straits Steamship vessels are beiag put on the Borneo tun in 1 place of German Ixoats will tn ike no difference to the West Coast service. < The shipments of rubber from Pott Swettenham by the s.s. Syria to-day. and by the s.s. liumxeus,
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  • 300 7 As there appear* to be some misapprehension on the ntrt of the public with regard to the effect of th*» recent proclamitions relating to th i probiiiitioo of exportation of various art; ;.es, the following resume J of toe pmei mations is published for information. 1 iiio
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  • 345 7 Before M>\ G. R. 'lykes iu the Third Court this morning a Hindu named Mutusauiv was charged with the theft of a goat at Kano pong Deli. Mohamad, the complainant, said that early his morning he h .ird h s go it, which was tied about
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  • 84 7 More German > 'everses. Pa is, August 17. A number of Germans flsaing Iwsfore t Fr« nca t* ick a' Dinant, failed to reach t" e bri lje and fell « th st ep banks of the Mcu-e an 1 w re drowne 1 A Fron h .a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 POSTPONEMENT NOTICE Penang Auction Mart. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE TO BK SOLD BY E»U £S C U I'iO W, On Wednesday, 30th Sept., 1914, AT 11 AM. At Prem'ges No. Vi, Hi ■‘hop Street Penang. The following property All those three piece, of 1 ind adjoining one another and
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  • 626 8 [The following two poems by William Ernest Heuley, probably known to several of our readers, seem to be specially applicable to the present crisis in British History.] We are the Choice of the Will; God, when He gave the word That called us into line, set in oar
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  • 48 8 To- DAT. 26th Day of 6th Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph. Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road. To-morrow. 27th Day of 6th Moon. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph. Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road.
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  • 9 8 English (Arcadia) ...20th Aug. China (Delta) ...22nd
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  • 37 8 Mail Service. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Arcadia 20 Aug. I Delta 22 Aug. Afsaye 3 Sept Himalaya 5 Sept. Extra Service. Outward. Homeward. Namur 25 Aug. I Nagoya 31 July. Candia 8 Sept. Syria 14 Aug.
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  • 427 8 Magnitude or British Interests Abroad, An Empire number °f The Financier con- i tains an important adUition to other admir- able features in the form of an article on Imperial investments, which treats of the mutual benefits arising from the export of 1 oapital from the homeland to
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  • 443 8 Latkst Regulations from Colonial Office. The Government Ganette of Friday’s date contains a despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies forwarding the table of precedence for the Straits Settlements which has been approved by the King. The table read as follows I. The Governor or Officer
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  • 1232 8 At a moment like the present whan local commercial and shipping interests ere so gmrely concerned in the momeatn— crisis in Europe the question as to what does or does not constitute contraband of war has assumed an immediate importance, and in riew of the early possibility
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 565 8 PROCLAMATION Pledging our policy of introducing pictu e plays from prominent, manufacturers point- L uig to our past peiformances as our permanent and perennial programme. Preserving in our purpose to please tbo public and pursue the path to perfection by the Oflioer managing on G.T.K. service, K. K Road. A
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    • 71 8 Tcethinj Children. Teething children hare more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary sto give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe
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    • 415 8 NOTICE. THE PUBLIC is informed that German Traders may transact business as usual in Penaag. RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. Penang, 11th August, 1914 525 NOTICE. Orders are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old trees, with a guarantee of 75 germination. Price $1.50 per 1000 packed in bags
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    • 45 8 When wild gales sweep the wintrj deep In their resistless might, And floods of rain fill stream and plain With torrents which affright, When croup, bronchitis and catarrh, We mortals must endure, Ah then we know the debt we owe To Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 239 8 I THIS IS IT < j WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound 1 TASTELESS ODORLESS X. Jia Cm Mi The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upse* the stomach. Highly recommended by (he medical profession.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1855 9 <S H I P P N Q.t p.&o. i tfTAI a Expected Arrivals and Departures Ciil Servlfn Dntwurd, -t. > rl BRITISH INDIA AM NAVIGATION r f i. K. For to Baiu I r*> i4~ c U C TBASIES. *8 Duo Penang ■ißjjJaperc time* w. Aug. Sept. 20 3 17
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  • 1422 10 [Japan Timet, July A] «AH of the-graat eawala have in a more or less degree revolutionised ocean-going traffic. Tbe marvellous benefits conferred by canals, whether inland or Oceanic, have iudeed been so tremendous-and have had 6iich great direct and indirect effect upon tbe prosperity «f
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  • 158 10 Airship to Dbstrot Fltiit» Locusts Ai airship to be used in the destruction of flying locusts is one of the projects that may be tried in Cavite and Batagas, in the Phillipines, should it be able to secure the services of an aviator who is willing to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 446 10 Weakness Debility TRON JELLOIDS,’ the ,reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron Jelloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear,«and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases. Iron
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    • 44 10 Sick To-day, Well To-morrov. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets before going to bed. They are just what you need, and you will be all right to-morrow. For sale by all Dispeasaries and Dealers.
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    • 86 10 Keep It Hatdy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. Maximum Protection AT Minimum Cost. THE China Mutual Life INSURANCE Co.. Ltd. (Head Orvzoe:—SHANGHAI) A BRITISH COMPANY incorporated under the Hongkong
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    • 312 10 j —D!OCo§|cxdo® .y/.* -V.VAV. s#l ■x-:-:o:-v “i l v»!v»: "■V.Y.v. W.V.V.V V.ViV.V S-Af nn ■fe AY...V T.-.V. rr:.». .tat.. > v/^Y.yAV.yjfev.-A y/SEy.yy, £ujil Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: —“I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a
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  • 245 11 Gift of Grip." The following is an extract from a remarkable article on Mr. (.'bamberlain, by Mr. T. P. O’Connor It appears in the Many of the most effective speakers of Mr. Chamberlain’s time havo often bad to labour for time beforo they have wholly got possession of the ear
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  • 112 11 la a table designed to demonstrate the case agaiuat voiuutary service,” The Nation in Arms gives the following statistics relating to the British Armv, at Oct. Ist. 1918 Regulars. —Establishment, 258,461 strength. 249,887 shortage, 8,574 Bpecial Reserve.—Establishment 78,714; strength, 61,427 shortage, 17,287. Territorials —Establishment, 316,385 strength, 249,393 shortage,
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  • 376 11 If ever anybody is industrious enough to compile a w< rk on famous men who have appeared in the courts as plaintiffs cr defendants, Disraeli, as well as Dickens, would have a conspicuous place in it. Disraeli had to aDpear in the Qu > n’s Bench
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 206 11 F#r Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Wood«’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d SPECIAL NOTIC MI E R gras I? Sk/SB!?4 4ff-5f -.iysas THE MILKMAID MILK COMPANY BEG TO GIVE NOTICE TO EUROPEANS IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY that Milk can be obtained by writing to either the Company's Offices
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    • 145 11 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians presciibe Chambcrlaiu’*» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps iuthe stomach and iutestioal pains quickor than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, ar.d no home is complete without it. For sale
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    • 266 11 ii+ THIS IS IT l V A WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod LiYsr Oil Compound w> !l a r .-dbc it TASTELESS ODORLES9 The latest scientific pre paration o' COD LIVER tj OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- -3* sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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