Straits Echo, 10 August 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1293 1 CEMENT;! CEMENT!! •\TIGER BRAND. |.V Best [and Cheapest on the Market Highly •©commended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Ltrgt Stocks Held By TIANG LEE fi* CO., V Kails Lumpur. n BANKS. > Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high
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    • 32 1 S’ fie m ?> vt s u z rsn V| m o: rt 3 D > <T"> C m no?s n m The Doctor ad vines and recommend!*. It ia nourishing, invigorating and strengthening.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 NATURA iLK L r LION BRANDJ (STERILIZES) J J V t' > ;i% y Pans 190c* St. Louis l*) 4 C *■<*..«„: S111 > ,2&> 6«"» >- .«03 Prag *U 6rW' 3 ’$j. *»*%>■ Prag 19 iji ll IS» 1693 ..«5» ,ms 3-> tii rii'i{iiSliil;iPiil| li 1 liif l l
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  • 1816 3 A PEN PICTURE. Tb:s it tbo late Mr, G. W. Steevens’j description of the new Secretary of State for War, who waß then the Sirdai of Eg*p f taken from “With Kitchener to Khartoum”: Majof General 8 r Horatio Herbert Kitchener ia forty-eight years ol<l by the 'Look;
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  • 74 3 pRESGRAVE CCP TOR AUOCST. RftuH: RR Turner 2 down A M Sellar 3 F A Pledger 4 HG R L°onard 6 Mes-ri C C Rivers, W R Armstrong. P T Allen. G A Hall, F Duxburv and C T Beath al*r> played but n turned no score.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Supplied ky All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chsmberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R >medy because it relieve* cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no hene if'complete without it For
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    • 13 3 F >r Chruuk Cheat Complaints. Wood*’ Qr**t Perp*nB»o* C» r e, 1b M
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    • 322 3 I— 'V- J "«'"a wwrA»n 4*|*_ r% -j&l!.. w ?Z?35t\ mm 8*J tr-f D 8 r unut v*rr-f ■r mir& THE "f BEST AND CHEAPEST. Fnce Ex Codown Penang. No. 1 Foolscap $150 Nett. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Old Machines Taken Gve~ in r-art Payment. A Cuatantce G'ven with Every
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    • 22 4 August 10. Fiji f..r Port Weld and Taiping. Jtu Ho, I Atahan. Tent, i t IVaDg. 2ict ,i Tongkab and Renong.
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    • 231 4 For To 1 Per Malacca, to-morrow, Ip» tteuham, Sngapore, Mirnli, 01) M' Japan—Per Hubia, to-morrow, 3 'J Ai son— Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 )> in. I S *‘Uenbam and Singapore—Per Kl'ii if, to morrow, 4 30 p.m. y .11 China and Japan —Per Tanda, 12th i bt.u.t, 4
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  • 126 4 Penang, August 10 (By Mm~tcey of the Chariersd Bank.) Loicon, Demand Bank 2/3 H M 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4,^ 3 Credit 2/4}} 3 Documentary 2/4}| Calcutta, Demand Bauk Rs. 174 J 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174| Mou linen, Demand Hank 173} M 3 days’
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  • 195 4 Gold Leaf ...864.40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyer» White Pepper 26 30 buyers Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 50. nom. Mace 110 nominal Mace Pickings 85. —sellers Nutmegs 110 23—nomirial (No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,50 sales (Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers f Tahbun... 190.
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  • 203 4 Penang, August 10 Beef— cts. Soup per catty 20 Roast 35 Steaks 35 Stew or Curry Meat 2 2 Rump Steak 35 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 4 i Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 28 Tongue
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 Keep It Haidy. ]r ill if o relief is necessary in attacks of diat H' i Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an I I n rlioea Hemedy should always be on h m l. I 1 V sale by all Dispensaiies and Deal. rs. Penang Sales Room. <u Pianos, Organs, and Pianolas
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    • 1072 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBORY’S METABOLIZED God Liver Oil ComponDd TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that b claimed for it and super- ft sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset t the stomach. Highly re VI commended by th medi cal profession. OF
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  • 903 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Luiupur, August 6. Colonel Jackton R E (retired), Surveyor General of the F. M. S., tent in an application to be restored to the active list, this morning: Lieuts. Perk.ns and Durello, piauters, ex coanoandets of submarines left their estates for Sngapore
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  • 579 5 George V, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire* r land and of the British Dominions beyond the Syas King, Defender of the Faith, Empiror of India Pbc CLA.MA.TIOS. R J. W ILKISBOS, Officer Administering the Government. Wh reas bv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 203 5 -J < Li (0 a LI OC -I < u LI 0. to (O m z < < z o rj m o I/I SCOTCH WHISKY something to CROW ABOUT 4» BIACK&WH'TE ScotchWhjskt^ X OlASOOW vX ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY BO t~ 1 vn 90 m 90 > r r
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    • 44 5 Sick Tc-dsy, Well Ti-.norrow. If you feel dull aud stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlin's Tablets before going to l>ed. They are just what you need, and vou will be all right to-morrow. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 422 5 8 ESS 9 c 33 Sr', n <h rf S 3 3g? rfs eg*PE V yt m lyj? X<'iSXerni+zzr* c-« Fabrique de CigarettesEgyptiennes felucca la u m\ IkV-iiv ;1 I i= H ;l Rouge <4 m fS v'-;.v. r*= *FREREs r.\Z**QUi p An vV ft? A'ASPtRO FptßESLia’^SKi, \PI r*s*>a; r
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sundays and piblio holidays) ▲t th CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Streot, Penang. Paic*. Daily Local $24 per annum. t Outstation... Postage Extra. |fa l Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 S' B —All butintsa
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  • 1420 6 In (he midst of peace our enemies have surprised us.” That surely is a startling statement to make iu the face of Germany's wanton violation of Belgian neutrality and Sir Maurice de Bunsen's disclosures regarding (he genesis of the Austrian ultimatum to Servia. Germany went out of her
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  • 815 6 ESTATE COOLIES AND THE CRISIS. A meeting of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association was held in the Chamber of Commerce to-day at noon. 1 here was an attendance of upwards of fifty including the Hon. Mr. A- R- Adams. Pirpou of tk« Mectiog. Mr. J.
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  • 908 6 The Resident Councillor sends us th following notice for publication Tmi IS HO PROHIBITION OF *XP 0 R T 0» FOOD STUFFS, RIOI STO. TO Ttt* F«DI»iT. Malax States. The Volunteers doing duty at the Cable Station are now being paid at the rate dollar a day. 01
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 r 2 War made in earnest makes war to cease. Our prices are as usual there is „no increase* Sale Proceeding. Our underwear is British made throughout and is well shrunk. Sale 50 cents each only. Cent’s Waterproofs from $9 each upward. Woollen Rugprice from $2-25 each. Our Underwear KING
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  • 936 7 ALSACE-LORRAINE. GERMAN TROOPS IN RETREAT. ATTACK BY GERMAN SUBMARINES. (Rtuier.) Girnui Saa Tor At Aromatic* Brussels, August 8The Belgian Minister of War announces that the Germans have askel for an armistice of twenty-four hours. They admit they hare 25,000 troops hors de combat. Russia* RiTtrit. St. Petersburg, August
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  • 571 7 NO BRITISH SHIPS DAMAGED. London, August 10, The Admiralty announces that the German submarines yesterday attacked one of the cruiser squadrons of the main fleet. None of 11 is Majesty’s ships was damaged but one of the enemy’s submarines was sunk. Liege. Brussels, August 8. It is
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  • 600 7 Paris, August 9. Believing that part of the Austrian mobilisation is directed against the French frontier, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs has told the Austrian Ambassador that he wishes to be informed of Austria’s intention as soon as possible. Rossiaas is Austrian Territory. St. Petersburg, August
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  • 285 7 In Asiatic waters, the German fleet has its base at Kiaochow, and in Oceania at Rabaul, in the Gulf of New Guinea. In view of the preponderating forces of Great Britain and France in China waters, with the possible addition of the Russian reinforcements from Yladivostock, and
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  • 292 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Brilitk Resident on tke Situation. Ipoh, August 9. The Bntish Resideut, Mr. Oliver Marks, in a letter to the Taiping Planter’s Association, deprecates anything in the nature of a panic and gives an assurance that everything is being done by the Government
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  • 99 7 (From Our Own Correspondent All Germans on Parole. Singapore, August 10. Thirty-two German reservists were called up at Government House on Saturday. H. E the Acting Governor explained to them that they had either the option of internment or of being prisoners on war parole. They decided
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  • 32 7 Boston, August 8. Australia has beaten the British Isles in the Final of the Davis Cup, Brooks and Wilding defeating Parke and Mavrogordato by 6 —l, 6—o, 6—4.
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  • 28 7 (Reuter). London, August 8. The imports for July show a decrease, compared with a correspmding period last year, of .£2,399,891 and the exports of .£275,882.
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  • 210 7 Germanv’B great strategic waterway, the Kiel Canal, has just been broadened and deepened at a cost of 1,000,000, which is part of the price which has been paid for the adoption of the Dreadnought design. Even now the canal is not sufficiently deep to permit armoured
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  • 70 7 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages:— Page 3—Lord Kitchener A Pen Picture. Penang Golf Club: Presgrave Cup for August. s—Kuala Lumpur Comments. Government Gazette Extraordinary. B—The8 —The Auglo-Japanese Alliance: The Terms of the Treaty. General Sir John French Head of Britain's Military Forces Helping Planters;
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  • 189 7 One of the Turkish warships which Britain has takeu over is apparently the Sultan Osman I. built at the Walker’ yard on the Tyne. She was acquired from Brazil by Turkey when there was a possibility of a recurrence of troublo between Greece and Turkev, and was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 324 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Groat Poppsrrrtint Cure, Is G 1 HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don’t insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. This food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING STREET. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.,
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  • 853 8 The Terms or ihe Treaty. Au agreement between tLs United Kingdom aud Jjpau was signed at Loudon by Laid L.tLsiuwue and Visc.unt Hayasbi (August 12th 1905). Its obj ct was: (a ilia consolidation and iuHuieuauce of the general peace in the regions of Eastern Asia aud of
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  • 1003 8 HEAD OF BRITAIN’S MILITARY FORCES. A Strenuous and Successful Soldier. General Sir John D. P. Fiench, who has been appointed Iuspector-General to the Forces, which is the position equivalent to that of Commauder-in-Chief, is oae of cur most bril.iant soldier?, and, furthermore, was one of few
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  • 599 8 BY THE KING. A Proclamation. Geobob, K. I. Whereas a state of war exists between Us and the German Emperor And whereas it is contrary to law for any person resident, carrying on business, or being in Our dominions to trade or have any commercial intercourse with
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  • 349 8 THE GOVERNMENT'S SCHEME. 11 Temporary Assistance. j The Hon Mr. E. B. Skinner and the Hon. Mr. E. Macfadven supply us with the follow- i ing information as to the intentions of Government in connection with the agiiculI tural industry. We (Malay Mail understand s I that this
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  • 77 8 Monday, 10. Esplanade, 6 to 7 pm. 1 Overture Juanita Williams 2 Two Step Dan Cupid Birtley 3 Selection Falfca Chasfaigne’s 4 Waltz Phyllis Witt 5 March Death cr Glory Lehnhardt Tv. ilar, Augvtt 11. Golf Club, -45 to 7-15 p m 1 Fantasia Pantonunia Williams 2 Quadrille
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 368 8 s £Co>d instalment or THE ADVENTURES OF S r IIS. 8000 feet in 8 Reels. NOW ON AT Crown Cinema, For Four Nights Only August 7, 8, 9 and 10. S To-night!! At Last Look out THE STRAITS CINEMA PENANG ROAD (Speciality in Pathe productions) '1 lie landing Show in
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    • 42 8 I heard a voice at midnight, In peevish accents moan, "O take this mustard poultice off!" It burns me to the bone Don’t bring me eucalyptus, Its smell I can’t endure, All other little girla and boys Take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 10 8 FOf Coogh at Night, Woods Great Peppermint Cure 1». Od
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    • 301 8 THIS IS IT! W"ffi»>lwrVo LIctabolizcd God Liver Gil Compound 0 i «•'•«I TASTELESS ODORLESS The latent scientific pre paration of COD LIY’EK OIL. Does ail that claimed for it and sup>jr scdes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by themedi cal profession. OF ALL CrfBMISTS
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    • 669 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An ordinary meeting 0 f Municipal Commissioners will Uu 2 at the Municipal Office at 4 pm on T day, the 11th instant. fue h A. COUTIER BlGQg Secretary t 0 t/ ie Municipal Cotnmittionen. nrnr Timnim t r mmiu m m*m um 3XTO TIC®. Orders are cow
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2206 9 (S H I P P N Q.) P.&0. vV Expected Arrivals and Departure» Fob BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. N. Y. K. Tnpan Mail Steamship Company. Ll« Intended to Sail. Stiamer. Wall Service Outward. Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with 8.8. Singapore (Tbr*«e times a week). Aug.
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  • 525 10 (I>T 1'. J. EATON IN TRl AGRICULTURAL Bulletin Recent 1 tera’ure ou Camphor production app%n t indicate that any rise ia price of tin* natural product, will bn met by the out- pu< of larg. r quantities of the synthetic 1 produ *r. T in price of
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  • 427 10 Conferences Between British anio Tutch Representatives. It will be recalled that, iu connection with Aim k<At, •sh/stiih 1 \mtftle <U UolVxnd\ a pirty ol Dutch experts recently made a tiip to London to see what improvements could bo introduced into the transport arrangements. Excellent results are ap-1 p
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  • 581 10 A very important reorganisation of the public administration in Netherlands India the subject of an extensive reprrt which has bem submitted by Mr Da Graaff, who under tie title of Government Commissary i'or the Reorganisation of the Administrative 3vstem was charged with ptepaiing such a eerg inisation.
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  • 234 10 The quantities of specie in the Netherlands on January 1 last is estimated by fceq Director of the Mint in bis annual report (from which we have already given some “xtracts) as followsßixdollars, fl 28 8 millions guilders, fl. 26 6 millions half* guilders, fl 1.66 millions;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 Arc Y:u Giinj cn a Jjurn^? <J'i mberlain’s C >lic, Cholera and Diarriu>.• t lietmdy tliould be picket in vour Ini,»! luggage when on a journey. ut w.iter, diet, and terrp- rature allU j<l to produce bowel trouble, aud this ru oi.rue cannot be cured on board the ta u
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    • 439 10 S» •N. SswESi L 'I KvXvXv:-: ■k iv.y.y.y -.-....v...-...T.’.’.A'.V.M. SS£ Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial PI ire, Land port, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: —“I was sufferin'» from nervous breakdown with Internal when I began a course of Phosferine. After having t ken it for three or four
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    • 137 10 Teething Chi dren. Testbing children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Cbamberlain’j Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary s to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then caster oil to cleanse the system. It
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    • 460 10 BILIOUSNESS. There are many causes of this complaint, hut they all spring from a disordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially i n a warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from its proper channel, and enters the blood, and the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 179 11 BY APPOINTMENT 1 r v y* vJ Jw ?J V! TO H. M. THE KING C^aararTW-SMK-r*r.-a—MEm IS tin sni'i A* tif--4* C v f>A#“ A. W JBC SK-CtEJTi as■■! 11 II 3 r. f ?T* 4J 1 ■swpy -irac AIGLO SWISS CfPI'SED M CO., proprietors of beg to inform the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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