Straits Echo, 7 August 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1193 1 •CEMENT! CEMENT!! "TIGER BRAND. Best |and Cheapest on the Market Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers, contractors and builders. Large Slock* Held By TIANG LEE CO.. Peaaag Of Koala Lumpur. iiiiiiuiiiiHiuaiii mi Now On Show. Lagonda Cars 11 H.P. 4 cylinder water cooled engine of high efficiency. Body
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    • 30 1 triik Dot's Hot Goiueu SimL 7T m r a m m o i ?i! r? i*l -a h a Sol* A f eat,: JIANG LEE Co., Penang Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■□□□□□a□□□□□□■■■■■■■■
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 (STERILIZES) f 1 r LION BRANDJ m i’ j a Af f Gr?nd Prix: V Par 'S JSKJU St. Louis IVO4. /1 Gi,< M Med aii|e n: P *ls 1893 K, 11' r U «93. m 1899. 1899 si) IB9L K^^ b f s93 E“ re C« f -a» i
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  • 1728 3 (Et Horace Hutchinson.) The first hi t clear, t! e last act *lior\ an<l d« Vetprit pnrttut —that in the recipe for playwritiug given by one who himself w 19 a past-master playwright. Il it uot possible t«> write a r»cip»> quite as bri< fly and pointedly an
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  • 577 3 Arcus Nauplius makes a strong claim in The Nautical Magazine for the creation of a Royal Georgian Order to be bestowed upon the officers of the Merchaut Service who have deserved well of their profession, and thus of the world. The agitation so far has uot received
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 Hutimbach Bros. S COMPANY. ELECTRICAL K «U B SOLE AGENTS FOR: A. E. G. ELI CTRIC L MACHINERY. 3P stimates Given for ail Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: E H tlLIF»n 00.. LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private
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    • 40 4 August 6. Penoa, for Dali and A?aban. Hrhe, fi>r 'lVluk son. Hying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping Atj‘h.. for Ddi, T. Serna we, Segli and Otehleh. Jtan W/iatt c oon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Rraodan. Alnui, for Deli.
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    • 238 4 For Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Per Eiitpura, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Btrgapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amny per Glenfallcch, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenbara and Singapore Per Lama, to-morrow, 3-15 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi for Europe etc. Per Devanha, to-morrow, 3-30 p m. By
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  • 118 4 Pbnano, Auovar 7. (By :ourtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/3|l 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 Credit 2/4H 3 Documentary 2/4-J-* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1744 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 174* Moulmein, Demand Bank \TS\ 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras
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  • 193 4 Gold Leaf ...764 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 26 30 buyers Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 50.— nom. Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 85- —sellers Nutmegs 110 23 —nominal No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar <1 2 5.50 sales (Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 9.65 buyers ,'Tahbun...
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  • 195 4 Pbnano, August 7. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 20 Roast 35 Steaks 35 Stew or Curry Meat 21 Rump Steak 35 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 50 Liver per catty 40 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig's Hoad 22 Feet 28 Tongue c 6
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  • 32 4 Vessel8 From Agents Due Devmha Singapore A.G.ACo. 8th Aug. Prim Eitel Friedrich 3'ngapore B M ACo 12th Luet zow Colombo BM ACo 13th Arcadi i Colombo A G ACo 20th
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  • 31 4 Veaaela For Anenta i Leaves Devanha Colombo t A G Prim Eitel i Friedrich Colombo VJ M ACo I Luetzow Singiporo jB M AfV. Arcadix Siasriporo lA G <fcCo Aug.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 Teething Chi dren. Teething children have more or less diarrlioea, which can lie controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary s to give the prescribed dose alter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It,
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    • 506 4 ft»*-» THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOUZED God Liver Oil Compound hj TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned J. emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. OF ALL
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    • 535 4 cL's. -D.? > *v s'- vi- -r. 9) to) GOOD (9. (O (e. To f© (i PL ■>* «V «ft Cs >*\ r l c > v 5l- s» ■a 31**r: M- .asj*' a M V PR yv vj' VL'l) u W Sj a w Si —rs The Largest Tyre
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  • 1311 5 lu the discussion on the Foreign Office Vote on 10th July. Mr. G A. Lloyd, after reviewing what we had not gained in the Middle Ea t, drew attention to the Far East He said that though It he position was not i quite so
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  • 1524 5 Georob, U. I. His Majesty bdag compelled to declare war a/itin-t Germany, and being mindful of I the recognition accorded to the practice of granting days of grace to enemy merchant ships by the Convention relttivelo the statu» ot Enemy Merchant Ships at
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  • 396 5 R. RFADE, Major-General Deputy 0/ the (jfiieer Administering the Government Whereas by Ordinance No. IX of 1913 it is, amongst other things, enacted that the Governor ia Council may prohibit by Proclamation for a period iu such Proclamation to be mentioned the exportation from this Colony either absolutely or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 Supplied by All Cbemuli. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic, I Cholera aud Lharrboea B rnedy because it relieve* cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can oompound It can be bought from any obemist. A bottle will keep for >ears, and no home is complete without
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    • 429 5 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d. NOTICE. Orders are now being booked for Para j Rubber Seeds from sixteen years old trees, with a guarantee of 75% germination, j Price $1.50 per l' OO packed iu bigs and ,S 2 packed in boxes F.
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    • 9 5 Standard loral u 7 maan Ujm Hour» afeaad of
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    • 346 5 V» 9 C 3 O' Sr o EGVPl^ v AX t> •> \y?2^K22 ic ‘■psa to CC ~*r? ■XLlUirjr^&r^riskzM9&S FA3R1QUE DE ClCARETTESEGYPTIENNES FELUCCA i t Si. i <f »> *lg- v: N'S* -FRfeRHS^ mr fABRiQut MaSPERO FreRESL^ DANS ItllA MANUFACTURE am V -n?-f r*.-» c tm f*»* !»ts L mmsm
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fa icb. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Rail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 SB. —AH buainest crrnmunieationa ahonld
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  • 656 6 W hen old residents in the East warn us against being deceived by appearances in f be case of men of Eastern blood and Western education it seems to us that the fervour of their scepticism is due to two causes, both psychological. One is that long
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  • 434 6 The most significant item of news cabled to us this morning is the offical announcement that, Great Britain being involved in the war, Japan will take measures to discharge her treaty obligations. This decision is distinctly reassuring, for there has been during the past three or four years
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  • 262 6 To the Editor or THE Straits Echo. Sib, There come times in the history of communities when every particle of force that makes for strength and peace ought to be alert and utilised. The world has come to such a time. Europe is on the
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  • 930 6 9 We hear on good authority that the f Hon’ble Mr. A. T. Bryant, Resident Counr cillor of Penang, will retire on pension next year. e 9 Captain Spencer who relieved Captain r Glenday, still on the sick list, as master of the. Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer
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  • 757 6 We hear that a.s. Thongwa has left Rangoon carrying over 20,000 bags of has for Penang. 01 A China paper says the British China Squadron was due to arrive at Wei-hai on the 25th ult. Wei Messrs. Fraser A Co. report that the declaration of war has brought
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  • 84 6 The R.M.S. Devanha is expected to arrive here from Singapore at 10-30 a.m. to-morrow, aDd will leave for Colombo and Bombay at 2 p.m. the same day. In the District Court yesterday Mr. G. A. Hall sentenced Doresamy to 6 months’ rigorous imprisonment for housebreaking
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 3#o#C ♦c D«CDO® CZZZ)«(ZD BCD»C 3«CZDt Wolff’s Eau de Cologne Ice Water IS JUST THE THING nnr7 UOCE Co fi&u )®CDO* C O for that n racking Headache in you. Most Refreshing end Cooling. Sold Everywhere. F. WOLFF 8 SOHN, Karlsruhe (Baden), London: 82, Hatton Garden, E. C. OUR BOOK
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  • 1830 7 GERMAN CRUISERS CAPTURED. JAPAN’S TREATY OBLIGATIONS. BOMBARDMENT OF NAMUR AND LIEGE. (Reuter.) London, August 6. It is reported from Algiers that the French Fleet has sunk the German cruiser Panther. The Daily Chronicle Correspondent at Paris says that a detachment of the French Fleet has captured the German
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  • 161 7 ■•ported Army »d Navy Agreemeat. Paris, June 17. Ihe Matin, quoting a St. Petersburg journal, understands that an agreement between Germany and Austria was concluded during the interview on June 12 between the German Emperor and the Archduke Francis Ferdinand at the Castle of Konopischt. The conditions
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  • 62 7 Mr. Hoo Wei Yen, the Chinese-Consul-General at Singapore, who gave the British Resident assurances that he would urge his countrymen to be peaceable, has written letters to the Chinese Chambers of Commerce at Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur on the subject. During his stay at Taiping, he was
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  • 56 7 The following articles will be found on our outeide pages Page 3—Course Construction. Our Mercantile Marine. 5—The Treatment of Neutral and Enemy Shipping. Proclamation. British Trade Interests in China. 8—The Submarine Menace: Sir Percy Scott’s Reply. The Things That Matter. Harry Vardon on Golf. The Russian Volunteer Fleet. 10—British
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  • 344 7 I ACTION BY P. A. M. t (From Our Oum Correspondent.J Kuala Lumpur. August 6. The following wire has been received from Mr. Zacharias, Secretary of the Planters’ Association of Malaya “I have been instructed, pending the financial stringency, to recommend that all Managers of Estates pay their
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  • 492 7 Repatriation of Coolies. (Prom Our Oum Correspondent.) Ipoh, August 7. A wire haß been received from the British Resident by the President of the Chamber of Mines stating that the Government is prepared to repatriate all coolies out of work. They will be 'collected at Port
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  • 56 7 £260.000 DRAWN OUT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 7. There was a ruu on the Chinese Commercial Bank in Singapore on Tuesday and a sum of >260,000 was drawn out. The Government is looking into the position of the bank with a view to financial assistance.
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  • 185 7 Mr*. Lto Looking's Jewellery Stolen. Says to-day’s M.D.C. From Kampar comes the startling news of a jewellery robbery in which a collection of jewellery valued at about $7,000 has disappeared. Mrs. Lam Looking, it appears, recently took into her house a Siamese woman who, it is alleged, obtained
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 342 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d Special Constables. All citizens who are willing to enrol themselves as special constables are invited to send their names and addresses to the Chief Police Officer of the Settlement in which they reside, in order that they may be summoned
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    • 244 7 Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association. An Extraordinary General Meeting of tbe Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association is called for Monday, the 10th instant, to be held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, at neon, to consider important business. All members are urgoutly requested to attend. KENNEDY CO.. 7-8-14 519 Secretaries. HORSE FOOD
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  • 2382 8 SIR PERCY soorrs REPLY. Food and < il Supplies Threatened. The iollowin; appears in the Times of Juum 10:— Toe q estion has often been raised whether existing nival types will chauge, and whether the great ships of the Dreadnought eri will some day follow the mammoth
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  • 302 8 Old Masters Mr. Justice Eve is repotted to hsve said m the Court of Chancery recently Velasquez and so on—what are they I should turn them into cash if they were mine.” This is a tine bluff saying, typical of that hearty contempt for art* which
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  • 1230 8 (Special to the Rangoon Timet.) S uee i well the Open Championship at Prestwick (writer Harry Vardou, the 0 x times Opeu Golf Champion, to us) a good 1 many people h ive questioned in i ou the 1 subject of my driving on that occasion,
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  • 315 8 The Russian Volunteer Fleet, which po 8 siblv may be destined to play a part in tbs turmoil now so imminent, came into eiMt ence as the result of a patriotic movement some thirty-five years ago, says the Tim* of Ceylon. That was shortly after the
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  • 74 8 To-mt. 16th Day of 61 h Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Company Drill St, Xavier’s School, 4 p.B Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Strait- Cinematograph. Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kutl» Kangsar Road. To-morrow. 17th Day of 6th Moon PenaDg Choral Society. Town Hall Cadets, St Xavier’s
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 468 8 SECO D INSTRUMENT OF THE AIiVENTORSS OF SHERLOCK JES. BGOO feet in 8 Reels. NOW ON AT Crown Cinema, Tor Four Nights Only A\j;un 7,8, 9 and 10. To-a:rr.w Nij'it Tc-mimw Ki|’ t A' Last Look out! THE STRAITS CINEMA PENANG ROAD (Speciality in Pathe productions) The Leading Show in
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    • 54 8 Tb-v sat upon the eas-box there, Kh nu r£ e-l her aching head, Shecou.h-d and wheezed and g .spad and sneezed, r She should have h«*n in bed, He said. Swe-t N-ll you’ll soon bj well, 1 li save your life I’m sure Then to the nearest chemist sped, For
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    • 55 8 THIS IS IT! r»h?i in > <■> Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound f TASTELES3 ODORLESt The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that L» claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the mcdi cal profession.
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    • 69 8 Are Yoa Going cn a Journey? Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luegage when going on a journey Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produ'e bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the tia’n or steamship. It nay
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    • 235 8 Sick Tc-day, Well To*morrov. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilion» and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlun 8 Tablets hefore going to l>ed. They are just what you need, and vou will be all right, to-morrow. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers. i/yj s I ,v' The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2134 9 SHIPPING.) PM. S.N.6 Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with 8.8. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. NORDDEDTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. r. K. Japan Mail Company. Ltd For Intended to Sail. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Steamer. Singapore (Three umee a week). Aug. 20 8ept. 3 17
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  • 1121 10 Followirg are particulars of the flwta maintained by Great Brit no, Germany and France iu FarEistern waters Nj ether European power is ie;r*s*nt>*i by ships of righting value. The United Slates have one triii'iured cruiser au<l two light «misers in the Far E -st and
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  • 548 10 Ibis question presses for a practical solution, and the piper by “A Canadiau in The United Service Magazine presents a common-3ense view of a problem which so fir 1 as only been considered in its legal bearings. The Empire is an amalgam of many interests, and “Canadian” makes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 METHYLATED SPIRITS (Quality Guaranteed) Wholesale an# Retail. Trice 3.40 per tin of 4 gallons o» 20 cents per qua rt bottle. OBTAINABLE AT CHEAH KEE EE CO., 56, China Street, Pining. 77jU -'"vers;:. 1.. Jr&gS&B p :1 j -j 1 <! U j if;! 3 1 i ,/w ft Ec
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    • 30 10 Kzcp It Hi dy. Immediate relief is necessary in attack» of diarrhoea Cbamberlaia’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on band. For sale by all Dispensatiei and Dealers.
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    • 364 10 iiiiiii»iiimiiiiiiuiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin nni|| The World’s Family Medicine The reuoa why Beechsm's Pill* have come to occupy this premier place amamg family medicines is clear to everyone who has had occasion to test their unequalled medieval qualities. Between the many so-called cures for digestive disorders and iKi» —anssfal remedy there is a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 207 11 BY APPOINTMENT -*zT '/'t c 'rtZ TO H. M. THE KING r I w Ml r .rr M 'izAA s£|Sj| H**! 3 MBCJ essa fcS P4r ILWIIJWI- 'I '•«■EmgwaFJß’PißWHßtw»»?; -■iSESSsnasELt V/ V; 36».W» tS «r.-fi AM V-/a 1 I^l re33g* ssieS f«ste u&sdhaa ;r. :“3l kmi ai, *3 ■if p
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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