Straits Echo, 13 July 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 37 1 Straits Echo Y ClißC.i&u? hi- rYHf'Vh, Uf£tftA?E:«R Tfi&OliGftOiTf THE STBAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND THE FAtf EAST u N */ULU VOL. 12. $24 Per Annum PENANG, MONDAY, 13th JULY, 1914. Single Copy, 10 cents, No. 159
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1134 1 CEMENT! CEMENT!! 5 “TIGER BRAND. Best and Cheapest on I the Market 5 Highly recommended and used by the leading engineers., contractors and g builders. Large Stock» Held By TIANO LEE CO., Penang Kuala Lumpur. Georgetown Motor Garage, 7a, PENANG ROAD. BANKS > The National Benefit Life A Property Assurance
      1,134 words
    • 31 1 a U fj S Co J m a d» ur 1 S.x 0 c~> •v a ce The Doctor advinoa and reoum--3 mend». It in nourish inir, inn- foratiug and reugtlieuing.
      31 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 NATURA L. i L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) y <k> 'N S_J Ti ya Gnnd Prix: *CA y P *fis 19<K* St. Louis 190 4 ’•’"do. '893. f 1893 So» (4 1*99 4f 1; Silt M<f l|lt,: ’^l Prag ,8 ,\\VL 1*99 "iXmft- lbii!illii;llHi': j!|!jj :;:];||jii I :!li:ii!ii!iliiii Schutzmarkf £lif
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  • 1675 3 The Tiger." Pbbsonal Aspects op Fbench Politics Few have leisure to study the domestic politics of a fore gu country in detail, but everybody likes to be able to put bis finger on tho spot and say this is the esseutial feature. Politics in England are essentially a battle between
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  • 396 3 Coolie Labour and Rubber Affairs Discussed. On June 25, the tropical congress in London discussed coolie labour. Dr. Harford, of Livingstone College, said that an important cause of the lack of efficiency among coolies was the use and abuse of alcohol. Mr. E. G. Broadrick, resident in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure le 6d
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    • 314 3 LjsacMi j nw 0» &r**+ •T m//i suye* THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. G D B D Price Ex Codown Penang 1 Foolscap $l5O Nett No i: No 175 No 200 Brief No 225 Policy THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Old Machines Token Over in Part Payment. A Guarantee Given with Every
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    • 164 4 Himalaya, Hr. s.s., 3,705. Cooks, July 11, Shanghai, June 30, Gen. A G. ACo Malacca, Br. s.s., 405, Dud, July 11, Tongknb, July 10, Gen.—A. G. A Co! Atjeh, I>ut. s.s., 393. B *ers, July 11, Pulo Sam boo, July 8. Gen.—K. P. M. Cornelia, Br. s.s., 194, Ewart,
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    • 61 4 July 13. Elephanta, for Singapore. Malta, for Port Swettenhain, Singapore, China and Japan. Van Ncort, for Singapore. Jin Ho, for Asahan. Pungah, for Batu Bahra. Corielia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiiwan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Un rung, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and
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    • 280 4 Foa Deli and Langs a Per Indragiri, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Tongkuh I er Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat and PaDgkalan Brandan Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p-tn-Port Swettenham aud Singapore Per Omapere, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Dindings and Sitiawan —Per Pangkor, to-morrow, 4 pin. Teluk Anson —Per Hebe,
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  • 115 4 Penano, Jult 13. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/3H 4 months’ sight Bank 24 3 Credit 2/4,% 3 Documentary 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173| ft 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras
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  • 205 4 Gold Leaf ...$64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28. —tellers Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 50. nom. Mace 110 nominal Mace Pickings 8 >.— buyers Nutmegs 110 23— nominal No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar j 2 5,t0 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 9 65 buyers
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  • 155 4 Penaiiq, July 13 Beef eta. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Oi Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork rer catty 38 Pig’s Head i* 34 Feet 94« »«< M
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  • 2283 4 a o.2 1 Num ber o 0 f 3 A j i Capital. Shares P Dividends. 1 A Ĕ W O issued. rs ‘3 1 u >> 3 0 M Ph CO 1910 191 LI 191 12 191 3 191 L4 RUOBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 1 130,00* p.e. p c j.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 10 4 For Chrouic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d
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    • 127 4 Gulfing all day, he wai feeling tired, I was hot, and he’d rather freely perspired Cried he: I’m catching a cold in mv head, It may lead to a couple of days in bed. My sport will be spoiled for a week or more, Fur already I’ m feeling stiff
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    • 41 4 Core for Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets, and that feeling: of distress and despondancj will disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispen. saries and Dealers.
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  • 753 5 The Tin Slump and Unemployment. Tbe tin miners of tue States are getting seriously alarmed at tbe continued low price of tbe u, stopping miny mines from working, and tbrowiug tbo isand of coolies out of employment. Tbete is no doubt that tbe continued low price of rubber and
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  • 197 5 An F.M.S. Government Gazette Extraordinary published on Friday last notifies that iu exercise of the powers vested iu him by section 2 of tho Aerial Navigation Enactment, 1913, tho Chief Secretary to Government prohibits the navigation of aircraft over the area the boundaries of which
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  • 62 5 Rehearsals of the Cantata, St. Cecilia’s Day”, will be held in the Town Hall as fo lows On Tuesday, 14th instant at 5-30 p m., for Chorus only. On Thursday. 16th instant at 9 15 p m., for Chorus and Orchestra. Members are asked to co-operate with
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  • 231 5 Programme for Kuala Lumpur j The programme for the athletic meeting j to be held at Xuala Lumpur on August 28th and 29th was drawn up at a meeting at the Sdangor Club on Friday night. The t events hava been fixed as follow: —Half i Mile,
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  • 111 5 Fortniohtly Handicap r hoot The following scores were made on Saturday afternoon. The ranges were 200, 500 aud 600 yards with h’cap made Corpl Hoeden .53 98.-« 2 Lt Owen 50 97 00 Corpl Wright-Motion .09 95 90 Mrs Hilton 65 94 85 Sgt Hall Ser
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  • 126 5 The following was the result of the play j for the Presgrave Cup for July Result. C T Beatb 1 down Geo Macbain 3 A B Voules 4 T A Martin 8 Messrs L J C Anderson, R T Reid, P T Allen, V G Ez chiel,
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  • 133 5 The following ties have beeu fixed for Wednesday, the 15th inst.: Single Handicap A. T L Bourdiiton vs. A S Hall (4). Single Handicap C. A R Thornton vt. J 3 Rose (1). E O Butterworth ve C Sutherland (2). H Oxenham i>s. R C B Hay
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  • 159 5 P. C.C. Bowls Tournament The following have been fixed for to-morrow Single Handicap. A R Adams vs 1) D Richards (3). .1 M Chalmers vs. V C Upton (2). R Owen »s KC B Hav (1) j Tbe regulations in relation to a decree for j j investigations into sudden
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 12 5 For Children’s Hacking Coogh at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre Is. 6d*
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    • 176 5 ♦c DC DOC DSOC ii SPRINGBOK THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO. T -4 Packed in 4 02. Sealed Bags. Manufactured from the fTHSsi Magaliesberg Tobacco. b OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. PRITCHARD S’ Co. AND KONG FOOK CHEONG. ►c DC >0£C DO DC CD* P.fcprr *0— V "4_"V COMMENCING FRIDAY, JULY 10th. FOR
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  • 95 6 Published daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Pkicf. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra, lfail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG Telephone No*. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 tf B —All bu*ta«M oonaun'Ctiooi »hould
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  • 1342 6 No Englishman who has giv n nnv thought or attention to the subject can, we imagine, look back on the history of the opium traffic in China without a certain feeling of shame and regret. Of ail the chapters in England's foreign policy it is perhaps the
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  • 48 6 The N-D.L mail steamer Torek, having left Colombo at 9pm on Saturdar, the lHh inst.. is expected *o arrive here on Wednesday, the 15th inst, at 3 p.m and will leave for Singapore, China and Japan probably at 10 p.m. on the same dav.
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  • 845 6 The Hon. Mr. A. M. Pountnej, Treasurer, S.S.. arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Lieut. P. Boyce. sth Light Infantry, h*s come to Penang for temporary duty with the Penang Volunteers. We are sorry to state that the Rev. W D Ashdown, of the Mission Chapel, Farqubar
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  • 259 6 FINDING OF THE COURT. (Reuter). London, July 11. The Commission of Inquiry has found that the collier Btorst id was to blime for the collision io the St. Lawrence resulting in the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. The collision was due to the Storstad changing her
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  • 216 6 Statement by Sir Edward. Grey. Reuter.) London, July 11. Sir Edward Grey, spe iking regarding the railways in the Yangtse Valley, alluded to the agreements between the Hongkong and Shanghai and the Deutsch Asiatische Banks and the various complications that have been produced. He had
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  • 62 6 Sitoztioa More mad More Prccarioaa. (Reuter.) London, July 11. the of Koritn and oth.r neighbouring places by the Epirotes who En 7;r d r bte% lld bT Gre ®k oSeen, tb, b -h 8 r co7ered po, ion of “11 the h as Previously abandoned conformably »,th the decieion,
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  • 67 6 Rumoured Au.triaa Repre.eatatioae Reuter). London, July 11. reisentJ 8 of Austrian activity of 1 the pL COncernin S the instigation and the Belgrade» it murders at Sarajevo from apS nnt t H f ert °u* how this step Trinf A a r, 6 1)6611 taken lt i
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  • 63 6 Departure t*r Ea«laad. {Reuter). Cape Town, July 11. Lord Gladstone has sailed for England on a* C T r°" 0f his rm GovernorGeneral of South Africa. He and Lady Glads one were given an enthusiastic farewell, or weeks Past they have been receiving .•kens of affection and appreciation
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 Our A A thing that satisfies is a thing worth buying. Excelsior Vacuum Flask has never failed to give satisfaction to any one who possesses it. new shipment just unpacked all newly improved. Every flask is guaranteed to keep hot liquid hot for 24 hours and cold for 36 hours
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  • 137 7 MR. BIRKELL ON THE SITUATION. (Reuter.) London, July 11. Mr. August me Lirrell, t-peaking at Bristol, said that the situation iu Ulster was grave but he wait never more sanguine than at present of a reasonable settlement. They were conscious of difficulties and the question now
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  • 111 7 Loadoa to Paris Ra<«. Reuter.) London, July 11. The air race from London to Paris and back has been won in 7 hrs. 3 miu. 6 sec. by an American, Mr. Brock, who completed the course at an average speed of 71 miles an hour. Accident To Lord Carhsrry.
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  • 71 7 (Reuter.) Buenos Aires, July 11. The steamer Mendoza, with 257 persons on board, has despatched a wireless message to the effect that she is ashore near Puntamagotes in a dangerous position. The cruiser Patria and two tugs have been sent Is assist her. Passenger* Safely Transferred. Buenos Aires,
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  • 66 7 Lori Crnwe’» Reply To Indian Deputation. Reuter.) Jifondou, July 11. The Marquess of Crewe, in reply to an Indian deputation, said that the Government, in fairness to the British taxpayer who is largely paying tor the expenses t;f the Empire, is unable to exempt Indi i
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  • 46 7 (Rnuter.) London. July 11. At Hastings, Sussex beat Warwickshire by 259 runs. Gentlemen u. Player*. At tbeOval, the match Playeis vs. Gentle men was won by the former team by 241 runs. Eton n. Harrow. Eton beat Harrow at Lord’s by four wickets
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  • 34 7 O-ndnnlly Sibkiatf. (Renter.) Loudon, JuLv 11 News has reached Kitff of the hopeless condition of General Stoessel, defender of Port Arthur, who i> stricken with paralysis and can neither more nor speak.
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  • 45 7 Reuter.) London, July 11. In the competition for the Davis Cup between Great Britain and France Mavro* gordato beat Gerinot by thiea sets to one, 4—6, 7—5. 9—7. 6—2 Parke beat Decugis by three sets to two, I—B, 6, 3-6, 6-3, 6-8.
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  • 127 7 ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME. (Reuter.) London, July 12. Their Majesties the King and Queen have concluded their week’s visit to Scotland. They resided at Holy rood Castle and inspected the ship-building and steel works on the Clyde and in Lanarkshire and the factories at Dundee. Yesterday they visited
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  • 146 7 RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT HUERTA His Successor. (Reuter.) Washington, July 12. President Huerta is about to resign in favour of Senor Carbajal, the newly-appoiut-ed Foreign Minister. Vera Cruz, July 12. It is believed that General Carranza and the United States have approved of the appointment of Senor Carb.jal as President.
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  • 86 7 G.'sst of Partial Self-Government. (Reuter.) Washington, July 12. An Administration Bill will be introduced into the House of Representatives granting a measure of self-government to the Philippines. It proposes to abolish the Philippines Commission and substitute therefor a Senate and a House of Representatives, the members of which
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  • 46 7 7he Death Roll. Reuter) Shanghai, July 12. An explosion took place on board the Chineso gunboat Tungchi, off Kiangnan A> zonal, underneath the sleeping quarters of the cadets, thirty-five of whom were killed. The cause of the explosion is a mystery.
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) Quincy (Massachusetts), July 12. The American battleship Nevada has been launched She is a vessel of 27,500 tons and she burns oil fuel.
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  • 166 7 (F, •om Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, July 13 The Research Fund Committee of the Rubber Growers’ Association held a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce, Kuila Lumpur, on Fiiday, w th Mr. Harvey presiding and Mr. Morton as Secretary. It was decided to engage a
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  • 430 7 WHITE GLOVES FOR THE JUDGE. Mr. Justice Thomas Sercombe Smith, Acting Senior Puisne Judge, was this morning the recipient cf a pair of white gloves un which was inscribed the following s in gold letters Pretentei to His Honour Thomas Sercombe Smith, Acting Senior Puisne Judge, on
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  • 183 7 An unusual case of piracy was unfolded before Mr. Goldthorpe, the Magistrate at Klang, on Friday last On Juno 7 two Chinese set sail from Port Swettenbaru bo ind for the Sumatran coast, where they intended to buy fish, taking with them the sum of $lBO. Tho
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  • 224 7 Yesterday. To-day X K X J a 1 -3 RUBBER. Anglo Malay. 8/- 8/9 8/- 8/9 B Mertajam 1/6 2/- 1/7* 2 1Chersonese 1/11 2/4 1/11 2/4 C. Malay 7/3 8/1* 7/3 8/1* Dennistown... 15/- 17/7* 15/- 17/7* Highlands ex. 38/9 41/- 38/9 41/Kamnniug 1/6 2/- f/6 2/Linggi 13/-
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  • 1006 7 (From Our Own Correspondent). i Kuala Lumpur, July 9. i For the third (or i9 it the fourth P) week in succession the mail in England is a day late and will be delivered in Kuala Lumpur on Friday instead of Thursdiy (todaj). It is particularly annoying
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  • 257 7 In accordance with a proposal made during the hearing last Monday by the Committee of the Football Association of the charges of disorder during the recent L *igue match between Sungei Ara and Si i Selatan, the two Reiau clubs in tb 1 Second Division, the ancient
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  • 73 7 Tia. Riee And Copra. The following business in tin has been douo to-day Singapore: Straits Trading Co.. buyers, no sellers, 4 Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12j tons at 73 40 Rangoon rice is quoted ho-o to-day at $153 per coyan. Copra sun-dried $lO 05 The Hongkong University Matriculatiou
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 329 7 HORSE FOOD The best horses must have the best food. Don't insult and injure them by giving inferior substitutes. 1 his food is good value for your money. Penang Cycle Emporium, 12. KING STREET. G1 EAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. 16 vi> Officb :—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance ana Endowment in
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  • 27 7 Obituary. Lady Hardiage. (Reuter.) London, July 11. The death has taken place in London of Lady Hardinge, wife of the Viceroy of India, following an operati n.
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  • 553 8 CSC Beat S X K C. The Chinese Recreation Club and the St Xavier’s Recreation Club uoet on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon to play off their return match under the auspices of the above tournament. The match was a very interesting and exciting one; at the last
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  • 351 8 The Taiping Arrangements. The Rt. Rev. C. J. Ferguson-Davie, D.D Bishop of Singapore, proceeds on his visitation to the North Perak Chaplaincy at the end of this month. On Thursday, the 30th July, His Lordship will probably consecrate tbe new part of the cemetery at Kuala
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  • 467 8 Property Only Scratched up to The Prrsknt. The aunual meeting of shareholders of Tekka, Ltd, was held at the Mining Exchange, Redruth, on June 12, Mr. James Wickett (chairman of directors) presiding. thers present included Messrs. J. H. Bain and Q. B. Pearce (directors), W. R. Chappell
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  • 348 8 The Malay Mail says "lt has been tbe custom of the authori- ties in this country, when publishing the drafts of new Enactments to attach there- to a statement of objects and reasous which would enable tbe vulgar herd, unversed in legal phraseology or ignorant of the
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  • 35 8 London. June 26. At Victoria, the effort to deport the Indians bv other steamships has failed, the Cauadian Pacific Company refusing the "ffer of the Immigration authorities to pay the Indians’ passages.
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  • 97 8 Peace with Honour London, June 29. A Cape Towd cable states: Mr. Gandhi recently interviewed General Smuts with regard to the Indian Relief Bill and the result was a satisfactory and mutual understanding. Mr. Gandhi afterwards told Senator Campbell that all practical questions relating to the
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  • 86 8 Allahabad, June 28 William Hamer, aged about 21, ticket collector in the service of the R M. Railway at Fategarb, has been sentenced to death by Mr. Johnston, Sessions Judge, who found him guilty on a charge of murdering his girl-wife. James Christie, a fitter in
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  • 69 8 A Persian Complaint. London, Judo 22. At Teheran the Minister for Foreign Affairs his handed to tbe British Minister a copy of the Memorandum which has been communicated to tbe Russian Minisiter, drawing attention to the interference of the Russian Cousular Officers in tbe collection of revenues in
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  • 90 8 Proposed Language Test. Lindon, July 1. Mr. F. H Fisher has introduced a Bill in the House of Representatives, designed to prevent the right of entry to Hindus and other Asiatics from countries within the Empire The Bill provides that an intending immigrant must fill in an
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  • 92 8 Received By King George. London, Juno 27. Fifty South African farmers, mostly Dutch, are making a tour of Great Britain to study the latest scientific agricultural developments. Up to the present they have visited Windsor, Tring Park, Woburn Abbey atod Oxford. They have been fetted and have
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  • 87 8 Boer Idea of Imperialism. London, July 2. At Sinithfield (Orange Free State Province) General H6rtzog has definitely launched a new National Party in opposition to General Botha’s Imperialist Policy. Criticising that policy Geueral Hertzo* said that an organised British Empire did not exist. The aim of
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  • 72 8 “A Well Disciplined Force.” London, July 2. lu a letter to The Times referring to that journal's criticisms of the Swedish Gendarmerie in Persia, the Persian iuister maintains that, since the formation of the Gendarmeiie two years ago, it has become a well-disciplined aud efficient force. Referring
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  • 61 8 Loudon, June 25. At the closiog sitting of the Opium Conference, Mitza Khan announced Persia’s ratification of the Convention. The Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs, after announcing that Greece had signed without reservation with respect to the annexed territory, congratulated the conference on the success obtained, and
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  • 50 8 i London, July 2 The Pilgrims to-day gave a luncheon to Lord Wimborne and members of the English Polo team that went to America. Lord Roberts pre-ide t. and the American Ambassador was present. The speeches were delivered congratulating the winners on the recovery of the cup.
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  • 801 8 The Handicaps. The following was the result of the draw and the handicaps Championship. W H Threlfall bye R N Byatt F N Syer H A Neubronner R E H Oliver C Cunradi 7 O 0 Rogers 5 M K Whitlock 7 II Waugh J A G
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  • 197 8 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in t|ie Second Court this morning J. Burke, formerly a jockey and trainer, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, using criminal foroe and refusing to pay riesha hire. He pleaded guilty to the first charge but claimed trial on the other
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  • 117 8 Before Mr. G. A. Hall in the District Court this morning Sheik Daud was charged with enticing away a married woman, named Jaiuab, the wife of Mr. Pakir. The woman Jainab was also charged with theft of jewellery. The marriage and the arrest having been proved the woman
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  • 39 8 P. O. SAILINGS. VSai! S? v i. Outward. Houiwakb Delta 23 July, j Assaye 25 July. Himalaya 6 Aug. j Devanha 8 Aug, Bxira Service. Outward. Homeward. Malta 13 July. J Khyber 17 July, Socotra 20 j Nagoya 31
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 465 8 George Town Kinema, Kuala Kangsn Road Theatre, PRESENTS The Greatest Ambrosio Sensational Feature Film Ever Issued. A Young Noble trail and a Swell-mobsman of uuliirtit- d resources at grip-i in a Country Mansion, in Mid air, and in the bowels of the Earth. A series of breathless sensations which follow
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    • 69 8 Can You Afford the Risk 7 Were you ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhcea without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrfcei Remedy in the house Don’t take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called,
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    • 210 8 TENDERS INVITED. PULLING DOWN EDINBURGH HCUSE. PENANG. will be received at the office X. of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, up to 12 o’clock noon of Saturday the 25th July, 1914, for pulling down and carting away all the materials and grubbing up all the foundations of the building
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  • 29 9 Yeitrlt hrcrt A yentt Due 1 Derffltnger Yorek D'lta Attaye Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore BMACo BM ACo A G.ACo. A.G.ACo. 15( b July 16th 23rd 25th 1
    29 words
  • 24 9 Vettd» 1 Foe Au-fntt Leaves Derfflxngsr Yorek Dei imyi Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo BM ACo U M ACo A G ACo AGAOo July.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 428 9 P.&O. A L S.N.O Expected Arrivals and Departures. WJrall Service Outward. JQoes through to London via Born buy. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2ndclasa To London by Sea $565-72 93/7-1A ro Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-(X) $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $518-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or
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    • 1368 9 <S H/PP/ N G.) i i n? 4 a x a BRITISH STEAM NAVIGATION GO LTD. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE UIHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company r K. Japan Mail Steamlhtp~C c .p* B y. Lti sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp,
      1,368 words

  • 1003 10 The fact that i>. n Las l>eeu defined as the animil risibi't mu :ests that the learned pro esznr who 1 und the definition must nave studied his mj-Ct m the Law Court» Nowhore else nr uni an lungs mire tickle of the sere; i i.vhore can
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  • 925 10 (By Stbphbk Black.) This is not an attack on cricket or golf, or indeed on any game. Nor is it a defence of any sport. There have lately been enough attacks and defences of popular games, and as one who has played most games and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 Can Y;u Aff.rJ te Risk? \V« ro u *~v r t e zed wifh a severe t L i t- ‘i. c o- dinrihoe» without a i (1 C; in thin's Colic, Lolera and 'I i:i 1 oust* D n't t 1 •> h r k A dose or two
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    • 505 10 V X^ .V.*.Y m W.Y.Y. v.vXv; »\n, r Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: —“I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having taken it for three or four months, I felt better
      505 words
    • 55 10 Cramp Colic. N.> of *t ff r< f»om <■» h •p- ia tbe 6 foir.a<-L. or ini»- ti i.<i pains C-.-u.i.eilaiu’s Ccl:c, bol'taaid D\inlcea u.»dv cover fails to relieve tbe rno't fctverj Get it to-day, there will bu no tim j to send for it after the attack comeson. For
      55 words
    • 689 10 fHERAPiON E N0 DV ‘l tgIRAPION liia l *S fc i 2£2!r BAD Tegs, skin ehuftions. CURES BLOOD POISON. S> THERAPiON NO- 3 SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. «WniTAMP ADDRESS tNVELOPt FOR I A CURE FR*I «0!« tolEKsC««eMmnJCo. you) ?u” E wmoH"«m fa,y to take th erapion PEE THAT TRADE MARKED
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  • 376 11 We fear that there are not a la-ge number of people, even among those who have money invested in rubber, who share the very optimistic view expressed by H.R H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, at the opening in London of the Fourth lnternatioual Rubber Exhibition. His Royal
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  • 400 11 It is certain that those who steal little ones do not carry them off that th-y may sell them agaia as slaves for few would be inclined to buy them at that age inasmuch as within two or three years their owners would be expected to marry
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 291 11 Blazon Type Not Necessary. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy needs no glaring headline to attract the public eye. The simple statement that all chemists sell it is sufficient, as every family knows its value. It has been used for forty years and is just what its name implies. For
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    • 92 11 Don’t Neglect Your Family. When you fail to provide your family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at this season of the year, you are neglecting them, as bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to be trifled with.
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    • 209 11 *(Q m fi h «J THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that L» claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal
      209 words

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