Straits Echo, 1 July 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 33 1 Straits Echo .hG ii'( jui: OLIT Hi. g -;p Hi-., jj£ MALAY STATES 'Asj) IfJE FAR CAST z Per Aflnun. PE> ANG, WEDNESJ^^» ay > Ist JULY, 1914 Sifjl. Copy. 10 ceoJs No. 149
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1253 1 'Ott r •> *iS v»>\ «J», ■sr. *>» T l I < j- r -riTfOK A L “X POC£S r **fc*» HW irgetowflf Motor Garage, PENANG ROAD. AGENTS for UE. MITCHELL and lllTTLE FOURS. I Address: HOKIMTEIK. Chartered fbf India, Paid up^Cai-Ral Ke&erye Fung, »6<j<3rYV ij ,000 at 2/.=$15,000,000 #17,650,000
      1,253 words
    • 30 1 HOME I WITHOUT PATHEPHONE! jg lavaluakfe to E*fry Family and a Pleasure to You», S’ Old. IS) further particulars from 1 TiAMG LEE Co., t'3, Beach Street, Penang. i=2=i:=*x=i£i£s&ifc»ss aas^c&asdi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 r jIK wi. i 7> y i i LION (STERILIZED) y a? 'j--1 y Ur.d Mar. d »»ll*'n: Silk .M«di‘ |,{3 Pn 189 j 1?' i tr in dU re ni>‘ -A KoL-A u,s n lSr 1} Bos* ‘'lccklcnLurk' (Ueu‘- c.ys Hsa IN C Eli MANY. ,5^ >%> GUIDED BY
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  • 2148 3 THE ROOTS OF THINGS (Br Se.vok Don Francisco Urqoidi in N. Y World (Translate!» by Henry N. IIall.) For the present, however, c msider Longchiimps, now when Lent is ended and the glory ot Paris and of France has gone! forth, as in anuual wont. Not
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 irvsammmmmmnmmmm PENANG. g* SINGAPORE. gi IPOH. g* KUALA LUMPUR. 1 I ■i m m si&i j w r&. ■=!*X 3 3k’ •4 X ■V. Hf .i SjrvH l -IJh; y^Ty £?L/. jSrJ ..RL Ctak ll&w v ■Vi f 3KL' 4ifr.v Rubber Factories Rubber Mills. <V GAS, OIL 8 SEMI DIESEL
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    • 105 4 Watternherg, Ger. a s-, 4,728, Kesterbran, Jum HO, Shanghai, June 17, Gen. a m. &.co. Perak, Br. 8.«., 254, Glend&y, June 30, Malacca, June 27, Gon. E. S. Co., Ltd. Lai n ang Br. s.s., 2,224, Mooney, June 30, Calcutta, Juno 25, Gen.—B. A Co. Japan, Br. s.s., 3,800,
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    • 40 4 July 1. Medusa for Singapore. Ayuthia, for Asahan. Alma, for Deli. Hok Canton, for Bagau Datoh and Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping. P. B. Friedrich, for Singapore, China and Japan. Japan, for Rangoon and Calcutta.
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    • 271 4 Fob Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ngi Thye, to-morrow, 9 am. q rang—Per Ban Lee, to-morrow, 2 pm. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Perak, to morrow, 2 p.m. Batu Babra —Per Pungah, to-morrow, 2 p m. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan—For Ban Whatt oon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Dindings, Sititwan,
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  • 124 4 Pmnano, July 1. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/3JJ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 t 3 M Cred t 2/4,** 3 Documentary 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174£ 3 day*’ sight Private 175| Bombay. Demand Bank 174£ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173| 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 201 4 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28. sales Trang Pepper 19 no stock Cloves 50.— notn. Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 85. buyers Nutmegs 110 23 —nominal No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5.50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 925 buyers rTahbun... 190.
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  • 163 4 Penang, Jult 1 Bbef— cts Soup P«» oatt v Roast 24 Steaks ft Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail each Tongue f" Feet i Heart Liver per catty 55 PoBK_ 4* Pork per catty o O 24 fig’« 28 Feet 40 Tongue per lb* 35 Button
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  • 2196 4 •s j 1 Num ber ot ■s a. t Nsn«« f 1 a> -c si CapitalShares j fc> Dividends. <r ae u issued. 1 12 s M C8 PC <c 191( 191 191 2 191 191 i RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 1909 1905 1910 1909 1906 1910 1910 1910 1910 1*10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Halm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 65 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBODY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound C *L rv-iif TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration o? COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned 4] emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. OF ALL
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  • 277 5 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, the following gentlemen being present: Dr. G. W. Park (Deputy President), Mr. F. Puxbury, Mr P. T. Allen, Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. Quah Beng Kee and Mr. Lim Eow Hong with Mr. W.
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  • 302 5 Whatever the Chinese are to-day, let it be remembered that at one time or another they have light to wellnigh one-half of the human race and have evolved and maintained a civilisation which, even in its present, decadence, displays elements of beauty unknown and unparalleled in auy other
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  • 131 5 The Extension A. A C. Telegraph Com- j pany announces that from to-day Week-end telegrams will be introd ced between Penang and the under-mentioned countries iu accordance with the same conditions as for the services already in operation, at the following rates of charge M ch!«e“ for
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  • 41 5 Pari*, June 1. It is belie Ted that the tbief who stole a Chinese dagger from the Army Museum t the week-end is a Chinese actuated by patriotic motives, the dagger having once been the property of an Emperor.
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  • 300 5 The report of Tekka, Limited, states that the balance of profit and loss account at January 31, after allowing for the bonus of 28 6d. per share paid on May 7, 1913, was £13,439. The profit for the year on mining account has been £22.954, which, with the
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  • 215 5 Nearly thirty men joined the rauk and file of the Penang Voluuteer Corps during the mouth of June. On the other hand a number of Volunteers were struck eff the strength due to their having either left the Colony or being slack in the discharge of their dutiei
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  • 166 5 Impressive Funeral Ceremony. The death occurred on Friday morning, of Unku Mas, the wife of Tuuku Omar, son of the ex-Sultan ol Rhio and Lingga, at the residence of her f «ttier-i i-law, in Lloyd Road, Singapore. The deceased lady was buried on Saturday afternoon
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  • 119 5 Mr. VV W. Cook, mauaging director, presided at the half-ye«rly meeting of the Straits Trading C mjpauv, which was held at j uoon on Monday. The business was purely formal, the report and accounts being adopted and tho meeting agieeiug to the recommendations of the directors that
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  • 83 5 Case Against the “Burmah Critic.” Mr. C. Arrold, Editor of the Burma Critic, appeared on June 17th in Rangoon before Mr. Justice Ormond, fitting on the Original Sidp, and, mentioning the f nit pending against him for damages of Its. 15,000 for alleged libel, and against P. Riplev
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 778 5 INT OTICB. NO’IIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. H. M. Bcelen has severed hs, connection with the Banking Trading Corporation Naudin Ten Cate Co.. Ltd. l (Bank en Handelsvereeniging Naudin Ten Cate &Co from the 30th cf June, 1914, and that the Power of Attorney in hut favour has been
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    • 10 5 For ChroDtc Chest Complaints. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 316 5 DC DOC DaOC SMOKE! W. D. V H. O. WILLS’ FAMOUS EMBASSY CIGARETTES No IT. A Cigarette that has made a name and reputation that will last, owing to its splendid quality perfect blending. mm •> VJftGINIA CIOARETTES NsW D.€r HO.Wills* LONDON j> KlifrilK. h' i A CIGARETTE THAT HAS
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  • 97 6 Published daily (except Sundays sad pwbiic holidays) AT TIB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puck. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. lfa l Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAULK ADDEKSB ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 AT. B.— All buaiMM ccramumeatioß»
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  • 1024 6 On the principle of Audi oiler am partem we would direct our readers’ attention to the article on “F.M.S. Administration” which we hare clipped from the Malay Mail and reproduce on page 8 to-day. It gives what we may consider the semi-official view of the muddle in
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  • 218 6 Havoc at Beacoolea. The Resident of Bencoolen reports that a disastrous earthquake shock was felt on that district at 2a m on June 26. Every house was shaken or destroyed, the European houses being rendered uninhabitable among the debris eleven corpes have been found. Relief funds
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  • 48 6 The homeward bound German Mail steamer Ooeben which is expected to leave Singapore at 4 pm. to-day, will arrive here at 7 p.m. on Thursday, the 2nd instant. She will most probably leave for Colombo and Europe at 6 am. or Friday, tbe 3rd inst.
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  • 34 6 According to a wireless message from Sabang the steamer Pnnz Eitel Friedrich is expected to arrive here at 6 pm. to-day and will leave for Singapore, China and Japan at midnight
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  • 949 6 Mr. D. Forbe.. of tb. Shanghai Bank. Singapore, loft on Saturaa for Canton. Mr. R.*D. Acton. Aud.tor turned to Singapore from Labuan y Sandakan on Sunday. o: r Fvelvn Ellis returned to Singapore «.h£d* haring been in W hJ for the Manleffinch re Port Swettonhare Rubber Co.
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  • 917 6 EUewbere in this issue we give the rate, of the Eastern Extens.on Australas.a and r* r g Tk P ey a», out inTrenT.l N* after d.seereringthat 25francs make PI which is equivalent to $8—57.14 cts, and wasting fifteen «mutes trying to convert the franc, into do la™,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 D > w 'ii v. 3®CDBCD®C D»C Wolff’s Eau dc Cologne Ice Water A IS JUST THE o "-■V IK COLOG tfSgffilW h if&r.tsot ta**yH»3 r u )#CDOO( )C THING o for that racking Hctdackt ia you. Most Refreshing end Cooling. Sold Everywhere. F. WOLFF SOHN, 0 Karltruhe (Baden), London
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  • 510 7 ARCHDUKE'S LAST WORDS. POLITICAL EFFECTS OF THE CRIME. Reuter London, June 30. It is stated that the Archduke and his consort spoke to each other after the shots were fired, the former murmuring 'Sophie, live for the children’s sake Those were his it'-* V f Maty Arr*
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  • 63 7 Aiimmimil Wy tkc OoTtna»!. (Reuter.) London, June SO. The Government announce an important change in the Budget procedure. The grants to the local authorities will be incorporated in the Revenue Bill instead of being embodied in a separate Finance Bill, No. 2. Hence it it
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  • 78 7 GROWING IN NUMBER. Reuter.) London, June 30. Mr. Augustine Birrell, Secretary of State for Ireland, said that the latest report shows that the number of the Nationalist Volunteers is 114,000. Inspection ky Colonel Moore. Colonel Moore, who inspected 2,309 Nationalist Volunteers at Athenry (Co. Galway), in his
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  • 109 7 Statement By Sir Edward Orey. (Reuter.) London, June 30. Sir Edward Grey, referring to the Opium Conference at the Hague, said that it was still uncertain whether the Franco-German objections would disappear. It was only fair to recognise what the Chinese them* selves had done in the
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  • 148 7 Another Victory for Wells. (Reuter.) London, June 30. Bombardier Wells beat Colin Bell, the Australian, in the second rouud for the Heavy Weight Championship of the Empire. Both were cautious at the start Bell opened with a right and left on Wells’ body, avoiding the Bombardier’s left
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  • 61 7 British Government's Solicitude. Reuter.) London, June 30. Mr. L. V. Harcourt, Secretary of State for the Colonies, presiding at the Tropical Congress, dwelt on the work of the Imperial and Colonial Governments to assist the Cotton Growing Association and inaugurate the control of cotton production. They were doing
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  • 45 7 Reuter.) London, June 30. A man, a woman and a child were killed in the stranding of the Anchor liner California on the rocks at Tory Island Two gunboats and four destroyers which were pitrolling the coast assisted in the rescu p
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  • 80 7 The Semi-Finalists. Reuter.) London, June 30. At the Liwn Teunis Championship meeting at Wimbledon Brookes beat Peamisb by three sets to nil, 6—o, 6—3, 6—2. Froitxheim beat Mavrogordato by three sets to nil, 6—3, 6—2, 7 5. Doust and Mavrogordato beat Decugis and Gerraot bv three sets
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  • 22 7 Oxford University ByElection. (Reuter.) London, June 30. Mr. Frotbero has been returned unopposed for Oxford University, succeeding Sir W F Ao9on (Unionist)
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  • 24 7 (Reuter). London, J une 30. At the Oval, the match between Surrey and Middlesex was drawn. At Worcester, Worcester drew with Hampshire.
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  • 179 7 Singapore. Singapore, June 30. At the rubber auction at Singapore 135,367 lb. of rubber were offered for sale and 97,433 lb. were sold at the following prices Sheet Smoked fine ribbed $ll3 to $l2O per picul Sheet Smoked good ribbed $lO2 $ll2 Sheet Smoked fine plain $llO $ll2
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  • 75 7 Big Haul ky Armed Thieve*. (From. Our Own Correspondent). Gopeng, July 1. A daring robbery took place at 7.30 last night at Chop Kwong Fook, a goldsmith’s shop in Market Street, the busiest thoroughfare in Gopeng. The thieves got away with $7,000 in cash and $9,000
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  • 107 7 Villa aad Carranza. Reuter.) El. Paso, June 30. An early conference between General Villa and General Carranza has been arranged. The relations between them are at breaking point. Mediation Conference Adjourned. Niagara, July 1. The mediation conference has been adjourned for a fortnight pending a discussion between tbe delegates
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  • 64 7 Alleged Incendiarism. (Reuter.) London, June 30. G een grocers’ shops, coich builders’ workshops, a property factory, and a row of tenement houses were successively burned down in the Old Kent Road this morning. The damage is estimated at .£lOO,OOO The fire, following a
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  • 45 7 Impending General Strike. (Reuter.) London, July 1. The Workers’ Congress of Madrid has decided upon a general strike as a protest against the war in Morocco There have been rumours that several Spaniards were killed and wounded in the fighting at Narcenta.
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  • 78 7 The Premier’s Mission. (Reuter.) LondoD, July 1, Turkhau Pasha, the Albanian Premier, has arrived in Rome with the object of persuading Italy and Austria to occupy Albania with troops. The special attractions at the George Town Kinema to-night are the turns by Miss Violet Victoria and Mr. J. Sheridan
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  • 682 7 CHALLENGER'S REMARKABLE SPEED. 1 (Reuter). London, June 30. L The trials of Sir Thomas Lipton’s America Cup challenger Shamrock IV, under the exact America Cup conditions, which took place at Torbay, confirm her remarkable i peed. She completely outsailed Shamrock 111 especially in light breezes. [Says a
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  • 45 7 Renter. London, June 30. The Gazette announces that GetnrdS'r lan Hamilton succeed* General Sir H. L Smith Dor General Sir Charles Douglas succeed* Geueral Sir Arthur Paget and General Sir James Grierson succeeds General SirJ.TS Ewart a* Aides-de-Camp Geueral to the King.
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  • 214 7 (From O- r Pelting Correspondent.) In regard to Dr. G. E. Morrison, Political Adviser to the Chinese Government, who is at present in London, our Pekine correspondent writes that according to the terni9 of his agreement Dr. Morrisou is allowed two months’ leave every year Owing
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  • 214 7 Yesterday. To-day. S C c 4) g za »5 .5 A QQ A x RUBBER. Anglo Malay. 8/6 9/J 8/6 9/3 B Mertajam. 1/9 2/1 J/9 2/1 Chersonese 2/1 2/9 2/lJ 2/6 C. Malay 7/d 8/4* 7/6 8/4* Dennistown... 15/i 18/4] l*»/d 18/4 > Highlands 42/6 45/3 42/- 44
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  • 69 7 Tin, Vice and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co.. I buyers, no sellers Singapore: 3traits Trading Co., 125 tons at 70 25 Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£137 15s cash and 39
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  • 94 7 lbs. New Columbia Rubber Co., Ltd 76.092 Padang Rubber Co., Ltd. 15 700 The output of the New Tambun Mines, Ltd for the month r.f Judo, amounted to 22 picula. The Star Opera Company drew a bumper house last, night when the management staged Prince Hamlet". A
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 563 7 3NTOTICE. VETERANS' FANCY DRESS BALL, FRIDAY. 26th JUNE. 1914. ALL BILLS against same must be presented to the Hon. Secretary, D. C. Macintyre. not later than 3rd Juiv, 1914, otberwi-e they will not be recognised. 1-7-14 440 By Order Furnished House Wanted. WANTED for November Ist, 1914, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED HOUSE
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  • 618 8 THE JUBILEE OP PROFESSOR MErCHNIKOFF. Microbioloot. How to Live Loig tid be Happy. Professor Metchnikoff, the famous Russian savant, who has made his home in Paris, is to be the recipient of a goldeu book to mark his scientific jubilee and his seventieth birthday—the latter
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  • 127 8 The appearance in Glasgow of thecinematised version of Quo Vadi® reminds a Glasgow News correspondent of a story. A ladj was once showing her little boy a picture representing some of the earlv Christian martyrs standing in the arena surrounded by the lions. The little boy
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  • 98 8 Apropos of the Higher Criticism trouble, the Westminster Gazette recalls an excellent Scottish story. A minister had referred in his sermon to the inability of the leper to change his spots, and after the service a critical member of the congregation told the preacher that he had made
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  • 375 8 In defending the invasion of the Indian coasting trade by Japan Sir Valentine Chirol assumed that it was simply a matter of choice between two policies—that of free competition maintained by Great Britain or that of national exclusiveness practised by Japan. He appears to have lost sight
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  • 398 8 t' J he verbal duel between Mrs. Besant and Miss Cornelia Sorabji is at once piquant and j informing. On the one hand, we have an 3 Englishwoman, who has adopted for her own the philosophy of the East, contending for the extension of Western
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  • 98 8 The following were the lesults of the ties played yesterday Doubles Handicap. Dr Rose and Dunn w o from E O Butterworth and A Cullen A R Adams and Cunningham beat H Muir and J G Allan 21 17. D D Richards and Reimann beat A F
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  • 606 8 Charge Against Three Malays. Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Second Court this morning three Malay women named Che Pah, Teh and Timah were charged, the first with voluntarily causing hurt, the second with insulting and using criminal force and the third with u-ing criminal force.
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  • 247 8 The synthetic rubber bogie is a hardy annual and there is little doubt its recent re-appearance has had much to do with the decline in rubber share values Two big factories for its manufacture, we are told, are in course of erection, and there is talk of production
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  • 83 8 The skipper had just crossed the Atlantic from the port of Manchester, and after the firm's American agent had got through the usual business routine the conversation drifted to personal matters. The agent asked the time-honoured question about the number of the skipper’s family. “Four boys and
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  • 1296 8 We reproduced last week an editorial from the Straits Times in which certain statements were made and certain views expressed which it is impossible for us to allow to pass unnoticed. Tne main outline of the article has been talked of in the F.M.S., even to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 —Last 4 Nights. THE Star Opera Co., The Royal Theatrical Company of Sinftapore. AT KING STREET THEATRE. Will stage to-night A GRAND FAIRY PLAY. ENTITLED: Melor de Awan SEE “Prof. Locksley, the Hypnotic Detective IN The Stronger Mind ALSO “A Royal Sin” 5 Parts. 3 Parts. Aquila Superfine Drama. AND
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    • 60 8 Tha great doctor sat in bis study there. And leaned quite calmly back iu bis cbair The shivering patient sa4-before him Frightened, you’d o#n, if you only saw him. Friend,” said the doctor, have no fear. Pluck up your courage, be of good cheer! Woods’ Peppermint Cure’s the thing for
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    • 44 8 So me thin| Dependable. Diarrbcei is always more or less prevalent ft™**» we at her Bo prepared for it Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy is pompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers 7
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    • 50 8 Operations Averted. Do vou know that a very large per cent, of supposed cases of appendicitis are only an inflammation of the bowels brought on by consMpation Chamberlain’s Tablets; cure constipation even after it becomes 1 chronic. Give them a trial. For sale bv 1 all Dispensaries and Dealers. 3
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    • 536 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. PENANG
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  • 32 9 Veeteli irom A geutt Due Ooeben Singapore Print Kiiel BM ACo 1st Ju!> Friedrich Colombo BM A Co ‘2nd Devanha Colombo A G.ACo. yth Himalaqa -Singapore A G ACo 11th
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  • 29 9 Mi Fo+ j A cut Ltaret Gotten I Colombo B M ACo Jul Pnnz Eitel Friedrich 1J.A1 AUo Bern nka Singapore A U AC<> Mimmlsf* Colombo A.(i ACo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 399 9 P.&O. S.N.C ;»?ew *E JGoes through to London via Bombay. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. Ist class 2ndclasß To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $5lB-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $4BO-85 $320-56 Intermediate Sen Ice. TTH excellent
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    • 1468 9 (S Hll PPI NG.) fht BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION C© LTD sv n NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. K. 1 ’apan Mail Steamship Company. Lt« For Intrndbd to Sail. Stbamre. S!<igapar= (Three times a week). Port Swettennani and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and
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  • 1117 10 The story 0 f Daedalus and still mo*e the pictures of angels tell us how long men have cherished the hope of flying. Indeed, the wmgs cf mu angel are the outward and bodily sign of a universal power to that of n en. Jlis mind
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  • 827 10 Likin. A week ago it was announced that the Director General of the Shuiwu Chu. Liarg Sbih-yi, who is one of the ablest financial experts in the service of the Government, had begun, with the co-operation ef the Minister of Finance, preparatory work for the abolition of
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  • 188 10 As far as the authorities are able to do so they are crushing out the vice. Their methods may be crude in some respects and extremely harsh from a Western point of view, but nevertheless they seem to lie slowly yet surely gaming a mastery over a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 H r Chronic Chest Complaints, foods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6<l
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    • 326 10 u: K3&J I ft cl The World’s Dentifrice u Do you realise t he imm« K ort CC of the uni Q ue superiority of Odol While all other preparations for cleansing the mouth and teeth are effective only during the few moments of application, the antiseptic and refreshing power
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    • 47 10 Operations Averted. Do you know that a very large per cent of supposed cases of appendicitis are only an inflammation of the bowels brought on by constipation? Chamberlain’s Tablets cure constipation even after it becomes chronic. Give them a trial. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 356 10 Clearance Sale. THE MALAYAN TRADING Co. In Liquidation. 49, Beach Street. The Trustees are Selling WHOLESALE or RETAIL the balance of the Stock-in-Trndc at COST PRICE or UNDER. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF Bedcovers, Blankets, Broadcloth, Coatings, Drills, Ducks, Flannels, Linens, Linings, Muslins, Meltons, Prints, Serges, Shirtnigsf Suitings, Tweeds, Velvets, Woollens,
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  • 470 11 PLAYING ONE’S OWN GAME. The Practice or Weak Strokes. "Practice your weak strokes”—such is the advise usually given to young lawn teunis players. Good advice, no doubt, if all that is meant is that the adversary should not be allowed what are called at tennis winuing openings
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  • 227 11 We have seen no offieiil confirmation of the statement that the Chinese Government is now prepared to allow capital to be invested under British supervision and control in developing the mineral resources of China, but we do not see how this could be denied to British
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  • 211 11 There was not a single death in the United States army from typhoid fever in 1913, according to an official statement ju:-t given out. There were but three cases throughout the entire year, and all recovered. Compulsory vaccination with anti-typhoid vaccina is responsible for this remarkable record,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 For Children’s Hanking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d TP ~83 [1? W% pj g p? sri A•v; s*r > A if* J K*P E 1 SNJ :v„i v.j I'-M 3L Li.: Lift .~J iij LA I.:JL <* at--By Appointment to H. M. THE KING. V r
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    • 45 11 Economy in the End. It costs but a small amount *o keep Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy always in your medicine chest, and it is economy in the end. It always cures j and cures quickly. For sale hr all Dispen-; saries and Dealers.
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    • 273 11 MM THIS IS IT! Waterkry’s H k t sn ft i ssrt; Hf' c c a j# 1 OW*vr~ El 3« It ssjfwrr. < i VVi f Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre partition of COD LIVER OIL. Does all claimed for it and super sedes
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1540 12 y/idrew Usher 8 Co.’s sr I iimn. V.G. Whisky. Carreras’ Craven Cigarettes. P, THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY i Co., ENTS FOB PĔNANO F. M. S. MILD. DENTIST, 155. CARNARVON STREET, CORNER OF CARNARVON LANE. ii'C 7 S/.tlD COBSAH 8 SON’S -fjvown Extra Canvas, Nc. 0. Made of precisely the same
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