Straits Echo, 26 May 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1217 1 »Snp cement M Wm. K h ki t 03 -r Co />■ tfjr ao &V IN V m -iO |tS T FOR ALL PURPOSES. Georgetown Motor Garage, 7 PENANC road. agents FOR PAIGE. MITCHELL and UTTLE FOURS. ftlegrapbic Address: HOKIMTEIK. {f you want to HIRE A CAR ring up 694
      1,217 words
    • 35 1 r I» K IS noHOME 1 HAPPY WITHOUT A PATHEPHONE la valuable to Every Family aad a Pleasure to Youag& Old. Literature further particulars from TIANG LEE Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang. ilallsMaiaiEifEiEiEiiaiS^E HI 'ill
      35 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 (STERILIZED) "«to* > E 1 1 L r LION <V I*Bl AND. 3>* Grand Prix: C/A y p St. Louis. 190 4 «lain *o; L# Hon #3 >893 rs *Hif >893 1893 •m 1899 IlMiiimminiiiHiiiiiuiiuiiuiiinm sut. 6«"”“ i^l. KS f>, Eg” Schutimaxke ,d Kxporigesellsct)aft Bosd) CoARe N, Mecklenburg (DeulSC^J» od,
      99 words

  • 914 3 ftre encased in the producTo tbose wb aQd indigpenßa ble com„cn oi uct especially in Eastern parts there i. little power to of rt arkP t operations m London—it fontrsl roark lgaP V>inting and annoying to ouorber of col lb* 1 b power to manipulate pereot» erleet
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  • 1334 3 A MATTER OF TEMPERAMENT. Tu America» Wat. (By Bernard Darwin.) The news given us day by day of the practising operations of Mr. Ouimet and, in a lesser degree, of Mr. Travers and Mr Herreshoff, is calculated to inspire feelings of panic and terror in the breasts of
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  • 146 3 Penang—May, 1914. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts. High Water. Low Water. Standard Standard Ht Date Time. Ht Date Time. h. m. ft. h. m. ft. Tues 26 m 0 44 5.5 26 m 6 46 15 0 48 a 6.9 7 35
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 A Good Rule for the Home. Make it a nil* of your home to «iways J h&nd a bottle of Charateerhim’s c Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy as a j«u&rd ag a i n8 t bowel complaints. It P rom ptly wad no hoeaebold is it. For sale by all Diapeu-
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    • 594 3 JAUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is a caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder but the symptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow in fHs manner instead of entering the intestines
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    • 61 3 For a Lame Back. "When you hare pains or lameness iu the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen apiece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on over
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    • 336 3 INTERNATIONAL Rubber Congress and Exhibition, BATAVIA, 1914. Congress: 7 —Sept., 21 1914. Exhibition: Bth Sept, to lOth Oct., 1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting Excursions in Java arranged. Reduced Steamship, Railway and Tramway fares for Holders of Congress tickets. For particulars apply to W. E. van RIJNBERK, Hon.
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    • 529 3 Miracle-Cure Sleepless and Paralysed. Ordinary Treatment Failed Yet Dr. Cassell's Tablets Cared. Surely never in human experience has a more extraordinary etory been given to the world than that of Mr. Arthur George Felton, of 94, Ports-down-road, Maida Vale, London. Here it is:—“ In 1905 I met with an aoeident.
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    • 120 4 Zira, Br. s.s., 1,303, Lima, Mar 25, Moulmflin, May 19. G«n. H- L- A Co. Satiuki Mam, Jap. s.s., 3 8'22, Dali, May 25, Kobe, May 7, Gen.—P- S. A Co. Tosa Mara, Jap. b.s., 3.610, Yosbikada. May 25, Calcutta, May 16, Gen. P. S. A Co. Indraguala. Br.
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    • 67 4 Mat 26. Benoa, for Langsa, Edi, T Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang Malacca, for Tongkah. Ban Lee, for Trang. Omapere, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Pangkor, for Dindings and Sitiawan. Trang, for Trang. Ban Whatt boon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Klang, for Port Swettenham
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    • 259 4 Fob Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kedah, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah; —Per Ohee Thye. to-morrow, 8 a m. Negapatam and Madras—Per Teesta, to-morrow, 11 am. Asahau—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 3pm Deli—Per Alma, to-morrow, 3 p m. Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anscn —Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 3
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  • 121 4 Penang, May 26. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4,^ 3 Credit 2/4f 3 Documentary 2/4 T Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174* 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173* 3 days’ sight Private 176
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  • 194 4 Gold Leaf ...J64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 27. buyers Trang Pepper 19 buyers Cloves 46.—sales Macĕ 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 98- —sellers Nutmegs 110 23. —buyers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar v 2 5,50 sales Bas ket, 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.25 buyers f Tahbun... 190.
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  • 155 4 Penang, May 26. Beef— c ts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head M Z^ Feet H Tongue
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  • 2101 4 •si Nam ber of 0 73 cL 1 o 75 A S A Capital. Shares issued. T3 t 2 00 M Paid U Dividends. Buyers Sellers 3 cy 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. p.e. PCp.c. p.o. p.c. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd. 60 cts 1909 1905 1910
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 Miss Primanprude lisped to her lodger Mister Barker I’m sorry to say M iss Goldtooth complains of your coughing— I’m afraid she will leave me to-day. She declares that it sounds most distressful, And she told me to say she feels sure You’d be well to-day, if you start right
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    • 52 4 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life h;s been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom mies an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account’ for its great popularity. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 65 4 .fXLU 1 i' UiUJi- MilLUfil THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHESrIfSTS
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  • 1388 5 A British Festival at Home akd Abroad. Of all the unofficial holidays of the year, beyond doubt Derby Day stands first. We, who live so near to Epsom, are likely to think only of the local aspects of the Derby of the fact of the holiday itself, the
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  • 341 5 New Books. The following books have been received at the Library Notes on Politics and History, by Viscount Morley, 1914. Indian Historical Studies, by H. G. Rawlinson, 1913. The Great French Revolution, by P. A. Kropotkin (1789-1793), 19C9. The Life of Hpnry Labouchere, by A. Labouchere Thorold, 1913.
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  • 48 5 London, May 8. At a meeting of the Indian Church Aid Society the Bishop of Calcutta advocated a special committee to deal with the new Delhi Cathedral question. He admitted it was 9 formidable task, owing to certain opposition to the removal of the Capital.
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  • 54 5 London, May 8. A British firm at Darlington has secured a contract for forty-three girder bridges for the extension of the Siamese Railways. Siam has hitherto ordered most of her locomotives and rolling 9tock in Germany. She had also invited tenders for the above work from German,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 408 5 DON’T BE MISLED IHY COMPARISONS OF PRICES COMPARE QUALITIES. THERE IS ONLY ONE TYRE SPECIALLY TROPICS, THE Confine 11l RIBBED TYRE. Agents for Penang: SELLAR, MURRAY Co. Continental Tyre 8 Rubber Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE.v ri. •.***** i s k Straits Cinema. Location l’ENANG ROAD. fo aight! To-night I I hsirialadditional
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    • 10 5 Fur Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d.
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    • 243 5 I as O’ i/ e<5J <0 «5 m EGVP '£S CKII FELUCCA i MasperO yr f*8«iQut p* b ”MASPERO FrĔRESIiA t>A»S ttU» AAANUFACTU.C *u SOTJiiHH^aaHCSS \TT7T; >./vv> ,T cl*''- <—: Fabrique de CiGARETTESEGYPTIENNES was i FRERES f-1.;' Rouge \F>. xx > i. M r>»n.GUf *-.«r.oo Ffvtats o*„itu« ,i *av*5 Vv&i
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  • 94 6 C daily («xcept Sunday and p®kh« holiday®) AT TMB CRITERION PREBB, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pmcn Daily Lm»l 954 per annum Ortrtat»a.~ Postage Extra. Ifail BĕĔmm (Port Free) $17.50 oablb ADDmeie: ECHO—PENANG." v Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 p _AII kiilMM MatnuDiMtiOßf skould
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  • 1384 6 Among the volumes published recently by Messrs. Williams and Norga’.e in their admirable Home University Library is one by Professor Brewster, of Columbii University, on “The Writing of English.” Though by no means faultless, it is au excellent little work well deserving the attention not only
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  • 974 6 Among the new books just received at the Peuang Library we can personally recommend the following Notes on Politics and History,” by Viscount Morley The Life of Henrv Labouchere”, by A Labouchere Thorold A Century of Parody and Imitation The Fraud of Feuuuism,” by B-lfort Bax; Clio, a
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  • 624 6 THE SCENE IN THE COMMONS URGENT TELEGRAPHIC WHIP (Reuter). London, May 25 Mr P. H Illingworth, the Chief Liberal Whip, sent an urgent telegraphic whip Saturday eveniug to the effect that a on the third reading of the Home Rule g,n is certain to be the beginning
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  • 20 6 (Reuter). London, May 25. The two submarines from England ha*® reached Sydney safely and in good condition.
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  • 24 6 Arbitration Treaty RATin*o. Tokyo, May 14The arbitration treaty between Amer‘ c and Japan has been ratified by the P riT Counoil.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 291 6 X MOTOR CAR INSURANCE, t I f Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMACE to CARS, 4 third party risks, transit, fire, theft. 4 etc., at moderate rates. J FOB full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., t Penang, Agents O
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  • 32 6 Obituary. Franz Kossuth. (Reuter.) Budapest, May 25. The death has taken place at Budapest, at the age of 73, of the Hungarian politician Franz Kossuth, a member of the Wekerle Cabinet, 1896.
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  • 220 7 despatch of more war DL VESSELS. (Reuter). Loudon, May 25. Austria au<l Italy have both sent several fflore wa r-vessel« to Durazzo. Prine*'® Hasty Embarkation Criticised The opinion prevails that Prince William f Albania has greatly jeopardised his posit ion by hastily embarking on a foreign
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  • 68 7 Kcnnymore at Two’s. (Reuter.) London, May 25. The latest betting on tho Derby, which will be run at Epsom ou Wednesday, is as follows: 2 to 1 agst Kennymon. 100 to 9 Black Jester and Brakespear. 100 to 6 Durban and Carancho. 20 to 1 Carriclfergus. 100
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  • 32 7 Women Roughly Handled (Reuter). London, May 25. Crowds broke up Suffragette meetings yesterday at Hyde Park, Victoria Park, Hampstead Heath and on the Brighton front. Some women were roughly handled.
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  • 44 7 Reuter.) London, May 25. In the Army Canteens case, SergeantMajor G. P. Bennett of the West Riding Regiment pleaded guilty.” The case against Colonel Whitaker, formerly of the Yorkshire Light Infantry, has opened before a new jury. He pleaded not guilty.”
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  • 75 7 Redemption Loan Offered by Quintuple Group. Shanghai, May 15. The Quintuple Group b is offered China a loan of one million sterling tor tho redemption of the Kwangtung Provincial notes In making the offer they impose a condition that the money be employed solely for redemption, and
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  • 85 7 To be withdrawn from Japan. Peking. May 14. The President has sanctioned the lequest of the Tutuhs of Hunan, Anhui, Kiangsi and Kwangtung for the of the students sent to Japan by former Kuornintang Tutuhs on the grounds that most of them are relatives and friends of the
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  • 96 7 las 8 8. Korea in Quarantine Shanghai, May 14 Owing to the discovery of a case of plague shortly after leaving Hongkong the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.’s ss. Korea has been placed in quarantine at Shanghai for ten days. The patient, who was a Chinese steerage
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  • 239 7 (Reuter.) London, May 25. Some hundreds of the Irish Constabulary, armed with rifles and revolvers, have entrained for Ulster. Ulster Quiet. Belfast, Londonderry, Dublin and all Ulster were very quiet yesterday evening. To every town extra Police has been despatched. The factions in the towns were
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  • 232 7 Insugurnl Luncheon. (Reuter.) London, May 25. There was a great gathering of Imperial Statesmen on the occasion of the inaugural lunch at the opening of the Overseas Club by the Lord Mayor of London. The assembly included Lord NorthclifEe, the Earl of Selborne, Lord Buxton, Lord Emmott,
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  • 35 7 Wreckage of an Aeroplane. (Reuter). Loudon, May 25. Fragments of an aeroplane have been washed up at Deal. London, May 26. The wreckage at Deal is not that of Mr. Hamel’s machine.
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  • 47 7 (Reuter.) London, May 25 Captain Kemp, recently in command of H. M. S. London has been awarded .£3 000 damages against the newspaper The Fleet, which alleged that when Captain Kemp took command, H. M. S. London ceased to be a happy ship.”
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  • 135 7 Official Anaouneement. (Reuter.) London, May 25. Mr. Asquith announced that the Government adhered to its decision not to participate in the Panama Exhibition. Much sympathy will be felt throughout Malaya for Mr. W. J. B Ashby Financial Assistant. PW D. Perak, and Mrs. Ashby at the death of
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  • 90 7 VERDICT OF APPEAL COURT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 12. The beariug was commenced yesterday ana concluded to-day of the appeal of Mr. Van Cuylenberg against his conviction for cheating and the sentence of six months’ imprisonment passed on him recently by Mr. Justice Woodward
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  • 60 7 Rumoured German Contract. (Reuter.) Durazzo, May 26. The Daily Telegraph states it is understood that the German Government have entered into a contract with a company in Mesopotamia to secure oil-fuel for the Navy. The Petroleum Review says that Lord Pirrie and Sir Owen Phillips are associated in a
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  • 59 7 A Franco-German Incident. (Reuter.) London, May 26. There is indignation in France over the Police at Cologne arresting, searching, measuring and imprisoning for thirty-six hours on the charge of espionage the airship constructor, M. Clement Bayard, for watching at a distance the descent of a Zeppelin. M. Bayard
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  • 28 7 (Reuter.) London, May 26. At the National Sporting Club O’Keefe beat Jim Sullivau on points, thus winning the Middleweight Championship of Great Britain.
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  • 553 7 he Fad of Pioneer in Malaya. The regretted death of Signor Giovanni Battista Cerruti removes a picturesque figure from Malaya. His career from boyhood was adventurous The son of a sea-captain from the old Roman town of Varazze in the Italian Rivera, he descended from
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  • 882 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. The illness of Mrs. R. G. Watson, wife of the acting Chief Secretary, has cast a gloom over Kuala Lumpur where she and her husband are immensely popular with all classes as indeed they are throughout the Federation. Mrs.
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  • 80 7 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association auction to-day 33.092f lb were offered for sale and 33.092J lb were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheet $109 to $117 Plain Sheet $108 Unsmoked Sheet $105 $107 Plain Sheet 97 $110 Fine Pale Crepe $114 $116 No.
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  • 213 7 Yesterday. To-day. it g e a >. 3 S 3 0 K 72 ffl CO RUBBER. Anglo Malay. 8/44 9/14 8/44 9/14 B Mertajam. 1/8 2/1 1/64 1 /Hi Chersonese 2/2 2/7 2/1 2/6 C. Malay 7/104 8/9 7/104 8/9 Dennistown... 18/3 21/- 18/3 20/9 Highlands 41/6 44/- 42/6
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  • 76 7 Tin, Riee and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, .75 buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 76 37£ Leong Fee Co., 25 76 374 Singapore: Straits Trading Co. 150 76 37£ Total ...225 tons. Tin is quoted
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  • 82 7 The following articles will he found on our outside pages Page 3.—Golf Practice: A Matter of Temperament, The American Waj. Rubber in Burma s.—Penang Library New Books. Derby Day A British Festival at Home and Abroad. B. —Sports: Far East Interport Match Penang’s Score. Training Notes. P.L.R C. Penang
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 604 7 The 4 Lotusmere Fire. We learn that the fire on the coal ship Lotusmere, which is anchored off Prai, is spreading to No. 1 hatch The fire float is still alongside the steamer rendering assistance. Always Recommend It. In almost evei v community there is some one woo-e lile h
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  • 763 8 I Interest in the affairs of the Malay j Peninsula would appear to be steadily! increasing at Homo, if we may judge by the j number of questions which have been asked recently in the Imperial Parliament regard- j ing matters concerning the administration of this
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  • 84 8 Important Military Step. Loudou, May 9. Tho occupation of Taza, halfway letween Fez and tho Algeriau Frontier, upon which two French columns are advancing East and West, is expected to-morrow. It will constitute the most important step in the consolidation of French rule in North-West Africa by
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  • 490 8 London, May 8. Major Hunter has withdrawn from Lord Wimborne’s polo team owing to the illness of his wife, and Lord Wimborne will I possibly postpone sending the team to America until 1915. At New Jfork, Mr. Whitney, in an interi view, said the Polo Association ignores the
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  • 123 8 National Congress Deputation London, May 14. Sir William to-day gave breakfast in honour of the delegates of the Indian National Congress. Among those present were Lord Courtney, Lord Kinnaird, Sir Henrv Cotton, Sir Mancherjee Bhowpagree. Sir John Jardino, Sir Basil Sir Benjamin Robertson, and Sir G.C M.
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  • 148 8 4WLoud Denman’s Parting Speech. London, May 14. Lord Denman to-day left Melbourne on his way to England. He was accorded an enthusiastic farewell from the cheering crowds as he entered the train which was to convey him to Adelaide, where he will join the steamer for England. Before
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  • 158 8 /zBnuoBnrxu m&CMK tmv The subscription thoroughbred griflius for the autumn meeting, which are a tine, event, lot, were drawn for at the Rains Course on Saturday with the following result No. Colour it Sex Age Pedigree Drawn bv I Bay Gelding 4 years ...Lhlator—Cynthia ...H H The
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  • 390 8 Far East Interport Match, j enang’s Score. Penang shot this morning and compiled the rather disappointing score of 913. With the exception of Wright-Motion, nobody shot up to form.” The weather conditions were fair, but the very dazzling light at the last range was responsible for a good many
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  • 450 8 Everything at the Race Course is being put to order in preparation for next Saturday. There was a large gathering this morning to watch the training and stop watches were used for almost every gallop. The work was very interesting. Batu Gajah, Gabell up, was among the first
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  • 154 8 The following was the result of the shooting by the Penang Ladies Rifle Club at Kampong Bahru, yesterday. 100 Yards. Mrs Liston 29 Mrs Wright-Motion 28 Miss Mathieu 27 Mrs Webb 26 Mrs Maclean 25 Mrs Hilton 25 Mrs Johnson 24 Miss Cheeseman 23 Miss S
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  • 123 8 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played last night: Men's Doubles Handicap B Hogan Adams beat Duxbury Goodrich 6-3, 9-7. Ladies' Doubles Handicap» Final. Mrs Dunn and Miss Liebert vs. Mrs Neubrouiur Mrs Edwards (unfinished.) Men's Singles Handicap B. Firal. H Y
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  • 170 8 OFFERS OF HELP REPULSED. Chairman’s Strange Sentiments. London, May 9. A large meeting of Indian students was held at Caxton Hall yesterday and a resolution was passed, expressing disapproval of the existence and increasing activities of the Indian Students’ Department, as a reflection on their character and
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  • 1411 8 Armenian Street Tragedt Cee Lean was yesterday afternoon charged before Mr. Justice Serccmbe Smith with the murder of one Lim Keng Hoe on April 2, and the following special jury were empanelled Messrs. M. K. Whitlock (Foreman), J. D. Fettes, H. A. Low, L. Hoefeld, F. S. C.
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  • 22 8 Arrivals. Per ss. Alma, May 26, from Deli Mrs Oowfurd, Mr Keulemans, Mr Kollmus Mr W Maclaren and Mrs Chow Hooi.
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  • 85 8 To-day. 2nd Day of sth Moon. Penang' Volunteers—“ B” Company, Company Drill. Bearer Section, Stretcher Drill. Cup Tie O.F.C. vs. C U.A.C, Esplanade Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Star Cinema, Argyll Road. To-morrow. 3rd Day of sth Moon. Penang Volunteers—»
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  • 36 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Scrvic». Outward. Homiwii* Delta 28 May. India 30 May. Himalaya 11 June. Devanha 13 Jane. Fxfra Service. Owtwabd Hontmra»». Nag»ya 3 June. I Novara 19 Jana. Syria 16 I Nellore 3 July
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 IHt'1'»++++l++++++ +t+<1+>+t+^ i THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound see I? II TASTELES8 ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset «he stomach. Highly re commended by th medical profession. r
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    • 226 8 KT OTICE. resident councillor win rfr TJ 50 Ho e 0n Wednesday, June 3rd: His Majesty s Birthday: at 9-15 p.m I* particular invitations will be issued. 10-5-14 335 CLERK WANTED S» 1 1 Salary J.. $40-f $10 ricksha allowance. Apply HEAD MASTER. 25-5-14 352 PENANG B1SLEY. A N T,
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  • 23 9 h rom Ajenf* Delta India bueitov Derfflingtr Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo A.G.&Co. 28tbMay A.G.&Co. 30th BM&Co 3rd June. BM ACo 4th
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  • 21 9 Vetielt For Leaven Lelta India Singapore (Colombo Colombo Singapore A G ACo. A. ACo B. B M ACo May. June.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 335 9 Expected Arrivals and Departures, Mail Service jGoes through to London via Bombay. fakes by mail steamers. A Accommodation. 1st class 2nd class To London by boa $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $518-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $480-85 $320-56 Intermediate Service.
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    • 1554 9 IS HIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD Fob Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three times a week). Pori Swetteoham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Thur. 28th May, 4 p.m. Sat. 30tti May, 4 p.m. Sun. 31st May, 4 p.m. Thur. 4th June, 4 p.m.
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  • 1155 10 In hi* reply to the deputation which waited on him the other day, Mr. Oliver Mark*, the Acting Resident, gave a particularly lucid explanation of the Government’* attitude in respect of the forfeiture of mining leases. The case he set up was fair and reasonable, and
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  • 948 10 Many people who are not of a particularly pedantic turn of mind or at all bitterly opposed in a general way to slang or abbreviations must have shuddered during the last few months at the increasing frequency with which they have met the word ’phone,” After having
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 10 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, 1». 6d
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    • 139 10 '^D*ooo|@cx)o®c:,"' ALLEN DENNYS Co.. Penang, PROPRIETORS OF THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. SALES HELD EVERY TUESDAY Under the auspice* of THE PENANG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROBBER ASSOC AEIOR. RUBBER bought or sold by PUBLIC AUCTION or PRIVATE TENDER. forward sales arranged. RUBBER transhipped and insured to an, PORT at minimum
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    • 81 10 This disease is so dangerous and so rapid development in its that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of cr up appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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  • 176 11 Chine** are beginning to development of the mining resources country is of the greatest importance of Lr» department of mechanical io L .avs a writer in Engineering ”of ,ndu«try. y iß Majesty’s Consul at Apn v,! writes that mining is the most bW !h.mi industry in
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  • 187 11 Changes of faahion in the United States nd Europe have had the effect of completing the decline in the large demand in 19J0 Jd 1911 for high grade long hair which at in in the latter part of 1911. The product now going out of Hongkong
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  • 411 11 In the report of the Board of Education for 1913 it is stated that the supply of teachers for elementary schools has fallen off most seriously, and local education authorities, especially in the country districts, find it increasingly hard to staff their schools. The reason is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing; better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now it the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispenlaries and Dealers. a Jl m i v-.
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    • 12 11 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d
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    • 338 11 Cup Tic Fixtures. The following are the fixtures Semi-Final. May 26.—01 d Farquhars vs. Central Union A. C. Final. June 2.—Penang Cricket Club vs. Old Farquhars or Central Union A. C. HOTEL NORMAN. PENANG, THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position. Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters and Commercial
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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