Straits Echo, 4 May 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1438 1 TIOER BRAND CEMENT m 258 N <r> <*» //l V T •h *r *5 £7 <>£ IN &> SI BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. IH3S si atm iIRIHBII Georgetown Motor Garage, BANKS 7a, PENANC ROAD. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. AGENTS FOR PAIGE, MITCHELL and LITTLE FOURS. Telegraphic Address:
      1,438 words
    • 40 1 >3l=] !3i3 SS| n"] h O M E i.'s’l HAPPY WITHOUT A g iPATHEPHONEI f- Invaluable to Every Family |g and a Pleasure to YoungO* Old. Literature A* further particulars from [Bj tiamg LEE Co., I 53, Beach Street, Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 NATURA L r LION BRAND.I (STERILIZED) J QrandJPrix: tA y p »ri5 190?) Sl. Ldults* 904, <J G d M «<*ailleni SiibMe< *aille 0 Und r r *t« l n H93. 1893. n* '‘On 1890. 1899 (HHUiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiummimu Frtf' E rr«**v& Kol-A^ *1! Schutunirke "fj. H cxportgesfllsctialt Reset) AR EN, Mecklenburg
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  • 1233 3 If the result of the slump in the value of plantation rubber, which caused such widespread consternation and anxiety a few mouths ago, is the placing of the industry upon a firm basis, with perfect security against violent and disastrous fluctuations, it
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  • 778 3 The Open Yangtze. The foreign communities in China seem to be very apprehensive regarding the China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company, and incidentally of the traffic on the Yangtze and the development of the Yangtze basin generally. If the comment of our daily contemporaries is any indication of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 Now Is the Tim«. Fur rheumatism you will find nothing better thau Chamberlains Pain Balm, Now is the timo-trr gefrid of it. Trv this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pitiu and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 318 3 r*> n WRIT 7>‘Tv ;L* w 1^ v; «X C3T J35fcfc*Sw THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. -A -3» Price Ex Godown Penang. 1 Foolscap $150 Nett No c 175 No 200 No Brief 225 No Policy THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Old Machines Taken Over in Part Payment. A Guarantee Given with
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    • 118 4 Delta, Br. s.s., 4,780, Lehraris, May 2. Shanghai, April 27, Gen.—A. G. ACo Cornelia, Br. b.b., 194. Mathew», May 1, Malacca, April 29, Gen.—E. S. Co., Hebe! Br. b.b., 346, Scott, May 3. Teluk Anson, May 2, Gen.—A. G. &Co Mary Austin, Br. b.b., 97 Oawaray, May 3, Selangor,
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    • 41 4 Mat 4. Kedah, for Aaaban. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Elephanta, for Singapore. TJn Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 233 4 Fob Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Tongkah —Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Padang, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Langkat and Pangkalan BrAndan—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Omapere, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p
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  • 123 4 Penang, Mat 4. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4J* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/44 3 Credit 2/4| M 3 Documentary 2/4 r Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1741 M 3 days’ sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Hank 173^ tf 3 days’ sight
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  • 196 4 Gold Leaf $64.40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.25 sales Trang Pepper 19 buyers Cloves 46. sales Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 92. —sales Nutmegs 110 24. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Cr*pra (mixed) 10.75 buyers /'Tahbun... 190. —sellers r,
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  • 174 4 Penano, May 4 Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Boast m 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Bump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... M 24 Feet Qft Tongue
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  • 2153 4 «M 0 *2 Number of 0 *3 d. Name. to a 0 •s'i Capital. Shares P Dividends. t q Ph issued. 0 to to M *3 Oh ►> Z3 ft CO 0 0* 1910 1911 1912 1 1913 1914 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 1909 450,000 200,000 750,000 800,000 Rs 1,200,000 500,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 44 4 Life is full of pain and trouble, Arduous toil and ceaseless care, Pleasure but an empty bubble, Yet we seek it everywhere. Though of sorrow we must borrow. Needless colds we won't endure, Finding solace ere the morrow, In some Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 12 4 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre, For Couchs and Colds, never fails, Is. 6d
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    • 165 4 THIS IS IT TASTELESS C.I Uii. tm WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by <he medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS ■fnmwnwuTr: mu
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  • 502 5 Cases at Tanjong Rhu. European Lady Attacked. Cholera seems to be on the increase in Singapore. Two fresh cases are reported—and these, be it well noted, nearer the settlement than last week. We understand elaborate police precautions are being taken to segregate the infected area, but unless
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  • 171 5 B. 3, C. vs. P. R C. This match was played on the Butterworth .ground on Saturday afternoon. The Bu'terwortbians, winning the toss, elected to field. The P. R. C. batted uuder a slight shower of rain towards the beginning of the game and compiled half a century.
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  • 186 5 In an article on the metal market on April 9, The Financier says, of tin It is being whispered about in some quarters that the famous and long successful tin syndicate is a thing uf the past. The symptoms of the market are taken as pretty well
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  • 504 5 KLANG GYMKHANA CLUB’S CASE. Judge Criticises System. 1 In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday evening, Sir Thomas Braddeß, C.J.C gave judgment in the case in which Mr. H. A. Wootton and others (being the committee of the Klang Gymkhana Club) sued Mr. P. W. Gleeson
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  • 232 5 The Singapore Exhibition. An Exhibition will be held by the Singapore Art Club on Tuesday and Wednesday, 26th and 27th May, in the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore. Exhibitors are requested to send a list of their exhibits, with the titles (and prices, if for sale), to the
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  • 188 5 A Useless Report The following extract is from the South China Morning Post, which heads the paragraph Wuchow News The bheung Yip-po the other day received from the British Consul a letter in Chinese, of which the following is a translation :—I hare to state that on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 423 5 c&here is no check to the Popularity of tt Blaci 4i fi%'llil»6 r.« 'V.v ii stAxcm* bS scotch whisky 'black a, WHITE' '«Tenet# T»h9( fc s snciMcr snioio *o* T H£ HOUSE OF COMMON' O.STIU *>■* «Uk**WWf :o-<3o* mm £>-y JAMES BUCHANAN CO., LTD. LONDON, GLASGOW, <&c. DISTILLERS 3Y ROYAL
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    • 13 5 Wood»' Great Pepper aunt Cuie, For Coughs ana Colds, never UiU Is, tid
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    • 330 5 I W. D. H. O. WILLS’S *< m 9*? 9S? S’-'? 9P 911 -v! ?v 3 m —J cOC J (s'* /-••_> ferj {_x J j £*Cs tBX THE NEW SMOKING MIXTURE de LUXE A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO Of all Leading Dealers tt is is IS is KS3^tTST T /kZ
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  • 96 6 Plklisfced daily (except Sunday sad pdhlis holidays) AT TBB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puiom Daily Lmbl 9M par aanaoft. OoMblMm* Postage Extra. Mail mmm (Port Fm) 917.50 omi idskmi ECHO —PENANG.” Tihpfcoai No*. Echo 586 p Pfkaliag Dcpartnen! 543 jr.J.-All Mmm MwauaiMtica* akoaM
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  • 1346 6 Mr. Eric Macfadven is a gentleman of considerable ability. His is a persuasive personality and he has the gift of facile speech far beyond the ordinary run of agriculturist. Thus it is that his advocacy of the introduction of the discharge-ticket system for estate coolies in
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  • 754 6 Mr. H. N. Ferrers has returned to Kuala Lumpur from a trip to India. The death is announced of Sir George Baker, an Indian Mutiny veteran. The Rev. Bro. James arrived from Ran* goon by the Elephanta on Saturday. Mr. H. K. C. Tobutt is now acting
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  • 346 6 FIGHTING THE FLAMES. Steamer Now at Pulo Kra. The 8 8. Irismere, which arrived here Friday last with a cargo of coal from Ca? cutta for the Eastern Shipping Company Ltd caught fire early on Sunday monS while she was at anchor off Prye Ri ver
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  • 32 6 lbs. Karan Rubber Co., Ltd 4(535 Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd. 9 890 Padang Jawa Rubber Estate, Ltd. 9,782 Nellmay Rubber Co., Ltd. 1,754 Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Ltd 57,336
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  • 493 6 There have been a couple of cases of suspected cholera on Kurau Estate thie week-end. The output of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of April wae 500 pikula. The Directors of the Sungei Buloh Hydraulic Mines, Ltd., have declared the first interim dividend of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 304 6 DSC DC Auto wheeling IS THE SAFEST CHEAPEST FORM OF MOTORING You can cycle without pedalling over all sorts of roads, up hill, and against head winds AT 16 MILES AN HOUR— by fitting to your cycle a self-propelling Wall Auto- wheel. A one horse power motor makes the wheels
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  • 436 7 an interesting discovery. (Reuter.) London, May 3. During the course of the works in connection with the enlargement of Hendon Church a vault was discovered containing the coffin of Sir Stamford Raffles, the position of whose grave at Hendon was not hitherto known. [Mr. Demetrius C.
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  • 195 7 Pftftie in Chinese City. Sayß the China Treat of April 19 The panic into which the Chinese City has been thrown was illustrated late on Friday night—the time fixed, according- to rumour, for the seizing of the Arsenal by surprise,—when a Japanese man-of-war appeared off the Nantao
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  • 93 7 White Wolf Campaign. dilayid Through Lack of Funds. Peking, April 22. The Magistrate of Shuuhua wires that the White Wolf brigands passed towards Pingehow on Monday. General Lu Chien-cbang is still in Peking and is believed to be waiting for funds to cover the military expenditure. General Tsao Chun, who
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  • 44 7 Londou, April 21. A German newspaper states thrt, Dr. Carl Peters, a well-known German explorer and Colonial authority, who recently published an article advocating the extension of the German Colonies, has received a telegraphic Pipression of approval from the German Crown Prince.
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  • 44 7 Question of Impeaching President. Peking, April 22. The Constitution Conference on Monday discussed whether the future House of should have power tc impeach the President. Half of the members were in t Avohr of and the other half opposed to Uu.
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  • 76 7 INSURGENTS CAPTURE A TOWN. (Reuter.) Durazzo, May 3. The Epirote insurgents with many guns and quick-firing guns captured Kolonia. The despatches say that they massacred the women and children and gutted the town. It is reported that they are advancing. The news caused the utmost indignation at
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  • 47 7 To What Steamer Does it Refer? (Reuter). London, May 3. Lloyd’s fear that the mutilated (and unfounded) wireless message received at Tokyo regarding the stranding of the mail steamer Siberia on the Formosan coast, refers to another steamer for which search is being made.
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  • 22 7 (Reuter). London, May 3. Five coast guards were drowned by the capsizing of the boat Shingle Street off Aldeburgh.
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  • 18 7 Reuter.) London, May 3. Extensive damage was done by the fire at the Belfast Hippodrome.
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  • 123 7 Entry to be Refused. London, April 17. At Victoria (British Columbia) it is reported that the Kommagata Maru has sailed from Shanghai for Victoria with 400 Hindus on board seeking an entry into British Columbia. All will be refused landing under the Order in Council excluding Asiatic
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  • 113 7 A Freakfast Table London, April 18. There is much speculation as to the forthcoming Budget. There are rumours in Mincing Lane of a free breakfast table. A twenty per cent, insurance was effected yesterday with difficulty, covering the risk of abolition and reduction of the Sugar Duty Twenty-five
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  • 64 7 London, April 17At Vienna the Common Minister of Finance has applied to a syndicate of German Banks for a loan of 400,000,000 kronen to cover Railway expenditure in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An instalment of 60,000,000 kronen is issuable now at 93, interest being paid at the rate
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  • 46 7 New Chief Of General Staff. Tokyo, April 22 Vice-Admiral Shimamura, who was Chief of Staff to Admiral Togo during the Rus-■o-Japan war, has been appointed chief of the Naval General Staff in succession to Vice-Admiral Ijuin, who joins the Supreme Army and Navy Council.
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  • 47 7 Transport Workers Threat. London, April 20. The National Transport Workers’ Federation h*s passed a resolution, protesting against the employment, of Anatics in British ship*. Mr. Williams, Secretary of the Federation, in a speech, threatened a ■trike without notice unless the grievances were removed
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  • 21 7 Aziz Leaves for Eotft. London, April 22. A Constantinople message says that Aziz Ah has sail'd for Alexandria.
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  • 175 7 MEETING AT COVENTRY. (Reuter.) London, May 2. Lord Milner, «peaking at Coventry, «aid that the Government’s Home Rule Bill did not bring peace but the sword to both Ireland and the United Kingdom. The Government had not a leg to stand upon in refusing a referendum.
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  • 160 7 Attack on the Waterworks. (Reuter.) Vera Cruz, May 3. General Funston has established a military governorship. Only a few scattered shots were fired at the guard at the water works. There were no casualties. The reinforcements sent were not needed and they returned. Several hundred
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  • 311 7 (Reuter.) London, May 3. The Duke of Argyll is sinking. London—Later. The Duke of Argyll is dead. London, May 4. A month’s court morning has been ordered. Duke of Argyll was born at Stafford House on August 6, 1845. He was elected M.P. for
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  • 34 7 Reuter London, May 3. The balloonist and his two companions, who were sentenced to six months’ imprisonment at Perm (Russia) for espionage, have been released on a small bail pending an appeal.
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  • 22 7 (Reuter.) London, May 2. The scores in the billiards matches were as follows Stevenson 18,000. Gray 10,677 Newman 11,000; Inman 14,770.
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  • 276 7 CHINESE MASON CHARGED. Before the 3econd Magistrate a Chinaman named Nian Tek was charged with the theft of jewellery, valued at $220, from premises No. 92, Armenian Street, on March 25. The accused who was represented by Mr. C. D. 1). Hogan claimed trial and Inspector
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  • 194 7 The Craten Stakes. London, April 17. The following is the result of the Craven Stakes, run at the Newmarket Craven Meeting to-day:— The Craven Stakes of 500 sovs., added to a sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each for starters for three-year-olds: colts 8-10; fillies and geldings 8-7 winners
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  • 54 7 Tavern Affray at Glatz. London. April 18. A Berlin cable states: A wild fight between men of the 31st Infantry Regiment in a tavern at Glatz resulted in three of them being gravely injured. A number of innocent civilians were maltreated by the soldiers, who smashed windows,
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  • 42 7 Rebels Lose Heavily. London, April 17. A Benghazi cable states: An Italian column of infantry, cavalry aud artillery was attacked by two thousand rebels at Gendebia. The rebels lost heavily. The Italian casualties were six killed and 28 wounded.
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  • 230 7 Tin, Rice and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 75 tons at $7B 60 Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 6J 78.00 Total ...81* tons. Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at $159 per coyazi. Copra sun-dried $lO.BO From Friday’s Malay Mail:
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  • 131 7 A Chinaman named Lim Su wa« this morning arraigned before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel charged with attempting to commit suicide by cutting himself with a chopper on March 24 at No 65, Muntri Street. The accused pleaded guilty saying that he was suffering from fever. Inspector Brereton then
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  • 391 7 To thi Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I secured a copy of your popular journal of the Ist instant, as I was very anxious to read the account you would have of the very sad and much lamented death of the Rev. Bro. Peter,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 220 7 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it Trv this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. WANTED FOR Rubber Estate GOOD
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    • 536 7 I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Okkick: —SINGAPOKE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. f ocal Office: —No. 7, Union Stbkbt. —^Pi —3————> NOTICE. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. The undermentioned property situated in Penang
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  • 897 8 The following ie the report of Mr. H. C. Sells on the Penang Mahoinedan and Hindu Endowments Hoard I aui directed by the Mahomedan and Hindu Endowments Hoard to transmit herewith, under the provision of section 16 of The Mobami edan and Hindu Endowments Ordinance
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  • 2098 8 PLAINTIFF GETS FULL DAMAGES. Stay of Execution Pending Appeal Mr. Justice Woodward gave his written judgment on Saturday morning at the supreme Court in the libel action, R. W. G. Mercer vs. The Times of Malaya. His Lordship said that tbe plaintiff in this case
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  • 740 8 While we yield to no one in our admiration for the wholehearted an fT-v.: ive manner in which the respective of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick worked to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of their guests on ths occasion of the celebrations of the patron saints’
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  • 117 8 The suit in which Messrs. Paterson, Simons <*E C.o, Ltd. sued one Chan Kuan SrtU}.' claiming upon a bond, dated June 1«J. 1910, in the hand and seal ofthedefoudant to the effect that the defendant should render a true and faithful account to the plaintiffs of
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  • 424 8 Farewelling Mr. Sugden. On the occasion of the departure from the Dindings of Mr. G. H. Sugaen, District Officer, an address was read on behalf of the business community and the Government Service. The function was held at 5-30 p.m. on the Ist inst. on the Dindings Recreation
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  • 331 8 In the Government Gazette issued on Iriday appears notification of the extension, with half salary, of the leave of absence granted to Mr. *G. A. Hall, District Judge and First Magistrate, Singapore, until the arrival at Penang of the P. Q. s.s. Devanha due on or about, the
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  • 111 8 Said to be in Sumatra. Deli has, according to the Sumatra Bode for some time given shelter to a notorious’ CbiDese robber chief who has been wanted by the Hongkong police. His name is Tsai Wa. though he is better known in his native p.ioe as Kan
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  • 127 8 A Gruesome Device Karl Peterson, a wealthy Stnrth merchant, who had been married f holn recently resorted to a gruesome IX?*?' order to entrap hi. wife, whom he 06 m of infidelity. He arranged with a and a solicitor for a mock death Th a 0
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 For a Lame Back. W ben you have pains or lameness in the hack bathe the pirts with Clnimherlain’s Pain Balm twice a Jav, massacring with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Th-a dampen a pie-e of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it
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    • 336 8 A Good Rule for the Ho« e Make it a rule of your home to keep on hand a bottle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedl® 1 safeguard against bowel complaW,* 3 always cures promptly and no hou»£u 14 safe without it. Tor sale bv all n- 19 saries and
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  • 34 9 Ve$telt d rot» Agent» Due P■ Alice P. Ludurig Devanha Attaye Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore B M &Co BM &C o. A G.&Co. A.G &Co. 6th May. 7 th M 14th 16th
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  • 33 9 Yctt-'lt For Agent* i Leave» P. Alice Col< mbo B M &Co May. P. Lvdwig Siuj a pore |B M ACo PevanKa jSiugapore A G ACo. Aneyt j Colombo lA G &Co
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 338 9 Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Barvlca. Outward. Homeward. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. Ist class 2nd class To London by Sea >565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $5lB-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $4BO-85 $320-56 Intermediate Service. rTTITH excellent accommodation foi
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    • 1809 9 SHIPPING.* BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Foe Intended to Said. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenbam and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, and Australia. Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Thur. 7th May, 4 p.m. Sat. 9th May, 4 p.m. Sun. 10th
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  • 1073 10 Not So Complex Writing to the Westminster Gazette Mr. Heug Kok Khoo says he has read with great interest the articles on The Far Eastern Scene,” from the able pen of Miss Violet K. Markham. The one which deals with ■omi Chinese (characteristics interests him the most, and
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  • 1195 10  -  (Br John N. Raphael I always travel third,” he said. This surprised me a little, because he had given us an excellent lunch at the Carlton that afternoon. Habit I asked. No. I’m a poor man,” he said. And he laughed in my face and wondered aloud
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 404 10 V X *r v.v.v.v. /JL l'V,V .V.V.V.V/.*. vXv.v'v .v.v.v.v. v;v.v.v I................ ’.V.V.V.V. v.v.v Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Land port, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: —“I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgii, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having i ken it for
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    • 55 10 Iways Rccanmend It. Iu almost eve» y community tie ro is some one whose life h s been saved by Clmmberlaiu’s Colic, Cbclera aul Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale
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    • 463 10 GOVERNMENT OF PERLIS TENDERS FOR THE SINKING OF A BORE HOLE FOR COAL S OIL IN THE STATE OF PERLIS. r'lENDEliS will be received at the office of the Adviser to the Government of Perlis, at Perlis, up to noon of the 1st day of July, 1914, for a contract
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    • 305 10 NOTICE OF SALE. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF civ PENANG. °F The undersigned is instructed to talr session of and put up for sale hr PUF;LrXC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS. ON Wednesday 6th May ig [4 at 11 am. At No. 422, Chulia Street, p e The undermentioned property
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  • 430 11 Josephine M. Burnham ia a Professor at Wellesley College, and in The Forum under the title The First Stone Preaches a much-needed leaaon to those who steadfastly ignore the nature of the temptations to which so many women fall. The article is written with every restraint, but
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  • 369 11 The Philippine question may be one of the j most important to come before Congress during the next session. Writing to The Forum after eight years’ residence in the Islands and an intimate study of the subject for a longer period, William A. Reed is firmly convinced
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  • 179 11 The vernacular Press throughout the whole of China is strongly protesting against the new Press Law recently promulgated by Presidential Order, and it must be admitted that they have a legitimate grievance. Like most Chinese laws which have been enacted within the past two years, it is
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  • 115 11 Owing to inability to obtain the Esplanade for more than one day in the week the fixtures will be as follows Second Round. May B. —Old Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government Service or Eastern Athletic Union vs. Penang Cricket
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 Croup. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 161 11 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG. THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position. Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters and Commercial Visitors. Telegrams: "NORMANS, PENANG.” Telephone No. 392. THE BODEGA 2A, BEACH STREET. The Rendez-vous of Penang. Chops Steaks from the Grill. Slings and Cocktails a noted feature. The Bodega has now
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    • 112 11 •)®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®<* s>® TO CONNOISSEURS FOUR FACTS CONCERNING MARTELL’S BRANDY M A R T E L L’ S B R A N D Y 1. In England more Martell's Brandy is sold than any other brand. 2. Martell’s Three Star Brandy is the brandy supplied in the House of Lords. 3.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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