Straits Echo, 2 May 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1294 1 mm TIOEI HAND CKUINT vA 'A V/ p-3 sS?® cite FA IN V r,&V C »EST FOR ALL PURPOSES. Georgetown Motor Garage, 7a. PENANG ROAD. -< BANKS AGENTS FOR PAIGE. MITCHELL and LITTLE FOURS. Telegraphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. If you want to HIRE A CAR riig up 694 or call at
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    • 32 1 PBEIOIsnBS«mH& SUSI3I3 rTo HOME 's, HAPPY WITHOUT A PATHEPHONE Invaluable to Every Family and a Pleasure to Youagt? Old. Literature Si further particular* from tiang lee Co., 53. Beach Street, Penang. entail
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 tttt-i r™ ir^r NATURA M f liii iLK r LION BRANDJ (STERILIZES) J > Grand i p *r>3 1900 St. Louis 1904 '*>3. '893. c: ,s9B- 1899 s. cJ UilliiMU Schuttmaj-ke Si» 1 Pr*B t jj: ,**-*S* Bosch EN Mecklenburg (D***** 1 0 M ADE ir< GERMAN?- 1« if if
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  • 899 3 Constantinople Colleob. Professor Harr, of Harvard, has just returned from a recent trip to the Near East, where he made a special study of conditions in the Balkans. While there he visited Constantinople College, of which he is trustee, aud gives this interesting
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  • 594 3 I (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS. FIRST DAY Saturday, 30th May, 1914. SECOND DAY Monday, 1st June, 1914. > i FIRST DAY. Saturday, 30th May, 1914. 1. —The Mixed Handicap. Value $500. A Handicap for Horses that have never won
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  • 1079 3 To judge from the toy-shops, the practice of giving children toys disguised as Easter eggs is on the increase. So various are the fancies displayed, that to the child who receives one the adventure of opening an Easter egg must be almost as great as to its
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 For a Lame Back. W Leu you Lave pains or lameness in the Lack batbe the parts with Chaml erlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application Then dampen a piece of flannel •lightly witU tlus liniipent and Lind
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    • 336 3 fintrinc at p m 0ft 15th May, 1914. Handicaps for Erlllllto wlvjt the First Day will be published on or before the 22nd May, 1914. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by the winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of the weights and
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    • 51 3 A Gocd Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 529 3 TIANC JOO CO. PENANC <& IPOH. SOLE ACENTS FO« THE “NEW HOWE" BICYCLES FOR The Straits Settlements S’ The Malay Peninsula. r ■N S ew owes arc British Made Throughout. |j ew owcs wear well and keep well. ai <W u° WCS runs easily and keep running easily. New Howes
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    • 92 4 Jin Ho, Br. s.p., 93, Taylor, May 1, Asahan, April 30, Gen.— E. S. Co., Ltd. Benoa, Dut. u.e., 481, de Weerd, May 1, Langsa, April 30, Gen. K. P. M. Irismere, Br. s.s., 2,341, Scott, May .1, Calcutta, April 22, Gen —E- S. Co., Ltd. «a i Hoptang,
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    • 87 4 Mat 2. Trang, for Trang. Ban Lee, for Trang. Alma, for DeliHok Canton, for Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Malaya, for Deli. Lama, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Delta, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt, and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc. Tong Chay Un, for Setul. Bindings by
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    • 244 4 For Yen—Per Jit Seng, 4th instant, 7 a.m. Asahan—Per Kedah, 4th instant, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Cornelia, 4th instant, 2 p.m. Bindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, 4th instant, 3 pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul— Per Un Peng, 4th instant, 4 p.m.
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  • 122 4 Penang, May 2. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4^ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/44 3 Credit 2/4f 3 Documentary 2/4 T Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1744 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 192 4 Gold Leaf ...164.40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.25 sales Trang Pepper 19. buyers Cloves 4 6.—sales Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 92. —sales Nutmegs 110 24 sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar j 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.75 buyers f'Tahbun... 190. —sellers Gutta
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  • 166 4 iV.H«d.„ Tongue Z >m each gn t-be four et TnP® each Llver 2 Fowl (full grown) «1 Small Fowl #l !j chicken g Duck (full grown) y. Smaller Duck M Eooe (Hen’s) per 100 «VOO (Duck H.BO Fibh— Selangin per catty an Koorow M Siakab t w Ginahap
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  • 2238 4 •*—i o _o Number of 0 •a d, a _o 2 g M o Capital. Shares issued. *8 1 M P TS ’2 Dividends. Name. t p >> 3 OB s i 3 0 0 Pm Pm n 02 o* 1910 1911 1912 1 1913 1914 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. p.c.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 62 4 I knew some young ladies scarce out of their teens, Who were neither princesses or fairies, The Brown girls were freckled and woro crinolines. And Bridget’s was bigger than Mary’s. The pretty Miss Jones’s fine figures possessed, The Brown girls themselves ne’er denied it; But as figures mislead, it is
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    • 125 4 ■»++♦++♦♦+♦++♦++♦♦*+■♦•+♦+♦4^ THIS IS IT! ♦i WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Gomponnd S$S& TASTELES8 ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL- Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset J ibe stomach. Highlvre <• commended by th cal profession. Highly re medi
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  • 1498 5  -  [BY TOM WRIGHT.] Assume that I have an Idea to communicate. Regard that idea as water. It is clear, isn’t it, that if ne reader bring a barrel, and another bring a cup, it will not be my fault if the first complain that my supply seems limited,
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  • 255 5 Complaints reach us from Klang of delays in the discharge of Court work owing to the lack of sufficient Magistrates. We understand that the A.D.O. sits on Mondays aud Saturdays, the Dato Stia i n Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and a Magistrate from Kuala Lumpur on Thursdays aud
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  • 222 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. In the report of the P A M annual meeting in vour issue of 28th inst, the statement of a Malacca representative, to the effect that Negri Sembilan has no system of discharge'tickets for Tamils, appears uncontradicted. As one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 339 5 *77here is no check to the Popularity of MM 1 SBfc SCOTCH WHISKY 'BLACK fcWHITE' a*ta*uy vttc'U» 'HE HOUSE OF COMMON 5 I fituKAJbU*. scotch wHiwr oisnui** CLAV.OOfcLOCC-X Su5 of iWY'-’vi'.v;!'.:’-~2SS mi J:hi!£*&-:7 0 a£8S®& m'jJbJ Si t~W3. 3 1*5. w sssstps JAMES BUCHANAN CO., LTD. LONDON. GLASGOW, &c. DISTiLLERS
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    • 277 5 ajyggi \y*ZL /'l '<-t >^ M: W. D. H. O. WILLS’S 44 &2n/vzd& r° THE nfw SMOKING MIXTURE de LUXE A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO <i/. I'calcrs m 81 cv«3 <- 9 zm ra S# 5$ 5$ 66 From Friday (May 1st, 1914,) Onwards. CROWN CINEMA o F chuua street PRESENTS
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  • 97 6 Ptblickutd duly («ucept Sundays ud prtbbc holidnra) AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penarg. Tun Daily Lmdl •m $24 per annum. Oafertafeo*.», Postage Extra. Mail liiii (Port Fraa) (17.50 OASLB ADD* ECHO—PENANG.” v TtUfkoM Nos. Echo 586 PrialtAg Department 543 M.M.— An kiflMH Maßmiratioai
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  • 653 6 Some three or four weeks ago when certain of our contemporaries out here including the Straits Times, which really ought to knew better—were speaking in the harshest terms of the Curragh cavalry officers and referring to the traitorous conduct of General Gough and his juniors, we insisted
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  • 620 6 Never was the appalling ignorance of a responsible Minister of the Crown regarding the affairs of the countries which he controls so strikingly illustrated as during the question and answer in the House of Commons on the matter of the Regency of Kedab. After Mr. Amerv had asked
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  • 53 6 The homeward bound German Mail steamer Prince** Alice which is expected to leave Singapore at 6 pm. on Tuesdav, the sth inst., will arrive here at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, the 6th inst. She will most probably leave for Colombo, Europe at 6 a m. on Thursday,
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  • 1986 6 REFLECTIONS AND COMPARISONS. (From a. Corresjiotident.) It has always struck iue as remarkable that the connection between the Straits Settlements and the Indian Empire, which must have beeu of the most intimate kind in tho days of the Company, should lately have been so completely
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 I MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. X Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS. to,rd JaRTY RISKS. TRANSIT. FIRE. THEFT. J etc., at moderate rates. for full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., K '> T^Z Vigorgen Tk’>s s r»"* .<n
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  • 258 7 BETTER POLITICAL ATMOSPHtRE. Reuter). London, May 1. The better olitical atmosphere, which still prevails, i- now spreading and, although it is agreed that the difficulties regarding the details are f oinidahle, there is a stioDg widespread feeling that peace has come to stay. The Re Mimed
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  • 90 7 Slanderous Chinese Articles. Peking, April 24. The American Legation has been iuformed that a native paper at Changsha has been printing a series of the most slanderous articles charging Americans with impossible acts of cruelty to the Filipinos, and warning the Chinese against coming under American jurisdiction.
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  • 72 7 TROors Mutiny and Fire on Yamen. Peking, April 24. Reports from Tsitsitar state that the Gendarmerie mutinied on the 20th insl. and surrounded the Governor’s Yamen, upon which they tired. The Governor fled and all the Russians and numerous Chinese officials took refuge in the Russian Consulate.
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  • 60 7 Betrothed to Vice-President s Daughter. Peking, April 21. The betrothal ceremonv of the fourth son ol President Yuan Sbih-kai to the daughter of Vice-President Li Yuan-hung took place yesterday. The members of the Cabinet and most of the Advisers were present. The marriage ceremony will be ou
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  • 57 7 A Protest from Anhui. Peking, April 21. The Civil Governor of Anhui has telegraphed to the Central Government protesting against the orders that all magistrates must proceed to Peking in order to pass the examination for magistrates. He states that compliance with such an order will enhance tbe
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  • 40 7 Troops Revolt in Yunnan. Yunnanfu, April 21. Serious trouble is reported to have occurred at Linanfu, in the tin mines district. The soldiers have revolted and troops have been despatched from the prormcial capital to quell the disturbance.
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  • 14 7 Peking, April 24. The Kiahkea Conference has apparently be?n it definitely postponed.
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  • 321 7 ONE THOUSAND GUINEAS RESULT. Reuter. LondoD, May 1. The following w is the result of the race for the One ThousanI Guineas Stakes, which was run at Newmarket to-day: The One Thousand Guineas States of one hundred sovereigns each for three year old fillies, 9st. each; the
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  • 44 7 Slump in Vallambrosas. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 1. Messrs. Fraser Co.’s report states that the market is stagnaut, the feature of the week being a slump in Vallambrosas and a general depression of mos’ of the high-priced sterling shares.
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  • 70 7 Accused in Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 1. The carpenter of the ss. Ranee, who stabbed two Chinese passengers and the Chief Officer of the steamer when the latter intervened pleaded guilty to two charges of voluntarily causing hurt. He said that be was greatly
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  • 39 7 Pillaging and Looting Again. (Reuter.) Peking, May 1. The White Wolf brigands have reappearpd at, aud looted, Lingtai and Chung Sin in Kansu. It, is reported that the disbanded Kansu Mahomedan troops are j lining them.
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  • 29 7 (Reuter.) Perm (Russia), May 1. A balloonist aud his two companions have each been sentenced to six months imprisonment for espionage to the intense indignation of Germany.
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  • 106 7 A MUTILATED MESSAGE. (Reuter). Tokyo, May 1. The mail steamer Siberia, proceeding from Nagasaki to Manila, has despatched a wireless message that she is ashore on the coast of Formosa. There are forty first-class passengers on board, including the wife of the Governor of the Philippines Details
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  • 52 7 (Reuter.) London, May 2. The boxing match between Sam L ingford and Gunboat Smith, fixed for Jut e 30 at the Olympia, has been cancelled i:i deference to the Home Office objections to black and white contests which would result in discussions likely to be harmful to
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  • 43 7 (Reuter.) London, May 2. The newspapers believe that the Budget will provide for additional revenue by a readjustment of the income tax. It will disturb the customs and excise duties and there has been no rush to clear goods in bend.
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  • 27 7 Reuter.) Lima, May 2. The magisterial enquiry into the Putumayo atrocities has concluded. The dossier runs into 3,100 pages. Eighty-thre9 arrests have been ordered.
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  • 305 7 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, May I be permitted, through the medium of your valuable paper, to call the attention of the authorities to the urgent necessity of recruiting abler and more courageous Sikh Constables than has hitherto been the case. Last night,
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  • 90 7 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, What has Colombo to complain of Look at what happened in the good old days at home. Temp: Eliz ex gratia. Following from Wharton’s Case p 24 of Yelverton’s Reports And upon this indictment all the parties
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  • 36 7 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for April was Dredge Xo. 1 working 633 hours 199 piculs. 2 470 m I, 4 632 o/l it o 63b 460 Total 2,371 1,489
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  • 1248 7 Says Friday’s T.O.H: i Mr. R C. Warren gave his account of the i Gopeng shooting affair yesterday, when the jenquiiywas resumed by the Magistrate, Mr. W. M. Millington, j -f he story of how the body of the dead j Chinaman was buried by a companion,
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  • 103 7 The followiug articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—To Educate the Women of the East Constantinople College. Toys for Men. s —Marginal Notes: [By Tom Wright.] The Law’s Delay Coolios Discharge Tickets. B—Penang Volunteers: “B” Company Concert and Dance. Bishop Bourdon’s Record. Singapore Mortality Returns. May
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  • 105 7 Madame Kalna, the celebrated Soprano, and her company which includes Herr Albert Maas (tenor) and Mr. Webster Norcross (bass) will give a Concert at the Town Hall on Saturday next, April 9. The programme will consist of excerpts from Carmen”, Faust”, Parsifal aud other grand operas interspersed with
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  • 60 7 Tin, Rice and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange,-) $7B 00 buyers, no sellers Singapore Straits Trading Co., 185 tons at 78.55 Tin is quoted in London to-dav at «£155 cash and ill 57 three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is
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  • 243 7 lbs Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd. 17,100 Samagaga Rubber Co., Ltd. 4,008 An Ipoh correspondent wires that Mr. Yeoh Paik Tat, who arrived in Ipoh yesterday, has made arrangements for selling ice there at one cent per lb. A High Mass of Requiem for the Rev. Bro.
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  • 171 7 A rumour was current io town yesterday regarding the tin smelting industry. The story goes that unless the metal is smelted and refined in the works of the Eastern Smelting Company or those of the Straits Trading Company it is not acceptable in Europe. Tbis of course
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 368 7 NOTICE In HEREBY GIVEN that Chuah Thean Lye of our printing department has severed his eonueotiou vvitIi us and that he is now no longer in our service. All correspondences intended for the firm in connection with piinting etc. should be addressed in our name and sent din :t to
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  • 131 7 Obituary. (Reuter.} London. May 1. Tbe death has taken place, at the see of 68, of Sir James Henderson. Managing Proprietor of the Belfast News Letter and of the Belfast Weekly News. Sergeant Major Punjab Singh of the Singapore Police Force has been promoted to the rank of Jemadar.” The
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  • 900 8 B Company Concert and Dance. For the first time since the inception of the Penang Volunteer Corps, a little over a dozen years ago, the B Company gave an independent entertainment all on their own. This excellent idea emanated from Captain J. G. Cheney, Officer Commanding this Company.
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  • 658 8 Before Mr. R. B Osborne in the Third Court this morning a Chinaman named Tan Nob, was charged with personating a public servant to wit, a revenue officer, and extorting the sum of 40 cents from one Samsudin at Weld Quay yesterday. Inspector MacLean conducted the prosecution
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  • 333 8 No. 70, Hutton Lane, the residence of Mr. Wanchee Ariffin, the eldest son of the late Mr. Mohamed Ariff, was broken into this morning between the hours of two and five o’clock. It appears that, in spite of a jaga being on watch, the burgl r
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  • 1108 8 Since Henry VIII had his Court assemble at Shooter’s-bill on May morning, and Queen Elizabeth held May-games at Greenwich, the Ist of May has taken to j falling ten days earlier in the season. The I Gregorian theft of those ten days from the calendar may
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  • 326 8 On Friday, the Ist May, the Right Rev. Charles Arsene Bourdon, Titular Bishop of Dardanie and ex-Vicar Apostolic or Lower Burmah, will complete his eightieth birthday. It was in 1863 that he ar;ived in Rangoon to join the mission of Bnrirah under the late Bishop Birandat, which
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  • 221 8 Experiments Shewing Possible Worthlessness. Peculiar interest attaches at the moment to some remarkable statements made before the Manchester Eugenics Education Society by Dr. Edgar Schuster, of Oxford He had been investigating personally conditions of mental similarity. His objects were tested in immediate memory for words, ideas, and
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  • 88 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that during the week ending April 25, there were 241 deaths (176 males, 65 females), givi g a ratio per mille of population, of 38.06. Malarial fever accounted for 30 deaths, phthisis 25,
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  • 117 8 3rd Sunday after Easter Mat 3. 7-ii a.m. Litany Holy Communion (Choral) Service, Smart in F. Hymns 177, 323 and 324. «*> pm. Children's Service. 6p m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymns 301, 302 and 138. Anthem Send out Thy Light Gounod. Magnificat Nunc Dimittis launder in C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 513 8 A Big Bold Hit of the Season. THE Straits Cinema Location —1’ENANG ROAD. The Show that never fails to attract large audiences. To-night! To-night!! Absolutely New Exclusive JL Features. HONESTY or MAN’S STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE 4 Reels. 4 Perts. A ileal Pathe Masterpiece. The Most Sensational Feature Drama Ever Witnessed.
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    • 45 8 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 8 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnro, For Coughs and Colds, never fails. Is (Jd
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    • 389 8 PENANG HARBOURBOARD notice. T T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that on j X from 1st July, 1914, the Malay States Railways will take orn 1? landing and handing of all cargo from lighters and steamers at Pry e d By Order, C. W. BALLANTYv; Secretary, Penang, 1st May, 1914. Government of
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  • 32 9 Vesiela b ram r Agent* I>*4» Delta Singapore P Alice Singapore P. Dudwty Colombo Devanlui (Colombo A.G&Co 2nd May ;B M ACo. 6th BM ACo 7th 1 AG. ACo. 14th
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  • 25 9 Vetttli For A'jtnb J Delta Colombo P Alice Coluinbo P. Lv.du;ig Singapore A G &Co May. B M.&Co B M &Co I A GAG©.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 P.40. NV S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Due Penang. May. 14 28 June 11 Jane July 25 9 23 Homeward. JGoes through to London via Bombay. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2ndclasB To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B
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    • 1572 9 r SHIPPING. i BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Foe Intended to Sail. Singapore. (Three times a week). Port Swettcnham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, and Australia. 1 Sat. 2nd May, 4 p.m. Sun. 3rd May, 4 p.m. Thur. 7th May,
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  • 525 10 Penang— May, 1914. Penang Standard Times—Height* referred to Datum of Soundings in Acmiralty Chart». High Water. Low Wate». Standard tii t\ Standard tt. Dst Time. Ht Date> Time. Ht h. m. ft. h. m. ft. Sat 2 m 346 4.4 2 m 921 2.7 3 34 a 5.5
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  • 1304 10 Mr. Travers as a Match Player. THE PANIC INSPIRED BY A LEAD. (By Bernard Darwin.) Mr. Jerome Travers, four times Amateur Champion of the United States, who is already in England with the object of winning our Amateur Championship in May, possesses in the
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  • 598 10 Extension of its Activities to N"etherlands-India. lu the course of the past few weeks a good deal has appeared in the Press regarding the activities of the Indo-Japanese Association, 1 which has now extended its activities to Netherlands-India. This Indo-Japanese Association or Company writes Mr. Henri Borel
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  • 501 10 Anaemia is like a spectre that steal* oa you unawares and drives all out of existence. It is a thief that robs you of vour life and energy. Thousands of women in this country are the victims of this Anasmia (that ii Bloodlessneaa), which spares neither
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 877 10 GOVERNMENT OF PERLIS TENORS FOR THE SINKING OF A BORE HOLE FOR COAL 8 OIL IN THE STATE OF PLRLIS. rpENDERS will be received at the office JL of the Adviser to the Government of Perlis, at Perlis, up to noon of the Ist day of July, 1914, for a
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    • 56 10 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is sjme oue who-’* life h s been saved by Chamber- j lain’s C< !ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For
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    • 45 10 Now h the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Now is the time to get rid of it Try this liniment aud see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 181 10 aoahi mi m ark’ m a| i an V SAHI BEER. THE RECOGNISED IN THE EAST. STANDARD Awarded Highest Prize AT THE Japan-British Exhibition. May be obtained from MESSRS. PRITCHARD <& CO., PENANC. MESSRS. TONG JOO A CO.. PENANC. CHOP HIANC CHUAN, PENANC P.W. CHOP BAN KEE BEE, PERAK. MESSRS.
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  • 526 11  -  (By Iolo Anevein Williams Of all accommodating people, our mutual friend Molyneux is perhaps the most accommodating. He has to perfection the trick of falling in with other people’s opinions, and in his presence one always feels that one’s own point of view is,
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  • 360 11 We can heartily recommend Dr. Chas. Lloyd Tuckey’s counsel in The Contemporary Review to all those who appreciate an old-fashioned common-sense talk. The worthy doctor has no fads and no ideas on the subject of matrimony his experience enables him to sav a word in season
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  • 114 11 Owing to inability to obtain the Esplanade for more than one d*y in the week the fixtures will be as follows Second Bound. May &—Old Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government Service or Eastern Athletic Union vs. Penang Cricket Club
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 394 11 GOODRICH S si VBB Pi r> v r •"i:: n 253 £ii w v> *73* •M*. V.; v->- i £*2 •V.d -w vw #T J rr.-r7=E t irf *> Si 5 C Sff. t*«" V Svi m V ■I K J MEifc.«- *->< •i.-' m MMMf The Largest Tyre Factory,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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