Straits Echo, 30 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1229 1 HAND CEMENT A* 258 X os n r •f* pi jj best ro* ALL PURPOSES. Undrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. v v r i 1 Chartered Bank of India, O.V.G. Whisky. Australia and China. UNMIAHM, EliTlERY Co., BANKS.) The National Benefit Life A Property Assurance Co., Ltd. Hongkong fif
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    • 34 1 I NO home II HAPPY WITHOUT A IPATHEPHONE g Invaluable to Every Family and a Pleasure to Youigff Old. Si Literature A further particulars from TIANG LEE Si Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang. >=Tt=nfe»V=ii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 92 2 NATURA ILK (STERILIZED) l r LION BRANDJ j a Mjj Grand Pnx: V/) p »ri» 1900 St. LouU 1904. C Me<, ail| <0; Silt» '*53. 18,3. 1« 8 Stk r *rio 1899 ttilllllminiiliiiiimniiiiiiimilUlU Schutim&rlte Sill» Me0 BW't; 1496•Ufa. Bosct) ARen Mecklenburg (DeulscM* 1 X <o NfANY made IN EH BE
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  • 893 3 The suggest’on that the Chinese bandit White Wolf is seriously menacing the ancient city of Sianfu is almost unbelievable. Siaufu is probably the most venerable city n China, and perhaps has had a longer continuous existence than Athens and Luxor. The Chiuese themselves believe with
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  • 584 3 (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS. FIRST DAY Saturday, 30th May, 1914. SECOND DAli Monday, 1st June, 1914. FIRST DAY. Saturday, 30th May, 1914. 1. —The Mixed Handicap. Value $500. A Handicap for Horses that have never won a Race
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  • 1016 3 Ths Nbws From Canton There is no need to take too seriously the news from Canton. Canton is known traditionally as The City of Rams,” but it will probably go down in history from the time of the rebellion as “The City of Lambs.” It is the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 Muddy Complexion. w hen you see a woman with a muddy or sallow complexion and dull eyes, you may know that her liver is out of order. A few dojes of Chamberlain’s I’&blets will correct And make her look better and feel better. Fur sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 352 3 r a J at 5 p.m., oi\ Friday, 15th May, 1914. Handicap* for Liunes vlvSfc the First Day will be published on or before the 22nd May. 1914. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap bv the winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of
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    • 332 3 The Georgetown Motor Garage, 7\ PENANC ROAD. Hare just unpacked several NEW MODELS of MOTOR CYCLES. THE “KING DICK” “JAMES”. The most renowned cycles throughout ENGLAND aud AMERICA. In the recent competition the two above-named cycles constituted a unique record. We have also several SIDE-CARS, COACH-BUILT and WICKER BODY to
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  • 2555 4 Views or Mr. Lampard on the Position and Prospects. The sixth annual genera 1 meeting of the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Com~ny, Limited, was held on April 8;at Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Arthur Lampard (chairman of the company) presiding. \fausra Mr R W.
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    • 73 4 Hebe, Br. s.s., 346. Scott, April 29, Teluk Anson, April 28, Gen. —A. G. A Co. India. Br. s.s., 4,198, Talbot, April 29, Bombay, April 22, Gen.—A. G. A Co. Pangkor, Br. s.s., 94. Caswell, April 30, Dindings, April 29, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Indragiri Dut s.s., 160, Bron,
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    • 62 4 April 30. A gape nor, for Port Swettenham, Singapore and Japan. Malaya, for Deli. Perak, for Port Swettenhim, P<vt Dickson and Malacca. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkatand Pangkalau Brand an. Teeata, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Tosa Maru, for Rangoon
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    • 322 4 Foe Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ohee Thye, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Langsa, Edi, T- Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang Per Atjeh, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Pungah, to-morrow, t p.m. Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy —Per Janet
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  • 119 4 Penano, April 30. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4_l 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174. 3 days’ sight Private 175! l Bombay, Demand Bank 17^1 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight Private 175 i Madras
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  • 193 4 Gold Leaf $64.40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.25 talet Trang Pepper 19.— buyeri Cloves 46,— talet Mace 110 nominal. Mace Pickings 92 —tales Nutmegs 110 24.— tellert No. 1 6.10 tale» Sugar < 2 5.50 talet (Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.75 buyeri f Tahbun 190.—tellers Soonde
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  • 183 4 Penang, April 30. Beef— c tB. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 14 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head 24 Feet 28 Tongue 40
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 523 4 The National Review. (CHINA.) AN AUTHORITY ON CHINESE AFFAIRS. Published Weekly at Shanghai. Political. Econtmic. Literary. Financial. Invaluable as a mine of information and comment The best advertising medium in China. The National Review Publications. The Provinces of Chi'» price (1 (2/- or 50 cts. U.S.) (Postage Extra) Old Forces
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    • 86 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compound ip H TASTELESS ODORLEB8 The latest scientific pre- j paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is 4 claimed for it and super- sedes the old-fashioned X emulsions which upset j the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi 4
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  • 470 5 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Before Mr. R. B. Osborne in the Third Court this morning a Chinese Towkay, named Ong Beng Cheang, was summoned at the instance of Mr. J. A. Scully, Inspector for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for causing a gelding, while in an unfit
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  • 211 5 Railway Communication With Siam. The acting Commissioner for Trade and Customs at Kuala Lumpur (the Board of Trade correspondent for the Federated Malay States) reports that important railway extensions are now in progress in the Malay Peninsula, says The Scotsman. The most important is the line
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  • 144 5 Arrivals. Per s s Taroba, April 29, from Singapore Miss W P Angus, Mr Knudson, Mrs Knudson, Mrs Rigby and child, Messrs Sinclair, Holmberg and Gammee. From Port Swetteaham Mr and Mrs Thomson and 2 children, Mr and Mrs J C McCartney, Mr R Rasayah. Per s.s. Teesta, April
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  • 70 5 Through a word being left out, our little paragraph yesterday about this ball might perhaps ba've read a little ambiguously. VVe said that the Arabian Nights Period idea bad been dropped, and that it was not tobe fancy dress of anv description or peno«. It should
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  • 429 5 The inquest into the death of the Tamil girl at Ayer Etam, who was run over by a motor car, was held this morning before Mr. V. G. Exechiel, the coroner, in the Second Court. The first witness called was Gorindasamy, a bullock cart driver, who
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  • 349 5 An interesting Chinese wedding took place in the Singapore Presbyterian Church last Saturday, when the Rev JAB Cook married Dr Jap Ah Chip (Sin Hien) to Miss Tan Guat Tiong, fourth daughter of Mr Tan Boon Chin, who has for many years been in the employ of
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  • 57 5 To-day. 6th Day of 4th Moon. Band, Golf Club, 5-45 to 7 15 p.m. Borowsky’s Circus, Dato Kramat Penang Volunteers —“A” and Companies, Company Drill Fort, 5-30 p.m. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road To-morrow. 7th Day of 4th Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Crown
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  • 17 5 China (Delta) 2nd May. China (Princes* Alice) ...6th German (Print Ludwig) ...7th ■aglish (Devanha) ...14th
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  • 33 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Serv er OdWilB HoMlWiM D—anha 14 May. I Delta 2 May. Delta 28 I Aetaye 16 Extra Service. Oinruo. HoaivA*» Ber%*o a May. Kubia Vellore 8 May. Vemur 22
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 577 5 *Chere is no check to the 'Popularity of Black i White F;*r SCOTCH WHISKY 'BUCK a, white' THAO* **ICIAUY JeiACTtO t he house of commons ttOTO* WMt£KY OlSTIlXfii CU^M»U)»OOII JAMES BUCHANAN 4 CO., LTD. LONDON. GLASGOW, 4c. DISTILLERS BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. To-night! To-night I I BOROWSKYS RUSSIAN CIRCUS. Situated at
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    • 282 5 ISis s? *££2l3 ISIS IS IS #r> rmrewl 38 M m is is •jrX* ssV3 8 W. O. H. O. WILLS’S r 3 THE NEW SMOKING MIXTURE de LUXE A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO Of all Leading Dealers m m m n is m n PI j: ra© EW3 t C
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  • 92 6 fokliskod duly (ei'opt Sunday» and pobli* holidays) at tzb CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Pmzoß Daaiy Lm 1 934 par arnnam. Postage Extra. Mml HttM (Poet Free) 917.50 OaBLB iDDKISI ECHO—PENANG.” v TeUytoM Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JT.J—AU kntMN «MiaiaDia*tioß« *koaM fc»
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  • 1489 6 Whatever miy have been the faults of Mr. Henry Libouchfre, founder of Truth and Christian” Member of Parliament for Northampton, he poss'ssod in an eminent degroe the qutlity of inspiring loyalty and affection in his subordinates. That is why Truth in one of its recent issues
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  • 896 6 The Hod. Mr. W. H. Figg returns to Ceylon by this week’s mail. Mrs. A. F. Goodrich is expected back in Penang in about three weeks’ time. Mr E S Haslam, Assistant Municipal Engineer, goes Horae on leave by the Mail on Saturday. Mr. Yatsen C. Yen,
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  • 517 6 AN EXCELLENT SHOW. Of all the entertainment* of the L which have visited Penani? of n w 0 have do hesitation in p*“lj' lr Borowsky’s Circus, which opened a seison at Dato Kramat Gardens the best and the most ut,t date. All the items on the progratum goo
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  • 508 6 The Standaard (Anti-Revolutionarv) points out that the legend that the East-Indies is really by nature the inalienable property of the Netherlands, is becoming extinct amongst the Dutch themselves. They are beginning to see that matters are not at all situated so favourably as they had imagined,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS, THIRD PARTY RISKS, TRANSIT, FIRE. THEFT, etc., at moderate rates. for full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., J Penang. Agents 11 Vigorgen MW hmammm wmmm u* S M
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  • 1165 7 movements of troops. MR CHUtrHILL’S APPEAL. Reuter.) London, April 28. Mr. Churchill d fended the right of the Government to throw troops into Ulster, to arrys t the leaders, and take other drastic measures, but he said that it was inadvisable in the circumstances with which
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  • 89 7 Reuter Berlin, April 29. The Budget Committee of the Reichstag has be9n discussing foreign affairs. Herr von Jagow, Foreign Minist;r, denied that tbe Powers of the Triple Alliance had concluded a Mediterranean agreement. Referring to Russo-German relations, he said that both Governments desired to preserve the old
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  • 102 7 U.S.A. Mexico. An Armi ticc. (Reuter.) London, April 29. The South American mediators have requested an Armistice between tbe United States and Mexico and the request has been accepted bv the L uited States. Vera Cruz, April 29. An unconfirmed report states that six Americans have been taken irorn jail
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  • 22 7 (Rexiter.) Constantinople, April 29. The Government has ordered another Droadnought from Armstrongs to be completed in twentv-one months’ time.
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  • 25 7 (Heuter.) J.. Rio de Janeiro, April"!??’. The Roosevelt expedition in unexplored Brazil has discovered a new tribe, hitherto unknown, of naked savages.
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  • 275 7 A SHORT-HEAD VICTORY. Reuter. London, Aprii 29. The following was the result of the race for the '1 wo Thousand Guineas which was run at Newmarket to-day The Two Thousand Guineas Stakes of one hundred sovereigns each, for entire colts aud fillies, foaled in 1911 colts
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  • 45 7 (Reuter.) Victoria (B. C.), April 30. Owing to the over-crowded stat 3 of the labour market the Canadian immigration authorities on the Pacific Coast have been instructed to prevent the entry of all Chinese between May 21 and September 30.
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  • 37 7 Acquittal of Engine Driver. (Reuter) Sydney, April 29. The engine driver of the Express which collided with a goods train at Moss Vale on March 14, hss been acquitted on the charge of manslaughtar.
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  • 20 7 (Reuter.) London, April 29. The House of Lords has passed the Army Annual Bill finally without discussion.
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  • 20 7 (Reuter). London, April 29. The Duke of Argyll is seriously ill, suffering from double pneumonia.
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  • 39 7 (Reuter.) London, April 29. Two hundred and three men perished in an explosion in a coal mine at Eccles, West Virgina. Tbe mine was soon ablaze and it was impossible to rescue those in the mine.
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  • 24 7 (Reuter.) Monte Video, April 30. The Highland Piper which ran aground at Bauco Jugles on the 18th inst. has been refloated.
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  • 218 7 Yesterday. To-<la«. His» or Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller. Fall Rubber. g. it. s. A .3 Anglo Malay 9 6 10 4Vs 9 6 10 44 Bukit Mertajam. 1 104 2 4 1 104 2 4 Chersonese 2 3 2 74 2 3 2 74 Cons. Malays 9 104 10
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  • 935 7 IN CAMP AT IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Camp, Ipoh, April 27. I he second of the ten day camps that are to bo held by the M. S. V. R. during the current year opened at Ipoh on Saturday afternoon last In view of the
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  • 670 7 Monday 4th May, 1914. Profession Pairs. Whitlock and Sver vs Sercomba Smith and Sells. Men's Doubles Handicap .4. Waugh and Reimauu vs. Michell and Youles. Men's Doubles Handicap li. Crichton and vs. Melville and Co wap. Sharp and Watt vs. Hogan and Adams. Ladies' Dou'les Handicap.
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  • 112 7 I The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 8. —The Menace of White Wolf. Affairs in China. 4.—London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Views of Mr. Lampard on the Position and Prospects. s—Police Cmrt News: Cruelty to Animals. Aver Etarn Motor Fatality. Veterans’ Fancy llress Ball.
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  • 232 7 Tin, Rubber, Rice and Copra. The following business in tin has l>een done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co.. buyers, no sellers j PenaDg Tin Exchange, 6} tons at 79.00 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 175 79 82J Total ...181 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at X 157
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 226 7 NOTICE OE S ALE. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF OF PENANG. The undersigned is instructed to take pos session of and put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, TO THE HIGHEST JUDDERS. ON Wednesday, 6th May, 1914, AT 11 AM. At No. 422, Chulia Street, Penang. The undermentioned property belonging
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  • 3492 8 JUDGMENT OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. t The Liberty of the Press. The Judicial Committee of the Privy j Council, at which there were present on April 7 Lord Shaw, Lord Moulton, Sir John Edge, and Mr. Ameer All, dismissed the appeal of Mr. Obanning Arnold, the editor
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  • 374 8 Promotions. Pte. G. E. Wright Motion has been promoted to the rank of Corporal in A Company. Pte. R. H. Reid, of the same company has been appointed Scout-Corporal in place of Scout-Corporal T. J. Williams (promoted.) Musketry. The undermentioned having completed Table B. Musketry Regulation T F
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  • 470 8 At Appeal. We are asked to assist the Britannia Air» ship Committee, whose object is explained i by the letter which follows, to use our in» < fluence in forming a local committee and i opening our columns to an appeal for dona- I tions in either
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  • 236 8 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I write to you in the hope that you will kindly publish my letter to draw the attention of the Police that a burglar is visiting the houses of Muntri Street nightly, and although a report has been
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  • 207 8 A young mother, who had just returned from India, engaged a new nurse for her baby. The nurse, the Mirror says, came to her complaining: “I don’t know what’s the matter, madam, but the little one cries and cries. I can do nothing to quiet it.”
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  • 196 8 We referred recently to the damage which was being done to coconuts by rats in the Bagan Datoh district. The matter came in at Sunday’s meeting of the Planter’s Association of Malaya when Mr. Counsel asked for the help of the Association in bringing to the notice
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 Chamber lain’s Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indiges* tion or constipation they will do you good. Tt\ them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 47 8 The doctor frowned and shook his head When Smithkin’s form was shaken, With hacking cough, poor Smithkin said, Since every cure I’ve taken, I’d better die —he heaved a sigh, But very soon heaved fewer, Because his wife soon saved his life, With Woods* Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 48 8 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup* and whooping cough of the children. The tame bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. I
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    • 13 8 Woods’ Grtat Peppermint Cure, For Cough» »Bu Colds, never Coldß, never feili, 8
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    • 422 8 The Forty Year Test. 1 An article must have exceptional merit to t survive for a period of forty years. Cha*. > berlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to 1 the public in 1872. From a small beginning 3 it has grown in favor and popularity until t it has
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  • 28 9 Venelt bront Agentt Due Delta P- Mice P Ludwig Devanha Singapore Singapore jColombo jColombo A.G.ACo. 2nd Mav. B M &Co 6th BM &Co. 7th A.G.&Co. Hth
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  • 24 9 Vettelt For Agent Leave» Delia Colombo A G ACo May. D. Alien Colombo BM.ACo D. Lvdh'A* B M ACo Qm&nha Sinfapor* A G.ACo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 372 9 $3 S.N.6 £,p«cted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Due Penang 14 2« 25 Jane July 23 Steamer. Devanha Delta Himalaya Assave Devanha China Connecting with S.S. Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Etfjpt Malwaj Homeward. FARES BY WAIL STE4WERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14
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    • 1795 9 (S HIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob InTENDID TO 8a.IL. Stiambr. Singapore (Three times a week). Pori Swetteobam and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, and Australia. I Tbur. 30th Apr., 4 p.m. I Sat. 2nd May, 4 p.m. Sun. 3rd
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  • 1910 10 Situation in the Share Market—Klanang Produce ReportCapital Expenditure on Coconut Cultivation—United Sumatra Results— Development of Colombo as a Rubber Centre—Depressing Outlook in Brazil. The account in Rubber shares has been a ▼erv humdrum affair, despite a substantial rise in the price o£ the commodity. The reason for this
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  • 366 10 Criticism or the French Loan. The Peking correspondent of The Ti tnst notes that some of purposes for which th« French loan of .£6,000,000 was issued on 7th inst. are criticised in Peking. For instance, the construction of a port at Pukcw, outside the auspices of ths British-controlled
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  • 224 10 It would need the pen of a Kipling to describe adequately the lassitude, both of the body and mind, which overwhelms men and women during the hot weather. Every function is more or less profoundly depressed by the heat, and, as the result of the lessened
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  • 35 10 Penang— April, 1914. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard m Standard.,. Ddte Time. Ht Date Time. Ht> h. m, ft. h. m. ft.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 441 10 PENANG CONFECTIONERY 18, LEITH STREET, THE THEATRE GOERS’ RENDEZVOUS. When Appetite Flags Try a Change cf Diet Under the Palms. Chops, Steaks, Cutlets, Rolls, Puffs, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. at MODERATE CHARGES ARE SERVED NIGHTLY. Hong Eok Chew, 423-425-427, PENANG ROAD. Billiards 4 OF THE Latest British Make Tables AND
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    • 64 10 nor THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound Lad TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIV ER OIL. Does all that in claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the niedi’ cal profession. OF ALL
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  • 409 11 Sweeping Statements and Suookstions The correspondent writing under the wellworn nom de plume of Pro Bono Publico in Saturday’s paper draws attention to a matter of some importance in a community like ours. The amount of literature to be seen on the bookstalls dealing with
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  • 267 11 Mr F Dou S laB Osborne is a believer in luck says a mining paper Speaking at the l engkalen meeting, he declared this to be one of the articles of his mining faith. With a litt e luck Pengkalen will become a profitable mine, but it
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  • 201 11 An interesting White Paper has just been issued by the Treasury setting forth the sums piyableoutof the Exchequer of the United Kingdom in the year 1912-13 in respect of steamship subsidies for foreign and colonial services. The largest subsidy is =£305,000 paid to the P. and O.
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  • 116 11 Owing to inability to obtain the Esplanade for more than one day in the week the fixtures will be as follows Second Round. May 5.—01 d Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vt. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government Service or Eastern Athletic Union vt. Penang Cricket
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 A Parent’s Duty. Your hoy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 12 11 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails Is. Gil
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    • 162 11 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG, THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position. Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters and Commercial Visitors. Telegrams: "NORMANS, PENANG.” Telephone No. 392. THE BODEGA 2A, BEACH STREET. The Rendez-vous of Penang. Chops Steaks from the Grill. Slings and Cocktails a noted feature. The Bodega has now
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    • 108 11 TO CONNOISSEURS FOUR FACTS CONCERNING MARTELL’S BRANDY M A R T E L L’ S 1. In England more Martell’s Brandy is sold than any other brand. 2. Martell’s Three Star Brandy is the brandy supplied in the House of Lords. B R A N D Y At the Coronation
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1217 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) tlnablos traders throughout the World to coiuM'unicate direct with English Mt; utacturers fi? Dealer» in each claw of godd.. Besides being a complete commeicml g«”de to Lond aI^ it. suburbs, the Directory contain. U... of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial
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