Straits Echo, 25 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 37 1 Straits Echo I,AIL¥ CMB,JIUtUi UF fcV£N iS C,RCUUT,N THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND THE A tA6i l£Ntlii VOL. 12. $24 Per Annum, PENANG, SATURDAY, 25th APRIL, 1914 0 Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 93
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1191 1 mm TWtl 3RAND CXMINT. mm 2 253 <ri £y >• 5A 4. Cs '>■ ■/r^i BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. aißaiimiaacHiKiaii]i CCS Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILAhDS, fcIiTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S. BANK S *1 DAVID CORSAR 8 SON’S 'Well-Known Extra Wavy Canvas,
      1,191 words
    • 36 1 gfciCaEgßßHEai— «SW J HOME IS I HAPPY WITHOUT A fil pathephon:l Invaluable to Every Family |fjj and a Pleasure to YoungA* Old. Literature <fc further particulars from iffll TIANG LEE 81 Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 NATU a n 11 l£ ig_r\ L r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZE») J =is» I 5? *m Grand Prix: C/A y p St.-LoaiJ"* 904 x/ Me< **ill« 0 51H>**«<«1*11*0; N >193. C" ,3 mmSSmSSm SchuttmArke 5,16 Brett* 9 -9J. ov nuuiiw KC €xporfgesellsct)afl Rosdy 4 AR EN, Mecklenburg CDeuC*#^ M ADE
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  • 623 3 PROPOSED PROGRAMME (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) VOTIVE: No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven days before the day of the Meeting, i'he notice must give full
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  • 1189 3 ments, bridge has killed talk and music, golf and motoring have done away with calls, every woman grumbles at any official, as apart from personal, entertaining entailed on her by her husband’s position, and although we still 6tay at each other's houses we comport ourselves strictly
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  • 590 3 ENGLISH VICAR’S SACRIFICE. The Resurrection of Hofe. The Hospital of the Resurrection of Hope.” This is the name, very beautiful and appropriate to the ears of the afflicted patients, of the leper station at Kumamoto, to which next August the Rev. A. S. Hewlett, a
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  • 126 3 On one occasion Sir Henry CampbellBannerman and Taylor, the golf champion, were at Biarritz together. A Scotch relative of Sir Henry’s earnestly contended that Taylor was of Scotch birth, a claim which Sir Henry was inclined to support. One of the guests theu intervened 44 Well, all I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 Entries Close at 5 .m., on Friday, 15th May, 1914. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before the 22nd May. 1914. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by the winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of the weights and
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    • 64 3 K Parent’s Duty. Your l>oy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that erery injury is cared for immediately. You can get notbmg better, and blood poison
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    • 50 3 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy or sallow complexion and dull eyes, you may know that her liver is out of order. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets will correct it «id make her look better and fesl better. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 970 3 Can This Man Read Your Life The rich, poor, exalted and humble •eek his advice on Business. Marri* age. Friends, Enemies, Changes, Speculation, Love Affairs, Journeys, and all events of Life. MANY SAY HE REVEALS THEIR LIVES WITH AMAZING ACCURACY. Free test Readings will be sent for a short time
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    • 147 4 Helios, Nor. ss 860. Drammen, April 24, Bombay, April 12. Gen—H. Bros. Malaya, Ger. s.s., 348, April 25. Deli, April 24. Gen. -B. M. Co. Taro, Br. «.a, 3,651, Hamlyn, April 25, Singapore, April 23, Gen.-H. L Co. Benledi, Br. a a., 2.509 Tough. April 25, London, March 21.
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    • 103 4 April 25. Tara, for Madraa taking maila for Europe, etc., ria Bombay. I*ion, for Singapore, China and Japan. Edavana, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Neuburn, for Rangoon. Indragiri, for Deli and Langaa. Kedah, for Pangkalan Brandan. Ban Whatt Soon, tor Langkat. Hok Can loS* tor Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson.
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    • 202 4 For Langs», Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang—Per Valentijn, 27th inst., 11 a m. Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Zira, 27th inst, 3 p.m. Tongkah —Per Malacca, 28th inst, 1 p.m. Calcutta Per Arraiton Apcar, 28th inst, 4 p.m. Poit Swettenham and Singapore Per Klang, 28th inst.,
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  • 120 4 Penang, April 25. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4/* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4^** H 3 Credit 2/4}s 3 Documentary 2/44f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ M 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173$ M 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 193 4 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.75 sales Trang Pepper 19. buyers 1 Cloves 46. sales Mace 110 nominal. Mact Pickings 92. —sales Nutmegs 110 24. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.75 buyers /'Tahbun... 190.
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  • 177 4 Penang, April 25. Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... Feet Tongue Mutton per lb. Head
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  • 2125 4 Date oi Formation, j Capital. Number of Shares issued. -a > 1 Paid Up. Dividends. Name. 1 1 1 I Sellers Quotations. 1910 1911 1912 1913 I 1914 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 1909 1905 1910 1909 1906 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1904 450,000 5200,000 750,000 800,000 Rs 1,200,000 500,000 1,000,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 Chamberlain’s Tablets. Thee© Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 66 4 May Australia be ever the land of the free,” And in one thing ’tis certain and sure, The people will erer be free from a cough, With Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure So with freedom in this, may she ever be strong, ’Tis a cold that starts a disease; Thus we
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    • 55 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURH METABOUZED Cod Liyer Oil Compnd TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession OF ALL CHEMISTS J >
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  • 832 5 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR. Decrease or Net Revenue. The Singapore Harbour Board have prepared their report and accounts for the half-year ending December 31 last. It is I noted, in an introductory paragraph, that the Singapore Harbour Board, constituted under the Straits Settlements Ports Ordi-
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  • 450 5 I At the laat committee meeting of the Burma Chamber of Commerce there was considered a letter dated March 5, 1914, i- I from the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking e Corporation, drawing attention to the g erratic despatch of mails to Singapore and j
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  • 59 5 2nd Sunday after Raster, April 26. Bam —Matins Choral. 8 30 a.m.-*-Holy Communion. 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m Evensong and Sermon. Hymn 136, Christ the Lord is risen again. Magnificat Maunder in C Nunc Dimittis Hymn 137, Alleluia Hearts to Heaven and voices raise. 139, Come see the
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  • 280 5 There will be a game of Water-Polo tomorrow at 11 a.m. Playing Members are asked to make an effort to arrive in good time. Blue. Goal, F E I very Eight hark, 3 A Yell I r/t back, T T Waddingtoa Halfback, H Y Edw -rdsj Right
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 543 5 e Cherc is no checfc {o the ‘Popularity of XO**4 c XJ SCOTCH WHISKY ’BLACK WHITE' A ttur« t he house of common: ‘*«u WK:Sxy OiSTILtC« 6camo«a condom li'i JAMES BUCHANAN <S CO., LTD. LONDON. GLASGOW, &c. DISTILLERS BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. ALEXANDER BOCUSLAVSKY LTD.’S CIGARETTES By Special Appointments to H
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    • 13 5 Woods’ Qreat Peppermint Cnre, For Coughs and Colds, never fails. 1 s 6d
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    • 254 5 Messrs. W. D. ti.O. WILLS’ “EMBASSY” CIGARETTES (NO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 25. NOTICE. Every tin of these well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Forty out of the small entitle the holder to A BLOCK AMBER CIGARETTE HOLDER enclosed in
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  • 92 6 fafelisk*d daily (except Sunday* and pwfclis holidays) AT TEI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Peach Street, Penang. Pmiom m. 194 per amnem Pottage Extra. Ibil Iff (Port Free) $17.50 CABLE IDDBIII ECHO—PENANG." TekpkoM Noe. Echo 586 PritltAK Department 343 W.M.—Att tiilnw Mamu.iMtio.s akeuM k. *44r»m*4 to TEE
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  • 1536 6 From a well-informed source we learn that there is growing dissatisfaction among the Perak Malays at the continued delay in the appointment of a Bendahara of that StatP. It is now several years that this most important post has been vacant and tbe Malays are beginning to
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  • 905 6 The Resident Councillor is going to the D.ndings on inspection next week. 1 e Mr. A. Huttenbach returned from Singae pore this morning by the s s. Edri' ana. The Rev. II. C. Henham is going home d on six months’ leave. The Rev. R V. H.
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  • 979 6 Among the new books which are now available at the Penang LibrarJ l can personally recommend the followi The Life of Sir Frederick Wefd,”byL? 5 Lovat; “Mirabeau,” by Louis ]Jrth 7 Robert Louis Stevenson’s Edb D E. Blaot,™ Simpson, who ot the companions of K L S’* ‘•Nicholas
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. Royal Exchange Assurance arc prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS. THIRD PARTY RISKS. TRANSIT. FIRE. THEFT, etc., at moderate rates. for full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., Penang. A*ents- '.VX F Vigorgen TV'* —T WT* •tv O <w>
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  • 220 7 U.S. A. AND MEXICO. movements of troops. (Reuter). Galveston, April 24 A brigade of infantry and some artillery have been ordered to proceed to Vera Ciuz. Washington, April 24. Three regiments of infantry and artillery u ve boon ordered for service on the Mexican border. The U. S. Secretary for
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  • 45 7 Well-known P lanter’s Death (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 24. A cable has been received at Carey Island reporting the death, which took place in England, of Mr. E. V. Carey, the wellknown planter, who had for some time been suffering from cancer.
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  • 37 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 24. At the meeting of tbe Municipal Commissioners, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, the President, stated regarding the loan from London that A‘260,000 had been paid to the Commissioners.
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  • 113 7 Dr. Sun Yat-sen Said To Be Implicated. Situation Threatening in the North. Shanghai, April 16. The Chinese authorities have secured a haul of instigators of the rebellion who had arrived from Japan. Tho party arrived in Shanghai and begau the work o* seduction of the
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  • 48 7 Two Reverses Reported. Peking, April 15. The Tutuh of Shensi reports that the Government troops have defeated the brigands in the vicinity of Kienchow inflicting upon them a loss of over a thousand. General Tsenchi-yeng also defeated the brigands at Chao Chuan, killing two hundred.
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  • 62 7 Bribed to Assassinate Army Officers. Shanghai, April 15. There is much excitement at Nantao (the entire city of Shanghai) owing to the discovery of an alleged plot to create an uprising. The police arrested live persons, who, it is reported, had been trying to make acquaintance with
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  • 52 7 Report of Mutiny Denied* Shanghai, April Id. General Feng Kuo-chang has wired to Ihe Sorth Chinn Daily News denying its •‘anking correspondent’s story concerning uurpst in Nanking. The condition, he «ays, lr Do different from those of the last few ®onths and the troops hare shown no
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  • 22 7 fifty Executions in Peking. Peking, April 15. >rer fifty people hare been shot in eking during the last three days.
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  • 30 7 Peking, April 15. he formal betrothal of the fourth son of sidt-nt Yuan Shih-kai to the daughter of President Li Yuan-hung will be announced on the 20th inst.
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  • 92 7 HOME AGAIN, Reuter.) Paris, April 24. I heir Majesties the King and Queen have departed for London. They received a great ovation. M. Poincart:, Mme Poincare aDd many distinguished persons bade them farewell. Their Majesties expressed tbe utmost pleasure and gratification at the visit Prior to
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  • 35 7 (Reuter.) London, April 24. A conference of the delegates of tbe Rail’ way-men, Miners and Trausport Workers Union in London have appointed a committee to draft an agreement between the three bodies.
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  • 29 7 (Reuter.) London, April 24. In the Divorce Court tbe petition of Lady Girouard, wife of Sir Percy Girouard, for a restitution of conjugal rights, was granted.
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  • 22 7 (Reuter) Vienna, April 24. Continuous coughing disturbed tbe Emperor’s sleep, but his general condition is said to be satisfactory.
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  • 165 7 Situation at Sainfu Very Grave. Sainfu, April 10. The situation is grave Bandits numbering over two thousand good fighters with crowds of more or less armed followers left the Southern Hills and went westward to Huhsien, Chowchih Meihsien and Wukung were taken and looted many were killed, two
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  • 227 7 Tin, Rubber nnd Rice. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 7 |78.00 buyers, no sellers Singapore Straits Trading Co., 105 tons at 78 70 Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£155 7s. 6d. cash and .£157 ss. three months’ sight.
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  • 71 7 WORDING OF MR. CHAMBERLAIN S MOTION (Reuter London, April 24. Mr. Austen Chamberlain gave notice of a resolution that in view of the seriousness of the government’s contemplated naval and military movements in Ulster, the incompleteness and inaccuracy of the Ministers’ statements, and the failure of
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  • 527 7 *> Fraudulent Possession. Before Mr. R. B. Osborne in the Third Court this morning, a Chinaman, suffering from a bad leg, was charged with fraudulent i possession of two zinc baths. The accused, who was arrested yesterday, i said he had no money and was unable to
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  • 283 7 Says Friday’s T.O.M: Other means having failed, the police were compelled to fire in order to quell the tumult caused at Tronoh by a faction fight between Khehs and Cantonese, as a result of which five wounded Cantonese have been admitted to Ipoh Hospital. Between thre
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  • 771 7 CHARGE AGAINST DETECTIVES. The hearing of the case against two de- *< named Noordin and Vearappen, who we e charged with extortion of the sum of #40 or, in the alternative, with rcieiviug an illegal gratification of $40 from one Seena Mohamed was resumed yesterday afternoon i before
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  • 238 7 Yesterday. To-day. Rise if t or Buyers Belle Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. s. d. d. d. s. d. ‘Anglo Malay ..9 6 10 44 9 6 10 44 Bukit Mertajam. 1 104 2 34 1 104 2 4 Chersonese 24 29 23 2 74 —ld Cons. Malaya 9 104
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  • 67 7 MEXICAN ITEMS. Reuter Washington, April 25. I Admiral 1 letcher estimates the Mexican losses at Vera Cruz at 126 killed and 195 wounded. I A despatch says that the railway officials have received a report that General Villa I has arrested and put in gaol General Carranza. Brownsville,
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  • 143 7 (Reuter London, April 2^. Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, speaking at Newcastle, said that the people in future would not be browbeaten by the troops which would only have batons to maintain order. If the Army officers imagined they were going to make messes of the Tory Clubs
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  • 431 7 Accused Convicted. The hearing of the case against the two Chinese, named KuaL Ah Soo and Chow Si, who were charged at the instance of Mr. P. T. Allen, Assistant Protestor of Chinese, the first to show cause why he should not bo bound over to be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 434 7 3VOTICES. IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cheah Chin Keont? has from this (lay ceased to be partner with Chuah Swee Lye the undersigned, in the firm of Chop Swee Eng of 157, Beach Street, Penang, and his share has been transferred to Chuah Swee Lye, the undersigned, who will not be
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  • 62 7 Obituary. (Reuter.) London, April 25. The death has taken place of RearAdmiral R. H. Stokes who was newly appointed to the command in Ireland. Death. Yong Bbng Lin —On the 18th instant, at Puket, Luang Kachorn Cheen SawkoD, better known as Mr. Yong Beng Lin, father of Mr. Yong Kee
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  • 2202 8 LAST NIGHT S BALL. There was the usual large gathering at the Town Hall last night, when tbe Englishmen of Penan* celebrated George’s Day with the customary ball, which this vear was even more brillia than its predecessors Mr. Ben Mitchell, who has some claims by now
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  • 305 8 England vs The Rest. A game of football between England and and The Rest was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening before a large crowd of spectators including many Europeans. Mr. J. S. Cunningham officiated as referee and the teams lined up as follows England: Goal, C. St.
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  • 2154 8 [BY TOM WRIGHT A tough theological problem has present- ed itself to the government of my island, and it would be a real kindness if your Bishop would, even by postcard, come over and help us.” Some reckless Radical of a DeDUtv. no doubt to curry favour with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 FOR SALE! ONE 12 H.P. 1913 Austin Car complete in good condition, only run 6,000 miles, has three new tyres owner leaving Colony. Apply to No. 111, 9 4-14 258 c/o Straits Echo WANTED. CORRESPONDENT CLERK (UnZjL married Chinese preferred). Must be smart and good looking. Application ia candidate’s own
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    • 527 8 A Parent’s Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds hare healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Bain and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get noth«g better and blood poison
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  • 32 9 Vftieli hrom Agent* Due India Delta P- Alice P. Ludwig Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo A.G ACo. A.G.ACo B M ACo. BM ACo 30 th Apr 2nd May 6tll n 7tb
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  • 27 9 Vetitli For Af* rift India Sinya^ore AG4Co Apr. Delta Colombo A G ACo May P. \Uct (Colombo B M ACo F L^du'ig Singapore B M ACo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 382 9 At At vS Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Homeward. JGoes through to London via Bombay. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M A Accommodation. Ist class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $5lB-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or
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    • 1532 9 r SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. MEUTSCHEB LLOYD. BREMEN. Bremen Fo* Intwndbd to Sail. Stbambr. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettcnham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, and Australia. Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Sat. 25th Apr., 4 p.m. Sun.
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  • 1606 10 A Ghastly Story. Although the Chinese in San Francisco were the most numerous class of opiuna* ■mokers, there were many white «ends and it was usually easy to detect them y their unwholesome appearance w^en appeared in police courts or I ***<»* C y missioners of
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  • 142 10 Penang April, 1914 Penang Standard Times —Heights refer red to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts: High Water. Low Water. Standard Standard™. Dat Time. Ht DatB Time Ht h. m, ft. h. in. ft. 25 m 614 0.8 Sat 25 016 a 6.8 651 a 0.9 Sun 26
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  • 320 10 An interesting agricultural experiment, the Indian Planter»' Gazette tells us, is to be carried out shortly on a coconut estate within a few miles of Colombo. The owner, a well-known Singhalese gentleman, has determined to try the effect of proper cultivation, and he is going to put the
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  • 466 10 Regained Nerve, Happiness and A Healthy Digestion With The aid of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. M. A. Piaris, chief cleTk in the Timber Department of Messrs. Aitken, Spence A Co., Colombo, attributes the spell of illhealth which he experienced a few years since to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 V* oo<l«' U reat Peppermint Cure, I*or Cough» and Cold», never Ceil» la, $d
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    • 64 10 BAXTER 8 Co/s BEST NAVY CANVAS SANDIIANDS. BOTTI9Y 8 C« INTERNATIONAL Rubber Congress and Exhibition, BATAVIA. J 914. Congress: 7 —Sept.,2l 1914. Exhibition: Bth Sept, to 10th 0ct1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists a«*d Experts. Interesting Excursions in Java arranged. Reduced fcteamship, Railway and Tramway fares for Holders of Congress tickets.
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    • 855 10 in.... Indigestion. Used Angler’s for many years. M Wonderful Healing Powers. The Hoath, Canterbury. Dear Sirs. —I have much pleasure in testifying to the wonderful healing of Angier’s Emulsion, which I have taken off and on for many years. e began taking it. I suffered very much from indigestion, with
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    • 246 10 Hong Eok Chew, 423-425-427, PENANG ROAD. Billiards 4 OF THE Latest British Make Tables AND Refreshments. pnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnann u n n n n n n n n n n n n n a n u n n FOR SALE. “An Open Letter ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF The Banishment Enactment 1910" ADDRESSED
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  • 478 11 Harbisows and CaosriELD Companies In this group the London Asiatic report naturally commands the chief public interest In January last I said the dividend would not exceed 35 per cent. The amount actually paid is 30 per cent., but £15,000 w placed to reserve. London Asiatic has for
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  • 380 11 The various currency reform regulations t do not, as far as we can discover, contain ttn J provision for the abolition of these cum- brous, but from the Chinese point of view, 1 highly convenient counters, beyond a stipuJ lation that all charges formerly paid or eon-
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  • 124 11 Owing to inability to obtain the Esplanade for more than one day in the week the fixtures will be as follows: Second Round. April 28.—01 d Farquhars vt. Crescent] Football Club. May 6.—01 d Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The ■ame bottle serves the whole family. For ■ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. "7: O. X®
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    • 92 11 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 162 11 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANC, THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position. Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters and Commercial Visitors. Telegrams “NORMANS. PENANG.” Telephone No. 392. THE BODECA 2A, BEACH STREET. The Rendez-vous of Penang. Chops fir* Steaks from the Grill. Slings and Cocktails a noted feature. The Bodega has
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    • 86 11 ®®®®®®®s®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@®®® GOODRICH TYRES 8? n: v /442 sc -A^v 3 > r- n.V' 5' sS>J V« >* i\ iu X' i SJ s* •31 r m v v V n ;.r *imw u& w w v*l &s 53 U» 1 JVi.l g3 y ??aK 'SOt n The Largest Tyre Factory,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1166 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers 6* Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being a oomplete commercial guide to Lon on its suburbs, the Directory contains hsts ot Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and
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