Straits Echo, 17 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1184 1 «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l ••TIGER Brand Cement. A High }lass Cement suitable for all purples especially engineering and construction work. For prices and further particulars apply to TIANG LEE Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAHDILANDS, BUTTERY S Co., AGENTS FOK PENANG &> F. M. S.
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    • 32 1 no HOME 's 1 HAPPY WITHOUT A «PATHEPHONE Invaluable to Every Family and a Pleasure to Youngt? Old. Literature A further jjarticulars from 1 TIANG LEE 8i Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 NATU m m m \tj WiW Bf-t 1 ILK r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J rm H'' Grand ,Fnx: VA y p aris.-1906 St.. Louis J 9O4 G»ij Silk M« d< ill*®- 4rs *Ul f p '*ta. s «h* «u '«no 1893. ‘893. ,fi 9B. 1899 llUlllllimunnniiiiiiiiiiiimmilUlllldll eren>‘° „.tc r*np r
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  • 1288 3 There is in the current number of the Sociological Review —a periodical in which often be found the serious kind of writing that in recent veers seems to have been banished to the planet Saturn—an article that has helped me greatly in s -rting my
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  • 644 3 Sir C. M. Macdonald delivered before a crowded gathering at the Royal United Service Institution on 25th inst. a lecture on The Siege of the Peking Legations iu 1900.” In the absence of Prince Arthur of Connaught, who was detained with his regiment, Lord Methuen
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 k Parent's Duty. Your boy is always Getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wouuds have healed ail right is no sign they always will (jet a bottle of Chamberlam s Pain Balm acd see that everv injury is cared for immediately. You'ean get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 201 3 Hutteabach Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR 8. SOLE AGENTS FOR: A. E. G. F.L CTRICAL Sfi f *4 AkU «ssmeascaEaß Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: II SfEELIUG ;.vr_ i n LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are,
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    • 58 4 Pin Seng Br. e.s., 378, Glendav. Aprill6. Singapore, April 14, Gen. B. Co., Almlf%r. 8.8., 459, Bell, April 17, Deli, April 16, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Trang, Br. s.s.. 73, Bergwitz April 17. Trang, April 16, Glen.— E- S. Co Ltd. Ho* Canton, Br. 8.8., 287 Oully, April
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    • 88 4 April 17. Kamo Maru, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Indragiri, for Deli and Batu Bahri. Janet Nicoll, for Tongkab, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Perlis, for 3 rang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Arcadia, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt, and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc. Pin Seng,
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    • 244 4 For Yen —Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Trang—Per Trang, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Pungah, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Tongkab—Per Rotorua, 3 p.m. Deli —Per Alma, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Bagan Datob and Teluk Anson —Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore-Pe Lama, to-morrow, 3-15 p
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  • 123 4 Penano, April 17. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4* 1 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4yV 3 Credit 2/4^ 3 Documentary 2/4VJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 day s’ sight Private 175| Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 J 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 192 4 Gold Leaf ...$64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.75 buyers Trang Pepper 19 buyers Cloves 46. sales Mace 110 nominal. Macc Pickings 92. —buyers Nutmegs 110 24. —sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers J /'Tahbun... 190. —sellers
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  • 166 4 Penano, April 17. Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... F «t Tongue Mutton iu Head
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  • 2110 4 fl o.2 Number of 0 n CM Name. i 1 S g <e p fi 3 Pm Capital. Shares issued. 'I 1 OD M fca *a Dividends. Buyers OC >4 X m 1 0 O* 1914 1911 191‘ l 19K l 1 19L i RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 1909 1905 1910
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 45 4 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 139 4 f++tt++4++++** THIS IS IT! I WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS t\+ c* i s&i The latest scientific pre- T paxation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and super- sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi
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  • 1276 5 j! SINGAPORE M. F. A. vs. PENANG M. F. A. Win for the Southerners. This is au annual fixture between the two settlements to be played alternately in Singapore and Penang for which Mr. A. O. Merican of Penang presented a cup for competition between the two settlements.
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  • 438 5 I have received a copy of Royal Spades, or Lily Auction Bridge,” by Ernest Bergholt. This pocket edition (Goodall and Sons) should prove more than useful to the beginner. It states very clearly the theory and principle of the bidding without in any way attempting to improve upon the
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  • 193 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I beg to invite your attention to the fact that in your lengthy report of the interSettlement match, between the Penang Mahommedan F. A. and the Malaya F. A., vou have omitted what appears to me to be the most
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  • 47 5 To-dat. 22nd Day of 3rd Moon. Col Fillis’ Circus, Dato Kramat Ground. Penang Volunteers—Cadets, St. Xavier’s School, Company Drill Bt. Xavier’s School, 4 p.m. Maxim Gun Section, Gun Drill; Fort, 5-30 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Btraita Cinematograph. Penang Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 204 5 FOR Best Provisions, Cigars, Cigarettes, and Tobacco of Leading Manufacturers AND Sola Helmets with White Muslin Pugarees, Pig’ stickers, and White Grey Curzon Hats of Fashionable Shapes COME TO Telephone 583. CHONC &CO DEMAMG ROAD. Last Two Nights! Last Two Nights Frank FILLIS GREAT CIRCUS. Grand t hange of Programme,
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    • 653 5 m 'em on a UJ cn «3 a ft 1 l 1 39 J o to X O m U 2 o H U* O kj -j h 5 o O UJ o a o •y 4 (5 a E a 3 v-> r> < CD a? .x t-i T
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  • 100 6 Pahliakod daily (except Sundays and pnMie holidays) ▲T TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pniom Mtf Lml M $34 per annum. If m Postage Extra. Hail ma*mm (Post Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDKBSS 3 ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo 580 Printing Department 343 jr.J.—AU Mmm
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  • 1288 6 'Two items of news from China received during the past two days seem to call for comment. The first is that cabled by our Singapore correspondent yesterday announcing that, according to telegraphic advices from Shanghai, there is increasing evidence that preparations are being made for another revolution
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  • 887 6 i To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, > As a ratepayer for many years, I wish to 1 protest against the action of the Municipal Commissioners in disposing as they have done not only of a public right but of a 3 piece
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  • 1005 6 Kuala .Lumpur is not by any mPan ideal venue for the Straits and F.M S championship, and has little to recom m f it beyond the fact that the federal capital a cheery kind of place and always lavs itJf out to give the visitor a pleasant time
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS. THIRD PARTY RISKS. TRANSIT. FIRE. THEFT, etc., at moderate rates. for full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., Penang, Agents •CT' —)ftC 3!C WHY TROUBLE YOURSELF? H 'When the
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  • 662 7 hemmed in by troops. Iteuter). Peking, April 17. •ijfjv thousand troops are hemming in the t( .'\Volf brigands at Kienchow in Shensi “i, has been looted with great slaughter. Tl .< troops resolutely attacked the brigands ,1 killed hundreds of them; the remainder 1 no w endeavouring
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  • 69 7 Pl»n of Attack or the Shanghai Arsenal (Frtm Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, April 17. The Straits Times' correspondent at Shanghai states that the captured revolutionaries confess that the failure of the plot to attack the arsenal on Friday was due to l**traval bv the Arsenal officers
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  • 52 7 Sir Edward Grey Received in Audience. (Reuter.) London, April 17. Sir Edward Grey was received in audience *7 the King in connection with the forthcoming visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen to France. Already an army of decorators and electricians are transforming the streets
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  • 454 7 THE AMERICAN DEMANDS. PRESIDENT HUERTA’S REPLY. (Reuter). London, April 16. President Huerta continues to treat the situation lightly and telegraphed yesterday that the Tampico incident was one of no special importance and that Mexico has quarrels with nobody, least of all with the great American
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  • 60 7 Bishop of South Tokyo’s Views. (Reuter). London, April 16. A letter from the Biahop of South Tokyo to the Times strongly condemns the action of the Chinese Government in stopping supplies or recalling large numbers of Chinese students from Tokyo for political reasons. Such a policy,
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  • 62 7 Remarkable Incident on n Race Course. (Reuter.) Tulsa, (Oklahomo), April 16. Acting under the orders of the Governor to prevent gambling on the race-course the State Militia fired a volley overhead when the horses were coming down the straight, breaking up the race. The Adjutant General says that
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  • 35 7 From St. Petersburg to Pekiag (Reuter.) Paris, April 16. The Ligue Nationale Aerienne has arranged with the Russian Aero Club for a flight from St. Petersburg to Peking to take place probably in June.
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  • 33 7 (Reuter.) London, April 17. The Admiralty has invited tenders for two battleships for the 1914-5 programme, the earliest for many years. The ships will be ready in Oetober 1916.
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  • 45 7 (From Our Oum Correspondent. Singapore, April 17. The final tie in the Lawn Tennis Championship between the holder, Salzmann, and the runner up, Kleinmann, was not very exciting. Salzmann won by 6—2, 6—3. Mrs. R. J. Wilkinson gave away the prizes.
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  • 236 7 Writing in one of the London evening papers a well-informed financial correspondent says: The Rubber share market is practically the only one which has been able to maintain a comparatively firm tone in face of surrounding depression. That this is justified there are several indications. The year
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  • 35 7 There will a change of programme, with twelve entirely new items, at Fillis’s Circus this evening. The last performance will be given tomorrow, Saturday night, and there will be a matinee to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 169 7 Yesterday. To-day. Kise or Buyers Seller* Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. e. s. 1, a. s. H. Anglo Malay 9 104 10 9 9 9 10 7H lHd Bukit Mertajam. 2 OH 2 5 2 2 5 Hd Chersonese 2 6 2 10H 2 5 2 10H Id Cons. Malays
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  • 354 7 Tia, Rubber and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 175 tons at $83.80 Penang Penang Tin Exchange, $83.20 Total 181 J tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£164 15s. cash and .£166 15s. three months’ sight. (By Courtesy
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  • 935 7 EXPERTS DIFFER. THE USEFUL TAMIL LANGUAGE. On tbe resumption of tbe hearing of the case of R. W. G. Mercer versus Timet of Malaya Press, claiming damages for libel to the sum of $3,000, the evidence of Mr. Mayow was taken. Mr. Mayow in his evidence stated
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  • 738 7 A SUMMONS DISMISSED. Before Mr. R. B. Osborne in the Third Court this morning Mr. Albert Laing, Chief Engineer of the s.s. Hebe, was summoned at the instance of a lascar employed on the same vessel for using criminal force. The defendant pleaded guilty of slapping the
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  • 191 7 There are signs that the sma pr etty seaside place. Port Dickson, coming more popular every month anu same time, growing steadily. New orn ment buildings in the shape of P.W.D. and Customs officers’ quar small European club house on the comprising reading and billiard rooms
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 384 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f LTD. Head Office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR. MURRAY A CO. Local Office: —No. 7. Union Street. Notice to Shareholders OF THE New Tambun Mines, Ltd. ALL PERSONS holding bearer sharewarrants
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  • 1880 8 DIRECTORS’ FEES AND THE GUNN 1 ACCOUNT. The Position Explained. he fifth ordinary general meeting of shareholders in Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at Gresham House, Singapore, on Tuesday, Mr. A. W. Bean, presiding. There were also present Messrs. J. M. Sime and Lee Choou
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  • 670 8 A Great Contrast. Judging from the tenor of a report respecting the experiences of contacts in y Ceylon as recently published in the columns t of a Colombo contemporary the methods s of the authorities in the fair Isle of r Spices” are as different from those in
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  • 297 8 At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, before Mr. R. Scott, on the 15th inst. Chng Ah Chor and Lee Bit Kuang were convicted of disorderly conduct by fighting iu public. The former was fined $5 and the latter, who had been confined in the Police lock-up since
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  • 828 8 Owners and their Expenses. All things considered we have not had a very long time to wait before finding racehorse owners beginning to express dissatisfaction with the abolition of the bookmakers, or perhaps, to put it better with the effect of the abolition. There was a deal
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  • 255 8 A Peninsular Tour. We understand His Majesty’s prospected tour in the Peninsula will take puJ either toward the end of June or July. According to present intentions fl? Majesty will proceed to Koh Lak by ra'L and on the way visit Her Majesty the Q U
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 350 8 OTICE. p en 4 Veterans Fancy Dress Ball, JUNE 26th, 1914. Town Hall. (MASKED TILL SUPPER.) Subscribers should apply for invitations to the COMMITTEE, c/o J. Pickenpack, Esq. D. C. MACINTYRE, 4-4-14 239 Hon. Secretary THE Straits Cinema Location —PENANG ROAD. AGAIN TC-raiGHT! "The Heir of the Lagarderes Reels. 4
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    • 73 8 Wools’ Groat Peppermint Cure, For Coujfbs and Colds, novnr fadg Ib. fid, S3S3 e THIS IS IT! ’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS l! civr&t f 1 fci i "1 he latest scientific pre parationof COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the
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    • 51 8 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy or sallow complexion and dull eye 9, you may know that her liver is out of order. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will correct it and make her look better and feel better. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 70 8 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, Is. 6d INTERNATIONAL Rubber Congress and Exhibition, BATAVIA, 1914. Congress: 7— Sept., 21 1914. Exhibition: Bth Sept, to lOth Oct., 1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists ant Experts. Interesting Excursions in Java arranged. Reduced Steamship, Railway and Tramwaj fares for Holders
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    • 426 8 Chamberlain’s Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigesl tion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. PENANG TURF CLUB. Notice is hereby given that 4 Special General
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  • 24 9 Vettelt trom Agentt Due Arcadia Singapore A.G.ACa. 18th Apr. Torek Singapore B.M.AJo 21st L%tiiow Colombo BM.AC'). 23rd India Colombo A.G ACo. 30th
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  • 23 9 Par A'rti Lear*» Irtadia 1 ’«'(ll'iV’ G AC* Apr. tortk R.kl&Ou. Lvstf* I V n:M>rr* W U India S'jiyaj'O* A a 4C!o
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 353 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Homeward. •Sail» on Friday instead of Saturday. jGoes through to London via Bombay. fakes by mail steamers. A Accommodation. Ist class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B Accommodation. To London by Sea $5lB-57
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    • 1508 9 r SHIPPING. For BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION C 0„ LTD, Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three times a week). I'yr; S*cuuihaa and .Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, and Australia. Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) egapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Thur. 16th Apr.,
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  • 1007 10 A few weeks ago we discussed fhe question of tli* curr-ncy of China, a *opic that may b» stated to lx» a ba'dy perennia pxc*pt that it is not con-in» '1 to any season. Like the poor. it isavivs with though a solution uia be tiually discovered
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  • 760 10 The Chairman of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, speaking at the r annual meeting of the bank, made a sug- j iH-stion that is worth more than passing consideration, simply on its own merits, and sUo because it is symptomatic of the newer spirit
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  • 803 10 The undersigned has received instructions from the Administrator of the Estate of the Late Emma Florence Karl, DECEASED, to offer for sale BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Monday 20th April 1914 IN THE Archway of log i/s Buildings, Beach Street, Pe leng, iLo u uuoi men Honed properties
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  • 539 10 The Peking correspondent of the Mernina Post, discussing recent events in Chin* remarks:— Clearly it is time for the British Government and British financiers to leave the fool’s paradise m which they have recently been dreaming, »*nd endeavour to premete* more active and energetic British policy
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you a*e troubled with hearlburn, indigestion or con«tipii ion they will do you good. Try th< .n. t jr bale by all DispenaariM tad Dealers. <
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    • 365 10 The World’s Family Medicine The reason why Beecham’s Pills have come to occupy this premier place among family medicines is clear to everyone who has had occasion to test their unequalled medicinal qualities. Between the many so-called cures for digefti?e disorders and this wonderful remedy there is a wide gulf.
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    • 29 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre, For Coughs and Colds, never fails. Is 6d Hong Eok Chew, 423-425-427, PENANG ROAD. Billiards 4 OF THE Latest British Make Tables AND I Refreshments.
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    • 79 10 TRANSLATION. THE LNDERSIGNED undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale: (1) ror translations for insertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department of the
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    • 200 10 Here's a good opportunity for CYCLIST AND MOTORIST. E. CHEM BEE. Cycle Dealer and Repairer, is retiring from business in April, and is sacrificing all his stock-in-trade at very low prices, including Motor Car, Motor Cycle, Bicycles, Motor and Cycle Accessories until the end of April, 1914. Please order early
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  • 331 11 General Savoff the Balkans General Savoff has apokeu at last, but his revelations are neither as sensational as was expected nor are they in themselves a very convincing vindication of his superior wisdom. What the disaffected gossips of Sofia expected —and what, indeed, has for mouths ptst been darkly hinted
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  • 156 11 The trial trip has been run of the twinscrew motor tankship Artemis, built to the order of the Netherlands India Tank Steamship Company, of The Hague. The ship was ordered from the Netherlands Shipbuilding Company, but has been built on the
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  • 405 11 Mr. Perceval has made his report upon the circumstances attending the death of Mr. Benton, and his conclusion is that General Villa’s victim was not shot, either in an affray or by order of a court-martial,” but was stabbed to death. He also says that Mr. Beaton
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  • 114 11 The following are the fixtures for this year’s Cup Tie Second Round. April 21.—Ithihadol Khairiah Football Club vs. Penang Cricket Club. April 22.—01 d Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. April 28.—Government Service or Eastern Athletic Union vs. Penang Cricket Club or
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 471 11 a ®®®®f:® a) (i) ></4 '.VA :.5S::: flt*-w&T-y M GOODRICH TYRES •«?=>- r *i y r< .s. -> v r §sf**<£i' i w<; Hit “X" sSs H 1 <» A.--s* }»ss I. m The Largest Tyre Factory, with the Greatest Output in the World a Tribute to the Supreme Quality
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1235 12 We have just unpacked a fresh shipment of Dr. K. C. Da»'» Patent Medicines, including Swaxthya Sahaya and Avala Sahaya Pills from THE SWASTHYA SAHAYA PHARMACY of Calcutta, and solicit the patronage of the Public. THE PENANG RUBBER STAMP Co.. Sole Agents for S.B. d- F.M.S., 40, Church Street, Penang.
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