Straits Echo, 6 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1044 1 ••TIGER" Brand Cement. A High Class Cement suitable for all purposes especially engineering and g construction work. For prices and further particulars apply to TIANG LEE Co., 63, Beach Street, Penang. Aadrew Usher €o.’s SrxClAL RESERVE. BANKS > I The National Benefit Life A Property Assurance Co., Ltd. x tj
      1,044 words
    • 35 1 1 NO HOME 1 HAPPY I WITHOUT A PATHEPHON i Invaluable to Every Family hi and a Pleasure to Youngfr’ Old. Literature A further particulars from TIANG LEE Si Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang. I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 Mir riXJZTZZ r»rrma?r: -r^sm NATURA MILK LION BRANDJ (STERILIZED) 9, a 1 >*//„, @A y p »ri»-i90cl st. LouUr* 904- y C*H S 'hv Mt<, ail|e D; 1893. *893. J '4le ru '•ria >898. 1899 h LUHimimimniiiintHnintumuuni Schutun&rlt* Si* b M Breif* 0 1 „j. Pr»g 1 l<t Ehr enp
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  • 1419 3 A PLEASING SUPERSTITION. Accessories After the Fact. M Jourdain, as we are very frequently reminded, was surprised and gratified to find that lie bad been speaking prone ail his life without knowing it In the same way it is uio.-t refreshing to the golfer’s spirits to
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  • 693 3 At last the time seems to be nigh when the much-vexed questions relative to the registration of servants will be settled in a manner that should prove at least fairly satisfactory to masters and servauts generally. That such is the case appears evident from the fact that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 Serves the Whele lr«m«ly. Tbe fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Hemedv is world wide It is good for the d> ep «cited «oiifUi of adult or the eroup and whooping cough of the children. The tame bottle serves the whole family. For ■ale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 157 3 Sole Agents Huttenbach Bros. Co PENANG. 4 SINGAPORE. 4 IPOH. 4 KUALA LUMPUR. TYPEWRITERS. m. THE REST AND Royal No. 1 Royal No. 5 Foolscap if 150-00 175-00 Royal No. 6 Royal No. 7 Nett Ex Godown-Penang. INSPECTION INVITED. The Best and Cheapest. In WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS Use HEMOGLOBIN
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    • 122 4 Elephanta, Br. s.s., 2,694, Coope, April 5, Calcutta, March 27, Gen—H. L. A Co. Aijeh, Put. s.s., 393, Buns, April 5, Sabang, April 1, Gen.—K. P. M. Tong Hong, Br. s.s., 1,314. Ewart, April 5, Rangoon, April 1, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. COQ Print dtr Netherlander, Dut. s.i.,
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    • 51 4 Afril 6. Pungah, for Batu Bahra. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Elephanta, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and
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    • 237 4 For Calcutta— Per Japan, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Tongkah—Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Diltoara, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Klang to-morrow, 4-30 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and rit Naples, for Europe etc —Per P.
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  • 121 4 Pinano, Afril 6. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4« 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4* 3 Credit 2/4** 3 Documentary 2/4*f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174* (i 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 1741 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173* M 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 195 4 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.70 sellers Trang Pepper 19. buyers Cloves 45. —sales Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 88- —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 25. sellers C No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.50 buyers f Tahbun... 190.
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  • 189 4 Penang, Afril 6. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... 24 feet H 2g Tongue 40
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  • 2097 4 OD a •si €> «8 cl 4 Capital. Number of Shares issued. •a > 'S i ĕ Dividends. Name. 00 l 3 i <y 1910 t 1911 1912 1913 i 1914 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. i 1909 1905 1910 1909 1906 1910 1910 1910 450,000 -200,000 '750,000 800,000 Rs 1,200,000 500,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 How choice the fruits of modern science, Which bids both time and space defiance! Our ancestors must fairly own, We beat them with our telephone. We prize the boon, and all enjoy Its use, though not without alloy, If you would seek perfection pure, You’ll send for Woods’ Great Peppermint
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    • 93 4 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 51 4 > 4 *++-M-++^ WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compnd =s£v= TASTELESS ODORLEBB The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioced emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. OF aIL CHEMISTS Price $l-25 and
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  • 614 5 FMSw Colony. The forthcoming cricket match between the F M S and Colonv which will be prayed on the Esplanade at Easter, is creating a 'good deal of interest. We give below the l names of the contesting teams F M S: -Dr K Me U Linnel, N
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  • 420 5 It is nearly seven years ago since Sir Edward Brockmau acted as Reside tGeneral of the F M. S and in the interval x he has been Resident of I’erak, Pahang and Negri Sembilan. Hejwas also Colonial J Secretary in Singapore and 'acting High Commissioner, before being
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  • 84 5 Baghdad Railway Fracas. London, March 24. At Constantinople the newspapers report a serious riot on the B ghdad Railway near Jerablus. Several hundred Kurdish labourers, it is said, revolted on the question of pay. Firearms were used, and three Kurds were killed and five are missing.
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  • 97 5 German Engineer Murdered. London, March 26. A Constantinople cable states: Two engineers, one German the other Swiss, were murdered on the 23rd instant native labourers in the confines of the Adana and Aleppo Vilayets where the Baghdad Railway pierces the Arnanus range. This fresh outbreak has produced
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  • 95 5 Greek Government’s Protest. London, March 25. An Athens cable state The Government has sent a circular to the Powers, drawing attention to the spread of the insurrection in Epirus and the painful position of the Greek troops there. Although the Government is convinced, says the circular, that
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  • 95 5 German and Italian Monarchs Meet. London, March 25. King Victor Emmanuel, accompanied by Marquis di San Giulian,|Minister for Foreign Affairs, arrived at Venice this morning to meet the German Emperor. His Majesty was received by the Civil and Military authorities to the palace, and the sai'ors on
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  • 132 5 The Standard Oil Agreement. London, March 22. A Pekin cable says that despite official denials, it is understood that the Japanese Minister has had an interview with the Premier and declared that the agreement with the Standard Oil Company was a violation of the Treaties. The Minister
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  • 100 5 A Question in the Commons. London, March 24. Mr. Joynson Hicks asked a question in the House of Commons with reference to the protest of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce against excessive expenditure on the new Delhi and suggesting that industrial, commercial aud railway developments in India
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  • 146 5 Appeal yor Changed Laws. London, March 20. According to a telegram from Johannesburg to The Daily Telegraph a Mahomedan deputation recently waited upon Sir Benjamin Robertson, and requested that the Government would recognise the religious aspect of the marriage, divorce, and succession laws, according to the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1119 5 THE Straits Cinema Location: —PENANG KOAI). To-night! To-night! GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Specialities Renunciation 3 REELS. 3 PARTS. Film D’Arte Italiana. A Drama in 5 Act» by Andrea Oilandi. The Fatal Brand Reels. 2 Reels. Hansen Mockba Film. “Jim’s Sun-Helmet” By Andre Deed. Wiffles 8 a Merry Widow By M.
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    • 486 5 V Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ “EMBASSY” CIGARETTES (NO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 25. NOTICE. Every tin of these well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Fortv out of the small entitle the holder to A GENUINE AMBER CIGARETTE HOLDER
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  • 96 6 riWiihail daily (except Sunday* and pofcli* holiday*) AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pnion MfeLtcri H 4 par annua. (MMnßh. Postage Extra. mmm ‘(To* Fraa) 917.50 CABLB IDDKUI: > ECHO —PENANG.” t Td*fkaa* Not. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jf f —ah tiilnn
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  • 18 6 Rhodbs. —On March 27th. at Mergui, L. Burmah, to Mr. and Mrs. H S Rhodes, a daughter.
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  • 1298 6 Ofteu, when people are discussing the position of the political parties in Eoglaud, one hears the opinion expressed that the Unionists would never have got iuto the parlous plight *h»-y do l themselves today had Mr. Joseph Chamberlain not been stricken down by the fell
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  • 882 6 Mr. R B Osborne, acting Third Magistrate, will be going on leave shortly. Mr. G. E. Cator has been appointed Registrar of the Supreme Court, Labuan. Mr. Chesney Duncan assumed charge of the editorial department of the Malaya Tribune on the Ist instant. Mr. W. Pryde arrived
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  • 395 6 TERRIBLE TALES or suffering, {Reuter.) St. John’s, April 5. The Bellaventure has arrived with fifty survivors and sixty-nine dead. The NewfoundlandU crew who were on board informed Reuter that Tuesday morn ing opened fair and the barometer did not indicate a storm. Four ships put out and
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  • 79 6 {Reuter.) London, April 4. The Chamber, in a protracted debate on the report of the Rochette Commission, unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the interference of the financiers with politics and of the executive power with the judiciary. It rejected the amendments proposing the prosecution of M.
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  • 118 6 {Reuter.) London, April 5. Two editors have been sentenced to sii weeks’ imprisonment in a fortress for libelling the Crown Prince. The libel consisted of a letter supposed to have been written by a sentimental school girl of high birth on the occasion of his leaving
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  • 79 6 (Reuter.) London, April 4. The Association Football match between Scotland and England took place at Glasgow and resulted in a victory for the former team by three goals to one. The weather was dull and the ground was soft and ths match was witnessed by 15 ,000 people.
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  • 36 6 (Reuter). Perth, April A It is reported that blacks hare destroyed the Drysdale Liver Mission and murdered two fathers, six lay brethren and a number of half-castes. The Police are enquiring into the matter.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 279 6 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Officii: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent» for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Street. Central Sales Room. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION High-class Household Furniture COMPRISING Dining, Drawing
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  • 20 6 Obituary. {Reuter.) Pasadena (California), April 5. The death has taken place of the Lumber Kiijg and multimillionaire, Mr. Frederick Mejrerhaeueer.
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  • 2577 7 GREAT SPEECH BY MR. ASQUITH. ARMY’S LOYALTY EMPHASIZED. PRAISE OF THE PREMIER. {Reuter.) Mr. Asquith madt 1 an important speech at Ladybank and was given a great ovation. He strongly denied the ridiculous legend that the Government had engineered a plot to provoke Ulster". He paid a
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  • 50 7 (From, Our Own Correspondent. Singapore, April 6In the Supreme Court to-day Mr. F. M. Eliot, ou behalf of the Bar Committee, welcomed the Hon. Mr. J. A. Bucknill, tbe Acting Chief Justice, and offered the cordial cooperation of the Bar. The Hon. Mr. Bucknill replied, thanking them.
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  • 44 7 Messrs. Fraser Neave. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, April 6. At the annual general meeting of Messrs. Fraser A Neave, the report was adopted. The Chairman, Mr. MacGregor, referred to tbe continued extension and the possible increase of capital. Nothing ba9 yet been decided.
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  • 37 7 (Reuter). London, April 6. A bomb exploded at midnight in St. Martin’s Church, Trafalgar Square, and two stained glass windows and a pew were shattered. It is supposed to have been placed there by Suffragettes.
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  • 22 7 (Reuter.) London, April 6. The stock broker Fenner who was extradited will appear at tbe Mansion House court to-day.
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  • 313 7 Last Saturday afternoon at 315 p.m. an interesting attempt was made to swim from the Fort Jetty to Bagan Tuan Kechil across the Channel. I Three amateurs, Lim Joo Bang of the Central Union, Oh Kim Sin and Teh Thean Kee, of Green Hall, entered the water, about half-an-hour
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  • 76 7 We regret to announce the death, which took place at Singapore suddenly, of Mr. W. J. Turnbull who was Manager of tbe Straits Echo for two years before he left for tbe Souther i Settlement to become Managing Editor of The Weekly Sun and afterwards of
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  • 200 7 Tin. Riee and Copra. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 5 5.60 buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at 586 20. Rangoon rice is quote*! here to-day at $156 per covan. Copra sun-dried $lO 85 The management of tbe Straits Cinema, which was crowded on Saturday
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  • 1132 7 FURTHER EVIDENCE. The further hearing of the case against j Malay uame<l Mohamed, who was chargee J with kidnapping a minor, named RahilJa l from the lawtul guardianship oi her parent; was resumed this morning before the DisI trict Judge in the District Court. Mr. B. E.
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  • 962 7 21 Fined for Fortune Telling. j| B-foro Mr. R. B. Osborne in the Third Court t:n> morning a Brahmiu priest, IPalsamy, was charged with profess- ing to tell fortunes. 1 1 Inspector Cronin prosecuted and the accused, who claimed trial, was defended bv Mr Sharma. The first
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  • 701 8 SUCCESS OF THE MOTOR SHIP SERVICES. Motor Sailing Vessel To Bk Buil v The report of the East Asiatic Company, Limited, states that, the company again shows a very satisfactory result for the ye to December 31, with consistent progress and development in its various spheres ot
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  • 245 8 Muar Malay Killed: One European Wounded. A very serious shooting accident occurred ou Friday, the 27th ult., at a place called Parit Pulai, near Tanjong Tohor in Muar, resulting in the death of a Malay youth and the wouuding of Mr. Crichton, the Collector of Laud
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  • 574 8 Annual General Meeting. The President, the Hon’ble Mr. R. J- h Wilkinson presided over the fifteenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Polo Club which was held in the Exchange Rooms J yesterday evening, say s Saturday’s Free Press. There were also present Messrs. F. J. HalliI
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  • 109 8 In Singapore, on December 31, 1912, there were four pauper invalid convicts. Of these one died and one left Singapore, reducing the number remaining to two at the end of the year. Besides these there is an able-bodied convict who receives no subsistence allowance. The cost
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  • 262 8 In pursuance of the idea of a federation between the planting associations of Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Johore and Singapore, a meeting of delegates was held on Saturday in the offices of Messrs. Evatt and Co., Singapore. The Hon. F. W. Collins, of Malacca, presided, and the other
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  • 270 8 The usual fortnightly handicap shoot K took place on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Conditions 7 shots and a sighter each at a 200, 500 and 600 yards at N E A 1913 t targets. Scores made were as follows: I«j with a Pte Hogan h’cap
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  • 563 8 Comparative Cost of Production. A very interesting comparison between the cost of production, the growth and the general quality of plantation rubber iu Ceylon and in the F.M.S. was given by Mr. Joseph Fraser, the well-known Visiting Agent, who his just completed extensive tours in the
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  • 585 8 Directors’ Report. Gentlemen, Your Directors beg to submit herewith i a duly audited Statement of the Amounts of the Company for the year ended 31st January, 1914 Accounts.— The net profit for the year (subject to the amount to be vOtedfor Directors’ fees) amounted to $34,784.00 as
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  • 73 8 Anglo-German Concession. London, 24th March. A Constantinople cable states The British and German Governments have reached an agreement with regard to the joint exploitation by the Anglo-German Company of the petroleum fields in the Vilayet of Mosul, the concession for which a British petroleum and syndicate obtained
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  • 75 8 London, March 22. A Berlin wire states Referring to the Russo-German situation the Norddeuteche Allgemeine Zeitnug of Berlin says it is an advantage to the relations of the Powers that the violent Russo-German Press polemics have ceased. Both Governments are determined not to allow Nationalist incidents to endanger
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  • 837 8 The 1914 Cricket Tournament Season commenced on Saturday afternoon when three fixtures were played. The first match was that on the Esplanade between the Penang Cricket Club and the Penang Recreation Club, the other match was played on Victoria Green, the opposing teams being the St. Xavier’s Recreation
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  • 406 8 The cynical will have some reason to smile at the new development in Kelantan Periodically indignation is expressed in the Straits at any statement or action which im. plies that the States in the F.M.S. are British colonies. When the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909 was signed,
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  • 57 8 Legislation in Prospect. London, March 24. At Cape JWn Genl. Smutts announced in the Union House of Assembly that Government would introduce legislation nex seision based on the report of the Indian Grievances Commission. The acreage under coconuts in the Lower Perak District at the end
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  • 52 8 To-day. 11th Day of 3rd Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Penang Volunteers—Cidets, Free School, Physical Exercises Free School, 4 p.m. “A and “B Companies, Company Drill Fort, 5-30 p.m. Penang Athenaem, Lecture by Dr. Avetoom on Superstitions, 9 p.m. Ladies welcomsd. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 A Parent’s Duty. Your hoy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 27 8 ONE OR TWO JUNIORS, EUROPEAN, to act as assistants on Rubber Estates in healthy locality. Apply stating experience, if any, to "HZ. c/o Strait» Echo. 8-4-14 238
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    • 37 8 Chamberlain’s Tablets. These Tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Try them. For sale by all Dispensaries'and Dealers.
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    • 165 8 ••KATOO DEEBOOK NO LIABILITY. "TVT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a XI CALL (No. 8) of ONE SHILLING per share on the Contributing shares in the above Company has been made and is clue and payable at my office, No. 63, Beach Street, Penang, on or before the 8th day
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  • 27 9 Vend» 1 TOM Agent» Due Prinz Eitel Friedrich Singapore B.M.AJo 7tb Apr. Buelotc Colombo BM.ACo. 9th Aftaye Colombo lA.G.ACo. 16th A rcadia Singapore lA.GKACo. 18th
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  • 30 9 For Ag nt' 1 I cn oee Prinz Eitel Friedrich C*oloabo liuelow 1 Attayt |b V *4f»jv*r® Aroadim Colons o fc y Ar<>. A0-' A G.Al>. 0 *0«. Apr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 452 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. Due Penang. 16 30 14 28 June 11 Apr. 99 May. Steamer. Connecting with 8 S India Devanha Delta Himalaya Morea Maloja Marmora Moldavia Medina Homeward. Date. Steamer. Apr. 4 Devanha •18 t Arcadia Way 2 Delta 16 Assaye 80 Jlndia June
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    • 1533 9 {SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Singapore (Three times a week). Nrt Swetfcnham and Singapore. (Twice a week Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). rill Perms and Rates of Freight may be
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  • 769 10 Affairbs D’Honnbur. Under the above title the Tempt publishes an article ou the contemporary duel in which a pood case is mad** out for the practice. The duel, says the w.iter, is based on a particular code of honour, and seeing that not only a man’s
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  • 1456 10 Substantial Decrease in the All-in Costs. The fourth annual general meeting of the Bagan Serai Company, Limited, was held on March 11 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E. C.. Mr. E. L Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding The Secretary (Mr. Percy E. L. Taylor) having read
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 Muddy Complexion. When you see a woman with a muddy or •allow complexion and dull eyes, you may know tbat her h?er is out of order.' A few doses °f Chamberlain’s Tablets will correct s“* ke n er J°° k better *«ml fuel better. Tor sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 440 10 V >53 l "ii 1 Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: —“I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgij, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having taken it for three or four months, I felt better than 1 had
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    • 11 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs Colds, never tails Is (W.
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    • 207 10 Tftr —I IBeecham’s PiHs, they are just the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Pills
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    • 498 10 Central Sales Room, TO BE SOLD BY p ublio Auction > High-Class Household Furniture. COMPRISING Dining, Drawing and Bedroom Suit,. Unique Rattan and Bentwood Fundi tur Crockery, etc., etc., etc. At Logan Hoad, The Residence of Major Baery Hahu ON TUESDAY, 7th APRIL, 1944 AT 11-30 A.M. USUAL CONDITIONS OF
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  • 393 11 London, March 19. Tremelbye. The Tremelbve (Selangor) Rubber Co, Ltd.. pays au interim dividend of 20 per cent. Sblanoor. Tbfe Selangor Rubber Co., Ltd., pays a final dividend of 50 per cent., making 137? par cent, for the year, places to reserve j£5,500 and carries forward
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  • 297 11 No Case foe Government Supervision Beilin March 6. A represent it ive of the Ministry of the Interior replied to-day to a question about salvarsan asked by four medical members of the Reichstag. As regards the alleged mortality among patients treated with savarsan, he said that, as
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  • 147 11 Both morally and materially the German sailor is far better off than the German soldier. Morally, because of the comradely, free, unmilitary tone which exists in the Fleet, and which makes crses of ill-treat-ment —not to mention Zalern affairs practically unknown. Materially, because —making allowance for the
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  • 134 11 The fol’owing are the fixtures for this year’s Cup Tie Second Round. April 7 Government Service Recreation Club vs. Eastern Athletic Union April 14. Central Union Athletic Club vs. Mohamedan Recreation Club. April 21.—Ithihadol Khairiah Football Club vs. Penang Cricket Club. April 22.—01 d Farquhars or Crescent
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 415 11 ®®?®®®®s®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® GOODRICH TYRES M' ‘N |ni 4-r ri r 4 >5 n km a X VJMJ rJ W.V--CP <•* w*v' sj*s s^*-: w'v V si U Vb w k < U I il’-; P .■>* SfV The Largest Tyre Factory, with the Greatest Output in the World a Tribute to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1145 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct -/ith English Manufacturers Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs, the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign
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