Straits Echo, 1 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1157 1 TIGER Brand Cement. High Class Cement suitable for all purposes especially engineering and construction work. For prices and further particulars apply to TIANG LEE Go., 53, lieach Street, Penang. Andrew Usher 8 Co. s SPECIAL RESERVE. 0.V.G. Whisky. SAMM-ANDS. bl 1 1 EitY 8 Co., aoknts fok PENANG F. M.
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    • 36 1 There’s PURITY and VltOUt in every drop of Read’s “Dog’s Head” Guinness The Stout you are used to. Insist od having Dog’s Head Brand. Sole Agents r TIANG LEE Co., 53, Beach Street, Penang. BB □□□□□□□□□□an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 NATUR EED. cdocdo; L MILK r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZED) N 2^ X a 71/, y Grand Prix: (JA Paris 19W St. Louis-.I 904, Giu ..«in dain •-Ond >893 «iU f Mo 1893 £tTr« nP Scb j, Au jst fell.iiiMiiiiiiiMiniuHUiimiiiil K ifl9« 0t r 189Q 1096Schutunarke 1«91r“ 5 Cxporigesellscfiaft Bosd) Mecklenburg
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  • 950 3 There in no railway question in the Federated Malay states. The good fortune of jessing a railway, which is the property „f the State, removes the danger of couipetiiiou with its attendant evils. The public, filing that by its payment of taxes it is
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  • 968 3 At this season of self-denial many are no doubt smarting in the tires of übstiuence from tobacco; and the tortures which they itflict a*e by no meaus confined to themse.ves. buch merit as they acquire should in common fairness ensure to he benefit of their households,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 Best] Medicine Made. A better medicine can not be made than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assists nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Besides, it contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to fch. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 163 3 PENANG. SINGAPORE. si IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. w m 2 SSf t'* 4 m m 1 ST.;??; V". r 3ft H Si jjftr. W 3 j Rubber Factories Rubber Mills. 4 4>* <V v v GAS, Oil t PRODUCER ENGINES. SEMI DIESEL CRUDE OIL ENGINES. CENTRIFUGAL S PISTON PUMPS. > WATER.
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    • 77 3 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with •'T'iuib**r lain’s Pain Balm at all times, sprains may be cured in much less time when promptly treated Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rh umatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is
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    • 140 4 Qlenoglc, Br- s.s., 2,399, McGbie, March 31, Rangoon, March 28, G«n. B. E. J 8 k Santhia, Br. 8.8., Robertson, March 31, Australia, March 5, Gen. tl. L,Sl Co Qlenturret, Br. rs., 3,025, Jones, March 31, London, March 1, Gen.—-B. ACo Janet Nicoll, Br. rs., 474, Dyason. March 31,
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    • 44 4 April 1. Tara for Negapatam and Madras, Hole Canton for Teluk Anson. Fungah, for Batu Bahra. Alma, for Deli. Olenoglf, for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. Seang Bee, for Rangoon. Flying Dragon, for Port Mr eld and Taiping. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat.
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    • 250 4 For Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Tarola, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per ToriUa, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan —Per Sanuki Maru, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Rangoon and Calcutta —Per Hakata Maru, 3rd instant, 11 a.m. Singapore, China and Japan Per Delta, 3rd instant, 5 p.m. Ceylon,
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  • 120 4 Penang, April 1. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4^ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4J 3 Credit 2/4JJ 3 Documentary 2/4^| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174{ 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 J 3 days’ sight Private 175|
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  • 197 4 Gold Leaf 164 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.72| sales Traug Pepper 19. buyers Cloves 45. —sales Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 87. sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 25. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.50 buyers f Tahbun... 190. —sellers
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  • 163 4 Penang, April 1. Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... Feet Tongue Mutton tier lh Head
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  • 1186 4 Name. RU3BER DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuniner Rubber Estate, Ltd. Balgownie Rubber E-tate, Ltd. Changkat Serdang Estate, Ltd. Gleoealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co.. Ltd. Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. Nellmav Rubber Co.. Ltd. New Serendah Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. Sandycroft
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 A Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the liveß of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy inexistence. It is known all over the civilized world for its speedy cures of cramps in the stomach, diarrhoea and
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    • 49 4 When Labour and Capital, over the grave Of discord, mutely stand, In the glorious dawn of a coming morn, And federate hand in hand The world will be a happier world, And the toiler’s lot as sure As victory over a cold, when fought Bv Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 61 4 4<*++4 +++++++++4++++++******4* I 1 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound m ■•jA. cwT^Xi ZZ 4 It TASTELESS ODORLEBS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th
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  • 1069 5 [Gold, bt Stewart Edwakd White, Hodder ahd Stouhhtoi» To come upon a novel without a heroine in it is something of a rarity. Your average novel reader likes plenty of love interest, thick slices of it, and that his wish is generally gratified serves him right perhaps but it
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  • 668 5 i O F. C. vt C. F. C. Ofihino Match a Dhaw. I The first match of this season’s Cup Tie I Competition was played off on the Esplanade Iyesterday evening before a large and enIthusiastic crowd of spectators, the contendling teams being the Old Farquhars and the
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  • 145 5 The Johore State and Territories will select their team on Friday 10 from the fol- j lowing Oibuiiiu, Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Paudak, Ahmad (Muar> Moh timed Sh ih, M. Taib (BituPahal): \V. Ngah, Onn, Otbuian, Abdullah Ah. Sakiau, S-tobon, R Said, Abubakar, A Rabiu-, Uuku Suleiman (Johore.)
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  • 37 5 To- DAT. 6th Day of 3rd Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-mofrow. 7th Day of 3rd Moon. Crown Cinema, Chulia Street. Btraits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • 36 5 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Sc Y:»'.'. Outward. Homeward Delta 2 Apr. j Devanha 4 Apr. J Attaye 16 Arcadia 18 Extra Service. Outward. Homeward Sunda 7 Apr. j Media 9 Apr. tforvara 11 I Khiva 28
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 906 5 V JR a m m n The Georgetown Motor Garage, 7\ PENANG ROAD. Hav.Jjust unpacked several NEW MODELS of MOTOR CYCLES. THE KINC DICK” “JAMES”. 'I he most rpr.owued cycles throughout ENGLAND and AMERICAIn 'ho Mint competition the two above-named cycles constituted a unique record. We have also several SIDE
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    • 246 5 OOCDO' Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ ‘EMBASSY’’ CIGARETTES (NO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 25. NO T l r Ai>K i Every tin of these well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Fortv out of the small entitle the holder to
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  • 93 6 daily («xcept Sunday! aid prtbli* holiday!) AT TXB CRITERION PRESS, Lra. No. 59, Beach Street, Penarg. Pbiob Daily Lmxl I*4 per aanvn. OMahM.H Poctage Extra. Mail MkM (Port Fkm) $17.50 oabli add*ii!: ECHO—PENANG." TiitykoH Not. Echo 586 Priatiii Department 343 jr.a.-AU kiilHH should bs sddrssssd Is TM*
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  • 1370 6 When Mr. Winston Churchill iu 1912 propounded his views for the solution of the problem of self-government, not only as it affects Irelaud but the other parts of the United Kingdom as well, on a federal basis his plan was ridiculed by Radicals as well as
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  • 813 6 The Rev. Bro. James left yesterday evening by the s.s. Klang for Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. Koh Eng Hin left for Singapore yesterday by the s.s. Klang. H.H. the Sultan of Kelantan left Kota Bahru for a visit to Singapore on Monday. Major-General T. E. Stephenson, Captain
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  • 1058 6 Cricket looks like flourishing exceedingly in Penang during the next couple of months, thanks to the efforts of one or two of the older hands who have managed to infuse a little energy and enthusiasm for the king of games into some of the shining lights of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS, THIRD PARTY RISKS, TRANSIT, FIRE. THEFT, etc., at moderate rates. F ok full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., X Penang, Agents. <9 oonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnPOC 0 C n n n
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  • 694 7 federal solution PROPOSED. ■UMOURED DISSATISFACTION IN INDIAN ARMY. (Reuter.) Loudon, March 31. According to the Daily Telegraph there |re rum ours in the Lobby that Mr. Asquith hai received message from Lord Hardinge, Vi srov of India, that many officer* of the Indian Army would reeign
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) London, April 1. -«venue for the quarter ended Mareh -£76,961,000 an increase of ".OOj *n the preceding quarter. For "Tear the revenue was XI 98,243,000 an <*£9,441,000.
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  • 82 7 SINGAPORE. (From Our Oim Correspondent.) SingA|>ore, March 31. At the rubber auctiou at Singapore 89,965 lb. were offered for sale and 68,179 lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked flue ribbed $127—5131 per pi. Bmoked Good Ribbed $120—5126 Fine Plain $124—5127 Good 1122—J123 Block fine good sl2B
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  • 124 7 Asswftl Geaersl Media». (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 31. Mr. H. C. E Zacharias presided at the meeting of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce which was held to-day. The accounts, showing a loss of $BBO, were passed. Eulogistic references were made to Mr. D.
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) Sydney, April 1. The Lumper» who commenced a boycott of frozen meat for expert aud refused to handle it till local prices are reduced, have reaumed work.
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  • 19 7 (Reuter). London, March 31. The betting on the Derby is 3 to 1 against The Tetrarch.
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  • 185 7 Yesterday. To-d*j. Ri«e or Bayers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fait. RUBBER. S t d. S' a S Audio Malay ..9 6 10 414 9 9 10 74 +3d Bukit Mertsja.n 1 1014 2 4 2 2 4 14d Chersonese 2 44 210 2 44 210 Cons. Malays t 104 10
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  • 122 7 Tie, Rice a»4 Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co..') $g7.60 buyers, no sellers Penang Tin Exchange, 12 J tons at $86.90 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 150 $87.70 Total 102 a tons. Tin is quoted in Tiondon to-day at X 173
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  • 442 7 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon with Dr G. W. Park (Deputy President) in the chair, the other gentlemen present being Mr. P. T. Allen, Mr. F. Duxbury and Mr. Quab Beng Kee, with Mr. W. S Duun (Aset.
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  • 346 7 The Perak Chamber of Commerece held its third annual general meeting at its new home, No 9, Hale Street. Mr. J. H. Tatlock, who presided, in moving that the accounts and annual report for 1913 be approved and adopted said they would notice that their cash
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  • 944 7 A m idem Chinese wedding, <»f interst to straits people, took place iu Peking on March 11, between Mr. Chew Kuok-bsen. Ph. B (Chicago, U. S. A.) KMJR son of the late Chew Huat-Kbay of I'enaug, and Miss LiaDg Ssu-shuu, i he eldest daughter
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  • 100 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—Railways the State aud the Public. On Giving up Tobacco. s.—Cup Tie :O.F.C.m. C. F. C., Openiug Match a Draw. "God”: L Gold, by Stewart Edward White, Hodder and Stoughton —The Aladdin Tin Caves, Ltd. First Auuuai General
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  • 97 7 There ia at pres ut on exhibition at Teluk Anson a girl with four legs. She is six years of age aud is mentally sound aud physically healthy. She was born at Jehol in the island of Yisaya, at one time the famous stronghold of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 490 7 XATOO DEEBOCK". NO LIABILITY. IS HEREBY GIVEN that a xN CALL (No. 8) of ONE SHILLING per share ou the Contributing shares iu the above Company has boon made and is due and payablo at my ofliee, No. 63. Beach Stiect, Penang, on or before the Bth day of April,
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  • 73 7 Obituary. Lt.-Col. F. 3. HevstM. (Reuter.) London, March 31. The death has taken place of Lieut.Colonel Frederick Samuel Houston, of the Royal Army Medical Corps, who opened the Chinese Imperial Medical College at Tientsin, of which he was President and Senior Professor. Sir Hubert Herkorner. London, 1. The death has
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  • 1349 8 Pipgj Annual General Meeting. This meeting was bel l at 9 Beach Street on Monday, 30tb March, at 3-30 p.m. There 1 were preseut A. S. Anthony; Esq who piesided Messrs. J. Pickenpack, A. Sarkies and W*. E. Maun, Directors F. R Henderson, J. G
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  • 251 8 YUAN SHIH-KAI WARNS CHINESE ABROAD. Hu and Chen Alleged to have Spent $8,000,000. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent round to Chinese Consuls abroad the following We have the honour to inform you that we are in receipt of a communication from the Cabinet transmitting to
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  • 255 8 At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, before Mr. R. Scott, a Hindu watchman named Manikam, of Juru Estate, who was convicted of the theft of two gold rings valued at -Sl4 on the 22nd March, was brought up on Saturday last and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for
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  • 1305 8 A comparatively small part of the life of Sir Frederick Weld was spent in Malaya. In contrast we might put one of his successors in the Governorship, Sir Frank Swetteuham, to whom this peninsula represented the greatest interests of a iifetime. Yet there is a sense in
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  • 738 8 Annual A eetino. t The auuual general meeting of share- holders in the Bukit. Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd was held on Saturday at the offices of j the secretaries. Messrs. Evatt and Co French Bank Buildings, Singapore. Mr. H. D. Muudell presided, and there were also
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  • 355 8 Reckless Driving. On the complaint of Capf. Mo-ris Webber Secretary of the Penang Automobile Club' Joo Goo Leug, Chauffeur of Municipal nightsoil car, No. 343, was this morniug summoned at the iustauce of Mr. R Cuscadeu, Assistant Superintendent of Police, before the Third Magistrate, charg. ed with
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  • 205 8 At Taiping on Saturday the postponed match in the Taiping Football League between Taiping and District and the Malay States Guides team, took place on the Esplanade. The ground was slippy but the Guides with Captain Minniken, as their central forward, played a better game and several
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 324 8 THE Straits Cinema Location:- '<ANO ROAD. Again. i o-night I <i Les Miserables 99 9 Reels. 9 Reels. by VICTOR HUGO. The Longest Film in the World. Look out for our next, programme on Friday Night. if Renunciation 3 KEELS. ALSO “The Fatal Brand Reels. 2 Reels. PRICES AS USUAL.
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    • 55 8 ST. GEORGE'S BALL 1914. Subscribers to the above are requested to forward tbeir subscriptions ($lO including 2 guests) to tbe Hon. Treasurer, Mr. G. B. Fitzgerald, sit tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Cheques uiay be made out Pav St. George’s Ball and crossed. For the Committee, BEN MITCHELL, Hon Secretary.
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    • 175 8 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails Is, 6d. KTOTICE. AN ENGLISH PRIVATE SCHOOL has been opened at No. 44, Cecil Street, Penang, by 18-3-14 191 J. M. AUGUSTUS. .awrrrojbt s NOTICE. Under Section 4 of The Railways Ordinance 1905 Notice is hereby given that tb* Books
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  • 27 9 V t Util irom Agenti D%e I)tlta Colombo A.G.dtCo. 2u Apr. btvanha Frinz Eittl Singapore A.G.AC®. 4tb H Friedrich Singapore B.M.AOo. 7th Colombo BM.ACo. 9th
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  • 26 9 For Agtntx Leave* Vtlta Sirrapore A .O ACo Apr. hu iColombo Print Eitel A G ACo Friedrich Ca\»t>\\x) RMAOo. “%ticv> 8ia?»per0 H It AC* o
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 369 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Y? ai I Service. Outward. Connecting with S 8. Due Penang Steamer. Apr. 2 16 30 May. H 28 June 11 Delta Assaye India Devanha Delta Himalaya Mooltan Morea Maloja Marmora Moldavia Medina Homeward. •Sails on Friday instead of Saturday. jGoes through to London via
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    • 1353 9 r SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION C 0„ LTD, Fob Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three time» a woolf) Stkambk. Thur. 2nd Apr., 4 p.m. Sun. sth Apr., 4 p.m. Thur. 9th Apr., 4 p.m. ~;*(J (Twice a v/ook). Thur. 2nd Apr., 4 p.m. Thur. 9th Apr., 4 p.m. Taroba A
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  • 914 10 In the course of his career, every engineer is liable to have a number of lame dogs, wh* thor officers or subordinates, on his establishment. Th will not be all equally 1 1 me. 'ti! 1 will oneness be one particular kiu.l, it in ay take the f»
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  • 145 10 1 be following are the lixtures for ths gear’s Cup Tie Second Round. April 7.— Government Service Rt creation Club vs. Eastern Athletic Union. April 14. Central Union Athletic Club vs Mohaiuedan Recreation Club. April 21.—lthihadol Khairiah Football Club vt. Penang Cricket Club. April 22.—Old Farquhars or
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  • 1259 10 Rev. E. W. Thwing has recently given a lecture before the Peking Language School i at the Y.M.C.A. In the course of his lecture, he says that the youngest Republic in the world is using, perhaps, the oldest r |and most wonderful language ever invented I by ican.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 406 10 WIKTORIN LIGHT i* the moat modern and up-to-date Lighting System. Patented all over the World. NOT ABLE TO EXPLODE, NO INSTALLATION, and no piping required. Each lamp is a complete, closed, transportable means of Light. NO WICK, simple handling. The lighting is automatic by pressure of the finger and the
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    • 321 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, 1 s 6d INTERNATIONAL Rubber Congress and Exhibition, BATAVIA, 1914. Congress: 7— Sept., 2 1 1914 Exhibition: 3th Sept, to lOth Oct., 1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting Excursions in Java arranged. Reduced irteamship, Railway and Tramway fares
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    • 487 10 Press The Bulb and Pocket The Profits .iV üble Your Present Income That’s what you can do—no matter who you are or where you live. You can positively double your present income by working during spare bme or permanently as a one minute photographer. One man earned over 116 pounds
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  • 391 11 Sir Frank A. Swittekhim. A distinguished civil servant. Sir Frank A. Swettenham, on his retirement from the public service became interested in financial affairs. He entered the Civil Service of the Straits Settlements in 1870, and very shortly afterwards was appointed assistant British Resident at Selangor, where he
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  • 365 11 Tho one essential an l outstanding point that is to be established bv the tripartite conference is the autonomy and independence of Tibet, but China is scarcely likely to agree to these terms a day after she finds herself strong enough to have reasonable chance of winning
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  • 568 11 Pknano—April, 1914. Penang Standard Times —Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Dat, S H t. Date B h m ft. h m ft. Wed 1 m 226 5.2 1 m 830 J.l 2 37 a 59 9 8a 1.3 Thur 2
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 Trouble Averted. That little cold aud sore throat of yours must be checked at once or it may develop into somethin" worse. Take a few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. CONTRACTORS TO |y Aiiiintmiat U H. M.
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    • 58 11 Rub It In. A good many people think rbeuu atisrn can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. Pof sale by all Dispensarios and Dealers. BAXTER S
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    • 92 11 (5) A. GOODRICH TYRES S 5 VTV» j ;r- O rv'K < ret P l l H V-'V t- Ha: s»: r*‘- j' v „i r' I* f V ii mi r* T -v:.: t H rsJ 6. k 5 -A *s* w> j Ti* "JLr, l A M v
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1243 12 London Directory Annually.) tillable* t' ;ulo* a < 1 CCTOCZSC^DOCDOCZSOCDOC 'UU-JUWJUUJUL-JUUJU t the World to n commun i'Su* with Fnjrlish U Mi* wlacturers 6' Dealers in eicn c »ks of eo «1». Besides being a n cotiii)!® .l *1 guide to Loudon and n its suburbs, the Daectory contains lists
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