Straits Echo, 31 March 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 702 1 •TIGER" Brand Cement. A High Class Cement suitable for all purposes especially engineering and construction work. For prices and farther particulars apply to TIANG LEE Co., 63, Beach Street, Penang. IlMDVillMil■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ uu x w X r— cf M* fl8 h- (L 5« H O r V Cu 2 r 3
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    • 35 1 There’s PURITY and VI6OOR in every drop of Read’s “Dog’s Head” Guinness The StOUt you are used to. Insist on having Dog’s Head Brand. Sole Agents TIANG LEE S’ Co.. 53, Beach Street, Penang. lannnnnnnnnDm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 wa-.,. JjjM 3MMM y ~~frHrr~ r ff*F v 1 1 I NATURA 9E& »*--j I m k* IL I L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J iSadcE a Mi, Grand Prix: 4 (J A p afis 1900 St. Louis J 9o4 Y M, SilbM«<> 4 4ws Bre(" e 0 j»]. Prag
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  • 1070 3 Some British officers were seated watchu sepoys’ dance on the Indiau frontier the *®r av when one of them was shot dead f r !w behind. The murderer was instantly Ih»Bcd and caught. and proved to be a T whose cha-acter had hitherto been eim larv.
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  • 582 3 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS. FIRST DAY Saturday, 30th May, 1914. SECOND DAY Monday, 1st June, 1914. FIRST DAY. Saturday, 80th May, 1914. 1. —The Mixed Handicap. Value $500. A Handicap for Horses that have never won a
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  • 789 3 Several items this week have poiured to the immeii-e importance of the development of Cbica’s resourc A Presidential Mandate on Thursday published a new Miuing Law, drafted by the Miuistrv of Agriculture and Industries Iu the Br.ti-b House ot Commons the Under Secretary for Foreign 1 Affairs,
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  • 79 3 Mr. Frank Harris may be justified in asserting that a first-class prisoner receives better treatment in France than in England, but it ia ridiculous of him to contend that “in America warders and prisoners are on equal terms,” and that their relations are of ths broadly humorous
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  • 82 3 With the exception of Lord Roberts, General Sir O’Mcore Creagh, who retires to-day from the Indian Comuiandership-in-Chief, has perhaps a more intimate knowledge of the Indian natives than any other British soldier. He can speak very rnaDy of the native dialects, and it was be who in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 Entries Close 4 Handicaps for on or before the 5 p.m., on Friday, 15th May, 1914. the First Day will be published 22nd May, 1914. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by tlie winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of the weights and
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    • 12 3 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, Is. 6d
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    • 383 3 In weakness, neurasthenia CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS Use HEMOGLOBIN Deschiens All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the Blood ALWAYS CURES, and gives e\cry one health, strength and beauty. Far better than uncooked meat. Chaiybeates. etc. 4 Ribeiro 8 Co., Ltd., 4* SI, Beach Street, Penang. i ACCOUNT BOOKS, LEDGERS, &C.
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    • 82 4 Omapm. Br. 340. Byon., March 30. Bing.pore, March 28. G.n—E. S. Co.. Banzai! Soon, Br 19». March 30, Langkat, March 28, Gen. E. 8. Go., Ltd. i qi Alma, Br. s.s., 459, Bell, March I)eli, March 30, Gen —E- Co-, Malaya, Ger. s.s., 348, Peters, March 31, Beliwan, March
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    • 46 4 March 31. Muttra, for Singapore, China and Japan. Malacca, for Tongkab. Trang, for Trang. Ban Lee, for Trang. Ban WhattSoon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Omapere, for Port Swettenham and Singapore•Pangkor, for Dindings and Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Klang, for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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    • 222 4 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Qhee Thye, to-morrow, 8 a.m Neeapatam and Madras —Per Tara, to-morrow, 11 j Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy ami Swiitow— -Per GhnogU. to-morrow, S-pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per Taroba, 2nd proximo, 3 p m. 1 Singapore, China and Japan—Per TonUa, nd proximo, 4 pm.
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  • 69 4 The following are the fixtures for this year’s Cup Tie First Round. March 31.- Old Farquhars vt. Crescent Footba’l Club. Si '"ond Round. April 7. —Government Service Recreation Club vs. Eastern Athletic Union. April It. Central Union Athletic Club vt. Mohamedan Recreation Club. April 21. —Itbihadol Khairiah
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  • 122 4 Penang, March 31. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4^, 4 mouths’ sight Bank 3 Credit 2/4** 3 Documentary... 2/4^} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 y 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay, Demand Bank 174 f Moulmein, Demand l ank 173| 3 days’ sight Private 175|
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  • 191 4 Gold Leaf ...$64 40 Black Pepper 16.50 buyers White Pepper 28.72$ sales Trang Pepper 19. buyers Cloves 45. sales Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 87-— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 25. sellers fNo. 1 6.10 sales 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.50 buyers /"Tahbun... 190.— sellers Soonde 245.
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  • 194 4 Penang, March 31. Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork per catty 38 Fig’s Head .>4 Tongue 40 Mutton per lb.
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  • 2083 4 d 0-2 g C O o Pm I Capital. I Number of Shares issued. > 'S I A P 'S '3 Pm I Dividends. Nam*' 4 QD U >% pa X u -2 0Q a .2 3 o 8 O' I I 1910 1911 1912 1913'1914^ RU3CER DOLLAR SHARES.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 Rub It Id. A good many people think rheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Disponsaries and Deale»*», e——■—
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    • 57 4 Australia is really a wonderful land, And things very curious owns i Its pears grow as hard as an iron band—j i Its cherries bear outward the stones—- The jackasses perch on the trees, at a height, 1 And laugh with hilarity pure 1 The foxes fly gaily about thro’
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    • 61 4 r?++4+t <•++♦+*+?+++++♦ H-+++++ THIS IS IT! WATERBDBTS METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS cSrst The latest scientific pre J paration of COD LIVER J OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- $1 sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset ies the stomach. Highly re commended by tb
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  • 713 5 Having said much in recent years about •bip-owners and ship companies, with reference to their dealings with freight charges frcin the Straits, it is a relief to be able to quote something about the relations of the companies themselves. There have been many telegrams despatched and much
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  • 292 5 The following was the result of the March I Medal Competition: K McLeod (24) 76 Winner A Forsyth 6) 87 J E S Brown 4) 88 A S Evens Scratch- 89 J Forsyth (15) 89 Dr. Schafer, a medical officer to the Berlin municipal schools having made
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  • 597 5 Before Mr. R. B. O borne in the Third Court this morning a Cbiuamau named Lim Chin L“ong was charged with being in possession of cocaine valued at $4,500. Teoh Ah Bong. Revenue Officer No 37, stated that at about 8 o’clock on March 16 he proceeded
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  • 246 5 The members of the P. L R. C. tired at the 300 vards range yesterday afternoon for the tirst time, the re*sult being a very satisfactory one. The next practise shoot takes place on Monday, the 6th inst, when the Mills Trophv will be shot for.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 293 5 The Georgetown Motor Garage, 7\ PENANG ROAD. ju»t unpacked several NEW MODELS of MOTOU CYCLES. THE •‘KING DICK JAMES The most renowned cjclei throughout ENGLAND and AMERICA* In the recent competition the two above-named cycles constituted a unique record. We have also several SIDE-CARS, COACH-BUILT and WICKER BODY to match.
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    • 303 5 9^ Messrs. W. D. &H. O. WILLS’ “EMBASSY” CIGARETTES (NO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 25. NOTICE. i Every tin of these well-known Cigarette* contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Forty out of the small entitle the holder to A GENUINE AMBER CIGARETTE
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  • 95 6 Pefcliehed daily (except Sunday and pnfclie holidaya) AT T» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pnicn Daily Leenl m I*4 per annua, ii Pcatage Extra. Ifcil Bitten (Port Free) «17.50 OABLI ADDKBIB ECHO—PENANG." i Takfhoac Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JT.J.-AU kniMM waßunieatioaf «bould
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  • 600 6 So the Secretary of State for War, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff and the Adjutant-General to the Forces have resigned after all and the Prime Minister, who is certainly lacking neither in courage, ability nor resource, has himself taken over Colonel Seely’s portfolio. Iu
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  • 1636 6 Now that tbe Morning Poat has taken to putting headlines on its leading articles the Singapore Free Press and the Scotsman are the only newspapers of our acquaintance which still stick to the old-fashioned head-ing-less style of Lader” aud leave their readers to discover for themselves the subject
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  • 945 6 During the next „eek or two now spaMr l re der us < I» prepared tor rather i telegraphic meeaages. Keuter hai 'err proud orer tbe recent crises Dd now doubtless endeavour to average thin up by cutting down his service of ordinT news. i Padi-planters in the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 MOTOR CAR INSURANCE. Royal Exchange Assurance are prepared to insure OWNERS of MOTOR CARS and VEHICLES against DAMAGE to CARS, THIRD PARTY RISKS, TRANSIT, FIRE. THEFT, etc., at moderate rates. Penang FOR full particulars apply to R. T. REID Co., Agents v* A > L/ /Hi£§§ia 3S3&* :J2** V Eagsssgg*
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  • 1627 7 PREMIER’S NEW POST. minister AND GENERALS RESIGN.; FURTHER SCENES IN THE COMMONS. (Reuter.) London, March 30. I u«. week-end lull in political circles is in i«fleeted in the newspapers. "Army 00 People aud No Military Despoare still the leading headlines in the VV"’ journal» "Meta make a
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  • 268 7 FLOTATION ON STERLING BASIS. (From Our Oim Correspondent. Singapore, March 31. At tbe meeting of the Malakoff Rubber Co, Ltd Mr. D. T. Boyd, who presided, said that the c inpany like inanv others was at present deficient in working capital. At least i GO,COO was required
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  • 90 7 Our Own Curre-pondent.') Kuala Lumpur, March 30 Mr. Campbell presided at the meeting of the Malacca Planters yesterday. The meeting was largely attended and the following resolutions were adopted: (1) The Chinese to be paid 50 cents for 400 trees from August 1. (2) Messrs. Campbell and
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  • 50 7 (From Our Own Coi'resj'ondent Kuala Lumpur, March 30. The s. s. Indradto, of the New York Conference, called at Port Swettenbam yesterday and left for New York with a hundred tons of rubber. It. is possible that the Conference boats will call regularly at Port Swcttenham in future.
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  • 77 7 A Prosperous Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 31. Messrs. Fraser and Neave Ltd., report shows a net profit for the year of $137,629 A dividend of 12 will be paid together with a bonus of making, with the interim dividend, 30/o in all. A
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  • 37 7 {Reuter.) London, March 31. The death has taken place, at the age of 73, of the well-known pianist, composer and conductor, Tito Mattei who published hundreds of popular songs and pianoforte pieces.
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) London, March 31. The destroyer Laverock which ran on the rocks at Skelmorlie Bay, Firth of Clyde, on March l,bas been refloated.
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  • 25 7 (Reuter.) London, March 31. Their Greek Majesties and the Crown Prince welcomed the Kaiser at Corfu. The meeting was very cordial.
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  • 28 7 {Reuter.) London. March 31. As the result of a wages dispute 120,000 Yorkshire miners are on strike this week rendering idle every mine in the country.
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  • 27 7 (Reuter.) Sydney, March 31. The lumpers have commenced to boycott frozen meat for export, refusing to handle it till the local price is reduced.
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  • 353 7 To the Editor or the Singapore Free Prees. Sir, This is another "open letter Critics of Penang should really not be so lamentably ignoraut of the Settlement’s affairs as is the writer of the leader in vour issue of the 28th instant. My friend and colleague
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  • 185 7 On the whole shareholders in the Bagan Serai Company should be pleased with the report their directors now present for the past year. The crop of rubber harvested was 139,5001 b, or about 20,0001 b more than tbe estimate, so that with "all in” costs at
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  • 100 7 Ti®, RubWer, Ric« and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 150 $87.40 Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12* tons at $86.85 Total 162* tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at i 1172 10s. cash and JEI74 sd. three months’ sight.
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  • 191 7 A Belgian colonial bulletin gives a description of the most profitable tree iu the world which is on the borders of Brazil and Bolivia. It is a Hevea Braziliensis and is about 25 feet in circumference. It yields about 25 lb. of rubber for 120 days
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  • 66 7 Pca&nf. At tbo auction to day lb were offered for sale and 23,300 lb. were sold at the followin. prices Sheet Smoked Si 24 to $133 Uuanioked SI 17 5124 Crepe No. 1 »120 $134 No. 8 $llO $ll5 Blanket SlO7 Earth $lO2 Barky SlOO Rambong SB3 Scrap
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  • 194 7 («nil» rii>iit). i or Hijnr» Sfll~r« Kail Kli HHr.K. Aiurlo M»la» .96 10 44 9 6 10 44 Bokit MerUjam 1 114 2 3 l 104 2 4 —ld Cher-on.*** 2 34 2 10 2 44 2 10 13 Cons. Malara .99 10 74 9 104 U» 9 ..14*1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 297 7 ■WA.isrrrtt id. i EXPERIENCED MEG IANICAL and li ELECTRICAL ENGINEER for Riftl's Hotel Power Station and Motor Ga*agt* to reside on the premises. Applv to SAURIES BROTHERS, 31-3-14 i'J'd Singapore or I*, HIE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. II bad ttmcc —S 1 NO A POKE Life Assurance and
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    • 100 7 KRAMAT PULAI, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING K of the above Pomp in will be held on April 2nd, when tbo Directors will recommend pavmenfc of a tiuil dividend of I/making ten per cenL free of income tax for 1913. Transfer books will be closod from March
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  • 588 8 J. C. A. His Tamil Coolie. (Wit* Afologiis to the Porr Lacruti) (A reply to J. c. A't poem entitled The Tamil” appearing in the “Timet of Malaya” of *****.) J. C. A! Perak’» Poet Laureate of 1 th’ day. Rebtrain thou thy temper when I venture te aay Laboured
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  • 941 8 We have to thank Colonel Haggard for more than one chronique scandaleuse of the Court of France, but his last is certainly his best. All countries have been more or less governed by their remarkable women, but in none has feminine influence reached the height it
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  • 1726 8 CATHOLIC AND MUSULMAN FRIENDSHIPS. The Mirdite Clan. (from The Times correspondent.) From Bourgayet I struck straight north, making for the heart of the Mirdite country. Mat is entirely Mahomedau Mirdita is entirely Catholic. Between the two lies Ktbela, which is mixed. To the outward eye there is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 316 8 THE Straits Cinema Location: —PENANG ROAD. Again To-night! "Les Miserable* 9 Reels. 9 Reels. BY VICTOR HUGO. Tbe Longest Film in the World. Look out for our next programme on Friday Night. Renunciation 8 REELS. s ALSO “The Fatal Brand” Reels. 2 Reels. PRICE8 AS USUAL. L. A. CHUAN, Manager.
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    • 12 8 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coeghs and Colds, nerer fails Is, 6d.
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    • 19 8 “Remarkable Women of France,” bv Lieu-tenant-Colonel Andrew. C. P. Hatrsrard T) S. O. (Stanley Paul and Co., lrt*. net
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    • 259 8 Munich, of all cities in the world, is threatened with a curtailment of its night life. Some time ago the police ordered that no restaurant should close later than 3 a.m with the result that the people who did not wish to go home until morning went after j that
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    • 609 8 ST. GEORGE’S BALL 1914. Subscribers to tho above are requested i„ forward their subscriptions (»10 including guests) to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr G R Fitzgerald, at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Cheques may be made out P*r e* George’s Ball and crossed. For the Committee. BEN MITCHELL, r Hon Secretary
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  • 31 9 Ffikli 1 Iron Agenit Due SĕSu Colombo A.G.&Co. j 2n1 Apr. hvanha Prin: Eittl Singapore A.G.ACo. 4th m Fritdrich Singapore B MAJo. i th ti “ttltv Colombo HM.ACo. 19th
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  • 25 9 Feiie!* For Ag<nti Leaves Otlia Singapore A..G ACo. Apr. “*a%ha Colombo A G ACo fr ’i2 Eitd Fr\e4rieh Colombo BMACo. Singapore B M 4Cc.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 370 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Connecting with S.S. Due Penang Steamer. It) 30 11 Uht 28 Jane Delta Aesayo India Devanha Delta Himalaya Mooltan Morea Maloja Marmora Moldavia Medina Homeward. •Sails on Friday instead of Saturday. ♦Goes through to London via Bombay. fakes by mail steamers. A
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    • 1277 9 <SHIPPING.) S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Intended to Sail. Steamer Singapore (Three times a weok). Pod Swettcnham and Singapore. (Twice a week). uaoi ui| Art? 9 l^j Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherrv, Cuddalore and Karikal. (W eekly). X v\ HUTTENBACH.
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  • 1868 10 SOME CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS (Br Violet Mabkham.) To give any account of the Chinese |republic and its affairs is a task calculated to daunt the courage of the most intrepn Gigadibs who ever drove a quill. A thorough-going and most bewildering process of mental dislocation and readjustment
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  • 624 10 EXPERIMENTS WITH THE “GUTTY VaRDON’s £jU>^KI.XNc*S. Interest in the old gutta.pprcha fiall ha* been greatly stimulated .by match at Sandy Lodge To thousands of present-day golfers the gutty i 9 a relic of the past, and is mentioned ouly to be con signed to the category of the'old
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 114 10 Trouble Averted That little cold and sore throat of your.must be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses <t Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. Here's a &o~>d opportunity for CYCLIST AND MOTORIST.
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    • 987 10 fit ib^JpL UNDER THE PURE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. George Town Sales Room NOTICE OF SALE On every bottle of Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills sold in the United States of America there is placed an extra label, bearing a number and the 1 Guaranteed
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    • 93 10 Wool -i’ Groat P9ppormint Cura, F Coufhw an«l Cold», never f*il* I*. 6d. THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLEBB £•< l The latest scientific pre paration of COI) LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset
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  • 260 11 President Yuan’s actions appear to us to justify belief in his sincerity towards assisting the country to make progress. It is therefore, the duty of all law abiding citizens of the Republic to do all in their power to assist him, by obeying with good grace and readiness
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  • 83 11 Wednesday, April 1. Esplanade—6 to 7 p.m. 1 Fantasia Gipsy’s Warning Hartmann 2 Two Step Mumblin Moss Thurbau 3 Selection Macbeth Verdi 4 Waltz Love’s Labours Won Volsstedt l March Copenhagen Raps. Mr. Gordon Selfridge was having a chat about Christmas shopping, when he related the following story
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  • 213 11 I do not court war,” says Congressman Mann, but lam not afraid of war with Japan or any other nation on earth, and I am not willing to yield at the behest of Europe what I believe to be right through fear of what anybody else might
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  • 120 11 Herr Leuss, the contributor to the Welt am Montag, who has been sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for publishing an article criticising the Crown Prince, is connected with one of the fairly numerous German papers frowned on by the authorities. The Welt is not allowed to be sold
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 180 11 us*-- ZJ. JT .Mtk ummimmmmmji nitr» -t I Wwk*» A life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilized world for
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    • 75 11 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all tiroes Sprains may be cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 410 11 GOODRICH TYRES w. i vi N r- i». t •i ta *IS? |4 r >-vj I j «a ISR i. The Largest Tyre Factory, with the Greatest Output in the World a Tribute to the Supreme Quality OF "I l w% if /rn ir w 11# a(r [rt •as* H
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1087 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout 1 o World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers tf Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being complete commercial guide to London an its suburbs, the Directory contains lis.s ol Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and
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