Straits Echo, 17 February 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1184 1 ••TIGER" Brand Cement. A High Class Cement suitable for all purposes especially engineering and construction work. I For prices and further l particulars apply to S TIANG LEE Co., 53, Beach Street Penang. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY B Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M.
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    • 35 1 It There’s PURITY and VIGOUR in every drop of Read’s Dog’s Head” Guinness The StOUt you are used to. Insist on having Dog’s Head Brand. Sole Agents TIANG LEE Co.. 53, Beach Street, Penang. □□□□□□□□□□□□■■l)ill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 liSlUu I NATURA M ILK L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J m <Ĕ§t h a Mn Grand Prix: V p »fis 1900 St. Louis I9° 4 /^r 5»lf on HUp rr? tcr Sc h "“fj. 'fin 1891 1893. 1898. 1899 fellMUIIIlllM Schuttmarke sil B fe,nfD V K0D £>. Ehr««P r^
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  • 1028 3 FORM and colour vision. Roabu or Tbadk Report. <]l«* if pot A by Mr. E. 0. Moggridge, of lljr Marine I)«*jart merit of tie Hoard of '1 ,#de, wa« issued yesterday on the sight used > n D'R Mercantile Marina during T e»r
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  • 1218 3 (F»t Southern Cross). Id choosing South Africa, and, above all, the South African railways, aa a fidd in which to battle for its theories, militant labour has made a grand mistake. In a familiar local phrase, it finds itself up against a tough proposition —a Government of
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  • 97 3 February, 1914. Date. 11 W L W W W. AM. AM. P.M. f.M, 17th 4 00, 10 20, 4 49, II. 30 18 1. 4.4«>, 11.00, 5.56, Nil. 19 It 9.00, 2.09, 8.40, 12.«* 20th 11.10, 4.31, 9 57, 4 08 21 >t 11 34, 5.10,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 242 3 <§> ®®®®«:®®®®®®®®@<§>®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® GOODRICH TY*RES r\ rJ r-> rr^.-e-J r7^££§* w w' *-a w« V VW w Vk?l .vs f ''j 3E MAMgf The Largest Tyre Factory, with the Greatest Output in the World a Tribute to the Supreme Quality OF (5) GOO TYRE 1 Sole Importers, Straits Settlements 8 Malay
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    • 72 3 Don't Ccuth. It is absurd to allow a cougb to haDg on and sap vour vitality when Chamberlain's Remedy will cure you. You don’t! know where a persistent cough will land vou. You can’t afford to allow your throat 'and lungs to become diseased when it is uch a simple
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    • 452 3 CieAiMSc YOUR BLOOD with GRIMAULT UC°* \SARS APARIL L A C =3 e O o u U 0 "555v* CE'lY' 1 r —e The original sarf i>ttrilla, recomi ,-ndcd for the last 40 years for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorders cf the skin. CIUMAULT h C I, -ut
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    • 91 4 De Koek, Dut. 1.264, Winkel. F«b. 16, Semarang, Feb. 6. Gen. K. P- M. Omapere, Br. s.s., 340, Lyons, Feb. 16, Singapore, Feb. 14, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Jin Ho, Br. s.s., 93, Harding*. Feb. 16, Aaahan, Feb- 15, Gen. —E. S- Co., Ltd. Alma, Br. s.s., 354,
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    • 54 4 i Februart 17. Jin Ho, for A«aban. Sappho, for Tongkab. Chantaboon, tor Langkat. Ban Lot, for Tr&ng. Glenjalloek, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Omaptre, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hebt, for Teluk Anaon. Mambang, for Setul. Pangkor, for Diodinga and Bitiawan. Klang, for Port Swettenham and Singapore Thonguyi,
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    • 291 4 Foe Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Ghee Thye, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Alor Star (Kedab)— Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Negapatam and Madraa— Per Tara, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Aeahan —Per Kedah, to-morrow, noon. Batu Babra —Per Pungah, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Padang, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli —Per
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  • 124 4 Penano, February 17. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4A 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/4 T f 8 Documentary 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 173 j 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Bombay, Demand Bank 173 j Moulmiin, Demand Bank 173 tf i
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  • 200 4 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16.-no stock White Pepper 30. buyers Trang Pepper 21.50 buyers Cloves 39 buyers Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 80. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 26. sales No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,50 sales Basket 5 15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12 20 sales iTahbun... 190.
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  • 191 4 Penano, February 17. Beef— cts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... m n 24 Feet .m h
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  • 2114 4 SHARES jk I lit Number of o< .2 Capital. Shares ta Dividends. Name. g E j J B issued. J a I 1 ft w 1 30 i i i iZj 1909i 1910! 1911 1912 1913 RUCBER DOLLAR aSHARES. p.c. j p.c. I p.c. i<kiQ 8 Lsnnoo 130 000 111
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 A Forty Yem’ Test. Chamberlain’s Cough Femedy has been curing coughs ;md colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity ererv year. What better recommendation is required For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 4 Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Cough* and Colds, never fail*, la. 6d
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    • 54 4 THIS 13 IT! Waterbiiry’s .Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS Cai i S/ The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned oinuisions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession. g:- all chemists
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  • 2024 5 Medical Eepokt »ok 1912. In the current issue of the Government Gazette is published the Medical report of I the Straits Settlements for the rear 1912 We are becoming used to these belated reI ports, the publication of which apparently no amount of grumbling will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 176 5 NOTICE. /11 l 1 Jg A 1 *yMy Vrt .V NOTICE is hereby given that we «re the sole proprietors of the above trade mark which is being used by us as a trade mark for Our Goods. Any person who without our authority uses such mark or any colourable
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    • 605 5 2 oz. 4 oz. Tins. Obtainable Everywhere. PRICE: CENTS A i LB. TIN. If,' o 6 it f Ribeiro g Co., Ltd.," ACCOUNT COOKS, LEDGERS, Sc. MADE TO ORDER. A Large Stock of Office 8 General Stationery. i--I 4^0 i T NOTICE OK SALK. BY ORDER OR THE SHERIFF, OF
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  • 94 6 frtliihH daffy (except Sunday* ted pallia holidays) AT TIB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penarg. Fdicb Duly Lmdl 924 per a&ncm. Oalatotioa... Postage Extra. Mail EMm (Poet Free) 91 /.50 CAB LB ADDBBSS > N ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Departncnl 343 Jf.D.—A! kwIMN
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  • 51 6 Vaz-Lesslar At the Church of the Assumption on Febru»rv 17, bv the R f, v Ij. M. Duvelle, Mr. Elward J. A. Vaz, Assistant Teacher. St Xivier’s Institution, and third son of Capt Peter Vaz, to Miss Marv Wilbelmina Lesslar, eldest daughter of Mr. T. J. Lesslar, of the
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  • 804 6 Not without satisfaction we learnt that tie seemd reading of the Bill to amend the Courts Oidinance was postponed last Friday till the sitting of the Legislative Council which is to t ke place on the 27th of this month, for we have reason to believe
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  • 206 6 Chenderiang Valley Tin Dredging Co Ltd. To the editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I note with great pleasure from you-* issue his evening that we may hope to have, through your columns, some particu ars of the progress made by this concern, and also 1 trust, of its
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  • 289 6 Successful Opening. There was a very good house at the Dito K ram at Gardens last night when Harmston’s Circus opened a short season in Penang The Cottrells, who form on this occasion the star attraction, are a rema r kably clever and well-balanced troupe of gymnasts Tbeir
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  • 1059 6 The suit Aisbahbee btnti Isaha Sherifa Sebab. in the matter of the estate of the late J. M. Ibratmr, was comme DC d yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Fou.t before Mr. Justice Sercombe bmith. Mr. W. R. Armstrong apjieared tor Aishahbe", the plaintiff, and Nr- Jones for
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  • 989 6 It is very sad to have to report in the short space of a week two deaths in a little Europe n community like ours. In both cases, too, those who have gone were remarkably promising young men who might reasonably have been expected to have had many
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 •< 101 No Order is Too Large i I No Order is Too Small j QUALITY PROMPT ATTENTION COMPETITIVE PRICES. The George Town Dispensary, Ltd., BRITISH CHEMISTS, Penang, Taiping Ipoh. BEAR THIS IN MIND: The question of what ycu pay is not so important to you as the one of
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  • 31 6 Death. Warner. —On February Id. at. the General Hospital, Penang, Arthur Warner, A C A., son of Mr. and Mrs. R ibert Warner of 14, Priorv Road, West Hampstead. Age 21.
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  • 141 7 Renter.) Constantinople, F bruary 16. The I'orte, in reply to tee decision of tho Power*, point» out that it hoped, regarding the Aeg<** n I*l tod* in the vicinity of the Straits and tbo«e integrally belooping to Asia Minor, that the Powers would! solve the question iu
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  • 84 7 Renter London, February 17. At question time in the House of Com n, ns Mr H. H. Asquith announced that, ■o far as existing conditions were concerned, the pro-eut garrison and armament at Malta and Gibraltar were adequate. The adequacy „f the defence in
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  • 89 7 Deeition of the Court. (ltniter.) London, February 16. Dr. Bird, ruing as a common informer, ba* obtained judgment for 13,000 agaicst Sir Muart Samuel, Liberal member for Whitechapel, for voting in the House of Commons while his firm, Messrs Samuel, ItLutagu A Co, was under contract
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  • 59 7 (Reuter.) L mdoir, February 16. M. Venizelos, the Greek Premier, bai returned from his European tour. He told the Cabinet, that the underitmdiug between Greece, Kumaoia and Serrii had secured tho maintenance of the itatvi quo in the Balkans and rendered Turco-Ureek complications impossible The Cabinet discussed
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  • 58 7 Reuter Mexico City, February 16. The American Charge <l’Affaires has protected to President Huerta against the attacks of the anti-Wilson Press on the President of the United States. President Huerta promised that he would loetothe cessation of the attacks and assured that he would no more tolerate attacks
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  • 69 7 (Reuter.) Durban, February 16. Tn the match between South Africa and the M C.C. team South Africa scored 170 in the first inning», P. Hands contributing 51 towards this total Barnes txik 7 wickets for 56 ruus. England replied with 163 runs, Hobbs scoriug 64
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) London. February 16. Prominent East Africans and South Africans inspected, prior to her maiden voyage, the Ltanslephan Castle, a sisterahip of that luxurious iiuer the Llandovery Castle •Inch was built specially for the East African trade.
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) London, February 16 The meat strike ha» spread to Melbourne 'here tbe slaughter men declare that the vaplover s promised to relieie them of cleaQMDg the abattoirs.
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) London, February lt>. Prince William of Wied will visit London md will pav his respects to the King au confer with Sir Edward Giey prior to prodding to Albania.
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  • 159 7 RUMOURED CONCESSIONS. (Rtutir.) London. February 1C There is much speculation as tothe nature of the Government concession* iu regard to Heme Rule. The Doty Chro icle, speaking with an a»r of authority, declares emphatically that l liter will not ba excluded from the operation of the Bill,
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  • 105 7 N R.A. Protest. Renter.) Loudon, February '6 Vigorous protests were raised at the meeting of the National R fla Association egainst the requirement of the War Office that Territorial competitions, including that for the King’s Piize, should be brought into harmony with the army musketry regulation» Ibis
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  • 109 7 Bishop of Zanz bar’s Strong Reply. (Rmter London, February 16 Tbe Bishop rf Zinsibir. in a strong reply to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement, declining to allow proceedings for heresy against the Bishop of Uganda a d the Bishop of Mombasa, respectfully suggests that the Primate had
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  • 75 7 The South African D eportations. Commonwealth Opi. ion. (Renter Melbourne, February 16 The Labour Ex-Premie-, Mr. Andrew Fisher, while condemning the deportations from South Africa hoped that the motherland will not iuteifere with the i olicies of the Dominions and will allow the autouo mous governmauts to i> anage their
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  • 67 7 Insurance and Home Rule. Rnifcr.) London, February 16 Despite the flioding of tho constituencies with Ulsterite speikers and literature, the Insurance question continu 3 s to l>e a strong rival of Home Rule at Poplar aud Bathnal Green. The candidatures of Mr Jones (Labour candida f e for
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  • 51 7 (Renter.) Buffilo, February 16. Mr. Kennedy, Treisurer of New York S‘»te, who was snbpoena c d to give eviderce at the enquiry b to the charges of corruption in connection with the Commissariat Depart ment of the Para" a Canal, has committed suicide by cutt n his
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  • 29 7 Renter) Berlin, February 16 An engineer, Tlnrr TV lliner. travelled 18/5 miles in a balloon from Bitter p el<l to the Ural Mountains. This is a world’s record.
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  • 18 7 Reu'rr Berlin, February 16. The Crown Prince of Germany is suffering frem mumps.
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  • 102 7 BRIGHT OUTLOOK. (from Our Own Correspondent Singapore, February 16. At the annual general meeting of tbe liti iiu Company Dr. Galloway, who was in the chair, «aid that there was every reason for congratulation. The outlo »k for ihe current year was cn mu aging and, barring
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  • 106 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, February 17. At tho annual geueral meeting of the Glen-aly Rubber Company, Mr. Llewellyn, who presided, said that thev could p v a divideud of 6 per cent but tho consequence would be their having to pay far development out, of revenue. Tbev
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  • 101 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sincapore, February IG. On Sunday morning the steamer Gem Seng, while going out ot' the harbour, raturn d ihe Singaporean (formerly the Alexy Morch which was anchored near the mole in shallow water, causing a great rent in the Singaporean which filled
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  • 46 7 (Re it ter. London, February 16 The Hamburg- A tuerika liner Almeira, which ran aground at Lamu in East Africa, has been fl rated after being lightened of 1.400 tons of carg-\ Apparently she is undamaged and the cargo is being reshipped to-day.
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  • 131 7 At the Annual General Meeting of this Hub, held at the Club Hou-e, Burmah Road, on the 15»h instant, the following were elected officers for the year 1914. Pres dent, Mr Shaik Moharned; Vice I rts 1 denfs. Mr B P Eumff, Mr T M Shaik
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  • 100 7 Tin, Rubber and Copra The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Straits Trading C 0..) $92 25 buyers, no sellers) Penang Tin Exchange, 6y tons at $9l 75 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 50 192 55 Total 5Gj tons. Tin is quoted in Loudon to-da v
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  • 218 7 Yesterday. To*-!*»- R n r Buyer* Seller* Beyers Sellers Fall. RUSBEit. rt. <i «.a «4 »mr|r> M»’»j ..11 3 12 3 10 41* 11 44 -IOMd B ikit Mertajam. 23 29 21 20— 24 Chersonese ..26 3 24 29 —24 Cm* Malaya 10 9 It 6 10 6 11
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  • 926 7 At tbe Annual General Mooting cf the Ka»f an Ztrian Club, Kuala K »ugsar, held on the 14th iusf, presided over by the Vm»-Freeident, R»ja Harm, in the absence of the Pre-ident, the Raja Muda of Perak, the followi g were tlected officebearers for the year 1914:
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  • 332 7 The Full Court of Appeal oj ened in the Court this mining before Sir William Hvndman-J «nes, Chief Justice, Mr Justice P. J. Sproule and Mr Justice Sercombe Smith. There are some half a doz. j n appeals for trial The Hon Mr A. K Ad
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  • 170 7 We regret to anuouu e the death of Mr A. Warner, of Messrs. Brown. Phillips and Stewart, which took place last night at the General Hospital, where he was admitted on Saturday morning suffering from acute ii fl unmatmn of the kidneys The deceased was
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  • 95 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3. —Sight Tests in the Mercantile Marino. Boers and Labour. Tide Table for Penang. s.—Health in the Straits Settlements. 8. —Cheap Rubber Costs and Profits. Our Opium Question Penang Cricket Club Penang Ladies’ Riflj Club. Ministering Children’s League
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 436 7 WANTED. Two Good Chinese Salesmen. Apply to 17-2-14 113 PRITCHARD Co. North Tambun Mines, N.L. 4 DIVIDEND of 61 p* r share has I ren declited pa iblo in Australia on the 11th day of March, 1914 The Transfer Books of the Company will remain op**n until the 27th day
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  • 983 8 COSTS AND PROFITS Shilliwo a Pound Pboduction. h The best estates will in the end produce all in’ at a shilling per pound.” The abore is the opinion of Mr. Eric Macfadyen, a well-known Selangor planter and authority on the rubber industry in the Mid Eaat. Mr Vaefadyen
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  • 907 8 Annual Rkpobt. The annual meeting of the Committee and Associates of the M O L. was held on Monday afternoon at the Bt. George’s Girls’ Home. The President, Mrs. Young, took the chair. The fourth annual report was read, together with a statement of accounts, as follows:
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  • 197 8 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Profession Pairs. Craig and Goldie beat Hogan and Hogan 6— 2, 6-2. Championship. Gregson beat Hodge 4—6, 6-2, 6—3. Single Handicap —A. Haslam beat Forrest 6 —7, 6 —2, 6 —3. Single Handicap B.
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  • 176 8 The following were the scores made by the P.L.R C. at Kampoug Bahru yesterday 150 yds. Running man. Mrs Johnson... 13 Miss Matbieu 11 Mrs Wiight-Motion 9 Miss Gawtborne 9 Mrs Liston 9 Mrs Hilton 7 Mrs Hart 3 Miss Chaeseman 3 Wantage. Mrs Wright Motion
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  • 1240 8 It is well known that the majority of Europeans do not believe in the necessity of suppressing the local opium habit. But practically all Chinese, who are principally concerned, are unanimous in their declaration agaiust the drug and the Government’s share in the trade. With or without
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  • 190 8 Messrs. Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works Limited have recently placed on the market a new Wotan lamp having the extremely lo.v current consumption rf half a watt jer average C P. in all directions below the horizontal i e., it may be considered as the usual CP. obtained
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 384 8 THE Straits Cinema Location: —PENA NO ROAD. Tempora mutantur et noa mutamur in illis. i To-night I To-night! I Wifflcs 8 the Ant Hill A Hero After All. 2 REELS. 2 F. A. L 4.000 feet. AND Delivered by Death 3 REELS 3 6,000 feet. The Latest Pathe Gaxette. Prices
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    • 97 8 Around my bed stood Uncle Ted, J*-'m m», Jane and Florrie Tb»v thought I’d die. hu> hang it, I Was in no beastly hurry. I’d got bronchitis and laryngitis, High was my temperature I’m well to-day, and pleased to say, Twaa Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure. 3XT OTICE WE beg to
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    • 162 8 ’nfmn!!i!!!ii!f!!m!m!!ii!!!iiHT!ii!!!!imirrrrmr(r i Cheap Ice Contracts. 3 The undersigned are now open to enter into Contracts for the supply of Ice at reduced i > prices for 10 years (or less) 1 beginning from 12th August next. i Apply to Penang Ice 8 Industrial Co., Ltd., Huttenbach Bros., 8 Co., Agents.
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  • 27 9 1 h A'fpntt Due /’iiio 'Colombo A G ACo. 19th Feh. Singapore A.G.ACo. 20th O&fte* 1 Singapore Prixi Ehtrl BV.AOo 24th Fntinek Colombo BM.ACn 26th
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  • 20 9 V'ti- 1# F* Singapore 'Colombo G***» p 9tU W*4f1m Si on pore VO.AC-. A. ACo B. B.M ACo Feb.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 365 9 P.&0. S.N.C 1 xpected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Concerting with 8 8. Due Steamer. Penang Feb. 19 Mar. 5 Apr. 19 2 16 30 India Devanha Arcadia Delta A«nave India Medina Mongolia Malwa Mooltan Morea Maloja Homeward. •Sail* on Friday instead of Saturday, tMoldavia call» at Naplea. JGoea
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    • 1282 9 <S H I P PI NQ O co BRITISH INDIA STEA.M NAYICATION CO., LTD. mnm LL07D, BBUff. GERMAN MAIL LINE. f|lHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen X. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Lisbon orGibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vie* versa),
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  • 1516 10 In a review rf a translation of Varro's De He Hu.-tica.” which we publish to-day in the I >vpr bm>nl, the writer com r«m> V*no for i .s\»»lity to Lionardo da Vinci and la nenfs tbo ubsen-e of sucli versatility iu our cwn tiiuo The name of William Morris
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 439 10 as II i v m 1& 71 m w 5 wv v.v~~~ WmW£ Nerve Strain— Mr. R C. HUCKS (the well-known Flying Man), of 5, Queen’s Gate Terrace, London, England, writes “1 really must express my appreciation of Phosferine. Some time back I felt myself in a curious state of
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    • 53 10 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of ever? cold as quickly as possible It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia ruav develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlains, t>ujh Kemedy. It is a simple thine to do bit the effect is marTpllous For sale bv all Dispensaries and
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    • 423 10 For Chronic Chest C >mplaiu*B, Woods’ IV» porm nt C 'ra. U <?d 3NT OTICE. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.” OF INDIAN LABOUR J are hereby reminded that assessuien’ returns for the preceding quarter must b 1 sent to the Office of the Deputy Controlleof Labour,
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    • 367 10 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnni The World’s Family Medicine ■n.. -k, B—W. Pin. medicine, to c\**r to e.eryo». h*4 dUomtor. ud *to woud.rful rmedy there i. a wide tulf. Tka undoubted m**no*W «4 eMoauy at Beecham’s Pills r«t upon the fact that they Bcientificlly pc,par f r?*". I«M..T*!*wb4 in the p•■•table kingdom for the
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  • 394 11 Shanghai seems to have become the happy hunting ground of the riff-raff of Chiua and has recently earned an unenviable reputation for crime of the most violent description The authorities are puzzled how to act, while the public clamours loudly fur a more rigorous application of the
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  • 428 11 We remarked yesterday that it is not so much to the returns of the Maritime Cusi toms as to her internal revenues that we must look for the real test of China’s stajbility and prosperity. If imports, which enormously exceed the exports, were all paid for out
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 Just What You Need. Don’t suffer for years from a disordered atotnach. A few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets will put you right. They aro just what you need. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. i rr 1 mz that bu IS HOT w* Vy y~) '**9l 'V bWumtm cr
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    • 81 11 Beware of Colds. hildren are much more likely to contract tin* contagious diseases when they have colds. Wh oping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick
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    • 208 11 (T DC MACHINERY FOR SALE. One High speed vertical enclosed type ENGINE forced lubrication, cylinder eleven inches diameter, six inches stroke, direct coupled to a 51 inch fan. All New and in first class order. Two, twenty inch Gwynne Centrifugal PUMPS with vertical tandem compound condensing ENGINES ana locomotive BOILERS
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1652 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers 6’ Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs, tbe Directory contains lis'a of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the < ,"Li;al
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