Straits Echo, 10 February 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1182 1 TIGER Brand Cement. A High Class Cement suitable for all purpose especially engineering and construction vrork. For prices and further particulars apply to TIANG LEE Co., 63, Beach Street, Penang. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’; SPECIAL KESERVE. O.V.G. ’Whisky SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOK PENANG F. M. S. DAVID CCRSAR
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    • 37 1 There’s PDRITY and VIGOUR in every drop of Read’s “Dog’s Head” Guinness The StOUt you are used to. Insist on having Dog's Head Brand. Sole Agents TIANG LEE S’ Co.. 53, Peach Street, Penamj. mmmikm ntauuaua i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 NATH FT L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) y v > Grand Prix: V st. Louisjl9o4. Ccid M t d,:„ u.HIIIK* C »l< »i Me<, aillcn ia» 3 1893 'B, a “Xni, Pf »to Sc hw e na IB9Q 5)1 fiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiniiiuiiiiiQ Schutimarke sim- 18 ?1 Ure» eB ,0»3Ehr« n P f
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  • 2054 3 SERIOUS POSITION OF PRODUCERS. Suggested Reforms. Comparative steadiness was the chief characteristic of the Rubber Market in 1912, hut that proved only a pause in the descent from the giddy heights of 191'*, when as much as 12s. lOd. per lb was paid. The oast vear began
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  • 1464 3 VIEWS OF A PLANTATION ADVOCATE. Will Wild Rubber be Ousted (From a Corretpondent.) [We gave below an interesting coin* munication from a correspondent on one aspect of the rubber position, but we must not be understood as in anv wav endorsing bis conclusions. His argument
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  • 131 3 A fl a-trap is in general u«e in Szechuan. It consists of two puces of bamboo, one inside the other. The outer is about a foot in Ungth and two and a half inches in diam for i f is lougitudinallv fenestrate!. '1 he inror bamboo is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 303 3 >C f ii HEALTH 8 STRENGTH Gives strength to the muscles, tone to the nerves, health to the whole system. It stimulates, strengthens, and sustains. Better than medicine. ‘M ''s23C H U P M O 3 L E 1914 MODEL ROADSTER. READY FOR THE ROAD. Price: $2,250. Fitted with El
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    • 251 3 im: 1 'i i:m:.iinNinnmii:uunu ujuii liiuu; For Chronic Chest Complaints, W' Orest, Peppermint Cure, Is 6d. THIS IS IT WATERS DRY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compo u ii d TASTELESS ODORLESS M 3h£&a W*ts*/**r Cci li t.«l J t !=5eLTtfcr; Pri The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs
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    • 158 4 Elepkavta, Br. a.*., 2,694, Coope, Feb. 8, alcutta, Jan. 30. Gen —H. L. A Co. Hebe, Br. s.s., 346, 6c At, Feb. 8, Teluk Ancon, Feb 7, Gen —A. G. A Co. Glenogle. Br. a.*., 2.399, Graves, Feb 9, Amoy, Jan. 23, Gen.—B. J. 8. K. Hang iiek, Br.
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    • 55 4 February 10. Bappho, for Tongkab. De Koek, for Deli and Asahan. Pungah, for Batu Babra. Omapere, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Hong \loh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Pangkor, for Diodings and Sitiawan. Klang, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Aljeh, for Langsa, Edi, T.
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    • 227 4 For Singapore, China and Japan —Per Kleiet, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc—Per Prim Ludwig, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Moravia, 12th instant, Ipm. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Tara, 12th instant, 3 p.m. By Train. Federated Malay States,
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  • 123 4 Psvako, Fsbeuast 10. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2 /4A 4 months' sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4/, 3 M Documentary 2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days' sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days' sight Private
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  • 195 4 Gold Leaf 164 40 Black Pepper 16.—n0 stock White Pepper 30. —sales Trang Pepper 21.50 sales Cloves 39. buyers Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 76- —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 24. buyers C No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12 20 sales /"Tahbun...
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  • 187 4 Penang, February 10. Beef— c ts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per cattv 55 Pork— P°rk per cattv 38 Pig’s Head 24 Feet 28 Tongue M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1354 4 THE Straits Cinema Location :—PENANG ROAD. Tkos.A. Edison’s Kinetophone DREW A FULL HOUSE! Monday Night. The Talking Pictures DEEBOOK DREDGING.' NO LIABILITY. NOTICE i« hereby given that a Call (No 7th of ONE BHILLING per ■bare on the Contributing shares in the above Company has been mad* and ia due
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    • 143 4 a ►r Just a little sneezing, Just a little chill; Just a lot of medicine Just a nasty pill. Just a week of coughing, Still no chance of cure— But if you'd bought Woods’ Peppermint You’d be well, I am sure. NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance
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    • 646 4 HOTEL NORMAN. PENANC. THE ENGLISH HOTEL. A Judge of the °uprexn« Court, write»:—“ I have stayed here for 3 weeks and found e*ery. thing most satisfactory. I had a large, clean, airy bedroom, and the foot was particularly good. I was made most comfortable.” A Colonial Secretary, writes I was
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  • 1023 5 One hundred and fifty-one years ago today was signed the Treity of Paris, whereby France formilly ceded to Great Brifa'n Canada, with all its dependencies, and the great tr«.ct of couutry between the Mississippi and the Atlantic. Never before or since has England’s glory been written so large
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  • 355 5 To THE Editob of the Straits Echo Sib, r I shall be much obliged if you will kindlr i spare me a space in your paper jj Ihe electric tramways of the MagazineJelutong line have a majority of Chinese passengers mostly i f the poor class. I have
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  • 327 5 Fobtnigiitly Handicap Shoot. The following was the result of t lie shooting ou Saturday afternoon 200 yards rapid, 8 shots in 45 seconds at N. R. A. 3rd class figure targets. H. P. S. 40. Mr A E Murray with H’cap .28 37 12 Pte W
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  • 235 5 In the case of \ee Chye Wah against Scab Eng Koon and Seah Peck Seah, in which the Court of Appeal had reversed the judgment of Mr Justice Sproule awarding the plaintiff 564 704 35. we are informed that the plaintiff’s solicitor has received a telegram
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 272 5 SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. rx ra, 4» Ribeiro 8 Co., Ltd., 5!, Beach Street, Penang. I account books, ledgers, &c. I MADE TO ORDER. I I A Large Stock of Office 8 General Stationery.-—-*****2: jEsaaa® H.P. HAZLEWOOD FOB. SALE. 5* y •>4. Hi’ iimni \v 14te5. ?yrl -v 21
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    • 314 5 r > V 2oz. 4 oz. Tins. Obtainable Everywhere. t PRICE: 90 CENTS A i LB. TIN. TOWN HALL, February h ,4 ,2,h 4,3,h 3 Mich r s 5~7l y 3 RETURN AND FAREWELL VISIT OF Mr. EDGAR WARWICK AND ms COURT CARDS. IN 3 NEW PROGRAMMES. Prices: $3, ;2
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  • 86 6 flM’nWil da.ilj (except Sunday» and poblia holiday*) AT TKB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paica Daily L»«*1 «M 954 per aacum. OataUtioa... Postage Extra Mail Edstiea (Poet Fine) 917.50 OAILI ADD**** ECHO—PENANG." t TtUfkoM No*. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jf f kaiiHM imauDiettioM
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  • 44 6 Baptist—Baptist. At the Church of the Assumption on February 9. by the Rev. L. M. Duvelle, Mr. Joseph Michael Baptist, of the General Post Office, Penaug to Miss Millv Biptist, eldest daughter of Mr. Martin Baptist, and niece of Mr. P. C Baptist.
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  • 1360 6 What truth there may be in the rumours of the forthcoming resignation of Lord Gladstone, High Commissioner for South Africa, it is difficult to say. For somo time past the newspapers of both parties have been busy promoting Mr. Masterman to the Cvbinet and relegating Mr. Sydney Buxton,
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  • 884 6 Mr. A. Hood Begg was a passenger from Singapore by the s.s Klang which arrived yesterday. Mr. Frank Perret, the American scientist, has sailed f»r Japan to study the eruption in Sakurashima Mr. and Mrs W. C. Micbell will be leaving for Singapore, probably on Thursday by
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  • 397 6 It is with great regret that we announce the death of Mr. N. C. Espie Hall, Manager and Engineer of th« Penang branch of Messrs. Siemens Brothers., which took place yesterday afternoon from dysentery after an illDesa of ooly a few days’ duration.
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  • 470 6 Harmston’s Circus, which is an old favourite in Penang, will open a short season here on Monday, the 1 6th iust. The management claim for their programme that it is entirely new to this Settlement and that j the 30 artists which it includes are all London and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 BEAft- THIS IN MIND: Th£t{ue&tion of what you say is not so important to you as the one of Value ie;eived*for ycur cutlay. .7 7 > -•.■‘if/. ■fa «I r Buy our Convincible Cycle and you will get your money’s worth A really high grade British-made machine at a low
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  • 214 7 PANTAI MEETING. (From Our Own Corraytondcnf Singapore, February 9. At the meeting of the PaDtai Rubh r Estate Mr. Watkins, who presided, said that the profit was nearly 10% of the paid-up capital. Durirg 1914 the f.o b. cost was probably a trifle over a shilling
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  • 58 7 Reuter.) Berlin, February 9. It is officially announced that the visit of the Crown Prince to the German Colonies in Africa is being considered, but nothing is •ittlcd. The Tag Mutt believes that the Prince will start in the coming Summer, returning to Germany in
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  • 58 7 Reuter.) Vienna, February 0. A negotiation has been concluded between the Hungarian Government and the Hungarian State Loans Syndicate for a loan of £20,800,000 redeemable in sixty years. The London firm of Rothschilds has taken over .£3,000,000 of the loau. The participation of Rothschilds ha* given the greatest
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  • 108 7 (Reuter.) London, February 9. The Norddeutsche 'A ‘itutig states that the solution of the Albanian question is progressing, Austria aud Italy being prepared to guarantee the Prince of Wied a loan for Albania. The remaining great Powers are also ready to advance £50,000 to the Prince The
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  • 62 7 Reuter.) Tokyo, February 9. A motion of censure on the Government was introduced into the Diet yesterday'afternoon. The members of the Cabinet, interviewed, affirm that they do not iut“nd to resign. The Constitutionalists auuounce that thev will continue to support tLit Government uuinfluenced by the reports ol
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  • 99 7 (Rtuier.) Sydney, February 8. The Government, which is exteudmg tin sphere of State enterprise, has bought f private bakery business to supply bread t< Government institutions and possibly ulti nuteiv to supply the public The Ministry believes in the existence of a ring to rais* the price
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  • 38 7 (Renter.) London, February 8. Raphael’s famous Panslunger Madonua. rerentlv offered lo the National Gallery fo 1 ■£70,000 has been purchased by the Am°ri fan, Mr. Widener, at a price which is declared to exceed £140,0C0.
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  • 213 7 INTERNATIONAL RUGBY. (Ueti.'r > L*»m ‘or, F bruary 7. The day was fi t ~i < ';•'<) ff and 50,«t00 spectators wifn>’-- «1 Rigby football ravtch between S*-o»iand Wales. The Scottish three-qu !»rs Mar.ilv scored; after that there v. i a magnificent contest bat ween t.ue AVe* > ‘.runts,
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  • 127 7 Reuter. London, February 7. The London papers stit° that Mr C F G Maste man will shortly succeed Mr Sydney Buxton as President of t* e B >ard of Trade The latter, who will beeb-vated to th*» peerage, has been chosen as t he successor of
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  • 64 7 Brit ish Trade Returns. (Re.i'er.) London, Februa*y 8. The British trade returns for January show a decrease iu the imports of £3 223,2 2 and an increase in the exports of £2,300 400 The principal decrease- in t,he imports are raw cotton (£1,063 341) and woo) (£782,575). The principal increise*
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  • 58 7 (Reuter Stockholm, February 9. As a counterblast to the demonstration < f the farmers for improved defences, 30,000 Socialists demonstrated before the Government, Offices demanding the diminution of armameuts. M StaaiT. the Premier, replying, said that he was absolutely c mvinced that the Swedes would be compelled to
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  • 32 7 Reuter.) London, February 8. Mr. Justice R. R Cherry h?;s been appointed Chief .I'lstirfl f TreGud tn fU cession to the Rt H r. Lord O'Bnea, who has resigned.
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  • 37 7 Reuter) London, February 8. At. the match in London of 18/00 nr with ivirv ball* Newman, receiving 4.0(»0. beit Gre.v bv *2 points Gav made 513 off the red which is a record with ivory bills
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  • 24 7 Reuter.) London, February 8 The Portuguese Ministry has been con stituti d with Fignior Couceiro Costa as Minister of the Colonies.
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  • 28 7 (Reuter.) Pari«, February 8. Ow ng to the favourable Budget outlook. M. Cadlaux has decided to reduce the Treasury loads to i ,6«. 0,COO.OOO francs.
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  • 21 7 Th Tair»ng Rubber I' tates, I/d (»."05 The January output of Mr. Yeoh Paik Keit’sUcan-’a Ruble: Estates 9,0191b
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  • 77 7 (Reuter.) London, February 10. A large and repngmt f ive me‘ting of oil iz°ns at the Guildh-ll unanimously a.i p*ed a reso’uHoi assuring the Govern m nt of the support of the commercial com munity in any m<*a-ures ensuring the supre maev cf the Navy ard the
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  • 52 7 Reuter London, February 10. A split lias occurred in the ranks of the militant Suffragettes, Miss Svlvia Pankhurst having seceded from the Women’s Social nd I’olitical Union which will lie directed by her mother and Miss Cbristabel Pankhurst. Miss Sylvia Pankhurcr is forming her own organisation in the
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  • 43 7 (Reuter.) London, February 9 1 he 4i per cent. Canadian North Western Railway loan of £1,320,000 at 93 has been fully subscribed. A Union of South Africa loan of £4 000.000, bearing interest at 4 and issued at 95* is imminent.
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  • 27 7 (Reuter.) London, February 10. Fleet Paymaster Lowry has been sentenced to th r e-* yeirs’ servitude for embezzling £l3, 01 from the public funds.
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  • 23 7 (Reuter Tokyo, February 10. The Budget Committee of the Diet has v..t**d a reduction of the Navy Estimates bv £3,000,000.
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  • 17 7 (Reuter.) Lima, February 10. Order has been c >mpletely assured and trade is again normal.
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  • 60 7 The Couit Cards open what will, we hope, be a very successful short season at the Town Hall to-morrow evening They are old favourites in Penang aud require no i trodu'tiou to our readers; all we need say is that their entertainment is consist<*utly bright and amusing,
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  • 185 7 trrdny. To-»tmir. or B*» ’nr»* Ke'ierw Harwv fMtaw Fall. Rt- HHKR. <. 4 1. 4.11*10 Malay ..10 44 11 3 10 fi 11 44 +l>.d B'i Kit Mertajaai. «1 2 6 z l 26 ..2 5 2 104 2 5 2 104 Cons. Malays 10 14 11 10 14
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  • 95 7 Tin, Rubber and Copra The following bus ness iu tin has been Jone to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange. s9’ 80 buyers, to sellers Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 192.30 Singapore: Straits Trading Co, 75 *92.35 Total 125 tons. Tin is Quotaff in London to-day at £lB3 cash
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  • 150 7 “MOST MOMENTOUS SESSION IN HISTORY.” Reuter.) London. February 9. Members of Parliament a»e flocking to London for the most uiora-mtou-* session in history The fiaht will begin immediately after the King’s Speech, the first shot being the Opposition amendment in b ,th Houses regretting that the
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  • 69 7 (Reuter.) Loudon, February 10. A sensation was caused at the Home Office enquiry into the colliery diraster in South Wales of October 15 last, wheu a fireman named Davies admitted that he found an explosive mixture in the pit a f*-w hou-s previously but did not report
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  • 67 7 Bisley the Canadians. (Reuter.) Ottawa, Febru ry 8. In the House of Commons the Minister of Militia has emph-.tically deelired that so far as he is concerned Canada will not send Volunteers to B.sley if the aperture sight continued to be barred. Be maintained that the object in view was
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  • 58 7 (Reu f er.) Nancy, February 9 The search of the house of a farmer, who was arrested on suspicion at Fort Lucy, has resulted in the discovery of annotated staff maps and documents relating to the defences of several ga r rison towns, showing that the man had
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  • 42 7 (Renter.) London, February 9. Mr. John Redmond, speaking at the National Liberal Club, said that Irishman would no longer submit to the stigma ot racial inferiority for self-government. If H<»me Rule is killed, Ireland would be absolutely ungovernable.
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  • 58 7 (Reuter.) London, February 7. Mr. Lloyd George, presiding at the complimentary dinner in honour of Dr. C Addison, Liberal member for Iloxton, for nis services to the Insurance Act said that he believed the controversy on the subject of insurance was ended. Of 22,000 medical practitioners, 20,000
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  • 47 7 U.S.A. Asiatic Exclusion. (Reuter.) Washington, Feb. 7. As the result of the Conference between Mr. W. J. Bryao, the U. S. Secretary of State, and the Immigration Committee of the House of Representatives it is practically certain that there will be no Asiatic Exclusion legislation this session.
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  • 29 7 (Rt uter) London, February 9. Reuter states that the Anglo-Turkisb negotiations an»nt. the Bagdad Railway and other matters are progressing satisfrctorily. A final settlement is expected shortly.
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  • 36 7 (Reuter.) London, February 9 The sale of Lord Derby’s Bootle Esfab to Baron Da Forest ha? fallen through, after an exchange of angry letters containing mutual charges of misconstruction and distortion.
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) Munich. February 9. The aviator IrgoM made a record uninterrupted flight of sixteen hours and twenty min tes. He flew over a thousand miles.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 THF. GREAT £AS E!i LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbad Orric»: —oi^v>.al'OUK. Life Assurance and Endowment ir All Forms LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW TATES Financial for 1' SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. Ttteal <), irr \»> 7, I ,Vf«»N .'*T B« KT The Chirveie Steamship Co Ltd. For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy 8
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  • 43 7 CbUuary. Reuter.) London. February 9. Mr D 'rimrr, the Acting Political Resident at, Bu«hire, his died a3 the result of an aec deut The death hns taken plaop. at the ape of 71, of the well-known author and jjurnalist, Mr. J. A Brierley.
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  • 925 8 CRESCENT F. C. r*. MUTHIBOL AHZAN F. C. Crescent's Easy Victory. The liual match in the Amaniah Cep Compet ition was played under t he auspicies of t be Mohumedan F> otball Association yesterday at the Dato Kramat Gardens before a Urge concourse of ?p vt itors,
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  • 359 8 BENGALI’S MAD DEED. TWO POLICEMEN KILLID. European's Narrow Escape. A tragedy, terrible in its suddenness and fearful iu its results, dispelled the holiday making temper of the small towusbip of Kampong Kapayong yesterday (Sunday) and tilled the inhabitants with a f-elrng of pinic The facts are
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  • 88 8 A British Consul’s Rebuke. London, Jauuary 2(5. Mr. Gutman, British Consul in Geneva, and tormerly an official in the Indian Post Office, lecturing iu Geneva, answered the misstatements circulated o:> the Continent by a small knot of revolutionaries, making Geneva one of their centres of activity
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  • 107 8 The following was the result of the play for the resgrave Cup for February C. G. May All square S F B Martin 1 down H R. Jovnt 1 do. W. 8. Goldie 3 do. R. R Turner 4 do. O. E. Maeouccliie 6 do. T. A.
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  • 64 8 On Sunday morning, the Bth lust three members of the Caledonia Golf Club were matched against three nen from Penang with the following results W. M. Dodds (Caledonia) bent Mackintosh (PenaDg) 5+ 4 J. B. Mair (Caledonia) beat Cu-cad*n (Penang) 3+ 2. Baker (Penang) brat D. C.
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  • 72 8 Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Double Handicap A. Cuuradi and Forrest r* Sells and Southam (4). Single Handicap —A. I)r Fitzgerald vs Cuscaden (5) Hall vs Hadden (6;. New Comers. Helps vs Warner (3). Fowls Tournament. The following ties have been fixed
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  • 720 8 Report of Straits Branch. At the annual general meetiog of the Straits B auch of the Royal Asiatic Society, which i* to to held at the Rtffls Museum, Singapou, on Monday, February 16, the following leport will be presented: The following new members have been elected since
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  • 191 8 Seldom indepvl have the two festivals ot Taipusam aud Chap Goh Meh fallen on the same day. Yesterday while the Hindu community were celebrating Taipusatn and large crowds o devotees from PeDang and the out-districts journeyed to the Cbetties’ Temple at the Waterfall, our Chinese friends were observing
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  • 1125 8 (Br A. Cobbett-Smith Nearly thirty years have gone by -though it seems but yesterday —since The Mikado” was drawing all London to the Savoy, and proved iu 6ome degree responsible for that tashion in things Japanese which was so characteristic of the period. L mdon had discoveied
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  • 180 8 P.C.C. rs St Xavi b’s The cricket unteh beta sea the Penang Cricket Club and the St. Xavier’s Recreation Club, which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, resulted m a victory for fc-t Xavier’s It C. The P.C C. were two men short. Appended are the scores
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  • 102 8 Ttormy ~cenes in the Chamber. London, Januaty 24. A Bud i Pest despatch says that a stormy sitting ot Parliauent took place to-day on Hie occasion of the debate on the Press oVorm Law. The majority refused to ill< w Count Julius Audrassy to speak lie jl itter
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  • 103 8 The mortality returns for Singar ore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending January 3), there were 211 deaths (151 males, 6d fo! males), giving a ratio per mille of population <>f 33 2 including three deaths at 8t John’s
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  • 57 8 A long agenda Ins been issued for the meeting of Febiuary 13. A motion tor $9,500 to complete the Province Wellesley telephone will be brought forward. First readings are Liquors amendment and Cbatidu amendment Second. Wild Animals Protection, Courts, Minor Offences, Holidays, Companies, Netherlands Gutta-percha Maatschappij. Committee: Malacca
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  • 156 8 Loudon, January 23. A New Yotk cable states: Ex-President Taft, addressing the Peace Society, urged legislation, giviug the Federal Courts jurisdiction in any State over crimes against aliens. The tailure of the State authorities to puuish offenders was no recotd to he proud ot, aud the money
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 Berate cf Colds. < hildreu are tnu h u;ore likely to contract the contagious dis uses when Ley havecolds. Wh 'opitur coupli. diphtheria, scarlet fever n ii .‘.isum{ ‘.t are diseases that are often ,n o te l v. li’ ii tin? child has a cold. That v. by 1
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    • 8 8 For Chrome Chest Complaints, W>.‘Vvi»’ Oreat Peppermint Cura.
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    • 51 8 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect i9 marvellous. For 6ale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 149 8 A Forty Ye»rs’ Test. Chamberlain's Cough hemedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. Wbat, better recommendation is required For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. G2B&S3: .c... TANSAN. Tansan Lemonade. Tansan Gingerale. 11 A Pure Natural Minsrj.l Water
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  • 28 9 Iron Agents Due 1 P. Ludwig Sin(f»pore Kit at Colombo India Colombo Ckx m Singapore B M.AOo. BM ACo. lAGACo. iA.G.ACo. 10th Feh. 12th 19th 20th
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  • 22 9 Vetael* For Ag*nt» Leave* P. Ludwig Colombo Kleiti Hin^»po**> India Singapore China Colombo B.MAOo. H.y AC 0. A.O.4C0. A.G *CV\ Feb.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1830 9 \Q HIP PI NQ. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Sarvica. Due Penang. Feh. 19 liar. 5 19 Apr. 2 Homeward. Date. ar. 7 •Sail» on Fridaj instead of Saturday. FARES BY WAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 fc Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00
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  • 644 10 Some Interesting Problems. The Colonia! Estimates for 1914 came up for consideration in tbe First Chamber of the and gave rise t© an iateresting discussion. Mr. Baviuck (Anti-Revolutionary) opened the debate, and referred to tbe attitude of tbe Colonial Minister in the matter of the missionary and
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  • 274 10 Presiding at ill‘annual central meeting of tbe Meritiii Rubber Estates, held on January 15, Mr. T. Alexander Fox said that tbe rubber trees bad not proved successful Robber growing in East Africa had been purelv experimental. Rubber could not be grown there as a commercial
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  • 930 10 The decision of Great Britain, the United States, Belgium and the Netherlands to accede to China’s request that the import tariff be modified so as to produce an effective five percent, mav be regarded as definitely settling the general priuciple underlying the proposals, for vrith the British
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  • 203 10 At the annual general meeting of the Lamut Rubber Estates held on January 15, Sir F. A Swettenham said that the esti-! mated crop for the current year was about 450,0001 b., and the all-in cost of production 1 estimated at Is. fid. per lb. The labour
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 284 10 r.’rr.rx h us* v.'.y/-::-m s>. 'am :;:.t K-.vv »3 m cpxq u Nerve Strain Mr. B. C. HUCKS (the well-known Flying Man), of 5. Queen’s Gate Terrace, London, England, writes:— “I really must express my appreciation of Phosferine. Some time back I felt myself in a curious state m nervous
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    • 77 10 Don't C:usS. It ia absurd to allow a cough to hane on and Bip vour vitality when Chamberlain's Coucrh Remedy will cure you. Yru don’t know where a jersittent c< ugh will land you. "i ou can’t iffurd to allow y< ur throat and lungs to Income dise;iFfd when it
      77 words
    • 446 10 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. W m (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN V TREATMENT OF TL'BJiU Jt'LOSIS OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, tor Coughs and Colds, never ls. 6d. nnnnnnnLnannna> nnuunnunun loan B u s v' «ir. ■V'
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    • 326 11 •V APPOINTMENT S TO H. M. THE KINO. CONTRACTORS TO Admiralty. The Tndia Office. The War Office. The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Penang, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. 1 m k 3 Ui»2ii.2E Ain ?.T «u JBSTO T» THE USES OF MILKMAID" STERILIZED MILK. No. 7. >1 lii is.
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