Straits Echo, 5 February 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1172 1 ■■■■9iaaaffft»Mauauft«aatK.aa:K** If yon r«qn:r® a Tonio and ar.meibiny to nourish you, drink DOC'S HEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT and look r 0 lor thia labd gram] mk us 'wbat yon yot it TIANO LEE 9 C*., S.l. A|«ata ■■■miHiHuumiiiic'; vliiiainiiHiHmasisxBnrni Andrew Usher 8 Cc.’s SPECIAL RESERVE.* O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1LANDS. BUTTERY S Ca..
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    • 19 1 mm TIOEK 31 and cement /£255 t-3 Cto lV *•7 Vt \> <i V -4.«%*.. T TO!? ALL PURPOSES. .*.aau»B
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 NATURA ILK l r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J V *4 X&\ Grand Prix: V p »ris 1900 St..LouUi1904- > < sub. ««< ,89 3 B" 0 c 18,3 k^ 1 <',?! .«Srs* 'irillJj Kal Schutunarkc •it Bosd) 4 C IP A EN Mecklenburg (Deutfchl* od,, AD E In GERMANY0 >
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  • 1074 3 (ynicism is not fsihiontblo oowadaTs either as a philosophy or as a method of humour. We no longer take any pleasure in talking scandal about human nature, at least we leave it to men of science to do that, and they do it without any of
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  • 1215 3 (By Philip Gibb») Having been a journalist for some rear* it bas been ray fate to be jostled continually in great crowds. I have t>een able to study humanity in the mass, as one sees it at Royal processions, in working men’s meetings, upon all occasions when
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  • 134 3 Verdict For .£l,OOO Damages. In the King’s Bench Division on November 21st last the trial was concluded, after nine day?’ hearing, of th'* action bv the Rev Thomas Ghent, curate at St. Andrew’s Church, Stockwcll, aud residing »t 29, Stanstield-road, in that district, against Arthur Fitzgerald, a
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  • 714 3 The Confcciaw Mgtemewt. The Confucian movement, about which so much has been heard during the past few months, has gained such strength that it has brought out the adherents of other religions so that they ‘are forming a sort of Anti-Confuciauist League, in order to prevent the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 10 3 >V»r Chronic Cheat Complaints. Word*’ Great Peppermint Cure I*. Pd
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    • 279 3 c YOU MAY REST ASSURED that Beecham's Pills will be of great service "o you if your stomach is out of order or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in these days are so strenuous that nearly everybody is at times, overtaken by various derangements of the digestive
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    • 376 3 rr.'StMftYA oa Bcvsre of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say bewareot colds. For the quick
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    • 61 4 Indragiri, Dut. s.s., 160, Bron, Feb. 4, Deli, Feb. 3, Gen. —K. P. M. Avagyee, Br. s.s., 247, Spencer, Feb. 4, Teluk Anson, Feb. 3, Gen —E. S. C?., Ltd. Coen, Dut. s.s., 823, Claasen, Feb. 4, Padang, Jan. 25. Gen. K. P- M. Hebe, Br. s-s.. 346, Scott,
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    • 39 4 Fkbbcabt 5. Trang, for Trang. Avagyee, for Pangkalan Brandan. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Teetta, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Malaya, for Deli. Makata Maru, for Singapore, China and JapanAuaye, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 345 4 Fob Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Ghee Thye, to-morrow, 10 a m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kedah, to-morrow, noon. Deli and Batu Babra —Per Indragiri, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang—Per Lian Choc, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Pungah, to-morrow, 2 p.m. 'J rang, Tongkah and PaDg Nga—Per Perli», to-morrow, 2 p.m.
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  • 121 4 Penano, February 5. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4A 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4J 3 Credit 2/4/, 3 Documentary 2/4, Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175{ Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Madras,
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  • 198 4 Gold Leaf ...164 40 i Black Pepper 1 6.—n0 stock White Pepper 30.— safes i Trang Pepper 21.50 sellers Cloves 39. buyers Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 74 sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 23. c 0 sellers No. 1 6.10 tales Sugar j 2 5,50 sales (Basket 515 buyers I Copra
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  • 182 4 Penano, February 5. Beef— c ts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat jo Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 3() Liver per cattv 55 Pork— Fork j er catty 38 Pig’s Head M 24 Feot 28
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  • 2231 4 Number of d, S g Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. 6 issued. i IS -S P O g e9 ►> O 3 p 18 0 M cq <8 <y 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. P-c. p.c. p.c. 450,000 130,000 1 1 5 Aver Kuning Rubber Es(at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 Just What You Need. Don't suffer for rears from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets will put you rii?ht. They are just wbat jou need. For sale bj all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 4 Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails. Is. 6d.
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    • 55 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Componod csrasts t TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that Is claimed for it and super- sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset ibe stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. Ob ALL CHEMISTS
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  • 763 5 The hearing of the case in which three European firms of Penang 6ued Chop I*oh On Leong for sum for goods 9old and delivered was resumed this morning before Mr. Justice Sercousbe Smith in the Supreme Court. The plaintiffs are: Messrs. Guthrie Co. who claim
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  • 206 5 Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been tixed for to-morrow Single Handicap B. C D D Hogan vs C R A Goatly (2) i Double Handicap B. H B dellamel and Cuscaden vs Cowap and 1 Sutherland (6; R V J S Hogan and E Heim vs
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  • 75 5 The foil was the result of the play fur the Ladies* Presgrave -pxm for February Miss Sellers Miss Mahler... Mr 9 Powell... Mrs. Armstrong Mrs. Masterton Mrs. Park Miss Brown 1 up all square M 1 down 2 .2.1» 2 Mrs. Maconcchie, Mrs Edwards, Miss Brown, Mies
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  • 1362 5 Three Chauffeurs Charged. Before Mr. M. E. Sherwood in the Third Court this morning Darus, Ahmat and Meah, all chauff urs employed by the Penang Motor Garage, were charged with causing obstruction at Victory Jetty with their motor cars. The accused, who were all represented by Mr. P.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 204 5 ftA §ft ft ft ft ft'ftft^ftftftft (ft ft ft ft ft ft) ft Buchanans m m Famous Scotch Whiskies. at m §> <•> <s) <•> m m m m m m m <BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND.) THE Household Royal BLEND AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY. BLACK AM) WHITE OF GREAT MEPUTATION “RED
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    • 212 5 m ss BP A tt 2oz. A 4 oz. Tins. Obtainable Everywhere. PRICE: 90 CENTS A i LB. TIN. TOWN HALL. February llth, 12th 13th, 1914. 3 NICHTS ONLY 3 RETURN AND FAREWELL VISIT OF Mr. F.DGAR WARWICK c ou CARDS. IN 3 NEW PROGRAMMES. Prices: $3, £2 $1. Plan
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  • 97 6 fafrliihftd daily (except Sunday* and pvbli» holiday») ▲T TB CRITERION PEE3B, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Pena*~g. Fmica Daily Leeal $24 per annum. OnUUtion... Portage Extra. MnU Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 OABLB iDDftIU ECHO—PENANG 9 Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JT.M.—AU bast mm araißUDioatiOß* ahooW
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  • 1386 6 It is satisfactory to learn from so high an authority as the German Foreign Secretary that the relations between Great Britain and Germany may now be described as very good This marked improvement, paradoxical as it may seem to say so, is, we firmly believe to
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  • 958 6 MEETING OF SUBSCRIBERS. A meeting of the subscriber* to the last St Andrew’s Ball was beld yesterday treeing at the Chamber of Commerce to adopt the statement of accounts and to consider any other business that might be brought forward Mr. W. J. Hodge took th« chair,
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  • 1000 6 The way of a man with a maid puzzled the old Hebrew sage, but the wav of th e Post Office with our miils would have driven him crazy. Yesterday we received the Times of January 9 and this morning the Evening Standard of January 2 so w
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 VIGORCEN. Gain New Life and Vigor by taking VIGORGEN. 5 igergen B NOT A DRUG BUT A FOOD Price $l-80. «I»"**»* err .71,rat *>.* DOiR SOLD ONLY BY C 4 J The George Town 2 i Dispensary, Ltd., Penang, Taiping 8 Ipch. C Thi Ceargctewn Dispcitss'y PtNM«iC O iron 65^CDOCZ;OCDOCDOCDOCDOCZ)OCZ)OCDta*
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  • 132 7 THE OBNOXIOUS AMENDMENTS. Reuter.) Wash Dgton, February 4 AM the Asi lie exclusion amendments to the Immigration Bill were d-feated in the Hou'e of Representatives. FcaoTal Du« To Whit* House London, February 4 The Hou-e of Repres«ntatives yesterday cancelled all the previously adopted amendment* to
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  • 95 7 Naval Holiday Unrcalisahle. Reuter.) Berlin, February 5. The Reichstag committee discussed the Navy Estimates. The Foreign Froretary, Herr von Jagow, said that the relations with Great Britain may bo described as very good. The rapprochement progressing in the relations between the two Cabinets was in every way
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  • 86 7 Italy'* Desire for Compensatory Concessions. Eeuter.) London, February 5 Keuter learns that Italy is still negotiating direct with Turkey regarding the retrocession of the Aegan Islands and that the present pourparlers relate to the Italian desire to obtain compensatory concessions in the region of Adaiia, Asia Minor,
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  • 91 7 (Reuter.) London, February 4. During the cup tie at Sheffield between Shfffi-ld Wednesday and Wolverhampton, a wall fell and buried many people. Sixteen people had in consequence to be sent to hospital, 016 in a critical condition. LondoD, February 5. The wall was a new oue
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  • 81 7 Warm Greeting For The Chancellor. (Renter.) London, February 4. Tho Suffragettes greeted Mr. Lloyd George’s anival at Glasgow with wholesale iDcemliarism and left, a note stating t »at they would give a Mr. Lloyd George warm welcome”. They burned the drawing room and valuable furniture and pictures
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  • 61 7 Reported Concessions By the Premier. (Reuter.) LondoD, February 5. The Glasgow IleraUl affirms that Mr. H. 11. Asqu th will make a momentous statement on Tuesday iu the House of Commons which will completely change the political situation regarding Ulster. Concessions of the most sweeping description,
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  • 48 7 Reuter St. Petersburg, February 5. M. Yenizelos, the Premier of Greece, was received in audience by the Tsar who conferred on him the Alexander Newsky order. He vi§it®d the Russian Premier, M. Kokovt•off, and had a long conference with the kervian Premier, M. Panics.
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  • 206 7 THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL AT ROTHERHITHE. (Eeuter Loudon, February 4 Sir J A. Simon, Attorney-General, speaking at -otherhithe, s»id that the Liberals did j not surrender to any of tbeir fellow ci izms the duty to preserve for the country its position among the great nations, but they were determined
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  • 129 7 Praise For China. (Reuter.) London, February 4. The Times, referriug to the option granted to the American Red Cross Society by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in relation to the conservancy work in lower Hwailio, emphasise the significance of the attempt to save large numbers from
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  • 100 7 (Reuter Washington, February 4. President Wilson’s procl iination removes the embargo on the export of arms to Mexico on the ground that there is now nocoustitu tional Government in Mexico The insurgent General Villa, on learning the news, said that it proved that once more the United
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  • 82 7 Statement By the Foreign Secretary. (Reuter London, February 4 Sir Edward Grey, in the course of his speech at Manchester, referred to the coinplaiuts that were sometimes nude concerning the British Consular service. He described the extent and variety of the work accomplished by tho consuls
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  • 54 7 Capture of the FTesideat. Reuter.) Lima, February 4. Military revolutionaries attacked the Palace and captured [’resident Billiughu-st A fight ensued and the Premier Dr. Valera was killed Dr. Augusto Durand, an exrevolutioDarv leader is in command of the Palace and it is expected that he will
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  • 32 7 (Eeuter Paris, February 4. M Doumergue. the French Premier, announces that the Putileff affair (purchase by Krupps of the Putiloff Iron Works) has been settled satisfactorily to French interests.
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  • 23 7 (Reuter.) London, February 4. Messis. Fry. MiersJ. Co., a well-known tirm in the Brazil trade, announce the suspension cf payment.
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  • 118 7 THE C ASE FOR THE GOVERNMENT. (Reuter.) Cape Town, February 5. The interest in the Assembly wa* very tense when Mr. J. C. S nut*, the Minister of Finance and Defence, rose to speak on the Indemnity Bill and set forth the case for the Government.
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  • 34 7 {Reuter.) Berlin, February 4. Ia view of tho applications for the Piussian loan the Government is invitiug -ul script ion* for a f urther 4% redeemable loan of X 0,000,000.
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  • 32 7 Mr. Rast.ty Macdonald and the Chairmanship. (Reuter London, Februiry 5. The Daily Chronicle «tates that Mr. Ramsay Macdonald is desirous of retiring from the Chairmanship of the Labour Parly.
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  • 135 7 The Resident Councillor and Mrs. Evans visited the new Government Girls’ School this morning aud expressed their approval of the new building. They saw all the classes and were very interested in the work. The girls of the Cambridge Class presented Mrs. Evans with a Chinese
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  • 470 7 Yesterday. To-d*y. Ki*. or Buyer* Seller» Buyer* Seller» Fell. RUBBER. rt. d. d. d. \nKlo Malay ..10 1 11 1® tl 6 +4 d Bukit Mertajam. 214 J 'h arson*®* 2 44 210 2 44 210 ions. Malay. 10 10 9 10 3 11 431 Highlands 56 6 r
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  • 955 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, February 1. The M S. V. R. fired their first standard for 1014 on the range this morning. The conditions have been somewhat altered and whilst the work appears to be a trifle easier, the marksman’s standard has been raided from
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  • 106 7 Tin, Rubber, Rice and Copra. The following bus ness in tin has been done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co, 125 toDS at $95.25 Penang Penang Tiu Exchange, 6} $94.65 Total 131} tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£187 5s. cash and £188 7s. 6d. three months’
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  • 53 7 lb. Juru Estate*, Ltd. 5 24 Lunas Estate 9,69 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Estates. Ltd.... 25,779 United Sumatra Rubber Estates, Ltd. 3 325 Bukit Mertaiam Rubber Co, Ltd.... 28.862 Taiping Rubber Plantations, Ltd.... 29,229 Sungtd Si put Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 5,822 Sunpei R*yla fF. M- S.) Rubber Estate,
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  • 124 7 The following articles will be fonud oa our outside pages Page 3.—Cynicism Old and New. Oa Being Somebody. Affaire in China: Tbe Confueiaa Movement. Slandering e Curate. s.—Penang Cricket Club. Chop Poll On Leong C ise. Penang Golf Club. Alleged Obstruction: Three Chauffeurs Charged. B—Tbe8 —Tbe Malacca Medical Mission.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 261 7 Chestnut Mare (fast), Rubber-tyred Landau, Lamps, and Harneis, Cor sale, cheap. App’y S P. BRERETON MARTIN, 5, Union Street. 5-2-14 79a Wanted Immediately. CHINESE CASHIER, s2,soo guarantee, salary $5O a mouth. Apply, with references, to ‘MOTOR. P. 0. Pox 106, 5-2-14 80 Kuala Lumpur. THE PENANG CYCLE EMPORIUM. No. 12,
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  • 913 8 The repugnance of Asiatic women to submit themselves for treatment to male doctors is well-known; but perhaps amongst J no people does this reluctance manifest lt-elf < more strongly than among Malays, the race which contains an overwhelming proportion 1 of the female inhabitants of British
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  • 1251 8 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The Report by the Directors to the third annual general meeting of the shareholders, on February 7th reads: Your Directors beg to submit herewith the Report and duly audited Accounts of the Company for the rear ended October 31, 1913. The operations of the Company
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  • 226 8 Pcaang. At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association auction yesterday 26.108 lb of rubber were offered for sale and 18,632 lb. were sold at the following prices Sheet Smoked $124 to $126 Uosmoked 5115 $ll9 Crepe No. 1 $126 si29 No. 2 No. 3 90 109 No
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  • 327 8 Tbe extremely well modelled figure of a pig which was erected opposite the main entrance of the Saranrom Palace has attracted much attention. It is interesting to note that this is in honour of tbe fiftieth anniversary year of Her Majesty’s birth, which is also the
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  • 920 8 In the interests of social order as well as of the peace and happiness of Chinese households, we venture to point out the unsatisfactory pcsition of the local law with regard to the marriage of Chinese according to Chinese custom, and therefore with regard also to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 THE Straits Cinema i Location: —PENANG ROAD. Tempo ra mutantur et no» mutamur in illis." To-night! To-night!! Q NEW COMEDIES SUPPORTING Nick Winter AND THE Kidnappers 99 3 Reels. 3 Parts. (By GENERAL REQUEST). Prices as Usual. W. DK BURGH, Manager. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Tremendous Success. An Undeniable
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    • 91 8 Oh, J ukius is a man of taste,” Sat Dickenson one day FTe always mikes the wisest choice Of what to do and say,” I’ll vouch for that,” his comrade said, His taste is good. I’m sure Why, when he gets a cough or cold He takes Woods’ Great Peppermint
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    • 10 8 For Chrome Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, li. 6d.
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    • 47 8 municipal notice. PIANO FOR SALE. CONCERT GRAND PIANO by J- Bnnsmead for sale. The instrument may be inspected and full particulars obtained on application to the undersigned. (By Order), L. A. Coimica BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissionert. Municipal Office, George Town, Penang, 2nd February, 1914. 71
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    • 516 8 DEEBOOK DREDGING." NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that a Call (No 7th. of ONE SHILLING per share on the Contributing shares in the above Company In 3 been made and is due and payable at uiv Office, No 63, Beach Stieet, Penang, on or before the 11th day of
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  • 29 9 tro n Agent» Due 1 Artaye Devanha F. Ludwig Klatt Colombo S:nK*pore c, njf*P°r« C’ol^robo Ia.OACo. 'A.O.ACo. B M AvyO BM ACn 6th Feh. 7th 10th 12th
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  • 26 9 Vtstels For 1 S Ay nt* i,r>. ire* Aitaye l)~~anH+ P. L%dvnq KUiM Singapore Colombo Colombo Simgapore V..O.AC0. AG ACo BMACo. B it 4Ca Feb.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 369 9 P.&0. At S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward. •Sails on Friday instead of Saturday. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2ndcl&88 To London by Sea >565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 “B” Accommodation. To London by Sea $518-57 $339-43 To Marseilles or Gibraltar
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    • 1557 9 HIPPING. STEA hC ill Fot BRITISH INDIA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Stn$s»rOre (Th tiiuCS a »-r«e'). I i.rt r V,n** b' •»> y r».-t A V> ICO a. WOtJK Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yen and Mon!m»* n < Foi night v). Singapore and Auttralia. Rangoon Calcutta (Weeklv.) Negap&tam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore
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  • 1177 10 Fewer New Fashions. f The golfer may be imagined upon New j Year'i Ere sitting before a cheerful fire and j gating sentimentally through his smoke-;< rings at the clubs that have served him I through the fast-expiring year. It is, given > t a suitably ambiguous
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  • 660 10 One of the Dtnabts It was our pleasant task some days ago to announce an event in which all English bool.-lovers will find satisfaction. Mr Thomas Hardy, we believe, will receive the Literature award under the Nobel bequest, aud this adds the best of all endorsement to
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  • 91 10 Fkbruakt, 1914. r, H \V. L. \V. II. W. L. W. I)atf A M. A M P M. V M. 5th 5 33, 12.18, 7.2d, Nil. <t 9.0J, 8.25, 9.07, 2.00 7th 10.22, 4 33, 10.14, 4 04 8th 11.10, 5.21, 11.06, 5. 8 9*h 1
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  • 441 10 A strong protest is made b.v tbo Peking j Gazette against the excessive indemnity do- j manded by the Japanese Government for the Nanking outrage. In this respect, says our contemporary, Japan has proved a notorious exception to the majority of the Powers, which have endeavoured to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 74 10 Don't Cct|^. it iH absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sip your vitality when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t, ku<,w where a persistent cough will land you. You can't ulloid to allow your throat, and lungs to become diseased when it is •uih a
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    • 51 10 Dcn't Kisk Pneumonia. Get nd of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all puimona-y trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take (.'hamberlam’s Cough h’t-medy. I» is a simp!» thing to, do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 491 10 This Space is Reserved FOR [Km Wine 8 Spirit Merchant, CHINA STREET. Landed one IS ~G h.?. licit’) Single-Sleeve Valve r .4 m jU < ii* SILENT. SIMPLE. SMOKELESS. Users of Argyll Urx His Majesty The King. H.M. Queen Alexandra. HE H. Princess Victoria. n.i.M. Dowager Empress of Russia. TT
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    • 300 10 The China Mutual Life Insurance Company, Ltd. POLICY HOLDERS and OTHERS INTERESTED :irc hereby notified that the Company's Ain Penang from the Ist Feb:ua:y, 1914, are Messrs. TIANC LEE Co., 53, Beach Street, Fenany. Messrs. Thing Lee Co. are authorized to write u>w applications for Insurance, to collect premiums and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 351 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. CONTRACTORS TO Admiralty. The -India Office. The War Office. The Government Hospitals in 5 Singapore, Penang, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. -•v ,V M. 2.. «5 sn m m v A «fee Largest 1 «I 9 m e I? d. r Uniformity
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1093 12 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers fr Dealers in each class of goods. Brides being a •omplete commercial guide to London and its suburbs, the Directory contains lis'.a of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and
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