Straits Echo, 2 February 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1136 1 If too reqaiio a Tnnio and somathing' to nourish you, drink DOG'SHEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT and look for thia Übtl A to a#a that y<™ r«t it TIANO LEE 9 Cm., SaU Agaata. R 12^2^ Andrew Uskr S Co.'s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky, SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG F.
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    • 12 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT *r> NI2SS S/ <> 7^ IN <? ££&s :-C3 ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 a M <5 1 r LION BRAND.! (STEHUZEM J' .'I •wu- Craad Prix: 4 x Grand Prix: > p »ns 190Q S| Louls I90A C,1 ti tda 'il«D; u *893. N '893. *10 *K '898. rio sin>- 11 K6 P £> i_ Qr Ehr*^^ Ko1 AIaJ- Schutunarke w. > j
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  • 484 3 Never before wore the tastes and needs of children so catered for as during the laat ten years. Elleu Kay has prophesied that the twentieth century will be The Century of the Child, and there is already abundant evidence pointing that wav.Especially in the matter of
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  • 520 3 r In a letter to the Times of Malaya Mr. G. Gordon Brown savs: I attended a planter's meeting in Taiping last Octolrer, where, quite informally, we thrashed out the pros, and cons, of reduction or otherwise. In the end. with one or two exceptions, tho meeting was
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  • 455 3 Sir Almrotb Wright’* report on the results of bis inquiry into tbe cause, prevention, and treat meut of pneumonia among the natives of the Rand—is an event of tbe I highest importance in tbe history of medicine. The times has now long passed when blood-letting
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  • 345 3 Behind Mr. Lloyd George’s new campaign for economy rises the question of Mr. Winston Churchill’s position. Ouly three or four years sgo these two politicians were fighting as brothers in arms against tbe rest of the Cabinet, for a reduction in tbe Navv, and Mr. McKenna had
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  • 140 3 The 14,000 ton dry dock of which so much has been heard, and which is a striking indication of the progress that is being mode in the Dutch East Indies, has arrived safely at Soerabaya. It is understood that the precise methods in which it is
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  • 258 3 A more gruesome relic than the horrible bathtub from Kumasi which Sir II BadenPowell h*s presented to the Koval United Service Institution does not exist in the world. To fill this dreadful bowl with huu an blood was the Ashanti version of the Harvest Festival, and do oue
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  • 243 3 'Large questions are raised by the deci-ion of the Ford Motor Company to exc’uJe from their gnat profit-sharing scheme all women other than these supporting families of their own. Tliis poli yis based on 1 lie theory that wo en are not the same economic iactors as
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  • 178 3 In the difficulty of finding a successor U Tennyson, aa Poet Laureate, Queen Victoria consulted Mr. O. F. Watte, the artiet, who, says Mrs. Esther Ward, in tha Book Monthly.” advised her to consult the Cabinet, which included at that time Lord Morley aud Mr. James
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  • 259 3 A new quarterly is to be published in America to t»e called the Unpopular Rwievf. According to the editor tbeie is great need for the dissemination of some disagreeable truths The prospectus states that most of the fallacies now popular depend upon vacua uotions that the republic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, hut the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 56 4 Ellenga, Br. 2,558, Bowman, Feb. 1, Calcutta, Jan. 2*, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Rajah, Br. i.s.. 3,134, McLennan, Feb. 1, Calcutta, Jan. 25. Coal.—A- G A Co. Ural, Rub. 1,293, Seemel. Feb. 1, Singapore, Jun. 30, Copra—E-P.T. Co., Ltd. Hese.Br. ».a. 340, Scott. Feb. 1, Teluk Anson, Jan
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    • 44 4 February 2. Pungah, for Batu Bahra. Ran Lee, for Tran*;. Lian Choo, for Trang. Un Peng, tor Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping. Zaida, tor Victoria Point. Mergui and Tavoy. Avagyee, for Bindings, Sitiawaa and Teluk Anson.
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    • 252 4 For Langaa, Edi, T. Sornawo, Segli, Olebleli and Sabang—Per Speebnan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Tongkah Per Sappho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenhain and Singapore—Per Ovnnpev, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Bindings and Sitiawan—Per Fangkor, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong. Amoy and Swatow —Per Seang Choon, to- morrow, 4 p m. Teluk
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  • 123 4 Penano, February 2. {By courtesy of the Chartered Dank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 T f 4 mouths’ sight. Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4 7 3 Documentary 2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulinein, Demand t ank 173} 3 d iys’sight
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  • 218 4 Gold Leaf J 64 40 Black Pepper 16.- no stock White Pepper 29 60 buyers Trang Fepp r 21 f 0 sellers Cloves 39 buyers Mace 1 10 nominal. Pickings 74- —sellers Nutmegs Tlos. 23. r 0 sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,10 sales Basket 515
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  • 188 4 Penano, February 2. Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast n 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55j Feet 151 Heart 301 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 .Pig's Head 24 Feet it 24 Tongue
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  • 2207 4 d J2 I r 5 -2 Number of j p« I .2 g Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. 2 "i 28 ““«>• I i J s Pta W M o* I I i909 1910 1911 1912 19*3 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. p.c. p.c. 1909 450,000 130,000 1 1 5 Ayer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 The swagman bends beneath his load, As on the cold and muddy road He trudges to his ramp He knows that evening brings tho chill. That midnight brings tho fogs that kill, With their insidious damp, He k nows, but vet ho feels secure. His swag contains Woods’ Peppermint Cuic
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    • 34 4 Just What You Keci. Don’t buffer for years from a disordered stomach. A few doses of Chamberlain’» Tablets will put you They are just what you need. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 106 4 T77**-4 this is 4 IT i WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED j God Liver Oil Compound i i M rfSbJl srv-,‘ k'f TASTELESS ODORLESS +1 The latest scientific pre Deration o? COD LIVER OIL Does all that is •> claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset ihc stomach.
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  • 386 5 SATURDAY'S RESULTS. (from, Our Oxen Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 31 There waft a large attendance on the third day of the Selangor Babes. A slight shower of min foil daring the course of the af»ernoon. The results were as follows Race I (6 furlongs). Premier, 11 7 Bbnfield
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  • 293 5 The following petition is now being cir- culated among the Hindu community of Singapore: To His Excellency Sir Arthur Henderson Young k c.m o„ Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements We the undersigned member of the Hindu Community in Singapore humbly desire to express to your
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  • 310 5 SIR FELIX SCHUSTER’S PROPHECIES. The Position in India. Chkß(tl it Ike U. S. A. London, January 22 Referring to the recent Labour trouble*, at the meeting of the Union of London and Smith’s Bank, Sir Felii Schuster said that a better understandibg between Labour and Capital would
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  • 130 5 Practices at Madrid London, .Tanu ry 20. Lord Ashby St. Ledgers will leave for Madrid on Saturday. There ho will bo joined b? other members of the Quidnut cs bis Polo team, with who aid tie hopes to regain the America Polo Cup. The team will practise in
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  • 89 5 London, January 19. The Kaelnisehe Zeitung regards the decision of Russia to discontinue the parcel post from Julfa and Askabad to Tabriz and Meshed as a clear breach of the International Parcel-Post Agreement. The journal says that Germany energetically remonstrated at St. Petersburg, and adds that
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  • 52 5 President Dines tritH Ambassador. London, January 21. The German Ambassador id Paris gave a banquet to-day, at which President Poincare. M. Doumergue, and the Italian and Austrian Ambassadors were present. This is the first time since M. Carnot, that a President has accepted the hospitably of the
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  • 59 5 London. January 21. A special meeting of the Bar Mess of the South London Sessions has been summoned for next week to consider the case of an Indian Barrister, who has raised a protest against hi« non-admission to the Bar Mess. It is understood that the Attorney-General
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  • 51 5 Boycott of Christian Shops. London, January 20. At Constantinople there is a boycott of Native Christian places of business, especially Greek. On Sunday a cast' mer was insulted for purchasing goods from nonMoslems. The propaganda in faveur of dealing only with Moslem shops continues as active as
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  • 74 5 Planter Committed for Trial London, January 22. A Durban cable states Mr. W G. Arm strong, the well-known Sugar Planter, has been committed for trial at Verulam on a charge of assault. With intent to do bodily barm in the recent etnfee. Complaints hare been laid
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 268 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 w 0 Buchanans Famous Scotch Whiskies. i 0 (0 (0 0 0 I BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND.) the Royal Household BLEND AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY. BLACK and WHITE OF great reputation RED SEAL’ A WORLD-WIDE
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    • 367 5 2oz. 4 oz. Tins Obtainable Everywhere. PRICE: 90 CENTS A J LB. TIN. is the most modern and up-to-date Lighting System. Patented nil OTer the World. NOT ABLE TO EXPLODE, NO INSTALLATION, «ad no piping required. Each lamp is a complete, closed, transportable means of Light. NO WICK, simple handling.
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  • 93 6 djfciiy (except Sundays and pohlis holidays) AT TXB PRES3, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paica Daily Local —W4 per annum. OvUUtion... Postage Extra. M«.;i Editwa (Post Free) 117.50 OIILI IDDkBIS ECHO —PENANG.” v Telephone No». Echo 586 Printing Department »>43 jf ;o.—AU katlMM emaußKttioii «hoald b*
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  • 1344 6 When Mr. Tom Wright decided to emulate, or rather to outdo, Thoreau who, in order to live a life as nearly approaching naturalness as possible passed bis time largely in the open air and in solitary communion with nature, our former Editor was tneYely giving
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  • 861 6 The death is announced of Sir William Lee-Warner. The Governor has appointed 2nd Lieut. C. O. Oliver, R G A., to be an extra Aide deCamp when his military duties permit, with effect from January 23. Dr. E. C. Foston. Superintendent of the Emigration Depot, Negapatam, has
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  • 876 6 BETTER NEWS. PRECAUTIONS IN THE PROVINCE. According to news received in Penang, Mr. W. George Maxwell, who had only a verv slight attack of cholera, is making rapid progress towards complete recovery. Another European, an engineer, has been taken ill, probably with cholera, though the diagnosis was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 < 7 TANSAN. Tansan Lemonade. Tansan Gingerale. '•A Pure Natural Mineral Water Bottled Direct from the Springs &t Takaradzuka. May be obtained from MESSRS. PRITCHARD I CO.. PENAN6. TONC JOO 8 CO.. EONS TOOK CHEOVG COON YEN 8 FRIENDS, TAIK HO 8 CO.. TaIPENC. Sole Agents R. T. REID CO..
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  • 122 7 (From Our Own Correspondent. Singapore, January 31. Mr. Griffith Jones, who presided at the meeting of the Singapore 1 anting Association, said that their delegates to the P.A. M. Conference abstained from Toting on the subject of coolies’ wages, being of opinion that combined action b/ the
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  • 55 7 (From. Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 31. At the rubber auctions at Singapore 216,972 lb. were offered for sale and 209,279 lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Bheet 3110—5136 per lb. Unsmoked sllo—sl29 First Crepe $128—5135 Second $ll9 —$127 Third sloB—3llB Fourth 93—5106 Virgin Scrap
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  • 104 7 (Reuter.) Durazzo, February 1. An agreement has been reached between the Control Commission in Albania and Essad Pasha who undertakes to resign within three days. The Commission has authorised him to go and meet the Prince of Wied, the newly-appointed ruler of Albania, a* the representative of the
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  • 64 7 (Reuter.) London, February 1. Tbe following was the result of the byelect iou at N. W. Durham Mr. Williams (Liberal) 7,241 Hardwicke(Unionist)... 5,664 Stuart (Labour) 5,025 The battle-cry of the Labourites was: »nti-deportation of the South African leaders.” [At the last general election the result •si
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  • 46 7 (Reuter.) Paris, January 31. The incident regarding the sale of tbe Putiloff Iron Works to Krupps is regarded si dosed, owing to the explanations of the Rniiian Government, in response to M. Delcaase’s representations, indicating that no participation by Krupps will be sanctioned.
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  • 56 7 (Reuter.) Berlin, February 2. The Nordduetsche Zeiiung says that the visit, of M. Venizelos the Greek Premier has produced a verv favourable impression and the conviction has been strengthened that under his guidance Greece will be actuated by s wish to establish peaceful relations with her
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  • 28 7 (Reuter.) London, February 1. The French Government has proposed in the Chamber a credit of XSOO.OOO for 1 rench participation in the San Franeisco Exhibition.
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  • 20 7 (Reuter.) London, January 31. Lord Rosebery, who underwent a eerioua operation on January 12, ia making aatia* progreaa.
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  • 231 7 A NOTE OF WARNING. (Reuter.) London, January 31. Mr. Percy Illingworth, Chief Liberal Whip, speaking at Clayton, said that he wished to sound a note of warning as regards the events in South Africa. Interference with independent assemblies on which our Empire was based would bring
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  • 114 7 Question of Rat'.fieatioa. (Reuter.) Washington, January 31. The Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate adopted a resolution, recommending the immediate ratification of the arbitration treaties with Great Britain, Japan and other nations, numbering twenty-four altogether. The ratification of the treaty with Great Britain is withheld till June
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  • 104 7 Speech by Mr. Taft. (Reuter.) Ottawa, February 1. Ex-President Taft, who is at present the guest of the Duke of Connaught, delivered an address at the luncheon at the Canadian Club at which th« Duke of Connaught, Mr. R. L. Borden. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and other Cabinet Ministers
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  • 32 7 Reuter Dortmund, January 31. An explosion, caused bv firedamp, took place at the Achenbach Mine, Brambauer. Twenty-two bodies and seventeen men who were injured have been recovered from the mine.
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) Sofi*. January 31. The resumption of Greco-Bulearian diplomatic relations is imminent. At first only charge d’affaires will be appointed at Athens and Sofia.
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  • 84 7 Ye.w.rd.y. To-<i*f Buvoro Kv f-r* S*Pers Fall. RUHBKR. Bok.t M«rU,am. ll i3W 9 +W j l 55 57 6 +i. 3d Highland. ..M 9 l 5 6 7W..4UH ::£s J 6 £5lO 0 f 5 7 0 £5150 4. 6d 2 1 6 2 1 im R t,o*r.V l
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  • 148 7 WRECK OF THE MONROE.” (Reuter.) Norfolk (Virginia), January 31. Tbe survivors of the wrecked steimer, s.s. \fonroe state that the liner turned turtle and some of the passengers and crew walked on the exposed bottom till they were washed off. As the vessel sank one man swam gripping
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  • 71 7 Tia sad Robber. The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 200 tons at $93. Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 6\ $92 40 Total 206£ tons. (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para
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  • 471 7 The January output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company was Dredge No. 1 working 454 hours 143 piculs. „2 472 299 3 462 378 4 529 549 5 192 68 Total 2.1C9 1,437 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the week ended January
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  • 235 7 CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL. Tbe Final rounds of the Championship were played jesterdaj and resulted in Mr. J. Crabb Watt beating Mr. R. T. Reid by the large margin of 10 up and 9 to play. This result was largely due to Mr. Crabb Watt’s excellent first round which
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  • 151 7 Licences under Tbe Auctioneers Licensing Ordinance 1906,” for the year 1914, have been granted to the under-mentioned persons in the Settlement of Penang Nam.. NatU^a° n f tid CenCe hvMiae^ Koh Eng Hin Town Auctioneer, Appraiser and House Ag nt 38, Beach Street. T C. Beling
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  • 135 7 At the annual general meeting of the Penang Association Football League, which will be held on Friday evening at 7 p.m. at the Penang Free School, Mr H. C Sells will propose that No registered member of a club that has withdrawn from a competition held under
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  • 97 7 Mr. H. W. Firmstone to act as Commissioner of Trade and Customs, F.M.S Class I Mr. A. E. H Brown to be District Locomotive Superintendent, F M.S.R. Dr. R- Bruce-Low to officiate as Medical Officer, Larut, Grade 11. Leave has been granted, to Mr. G. M Laidlaw, Mr.
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  • 102 7 Our Klane correspondent writes Twelve Chinese were fined $3 each for gaming during the Chinese New Year. A Tamil named Pulnev was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment for crimping coolies from Harpenden Estate. For wrongfullv restraining a Chinaman a policeman named Buk Sbee Sing was sentenced to one
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  • 62 7 lb. The Straits Rubber Co., Ltd. 187,500 The Penang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd 107,250 The Rubana Rubber Estate, Ltd... 48,000 The Tali A yer Rubher Estates. Ltd. 48,500 Tbe Batak Rabit Rubber Estate, Ltd. I-- 250 Tbe Bagan Serai Co Ltd. 17.250 Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd.
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  • 109 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3. —One Night in Constantinople As Seen bj an American Abroad. In Montbon Pattani Policy of the Government. s.—Selangor Races Saturday’s Results. Parcel Post in Persia International Polo Taipusum or Deepavali. Germany and France. The World’s Commerce. m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 POSITION UNRIVALLED IN LONDON, ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, Portland Place and Regent St., London. W, FAMILY HOTEL OF THE HIGHEST ORDER, In Fashionable and Healthy Locality. THE PENANG CYCLE EMPORIUM, No. 12, King Street corner Bishop Street. BICYCLES Sold and Repaired. Accessories. THE GKEA.T EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hrad
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    • 168 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. P7ANO FOR SALE. Full concert grand tiano by Brinsmead for sal*». The instrument mar be inspected and full particulars obtained on application to the undersigned. (Bj Order), L. A. Coutiir BIGGi S Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Qenree Town. Penaug, 2id Febmsry, 1914. 71 The China
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  • 2654 8 ADVANCING MONEY FOR HARBOUR WORKS. New Companies Rill Introduced. A long agenda was completed iu quick time at Ibo meeting of tbe Legislative Council held in the Council Chamber yesterdaj aftemoon. 11. K. the Governor (Sir A. U. Young, K. C M. G) preaided, and the other members
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  • 288 8 Au inquiry was held by the Coroner. Mr. R Scott, on Saturday at the Bukit Mertaj ira Court House touching the cause of death of a Railway-flag i an named Ponusami. which name was wrongly given as Yellu in the Echo of January 29 The medical
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  • 642 8 The aJHkuihl meeting of tbe above club was held in th* Exchange on Friday afternoon, Mr. A. D. Allan presiding. Amongst other* present were Messrs. A. Robert* n. G U. Farraut, A J. Scandrett, J D Saunders, S B. Archdeacon, J. D mniston, there being a good
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  • 277 8 e Georoe in the East Lodge. At the quarterly meeting of this Lodge, 1 held last Satin day night at the Hotel Norman, the following officers were elected. Presiding Primo R N. Brunei Norman City Marshal: Bro R. G Andrews Secretary W. H. Trusdale i Treasurer:
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  • 459 8 Ng Kok Chooc, of If. K. Cfcee* k Co., who is charged with abetting one Ng Koo 1 Wong in tbs offence of falsification of accounts and forgery with a view to deceiving the Naulin ten Cate A Co., was again brought np this morning
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  • 218 8 A Chinaman named Kua Koon Tee was this morning charged before Air M. E. Sherwood in the Third Court with causing the death of a little girl, about eight years of age, on Saturday last, by doing a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide, to wit, by
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  • 116 8 A Hindu was this morning charged before Mr. M. E. Sherwood with voluntarily causing hurt to his wife, to which he pleaded guilty. Inspector Guinan said that the complainant was the wife of the accused who brat her with a cane for going away with another man.
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  • 101 8 I he mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending January ~4. there were 181 death. (141 male., 40 females), giving a ratio per mille of population of 28.58, including five deaths at St JoLu island, and
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  • 192 8 (From Our Own Correspondent*) Pulo Langkawi, January 31. Late on 'ihureday night, the 29th in>t. f Assistant Commissioner P. F. Joyce, of the Kedah Police, left Langkawi for Alor Star by the s.e. Darnl Aman. During his short stay here on special duty, he inspected all
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 i A Fcrly Ye rs’ Test. Chamber lam’s Ccugb Eemedy has been curing coughs ard colds for the past forty years and baa gaintd in popularity every year. What better is required 1' or gale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 13 8 Wood*’ Great Ptppermint Cure, For Cou*ha and Cold*, am- faili, l f s<j.
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  • 27 9 r r iifu trom Agent* Due Anagt I)?vanha P. Ludwig Kleiet Colombo Singapore Sineupore Colombo AG.ACo. A.fl'AC®. ;bm.ajo. IrM.AC". 5th Feh. 7th 10th j 12th
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  • 25 9 r tudt For Arntt Leatm Ann ye fi’i\«apore VO.lCo. Ftb. iJevanha Colombo A G ACo. 1‘. Ludwia Colombo W4Co. hUitl 8 ngaporc B.M *Co
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 320 9 P.&O. At sA 8.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Servica. Outward. Homeward. •Sails on Friday instead of Saturday. FAKFS RY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. lstclass 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $356-29 B” Accommodation. To London by Sea $518-57 $339-43 i 1o Marseilles
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    • 1522 9 r SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. IOEMTSCHEE LL07B, SEEM. Foe Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Menrui. Tavoy, Yeh' and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and Aufetralia. Tb u r. 5t b Feb.. 4 p ID. Sat. 7th Feb.,
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  • 1437 10 AS SEEN BY AN AMERICAN ABROAD. (Bt Karl K. Kitchen.) If you expect to find the flavour of the Arabian Nights in this story you will 1)« disappointed. Constantinople in the year of 1913 A.D. is moro like Bagdad on the subway (to use one of
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  • 537 10 Policy or the Government. PatUni, Januaiy 12. The King’s Birthday bas more than ever beiore come to be Ihe national le'e. Even at, a little place like BaDg-Nara the (Jbalerm was an immense affair, in which everybody united. Unfortunately the monsoon prsvented the lighting of all the
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  • 188 10 As. M Bergson is one of the candidates, unusual interest, attaches to the forthcoming elections of members of the Academic Frarciise, where there are three fau?miil3 ”to be filled. The philosopher’s election is by no means assured, since he is opposed by M. de Pomairols. the veteran poet,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 83 10 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities sav beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 346 10 rr -vtr «rr''W». 1 ..vniTi'i'iiviKM Dtn’t Ceug*'. It ia absurd to allow a cough to bane on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy will euro you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased
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    • 539 10 n or n 9 0 C 'P. o 10 m Cj I VT o no ft fB r. R O y a r> < m CP •t; c p O (9 C? O s O O i I iP a. u_ H H annnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn )LJk ;CJC >GCZDOCIZ)OCZJc2® J r *“■3
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    • 80 10 I Wood*’ Creat Cure. For C’MichM and Cold*, novßr fail*. la. fid. TO LET. Compound House No. 184, Burnish Road. Renl, $65 a month. Apply to LIM BOON TEIK. 1-14 fl 109. Carnarvon Street. ■■■onMßHnnruwßaßaHßßMßi FOR SALE. Large 5-Seater Car. Suitable for Hiring Purposes. Apply to THE ROBINSON PIANO Co,
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    • 724 10 ST. ANDREW’S BALL. 1913. A MEETING of SUBSCRIBERS to tb« abovn will be held in the Chamber of Commerce. Downing Street, Penang, oa Wednesday, the 4th February, 1914, at 3.30 p m. W. K. SHARPE, Assistant Honorary Secretary 23-1-14 53 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. AUCTION SALE OF TOWN LOTS AT SUNuEI
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 •V APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KINO. CONTRACTORS TO Admiralty. The India Office. The War Office. Government Hospitals in Singapore, Penang, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. j Vt* rr I ILK r~ ~'t imunr f rrnu —i j i THE USES OF MILKMAID STERILIZED MILK No. 1. %)^A 1«
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1376 12 TFIF London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders t> on i<>nt t e World to communicate dn -t h Kmdish Manulacturcra tf Ucalers in c p •.»)>» complete com me i <!** < London and its bu miba, t e D 1 lla IS of Export Merchants with tho Goods they
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