Straits Echo, 24 December 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 990 1 If job reqoiie a Tonic and some», thing- to nourish you, drink DOG'S HEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT V look for thi« labol @F)' MuJfb to 800 that vsm JO* ffet it TIANO LEE Co., Solo Afcata. r Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOE
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    • 18 1 .■«a I TIGER BRAND CEMENT A72.5S CJ3 IE IN Uh f A f\o h\i* BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 j BBS ■■■BBBzaaKxaHBBHEsnaBBSiaaHH 1 ¥j fc\w K 7 A RDI 9 m o 0 PfkT s\"' [John ‘^D* L (distillers) IP €xlra Special j\ Ik teScsiciWisii N,' a s —k_ CxN mmm 4*. OF GREAT AGE m Grand Prix Paris 1500 SflouisWM^jgl^ iiS m Ovf w 50 GOLO m N
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  • 1177 3 (Bt Richard Middurtoh.*) T S* r "*,*.*5™“ min T ™>T. of Insowin. £7 ,tr Tbo?o id 0 f fWalter lW who knew medial London better than his own, and found it again in Rouen. There in the way of Mr E. Y. Lucas, who know* all about
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  • 466 3 WHY IT IS HUNG FROM THE CEILING. Ancihnt Beliefs, The good old custom of hauging the mistletoe from the ceiling at the Christmas festivities is said to have its origin in tbe idea that since the plant did not have its roots in the ground no part
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  • 70 3 Friday. December 96. EsPi aNADE —6 to 7P M- > Selection Tb.N. Bar2 Two Step... q Waltz Have You For--3 Wa gotten R ,n J lie The Sultan of 4 Quadrille Riviere 5 March Ma Jeannette... Jones Satvrdiy. December 27. Golf Club-5-45 to 7-15 p.m. Mimosa 1 Selection
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

    • 105 4 Jin Ho, Br. «.8 110, Millor, Dec. 23, Asahan, Dec. 22, Gen —E. S. Co., Ltd. Alary Austin, Br. s.s., 97, Cawaray, Dee. 23, Port Swettenham, Dec. 20, Gen.— E. S. Co., Ltd. Avagyee, Br. s.s., 247, Speucer, Dec. 28, Malacca, Dec. 21. Gen.—E. S- 0 Ltd. Taroba, Br.
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    • 125 4 December 24. Taroba, for Negapatam and Madras. Tong Chuan, for Alor Star (Kedah). Ghee Thye, for Alor Star (Kedah). Atjeh, for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Perak, for Deli. Janet Nicoll, for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Pailang, for Batu Bahra. Circe, lor
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    • 111 4 For Calcutta —Per DVwara, 26th in'tint, 11 a.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, vauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi for Europe etc—Per Delta, 27th instant, 3-30 p.ic. By Train. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong. 7-*5 am. daily also at 5-30 p.m. on ;atuid>y-, except Sunday. Parit Buntar,
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  • 120 4 Penang, December 24. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4*** 4 months’sight Bank 2/4J J 3 Credit 2/4} 3 Documentary 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Rank 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Madras,
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  • 56 4 Gold Leaf 164 40 Black Pepper 16. buyers White Pepper 28} buyers Trang Pepper 24 —nominal Cloves 37. sales Mace 110 nominal. Pickings 76. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 24. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar < 2 5,£0 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12.60 buyers r'Tahbun... 190. —sellers
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  • 2237 4 i q _g so Number of i 2 Capital. Shares Z 0 Dividends. Name. J I «J i88ued 13 4 I 45 e co O? 1909 1910 1911 1912! 1913 F UOBER DOLLAR SHARES. p-c. p.c. p.c. I 1909 4/0 ooo 130 000 1 1 5 Ayer Kuninir Rubber
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 He Children’s Colds. atch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the Titality. Use Cbnmberltin’s Cough Remedy freelv. It, is perfectly safe. It has been tested by cheuibts and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by alii) ispensaries and Dealers. I
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    • 72 4 For Cbrouic Chest ConapJiinf*. Wools* Great Peppermint Curi. 1» 6d MARTIN’S for Ladies! A Fftnch Remedy for ell Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a bos ot Martin's Pills in the house, so that on the hrst »*i» of any Irregularity of the System a timely dose may be administered. Those
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    • 166 4 f SPP+I Y/ATERBURY’S METABOLIZED God Liver Oil Compound lit ast, c.< !*t* TASTELESS ODORLEBB The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsious which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th xnedi- 4 cal profession. Oh all p
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    • 88 4 Tel. Address: HOKIMTEIK. Code Used ABC. 5TH EDITION. Telephone No. 694 Georgetown Motor Garage, 7*. PENANG ROAD. Authorised Agent for Penang to sell JENATZY TYRES. And stock-holder of the following tyres:— CONTINENTAL. GOODRICH, DUNLOP AND MICHELIN. Vulcanized Inner Outer Motor Tyres A Speciality. AGENTS FOR SUB-AGENTS FOR PA'GE, MITCHELL 8
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  • 441 5 Penang Cricket Clcb Post Office The last match of this season’s League I Competition was played off yesterday evening between the above clabs on the Esplanade. After a stoat contest the game I ended in favour of the Post Office bj one goal to nil. On the referee
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  • 223 5 The ordinary meeting of the 'Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon with Dr. G. W. Park, in the Chair. There were also present Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, and Mr. Lim Eow Hong, with Mr L. M. Bell. (Municipal Engineer,) and Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary) in attendance.
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  • 150 5 American Tennis Tournament. The following is the draw for the American Tenuis Tournament which will be played on December 25, 26 and 27 1. Miss Evans and A. N. B. Carr. 2. Mrs. Dunn and F. C. Lean. 3. Mrs Bradberv and J. B. Crichton. 4. Mrs.
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  • 46 5 Christmas Dat. 7 am. Holy Communion. 8 a.m. Holy Communion for Tamils. 9-30 a.m. Choral Matins and Choral Celebration of the Holy Communion, Service—Smart in F. Hvmns 59, 62, 61, 322, 60. Offertories for Sick and needy and Church. Missions (Tamil and Chinese).
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  • 843 5 Four Chinese Charged. > Before Mr. W. C. Michell in the District Court this morning the case was resumed 1 against the four Chinese, Ung Siong, Yeoh Tua Jee, Li Cheng and Lian Kan Meng who were arraigned on a charge of theft (as a servant
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  • 268 5 Only a couple of weeks ago we reported a fire at No. 40, Buckingham Street, and l ist night another fire took place .No 23, Carnarvon Street, which is a continuation of the block of houses in Carnarvon Street, about 20 feet behind the house that caught
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 804 5 I HEALTH 8 STRENGTH Give, „r«„ t ,h to ,h. ««cl„. to to lht to the whole system. I,, siren, the... sod sustains. Better than medieine. s i C^B^C^B^<C2SSa^<Cs»a^C2«B^C2®ag3caBBg3> JUST UNPACKED! JUST UNPACKED!! 8 A New Shipment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. The Best and Cheapest. OBTAINABLE AT GUNN
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    • 314 5 i OHO GENUINEBOER TOBACCO O s? 0> N a Packed Sealed Bags m oi so Price 30 cts BAG per OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. Pritchard 8 Co., Messrs. Kong Fook Cheong&Co., PENANG. ’XMAS PRESENTS 3 Chord Bars 20 Strings £4.50. 3 Chord Bars 21 Strings £6. THE ELVIRA. 6 Chord Bars
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  • 92 6 flMi*h»d daily (except Sunday* aad pfrifcli* holidays) AT Til CTLi TERiON PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penarg. Pniom Duly Leoal M SS4 per Mmra OofcaUtion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Froa) 117.50 CABX.B ADDA»** ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No». Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jr.J.-AU kailMM «mauniMtioa* should
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  • 455 6 On several occasions we have expressed the opinion that the proposal aiming at a reduction in agricultural coolies’ wag< s in this country would be seized upon with avidity by interested parties in India who are opposed to Tamil emigration to the Straits, the facts
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  • 889 6 Our objection to the hearing of any kind of case whatever by any kind of tribunal in camera is based on the possibility, everpresent in the mind of the student of history, that one day there may be on the Eench a judge or a magistrate
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  • 895 6 Mr. W. Wallace Cook is at present visiting South Africa and remains there till early next year when he returns to Singapore. t Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, Mr, John Turner, Mr. Hastings Rhodes and Mr. M. K. Whitlock are among the passengers to Penang by the mail
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  • 145 6 SPLENDID FUTURE PROSPECTS. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 23. At the Pulau Bulang meeting Mr. Diehn who presided, said that progress was satis! factory and that the .directors were pleased with the development of the estates. During the next four years they expected to carry on
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  • 79 6 Official Information. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December 23. Regarding the fund for loans to planters the Malay Mail is officially informed that applications from companies incorporated in the Federated Malay States and the Colony will be considered It is intended to exclude only companies incorporated
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  • 157 6 Important Essay on Ang!o-German Relations. (Reuter.) London, December 23. Prince von Buelow, formerly German Imperial Chancellor, in an interest ing essay which he contributed to a book entitled, Germany Under William II attri! butes the British attitude towards German naval and political expansion to the traditional
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  • 96 6 The Chancellor at Pwllheli. (Reuter.) London, December 23. Mr. Lloyd George, speaking at Pwllheli in Welsh, said that the Government intended to grant farmers in the districts where the labourers’ wages were compulsorily raised, facilities to obtain a reduction of rents and temporary reduction would likewise be
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  • 43 6 Huge Stock of Sugar Destroyed. {Reuter.) George Town (British Guiana), December 23. explosion followed by fire destroyed •ix blocks of buildings and caused damage estimated at 8700,000, eight thousand tons of sugar belonging to the Demerara Company being destroyed.
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  • 39 6 Increase of Pay. Router.) Paris, December 23. French Chamber has passed a Bill increasing the pay of army officers and noncommissioned officers. M. Caillaux, replying to questions, forestmdowed an increase in the salaries of civil officials.
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  • 32 6 Reuter.) Kostock (Mecklenburg-Schwerin), December 23. oeven train-men were injured by the explosion of gas in the Russian Imperial rain while waiting to convey the Dowager Empress to St. Petersburg.
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  • 24 6 (Reuter.) rp, Washington, December 23. House °f Representatives has pawed the Currency Bill and the Senate will probably adopt it to-day.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 557 6 PENANG TURF CLUB. JANUARY MEETING 1914. ADMISSION to Grand Stand by Tickets only. Tickets for Grand Stand can be obtained at the Secretary’s Office, or at the gate. These Tickets are only sold subject to right of the Committee to return the money at any time to the Holder without
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  • 109 7 ELABORATE POLICE PRECAUTIONS. Reuter.) L naon. December 23. The Viceroy entered Calcutta in state to-day. In view of tbe popularity of Lord liardinge s attitude towards the 'lndians in South Africa the police, expecting enormous crowds, made very elaborate precautions lest the terrorists should take
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  • 71 7 (Reuter.) London, December 24. Tho Earl of Kintore offers for sale his historic estates around Inverurie and Kintore and between Montrose and Aberdeen, comprising an area of 20,000 acres and producing over .£23,000 per annum. The opportunity is given to acquire the whole of the
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  • 64 7 Further Details (Reuter.) Peshawar, December 24. The passengers in the train which was held-up include Major Stirling, Captain Twiss, Captain Baker, Lieutenant Dane and a number of British Indian soldiers and officers who rapidly organised a counter attack and drove off the Pathans. A band, believed
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  • 57 7 Failure of Crop» and FiiKiaf. Renter.) Tokio, December 23. A terrible famine is reported in the Aomori and Hokkaido provinces owing to the failure of the crops and the fishing, and harrowiug details are arriving of the extreme distress of the population of which the uefarious traffickers
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  • 53 7 Corporations Reorganising. (Reuter.) Washington, December 23. As a result of tho Government’s threat to enforce more stringent anti-trust legislation a number of corporations ba* e taken the initiative in reorganising tbeir constitutions so as to be in conformity witb the existing laws in the hope to ward
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  • 44 7 President's Gilbertinn Decree. (Reuter.) Mexico City, December 24. In order to check the run on the banks President Huerta has decreed Bank Holiday until the end of the year lhts P r c, b inks however have resolved not to thereon.
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  • 30 7 Proposed Johnson- Langford Match. (Reuter.) London. December 23. Negotiations are proceeding for a fig t hetwefln Jack Johnson and ham Langford for the championship of the world.
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  • 31 7 Suspected Incendiarism. Reuter.) Vladivostock, December 23. A fire which has been ranine for one week in one of «“tow t »dto!nceidiari.m. -irV'undergr'old 0 when the fire started.
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  • 20 7 Renter.) Johannesburg, December 23. The M.C.C. team beat Transvaal b a innings and 29 runs.
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  • 1696 7 I enangitas who feel Christmassy, cheerful and charitably inclined—and we hope that »11 our readers are in that pleasant frame of mind at this festive seas *n— cannot do better than give tangible expression to those seasonable sentiments by making a donation to the Convent, where they may
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  • 62 7 Tin. The following husness in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at SB3 70 Straits Trading Co.. 75 ?*4 25 Eastern Smelting Co, 100 Leong Fee A Co., 50 *84.30 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 225 „$B4 37£ Total 475 tons. Tin ii quoted
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  • 79 7 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce rubber auction which took place to-day 26.146* lb of rublier were offered for sale and lb were sold at the following prices Sheet Smoked SlOB to Si 15 Unsmoked S 96 SlO7 Crepe No. 1 >lO6 $lO9 No 2 SlO3 S No.
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  • 186 7 Vf»teris7. To-d*y. R or Buyers s»l em Buyer» Sellers Fall. RUBBER. I. I. d. Anglo Male» R 6 9 3 R 71$ 9 41$ -H^d Bakit Mertejani. IS 71 16 111 Id C-bemor *-*>•- 111 7 4 1 104 I 4 —4d (‘one. Mela»» ..7 3 R 76 83
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  • 1170 7 LORD PENTLANDS DUTY. We have referred to tbe oppression that prevails in the Straits on the Tamil coolies who have been emigrating with clocklike regularity from tbe Madras districts, allured by the false hopes of the kanganies or recruiting agents. We have again and again
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  • 227 7 Judgment. The Tekka case finally came to an end on Monday afternoon, when Mr. Justice Woodward delivered his judgment in the claim made bv F. A. Harrison, Ltd., against Tekka, Ltd., says the T O.SI. His Lordship found for the defendants on all points and gave judgment
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  • 276 7 Selected Telegraphic News. President Yuan has appointed Mr. Lau Yuk Lun as Chinese Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, Mr. Sum Sui Lun to Austria. Mr. Tong Choi Fuk to Holland, Mr. Luk Chung Yu to Japan and Mr. Ko Yee Him to Italy. The Central Government has offered
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 Central Sales Room. 70 BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On Tuesday, 30th December. 1913, AT 11-30 A M. At Western Road. High Class Household Furniture COMPRISING Dining Drawing and Bedroom Suites, Rottan and Pentw od Furniture, Pictures, Crockery ware, etc., etc etc. CUNNINGHAM CLARK Co, 879 Licensed Auctioneers. ■’■wa: mm
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    • 399 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. T-ocal Office: —No. 7, Union Street. BY ORDER OF THE PENANG HARBOUR BOARD. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE
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  • 73 7 Obituary. Mr. Jules Claretie. (Reuter.) London, December 23. The death has taken place, at the age of 73, of M. Jules Claretie who only recently retired from the directorship of the Comcdie Franchise of which he has been the Director since 1885. Sir J. J. Trevor Lawrence. Sir John James
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  • 706 8 SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST MANAGER.Alleged Discrepancy in Accounts The Bangkok Timet of the 15th inst. contains the following report concerning the failure of the Chino-Siam Bank. The Chino-Siam Banks has suspended payment. The bank was open on Saturday and transacted business as usual. No rumour of anything wrong then
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  • 187 8 Manv in the Straits and in Ceylon will hear with deep regret of the death of Mr. Arthur Lenox Ingall, late of the Federated Malay States Civil Service, who died on November 26, at Burnhams, Bucks, at the age of 55. He was a son
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  • 373 8 A Puket correspondent informs us it is reported that the Government intends to raise the capitation tax from three to six tickals a year in the southern monthons, promising in return to do away with every kind of forced labour. Tbis measure would bring Puket, Nakon
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  • 159 8 to the editor of the Malay Mail. Sir, —Why reduce the wages of the poor coolie and the men on the spot, i.e., those tbat do thi actual w irk which makes the profit or the ’<>s« Wbv not srarc. on the hangers on who cost
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  • 630 8 Centuries-old habits of thought are hard to eradicate. A long time ago China built a Great Wall to keep out foreigners. At a later stage of her national existence she still resisted efforts of foreigners to enter into communication and relations with her, first by force,
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  • 156 8 Interport Contests. The water-polo match between the Penang Swimming Club and the Singapore Swimming Club will take place on Saturday, December 27, at about 1 poi The teams will lie as follows Penano.—L W Learmount, (Captain), R L Cuscaden, W E MacDonald, H V Edwards, N C
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  • 170 8 A new motor engine, fitted with the latest improvements, arrived here by the s.s. Bendoran from the Merryweatber Company and wa« taken over by the Fire Brigade on Sunday. Although it is not completely fitted up (some more slight alternations beiDg necessary) a trial run was made
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  • 1109 8 Thb Break of Credit. Chinese merchant» are said to hare devised the most perfect and amazing system of credit in the word. It is, relatively to the positive overturn of commodities, on a vastly greater scale than credit in the west. Indeed, it has been said
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  • 59 8 To-dat. 27th Day of 11th Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Xmas Eve Dinner, E. O. Hotel. The Grand Opera Co.. King Street Theatre The Magic Bird.” George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-morkov* 28th Day of 11th Moon. Xmas Day. Public Holiday. George
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  • 36 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Se'V^ce. Outward. Hombwabb Eyypt 25 Dec. I Delta 27 Dec, Devanha 8 Jan. Himalaya 10 Jan. Extra Service. Outward Homewabd. Nyanta 30 Dec. I Sardinia 1 Jan. Nore 13 Jan. Candia 11
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 389 8 The Masterpiece in Motion Photography Still Holding the Record The Great ’Xmas Magnet AT George Town Kinema ON 25th DECEMBER. East Lynne The \V\ rid known Pathetic Drama from the Fan ous Novel by Mrs. Henry Wood. The First and Only Genuine Series. No Better Picture Ever Taken. All the
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    • 43 8 Bad Taste in the Mouth. It you bave a bad taste in your mouth iu the morning, your stomach is not iu proper order. Chamberlain’s tablets regulate this and give you a relish for your meals. For ■ale by all Dispersanes and Dealers.
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    • 208 8 The fables of old are often-tiines told: We read of The Fox and the Crow It is sad to behold how flattery bold Could trick such a simpleton so. It might, we all know, have been well with the crow. If she’d lived in an age more mature, And prevented
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    • 278 8 Whooping, Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loo3e and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully iu many epidemics and
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  • 26 9 Vettelt hrcm Agentt Due Egypt Delta P. Alice P. Ludwig Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo A.G.ACo. A. B. BM.ACo. 24th Dec. 30th (i lit Jan-
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  • 28 9 Vtttelt For Ag* nti £eav<> Egypt iJtlta P. Alice P. Lud*% f SinRapor* Colombo Colombo b mg* port A.G.AC p. A G.ACo. b.MACo. B M AOo. Doc.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 348 9 P.&0. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures Mall Service Outward. pec. 25 Egypt connecting with s.s. Morea 1914 Jan. 8 Devaoha >. Maloia 22 China MarJora Homeward •Sails on Friday. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. 1st class 2nd class r„ London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00
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    • 1353 9 is H I P p I N G BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Intended to Sail. Stbahbk. I erm8 and Rates of Freight may be arranged with HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT &l Co., Penang, I rlephoni No. 521. Telegrams: Huttlikb.” Agents, KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. f ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.)
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  • 872 10 (Bt Stephbn Graham.) Not. infrequently on Wednesdays or Tbursdays you may »ee, down at the docks at Tower Wharf or Tooley-street, the disembarkation of many hundreds of Russian peasant men and women and Jews and Jewesses out of a dingy Baltic steamer. The Russians are in
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  • 43 10 Dicbmbek, 1913. Date. H w L H. W. L. W A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 24th 9.38, 4 05, 10.03, 3.30 25th 10.8 V, 4 59, 10 48, 4.39 2Gth 11 27, 5.46, 11.51, 5.24 27t1. Nil. C.3Q, 12.17, 6.16
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  • 1114 10 This is a question which Mr. George Trevelyan asked lately in his essay, Clio, a Muse,” and to which he gave his answer in the very title of that essay. Clio is a muse, not a drudge, nor a preacher, nor a party-hack and no man can
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  • 623 10 Marino a Start. Only a few days since, comment was made in this column on a Mandate issued by President Yuan Shih-kai emphasising the urgent need of a reform of the judicial svstem of the Republic. All too often, official documents of this kind begin and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 A Cera Destroyer. Inertia no danger whatever from lock J aw or l, 00( i poison resulting from a wound when Cbamt orlaiu’s Pain Balm is promptly applied It is an amiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases It alto causes wounds to heal without maturatiou ami iu
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    • 621 10 The World’s Family Medicine Tb. rtuM wi ncdiciaca clear to wtryw wfc» has M quelitic*. Between the but to celled care* remedy to ere ia a wide nK. Tke far di»entree djeiwdere a md tkie wonderful id efficacy of Beecham’s Pills reet upon the fact that they are scientifically prepared
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    • 42 10 Bid Taste in the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper order. Chamberlain’s tablets regulate this and ycm a relish for your meals. For sa* by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 380 10 Whojping Cough. When your child has whooping cough 1* careful to keep the cough looie and ex pectoratiou easy by giting Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy as may be required. This I remedy will also liquify the tough mucu» and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1327 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chomicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and
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