Straits Echo, 23 December 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 972 1 If yon reqttiie Tonic and somothinf to nouri*h you, drink DOG’SHEADGUINNESSS STOUT lo «k for tbii lab*i SR im that Snwa yon ;at il TIANO LEE f C»., Salt Agcata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. Af. S. DAVID CORSAR
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    • 22 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT j mm2 *v 25S N< <r> £y V T \W *5 <:• PUP n V OMV BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 X\ v AR 9 w 73 OJ/a p > ■5 6 -i K > vs? ,-«f :-..Tv, ,IV' tiii&i; <•: v r-‘ ,Tf A *T. *8 JOHNDtWARiSoNSji '■x if 1 llers) re Cxfra Special yoTCH: mm m u OF GREAT AGE -x. Grand Prix /^A Paris WOO Sf Louis ■J/,
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  • 1585 3 RACE ENTRIES. The following are the entries for the forthcoming January Meeting which closed yesterday FIRST DAY. Tuetday, 6th January, 1914. I.—The Opening Stakes. Value $5OO. Selling Race. A Handicap for all Horses. The winner to be put up for Auction under S. R. A. Rule 189
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  • 598 3 Its Prevention and Cure. In many parts of the East dysentery takes the second place among the causes of death and the Straits stand out prominently in this connection. No one needs to be told the causes or symptoms of the disease. They are, necessarily, only too familiar, whether
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 GOODRICH tyres ss vv: c> (S) Sole Importers, Straits Settlements 8 Malay reninsela, ADAMSON, GILFILLAM 8 Co., Lid., SINGAPORE. PENANG 6’ MALACCA. r-N hi Hf r f m y' 5« !c IS*» 4* V t?t* 'V' V 11 @8 .i Yj ■v*V Gii NAIC The Largest Tyre Factory, with the
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    • 15 3 "TTL Woode’ Great Peppermint Cure. I For Coughs and Colds, n<?r» r fails, 1« sd.
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    • 108 3 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential end Transit Hotel. (Under the Personal Manag-oment. of the Proprietor and Proprietress.) Public and Private Dining Rooms. The recognised place for recherche dinners* Cold Storage Meat Butler. Most Moderate Monthly Rates. Special Terms to Official and Planters. THE BODEGA (Late Il°etaurant Norman ami branch of
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    • 120 4 Chvmpon Siam s.s, 2,228, Teruse, Dec. 22, Copenhagen, Not. 4, Gen.—Slot Co. Kedah, Br. s.s., 94, Welch, Dec. 22, Alor Star, Dec. 22, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Circe, Br. s.s., 314. Bannantyne, Dec. 23, Deli, Dec. 22. Gen. —W. M. A Co. Africa, Aus. m., 2,614, Fvancrch, Dec.
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    • 54 4 December 23. Ban Lee, for Alor Star (Kedah). Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Sappho, for Tongkah. Indragiri for Deli and Batu Bahra. Jin Ho, for Asahan. Omapere, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Pangkor, for Dindings and Sitiawan. Leong Ho, for.l’ulau Langkawi and Setul. Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Klang, for
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    • 250 4 For Yen —Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Singapore and China —Per Koerber, to-morrow, 8 a m. Negapatam and Madras-Per Taroba, to-morrow, 11 am. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ohee Thye, to-morrow, noon. Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang—Per Atjeh, to-morrow, Ipm. Deli--Per Circe, to-morrow, 3 pm.
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  • 120 4 Penano, December 23. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4A 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4;} 3 Credit 2/4} 3 Documentary 2/4*} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight PriTate 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight PriTate 175} Madras, Demand
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  • 203 4 Gold Leaf $64 40 Black Pepper 16. buyers i White Pepper 28 25 buyers Trang Pepper 24.— nominal Cloves 40. —tales Mace 120 nominal. Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 24.— sellers C No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar j 2 5.50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 13.— sales
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  • 177 4 Pig’s Head... Feet ,m n, Tongun Mutton per lb. 35 Head each gQ Feet the four Tripe each 'ja Lirer Fowl (full grown) *1 aq Small Fowl Chicken 30 Duck (full grown) Smaller Duck Eoos (Hen’s) per 100 $2-60 (Deck’s) $2.50 Fish— Selangin per catty 40 Koorow os
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  • 2268 4 d f o -2 Number of a, 2 Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. gj -5 2} g isKiiAtl ns -5 ,88 ed 2 3 S' *S S 3 9* a oo o' f I 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 I UBBER DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. p.c. p.c. 1909 450,000 130,000 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Cbatuberliiu’8 Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chenmts and pronounced free from injurious substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by allP ispeusaries and Dealers.
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    • 63 4 The reverend preacher, earnest and sincere, Gave to his listening flock, his message clear. But there resounded ’neath the sacred dome A cough that caused the thoughts of all to roam. He who had coughed went to the preacher grey, Sorry at having led the flock astray. Then said the
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    • 65 4 For Chronic Chest Complaint», Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. la. 6d. ♦t+G++++ff+++++++++* THIS +< IS IT! !t WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound i+ t =«vTASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach.
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  • 931 5 Bt Tom Weight.”] When Maud (that’» Mi*» Potter, you know) pot me to admit that it was time J called on her Pa, I didn’t realize what 1 was being let in for. I'm not saying I waone of them bashful idiots who lose then
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  • 43 5 The following ti s have been fixed for to-morrow Double Handicap. 1 lasi am a d de Hamel vs lettes and H irries Black stone and Turner vs Laws and Bindley Goodwiu and Richards vs &tarr and Ambrose.
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  • 37 5 Wednesday, December 24. Esplanade—6 to i pm 1 Selection... 'The Emerald Isle Sullivan i 2 Gavotte Wilbcimina Neuman j 1 3 Walt* D earning Joyce -I Lancers A Country Girl... Wiliiam» 5 March Fatiaitia Suppe
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  • 517 5 Sale of Work. i The following is a statement of the results of the Sale of Work held by the M. C L on November 4: 1 Statement or Receipts and Payments. To Proceeds of Sale of Work 1. Lace Mrs. Evans 165.75 c, C Mrs. Young
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  • 174 5 In Below Stairs (Methuen’s Colonial Library) Mrs Alfred Sidgwick has written a p!ea«aot little book which we read through at one sitting and enjoyed very much. It has the stamp of verisimilitude, a plain unvarnished tale of the daughter of a bankrupt tradesman who go* s into service.
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  • 54 5 A Bogey Competition was held at Caledonia on the 20th and 21st for the December Monthly Medal when, out of 15 entries. A Forevth was declared the winner with a score of 7 down. A Singles Competition, Match Play under Handicap, will commence in January for which
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 i J “La Ycbana” Brand MANILLA U H Genuine Tobacco 10 cents per packet of H w 30 Cizar#tt»« 30 Cigarettes. $0 per bundle of 25 packets. Wholesale prices on application. A Good Smoke n It' White or Brown D Wrapping n Ribeiro Co., Ltd., si. B«.ch Pet»»n 8 Sole
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    • 360 5 GENUINEBOER TOBACCO O 0> N a Packed in 4 oz. Sealed BagsPrice: 30 cts. per BAG. OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. Pritchard U Co., Messrs. Kong Fook CheongSCo.,) ANG ’XMAS PRESENTS [T; A U T O H A R P S 3 Chord Bars 20 Strings $4.50. 3 Chord Bars 21 Strings
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  • 94 6 fmllliskad daily (except Sundays and pwfclie holidays) at Tma CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fuoa Daily Loeal 924 per aanwra OwkeUtioa... Postage Extra. Mail Etilm (Post Free) 917.50 oamlw addedsb ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Noa. Echo 586 Priatiac Departnent 343 M.M.— AU >■«)■»— mauiiMtioii ahouM
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  • 1324 6 Malay students will have read with much satisfaction the announcement we were privileged to make yesterday with regard to forthcoming publications dealing with Malay history and literature from the pens of the Hon. Mr R. J. Wilkinson and Mr. R. O. Winstedt, which, together with several other compilations
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  • 504 6 PROPOSED REDUCTION OF WAGES. VIEWS OF MR. W. DUNCAN. A Strong Opponent. Mr. W. Duncan, of Caledonia Estate, P.W., is universally regarded as the leading representative of planting interests at this end of the Peninsula. He is the general manager and attorney of the Penang Rubber Estates,
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  • 409 6 To THE editor or the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, As a clerk drawing $60, with three children in the primary classes of one of our aided schools, may I venture to say a few words on the subject which you touched upon in your leading article of
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  • 101 6 HALF YEARLY REPORT. {From OurX)wn Correspondent.) Singapore, December 22. The report of the Straits Trading Company for the half year ended September 30 shows a sum available of $580,562.77. It recommends a dividend of $1 per share and a bonus of fifty cents, absorbing $450,000 and a
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  • 106 6 Statutory Meetiag. (From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, December 22. At the Statutory meeting of the Malayan Collieries which was held to-day Mr. j! A. Russell, who presided, stated that the share* of the company had been slightly oversubscribed. He was unable at present, owing to the
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  • 56 6 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 22. It is understood that the decision of the shareholders of the Kwong Yik Bank to liquidate awaits the dictum of the Supremo Court, in which on January 20, Messrs. Allen A Gledhill, on behalf of the creditors, will apply
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  • 134 6 Wiraiif to Looters. {Reuter.) London, December 23. The Mexican rebel leader at Chihuahua has ordered the execution of any one found looting or molesting the property of foreigners or Mexicans. Six rebels who were sacking the residence of a Mexican were shot. All the Spanish stores which
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  • 106 6 Daaaf» Estimated at £.500,000 (Reuter.) I m London, December 21. p *7° ,I S? a l me l n in the -emaphore tower at Portsmouth dockyard who pluckily remained behind to send the general alarm, ot the fire are missing. It is certain that they perished
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  • 88 6 (Reuter.) mi„ Washington, December 22. thJ h TT« onfere, i Ce TJ )etween tte and Current p-n f i..^P reBon tatives on the urr *n«y Bill, which sat all last night only ment mornin an arAngetk made u all P° int> regarding ConMmin he it had *****1
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  • 29 6 {Reuter.) It i. .1 f-j ondon Dtcmber 31. ‘V th Duk of Bedford who .old ’r* oTent rd «ft* b« £3OO, OOO** oom, bury estate for
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  • 33 6 Reuter Sir TTur.1, T London, December J2. an Wirl aD i! hM f0,d t0 Mr Emery. Philip the Sec^nd eCt Thĕ P 0 «$70,000 ona price is said to be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 *************************9 v z i 3» 2. OQ CD rfr m ?s £1 w Hfl R 3*2 -i w u Mg < o si o' 9 m 9 9 m m 9 9 9 9 9 *************** o o >< s> “I Q. </» U> U) *< 0) -1 CL 0»
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  • 237 7 STRANGER THAN FICTION. Reuter.) I’osen, December 22 The history of the Mielczynski* read, hke a chapter of roro-inco. The C 1 came enamoured of the -beautiful countess in 1895 and attempted suicide by shootiL upon which his father relented and the couple were rnanied. The marriage was
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  • 90 7 Splcadid Work By London Firemen. Reuter London, December 23 A fire broke out in a block of flats in London, Hyde Park Chambers, Knightsbridge. The two upper stories blazed furiously, illuminating the whole district A waiter was killed while returning to get his money and three persons
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  • 50 7 (Reuter London, December 22. Three hundred policemen in mufti and with a red flag demonstrated at Trafalgar Square in support of the Police Union which they were prohibited from joining. Speeches were delivered by civilians denouncing Mr. Reginald McKenna, Home Secretary, but there was very little enthusiasm.
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  • 52 7 (Rev ter.) London, December 22. Air. Alan Ostler, special correspondent of the Daily Expre in Somaliland, who was fined XIB3 at Berbera for travelling in prohibited areas and carrying arms and preferred to go to prison to paying the tine, lim been released by the
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  • 37 7 A Second Operation. Reuter.) Johannesburg, December 23 A second bullet has been removed from Sir Lionel Phillips who was shot on the 17th inst. The patient is progressing as well as can be expected.
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  • 45 7 New Regulations of Lease. {Reuter.) Ottawa, December 23. The amended regulations governing the issue of the new leases of oil lands m t e North West provide that the Admiralty shall have control of the wells and the outpu during war time.
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  • 27 7 Service of Intercession. (Reuter.) London, December 22. The Bishop of London has sanctioned* service of intercession for the preserve of peace in Ireland.
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  • 17 7 (Reuter.) Adi.abel», The deith of tbo Emperor M.nem or Abyssinia is oflcially announced.
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  • 150 7 I ICE-PkESIDENt j visit to krir'd L, Tu Hung. ha. President Yuan. 11 ti ,n K w ‘*h More Loam Negotiation.. Quint■ pi**ByndlcabsTn tat ives of the ,r *to Hong J kone iV n eL,D R re P roceed tb managers L Q f c D,ult with
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  • 58 7 Reuter.) rpu London, December 23. T 4 settlement in the strike at a-I 8 W V "hattered at the meeting of the wl.? Tenin K at which a resolution ju idoptidtorontimietln struggle. Mr. o R. Thorne, M. P, adriaad th. men to go mt° the streets and
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  • 23 7 (Reuter.) Melbourne. December 23. 1 wo hundred houses and camps have been destroyed by bush fires and hundreds are homeless.
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  • 361 7 The Citizen's Right. During the past few weeks there has been I a regular epidemic of buglaries in Penang I and various people have raised the question as to what course should be adopted by the law-(biding cit who awakes to find a thief |in his house.
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  • 90 7 Tin, Rubber and Riee. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, $84.05 buyers, no seller* Straits Trading Co., 100 ton* at $84.90 Tin is quoted in London to-day at Xl6B 12*. 6d. cash and XI7O three month. Bv Courtesv of Messrs. The
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  • 152 7 Yder.l»». To-day Buyer* Seller* Purer* Seller* Fall. RCBBKB. A. <1- t iw 9 IV4 8 6 9 3 +l'^d antil'' Malay fSJ J t 2 1 +4* Bukit Mertaj»m. IJ* j 6 111 14 Chersonese l 1U 7 jov* 7 3 8 +l4d Con*. Malar* 47 6 45 47
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  • 1196 7 Our shorthand typist is a noble creature, □ot more careless or inattentive than his i fellows; but he very nearly lost us an old and valued subscriber and gained us a doubtful reputation as a forward young man when, having taken down from dictation a letter to a
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  • 792 7 r A meeting of the Visiting Justices was held at the Governor’s Office at noon to-daj i with Mr. D. A. M. Brown in the chair. There were also present Messrs. J. Heim, A. H. Cox, H. A. Low, and Lim Eu Toh. s The Chairman said
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  • 245 7 The following articles will be found on r our outside pages Page 3.—Penang Turf Club. m 5. The Studies of Mr. Potter. P C C. Bowls Tournament. Below Stairs.” Ministering Children’s League. Caledonia Golf Club. 8. The Preparation of Plantation Rubber”: (Special Review Penang Library New-Books Training Notes. m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 655 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE MUNICIPALITY OF CEOKE TOWN. PEN INC. Electricity Supplt Department Applications are invited for the post of clerk at a commencing salary of $50 per month. (Candidates must be proficient typists and a knowledge of shorthand is desirable.) Applications endorsed Clerk Electricity Supply Department" will be received by the
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  • 31 7 Obituary* (Reuter.) London, December 22. The death has taken place. f 1 1 he 62. of Lt. Col. Sir Charles A. A. Frederick K.C B, G.C.V.O., formerly Master of the Household.
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  • 2350 8 (Special Review Mr. Sydney Morgan’s book “The Preparation of Plantation Rubber supplies a valuable addition to the few books of reference to which the planter has access. Managers of Rubber Estates should welcome an exposition of the methods of manuf *cturing the marketable product and
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  • 818 8 NEW-BOOKS. The following books hare been received at the Library In the Land of Pearl and Gold, by Alexander MacDonald, 1913. A Tatter of Scarlet, by S. R. Crockett, 1913. A Changed Man, The Waiting Supper and Other Tales, by Thomas Hardy, 1913. The Corvston Family, by Mrs
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  • 376 8 There was a large attendance at the race course this morning to watch the work of the candidates for the forthcoming meeting Mr. G. Cumming, the Official Handicapper was present. Batu Gajah, with Gabel] on for the first time, cut out the last five furlongs of the first
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 448 8 A Grand 'Xmas Bill AT George Town Kinema, “The Only Place to Spend Your ’Xmas Eve,” The Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre. Cinematograph in Darkest Africa (Pathe’s Cinema Colour of Groat Interest.) Burglar’s Dilemma” A merit: in Iliograph s Masterpiece. Max is Married Comic Play by Max Linder in the Leading
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    • 298 8 Who'ping Cough. When jour child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s p Cough Remedj as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough raucu9 and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics
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    • 212 8 Bad Taste in the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper order. Chamberlain’s 'tablets regulate thii and give you a relish for your meals For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT. STATE OF PERAK.
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  • 28 9 Venels trow. i Agent Due Egypt Colombo Delta Singapore P. Alice Singapore P. Ludvnq Colombo A.GKACo. A. B. BM.ACo. 24th Dec. 27th ,30th 1 l»t Jan.
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  • 22 9 For Agtrt 1 Leavet Egypt Delta P. Alice P Ludreig Sir^por* Colombo Colombo Singar^ A..O.AC0. A. B. B.M ACo. Deo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 404 9 P.&O. nV S.N.C Expected Arrival» K(1 Departure.. Wall Service Outward. Dec.W Egypt connecting with Morea IP14 Jan. 8 Devanha M 22 China ZrZ. Homeward Dec. 2*iDelta I 1914 Jan. 10 Himalaya 24 Egypt Feb. 7,Devanha Mar. Apr. Mar June *20China 7 Aaaaye 21 India 4 Devanha 18 Arcadia Delta Assays
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    • 1418 9 S H I P P N G’> BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. For Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Tavoy, Yeh and" •Moulmein. Singapore and Australia. Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Ouddalore and Karikal. rn— __(Weekly). o eims and Rates of ireight
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  • 845 10 CURRENT PRESS TOPICS. A Deputy’s Mixed Metaphors. French papers are never tired of poking fun at the eloquence of deputies and senators, and occasions for ridicule are seldom wanting in view of the bombastic style adopted by so many public speakers. The following extract is from
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  • 995 10 REMARKABLE FIGURES. (Bt Langford Reed.) The approaching majority of kinematographv may well call for a brief review of the extraordinary growth of the industry since that eventful day in 1893 when at the World’s Fair, Chicago, Thomas Edison’s kinetoscope was introduced to an amazed public. To-day
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 Ikvce.sary Words. Wl)v waste words and advertising space in describin'/ the ramv poii ts of merit in Chan.l crl tin’s Crush Ifnnedv? The most fastidious an* satisfied when *e state that it cuies Ci Ids at d couch* Item anv cause, aud that, it contains &t«s(>iutslv no naicotics or injurious
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    • 523 10 vss&x: ass i/.iJfVj 'Uv'VV iDlniifrice lW 6 Mk > V does Odol bsolutely supersede all other preparations for cleansing the mouth and teeth? of its remarkable power of suffusing the entire oral cavity with a thin but thoroughly effective antiseptic coating which maintains its protective imlrc-n e for hours after
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    • 456 10 BOwJdt HBBWHSja JPkMJ? Many people have no hesitation in taking a dozen bottles of medicine in liquid form prescribed by a doctor, but view with alarm the suggestion to rh 1 -:ii„ This misapprehension is no doubt due to the merely purgative, which may be correct in take a course
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1321 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and
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