Straits Echo, 25 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1024 1 If von roquir a Tonic and dometiling to nourish you, drink DOC S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look for thia label y ml to see that you get H TIANG LEE 0' Co., Sole Ageata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1WWS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. agents nob PENANG
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    • 13 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. m 85 ■n 4k r o BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 n n If I Lt'i fr z f n t< y &s (v) M L r a 4, a 4* M 'l»il| (0; Silb. > >tf J »<•-> ’«»3. r *w Hi I®’ 1 Bren> e 0 p r ag h*. ;la\\ V 3 00 ,89 9 <3fc, Kol--A uS
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  • 400 3 We take the following from the annual report of the Municipal President for the ▼ear 1912. The existing system of night-aoil removal was continued regularly throughout the rear. This system though not perfect is on the whole well fitted for a large native population and a change to an
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  • 474 3 WM COD,i(l,rib ’y below the to ‘J? 6 25 Jears: lt to 95.02 inches at the gaol and ***** inches on Government Hill. There was practically no rain during the first four months of the year and the supply of water fell to little more than five million
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  • 320 3 The Capital Expenditure during the year was $26,807.87, the total up to December 31 being $526,212.32. The gross revenue amounted to $106.466-29, an increase of $5,024.77 over j the figure for the previous year. The amount received in respect of goods viz. $4,666 91 was more than double
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  • 495 3 The appointment of Hsiung Hsi-ling to the post of Prime Minister has called forth much interesting comment from our daily contemporaries. The North China Daily Nnr* gives the following details of his earlier career: Mr. Hsiu g Hsi-ling, is a native of Hsiang-bsiang district in Hunan
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  • 500 3 The New Administration. While in Bangkok the education authorities have decided that technical instruction will be beneficial to the boys, it is interesting to note that this is the policy alieady being pursued in the province of Trang There are about sixty self-supporting schools for boys iu the
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  • 480 3 The Burma papers now to hand y ive pages to reporting the proceedings of the Agricultural and Co-oporativo Conforenc i held at Mandalay last month. Some notes j n the conclusions arrived at may be of interest. Take first tbe question of the imI provemeut of paddy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. r ®£s®(S)®® A®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® sa -\c /*N C >2vX “N
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    • 87 3 ChamberlaVs Ccugh Remedy. This remedy has no su-perior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. Lt not only cures colds
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    • 12 3 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Po- Coughs and C>lds. n«v«r fails. Is. (M
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    • 97 4 Avagyee, Br. s.s., 247, Spencer, Sept 24, Teluk Anson, Sept. V 3, Oen. —E. 6. Co. t Ltd. Van den Botch, Dut. s.s., 1,686, Claasen, Sept. 24, Sabang, Sept. 23, Gen. K. P. M. Belgravia, Ger. M, 4,206, Girstenbran, Sept 25. Singapore, Sept 23, Gen. B. M A Co.
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    • 58 4 September 25. Tong Ghnan, for Alor Star (Kedah). Ghee Thye, for Alor Star (Kedah). Perak, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Taroba, for Port Swettenham and Singapore Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Malaya, for Deli. DerJJlingtr for Singapore, China and Japan Luetzow, for Ceylon, Australasia, India,
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    • 429 4 For Alor Star (Kedab) —Per Kedah, to-morrow, 11 am. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ban Lee, to-morrow, 11am. Asahan —Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 pm. Port. Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Dindings, Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh Per Pangkor, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Pnlau Langkawi, Perlis and Betul
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  • 126 4 Penang, September 25. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4„* T 4 mouths' sight Bank 2/4 t 3 Credit 2/4*l 3 Documentary 2/4J* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand l ank 173 t# 3 days’sight Private
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  • 210 4 Gold Leaf ...'64 40 Black Pepper 1562 j sellers White Pepper 29 50 buyers Trang Pepper 24 sal-s Cloves ...39 out of season Mace. ...120 nominal Pickings 74 —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 24. —sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,£0 sales (Ballet 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 13. buyers
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  • 160 4 Penang, September 25. Beep— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork p er catty 38 H d Tongut “5™," P"' b 35
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  • 2202 4 d S j j *o.2 Number of p, ...II «’S Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. I g j i»ned. s I =1 I I J5 n 9 I 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. I p.c. p.c. p.c. I 1909 450,000 130,000 1 1 j 5 Ayer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 52 4 a«a THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liyer Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESti The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medical profession. OF ALL CrfEMISTS Price •n
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  • 255 5 The Peking correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, writing on Ang. 8, iari:— Foreign correspondents in Peking received the following quaint document at the beginning of the week :—Dear Sir, —Owing to the urgency of military affairs at the present juncture, the Office of the President has
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  • 103 5 Messrs. Guthrie Co’s weekly report dated Singapore, September 23 The weakness referred to in our last report has become morn accentuated during the week and in spite of smaller offerings than usual to-day’s sale dragged considerably, about 6£ tons being bought in. Smoked Sheet again fetched the
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  • 52 5 To-dat. 25th Day of Bth Moon. Band, Golf Club, 6 pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Goad. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Drury Lane Cinematograph, Drury Lane. To-morrow. 26th Day of Bth Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Drury Lane Cinematograph,
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  • 17 5 German Derfflinger ...25tli Sept English (Delta) ...2nd Oct China Assaye 4th China Print Ludwig 74th
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  • 35 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homewaed Della 2 Oct. I Assaye 4 Oct India 16 China 18 Extra Service. Outward. Homeward. Nubia 8 Oct. I Nyanza 26 Sapt. Sunda 22 I Wore 9 Oct
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  • 1085 5 Plartatioit Problems. A correspondent in The Times discusses the returns which a buys' of plantation rubber shares may now expect to get, and comes to the conclusion that the investor, provided he has the necessary knowledge or can rely on expert opinion, has an opportunity of
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  • 687 5 P. C. C. vt. E A U The Penabg Cricket Club registered their first win yesterday evening when they met the Eastern Athletic Union on the Esplanade whom tbej defeated by two goals to nil. Owing to the heavy rain overnight the ground was sodden and slippery and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 451 5 Mr. if Mrs. M. C. Adam If utter worth. rr.c. TO .1. House No. 421, Data Kr. mat Road. Large Compound, Electric Light and Fans, Tennis Court. Suitable for Family or Mess. Apply v E. L. MILES, c/o The Eastern Shipping Co. t Ltd. 16 »-13 f. 28 One 25
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    • 123 5 Teoh Gheow Cheang Architect and Contractor, 72, Clare Street, IPOH. nnnnDnnnnnnnaDDDnnnunnanananaanannnDD nnonnanndnnnnnnnnnanannonnnnnn *€a6h Seating Company, Buying Agents, etc, etc., and Providers of Un versal Orders. Show-Room 81 Office AT 17, STATION ROAD. TAIPING. P r RAK, (Opposite Kin- Edward II School). Also undertake to do all sorts of Artistic Printing-
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    • 81 5 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound i> TASTELESS ODORLEBB The latest scientific pre paratiou o? COD LIVER +j OIL Does all that is •F claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioued emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. (jh
      81 words
    • 200 5 mm. I '4. V, i QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. £s=l: a VIRGINIA s=": c <car.ett£S That’s why “EMBASSY b **istol lo* d °*£s Sil* VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly described as THE CIGARETTE DE LUXE. OdDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnncDO 0 0 n n n n
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  • 95 6 fabliakad daily (except Sunday* and paUie holidays) AT 111 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street., Penang. Fmicn Daily Leeal 124 per annum. Oatstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDKISB M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 ff a,—All buaißM* communication* thou
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  • 21 6 Sellar. —On the 4th iust.. at. 3, Ili-h-raond Terrace, Cork, the wife of Air A. M Sellar, of a daughter.
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  • 565 6 Elsewhere in this istue we give excerpt? from the annual report of the various Municip «1 depirtraents, and propose in this article to touch briefly up>n a subject which has at one time or another given rue to some discussion in the local press. We I refer
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  • 849 6 Mr., Mrs. and Miss Braunstein, who have many friends in tbe F. M. S., leave for Kobe by the s s. Derjlinger to-night. Sir John Jordan, the British Minister at Peking, with Lady Jordan, has left London for Ireland to pay a series of visits. The Rani
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  • 998 6 INQUIRY AS TO CAUSE OF DEAIH. The inquest into the circumstances attending the death of Mrs. Emma Florence Karl, which took place on August 18, was he!d yesterday afternoon b. fore Mr. E E. Colman in the Coroner’s Court and a jury consisting of Messrs. W
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  • 923 6 (From Our Oim Correspondent Taiping, September 25. The charge of c imioh l trespass and in suit preferred by Mr E. Wallace, of the Eastern Smelting Company, against Mr A J. Cassidy, of the Sanitary Boird, came on for hearing before Mr. M. B. Shelley in th* Court
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 606 6 NOTICE OF SALE. Penang Auction Mart. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. Important Auction Sale OF That Valuable Property known as BUK1T MEERAH in Province Wellesley BELONGING TO MAHOMED MASHURUDIN MERICAN NOORDIN bin M AHOM ED N ASOORDIN MERICAN NOORDIN, At the Archvay of Logan's Building t, Peich Stred, Penang. Cn
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  • 1744 7 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESSES. THE SULTAN AND BRITISH RULE. (From Our Special Correspondent.) Kuala Kangtar, September 24. The presentation at the Astana Nagara of addresses by the various communities to H. H. the Sultan took place to-day. It was a very impressive ceremony. His Highness was supported by
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  • 182 7 Improvement of LigKtkooscs. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 24. At the meeting of the Legislative Council on October 3 the Colonial Secretary will move a vote of $22,50) for improving the Horsburgh, Fort Canning, Palau Pisaug Muka Head and Pulau Undan lighthouses. Porckisc of Mount Erskinc. The
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  • 662 7 PREPARING FOR THE FRAY. Reuter London, September 24. The Unionist papers are devoting much space to the proceedings in Ulster and Sir Edward Carson and General Sir G. Richardson met the Unionist members of the House of Common at Captain Craig’s bouse in Belfast yesterday evening
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  • 36 7 Reuter.) London, September 24 Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, the Consulting Engineer, is sailing for Australia to investigate on behalf of the Commonwealth the question of its naval docks and bases from an engineering standpoint.
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  • 35 7 (Reuter.) Bukharest, September 24. The betrothals are announced of Prince Charles of Rumania to the Grand Duchess Olga of Russia and the Princess Elizabeth of Rumania to the Crown Prince George of Greece.
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  • 166 7 POSTAL EMPLOYEES' REPLY. (Reuter.) London, September 24. The postal employees, in a manifesto in reply to the statement issued bj the Post Office on the 22nd inst., deny that the recommendations of their Committee would involve the expense of a million sterling yetrlv and declares that'more than
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  • 120 7 A Determined Battle. Reuter.) Belgrade, September 24. An offi *ial statement announces that there was a determined battle of two hours’ duration between the Albanians and two companies of the Servian troops at Dibra on the 22nd inst., the Servians withdrawing towards Ritcbevo. 'J he Albanians
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  • 55 7 (It cuter.) Nairobi, September 24 Following upon the attack of Captain Aylmer who was shot dead by an Abyssinian elephant poache~, Lieut. Jones of the King’s African Rifles was wounded at Kutol, Lake Rudolf, presumably by Abyssinian ivory hunters Troops were already en route to the district
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  • 41 7 Imposing Naval Demonstration {Reuter.') London, September 25. The naval concentration in the Mediterranean as the result of an Admiralty order will constitute a very impos ng demonstration of naval power that Groat Britain has ever made in the Mediterranean.
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  • 32 7 The Situation in Dublin. {Reuter.) London, Se, tember 24 The Trades Union Congress has decided to send a shipload of provisions to Dublin, costing J 65.000, to aid the strikers.
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  • 26 7 {Reuter.) London, September 24 The Royal Ancient Club has disan roved of the incl ’«ion of Golf among the Olympic Games
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  • 36 7 Heavy Insurance Rat'. (Reuter.) London, September 24 The phenomenal colt The Tetrarch has been insured at Lloyd's against inability to run in the Derby at the rate of 25 per cent.
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  • 300 7 Some interesting reflections on Chinese character are made 1 y Dr. Lim B»h»h Kong, in a contribution to the Republican Aih'ocatc (Shanghai) which, in view of recent events in China, deserve to be emphasised. Ho points out that a remarkablo feature of the Chinese civilisation is the singular
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  • 174 7 Yesterday. To-day. Rise or Buyer. Seller. Buyer. Seller. Kali. RUBBER. 4. ,d. d. d. vnglo Malay ..83 9 86 93 +3d Bukit Mertajam. 1 10 2 4 1 10 2 4 «Jhernoneae 2 4 2 10 2 4 2 10 'Jon.. Malay. ..7 7 10<4 7 7 101* tlighland.
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  • 122 7 A Club match, Scotland v. The Rest, is being arranged for Sunday morning, tbe 28th instant. Any member who wishes to play should either si_n the notice in the Club or notify the lion. Secretary. Entries should be in by 6 p.m. on Friday so that the
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  • 244 7 Tin, Rice and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12£ tons at $95.60 Straits Trading Co., 50 96.37 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 96.17 f Total 162 j tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at 1 5s cash and
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  • 20 7 Obituary. (Reu'er.) London, September 25. The death ha* taken place at New York of the noted Nationalist, Mr. Patrick Ford.
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  • 1846 8 COMPARISON BETWEEN MINING AND AGRICULTURE. The Shipping Combine. Sir Edward Brockman, the Chief Secretary of the F. M. S. t write* as follows in his annual report for 1912: Comparison: Mining and Agriculture. It was suggested that statistics might be prepared showing the amount of revenue contributed
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  • 690 8 A meeting of the members of tae Penang Rural Board was held yesterday afternoon at the Land Office. Those present were Mr. H C. Sells (Chairman). Mr. C G. May, Mr. A. C. Baker, Dr. R Dane and Chee Kok Fee (Secretary). Registrar or Vehicles It was
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  • 1627 8 Reply by the Free Press. As the main interest of a lady's letter is to be found in a postscript, says the Free Press of la t Mondiy, so in the excellent Annual Report for >912 on the Federated Malay States by the Chief Secretary, Sir L
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  • 300 8 As a result of the appeal made recently bv Mr. Austen Chamberlain considerable additions havo been made to the equipment of the London School of Tropical Medicine at the Royal Albert Dock, partly through funds subscribed by the public and partly through the Exchequer grant n ade by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 The Greatest Show Magnet 18 A Good Farce and a Pally Good One. SE 5 at George Town KinematograpL Kuala Kangaa Road Theatre, IN To-night's Superb Change. M. Prince at his Best in “Wiffles as Violinist” 1,000 ft. Professor Rouf’s Remedy 1,000 ft. “MAX LINDER” at bis Best in “Poor
      292 words
    • 35 8 Remember the Name. Chamberlain’s Coli<\ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine tor diarrhoea, djs uterj, c lie, cramps or pain* in the stomach. You mav need it F r Ml l all
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    • 62 8 Rheumatism. Have jou ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheu atism If not, you are wasting time, as tLe longer this disease runs on the Larder it is to cure. Get a bottle today, applv it with a rigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you w»U be surprised and
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    • 57 8 Chronic DUrrhea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of jour diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedj. This medicine has cured cases of chnnic diarrhoea that physicians hare failed on, and it will
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    • 51 8 Mary, Mary, quite contrary, Why are you sneezing so When Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is here. And bids your cold to go Go get a spoon and take a dose, smile once more at me, With the redness gone from your little uose. And your eyes from the hot tears
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  • 24 9 Vtttels brom Agents Due DtrjjUngrr Colombo BM.ACo. Delta Colombo A.O.AC0. Anay e Singapore 1A.O.AC0. 25th Sept 2nd Oct. 4tth m 7th t*
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  • 22 9 Vestels For Agents Leaves btrjfh nger Singapore Dtlta Singapore Attaye 'Jolnmbo P. Ludwig {Colombo B.M ACo A-G-ACo. A-.G.ACo. B.MACo. Sept. Oct.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 375 9 *7“ Expected Arrival* and.Departurea.$ Mall 8arvlca Outward. 1913 Oct. 2 Delta connecting with s.s. Moldavia fi 16 India a s. Medina 30 Devanha,, a.a. Mongolia Nov. 13 Assay* s.s. Macedonia Homeward. •Will run direct don via Colombo. to Marseilles and LonFAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. A Accommodation. Istcla88 2nd class To
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    • 1528 9 SHIPPING.» BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Foe Intended to 8ail. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). 6at. 27th S**pt, 4 p.m. Sun. 28th Sept., 4 p.m. I Thur. 2nd Oct., 4 p.m. Sat. 5th Oct., 4 p.m. Sat. 27th Sept., 4 p.m.
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  • 625 10 We take the following from the annual, report of the Municipal President for the year 1912. A second motor watering van was brought into use in July and dealt with ab ut miles of street per day. The Tan waters about 8* miles of street The vans drawn
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  • 295 10 American Efforts to Secure Contracts A messaio from South Bethlehem published in a Philadelphia newspaper stages Mr Arrh Johnston, first vice pr« ident of the Bethlehr m Ste*l Company and corporation, set sail for China and will go to the Orient by way of the Siberian Railway
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  • 1030 10 First Ordinary General Meeting The first ordinary general meeting of the Tiugkil Mines, Limited, wis held on Saturday at Singapoie, says the Free Press There were present Messrs. K. A Stevens (chairman), A. D. Allan (director), J. VV. 'an de Stadt, P. W. Skene, E. Volger, D.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 10 10 or Chronic Chest Complaint*, cods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 1«. 6d.
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    • 633 10 mm* PIXOAP Pixoap Scentless Tar Shampoo. The ideal means of cleansing hair and scalp and preserving and increasing the growth of the hair. Shampooing with Pixoap is easy and delightful, either at home, in the bath-room or at the hairdressers and inexpensive, as a bottle of Pixoap lasts several months.
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    • 739 10 TB3f—I j Beecham's Pills, they are just the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the I public. For over half a century this I medicine has been an easy First Favourite 1 in countless households and the name and fame
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1525 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental poods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Eartheuware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and
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