Straits Echo, 5 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 36 1 Straits Echo DAILY CHRONICLE Of EVENTS. CIRCL'I ATI.NG ITPOLGISOin liiE STRAITS, ,Lt. .fELfefiAlpD MALAY STsTES V*fc HIE FAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 11- $24 Per Annum. PENANG, FRIDAY, sth SEPTEMBER, 1913. Siafclj Copy, 10 ceils No. 204
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 986 1 If ton mjuir a T.uiio and fometliinjr to nourish you, drink DOG SHEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT and look for ihia label V s that <2 yon *et it XIANG LEE V Co., Solo Agcato. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 5 Co.. AGENTS FOB PENANG F. M.
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    • 20 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. N 1258 ft <*» ft •r <r <?« tSP IN XI ft \o &i$ h BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 p ry ftt r g r 8^ 1 V y k V <■ A m s (STERILIZED) Sl m win r ,^-M„ Grand Pnx: V A y pj fis 1900 St. Louis 1904- < M. 4 {i *'lleo- I 9 r fln i. n 1893 SilbEre dJ*i ie: M« iW
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  • 505 3 The Effect oh Construction. There hiw lwn several signs of late that the time was ripe for a reduction in Bteel •bp plates Their bigh price, the falling off in the inquiry for new tonnage, and the lower quotations which shipbuilders have bad to submit for n»*w
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  • 360 3 Hotel-Keeper's Revenge. Berne, August 13. A Bernese hotel-keeper, who had recently concluded a lawsuit lasting for Years and who received at the close an exceedingly lengthy bill of costs, has just takeu a neat revenge upon his lawyer. The bill of costs, it should be said,
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  • 358 3 To the Editor of the Strait» Time*. Sir,—The Mohammedans of this place were expecting, as usual, a holiday to pass off 'the Hari Raya Puasa, but the hopes enter-; tained were crushed. There was no h diday for them this year. The Holiday Ordinance empowers the! Governor
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  • 107 3 A singular society was found d recently iu Paris under the name of the Friendly Association for Divorced Women, with headquarters at 121, Rua Saint Jacques The association, which has at present a membership of sixty, caoie into being with the object of affording assistance to women
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  • 516 3 Bachelors at a Disadvantage j Statistics collected by the Federal authorities in America, and edited by Professor Wilcox, of Cornell University, show conclusively (says the New York correspondent of j the Daily Telegraph) that married men have a much better chance of life thin bachelors. The
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  • 447 3 3<i 8 the writer of the Singapore Free Prees’t Sporting Notes: The opinion we expressed in these notes regarding the undesirability of passing the new Penang Turf Club expenditure scheme by the mere casting vote of the Chairman, j especially when it was opposed by such sound
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  • 387 3 Because they Over-Fat. The Singapore evening paper concludes a leading article thus I We have always understoo«l, and we believe I it is the case, that Europeans (in Malaya). almost without exception, overeat. It is a bad habit i w hioh starts with most poople an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 X X rm-% _\JLaru/ away the best V- <4 G' in the >• jrki THE FtISTILLERS COMPANY IMITED, I-arrest Scotch WhWcy C crrpicyed ON-I EDINBURGH. SCOTLAND ji gents HUTTENBACH BROS. Co., PENANG. PENANG. Messrs. Tong Joo Co. Kong T ook Clieong Co. Goon Yen Friends OBTAINABLE AT IPOH. 11 99
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    • 64 3 Rkeuicatism. Have you ever trie*! Cbamberlaiu’s Pam Balm for rheu rati sin If not, you are waitins; time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to cure Get a bottle today, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you w 11 be
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    • 10 3 For Chronic Chost Complaint**, Wjods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Ib. 6.1
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    • 116 4 Silesia, Ger. a s., 2 854, Christiansen, Sept. 4, Yokohama, Aug. 6, Gen. —B. M. A Co. Van Hogendorp, Dut. s.s., 393,Banfr, Sept. 4, Singapore, Aug 29, Gen —K. P. M. Kumi, Jap i s, 2,586, Tanaka, Sept. 4, Dairen, Aug. 19, Coal. —P. S. A Co. Lama, Br.
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    • 74 4 September 5. Jin Ho, for Asahan. Miyazaki Maru, for Colombo and TuticorinTon 4 Hong, for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Taroy. rin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Padang, for Batu Bahra. GlenfaUoch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow andlAmoy. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Pangkor,
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    • 201 4 Fo'i Alor Star (K*dah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 9 am. Alor Star 1. Kedah) Per Ban Lee, to-morrow, 9 am. Deli —Per Alma to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah—Per Tongkah to morrow, 1 p.m. Trang—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Bata Bahra Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Langkat and
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  • 120 4 Penang, September 5. (By cotirtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demind Bank 2/4, 1 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 2/4}s 3 Documentary 2/4}} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174} 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand I ank 173^ 3 days’ sight Private 176}
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  • 207 4 Gold Leaf 164.40 Black Pepper 15 40 buyers White Pepper 30 50— sales Trang Pepper 20 50 buy<rs Cloves ...39 out of season Mace ...120 nominal Pickings 81.— seller Nutmegs 110 s. 24. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 13 .—buyers
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  • 164 4 Penang, September 5. Beef cts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork jer catty 38 Pig’s Head Feet 24 Tongue 28 Mutton 40
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  • 2246 4 I I a S *S.2 Number of o. 1 Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. g g ‘-g A S issued. 3 I "o S J* l a a /5 03 O* 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913i RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. I H>f)9 450,0(H) 130,000! 11 5 j Ayer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 Recommended by Medicai Authorities for the immediate relief of Asthma and Bronchial trouble, Hay Fever, Laryngitis and Irritation of the air passages. GRIMAULT’S CIGARETTES ease the feeling of tightness across the chest and give a relief from gasping for breath GRIB AULT 4 C l 8, r. Vioitnne Paris.
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    • 57 4 wnnnn rcnriwnrnii imin r iiiiiMiiiiiiiigjiimuMiuuiimuitiUiiUiimiimnuumiuiia THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and superseries the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Ilighlyiecommended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS TASTELESS SB»
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  • 1205 5 Sib E. Merkwithes's Report. A despatch from Sir Edward Merewether, Governor of Sierra Leone, (formerly of the Strait» Settlements Civil Service and very well-known here) reporting on the measures adopted to deal v ith unlawful societies in the Protectorate, has been issued as a
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  • 789 5 G. S. R C. vt. O. F. C. The Government Service Recreation Club mA the Old Farqnhars Club on Victoria Green yesterday evening to play off their fixture under the auspicies of the Penang Football League, aud after a bard game the Service team just m inaged to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 493 5 r I v PALMER TYRES FOR MOTORCYCLES. S OULD KNOW 'J IIAT the 1913 Tourist Trophj (Senior) Kaee waj won on 26x2} Palmer Cord Tyre*. THAT the speed averaged 50.87 m. p. h., inclusive of terrific strains on corners. THAT there were 84 starters in the race. 1 HAT many
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    • 61 5 Chronic Diarrhea. A~e you subject to attacks of diarrhoea r K*-ep absolutely <{uiet for a fow days, rest in bed if p>s<ible, tv» carrful of your diet and take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera acd f>iarrhoea Ileoitdy. This medicine has cured ca-es of chr nie diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and
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    • 42 5 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an<l Diarrhoea Remedy followtd by a do3e of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea iu cbildnn. For sale by all Dispensaries and I >ealers.
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    • 451 5 'MmM 1 1 d I 1 y QUALITY is the point which is neces^ f Tr Li V »w v^V. in an enjoyabh Cigarette. I 1 1 i I 1 1 I i 1 1 i ii-y.d'-iv-/ I I i I I,'-* u I I I I d 2 8
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  • 91 6 nWiriMfl daily (except Sunday* aad pvblie > holiday*) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Fbiob Daily Loeal SS4 per amnum. OvteUtion... Portage Extra. MhO Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 OABLD ADDBIM ECHO—PENANG” Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jf leilem MMHilnlrr* ihouW be
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  • 1307 6 Some few months ago we met a man in Penang v ho for sheer unalloyed optimism ss regards rubber out-lam-pardod the feat ire Rubber Trustee So we promptly bet him a bottle of champagne that before the end of the current yea t plantation would fall to half-a-crown
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  • 62 6 Just before going to press we are informed that the Bandmann Opera Company will play an extra night in Penang, staging Gipsy Lore at the Town Hall on Saturday. It is *upto Penang to prove that the writer of one of our Random No es to-day
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  • 268 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO Dear Sir, You re-print in your issue of tho 30th August “Castanet’s” letter of the list August to the Editor of Siam Obse ver upon the subject of the route for mails between Bangkok and Penang He advocates the
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  • 677 6 Dinner nt the E. O. A dinner was given by the Chief Police Officer, Major 11. Barry de Hamel, and the. Assistant Superintendents of Police, at the E. O Hotel last night to Mr. W. A Cuscaden, I. S. 0., Inspector General of Police, Straits Settlements, who
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  • 1097 6 **Ha;i Raya” this v«ir bean celebrated with \atheM™ t‘ h b u.ual pomp and circumstance in p!„“ lb U by, we do not bnow, though LLTT failure to grant t' tin a n,,kr7 P th affected the rej doing „f tb It 7 Moslem community. Thev a 6,!
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 TIANC JOO CO., PENANC A IPOH. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE “NEW HOWE” BICYCLES FOR The Straits Settlements tf The Malay Peninsula. w\ Si '■t New Howes are British Made Throughout. New Howes wear well and keep well. New Howes runs eas ly and keep running easily. New Howes are moderate
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  • 139 7 FURTHER FIGHTING NEAR NANKING. (From Our Own Corretpondent».) Hongkong, So; tember 3 A telegram from Canton states that General Huang S11 Leong, who recently declined the post of Military Commissioner of Canton, has left for Peking. Shanghai, Septemlier 3. After desperate fighting, the Nanking rebels retreated by
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  • 84 7 (From Our Ou>a Correspondent.) Singapore, September 5. A meeting of the Moslem Union was held yesterday evening to discuss the question of observing Hari Raya as a holiday. It was decided to appoint a provisional committee to arrange a public meeting in the Memorial Hall and to pass
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  • 89 7 (From Our Own Corr&poiulen! Kuala Lumpur, September 5. The bigger part of the villago of Oedang Lallang, near Seremban, has been burnt down owing to the rapidity with which the flames from the fire, which originally occurred in an at tap house, spread to the adjoining structures
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  • 59 7 (Erom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Septemb r 5 Twenty-one Indian Police recruits were sentenced by tho magistrate at Kuala Lumpur to three months’ rigorous imprisonment for disobedience to orders and conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, the sentences to run concurrently. The trouble arose regarding
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  • 59 7 (From Our Own Cormpondtnt.) Singapore, September 5. The weekly report of Messrs. Fraser J. Co. states that business during the week was dull and dealings in local rubbei \ery small. Sterling shares were a shade lower. As regards mining shares there is evidence of a weaker tendency
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  • 35 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 5. The Garrison Artillery sports were very successful, the 80 company winning the Championship Cup presented by H. E. the Governor, the 78 company being seconl.
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  • 23 7 Reuter.) London, September 5. The result of county cricket championship is as follows: Kent 8148/o Yorkshire "0 37% Surrey 30%
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  • 34 7 Reuter.) Rome, September 5. His Holiness the Pope is suffering from a cold, accompanied by hoarseness, and doctors hare ordered complete rest, but nevertheless the Pope insists upon teceiviug pilgrims.
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  • 30 7 (Reuter.) London, September 4. The Duke of Sutherland left estate valued at £1,220,905. Practically the w hole of it is bequeathed to relatives and set vants.
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  • 224 7 EMPLOYEES’ PARTIAL SUCCESS. (Renter.) London, September 4. Ninety-one firms have acceded to the demand of the painters for an extra 3-jd. an hour and tho employees of these firms have returned to work, but the increase, amounting to over 6/- weekly each, must be contributed to
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  • 65 7 Damage Estimated at £lOO,OOO. Reuter.) London, September 3. The great bonded stores at Manchester, containing quantities of oil, bacon and provisions and three thousand bales of cotton and two thousands cases of print goods, have been destroyed by fire. The damage i* estimated at not less than
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  • 177 7 (Reuter.) London, September 3. The decision of the DubLn masters not to employ members of the Union has caused consternation in tho city. It practically means a general lockout and 3'\o 0 men in all the industries, especially shipping, will bo affected. Fife Miver»* Resolution. London,
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  • 65 7 A House Equally ivided. (Reuter.) Melbourne, September 4 The House of Representatives, in voting on a censure motion was equally divided. 30 T oting on each side. The members rejected the casting vote of the speaker Five members on each side were absent from the House as they
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  • 49 7 Royal Sympathy. (Reuter.) London, September 4 Their Majesties the King and Queen have telegrathod their distress at the railway disaster at Aisgill and their heartfelt sympathies with the injured and the relatives of the dead They are being kept informed of the condition of the injured.
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  • 38 7 (Reuter.) LoDd m, September 4 Aborur. ttw winner of the .en.ational Dorbv of 1913. has been purchased for Russia The price has iot yet transpired He joins Minoru at the Gultee More stud near Kbarkoff.
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  • 121 7 Reuter.) Sigmariogen, September 5. The marriage of Ex-King Manoel of Portugal to the Princess Augusta Victoria of Hobenxollern took pla?e in the presence of bis mother, the members of the German royal family, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Aosta tnd altogether eighty members of Royalty.
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  • 662 7 Siugepore Opinion. In referring last week to the allegations made against the Penang rice millers combine by the Pinang Gazette, based on some figures by Air. Barritt, we took occasion to very much question the deductions made and it is with no
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  • 201 7 Someth ng rather unusual in the way of auction sales is to take place at the Central Sales Room to morrow at 11-30 a in. under the auspices of Mr J S Cunningham when a valuable collection of Ma’ayan stamps dating from 1883 will be dispersed. Here is
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  • 877 7 THE ETIQUETTE OF THE GAME. PLAYERS’ MANNERS (By Mm Alleeton.) Attached to the lamp-posts in the streets of certain towns on the Continent are large placards on which are printed in bold letters the words E» itt Verboten There follows a list of the things which
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  • 154 7 Yesterday. To-day. R*w or Buyers S-'4rs Beyer* Seller* Fsll. RUBBER. a. d. A Anglo Malay 8 I*>4 3 74 9 14 9 Bok't Mertajara. 3 Ciifrtoii?» Conr Malay. 7 9 874 7 104 J 9 +l4d Highlands 45 47 6 48 48 9 +l* MalTraOnl. "£5 115 £6 3
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 331 7 To-day’s Quotations FOR SALE. GOING VERY CHEAP. Tin and Copra. The following bus ness in tin has been A Horse, a Cob, a Rubber-tyred Victoria and a Dog-cart. App’j done to-dar Penang Penang Tin Exchange buyers, no seller 507 80! Straits Trading Co, 25 tons at 08.50 7-9-13 008 R..
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  • 871 8 Thk Recent Improvement in Shares. T ondon, August 15. Matters in rubber circles look rather moie cheerful, and there is grouud for assuming that the rallying movement may this time, after so many vicissitudes in t ie course of the last twelve months or so, prove moie than
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  • 27 8 The following was the result of the ties played off yesterday: Single Handicap A. A N B Carr beat J R Bennett 0—4, 7—5.
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  • 1473 8 Alleged Defic.enct or $lO,OOO. The hearing of the charge before the District Officer, Kuala Kangsar, (Mr. H. B. Ellerton) sgaimt t> e late manager of the LiutaDg Rubber Esta e, Mr F. U. Baness, was considerably delayed yesteiday, says the T. O. If. of Wednesday. The hearing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 932 8 "The Victoria Cross” is a strong drama which is included in To-night’s Programme Showing the battle scenes between the ENGLISH RUSSIANS, The Charge of the Li.'ht Brigade and hand-to-hand fight with the Cossacks. Don’t miss it at Drury Lane Cinematograph Co. In Drury Lane Theatre Hall. SUPPORTED BY The Defeat
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    • 32 8 Remember the Nam\ Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and DiarR meJ T j 3 known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, c lie, cramp, or pains in the stomach. You may need it rndDeaTer.. Fw b?
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    • 52 8 A cold and treacherous frostv night, A lady dressed in gown so light; A cough, or cold, and then to bed, A doctor gravely shakes his head. A lover comes, hot-foot and sura, A new, a speedy, pleasant cure A marriage. Bachelors, take the hint A bottle J was of
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    • 146 8 fi I o e ft THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELES3 ODORLESS ■fi an 1 he latest scientific prc parationof COD LIVER OIL. Docs all (bat is claimed for it and super scdcs the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the
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    • 361 8 wanted. rpwo TRACERS for I pcll ing qualifications and salarv^.. 8 ,aIar y rfq tiired 5-8-13 537 C 0 Echo. "VV AlNTTT^ry A DRIVER for a Motor Bus in T i must have several rears’ J Q H kah i oKin c *perience and be able to do repairs. 8-tlarv*t
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  • 23 9 VweU hrom Agents Due Arra ha Singapore jA.G.ACo. S u?apore BM.AOo. Colombo BM.ACo. Colombo (A.G.ACo. 1 6th Sept. 10th 11th 4th
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  • 18 9 For Agentt Leave* Arcadia >lorabo A.G.AC0. Sept. Budom Colombo B.M&Co. Gneutnan Singapore B.M <fcCo. CAma Singapore A.G.ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 322 9 tipcclcd Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. 1913 Sept. 13 China connecting w tu Marmora Oct. 2 Delta Moldavia |t 10 India Medina M 30 Devanha Mongolia Homeward. *\ViU run direct to Marseilles and London via Colombo. 1AKCS BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72
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    • 1678 9 EmpText BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob INTENDED TO SAIL. Steamer. /r Singapore (Three times a week). Sat. Oth Sept., 4 pm. Sun. 7th Sept, 4 p.m. Thur. 11th Sept., 4 p m Sat. 13th Sept 4 p m. Fort Swetter.ham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui,
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  • 1277 10 It was Fielding and Smollett who began the jolly tradition in Engliah fiction of eettin' their heroes out on the road to pick up such curious adventures and companies as they could find there and it is at least a curious coincidence that they both wrote
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  • 804 10 GERVANY’S GREATEST LIVING SCIENTIST. Career or Triumphs. There hvs been nothing comparable with this relentless, persistent elaboration of a chemical compound which, at a single dose, may destory within the living tissues the organism of dread disease. This was the tribute paid by Professor Cushing, of Harvard, during
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Cougl.s and Colds, cerer fail», l*.6d
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    • 1026 10 IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A CAR RING UP 420. We have a large fleet of up-to-date cars in PENANG BUTTERWORTH. Buses run daily from Bridge Street to Telok Kumbar. For further information apply to Chin Seng S Co., Ltd. r r r *1? F r h- *r~ •'1 M
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1792 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. j BANKING AND TRADING CORPORATION, NAUDIN TEN GATE CO., LTD. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices tor ail Liuds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoos < u 1.. .i-ai, Chemicals and T) d mdric», China, Eartlieuwai Giassware, Cycles, Motors and
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