Straits Echo, 4 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1151 1 If yon reqnir a Tnnio and Romothinff to nourish you, drink DOG’SHEADCUINNESS'S STOUT and look for thia label ;U w. that yon er«t il TIANG LEF 0* Co., Sola Ageata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G, Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG &> F. M. S (BANKS
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CLMENT. k //1258 ZA "r ?5F> t'i rp mt& BI ST VOR Al I I RPOSES
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 OKOBESr: 3X5BSSB I '41 MM r r r s < r y v rr« «5 (STERILIZED) c 2> at a Af,v Grand Prix: V Pif '3 I90U St. Louis 1904. /y i V Silt. fit ''Si' C oni893 ,*a, **t* K ,fi9 3 h n 1891 Br****® l8 9lKW^i. 1819
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  • 398 3 Paoan All Through. M<>fCOW, Russia’s intellectual capital, haa gone mad over Iladji Mourad,” Tolstoy’s posthumous novel, just published, says a recant Moscow report. Though written when he was nearly eighty years old, it* eh iracter* are auiraated with such prodigality of life and such I admiration for
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  • 410 3 Nobody will bo in the least surprised that the Russian Representative at Urga has been raised to the rank of a Diplomatic Agent and accredited to the Mongolian GovernI ment. This is but the natural consequence of the aggressive policy begun three years I ago, and maintained
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  • 405 3 I Noise and Hustle 1 Pierre Loti gives an account of his Arneiican experiences in L' lllustration says a recent Paris dispatch. New York, he says has a kind of tragic beauty. He is amused at the questions he is to answer the Customs: Are you
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  • 298 3 The following from our Manila con- temporaries should be of interest to those I who are engaged in fighting the plague of locusts in the F. M S. I With or without reason the native press continues to criticize the insular government for the failure the locust campaign.
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  • 191 3 1 here ought to be some restriction ou a man’s right to do what he likes with his own propei tv,” says the British Weekl Modern European s3 r stems based on Roman law secured a certain legal minimum to wife, heirs and descendants. When there are neither
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  • 270 3 Social Legislation in the United States. Washington, August 3. Considerable interest has btea aroused by a law which went into effect in Pennsylvania yesterday to enforce a eugenic marriage system The gist of the law is that couples will have to produce medical certificates before marriage. Wisconsin, which
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  • 120 3 'J rials in France. Paris, August 3 Successful trills of an aut unatic photographic apparatus for judging races have been conducted at M lisons Laffitte, and it wi Ibe used at the next Paris international race n eetiag. A camera is placed in lino with the
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  • 311 3 Political Acrimont One thing is very evident, to those who return to England after a long resi ence abroad, and that is the increasing acrimony iu politics. The Conservatives say that Lloyd George began it; the Lilierals declare that the Conservatives have never ceased to practise vituperation
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  • 119 3 September, 1913. r. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. Date. A.M. A M. P.M. P.M. 4th 2.21, 8.40, 2.22, 855 sth 2.52, 0.15, 2.51, 022 Gth 3.21, 0 51, 3.10, 9.4 G 7th 8.19, 10.31, 3.48, M. 07 Bth 4 I*, 11 32, 4.20,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 Rheumatism. Have jou ever tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the longer this disease runs on the harder it is to euro. Got a bottle today, apply it with a vigorous massage to the afflicted parts and you w 11 be surprised aud
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    • 60 3 Chronic Diarrhcei. A*e you subject to attacks of diarrhoea Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be ca-tful of your diet and take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aid Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured ca ei of chr.nic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it
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    • 38 3 R member the Name. Chamberlain's Coin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, cdic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 15 3 Woods’ Great Pepparin nt Cure, For Coughs and C »i' 8, never fails, Is. Cd
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    • 78 4 Assays, Br. s.s, 4,539, Cold well, Sept. 4, Bombay, Aug. 27, Gen —A. G. A Co. Taroba, Br. s.s., 3,657, Addenbrooke, Sept. 4, Madras Aug. 26, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Ning Chow, Br. s.s., 5,836, Cullum, Bept. 4, Hongkong, Aug. 21, Gen.—W. M. A Co. Hebe, Br. as.,
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    • 34 4 September 4. Malaya., for Deli. Perak, for Tort Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Taroba, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Trang, for Trang Mambang, for Set ul.
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    • 230 4 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ghee Thye, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Asahan—Per Jin 110, to-morrow, 1 p m Tongkah, Kop&h, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Tong Hong, to-morrow, 3 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Padang, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore,
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  • 122 4 Penang, September 4. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4, 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 jf 3 Credit 2/4; 3 Documentary 2/4yp Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174; 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174; Moulmein, Demand lank 173; 3 days’ sight Private 176 J Madras,
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  • 195 4 Gold Leaf *6440 Black Pepper 15 40 buyers White Pepper 30 50 —sales Trang Pepper 20 50 buyirs Cloves ...39 out of season Mace ...120 nominal Pickings 85. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 24.— sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar j„ 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 13.
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  • 155 4 Penang, Septembsr 4. B*ef— cts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... Feet 24 Tongue 28 Murroit 40
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  • 1247 4 i> Name O* RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate, Ltd. Changkat Serdang Estate. Ltd. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. Nelhnay Rubber Co., Ltd. New Sereuduli Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valley Rubber Co.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 41 4 Tre»tment 'or Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale br all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 76 4 r CHAPOTEAUT’B NO CURATIVE TASTE PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL COD NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bron* chilis ami Scrofula. Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of coil liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of Medicine, for
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    • 52 4 mum THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS cSrttSti The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS TTirmmmnimiitiiiiimmmmiiiimimnM.nimiiiiniiniinmii Price $l-15
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  • 249 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO.” Sir, I was pleased to read jour leading article published in the Echo of the 2nd instant anent the Hari Raja and beg to thank jou beartilj for haring kindly pointed out the undoubted grievance of the Mohammedan population here (emplojees
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  • 221 5 TO THE EDITOR OK THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Sir, The Straitt Echo report of Tuesday’s League match—St Xavier’s Recreation Club tv. Central Union Athletic Club leaves the impression that the goal scored by the latter club should not have lieen awarded because the scorer was offside. I should
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  • 391 5 A Lesson from Singapore. We have heard a lot lately from Europe of strikes and labour troubles and the con- sequent dislocation of trade. In the East, fortunately, we eldom have to resort to such drastic measures to obtain a fair hear- ing for the
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  • 522 5 The Peking correspondent of the Horning Pot\ in the course of a letter to that journal i dated July 18, writes Parliamentary government in China under present conditions is an absolute farce. Witness the conduct of the joint Committee appointed by the two Houses to draft the
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  • 169 5 Messrs. Guthrie <fc Co's weekly report dated Singapore, September 2 The Rubber on offer at to-day’s Auction met with a good demand and of 35 tons catalogued about 30 tons were sold. Prices of standard quiliti J s were lower, but the lower grades weie practically
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  • 186 5 The undermentioned rubber was sold bv auction at the Penang Rubb r r Auction Rooms on Wednesday at the prices detailed below Smoked Sheet ...$l29 —$128 per picul. LTnsmoked Sheet 112— 122 No. 1 Crepe I*29 134 4 75 86* Virgin Scrap 77 Untreated 40— 81 43rd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 484 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOGOOOGGGO THE BERNESE ALPS MILK Co.’s Product* were awarded the GRAND PRIX Tlie highest award obtain aide/ Att .c n vcri I and Colonial Exhibition, Brussels, ISID. SLEDGE MILK o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o IS SUPPLIED to GOVERNMENT MEDICAL Local
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    • 10 5 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Gtxeat Peppermint Cure, la 6d.
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    • 438 5 QUALITY is the point which is necessaryin an enjoyable Cigarette. ''irgYnia, C Nr 6r 'STCL A. That’s why “EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly described as THE CIGARETTE DE LUXE. WZ OCDnnnnnnnnnnannnnunnnnnnnncD o ■w* n n n n n n n n n n n n 0 FOR THE
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  • 99 6 fpMishsJ dsilj (except Sunday! and pvblio f holidays) AT Til H CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fwcm~ Daily Local M 924 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDEUSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Departnent 343 M.B.— All kattMM
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  • 1232 6 y One does not need to have lived very long in this delectable little Settlement to be a )j confirmed laudator temporis acti so far a3 Penang and its present race of i leading lawn tennis players are concerned. I Men, and ladies too, whoso form woald hardI
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  • 215 6 The ear Book of the Royal Colonial Institute for 1913 is a permanent record of the progress made during the year by this excellent society, which is at once a' club house where persons from all parts of the Empire may exchange experiences and an information
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  • 921 6 A Tokio tel gram says that. Sun-Yat Sen is going to England via Canada. Mr. W. M. Phillips, assistant inspector of Schools, Perak, has been granted twelve months’ leave. The late Mr. Lawrence Reynold Yzelman, aged 39, of Ku>la Lumpur, Selangor. Malay States, L ft estate of
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  • 931 6 We should like to know f 0r nili„ poses—the name of the W,i y P ur P, M S. which ad,eHiso/t a n th Times for a qualified assistant at 7 > of .€170 a year. Tim the worst description, and as bad .i"! procedure of one well-known
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 HoteL -:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. 3«C D0C 32C 7)%C D9 WHY TRODBLE YOURSELF? W S SAVE-U-TROUBLE FIRM Open 8 i.m. d h will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for you. ALL KINDS OF COMMISSION BUSINESS UNDERTAKEN. Advertising-Billposting-Booking for Shows—Show» Financed-Forwarding. Shipping or Landing-Rc;t<> Bill collacteu-Oncds bought or sold for
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  • 58 7 </ row Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, September 3. Two private# in the KOY.LI, charged with breaking into the premise# of Menri hit os way, La id law Jo., were found uuiltj and seutouerd to six month#' rigorous imprisonment. The tlnrd accused, belonging to the same regiment, was
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  • 63 7 British Preparation. (Reuter London, Septemb3r 3. The Olympic Game# Commits e is continujug the drafting of detailed scheme# for the preparation of athletes. For example, rel’ mling wrestling it recommend# cooperating with the existing athletic, gymnastic and l oiing clubs so as to attract men to wrestling and
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) London, September 3. The following matches were drawn Hampshire vs. Leicestershire, and Yorkshire vs. M C.C. Sussex beat Surrey by 21 runs.
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  • 148 7 London, August 27. A meeting addressed by General Potha at Kustenhurg passed a vote of confidence in General Botha bv an overwhelms g majority. General Botha was afterwards carried shoulder high back to his hotel amid ovation?. The whole incident was a great personal triumph. Gen
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  • 87 7 London, August 27. Acting upon instructions frem the Irish Uoverument the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs has refused the annual application of various Ulster Clubs for the renewal of affiliation. Lord Aberdeen was appealed to, 1 ut replied that he regretted that in the existing circumstances,
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  • 157 7 Ymtrrdir. To-dajr. R’aa or Buyers Seller* Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. d. r. d. s. d. s d Anzlo Malay R 104 9 9 8 104 9 74 H.i*>t Mt rt .jam. Clicrsoneee Cons M.i’.iys ..79 89 79 8 74.. Highlands 45 48 45 47 6 Lincci ..13 104 15—
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  • 59 7 Tin and Copra. The following business in tin has been done to-day IVnang Penang Tin Exchange, 6J tons at $98.20 Straits Trading Co., 50 98.75 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 125 98 75 Total 181 i tons. Tin is quoted in London to-dav at .£l' r i>s. cash and
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  • 109 7 lb. l.uuas Estate 7,20^ At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. R. Scott this morning, two Tamils named Kader and Sherchangi were convicted of disorderly conduct in üblic and tiutd *2 each or five days’ imprisonment. IMore the same Court three Chinese (Teochius) named Lim Meng
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  • 573 7 (Reuter.) I Vienna, September 3. j Three Viennese banks have taken over 1.200,000 sterling worth of Chinese 6 per Treasury bonds of an average currency of four years, guaranteed on the annual receipts from estate transfer duty. 1 The major portion of the money will be devoted to
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  • 104 7 Reuter's Belated De ails. (Reuter.) London, Septemlier 4. The necklace regardiogthe theft of which five uien were charged at ow Street, was apparently stolen in the post on July 15 between I’aris and London. It is valued at .£150,000 Much mystery is attached to the theft
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  • 57 7 (Reuter.) Sherbrooke, September 3. A Quebec judge has granted a writ of habeas corpus in regard to Harry Thaw who is thus technically free for the moment, but he was immediately afterwards rearrested as an undesirable alien by the immigration authorities. It is expected that this will
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  • 42 7 Reuter) Seoul, September 4. The sentence of eighteen months’ imprisonment passed on Mason, the American mine manager, who killed a Chinese coolie who committed a criminal assault on his daughter, has been suspended. This is equivalent to an acquittal.
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  • 46 7 What do They Know of England (Reuter.) Sydney, September 4. Lord Emrnott, speaking at a luncheon given in honour of the members of Parliament, said that it was worth the while of some of Great Britain’* greatest statesman to find time to visit her Oversew Dominions.
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  • 334 7 OFFICIAL STATEMENT. (Reuter.) London, September 3. An official statement, issued bv the Midland Railway authorities, announces that the fire which broke out after the collision at Aisgill was due to coals scattered from the engine of the Aberdeen-Edinburgh express which dashed into the rear of the stationary
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  • 326 7 (Reuter.) Sigmaringen, September 4. The Prince of Wales has arrived here in order to lie present at the wodding of ExKing Mancel of Poriugal which takes place to-morrow. He was cordially welcomed by the members of the Royal Family and was cheered when he drove through decorated
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  • 113 7 Reuter.) London, September 3 The funeral took place at Dublin of Nolan, the victim of the riot. The route covered all the main thoroughfares and the cortege was followed by a s‘rong force of Police. Everything passed off in a perfectly orderly manner. Many women carried
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  • 40 7 (Reitter.) Madrid, September 4 King Alfonso has pardoned the man. who attempted to take his life on April 13 and who was sentenced to death. The newspapers applaud it as the generous act of a model king
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  • 563 7 DEFEAT OF LOUVOIS. (Reuter j London, Septemjjer 3. The Breeders’ St. Leger at Derby to-day, over an eleven-furlong course, resulted as follows Rosetrorthy 1 Louvoit 2 Night Hawk 3 Four ran. Won by half a length, three lengths between the second aud third. S P.— 9
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  • 187 7 Turco-Bulgari&n Rapprochement. (Reuter.) Sofia, September 2. Tli6 Bulgarian delegates compris ng General Savoff, ex-Commander-in-Chief, M Tocheff, formerly Minister at Belgrade, and two military advisers —have left for Constantinople to conduct the negotiations regarding Adriano le and other pending questions. Turkish circles are beginning to incline very strongly towards
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  • 114 7 Lloyd Georg’ as. Wolmer. (Reuter.) London, September 3 A long correspondence between Yucount Wolmer. Unionist Member for Newton, and Mr. Llovd George regarding the latter’s purchase of American Marconi shares is published, Mr. Lloyd George took exception to the public statement of Viscount Wolmer that the Chancellor
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  • 1012 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, September 3. On the same day that Mr. Shelley, whom the old Perak Pioneer would have called Our worthy Magistrate,” was teaching the public when a highway was not a highway, he was confronted by another conundrum which demanded an answer to the
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  • 867 7 I CHINESE CASHIER CHARGED. i i n*foro Mr. A. V. Brown in tho District Court this morning the case was com mm o<1 against a Chinaman, employed as cashier of Chop Eug Tong Bee, charged “with criininai breach of trust of $1,000. Mr J. J. L.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 WANTED DRIVER for a Motor Bus iu Toogkab, i 3L must have several gears’ experience land be able to do repairs. Salary 140 per month plus commission. Give lull particulars and enclose copy of testimonial. Inexperienced men need not apply. X YZ., 4-9-13 607 c/o Strai's Echo. THE GREAT EASTERN
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  • 2466 8 Smaller Public Sales of Plantation Rubber Realise Better Prices—Large Proportion of Low Grades Reduces the Average—the Freezing-out of the Young Producing Companies— Economies at Home and in the East. A significant fact about the last two pub- lie sales of plantation rubber is that, while the quantities catalogued
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  • 172 8 The following were the results of the ties p’aved off yesterday Championship. Haslam beat Soutbam 7—5, 7 —5, 6 —2. Mixed Double Handicap A. Mrs Craig and Cunradi beat Mrs Welham and Carr 6—l, 6—2. A|terrible accident is reported to have occurred at the Asiatic Petroleum Company’s
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  • 1255 8 BRAINS SHOULD BE IN THE FJNGER-TIP3. SCIENCE OP THE WaQGLE. Mind versus Muscle in Golf forms the subject of an interesting article by Marshall Whitlat?h, a well-known American golfer, in the Century Magazine t j Good golf (he writes) comes from educat- ing the muscles
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 259 8 THE Straits Cinema. Location —PENANG ROAD. Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur ‘in tills.** Complete Change of Programme I Featuring THE THIEF A Powerful Dramatic Tale. Prices as Usual. W. di BURGH, Minager. “The Victoria Cross” is u strong drama which is included in To-night’s Programme Showing the battle scenes between
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    • 105 8 »8» aei C.J 'rTHIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS T he latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Uijjhlyrc commended by the medical profession. OF ALL
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    • 91 8 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure ior coids, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty rears Chamberlain’s Cough Kernedv' can always be df pended upon and is pleasant to take It not only cures
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    • 424 8 3XT OTICE, Mr. J. G. Allan, En iineer, Surveyor Machinery Agent and Contractor, has removed to No. 9, Railway Buildinj 30-8-13 597 ,<hn KTOTICE. AJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th. Xl Power of Attorney given )v Mr. Wan Chin Sin ha, been^.Tked maria c. swee gim 3.9.13 604 rahndi Road,
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  • 27 9 FmnIi trom Agent» Due Ana ye Arrarfta liuelutr Gneit» nan Colombo A.G.ACo. Singapore A.GACo. 6 ngapore B.M.ACo. Colombo BM.ACo. it h Sept. 6th 10th 11th
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  • 20 9 Vessels For Agents Leaves Aisa ye Singapore A-G.ACo. Sept. Arcadia Colombo A.G.^Co. Hutlavr Colombo B.MACe. Gneisenan Singapore B.M ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 431 9 P.&O. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mali Service Outward. 1913 Sept, 4 Assaye connecting with Morea Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Oct. 13 China 2 Delta Id India 30 Devanha Homeward. Ihte. Steam r. Connecting Due j with S.S. London. 1913 -'ept. >d. Ian. Feb (I Arcadia Macedonia 20 Devanha Malwa
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    • 1841 9 SHIPPING.} S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. WOnDDEUTSCSER LL07S IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Fon Intended to Sail. Steameb. N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Company. L'( Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettcnham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Tavoy, teh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and AuTtrafia. (Fortnightly.) Thur.
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  • 2323 10 ll.—Tortoises. As with sharks, so there be land tortoises and water tortoises and it is the former of these that we are now considering. When a barrow in the London streets is heaped with little tortoises, the sympathy which goes out to them from kindiy-minded
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 419 10 VC PALMER TYRES FOR MOTORCYCLES. j S-.OULD KNOW C THAT the 1913 Tourist Trophy (Senior) Ra*« wu won on 26x2£ Palmer Cord Tyres. X THAT the «peed averaged 50.87 m. p. h., inclusive of terrific z •trains on corners THAT there were 84 starters in the race. THAT many bursts
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    • 541 10 HOTEL NORMAN PENANG TSJT 5 «0 A Bandmann Sunn.. WII.L BE q IVEn at The Above Hot e i AKTEn THE PEErOEHISe, 1 Th e Girl in the Taxi." W.8.-A S peci»T^; sio of has fc «cn obtained As, owing <o the large caste of the K pP? ra V«“I
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1595 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoos and 1 .«oather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery
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