Straits Echo, 31 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1034 1 If you requir nTnnio and doom*. thinjr to nourish you, drink DOC’S HEAD GUINNE£S'S STOUT and look for this to BN that you got it TIANG LEE tf Co., Solo Agcata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s -SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. MNMLANDS. BUTTERY B Co.. ATS K.N'TS-fOIl PENANC F. M. S. BANKS
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    • 25 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. *v /G23S <ri fv A «e» /V' m •V 1 ■0 or ‘•wV*-- f o {&> n ft m BEST FOR AIL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 NATUR m U W' u A-'••%*■ E 2 ?R I V y m sSsEga (STERILIZED) l r LION BRAND. jy Si a Afi, Grand Prix: *QA P *ns 1906 St. Louis 1904. G»ld Ui 4( eo: 1893. f 1893. H 1899 1898. u e dail |<3 Sil*» 1891B‘ etn ,892
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  • 2647 3 July Reviews Magazines. Great Britain and mi Dominions It is no longer correct to «peak of “Great Britain and her Dominions.” The time for that, we are reminded by the Canadian writer of the Nineteenth Century article on ••An Imperial I>eadlock and the Waj Out,” has gone by. Canada and
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  • 425 3 Sore throat is so common that ever,one must necessarily be interested iu learning how to cure it with rapidity and prevent it with certainty. This is the more necessary seeing that serious diseases like tonsillitis and diphtheria, measles and scarlet fever—often even consumption—begin with, or
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 Cramp Colic. No need of suffering from cramps in the stomach, or intestinal pains. Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-day. there will be no time to send for it after the attack comes on. ror sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 89 3 THIS IS IT Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil! Compound! TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparaiion of COD LIVEK OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession. CI-' ALL CHEMISTS Price *I-2S »n
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    • 416 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. have on hand always a large stock of glacial ACETIC ACID. BISULPHITE of SODIUM. QUININE and its Salts, and Pure CASTOR OIL. As we buy our goods in bulk for cash on advantageous terms we can afford to offer them to customers at low prices with a guarantee
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    • 91 4 iodfvM, Br. m, 247, Himy, July 30, ToDgkDb, July 2», Gen.-E. 8. Co. Ltd. 0«f«v, Got m 4,438, Nikroti, Wt 30, Hamburg, Judo 27, Gon —B. M. A Co. Jin IT*. Br. ••.,93, Dyaaon, July 31, Asalnm, July 30, Goo. E. 8.. Co, Ltd. Teeeta. BL 3.428, Willi», Julf
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    • 57 4 JULT 31. Malay*, for Doli. Ban Let, lor Alor Bt*r (Kelah). Perak, for Tort Swottonhom, Port Dickson and Malacca. Teeeta, tor Port Swottonham and Singaporo. Hok Canton, tor Toluk Anion. Jin He, for Langkat and Asahan. Dindinga (By Train via Ipok and Toluk Anion. Afjeh, tor Lan n, Edi,
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    • 353 4 Fo» Alor Star (Kadah) —Far Kedah, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Fort Swattanbam and SmgapDre Per Pm Seng, to-iuorrow, 3pm. Taluk Anaon —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p m. Pulau Langkawi and Parlia —Per Un Peng, to morrow, 4 pm. Sotul—Par Tong Chey Un, to-morrow, 4 pm. Madras taking mail» for
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  • 120 4 Penako, July 31. (By courtety of tke Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months' sight Bank 2/4,\ 3 Credit 2/4 t V 3 Documentary 2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Re 174 J 3 days'siirht Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein. Demand Tank 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175}
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  • 199 4 Gold L**af 164.40 Black Pepper 17.. r 0 salts White Pepper 31 25 sales Trsng Pepper 20 —buyrs Cloves ...39 out of season Mace ...120 nominal Pickings 87- seller• Nutmegs 110 s. 22.25 sales No, 1 6. —sales Sugar 2 5.50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12 75
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  • 176 4 Penano, July 31. Beef— cts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 it I* eet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head Feet Z Tongus H™d
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  • 2210 4 d J S Nnmber of j d, .2 g Capita*. Shares Dividends. I Name. 5 S 4 1 i I- c*. s C8 1 (jq O* 19,9 1910 1911 1912j 1913' 1 UBBLR DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. j p.c. p.c. j ]04)*) f .4.50 000 I 130,00') 1 1 5
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 Wood*' Great Peppermint Cure, For Cough* end Coldi, never fail*, le. 6d
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    • 40 4 Care hr Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of .Chamberlain’s Tablets, and that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 62 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compnd 4* 5= m TASTELESS ODORLESS The blest scientific pre- J parationof COD LIVER OIL Docs all that is claimed for it and super- 4 sedes the old fashioned 4 emulsions which upset t ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th
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  • 357 5 Presiding on 10 *1 the Keneral noting „f the Duff Development Company, O.lonel Ivor Philippi», M.P.. frankly conthat the net re«ult of the year’s working, showing a debit balance of jtltvlPd, was disappointing to the directors, l„,t it was well to trear in mind that, with the
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  • 263 5 I>r. S. Rideal, presiding on July 10 at the meeting of the Cicely Rubber Estates (limited), said that when they started hi 1905 their planted area was 138 J acres am) the to'al acre ge 603. They had about 15 000 trees, and estimated that 7,000 of
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  • 257 5 The following were tho results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Double Handicap A. Mi and Mrs Dunn heal Miss B Evans aud R K Frentis 0—2, 9—7 Mis* W Uawthorue and Heaps beat Mrs Edwards aud Gregson 6—3, 3—6, 6—3. Mixed Double Handicap D. Mrs
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  • 1670 5 A MALAYAN EXHIBIT. (From A Correspondent London, Ju-y 8. Cue of the most attractive features of the annual show of the Koval Agricultural Society of Eugla d, held last week at Bristol, was the exhibit of produce from the Overseas Dominions of the Empire. It was a
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  • 54 5 The under mentioned rubber was sold bv auction at the Penang Rubber Auction Rooms yesterday at the prices detailed below Smoked Sheet ...5127—5132 per picul Unsmoked Sheet 122 125 No. 1 Crepe 132 138 3 89— 95 4 85 Untreated Scrap 51— 66 Rolled Scrap Virgin Scrap
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  • 89 5 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Double. Handicap, Cla s B. Oh Joo Kooi and Khoo Joo Poe scr. beot Loke Peng Seong and Tan Eng Soon —15 7 —5; G —l. Single Handicap, Clats ATiang Liat scr. he j t
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  • 336 5 In (Tie House of Commons on July 9 Mr. Fred Hall asked the Colonial Secretary whether any decision had yet been reached with regard to the construction or equipment of wireless stations in the West Indies, Mombasa, Penang, Singapore, or Hongkong. Mr. Harcourt: A
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  • 42 5 To- DAT 28th Day of 6th Moon. League Football C. R. C. vs. O. F. C., Victoria Green. Band, Golf Club, 6 p in. George Town Cuiematogiaph. K nals Kaugsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 Don’t Nejlect Your Family. When you fail to provide your family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at this season of the year, you are neglecting them, as bowel complaint is Bure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to he trifled. with.
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    • 69 5 Cad You Afforl the Risk? Were you ever seir.od with a severe attack of cramp colic or dianhoea wtliout a bottle of Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedv in the house Ikm’t take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called,
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    • 140 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. la. 6d. POSITION UNRIVALLED IN LONDON. ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, Portland Place and Regent St.. London. W, FAMILY HOTEL OF THE HIGHEST ORDER, In Fashionable and Healthy Locality. Public Holidays. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Saturday and Monday, the 2nd
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    • 373 5 A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALK An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hood and all Accessories. What Offers? FOUNTAIN PENS. POINTS TO SUIT ALL HANDS. PRICES TO SUIT ALL POCKETS. All the leading makes and a few others
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  • 99 6 NMiahtd daily (except Sundays and pnblia holidays) at m cr CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paica Duly Local SS4 per annum. OnUtation... PosUge Extra. Mail Edition (Post Fine) $17.50 OABLn ADDaass: ECHO—PEN ANO.” Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jf f _AII koiliNt
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  • 1323 6 YYbeu the batch < f mail papers which arrived in Penaug by this morning’s mail left London, Bulgaria was already in th« way of being badly beaten by the allied s forces of Servia and Greece, while Rumania had just issued her formal declaration S' of war.
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  • 1005 6 Baurat Baur, President of the Germania Werft, has been nominated technical adviser to the Chinese Government. Our Klang correspondent writes that Towkar Yeo Guan Hup was taken suddenly ill on the 28th iust. His condition is somewhat serious. Mr. E. M. Janion, formerly of the Chartered Bank
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  • 332 6 BENZINE TWAKOW ON F|r e There was a big blaze in the early this morning which lasted *ll r an hour but which, fortunate]* v i r spread to the •hipping near l„ rtL?" 1 983. loaded with 391 drum, of ben, So .ng to
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  • 579 6 Further evidence in the case against the Chinaman, who was charged with attempting to commit theft of a gold chain aud pendant from the person of the son of Mr Lee Soon Keug, of the Harbour Master’s Office, was heard this morning before Mr. E. E. Col
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 452 6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe partnership heretofore luhsisting between James Uruickthank Henderson Macbeth, Arthur Mosley Sellar and James Robbie Murray, carrying on business as Merchants and General Agents at Penang and Kuala Lumpur under the style or firm of ••SELLAR MURRAY A CO.” and formerly under the style or
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  • 210 7 REBELS AGAIN DEFEATEE. PRESIDENT YUAN’S PLANS. Venter Shanghai, July 30. The Northern reinforcements of 4,000 noldiers and three cruisers have arrived at Yangtze and the troop* were lauded twenty tniles below Woosung, thu bombardment of which is inexplicably delayed. Refugees are crowding into Shanghai. The consuls have
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  • 524 7 The Berlin Medical Association has re- j mrted that Dr. Max Moszkowski, as the result of his experiments concerning tho nines and treatment of bori-beri, shares the contention of Dr. Ellis Fraser and Professor Fletcher, of the Malay Slates, that tho disease is an assimilation disease,
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  • 213 7 TURKISH CROWN PRINCE AT ADRIANOPLE. (Reuter.) Constants ople, July 30. The Crown Prince of Turkev has arrived at Adtianople and attended a State reception by the civil, military and religious i authorities. Replying to the address of welcome at the Municipal buildings, the 1 Crown Prince thanked
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  • 60 7 (Reuter.) Tokio, July 31. It is now acknowledged that the American rtplv to the Californian land question is unsatisfactory and that Japan will shortly send a third note to Washington. Meanwhile the Yokohama Specie Bank is arranging loans for Japanese who desire to purchase
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  • 49 7 (Reuter.) London, July 30. The King of Uganda was tho guest of tho British Cotton-growing Association at Manchester. In a speech at a banquet given iu his honour he said ho would do his utmost on his return to increase the supply of cotton.
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  • 61 7 A Russian Explanation. Reuter.) London, July 30. In reference to the statement regarding Tibet made by the Earl of Crew in the House of Lords yesterday it is «emi-officially declared at St. Petersburg that the treaty was signed by M. Dorjieff on behalf of the Dalai Lama aud was
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  • 140 7 Yesterday. To-dsy. Kim or Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fsll. RUBBER. s. d. s. d. s. d. s d. Anglo Malay 2 2 23+id Bukit MerUjara. 1 9 J 4V 2 W <-»d STmS» j j 1» Highlands 41 44 4 74 Malacca Ord. V. £4 15 0 £5 7
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  • 51 7 The following business in tin has been done to-daj IWlg 0 ton al 189 80 Fenang Tin Eicnange, Straits Trading Co., *>*> Total 131} tom. Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£lBO Us cash and three months sight. Rangoon ric. > quoted here to-day at
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  • 268 7 THE IMMIGRATION BILL. (Reuter.) London, J uly 3 In the House of Lords Lord Ampthill called attention to the South African Immigration Bill which will become lawon August 1 and requested the Imperial Government to auk the Sou h African l nion to suspend its operation
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  • 114 7 Coodwood Plate Result. Reuter.) Loudon, July 31. The following was tho result of the race for the Goodwood Plato (2 miles) which was run yesterday Working Day I Bundock 3 Corncob 3 Ten ran. by two lengths; three lengths between second and third. Goodwood Cup Probables. The
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  • 145 7 A Trade Mark Case. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Singapore, July 30. Iu tho Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hvndman Jones, Messrs. Gilbey Co. of London, the wine irerchants, sought an injunction to restrain Heng Ilin Co of Singapore, from affixing to bottles of wine marks
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  • 39 7 Renter.) London, July 30. Surrey beat Yorkshire by 51 runs. Northamptonshire beat Somerset by 2G4 runs. Lancashire beat W arwickshire by < wickets. Essex beat Sussex by G wickets. The match between Notts aud Hampshire was drawn
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  • 78 7 (Reuter.) London, July 31. The Naval manoeuvres are not yet finished. The fleets have only come into the ports to coal before resuming to-norrow. The troops have alreadv l»een landed and it is believed, therefore, that there will be no more raids on the coast. Next Saturday,
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  • 995 7 FIELD DAY IN COURT AND OUT. (From Our Own Corrr?pondent) Taiping, July 30. The half yearly general meeting of the Perak Club will take place on the 30tli August at G 30 p.m in the Club smoking room The British Resident, Mr. R. O. Watson, c m. o
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  • 769 7 A SINGAPORE APPEAL. Hask ers’ Treatment or Crossed Cheques. The Committee. consisting of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Shaw. Lord de 4 illiers, Ix>rd Moulton, and Sir Samuel Griffith, on luth inG. gave their considered reasons for report that by K Merer and Co, Ltd r the
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  • 260 7 A much larger attendance is expected at tho Cup Final of this year than when Sabrul Jamil .and Crescent Star niot in 1912, owing to the rivalry of tho competiug Finalist*. Uutton I.ane has always claimed to l»e the premier district of the island, and
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  • 89 7 A little mouse .strayed into a wme collar. Happening to step into a sin ill puddle of whisky, he licked his paw. H’m rather nice that 8o lie dipped in another paw then all four paws; finally he lay down and rolled hinuclf in the spi-it, bad a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. IJ k\r Okki< k: —SING A PORK. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Ajenlt for Penatoj. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. Local Qjjfict: —No. 7, Union Ft kbit. Subscription Roses. News for Flower Lovers. For ?3 a month, strictly
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  • 488 8 SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission wss held at the Municipal Office# yesterday afternoon to consider and pass the by-l«ws for hacki.ey carriages and ricshas. The following gentlemen were present: Mr W. Peel (President). Mr W. T. Chapman. Mr F. Dux burr and Mr. Yeoh
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  • 385 8 Meflir*. Guthrie Co’s weekly report, dated Singapore, July 29, states The tone of the market to-dav was extremely dull and of 40 tons offered at this morning's Auction only about 2>\ tons were sold, the bidding throughout being poor. Aa a reault of the absence of
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  • 2047 8 Cau-es or thb Depression in Rubber Sharks-Ultimate Effect or the Underselling or Brazilian Rubber— Standardisation Neariko Accomplishment—Plantation Production Costs. In no department of the Share Markets has the prevailing financial stringency had such a marked effect as in that of plantation rubber. Other fields of activity have not
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  • 1001 8 "A String Position.” The Third Annual General Meetine ~f the Rubana Rubber Estates (Limited! held on July 10 at Winchester House Old Broad-street. Mr. Edward Lawrence Hi m il ton (the chairman) presiding. The Secretory (Mr. Percy E. L. Tayl or j haring read the notice convening
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1023 8 POSITIVELY NEW FILMS ONLY AT THE Penang Motion Picture Show. Location: —Penang Road. Dr shiest and Steadieat Pictures. Reflex Mirror Screen. PROGRAMME. 1 M u Married Path* 2 Black Slier p A.B. 2,000 3 The Vandol Leo ard B.C. 1,000 4 The Musketeers ol‘ Pig Alley A.B 2,000 5 A
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  • 522 9 /0E/vSrx: P.&l D.| f/r 1 Off j *L/< I ffi S.N.C ►Jr Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall 8«rvice. Outward. 1 Pl 3 Am?. 7 Arcadia connecting with Malwa 21 Devanha ft Mooltan 4 Assaye ft Morea 13 China tf Marmora Ort. 2 Delta It Moldavia Id India M
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  • 551 9 P.&l 1( mi r a- j *L/< J ffl S.N.C w w Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall 8«rvice. Outward. 1 Pl 3 Am?. 7 Arcadia connecting with Malwa 21 Devanha ♦t 99 Mooltan w,t. 4 Assaye tt Morea 13 China Marmora Ort. 2 Delta it Moldavia Id India M
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 359 9 P.&O. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. 1913 Am?. Sept. Ort. No*. l)fC. 7 Arcadia connecting 21 Devanha 4 Assaye 13 China 2 Delta 16 India 30 Devanha 13 Himalaya 27 Assaye 11 Delta 25 India Homeward with Malwa Mooltan Morea h Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Macedonia Malwa
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    • 327 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAYICATION CO., LTD. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPK'. For freight, passage and particulars apply to KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. No. 53, Beach Street, Penangrelepboue No. 582. Telegrams: Paketvaaut.” A. van VOLLENHOVEN, Ay*'*Austrian Lloyd’s Steam Navigation Coy. The Company’s Steamers may be expect®! to arrive outwards and leave homewards on the
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    • 833 9 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSDEER LL07D, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. TIITC fast and well-known mail steamers of this Coin pan y sail fortnight lr from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, ShangLai, Tsingtau or
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  • 957 10 The last mail brought out the July numb.r of the Contemporary Btrieve i containing Mr. McCallum Scott’s article on i The Malay Battleship of which by t means of proof s ips forwards 1 by a frit nd i in London we were enabled to quote,
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  • 600 10 We have already referred to the July number of the Ayrieultnral Bulletin in our issue of last Thursday but the number contains so many excellent articles that we were unable, iu the spa.e at our disposal, to quote all that we wanted to. "LC.B", who is of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 496 10 1 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Penang Branch: No. 255, Penang Road. IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat and Produce ALSO English Fish and Came. Contractor» to the PENANQ HOSPITALS. Shipping: and Estates Supplied. Special Attention Given to Outstatlon Orders. SHOP HOURS. Week Days: 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. 2 p.m.
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    • 56 10 Blazon Ty* Not Necmary. Chamberlain’» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy need» no jrlarinjr headline to attract the public ere. The simple statement that all chemist» sell it is sufficient, a» ererj family know» it» value. It has been used for forty year» and is just what its name implies. For
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    • 83 10 ;Xv m&M The Worlds DenhiFrice xxx x x-xx-x-A*.VA rsyss.:<w+:<' yMviv.Xv'X'X W$S xXxXvXvv:; Odo! s Jh£ preparation cleaning end preserv. ing mouth and teeth. A. few diopi mixed with a tumbler of water will form au emulaion which will thoroughly cleanse aud purify the oral cavity, destroying all iujurioui bacteria nesting
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    • 458 10 Beacham* Pill*, they we hi* the ‘h»n* family medione. Nothing to becompared with them ha* yet been put before the public. For over half a century th.« medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's P.Hs have spread all over the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1122 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. XJLT HOLESALE Indents promptly eiefT cuted at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, m Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, Chi**’ Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery,
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    • 307 12 THE LONDON ASSUHAtttt COMPANY INCORPORATED BY ROYAT CHARTER A.I). 1720. pHK undersigned, having been appoint*) L aow •*isk8 at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS Agents for the above Corporation, prepared to accept MARINE and F] art fire CO„ LTD Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. The Bonds of this Company
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