Straits Echo, 30 July 1913

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1013 1 If von roquir aTonic and someihinjr to nourish you, drink DOC S HEAD GUINNESS’* STOUT and look for thin labol A to IM that yon got it XIANG LEE 9 Co., Solo Ageato. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. JAND1LAND5, BUTTERY 8 Co.. agents for PENANG S’ F.
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. NZ2SS £y ■A **s ■-a <7 *e txf> IN vt m BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 NAT L r LI r\ Pi f. ku ill HI Ml u m r v a 4/,v Grand Prix: C> V p r >9OO St. Louis 1904. Me*» I*' 1 >893. >893 s> K 1896 >899 1896 Schutimarke s" 1 i" 1 Pr»s 1 Rost») Co Af E N, Mecklenburg
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  • 1820 3 Fixing the Hlami. It has Itwn boldly and widely proclaimed bv the leaders of tho present rebellion the Government of China th t it ia intended for the preservation of the Republic, and that the responsibility for the niiatintf state of war rests entirely upon Yuan
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  • 92 3 A Malaria Prevention Twelve tanks containing quantities of the Millions’ Fish from Barbadoes are due to arrive at Port Swettenham tomorrow bv the P. A O. s i. Nyanta. This of tish is supposed to be a voracious eater of the larvae of the mosquito, and1
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  • 43 3 nt to announce the death of Mrs G M F. Hornidjre. I »hat on Sundav eveninp A wdv was not vet a roar in the deceased lad> was n to make S. B Gajah Cemetery.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 E. O. Hotel. •:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALE An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hoed and all Accessories. What Offers o I :\-i--m m a ■m if k a A V.
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    • 67 4 Catherine Apcar, Br. 1,730, Beresfcrd, July 29, Negspatam, Jolv 24, Gen.— H. L A Co. Tong Hong, Br. a a 1,314. Lyons, Jaly 30, Rangoon, Joly 26, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Prim Eitcl Friedrich, Ger. a.a., 4,812, Mundt, July 30, Yokohama, July 12, Geir.—B M. A Co. Hok
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    • 56 4 Jolt 30. Ghee. Thyc, for Alor Star (K*dah). Ke.d>ih, for Alor Star (Kedah). Atjeh, for Lsn.'sa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehlph and Sthang. Leong Ho, for Batu Bahra. Aynthia, for Asahan. Dmdiuga (By Train via Ipoh and Teluk Anaon. Flying Dragon, for Tort weld and Taiping. Bnelou', for Singapore,
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    • 339 4 Foa Yen —Per Eh Eng, to-morrow, 7 am. Alor Star (K’dah)— Fer Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 7 a m. Deli Fer Malaya, to-morrow, 10 a m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Ban Lee. to-morrow, noon. Port Swettenham, Port Dickaon and Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p m. Port Bwettenham and Singapore—Per
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  • 119 4 Pckaxo, July 30. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4/, 3 Credit 2/4 f V o Documentary 2/4; Calcutta, Demand Bank R 4. 174} 3 days'sight Private 175} Bombay. Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173; 3 days’ sight Private 175}
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  • 201 4 Gold L»af $64.40 Black Pepper 17./0 tales White Pepper 31.25 tales Trang Pepper 20— buyrt Cloves ...39 out of season Mace ...120 nominal Pickings 87.— seller* Nutmegs 110 s 22.25 sales I No. 1 6.— sales 2 5,£0 tales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12.75 buyers f'Tahbun 190. —sellers
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  • 125 4 r mu as a, July 30. Bikt c/s Boup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaka 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— 7 Fork per catty 38 Pig’t Head... Feet W
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  • 2129 4 d I I 0 j m I Number of d. I S Capita*. I Shares t 3 Dividends. Name. g "S I Ĕ, k issued. i !S o I 3_ M I 19.19 1910 1911 1»12 1913 USBER DOLLAR SHARES. I p.c. I p.c. i p.c. I 1WO 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 Core for Blocs. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets, and that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 4 Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Cough* and Cold*, new fail*, I*. (Jd
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    • 87 4 THIS IS IT! 1 h I WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compnd jL 1 9 TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that Is claimed for it and super- A sedes the emulsions old-fashioned which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal
      87 words
    • 111 4 SELF CURE NO FICTION iT THERAPION No. 1 in a remarkably, often a few days w^d.«J^r^euhfrw-a)*u t e r^.l in c iniW tlon THERAPION No 2 Cure* blood poison b.,«l le,f,, „1, r sores. pa ln p7 •welled joint*, &< .«lien mercurial treatment fail. THERAPION N 0.3 Cure* i
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  • 1482 5 In o}iening these Jottings of how this part of the world wags, I shall be but following an old established journalistic precedent in making same reference to the weather which, as it so happens, we have been enjoying of late—that is, during the past week or
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  • 271 5 In a Parliamentary White Taper the accounts are given of the Crown Agents’ Office funds for 1912. The statement shows a total of A'93,248 2s. lOd. revenue, on the receipts side, and total payments chargeable to revenue of Jk’39,798 19». 7d. Gross total receipts amouuted to .£210,999
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 718 5 nnnnnn [nnnnnm n n n n n a 0 0 ENGLISH PAPERS anil MAGAZINES. PARCELS RECEIVED WEEKLY. COLONIAL EDITION and other NOVELS. Special Terms Offered for Annual Subscription. "The Straits Times”. "The Singapore Free Press”. "Utusan Matayu Copies can be supplied Daily. C. A. RIBEIRO 8 Co., Ltd., Printers, Stationers,
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    • 62 5 There wai a young man who got do rest. He bad a bad coldjon the chest The shakes and the «hirers they shook him. The trembles and quivers they took him, ’Till Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure he bought; Then no more coughs or colds he caught. And now he goes
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    • 281 5 nnnnnnnn Messrs. W. D. H. O. Wills' N E'W ORA N D m NO. 77. A First Class rr Cigarette and one that has come to stay. Two Sizes 50's 25’s. O Virginia cigarettes Wd •D.6HOWILL 5 Bristol lcnd 0* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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  • 100 6 MGsUd daily (except Sunday* and pdblie x holiday*) at tm v' CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Pmica Daily Local 924 per annum. OuUtation... Postage Extra. Mail Editsen (Poet Free) $17.50 OilLI ADDMSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jr.M.—AU u«l«m «MMMDiMtioM «houM
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  • 2050 6 There has never been a great deal of love lost between the local Press and the Penang Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber dislikes the newspapers for many reasons, but principally because they will "butt in” on commercial questions which, it must be confessed,
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  • 98 6 All Aerated Discharged. (Continued from jmge 8). The hearing of the caae against Singoastro, Sarwi and Tasari, who were charged with the murder of a Chinaman, named Ng Ah Seah, at Trans-Krian, was concluded this afternoon. On the conclusion of the evidence of Manawi, who turned King’s
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  • 147 6 ACT,ON iMfer-ow (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 29 In the Supreme Court this mornm„ before Sir W. Hyndman- Jones, ch& Justice, the action was beard o f *h Sembrong Rubber Estates r« Goodwin, Boey Chua Poh, Tang Khi, Lea Soon Hee, Ngo Yam Chong, and
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  • 64 6 Siagapors. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 3 At the rubber auction at Singapore 66,16$ lb. of rubber were offered for sale and 51,148 lb. were sold at the following price* Smoked Sheet $127—1141 per picul Unsmoked sll9—s 113 Fir>t Crepe $129 -1136 Sec nd $ll6 $l2O Third
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  • 65 6 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, July 29. In a lecture at the Y.M.C.A. the Rev. W. R unci man advocated the formation of a Technical Institute for the F.M.S. and the Straits. The Hon. Mr. R J. Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, who was in the chair, favoured the proposal.
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  • 44 6 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, July 29. At the meeting of the Bintan Plantations Mr. Frank Adam, who presided, repeated the details contained in the report which was adopted. Dr. Fowlie was re-electsd a director and Mr. Baur was appointed manager.
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  • 36 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, July 30. Last night, sfter a protracted spell of dry and hot weather, a fierce storm broke over Singapore. The rain was very heavy and the lightning very vivid.
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  • 35 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 29. The manager of the Hotel de I’Europe was fined $3, for keeping the premises in a dirty state. Not ce of appeal was giren.
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  • 129 6 Victory of Aa Outsider. {Reuter.) London, July 30. The following was the result of the race for the Goodwood Stewards’ Cup (0 furlongs) which was run yesterday Lord Annandale, Cooper 1 Poor Boy, Walter Griggs 2 Cigar, Maher 3 Twenty ran. Won by 1* lengths, a neck
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  • 54 6 Division of Royalties. {Reuter.) London, July 30. Mr. Herbert Samuel, Postmaster Generali Announces that in consideration of roni Wsion regarding a great station in Eaat Africa "here the Marconi Comp&nv’s pateDtaare unprotected, the Company has agreed to bis proposals for the division of all rovaitie*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 347 6 ffCD: P DIVIN n A Floral 0 •JCDCDCDCDCDCDCD# IA PERFUME. Q M Bouquet ov exquisite and lasting fragrance. Favorite-Perfume The (harm tud subtle!) ol Divinis has secured (01 it the highest popularity ia Europeaa Society. Its refreshing sweetness will x enhance its with persons of refine meat. Sold hy all
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  • 1277 7 ROUT OF THE SOUTH. FIGHTING AT SHANGHAI. PANIC IN THE SETTLEMENTS. (from Our (hen Correepomlcn! Singapore, July 29. General Chang Hsun haa telegraphed to tb»> Central Government saying that he capt ii red the diatrict of Cliee Chow on the 22nd rat with two cannoua, fifteen artillery
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  • 43 7 (Rv Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. *l. Slot A Co.) Fine Para Spot Jfj Fine Pars Forward 3s. 4 a <l. First latex Crepe delivery next three months Market weak. July 30, 1913.
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  • 47 7 The following business in tin has been done to-day Psnang Penang Tin Exchange, |<*o 30 buyers, no sellers Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 tons at 93 50 'l'm is quoted in liondon to-day at J-ISo 12k 6d. cash and £lB5 12«. 6d. three months »gbt.
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  • 123 7 Te.t.rd.7- To-dwr. Of Buyrr. Ml«r* Brrw* MW. Bmll RUBBER. d. d. d. d. anslo M.l.y *"I 11 19 J t Bukit 19 2. 4 Cherwwy S u 7 714 R 6 Con.. M.Uy. .4 X 4| 9 41 9 Hishland. fa 13 ?v% l 4 714 sjS£.Ort. I'. Hl7
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  • 377 7 THE TURKISH ADVANCE. (Reuter.) Loudon, July 29. Special excursion trains are proceeding to Adrianople on Thursday to enable all wishing to do ao to perform their daily devotion» at the Selnnieh Mosque. The Sultan, replying to the friendly warning of the King of Rumania regarding the Turkish
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  • 272 7 Statement By Lord Morley. Reuter.) London, July 29. In the House of Lords, Lord Morley, replying to a question by Lord Curzon regarding Tibet, reviewed tbo Chino-Tibetan relations for the past two years. He was glad to state that the proclamation making Tibet a Chinese Province, to which His
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  • 48 7 Attack on Holloway Gaol. (Reuter.) London, July 29. Three hundred East End Suffragists attacked Holloway Gaol late yesterday evening, demanding the release of ML* Kennedv who was rearrested yesterday. They climbed the fence and smashed the windows of the Governor’s bouse The Folice dispersed them.
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  • 40 7 (Renter.) Mexico City, July 29. President Huerta hacceded to the demands of the United States and promised the prosecution of the soldiers who shot Mr. Dixon and the release of Messrs. Bisseli and Macdonald.
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  • 207 7 SOME RESULTS OF THE COMMISSION. (Reuter) London, July 29. Surgeon-General Bir Ihxvid Bruce, who is at the head of the Sleeping Sickness Commission, has arrived in England for a few weeks before returning to Nyassaland to continue his researches He says that the Commissioners are convinced that the
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  • 184 7 Tbe Recent Disorders on the Rnnd. (Reuter) Loudon, July 30. A Parliamentary paper has le*en issued containing the de»pitch of Lord Gladstone, Governor-Geneial of South Africa, to Mr. L. V. Harcourt, Secretary of State for the Colonies on J uly 7. It concludes by declaring that in view
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  • 103 7 Qaestioa ia Parliament. (Renter.) London, July 3‘\ Sir Edward Grey, foreign Secretary, replying to Mr. Swift McNeill in the House of Commons, said that the Imperial Government had received allegations respecting the treatment of the natives employed in the mines of the Peking Syndicate. Ihe Imperial
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  • 62 7 (Ileuter.) London, July 30. The Naval Mameuvre* have concluded but in tbe absence of official information it is impossible to ascertain had l*cen the general result. It is only known that a large number of vessels, especially cruisers aud destrovers, were obliged to come to the
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  • 33 7 (Reuter.) London, July 29. The Hou«e of Lords, which is debating the Scottish Temperance Bill, has reached a compromise with the House of Commons, eusurirg the passage of the Bill.
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  • 132 7 (Reuter.) London, July 29 Keut beat Gloucestershire by eight wickets. The match between Derbyshire and Leicestershire was drawn. An accident to a lighter took place at the Quarantine Anchorage yesterday morning when the s s. Catherine Apear came into port. It appears that while some coolies were
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  • 227 7 At the instance of Mr. J. Scully, Inspector for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Mrs Yeoh Chye and Hass in. her syce, were ;this morning sutnmo: ed bef*»re Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton, for cruelty to a mare by causing the animal, which was lame, to
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  • 246 7 The following tins have been fixed for Friday, August I Double Handicap A. Maconochie and Winter r* Finch and Perrin (G) Syer and Fyer r* Dunn and Harries (4) Vv aldington and Goatly vs Prentis and Bennett (5). Don'l* Handimp A. Mrs Welhani and A N 1»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 375 7 Subscription Roses l News for Flower Lovers. I For 13 i month, strictly payable in advance, The Save-U-Trouble Firm will deliver at your hemes, aery ether mornint. One Dozen Lovely Roses, Assorted. For a dozen Roses every day the subscription will be $5 a month. Send ns {3 or $5
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  • 411 8 TO THE EDITOR OF THB M MAUT MAIL.” Si*, —I have bad some experience of dealing with locusts in S .uth America and' perhaps the following results of it mij be of uae. I bare found that once the locust is on the more either by hopping or flying
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  • 228 8 The further hearing of the case against the tbi ty-eight Chinese who were arrested at the Penang Wanderers Club for playing in a common gaming house was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. G. C. G. Muller in the Third Court. Mr. W, T. Chapman prosecuted and
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  • 82 8 The following were the results of the tie-» played yesterday Single Handicap, Claes 11. Teoh Khar Seang scr. heal Tan Cboo Soay +l5 6—l 6—3. Lee Woe Khim —l5 heal Kboo Joo Dee scr 4-6; 7—5 6—4. The following tie has been fixed for Friday, the Ist
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  • 123 8 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. May and Swindell heat P«®l an j Sellar 6—3. 10—8 Waddington and Goatly *.<, from Craig and Clearer. Profession Pairs. J h H and F N Sver >r o from I) A
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  • 310 8 A Murder Cask. The hearing of the ctse against the three Javanese named t ingostro, Sarwi and. Tasari who were charged with the murder of a C iuaman named Ng Ah Seah at Trans-Krian on May 30, was resumed before Mr. Justice W. W. Fisher yesterday afternoon. Mr.
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  • 255 8 Commenting some time ago on the selfcreated censorahip by the circulating libraries on works of fiction, we pointed out that its worst feature was that it invariably 'attacked novels of merit while vulgar and j suggestive fiction passed the inquisitors, j Within the last few da*s a case
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  • 179 8 T ,ie report on the trade of the Straits for 1912, by the registrar of imports and exports, states that the trade of the vear ran not be regarded as other than favour- able. The general summary shows (in thousands of dollars) 1911 1912 Foreign Tr a
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  • 1370 8 But for one jarring note it is always pleasure to read the annual report on the administration of Ceylon. The note that jam is the note on the island’s health statistics. Why a small district surrounded by the sea and having such a large percentage of its area
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  • 471 8 CHINESE WEDDING AT IPOfl. In the New Style. Interesting Ceremony. The first Chinese marriage at Ipoh in the new form ordered by the Republican Govern ment was celebrated on Saturday, sava t L T.O.M. The contracting parties were Mr. Lim Eiatu Yee, nephew of Towkay
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 940 8 POSITIVELY NEW FILMS ONLY AT THE Penang Motion Picture Show. Location Penang Ro>d. Br'gMett and Steadiest Pictures. Reflex Mirror Screen. ORDERS are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeda from twelve to fifteen jears old tree*, with a guarantee of 754> germination. Price 92 per 1000 packed in bags and
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    • 56 8 THIS is IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compou n d tasteless odorless The latest scientific pre- Poration of COD LIV’CK OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. lli c hlyre J commended by the modi profession. cr-
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    • 96 8 Don’t Neglect Your Family. When jou fail to provide m..- Md* 1 Y>ot h C f T? hamberlain 8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedj at this season of the jear jou are neglecting them, a. l>owel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a maladj to
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    • 77 8 C*n Yo« Afford the Risk ere J ou ever seired with a severe attack or cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle rLL ha S ber, r 8 Colic Cholera and DiarOoea Remedy in the house? Don’t take i„ f nsk A do»© or two will curerou it nl e
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  • 29 9 Ynielt h rom Agent» Du* 1'rxm Ei'Mj Friedrich Singapore I'i'hotc Colombo Arcadia Colombo Afhiyt Singapore B.M ACo. B.MACo. A.G.AC0. A.G.ACo. 30th July 31 »t 7th Aug. 9th
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  • 20 9 Veuel* For Agent* heave* I J’rmr Eiteli Entjrichkjolombo BM.ACo. Lurtzoto Singapore B.M.AOo. Arcadia Singapore A.G.AC0. Colombo A-G.ACo. Julj. Aug.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 406 9 I peeled Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. 1913 A'ig. Sept. Oft. iNor. Dec. 7 Arcadia connecting 21 Devanha 4 A nsayo 13 China 2 Delta 10 India 30 Devanha 13 Himalaya 27 Arsave 11 Delta 25 India Homeward with Malwa Mooltan More* Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Macedonia Malwa Mooltan
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    • 1398 9 (SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Iktendbd to Sail. Singapore (Three timeb a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnight lj). Singapore and Australia. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Jaffna and Negapatam. (Fortnightly.) Ybur. 31st July, 4 p.m. Sat.
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  • 735 10 Many people deduced from Mr. Norman Angell's book, The Qreit Illation, the corollary that he believed war to be impossible in the future. The breaking out of tbe Balkan stuggle soon showed that if that indeed were his meaaing, he was grossly mistaken. In
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  • 176 10 The Freachrr (raising his voice) —Salvation is free! Do ?ou want it Editor (suddenly a wakening) -If there are any prominent people mixed up in it you might give us 700 words ruck. Sidney Charles Clayton, alias Captain inc’air, ha* been sentenced at Tientsin to nine months’ impri>onn
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  • 320 10 Falling in Lovb Said to be Out-Of-Date. A New York correspondent wrote in mail week :—To judge by the space given to the subject by the newspapers, it is just possible that America will be the first country in the world to pass a national eugenic
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  • 100 10 The following table showing the number of Chinese in foreign countries, lias been compiled by Mr. Wei Chen-tsu, Minister to Holland Java and Dutch possession* 1,82-5,700 Singapore 1,300,000 Siam 1.500.C00 Indo-Chioa 1, 023.50» Annam J 97,300 Burma 134,600 Phillipines 84.060 Formosa 2,258.6 0 Amoy 74,66^ Hongkong 314,390
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  • 304 10 England's Position. Tbe Saturday Review notes that England’s position is becoming of great importance Jf we support the Triple Alliance, their contention will prevail. If we recede from our original position, the outcome is doubtful; but it is not doubtful, that we should sacrifice the growing disposition in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 Cramp Colic. No need of ftifTpriD£ from cramp* in the Otomacb, or intestinal pains Cliaml.erlain’s Colic, Cholera HDd Diarrhoea Keuiedv ni-rer fails to relievo the most severe case*. Get it to-day, the-e will be no time to *end for 't after the attack o«>iue a on. Fur sale by all
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    • 336 10 ASK FOR! ,.OUD *S” THE SUPREME T.:NIC WlHE It..I Wed.G.Oud Pi2 C9 Pur m ERf ffrw»ou«~ o Sole Agents:— Clie&li Kee Ee Co., Chop HIANG CHUAN," 56, China Street, Penang, Chop BAN KEE BEE,” Perak, at all t And obtainable at all the leading spirit shops in Fenang and Perak.
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    • 10 10 For Chronic Chest Complaint», Wood»’ Great Peppermint Core, 1». 6d
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    • 308 10 PALMER TYRES FOR MOTORCYCLES l l YOU SHOULD KNOW n i i i i THAT the 1913 Tourist Trophy (Senior) Race was won on26x2 l 1 Palmer Cord Tyres. THAT the speed averaged 50.87 m. p. b., inclusive of terrific strains on corners. l l strains on corners THAT there
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 874 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. APENTA APENTA WHOLESALE Indent* promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods aud Perfumery, Hardware,
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    • 519 12 Tic Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. k? »1 m Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla. P.I. F. A. 8HAILER, Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, Disability,” and Return Premium Clauses.” NO OTHER COMPANY OFFERS THESE ADVANTAGES." Btrlot Government Su pervimioi THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY »9
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  • 10212 13 Harbour Facilities. Chamber of Commerce Meeting. A Meeting of the Committee of the tChatnlter of Commerce, to consider questions relating to the affairs of the Port was held at the Board Room of the Chamber on Tuesday, the Bth of Julv, 1918, at 2-80 p. m.
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