Straits Echo, 29 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1128 1 If yon reqoir Tonic and something 1 to nourish you, drink DOC S MEAD GUINNESS STOUT and look for thii label A R (O BM m that you gol H. XIANG LEE 9 Co., Sola Agcata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDI LANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., agents
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    • 17 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. *v a /2 <?£ rsr> IN V rz ro m &l> BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 NATUR I r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) J < ♦j j V xxt a Oraud Prix: *(/A p »n3 1900 St. Louis 190 4 Y Grand Prix: P,r 'S 1900 St. Louis 190 4 Gild u "'lailleo; !> >893. 'B93 'B9B 4T' S 'U *r»o 1899 Schutimark* M<« Silb--or«f"*° i!*> Kome»^‘,
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  • 745 3 THp meeting of the International Roads Congress of 191 on this occasion in Kngland, is once more turning the attention f Engineers to various questions in connecl)(,n wth roads engineering. The subject which attiacts more and more attention in consequence of the changed conditions of mo ern-day
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  • 34 3 Jult, 1913. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. w IAT A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. 29tU 8.33, 1.01, 9.13. 3.40 3oth 9.44, 2.50, 10.20, 4.49 3Ut 10.28, 4.25, 11.22, 5.14
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  • 913 3 A few days ago The Peking Doily Netrs addressed to the Government aud to 1 Parliament a strong recommendation that 1 the utmost care should be exercited with regard to finances duiiug the next few 1 mouths or the country would tiud itself by 1 next October
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  • 317 3 to remember that of all the duties which we we to ourselves for health and comfort's sake, the proper care of tho teeth is one of the most important. One should realise—ar.d recent investigations hav proved it again and again—that tho cond tion of tho
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 Can You Afford the Risk 7 Were you ever seirod with a seveie attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a e of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I »«ir* rh«<ea Remedy in the house Don t take •noli risks. A dose or two will cure before a doctor could possibly
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    • 241 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have on hand always a large stock of GLACIAL ACETIC ACID, BISULPHITE of SODIUM. QUININE and its Salts, and Pure CASTOR OIL. As we buy our goods in bulk for cash on advantageous terms we can afford to offer them to customers at low prices with a
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    • 381 3 A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALE An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hood and atl Accessories. What Offers? THE EEECSUN PHOTOGBAPHID STUDIO. Address: 22A, Leith Street. Telegraphic Address Kecchun Penang. Telephone Number: 325. Code Used A.I3.C. 5th Edition.
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    • 93 3 Don't Netl«t *o«r Family. Wbeß you fail to provide your family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at this season of the ▼ear, you are neglecting them, as bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to lie trifled w
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    • 310 3 8,000,000 Rubber Stumps Nurseries 100 acres fully Planted References MR. A. B. MILNE. v oply L. HEINTZE, Tanjono Rambutan Estate, JVraV, F. M. S, Telojrams IIeintze,” TanjengtRambutan. 4 f amm h °fThe >fu| m K <a* 1 xr _r* F» Don’t Turn Ui* Your Nose Alice. KESHRANJAN, The World’s Best
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    • 84 4 Kinta, Br. s 5C9, Jones, July 28, Singapore, July 26, G*n.—A G. A Co. Donggala, Dut. s 164, Wichgers, July 28, Deli, July 27, Gen.—K. P. M. rale mixing, J ut. l,’l®. Smith, July 28, P; SembiUn, Jul/ 27, Bensine A. P. Co Ltd. Malaga, Ger. 348, Peter», July
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    • 65 4 July 29. Cornelia, for Pangkaian Brandan and Langkat. long Chunn. for Alor Star (K* dah). Malacca, for Tongkah. Trong, for Trang. Donggola, for Deli and Langsa. Catherine Apcar, f#r Port Swettenham. Hole, for Teluk Anson. Dindings (By Train) via Ipoh and Teluk Anson. Kinta, for Port Swettenham and Singapore
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    • 310 4 Fo» Alor Star (Kedah)-Per Okee Thye, to-morrow 10 a.m. Lansa, Edi, T. Serna we, Segli, Olehleh and S.baog Per Atjeh, to-morrow, 2pm Yen —Per Eh Eng, 31st instant, 7 am. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per Teetla, 31st instant, 3 p.m On Week Days Taipmg, 7-15 a t»., 1
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  • 120 4 Penano, July 29. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4^, 3 Credit 2/4 iV M 3 Documentary 2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174] 3 days’sight Private 175* Bombay. Demand Bank 174* Monlmein. Demand Hank 173$ 3 days' sight Private 175$ Madras,
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  • 203 4 Gold Leaf 164.40 Black Pepper 17. —tellers White Pepper 31.25 seller > Trang Pepper 20— bu>/irs Cloves ...39 out of tea eon Mace ...120 nominal Pickings 87. —tales Nutmegs 110 s. 23. —tellers No. 1 6. —tales Sugar „2 5.50 rales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12 75 buyers
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  • 188 4 Penang, July 29. Beef— cts Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Head... o 4 et 28 Tongu, 40
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  • 2122 4 I ill t I 0 P I X *c 1 N umber of i, 25 S Capita*. Shares t 3 Dividends. Name. L £5 issued. i S s I 1 IJjjJ A I I I i j j 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 4 U3BER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 Blazon Type Not Ntcciury. Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy need* no glaring headline to attract the public eye. The simple statement that all chemists sell it is sufficient, as every family knows its value. It has been used for forty years and is just what its name implies. For
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    • 52 4 (riip Colic. No need of suffering from cramps in the stomach, or intestinal pains. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-daj, there will be no time to send for it after the attack comes on. For sale bv all Dispensaries
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    • 56 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod LiYer Oil Compnd ggiV TABTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset J ibe stomach. Highly re commended by th tnc-di cal profession. Of- ALL
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  • 397 5 Mr. H. C. Sell* in hi* aunuxl report of the Penang Mahomedan and Hindu Endowment* B«*ard state* that the properties belonging to the various endowment* and their investment* remain the *ame a« Uat year with the exception of a «mail portion of the old Hindu
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  • 253 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. Bennett and Preutis beat Gregson aud Turner 6 —4, 6—3 Prcctor and Heaps beat Cusoaden aud Reimann 6—2, 6—2 Dunn aud Harries beat Goldie and Holme* 6 —4, 6—4 Syer and Syer w
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  • 490 5 The following is the report cl the directors, which was submitted to the shareholders at the First Annual General Meeting of the Company held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday Your Directors have pleasure in submitting their Report and Statement of Accounts of the Company for the
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  • 239 5 The question of using Asiatic and African troops in Europreau warfare which so fascinated, Lord Beaconsfield is, as we prointed out, one of the bogeys of the German Government and tho chief and main reason that they put such obstacles before the French in Mon
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  • 201 5 The Tories have at last got a good form of platform after floundering about in search of a policy. '1 he Radicals are going to try the agricultural vote this year with cottages and miuimum wages but the Radicals are against small ownership of land. This has
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 643 5 WORDS OF 1 y Oil <u a yWISDOM. If your Eyes trouble you, please give us a call. It will cost you nothing and we will willingly tell you if you need Classes or the services of a Medical Man. THE DISPENSARY. Ltd 2 and 6, Bishop Street, Penang. Branch
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    • 58 5 Core f r Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets, and that fooling of distress and despondency will disapf>ear like magic. They are a suro cure for the blues. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers. WANTED. A Young Lady as Store Assistant. Light Duties.
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    • 11 5 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*. t Woode’ Great Peppermint Cure, le. td.
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    • 310 5 iiHiiiiiiinnnDnnnniiißiiiii Messrs. W. D. 6? H. O. Wills’ NEW BRAHD NO. 77. A First Class 0 Virginia CIr,ARETTES Vv D.C r HOV/iU' 5 ®RISTCH lo•'lc>oft- Cigarette and g n one that has n n come to stay, n Two Sizes n n 50 s 25's. i.u>'^" 11 OBTAINABLE AT n
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  • 97 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paica Daily Local 924 per annum. Ontstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 NM. —All bosiaasa ecm raunications should
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  • 44 6 Savkks- Ross —On July 2H, at ft. George’s Church, Penang, bv the Rev. P G. Swindell, M. A., Colonial Chaplain, Fiederick R. Sayers. M. I). P. H., Uni r. !n* Port Health Offi*er. Penang, tj Amy Eileeu Foss, of Wato ford, Ir. land.
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  • 1359 6 Sir John Anderson’s portrait by Mr. rp**n li i« Ixwn so diversely ciiticiscd hr the cognoscenti that, reading their conflicting opini ns, we turned back to the account of the presentation of this picture to Sir John to se:> what the donors and the sitter thought about
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  • 1050 6 THE DEFENCE. The hearing of the case against the thirty-eight Chinese, who were arrested at the Penang Wanderers Club on June 16 for playing in a common gaining house, was resumed roster Jay afternoon before Mr. G. C G Muller. Mr. W. T. Chapman prosecuted, Mr.
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  • 972 6 On excellent authority we are told iu the Pand Committee were to more moonlight performance.-, a t i Kramat Garden* their action would be appreciated by a large body of \,j residents who do not frequent the Esp| ln d but as ratepayers contribute towards T’ upkeep
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 207 6 OUR ANNUAL GREAT CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. LIBERAL REDUCTIONS. GENUINE BARGAINS. Sale Once a, Year Only. Stroup Canvas Shoos, strong rubber scb-s, suitable for 93:iside or tennis, Sale $1-25. or. 2 75 z. 00 5/i I- X a.= aV 70 CL 2 tl O a _x >. a> "T rT*
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  • 360 7 y*r>m Our Own Correspondent^) Hongkong, July 28. 11,0 Military Commissioner of Canton, General la>ong Chai Koug, and hs assistant, !,nnog Kbin Kong, have issued an order for the arrest of Chan Kong Min, Tutuh of t'anton. Shanghai, July 28. Fighting around Kianguau Aisenal continued for two
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  • 124 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 29. An interesting appeal was hear 1 at Kuala Lumpur in the Supremo Court bv Mr. Justice Inne*. In the original action the Manager of Limoni Estate, Negri Sembilan, prosecuted three co 'lies for refusing to obey orders Th»v had
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  • 55 7 Reuter) London, July 28. beigeant Omraundsen, whose shooting at Rule» was splendidly consistent, was •warded to-dav with the Service Rifle Championship with a score of 524 and with the prize for the aggregate score open to Territorials. Rowlands, of tho North Staffordshire regiment, won tho pruo for
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  • 68 7 (Reuter.) Melbourne, July 28. There i« a ciicmnMantial rumour that the King will visit Australia in November, I 'lt, to lay tho foundation of the Parliament House at Canberra. He death has taken place of Mr. Joseph Kowry, the well-known breezier of race horses. liritish
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  • 153 7 FURTHER FIGHTING. (Reuter.) Athens, July 28. The fighting at tho mouth of the Kresna defrlo between the Greeks and the Bulgarians was very desperate ajid lasted for two days. The Bulgarians, who were strongly entrenched on the precipitous mountains, made a determined resistance of tho successive positions
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  • 106 7 Strong American Representations. {Reuter.) London, July 28. Tho American Government has made unusually severe representations to Mexico concerning the capture and wounding by the Federal troops of an American Immigration Inspector named Dixon and has demanded the prompt arrest and trial by court-martial of his assailants, also
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  • 109 7 Another Lending nt Sunderland. {Reuter.) London, July 28. Tho Red invaders have succeeded in landing another 1,200 men at Sunderland from two transports which were escorted by a battleship and three destroyers, defeating and capturing 400 Territorials. But after the embarkation a Blue submarine suddenly emerged close
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  • 58 7 More Arrests. Renter.) London, July 27. Twentv-five arrests were made at Trafalgar Square mainly consisting of Miss Sylvia Panhhurst’s male bodyguard. Reduced Sentences. London, July 28. Tho sentences passed on Mrs. Pet hick Lawrence. Miss Smith and Miss Sharpe have been reduced to four days imprisonment. Miss
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  • 23 7 (Renter Sydney, July 28. Twenty-eight fresh ClBes Blual P°*’ a more virulent type, were discovered on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • 44 7 C.r-Ocm. C.,r-C.«. WUIU-i (Reuter.) London, July 28. r jj \V C. Carr-Gomui, Liberal inember for Rot’herhithe. has been grauted a divorce from his wife, the co-respondent being Captain K. Crawshay-Williams, who recently resigned his seat as Liberal Me ber for Leicester.
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  • 42 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. Tho East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Co.) 0 711 Fine Para Spot t! Fine Pare Forward 01 First late. Crepe del.rer. neit three months Market weak. July 29, 1913.
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  • 121 7 THE PROBABLES. Reuter.) London, July 28. The following are the probables for the Goodwood Stewards’ Cup (6 furlongs) which wili he run at Goodwood to-morrow: Sir Martin (Kov), Cigar (Maber Braided (Horbwt), Mediate (Earl), Hartnonieon (Martin). Daly» (Piper), Radiant (XV Huxley), Cadi ton (Wheatley), Wraa (Donogbue), Whit
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  • 83 7 {Reuter.) London, July 28. An enormous crowd witnessed the match, which was played n sunshine, between Dixon iGreat Britain) and McLoughlin (America) in the Davis Cup. It was a very exciting tu«sle. Dixon played an excellent volleying and half volleying game but Mel ougblin was irresistible. America’s
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  • 263 7 Ssyers-Ross. A quiet weddiug was solemnised at the St. George’s Church yesterday afternoon, the contracting parties being Dr. Frederick Richardson Sayers, j ort Health < tticer, soa of Mr. Henry Baker Sayers, and Miss Amy Eileen Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Merrick Ross, of Waterford, Ireland,
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  • 335 7 Y».t«*rrl»y. Tn-'ltr. R'»» or Buy-r. Ne 11.,. Buyer. S»ll.r« F»ll. m ROBBER. d. d. d. d. Anglo Malay 9 99 9 99 Bukit Mrrtagam. 11« 2 3 19 2 2 -Id Oit.oom*' 2 34 2 9 2 4 2 9 -Mid Con.. Malay. 7 74 R 6 7 74
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  • 815 7 {From Our Otm Correspondent.) TaipiDg, July 29. I have already sent you the scores of the Cricket match, between Kinfa and North Perak, that was played upon the Perak Club padang on Saturday last and ended so disastrously for the home team Thanks to Mrs. Youles who was
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  • 131 7 The total crop of rubber harvested for the vear amounted to 425.0421 b, against the prospectus estimate of 415,0001 b. and a later estim ite f 400.0 01b. The average gross price realised for the rublier was equivalent to 4«. (Mild per lb. Jiondon. The crop of
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  • 635 7 A MURDER CASE. The hearing of tho ca-e aju nst Sn.-ostro. Ta-ari and Sarwi, who were charge! with having caused the drath of a Chiu iman, named Ng Ah Seow, on May 30 at Trans* Krian was commenced before Mr. Justice XV. XV. Fisher in the Suj rouio
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  • 64 7 The following armies will bo found on our outside pages Page 3 —Tar and Macadam. China'* Great Need. s—Mahomedan5 —Mahomedan aud Hindu Endowments Board. 1* CC. Tenuis Tournament. Tronoh Extended, Limited. A New Factor iu War. A Tory Scoop. 8. —London Clubs: Their Changing Spirit. Labuan in 1012. A
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  • 154 7 Tin (unrefined) is quoted hero to-dav at 192 25 buyers no «elier*, at Singapore (relined) at $O2 00 buyer* no sellers and iu London at XlB*t 10s. cash aud 4HB t 10s three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted at fl£4 per coy .in. lathe Supreme
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 372 7 n>J OTICIE3 I 8 HEREBY OIVEN that tho intero-t of Messrs. Khaw Teoir I’eah, Kbon Eii and 0«* Ken" Teons; havingcensed on the 17ili July, 1913, the business of Chop Kali I/ O at I'2, Beach Street. is now carried on by Messrs. I’uug Han Ijee and I‘uns; Anu Lain.
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  • 1823 8 Tbkis Charging Spirit. One may frequently hear it said that clubs are going out of date. Certainly there has been not a littlj perturbation among committees orer the scarcity of recruits, and few clnbs can now aff >rd the luxury of using black balls as freely as in
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  • 100 8 Wednesday, July 30. E.BPLANADK. 1 Oveiture Juanita Williams 2 Polka Tenebres Koskoff 3 Selection Das Model Suppe 4 Waltz La Barcarolle... Fetras 5 March Bona Fide Goring Fiida 4 HjMst 1. Esplanade 1 Potpourri Berliu Wackelt. Morcna 2 Two Step... Katunka Smith •1 Waltz An Artist’s Life Strauss
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  • 747 8 Mr. Harvey Che Tallier, who signs the annual report of Labuan for the year 1912, states that the annual revenue for the year was 576,084 as compared with 178,990 in the year previous. The expenditure amounted to 599,989 as against $105,989. The trade of Labuan showed an
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  • 1026 8 What is Undub Inixukkck* What is undue influence No betto answer can be given than the words of f nr Lindley in the famous esse of Allcar,t Skinner in 1887 “As no Court has ev* attempted to define fraud, so on Court ba ever attempted to define
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 POSITIVELY NEW FILMS ONLY AT TH* Penang Motion Picture Show. Location Penang Road. Brightest and Steadiest Pictures. Reflex Mirror Screes. PROGRAMME. 1 Max Married Pat he 2 Black Sheep AB. 2,000 3 The Vandol Leo ard BC. 1,000 4 The Musketeer» ot Pig Alley A.B 2,000 5 A Monotonous Diet
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    • 490 8 ORDERS are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeds from twelve to fifteen years old trees, with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $2 per 1000 packed in bags and 12-50 packed in boxes F. 0.8. or F.0.R., Teluk Anson Delivery commencing from August, 1913. MANAGER, Cicely Rubber Ertatee Co
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    • 52 8 The Spartan whose ritals were torn br a fox, Was an imperturbable Stoic His fortitude was of a nature that mocks, Our notions of what is heroic. Stoicism a right when no remedy's near, But wherefore, discomforts endure? For complaints of the chest can be made disappear, Et Woods’ Great
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    • 57 8 this is IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Comp o und TASTCLLSS ODOKLtaS r&t rs The latest scientific preparaiiouofCOD LIVER 1 OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset 1 the stomach. Highly re j commended by the medi cal profession. C
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  • 35 9 J fur U l rom Asreui* Due r 1 r '»u Eiiel Eritdrich Singapore B.M ACo. 30 th July L»'ti om Colombo B.MACo. 31st «1 Af'xlfi Colombo A.O.ACo. 7thAug. -Singapore A.O.ACo. 9th 1
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  • 22 9 Vttult For Agent» Leave» Fit el t nednc/t Colombo BM.ACo. A Julj. Stntrapore BM.AOo. ila Smcapore A.G.AC0. Aug. •**aye L'olombo A.G.ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 [tpccled Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward. 11*13 A'lfSept Oct. JHov. Jhr. 21 1 13 2 l*; 30 13 Arcadia connecting with Malwa Dovanha Mooltan Asnare China IH'lt* ii India ]>evanbA Himalaya Aesaye Delta India Homeward. Morea Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Macedonia Malwa Mooltan Maloja IAKhS KY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist
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    • 1476 9 (SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fo* Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three timee a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria FoinT. Tavoj, Y«h and' Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and Australia. Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Jaffna and Negapatain. (Fortnightly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Tbur.
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  • 487 10  -  (Bt thi Showman.) ’Ere y’a e ladies an* gents Ere’s the show for yer money! H animated waxworks, as large as life an' twice as nxchrel! Walk up, walk up! All the celebrities, notorieties, nodnbies an' somebodies of modern society on view. Step up an’ see Lloyd
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  • 395 10 Ak Apostolic Drummer.” Under the above heading we publisher! yesterday a report to the effect that a certain Mr. Li Lo*keng has made a practice of going round to houses of ill-fame iD certain butungs, beating a drum, and calling upon members of the Senate, if any
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  • 961 10 Description of the New Delhi. The tinal report of the Delhi Town Planning Committee was published on July 4 The Government of India, iu forwarding the report to the Secretary for India, announce that they “accept its conclusions generally as a useful guide in our further operations. Tbeie
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 fare for liars. Correct that disordered stomach with a few dotes of Chamberlain's Tablets, an that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic. The? are a sura cure for the blue*. For tale bj all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 680 10 there is no simpler, safer, or more agreeable preparation than ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT,’ THE OLD TIME, EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR Biliousness, Sick Headache, Errors in Diet (Eating or Drinking), Giddiness, Constipation, Thirst, Rheumatic or Gouty Poison. Feverish Cold with High Temperaturo and Quick Pulse, and Feverish Conditions generally. It
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    • 13 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 1- cr Coughs and Colds, never fails, I*. 6<i
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    • 596 10 A Celebrated Violiniste »4 c*. t A v T Mr ■Jm 'i A ,f|/ -i l' Wl&k ,3m ysu, t v >* ii' t, lIP vw A ‘**f. OL «I*, i •i. ArVgi Nervous Fatigue, Languor The power to excel the confidence which ensures her brilliant successes, says the talented
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1359 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at. lowest ea*b price* for all kinds of British and Continental good*, including:— Rooks and Stationery, Boots, Shews and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and
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