Straits Echo, 18 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1174 1 If yon requir Tonic and something to nourish yon, drink DOC'S HEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT and look for this label to IN that yon get it TIANG LEE ff Co., Solo Afcata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOK PENANG F. M. S. DAVID
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. *s e<\ T ►-3 11 2^ rtfP IN V l bX BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 94 2 EB NAT a Ai J L r LI AND. (STERILIZE]» y NT Qrand Prix: y p *r«s I90e# st Louis 1904. </ !> '*>3. «893 rf »'0r u *rm «S98. «899 Silt «-T Bttm a J J89J*TSTH Schuttmarke Boscf) 4 Ctf lEN Mecklenburg <Dcut»e*» u d, Made in Germany0. A
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  • 244 3 Writing on the Chinese Actor in the h\,rtnujhtly Rrvirtn, Mr. A. Corbett*Bmith ipmarks that the historical play is first favourite with the Chinese; a fact which, after all, 1» hut in harmony wiih the Chinese p ve’etue for the cla«sics and ih« antique in r vi«rv shape
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  • 192 3 Original Form ok Marriaok Service New York, June 27. The wedding took place yesterday of Miss |»flia F. Dana, grand-daughter of tho poet Longfellow, and Mr. Robert H. Hutchinson, of Philadelphia, uutil recently a student at Harvard. Tho ceremony was performed at the R „i„iner residence of the
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  • 206 3 In spite of the reduction in price, this well-known company fared very well in ib“ year ended March 31. Tbe crop harvested came to 306,437 lb, against 20«,374 lb obtained in the preceding year, but the net average price secured was only 3s. Htyd. per lb., against 4s
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  • 165 3 Now that the cry is for new uses for rubber, the lecture given by Frofessor Schidrowitz has called further attention to the subject. His remarks as to preparation aud curing may work for good as quality and standardisation are demanded. But the producer will perhaps feel
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  • 302 3 Strange Execution Scenes Constantinople, June 21. The local Press gives interesting detail* of the behaviour and words of the 12 criminals who we e executed this morning, which, however, the censorship evidently regards as unsuitable for publication abroad. The first to die was
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  • 55 3 Saturday, July 19, 19 3 Esplanade—9-15 pm. 1 Overture Carmen Biz t 2 The Policeman’s Holiday Lwiug 3 Selection A Wabz Dream Strauss 4 Waltz September Godin 5 Selection Gondoliers Sullivan G Two Step... Gnats Eckersley 7 Serenade La Paloma Yradier 8 March The Wrestler and Hog
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  • 327 3 In a letter to the Daily Mail on tho above subject a Shanghai correspondent, who signs himself Viator,” writes Daring the past year I have travelled irp and down China, and find that the Chinese prefer to do business with English firms, and like their
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  • 146 3 To the assortment of oxotic gifts received since his accession the King can new add the native weapons and musical iustrumeuts presented by the Kabaka of Uganda Queen Victoria occasionally received far stranger presents than these from distant, potentates. In 1856, wheu tho King of Siam sent
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 103 3 for Chronic Chest Complaint*. Woods’ Croat Peppermint Cure, Is. Gd s ji y V Far and away the best <* ■rt ri ■1 A iUy ISTILl.ERS R OMPANY I MIT Li). 1AT.-TJ Sroul» v. C»i4U« eir.;"-»«-J l>bliDt« in it*- VZ -ji.: i THE JT EDINBURGH, hCOILAiSD Jlperils HUTTENBACH liRO Co..
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    • 95 3 Don't Neglect Your Family. When you fail to provide your family with a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy at this season of the year, aro neglecting them, as bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too daugeipus a malady to be trifled v
      95 words
    • 178 3 tffi'4e frS&r v «K MC beware «rrtfyi JY Capsule of boars UNI mUTAU mutations the Name ami m C*a .ifrlf its <*> I a ci\ Q \tt\ eC e Relief without PARIS, 8 rue Vivienne. Sold by oil Chemists IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A CAR RING UP 420. We
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    • 130 4 Derfllinger, Ger. a 5.148, Boescb, July 17, Yokohama, Juno 28, Geo. -B. M. A Co. Hebe, Br. s.s >U(i, Scott, July 17, Telnk Anaon, July 16. Gen. —A. G. A Co. Han I Vhatt Soon, Br a a., 199, Ferguson, July 17, Langkat, July 15, Gen. E. 8. Co.,
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    • 71 4 JULT 18 Atjeh, for Langsa, E.ii, T. Sernawe. Segli, Olehleli and SabaDg. Leoiuj Ho, for Batu Bahra. Suitang, for Singapore, China and Japan. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hebe, for Teluk An« n. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi and Perlis. long Chay Un, for Setul. Kedah, for
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    • 310 4 !>ob Yen Per Eh Eng, to-morrow, 7 am. Alor Star (Ke ah) —Per Ban Lee, to-morrow, 7 a m. Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 8 am. Madras taking miils for Europe, etc, via Bombay—Per T'etta, to-morrow, 10 30 a.m. B*di—Per Alma, to-morrow, noon. K incoon and Calcutta
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  • 125 4 Pmon?. July 18. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 7 4 months' sight Bank 2/4}- 1 3 Credit 2/41$ 3 Documentary.. 2 4}} Calcutta, Demand Bsnk R*. 174} 3 days' sight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Ban V... 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173» 8 days’sight Pnvai*
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  • 232 4 Gold Leal f 64 40 Black Pepjor no etnrt; White Pepper ...30.50 ealet Trarg Pepper 19— nominal Ck/ves ,m 39 out of eeason Mace m. 120 nominal Pickings 90.— tellert Nutmegs 110 s. 22 25 buyer» iNo. 1 650 tale* 2 6.— fab» Basket 5.15 buyer» Copra (mixed) 12.20
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  • 193 4 Pa.YANQ, Jult 18 Bkkf ctf. Soup pei catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pobk— Pork 0 cidt. 38 Pig's Head... M 24 Feet 28 Tongue M
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  • 2122 4 I I I I o.§ Number of -j j -J 3 '5 Capital. Shares 53 Dividends. Name. C qB iMued 2 1 I* I J, 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. i p.c 1 p.c p.c. loitth 1304/00 1 1 I Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd. 90cts.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 Blazon Ty»e Not Necessary. Chamlierlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy needs no glaring headline to attract the public eye. The simple statement that all chemist s sell it is sufficient, as every family knows its value. It has l*een used for forty years and is just what its name implies.
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    • 12 4 Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cure, Foi Coughs and Cokls, never fail*, la. Cd
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    • 57 4 THIS IS IT Watc rbn ry’s Me iabol ized Cod Liver Oil Compoundj TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre- j paration of COD LIVER OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re i commended by the inedi cal profession.
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  • 963 5 The Planters’ Association of MaUv* despatched a very considerable amount of business at their quarterly meeting held on Sunday at Johore Bahrn. When the Agenda first appeared it looked as though there was too much to be comfortably got through in oue day, but the Association is
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  • 362 5 Reuter’s Peking correspondent telegraphs that after attending the Opium Conference at The-Hague ucxt month, Dr. Wu-liea-teh will represent, China at the Quinquennia! International Congress of Medicine meeting in London in August, where he will read a paper demonstrating the fallacy of the idea that the plague
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  • 258 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. I C G May and Rev Swindell beat Cunradi and Hadden 6—4, 6 —3 Craig and Cleaver brat de Hamel and J R Brown G—3, 6—1. Double Handicap D. Adams and Hogan beat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 326 5 MANILLA CIGARETTES “LA YEBANA" BRAND. GENUINE TOBACCO. for 2» packets of so Hr** tIGADFTTFS FAfH A GOOD SMOKE! CIGARETTES EACH. WHOLESALE KATES ON APPLICATION. Wl Ageaey for (k«s« for 5.*.. Siam, Boraeo and Java. r.ii.s. London Weekly Papers, Periodicals, Magasines and Novels on Sale. Weekly Parcels. C. A. RIBEIRO U
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    • 41 5 Core f:r Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets, and that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. i
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    • 56 5 Read! “The National Review” (CHINA). PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT SHANGHAI The Authority on Chinese Affairs. It is in the closest truth with tie progressive Government Authorities and influences those mainsprings of development now coming so rapid I y into play in the Republic. 14/- per annum postage free. Local Agent:— Khoo
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    • 179 5 SB Obtainable Everywhere, PRICE 90 cents a ilb. tin A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALE An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hood and all Accessories. Vy hat Offers OcmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncDO n M a FOR n n n n n
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  • 96 6 PpMi*Wfl daily (except Sundays and public holiday*) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. N<>. 59. Beach Street. Pen in». Paioa Daily Local *24 per annum. Oetatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) «17.50 CABL* ADDBIIB ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jf J—A)) Imlaw e*wwu meat
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  • 1471 6 Up to the present we have seen nothing I of the proposed amendment to the Pensions I Enactment which, we have been told, the I Secret try of State has instructed the Tarious I Colonial Governments to prepare and pass I in order to limit the activities
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  • 851 6 We understand that H. E. the Governor will not visit Penang for the races next week, but will come here some time next month and mxke a short stav on the Hill. Mr. R A. Young, Chief Surveyor of the Straits Settlements, now on leave, was amongst
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  • 653 6 MARCHING TO SOFIA. THE TURKISH ADVANCE. Reuter.) London, July 1? Tbo Bulgarians an ounce that the Turk occupied Luleburgas and Viza and are marching towards Kirkkilisseh. Dr DanefT the Bulgarian Premier, has requested the Powers to mako urgent representations at Constantinople to arrest the Turkish advatic as
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  • 45 6 U S. Minister to China. (Reuter.) Mr Paul Qo 1 London, July 17. Political Sinmml Kemsch, Profeisor of W«Sni» t T at the Ifniveriitr of which in v a o au tbor of rereral books and Chineae l h*°iil aoBlate 1 uto J *P BDM
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 }#o»c <J c r DECDOoC 3«CZ)?CZ)«C D#C Wolff’s Eau dc Cologne Ice Water K.V j- -J in.^s:r f I' f* i Coir f rtt IS jf/sr r//E thing < SWt >MH «W* I iTLi ■■*36 A ti 3QCDOfIC O DCDeCDgSC for that w racking Headache r\ in yo%. Most Refreshing
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  • 1089 7 STATEMENT BY THE FIRST LORD. ADVANTAGES OF OIL FUEL. (Itrater London, July 18. Mr. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, in a statement on the Navy ,l.*,ilt at the outset with tho question of oil fuel. There were now, built or buildinr, more than a hundred
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  • 58 7 Probables and Their Weights Reuter.') London, July 17. Tin following are the probables for the Eclipse Stakes (1 j) which will be run at Sandown Park to-morrow Tracery (Maher) 10- 0 Hector Eacott) 9-11 Miseau (Walter Griggs)... 9-11 Lomond (Woolton) 9-11 Lorenzo (Whalley) 9- 4 Louvois (Saxby) 9-
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  • 72 7 (Reuter.) Mexico, July 17. 1 he Ancrican Ambassador lias been ordered to London to report on the situation. [Ou the loth inst. Reuter wired: All the Euroilean diplomatists of Mexico City have jointly addressed their Governments, stating that the American attitude towards Mexico contributes to revolutionary
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  • 65 7 Karachi, July 1. Mr. Bugtani, Bar-at-Law who was struck off the rolls in March 1909, for malversation of his client’s money applied, yesterday, to the Judicial Commissioner for reinstatement on the ground that he had atoned for the past by subsequent good conduct aud by severe suffering
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  • 37 7 (Reuter.) London, July 17. The shooting at Bisley for the McKinnon Cup resulted as follows Australia 1,583 Scotland L 504 England L49b Repton College won the Ashburton Shield. Oundle has won the Spencer Cup.
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  • 35 7 (Reuter.) London, July 17. The House of Lords passed the second reading of the Scottish Temperance Bill without a division. The speeches indicated that the hope of a compromise would be reached.
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  • 39 7 Reuter London, July 18. Reuter learns that Sir John Jordan has had his term as British Minister at 1 eking extended for two roars. Sir John, who w now in England, starts for China in November.
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  • 39 7 (Rmter.) Washington, July 17. Mr W J. Bryan, the U. S. Secretary of State haude l M Cliinda a reply to the f W o latest notes of Japan on the question of immigration to California.
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  • 32 7 (Reuter.) Svdnev, July 1 The maeter of the Japanese.'ketch A-Me n gned jCIJOO for illegal pearl fishing intheSoloiuon Island». The fine .a. no. paid and the ketch was confiscated.
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  • 9 7 (Reuter.) London, July 18. Plain.
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  • 1029 7 FURTHER FIGHTING. JAPANESE POLICY. REPORTED AID TO THE SOUTH. Up to midday this morning we were without any further news from Reuter of the outbreak in China, a matter in which our readers of all nationalities are, of course, deeply interested. The following, however, are translations
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  • 216 7 A Chinesa woman, named Tor Koon Tai. was this morning arraigned beforo Mr. A ;W. B Hamilton on a charge of selling I ehandu without a licence and keeping a house wherein facihti-s are provided for the censumption of ehandu. She claimed trial on the charges preferred
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  • 160 7 Pong Chia Chuang was yesterday afternoon charged before Mr. A. V. Brown, District Judge, with housebieaking hy night, theft and dishonestly retaining stolen property. As he pleaded guilty to tho first two charges, thief Detective Inspector Kirke, who prosecuted, intimated to the Court that he did not
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  • 158 7 In tho presence of a large crowd yesterday Crescent reached the Final at tho expense of Sabrul Jamil. Although Sabrul Jamil did most of the attacking at the start, Crescent opened the scoring through ludoot. CheMat put in arother beforo half-time hen the matter was decided, another
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  • 70 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 18. Messrs. Fraser and Co’s report states that during the past tine? d*ys LoudoD advices as to rubber shares have shown a steady advance, but Singapore operators are waiting for a more di finite move in the pi ice of raw
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  • 116 7 (Bv Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 9J. Fine Para Forward 3s <d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 2s. 8 2 d. July 18, 1913. There was a largo audience at the Straits
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  • 93 7 Tho following; busmen* m tin lias teen done to-day Penang Penang Tin Kicliango ge buyers, no sellers, j Straits Trading Co., 91 25 buyers, no sellers Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 tons at 91.45 Tin is quoted in lauidou to-day at 4.'18l K s. cash and .£lB2 5s
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 277 7 Cash Clearance Sale OF Music, Violins 8 Pictures. A Further “Splash” in Prices. Business: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY, 104, Muntri Leith Street. •THE NEW HOWE" BICYCLES THE "SPEEDY” BICYCLES! BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. STRONG IN CONSTRUCTION. LIGHT AND EASY RUNNING. The only Bicycles in the market which have
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  • 1917 8 so THR ri itor or trr Morning Pott. Sir, —Tbe groat p issibilitiei of development, econotn-c an l p ditical, to be looked lor in the Pacific Ocean are now attracting an amount of attention which was vainly claimed for them by people who
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  • 511 8 Proposed Grant or X 250,000. A meeting of between 50 and 00 members of Parliament and ot bers -was held in one of the Committee Rooms of the House of Commons on June 26 for the .purposeof considering a proposal to found a British University in
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  • 156 8 The following were tho results of the ties played yesterday afternoon Single Handicap, CU&* A. Chuah Aik ilim 15.1 bc.if 110 O <n Tat scr. 6—3 6 —1 Ho Kim Teik scr. beat Lee Huan Cluang 15 1,6-1 6-1. Divorces in France last year numbered 14,579,
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  • 99 8 Penang Jny 18, 1913. 4 m/s Bank drafts on London 2/4|} D/D h 2/A T/T 2/3}j 3 m/s Credits 2/4’, 60 d/s n h 2/4 j 30 2/4,», D/D Bank buying 2/4,*, New York 56} Paris 294| Hamburg 238* Java, Bank detinnd 140£ buying D/D 1411 Calcutta T.T.
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  • 53 8 To-dat 15th Day of 6th Moon Band, Esplanade, 6 pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morr«»'- 16th Day of 6th Moon. Band, Gelf Club, 6pm. Georgo Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture
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  • 18 8 O Full Moon Julv 18th > Last Quarter 26th O New Moon Aug. 2nd (First Quarter 9th
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  • 18 8 English (Delta) ...24h Julj. China (China) ...26th China (P. Eitel Friedrich) ...3 th German (Luetzow) ...31st
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  • 37 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Vail Service. Outward. Homeward Delia 24 Julj. I China 26 July. Arcadia 7 Aug. Attaye 9 Aug. Eitra Service. Outward Homeward. Nyanta 29 Julj. I Socotra 18 July. Nore 12 Aug. I Candia 27
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 353 8 Immense Sensation AT THE George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangaa Road Theatre Hall. To-morrow Night (Safari* y Night). Oft Row*i ft s "Itsla** WWW via (Special urauiii). “The Missing Man” LENGTH 7.000 FT. 11l Acts. 3 Parts. 1. A Real Feature of remarkable power (list m»u cannot afford to mi** It
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    • 634 8 ORDERS are now being booked for Pare Rubber Seeds from twelvj to fifteen jears old trees, with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $2 per 1000 packed in bags and 12-50 packed in boxes F.O B. or FOR, Teluk Anson Delivery commencing from August, 1013. MANAGER. Cicely Rubber Eftate» Co
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    • 52 8 Croat Colic. No need of suffering from cramps in the stomach, or intestinal pains. Cbamberkiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-day, there will be no time to send for it after the attack comes 00. For salo by all Dispensaries
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    • 62 8 I hare a song to sing, O Sing me jour tong, O! It tolls of a citizen moping-mum, Whose throat was sore and whose head was numb. Who sipped a sup from a common cup, Of a medicine pure (Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure), And who felt quite well, I am
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    • 53 8 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLEBB The latest scientific pre para t ion of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it aud supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th. medi cal profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS Price
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    • 160 8 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for an Office. Good prospect» to competent man. Only man of experience need apply to X. z., c/o Straits Echo. WANTED For The Government Girl»' School. A n assistant mistress, Clu> V* Salary $4O per mensem rising by annual mcrements of $lO per mensem to J
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  • 27 9 Vfueli hrom Agent» Dne D*lta Colombo AG.ACo. 24th July Chiiii Singapore A.G.ACo. 2tbC I’rin: Elttl FritJrich Singapore E M ACo IlOth Lu*ttu>c Colombo B.MACo. ,31st
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  • 23 9 Vestel i For Agents Leaves Delta Singapore A.G.AC0. July. CKx tux Colombo A.G.ACo. Prim Ei tel Frxsdnch Colombo BM.ACo. DusUoiv Singapore B.M.ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 340 9 £xpcclcd Arrival» and Departure». Mail Service. Outward. 2t Delta connecting with Macedonia 11*13 July Aug. Sept. Oct. No*. I*ec. Arcadia Devunha Ahh*J0 China Delta India 1tovanha Himalaya A«save I>elta India Malwa Mooltan Morea Marmora Moldavia Medina Mongolia Macedonia Malwa Mooltan Maloja Homeward. I >ato. Steamer. 1913 Julv 2<i China iug.
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    • 1242 9 (SIH I P P I N G.> BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fo* Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettsnham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and Australia. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Jaffna and Negapatam. (Fortnightly.)
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  • 1758 10 Statemkxt nr Oitmi. Ohano. Lieut-nai.t General Chuig, Military Adviser to the Prccddent of the Chinese Republic, has a dres-ed tbefo lowing letter to the Mornimj I o*t: I believe that ui >st in England coubider t>in«e tl»« d-f«ate in Parliament on May 7 that the
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  • 235 10 to the editor or TH* Malay Mail. Sir, —I think it is quite time that the Government took steps to do away with the immoral houses here or have them at least shifted somewhere out of town. During the past few years more and more ladies hare
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 221 10 PRITCHARD CO. PENANG A IPOH. •ml COMPLETE H( USE FURNI HERS. STRONG FOUR POST IRON BED. I in. Pillars. Enamelled Blackand Gold Relievings. Morquito Rods and Brass Vases, with Lath Bottom. G' G"x3' G" Nett $12.60 6' G"x4' G" $13.05 Compare Our Prices. PRITCHARD CO. j < —>oez3zrpocz:. )oc~ xk
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    • 68 10 Cto You Afford the Risk Were jou ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house? Don’t take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called, and
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    • 699 10 Let Sanatogen Renew Your Nerves. Thousand* upon thouuuid* of people are d*Hy gaintoß new nerve power, health, and strength from Sanatogeu—the tonic food with lasting effects. Amongst them are many of the moat famous people in the world—such as those whose letters are quoted below. And over 16,000 doctors have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 423 11 HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk, but this is erroneous. Here is the Avhole
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1076 12 EUROPEAN A6ENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest nuh price» for all kinds of British and (Vutiwntal good*, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Lwither, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Kart lien ware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Good* and Perfumery, Hardware,
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    • 306 12 THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY r. I INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. rpHK undersigned, Haring been apj*oi 6 tej JL Agents for the above Corporation, >vrt> now prepared to accept MARINE and Flßpj risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A CO„ LTD Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. The
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