Straits Echo, 7 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1028 1 If yon requir a Tenic and some* thin# to nourish you, drink DOC S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look j for this label a' it to sea that V» you get il XIANG LEE V Co., Sols Agents. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDiLANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.,
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    • 19 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l tiger brand cement. is M 258 £y «3 *t* •> pSP in <? Vi 10 kZ BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 NAT m w yvg LK l r LION BRAND.I (STERILIZED) J <ĔL X a Mi/_ Grand I’rix: C/\ P «'S 1900 St. Louis 1904. JH M^a,| leo v. Silt»- M** 1 l8<} 3. r i b^ 0,8 J >> 1893 «893 0r >* IS9 3 St hw "•in 1399 s«.
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  • 1366 3 Lord Cromer, whose mellow wisdom and ripe experience of Eastern peoples are still the utmost v,«luo to his countrymen, Wl ,,t« the ether day some very potent truths about the Oriental attitude towards efficiency. Ho slid, in effect, that the West wiiiM have to modify its
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  • 351 3 No, I never go London-sido. Too mucliea far. My belong poor man and no can do. Hut I see plenty picture of Englishman London-side. I savee all thing what Englishman do at London. Every night I seo. Englishman quite different Londonside to Englishman here. Hongkong-side Englishman velly quiet,
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  • 142 3 One of the best experiences narrated in his Recollections (says tho Telegraph iu its biograpliv of the late Dr. Forties W'inslow) is the exposure of a spiritualist fraud. A medium was holding «fauces in the neighbourhood of Bloomsbury, and professing'' to materialise the spirits of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 Don’t Ne&Uct Your Fimily. When you fail to provide your famih with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at this season of the veur, you are neglecting then), as bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to be trifled with.
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    • 10 3 For Cbiouic Che»t Complaints. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, la. 6d
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    • 239 3 A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALE An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hood and sill Accessories. What Offers? E. Q. Hotel. ■:o:SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY as? -S'.-»' \5 >r.T A £6 \OYAL ‘*W3 r>sac ary* '-A' ;v.r-
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    • 148 4 Laomedon, Br. a.s., 4,268, Owen, July 5, Yokohama, Jane 10, Gen.—W. M. A Co. Nubie, Br. a.a, 3,697, Fox, July 5, Yokohama, June 10, Gen.—l. G. A Co. Singapore, Dut. a.a., 289, Boera, July 5, Babang, July, 1, Gen.—H. L. A Co. Hebe, Br. a a., 346, Scott, July
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    • 42 4 July 7. Pungah, for Trang and Pang Nga. Ellora, for Singapore. Thongwa, for Singapore, China and Japan. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi and Perlia. Ceylon Maru, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping Mary Austin, for Langkat.
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    • 237 4 ton Tongkah—Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p m. Teluk Anson —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Slang, to-morrow, 4-30 p.m. Yen—Per Jit Seng, 9th instant, 7 a.m. on Wan Days. Taiptng, 7-15 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m daily also at 5-30 p.m. on Saturdays.
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  • 120 4 Pniia, July 7. (By eeurteeg of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank £/4 'j 4 months* eight Bank 2 4U S Credit S Documentary- 2/4U Calcutta, Demand Bank Es. 174 J 3 days* sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Bank dajs* sight Private Madras, Demand Bank M M
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  • 215 4 Gold Leaf 364.60 Black Pepper nn etock White Pepper 31.87 J nominal Trang Pepper 20.50 nominal Cloves ...39 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 92 seller» Nutmegs 110 s. 21.50 buyert No. 1 650 tale» Sugar < 2 M 6.3 J sal*» (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) M
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  • 167 4 Pisano. July 7 Bssr— ct Soup pe- catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak t* 21 Oi Tail ea«h 36 Tongue... 55 0 ff Ft) ot 9« 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork I Pork pet catty 38 Pig's Head.-
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  • 1995 4 I j 1 I i 1 I 00! Numborof *3 d. S e Capital. Shares t 3 Dividends. Name. j J J 21 i i ued S 2 e =3 3 i i a 10 Z 19<r.» 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. P c P p c.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 Whene’er a drought o’erwbelms the land. Whene’er a flood is near at hand. Whene’er a cjclone rage* wild, Endangering life of man and child. When lightnings flash and thunders ro&r. And wild waves beat upon the shore, ’Mid storm and stress one boon is sure Woods’ Far Famed Great Peppermint
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    • 60 4 MARTIN’S for Ladies.] 1 French K«m«dr tor nil Irregularities. Thoeasad«#4 Ladwi keep a hoi of Martial h h in the hou-e. o that on *he hr* krn of aaf ImculaHtf of tho System a timely cio«te may be •d ittostored. TW vto nse them re« omeftvl •hem. lien e the#
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    • 72 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURVS METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLBSS \irZt, t* The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. 11 iglily iecommendod by the medical profession. lIIIIIIIT* 1 OF ALL CHEMISTS
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    • 100 4 SELF CURE HO FICTION I st THERAPION «0.1 in a remarkably short time, often a few days only, Cures di*eharges(either sex)superseding injections THERAPION N 0.2 Cures blood poison, bad legs, nl< ers, sores, painful swelled joints, &e. when mercurial treatment fails. THERAPION N 0.3 Cures chronic weakness, lo t vigor
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  • 491 5 INQUEST AT TAIPING. (From Our 0>rn Correspondent) Taiping, July 7. An inquest upon the circumstances attending the deaths of Atmah Singh and Gagender Singh two of the Malay States Guides buglers whose tragic end has already been reported in the Straits Echo, was held in the Court
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  • 219 5 Captain Francis Ernest Wood M. B. etc., Medical Officer of the Malay States Guides, gave evidence of his post-mortem examination of the bodies on the day following the tragedy (June 27). He first examined the body of Atmah Singh. There was a bullet wound from the left shoulder
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  • 229 5 Munificence of a Straits Resident. Through the generosity of Mr. Chang Pat Sze (better know n here perhaps as Mr. Thiaw Tiaw Siat, of Penang) the University is now able to add certain courses to those already provided in the Faculty of Arts. The object of founding these
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  • 400 5 Scotrrs at Practice. About ten members from the “A Company, "B Company and the Maxim Section of the Penang Volunteers have been chosen to form a txout Section under the 1 charge of Sergeant Dowty. They were j given some practice in vcouting yesterday r morning in view
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  • 108 5 The following scores were made by the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club at Kampi ug Bahru this morning Murray Challenge Trophy 1913. 200 yards. Mrs. Wright-Motion 30 Miss \V. Gawthorne 30 Mrs. Liston 29 1 165 Miss E. Mathieu 28 f Miss Smith 26 Miss Gawthorne 22J
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  • 170 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE Malay Mail. Sir,—Various articles have appeared in the Straits and F.M S. papers urging the grant of increased emoluments t<> Government subordinates but, as the higher authorities are not or will not make themselves cognisant of the real state of affairs
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  • 62 5 M Foraie, sortaut du Vaudeville nus une pluie battante, cherchait on vain un fiacre; tons les cochors pasraient s ans s’arroter. Eofin il aviso lun <1 •in et so precipitant il s’ecrie: Oocher. nut mi lo francs et la Legion d’bonneur si reus mo prenez! Le cocher narquois
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  • 452 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO.” Dear Sir, I think l aoi n<.t the Srst or the last to write and complain about the rnal-treatment of Chinese in Tongkah, and a Chiuamau no matter whether he is a Towkaj or a coolie is bound to
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  • 91 5 Ob, sleep, it is a gentle thing, beloved from |»ole to pole! But people who indulge iu forty winks at the wrong moment sometimes get into trouble. Eutychus did, when he chose the thirl loft fo’r his nap. So did the Paris magistrate who, l>eing aroused
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  • 112 5 Iho following letter (says the Ghrgow Weekly Herald) is from a small l>ey to his mother, who had sent him into the country to recover from an illness Dear Mum, I forgot to write before, Mo and some other boys weut out iu a boat yesterday, and
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  • 61 5 To-day ‘bni Day of <>th Moon. Intermediate Arts Examination. Band, Esplanade, (5 p.m. George Town Cinoinatograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Ponang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. sth Day of Cth Moon Federal Council, Kuala Kangsar. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar
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  • 18 5 (First Quarter July 11th O Full Moon 18th Last Quarter 2<Jth O New Moon Aug. 2nd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 359 5 Cc_^COc__)OC^ N j tiKHiafannannui nnnnnn nnnnnn; n n n n n ELSIZE MOTOR CARS. r m 10 —l2 h.p. Four Cylinder, Two Seater Car. COMPLETE WITH Five Wire Wheels, Hood and Wind Screen, Lamps, Tools and Dickey Seat —ready for the road. $2,350 DELIVERED PENANG. FOR CATALOGUE 4 ALL PARTICULARS
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    • 13 5 Woods’ Great I’ej-perumit Cure, For Cough# anil Cold#, never fail#, 1 0 i
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    • 164 5 Blazon Type Not Necessary. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy needs no glaring headline to attract the public eye. The simple statement that all chemists sell it is sulHcieut, as every family knows its value. It has been used for forty years and is just what its name implies. For
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  • 70 6 Plblishtd daily (except Sunday* and p«Wx* holiday*) mtm CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street. Penang. Puck »24 per annuo. Qitititi"" Postage Extra. yi:\ Edition (Po*t Free) $17.50 CAULK ADD**** M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. Echo 586 Printing Depertnent 343 J23''J THI ED,TO.- AU C-eU— I writimm f
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  • 473 6 The Hon. Mr. F. J- Pigott. Colonial t Engineer, gives us in Ins annual report f or j») 12— modestly enshrined m a supplement to the latest Government Gazette with never an indication in tho table of contents that such a treasure lies concealed behind the
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  • 815 6 We reproduce on page 5 to-day some extracts from the report on the working o the Monopolies Department for the year 1912, which appears in the Government Gazette over the signature of Mr G. Gordon Wilson. Mr. Wilson, it may be remarked m passing, wasoneof his
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  • 896 6 Dr and Mr*. G. W. Park and child returned from Yokohama on Saturday by the P. &O.i s. NM%. Mr M S H. Me Nrthur has been appo“U .0 £t as Asst. Colonial SecrcUr, and Clerk of Councils. The leave granted to the Re*. Haines, Colonial Chaplain,
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  • 404 6 new LINKS AT CALEDONIA. Saturday, the 5th instant, saw the formal opt-uing of the golf lints at Caledonia Estate PW% and the inauguration of the Caledonia Golf Club. The course lias been, wo understand, l»id out according to the expert advice of tho Hon. Mr. 1).
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  • 110 6 The following was the result of the play for the Presgrave Cup for July J. Sellar 2 up R D. Acton »11 *<l uare W. Peel 1 down 1). C. Macintvre 3 do. J. Crabb Watt 4 do. L. E. Slowe 4 do. T. Martin 7 do.
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  • 157 6 The Eastern Shipping Company’s dockyard at Sungei Nyok, where great improvements have recently been effected, has been very busy during the last few months with the construction of the s s. Perlis, which will be launched on the 19th inst. The Perlis is a steel ship
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  • 327 6 The Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mail writes to that paper: Little credence was reposed in the rumour that an exchange of territory between the F. M. S. Government and the Straits Government was abont to take place. A moment s thought at once showed how highly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 POSITION UNRIVALLED IN LONDON. ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, Portland Place and Regent 5t.. Lx ndon. W. family hotel or the highest order In Fashionable and Htalthyl^caUty^ THE GREAT EASTER" LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. II bad Okuck: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment m All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial A'jnil*
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    • 370 6 municipal notice. An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal CommiMioners will be held at Office at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the th inst (By Order). L. A. Coutib* BIGGS, Secretary. George Town Sales Room. IS THE ESTATE OF p. A. J. WEBER, (deceased). The undersigned are instructed to put up for
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  • 423 7 REPOST OF BULGARIAN VICTORY. (IIenter.} S».fi July 0. A scmi-offiiiil annouii stiles that l o Bulgaiians routed and pursued their Nrviau luvadera towards Egripaliiuke, caplin mg 200 prisoners. Vienna, July 0 Lieutenant Wagner, the well-known mii espindent «if the Balkan War, his resinned his correspondence in
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  • 168 7 {Reuter.) London, July 6. The death has taken p!a o from intestinal i u l 4me, following a game of cricket, of Mr. Alfred Lyttelton. Tho lit. Hon. Alfred Lyttelton was the •iirlitli son of the fourth Lord Lvttoltou and h»>rn in 1857. Educated at
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  • 147 7 (From Our Own. Correspondent.) Singapore, July 7. There were four starters iu the Swimming unpetition for the Jackson Millar Cup, Mr \V B lluttou winning easily. Yesterday was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of tho King aud the Queen, which was solemnised in the Chapel Royal St. James’s,
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  • 276 7 A STATE OF ANARCHY. Reuter.) Johannesburg, July G. A state of anarchy exists on the Rand j where mobs, headed by women bearing red flags, burned the Park Railway Station, and the Star newspaper building and seized the Municipal Power Station. They at lacked I the L
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  • 191 7 (Renter.) London, July 6 The Amateur Athletic Championships at Stamford Bridge produced a record number of international entries. The weather was showery but good on the whole. Zander (Sweden) won the mile race iu 4 min. 25f sec. Applegarth won the 1(0 yards iu 10 sec. Linde (Sweden)
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  • 163 7 (Reuter.) London, July G. The weather was showery at Henley for tho Regatta but there was a vast attendance for the tiuals. The f dlowing were the results The Grxnd Challenge Cup. —Leander beat Jesus (Cambridge) by a length in 7 min. 11 see. The Wyeolds. —Lady Margaret
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  • 54 7 t Reader.) Loinbm, July 5. The M. C. C. beat Oxford Uuivorsity by lOf runs Kent beat Surrey by G wickets. Warwickshire heat Gloucestershire by 8 wickets. Yorkshire beat Lcieester.-diire by Dm runs.* Fssex beat Sussex by 131 runs. The following matches were drawn: Lancashiie ra Northampton
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  • 112 7 (From Our Oten Correspondent). Singapore, July 7. The report of the Balgownie Rubber Estate states that the divisible balance is $181,040. A fiual dividend of 25 per cent is recommended, making 100 per cent, for the year, and a sum of $18,040 is carried forward. The output for
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  • 270 7 1 The following Federal appointments are r gazetted Dr. C. B. Tasley to act as Medical Officer, Grade 11. Mr. T. de M. L. Braddoll to be Chief Judicial Commissioner, F.M S. Major G. S. Knox, it k to be Assistant Surveyor-General, Survey Department. Mr. A. G. G.
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  • 163 7 Yost«rday. To-d»y. Rif. or Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. s. d. d. s. d. s. d. Anglo Malay 9 6 10 6 9 6 10 6 Buk it Mertajam. Chersonese I 7Vf 111 Vi 1 7V4 1 111-4 Cons. Unlays ..86 96 8 6 96 Hitch land* 46
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  • 46 7 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Peuaug Tin Exchange G| tons at $93. Straits Trading Co., 75 93.62^ Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 93.77* Total 181 tons. Rangoon rice is quoted hero to-day at $163 per coy an.
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  • 155 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Ci*.) Fine Para Spot 3s. 9!d. Fine Para Forward 3* 7^d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 2s. 9ld. Market weak. July 7, 1913. Mahomed Ibrahim. Clerk, Post Office, Penang,
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  • 350 7 AN EXPERT. From his experience of three or four years on the Soutbi rn Line, Mr. S Upton has butted in to the controversy over the Peninsular railway programme with an entirely new proposal One may be reasonably confident that his suggestion will not find favour with
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  • 439 7 A meeting of the Committee of the Association held yesterday at the Muthibol Ahzan Club decided that the referee should give ten minutes extra time, if necessary, of the first time of playing throughout the Third Rouud, hut in the Semi Finals only at replays. The Cup-tie
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  • 2109 7 TO THE EDITOR Or THE “STRAITS ECHO.’ Dear Sir, 1 undor*tand that, in order to obtain a more general expression of the community's views, a number of gentlemen interested in and conversant with the Port’s affairs have bee i invited to meet and confer with the committee
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  • 658 8 An official contradiction of the report of a contemplated exchange of territory on the west coast, between the Colour and the P. M. F. was soon forthcoming and it has destroyed the hopes of manj people in Perak. If they assumed that the suggested change in the
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  • 161 8 The Commissioner of Trade and Customs, Mr. Hume, publishes the following comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay States, with value and duty collected thereon, (during the years 1013 and 1912: Exported Places of during June PreviDestination. 1013. ouslv. Tons. Tons. Straits Settlements 1,212.08
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  • 90 8 A certain sub editor who prepares the reports of golf meeting for his paper receive*! one the other Jav describing a three hall ma»ch, in which A beat B by 2 up and 1 to play, A lieat C by 1 up. and’ P, beat O bv
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  • 643 8 P C.C. rt. BRC. The P.C.C. and the BRC., the two strongest teams p'aying in the Cricket Tournament, met on Saturday after, oon for the first time on the Esplanade. Both sides were well represented. A start was made at 2-45 p m the weather at the time
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  • 69 8 Chief Engineer's Statement. New York, June 12. Colonel Goethals, the chief engineer of the Panama Canal, is now in New York, and has been subject to numerous interviews with the object of ascertaining the actual preparedness of the Canal in case of an impending war. Colonel Goethals says,
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  • 1431 8 REPORT FOR 1012. HroE Excesses or Revenue. The following extracts from the report of the Acting Superintendent of the Government Monopolies for the 1912 should be of interest: As in 1911, supplies of raw opium were obtained parti/ through Messrs. Guthrie A Company, Ltd., aud partly by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 998 8 Two Shows for Oae Payment. Another Great Extraordinary Attraction To-night! To-night!! AT THE Penang Motion Picture Show. Location :—Penang Road. Don't mi»« it! Don’t miaa it!! A Good Change for All!!! THI WJCLI.-KHOWN E. T. Acrobats 8 Pictures. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Power of Attorney granted by Doctor
      998 words
    • 61 8 THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound L!C.« l.rJ. 0%l TASTELESS ODORLESS T he latest s< icntific pre par at ion of COD LIVLR OIL. Does all that io claimed for it and sup»_r scdes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly rc commended l<y the
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    • 186 8 Central Sales Room. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Re A. S. Noor Mohamed A Co. In Bankruptcy No. 6 of 1919. TO BE SOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION, At No. 17, Chulia Street, COMMENCING On Wednesday, 9th July, 1913, AT 11 AM. All the Stock-m-Tradc COMPRISING HATS, BRUSHES, BOOTS, SHOES,
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  • 31 9 V cttele hron Ayentt Due A tfuye htranha b'rflliiKjfr 1‘. Alice Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo AO.ACo. A.G.ACo. B M ACo. BM ACo. 9th Julj 12th 1 6th 17th tt
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  • 25 9 Vettelt For Agent t Leave» A$$aye Lnmn/ui V Ahct Singapore Co luia bo Colombo Singapore 1 1 A.Q.ACo. A. i'' B. B.M.AOo. Jul J.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 297 9 P.40. S.N.C lpcctcd Arrivals and Departures. 11*13 Mail Service. Outward. .Inlr 10 Assay* connecting with Mongolia Sept Oct. 24 Delta Aug. 7 Arcadia 21 Doran ha 4 Asaaye 13 China 2 Delta 16 India 30 Devanha 13 Himalaya 27 Assaye 11 Delta 25 India Homeward Not Ik c. Macedonia Malwa
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    • 1653 9 rSIH P P I N G.Y BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. IffOMDEFTSCHEB LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. ires. Fo* Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three times a week). olia Ionia a an l ort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Thur. 10th July, 4 p.m. ora via a »lia
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  • 612 10 Sensational Stoey ok Rum aniam AND MUKDKR. According to the Kobe Yn*hin Hippo, the N.Y.K. steamer Yawata-maru, which arrived at Kobe on the 10th instant from Australia, via Manila, brought news of an extraordinary affair concerning the kidnapping of five Japanese women, and heir transportation against their
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  • 147 10 The Lukacs Ministry, which has talien under dramatic circumstances, would proba1,1 v. had it remained in power, have given Hungarian women the Parliamentary franchise Hefore receiving this concession, however, the women would have been called upon to prepare themselves to play a part in national
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  • 56 10 July, 1913. H. VV. L. W. H. W. L. W D vric. A M. A M. I\M. P.M. 71li 2.33, 3 37, 2.23, 9.17 Bth, 9IS 3.00, 9.54 toll LOO, 10.00, 3.37, 10,32 10th 4.45, 10 4b, Mb, 11.12 lltli 5.45, 11.43, 5.08. Nil. 12th
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  • 965 10 The columns of the newspapers during the past few days bear wicness to the interest aroused among literary men and women by theqm stion of the Laureatesbip. Should it be abolished If not. who should be asked to accept a position where the liability to irresponsible criticism is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 Un You Affori the Ri>k Were you ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera au'l Diarrhoea llemolv iu the house? I>on’t take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called, and
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    • 619 10 A Celebrated Violiniste v yr m<is^ >»» ~VTt*K j A £-p’L Ut' j .v V/ 1 V i 1 m y u At> j. •'•cxtiiii'J A/ IS»W vt '£$t| i 'ilWilsAA--I niff KRK wf M sr V l Nervous ratigue, Languor— The power to excel the confidence which ensures her
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    • 40 10 Cure fcr Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets, and that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 565 10 •-.V ft E if .'I AGE Assured by the Occasional Use of Dr. Morse’s Indian Soot Pills. To reach a green old age and enjoy good health can only be obtained by the care of the system. It is from the little irregularities of the system that the common ailments
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 416 11 iih «nui HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk, but this is erroneous. Here is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1496 12 EUROPEAN A6ENCY. HOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and
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