Straits Echo, 2 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1021 1 If joa roquir a Tonic and smnething to nonriHh you, drink DOG’S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look >6 for thi* label to Mt that nEA you get it. TIANG LEE tf Co., Sola Agaata. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY S Co.. AGKNTS FOE PENANG F.
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. s NS2SB 54 T *5 .-3 c* fr. IN TS i, BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 »V*. hm PT9 t-: A V ci-.s G t re (STERILIZED) J 4. *s> 'w V^ ra y PPa s ls»Oo St Louis 1904C »ld l< i.illfl i Mt<1 aille 0 !> H9J. 1893 t =r l4 s <kw tr Ul IS9O. 1899 <2^ Scl»utm\arke “'‘•«ild, SllB- **"f ig9l Bretn
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  • 1080 3 The speeches at the recent dinner of th< Royal Literary Fund have not uunaturallj revived discussion of fhe unequal and precariouH rewards of literature Yet, whatever nuy l»e said against literature as a means of earning a living, there are iu every generation more wiifers than
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  • 1103 3 An Abnormal Exodcs or Admirals. Instead of this being a lean” year in the number of changes in the flag lists, it has lieen marked by an abnormal exodus of admirals from active service. During the whole of 1012 there were only eleven, removals of admirals, voluntarv and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 10 3 jr Chronic Chest Complaint*, "wod»’ Great Peppermint Cure, la. 6d.
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    • 133 3 8,000,000 Rubber Stumps. Nurseries 100 acres fully Planted References MR. A. B. MILNE. V oply— L. HEINTZE. Tanjoho Kambctas Estate, Perak, F. M. S Telegram*: "Heintze,’ Tanjong Ratnbutan. Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping has for sale An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE. COMPLETE WITH
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    • 69 4 Sro MU, F. M. S. 400, Ahm»t, Jult 1, Port Swettenhain, June 30, Nil. F. M. 8. OoTt. C. A pear, Br. as 1,730, Bereaford, July 1, Negapatam, June 26, Qen. A. A. A. A Co Seann Br. a.a., 3,722, Larkina. July 1, Amoy, June 17, Gen. —B E.
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    • 62 4 July 2 Sveelman for Lancia, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. lndradro, for Singapore and Japan. Holt Canton, for Teluk Anion. Ayuthia for Asahan. tirharnhortt, for Ceylon, Au.tralaaia, India, Aden, Egypt and yih Naples, for Europe etc. Mambang for Setul. Eorcfr, for Singapore, China and Japan- Flying Dragon,
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    • 338 4 hot Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a no. Deli Per Malaya, to-morrow, noon. Rangoon—Per Tong Hong, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Taroba to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca —Per Janet Nicoll to-morrow, 3 pm. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan— Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow,
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  • 118 4 Pskako. Jolt 2. (By eourteey of the Chartered BanJc.) London, Demand Bank 2/*is 4 months* sight Rsnk 2,4| n 3 Credit 2,4) 3 Documentary.. 2/4 r Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days* sitrht Trivate Ls| Bombay, Demand Bans Moulmein, Demand Bank 173» 3 davs’ sight PrivHte l«ot Madras,
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  • 203 4 Gold L»j;i! RD.tSO Black Pepper *t>>ck White Pepi»ei 31.87 sellers Tiang Pepper 20.50 nominal Cloves ...39 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 92 50 tale» Nutmegs 1 10b. 21.50 buyers No. 1 0 50 sale* Sugar <„ 2 039 sal** Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 12 buyers Tahbuu
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  • 177 4 r e an*.. July 2 Bkek ct fSoup P°' catty Roast Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moal... Rump Steak Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver P° r catty 5o Pork Fork pe* catty 38 Pie’s Hoad.** 24 Feet .h h 28 Tongue 40 Muttow
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  • 1389 4 a •3 .2 ti N umb«*r of Capital. issued. 1909 i;*or» 1910 1909 UXHi 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 ***** 1909 1910 450,000 I 200,000 I 7‘)o,(mm» 300,000 I Rel ,200,000 500,900 1,000,000 :i90,000 s *»OO.«M*0 205,000 100,000 200,000 280,000 1900 1909 1910 15*05 15*05* 15*10 11*01 15*00 1909
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 Blazon Ty>e Not Nicmary. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy needs no glaring headline to attract the public eye. The simple statement that all chemists sell it is suflicient, as every family knows its value, used for forty years and is name implies. For sale by nil and Dealers. It
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    • 12 4 Wood*’ Creat Peppermint Cure, For Cough* and Cold*, never fails. Is. 6d
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    • 109 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compnd c Ml l TASTELESS ODORLEBB The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS
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  • 916 5 (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) P A C E D A Y S FIRST DAY Tuesday, 22nd Julv, 1913. SECOND DAY Thursday, 24th July, 1913. THIRD DAY Saturday, 26th July, 1913. FIRST DAY. Ttiffiday, 2<nd July, 1013. 1. The Mixed Handicap. Value
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  • 1941 5 It is curious that when the Secretary of State for the Colonies, at the dinner of the Corona Club in London, declared that he was prepared if the contribution of a battleship from the Federated Malay States were attacked, to defend that ou Imperial economic grounds Mr. Harcourt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 Entries Close at 5 p.m., on Thursday, 10th July, 1913. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before the 14th July, 1913. A |M iult v of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by the winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of the
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    • 53 5 Cram'» Colic. No need of sufferm*» from cramps m the stomich, or intestinal pains. Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R aedv never fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-day, there will be n> time to send for it after the attack comes on. F<>r srle l»v all
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    • 60 5 Little Jock Horner, sat in the corner, Having a jollj good crv lie had a had cold, which had a fitin hold, And he thought he was going to die. Then all in a flash, he made a quick dash To the chemist’s a draught to secure And the instant
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    • 124 5 «5 X Obtainable Everywhere PRICE 90 cents a ±lb. tin. NOTICE. Following the General REDUCTION at Home, we have decided to further decrease our SELLING PRICES WITH EFFECT FROM THE Z4TH INST. Apply for Our New List. Continental Tyre 8 Rubber Co Ltd., Agents Sellar, Murray Co., PENANG. □nnnnniMinnnnnn: n
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  • 88 6 hMhIH daily (except Sunday* and pnklii holiday*) at ran CRITERION PRESS, lao. No. 50. Beach Street, Penang. Pmicm Daily Local 9«4 per annum. OnteUtion... Po«Uge Extra. ma»;i Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 CABLB aDDKBSS ECHO—PENANO 9 Telephone No*. Echo 586 Printing Departnent 343 jr.B.-an huimi c<»n>i»unic*tioii« «hould b*
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  • 1358 6 Although the cables this morning are full of reports of fighting between the whilom allies of the Balkan League, in which up to the preseut the Bulgarians seem to hare lieen takeu at a disadvantage by the Servians and Greks and to have suffered rather severely
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  • 544 6 The Queen Mother of Siam is indisposed, Mr. W. R Armstrong returned by the German mail this morning. Mr. Lim Cheng Rung, who is proceeding to Cambridge University, leaves to-night by the N-D.L. s.s. Sehamhortt. Our Singapore correspondent wires that Sir W. Hvndman-Jones, Chief Justice, has left
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  • 310 6 lb. The Penang Rubber Estates, Co., Ltd (late P. S. E. Co. Ltd.) 70,250 The Straits Rubber Co., Ltd. ...123,000 The Kubnr a Rubber Estates, Ltd 31,500 The Tali Aver Rubber Estates, Ltd. 38,500 The Ragan Serai Co., Ltd. 10,000 The Ratal; Rabit Rubber Estate, Ltd. 11,000
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  • 463 6 A meeting of the Committee of the Penang Association Football League was held at the Penang Free School last night for the pu r pose of making arrangements for the forthcoming League competition. Mr. H. C. Fell*, President, took the chair and among those present were 'Mr.
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  • 248 6 A lire took place at Chop Chip Eng, 135, Beach Street, early this morning. It appi .us that about 2-58 a m., fireman No. 14, who was ou duty at the Central Fire Station, noticed smoko issuing from the shop and at once gave the alarm.
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  • 191 6 The case in which a Eurasian, named A. P. Scully, was summoned for voluntarily causing hurt to Mrs. R. Nelligan and Mrs. Allen, was resumed this afternoon before Mr. A. W. R. Hamilton in the Third Court. Mr. C. D. I). Hogan appeared for the prosecution;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 DIVINIA PERFUME, U 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n G A Floral Bouquet m 09 exquisite and lasting fragrance. Fashionable *v Favorite-Perfume pen* F.WOIFF&SOHN PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE BERUN VIENNA 3G The chum ond s«kl!ct;Q cl Diwini» bis seemed fe;(j it the highest popuUrit)Q in European Society.
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  • 427 7 (prom Our Oirn Correspondent.) Knala Lumpur, July 1. At the resumed inquest at Kuala Lumpur into the death of a Chinese woman who was found stabbed iu a hou e in Cheras Head, Pudu, i verdict of murder was ref irned against some person or [«ergons unknown.
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  • 52 7 A Long Agenda. (From Our Oirn Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, July 1. A meeting of the Planters Association of Malaya will he held at Johore Bahru on July 13. The agenda is a long one, and includes the standardisation of rubber, the freight on rubber and the
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  • 60 7 Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 2. At the rublier auction at Singapore 61,->0. r > II» were offered for sale and **>3,529 ll>. were sold at the following prices: Smoked Sheet sl2o—sl4B j>er picul Unsmoked $110—5147 Crepe $145-5155 S.v nd 5131 $143 Third 1115 —$126
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  • 29 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 2. Orders have been placed with Messrs. Macalister Co. for an entire Diesel Electric plai t for the Laliat Mines.
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  • 56 7 Bombardier Wells vs. Packy Mahoney. Renter.) London, Ju\v 1. At the National Sporting Club for the heavy weight championship of Great Britain bombardier Wells knocked out Packy Mahoney in the thirteenth round. Mahoney’s jaw was fractured in the fourth round and he had to go into hoapital
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  • 58 7 A Memorable Session. Reuter.) London, July 1. The Iveichstag has been prorogued to November 20, after a speech by the lmjsTial Chaucellor paying a tribute to the members of the Reichstag on accomplishing a grout work in cue of the most memorable sessions in its history
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  • 561 7 FURTHER FRONTIER FIGHTING ORDER? TO BULGARIAN TROOPS. i Reuter.) 1 Sofia, July 1. Strict order* have been giv t -n to the Bulgarian troops to cease operations unless they are attacked by Greek or Servian troops. Greek Preparation*. Athens, July 1. It is announced that, in consequence
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  • 98 7 Royal Contribution. Renter) London, July 1. The King has given <£2oo and Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra each <£loo towards the Crystal Palace Fund. Promise of a Large Donation. Loudon, July 1. An auonyinous donor has offered <£30,000 to the Crystal Palace Fund provided that .£60,000
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  • 60 7 THE COMMITTEE STAGE. Reuter.) London, July 1. The Home Rule Bill passed automatically through the committee stage of the House of Commons without discussion, under the terms of last week’s resolution making the committee stage purely formal. The Opposition protested loudly and challenged a division on
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  • 25 7 (Reuter.) Loudon, July 2. Northamptonshire beat Gloucestershire by an innings and 153 runs. Yorkshire beat Somerset by an innings and 25 ruos.
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  • 46 7 Intestinal Rtiptur*. (Reuter.) London, July I. Mr. A. Lyttelton is suffering from intestinal rupture possibly as the result of playlug a game of eriuket on June 25 for tho first time after many years. London, July 2. Mr. Alfred Lyttelton has slightly improved.
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) London, July 2.. At the Horse Show, the Daily Mail Cup for individual jumping was won by a French officer who took the first prize. A Russian officer and an English officer were bracketed second.
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) London, July 2. The Bouse ot Commons has adopted the Welsh Church Disestablishment Bill (committee stage) by 304 votes to 204 Discussion was impossible under Mr. Asquith’s resolution of June 23. There were vigorous Opposition protests.
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  • 42 7 Reuter.) London, July 1. The new naval Parseval airship was successfully launched at Farnborougb. Piloted by Germans the new airship made a fine flight, encircled the Houses of Parliament and returned to Farnborougli where the Admiraltv took it over.
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  • 56 7 The following business in tin has l eeD lone to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 250 tons at $O5lO Penang Penang Tin Exchange 6} 9140 Total 256] tons, Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£lB9 As. cash and <£l9o three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted
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  • 44 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. 11. Slot A Co.) Fine Para Spot os. 9]d. Fine Para Forward 3s. Bd. First latex Crepe delivery next three mouths 2s. 10]d Market weak. July 2, 1913.
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  • 40 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—Literature as a Profession. Naval Notes. 5—H MS. Malaya.” B.—W oin a n Food and the Average Man. Affairs in China. Drinking in Siam. 10. —The Next Laureate.
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  • 831 7 Matthew Arnold discovered the formula long ago and expounded it in what is to us his most fascinating book, that the language of the Bible is fluid, passing, and literary, not rigid, fixed, and scientific”. After all, the Bible must stand or fall by its
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  • 182 7 Yesterday, To-d»y. R;s» •'T Buyers Seller» Buyer* Seller» Fall RUBBER. d. s. d. e. d. <1 Anglo Malay ..10 IV* 11— 9 10V* 10 9 -3d Bn kit Mertajam. 24 29 24 29 ('litrsonwe 2 10 3 3 2 10 3 3 Cone. Malay* 8 10»* 9 10V* 8
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  • 522 7 (By Makmath C. Mallik.) It is human nature to judge others bv one’s own standard. In the West, in spite of its high culture aud its advancement in j various departments of life, mankind is deemed incapable of shaking off its brutal) selfishness and for that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f JLTD. Head Office:— SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES financial A gents for Penang. SELLAR. MURRAY CO. J. P. CROWTHER, District Manager. Local Office. —No. 7, Union Street. Cash Clearance Sale OF Music, Violins, Pictures, etc., etc.
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    • 376 7 WANTED Clerk with knowledge of Ksf ate accounts for Estate near Taiping. Salary $BO. Applr McAULIFFE, DAVIS ,t HOPE 2-7-13 467 ip I renanj. notice. ]ifl Y WIFE, WONG BWEE EEAN haT,n K l«ft my protection, l Wl |l not lie reiponailde for any of her debts. LEONG AH KHOON.
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  • 34 7 Obituary. M. Henri Rochefort. Renter London, July 2. The death has taken place at the age of 78 of M. Ilenri Rochefort, the well-known French journalist and politician and Editor of Lo Pat) ■ie.
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  • 1120 8 The Sex Militaht. When n war is in progress rothing ever appears in the press about that war. The newspapers are filled with battles and with marches, with li-t of casutltie*. with trumpets for and shrieks against, with abuse and praise, with talk of hospitals and contracts and iniquitirs
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  • 639 8 A rather consoling demonstration for those who take nourishment for their stomach’s sake rather than with the idea of employing exactly the proportions of albuminoids, proteida, and carbo-hydrates necessary for their energy output and general metabolism, is to bo found in a papier read by
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  • 78 8 Friday, July -i. Esplanade, 6 p.m. 1 Fantasia Fleur de Lvs Leo Delibes 2 Two Step... Tbo Baud Contest Pryor 3 Waltz Auf Fliigelu der Liebe Kriebstein 4 Gavotte Wilhelinina Neumann 5 March Old Faithful Hol/uianu Saturday, July 5. Golf Club, 5-45 p.m. 1 Selection The Bohemian Girl
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  • 679 8 Liberty or the Press. Some little excitement appears to li*y« been caused by the arrest of certain 1 members of the staff of the Kuo Feng Pao. Certain members of Parliament bare called upon the Government to explain the incideut, and a Tientsin contemporary yesterday published a
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  • 654 8 A correspondent writes to the Bangkok Timet The question raised by your Pbrapatom correspondent in yesterday’s issue is a grave one, and the change which has taken place in public opinion on this subject during the past twenty years is indeed remarkable. It is often said by
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  • 94 8 Penang, July ‘3, HH3. 4 m/g Bank drafts on Condon 2/4^ D/D 2/4*'* T/T 2/3 J 3 m/s Credits 2j4\\ «0 d/s 2/4 jj 30 d/s 2/4$ D/D Bank buying 2/4/ New York Paris 294 i Hamburg 238 J Java, Bank demand 140^ m buying I)/D 141* Calcutta
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 The Straits Cinema. Location .-—PENANG ROAD. Tcmpora mutantur et not mutamur in illis." "AIEJLIi 19 fo IN COLOUR. A Beautiful Production. Complete Change of Programme. 8-12 p.m. Nightly. W. i»k BURGH, Manager. Penang Motion Picture Show. Locution Penang Road. Brightest A Steadiest Picture. REFLEX MIRROR SCREEN. ALL FIRST CLASS FILMS
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    • 463 8 The usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers’ forfeited pledgee for sums exceeding 110 will be held punctually at 11 o’clock a m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 3rd, 4th and 5th proximo respectively at No. 42, Beach Street. The above forfeited pledges may l»e viewed at the sale room on
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    • 40 8 Cure for Blues. Correct that disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets, and that feeling of distress and despondenev will disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 115 8 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Li ver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS I lie latest scientific proparaiion of COD LIV E K OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emissions which upset tho stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession. O'J ALL
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    • 35 8 Penang Sales Room. Weekly Rubber Auction Sales TO BE HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce EVERY MONDAY AT 36, BEACH STREET AT 11 AM. KOH ENG HIN, 1-P-I3 466 Auctintir.
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  • 32 9 VetteU hrotn Aytnt» Due 1 s V/i arnhortt Singapore B M ACo 2ndJulj lurch Colombo BM.ACo. 3rd -1 tsa ye Colombo A.G.ACo. mh I leva it ha Singapore A.G.ACo. 12th
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  • 19 9 Vett fit For Agent» Lea vet *SVAar/«Aor«/jcolombo B.MACo JuIt. Yvrck Singapore B.M.AJo. Attaye Dmeuiha Singapore Colombo A.Q.ACo. A.G.ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 349 9 P.&0. At S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. 11*13 Mail Service. Outward. Julv JO Assaye c mulcting witli Mongolia 24 IH*1 1 a Macedonia A'*gOct. 7 Arcadia 21 Devanba Sept. 4 Assaye 13 China 2 Delta IS India 30 Deyanba 13 Himalaya 27 Assay® 11 Delta 25 India Homeward Nor. Drc.
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    • 1833 9 res. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. For INTENDED TO SAIL. ilia <>nia >ra ia L lia nia Singapore (Three times a week). I’ort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Morgui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and Australia. (Fortnightly.) Thur3rd July, 4 pin. Sat. 5th July, 4
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  • 2472 10 Who is to be the next Poet Laureate? The popular answer to that perplexing Iuestion seems to be “I don’t know, and 1 oa’t care”; the min on the ’bus top and the man in the club-window are agreed in thinking that, it really does not matter
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  • 191 10 Jui.t, 1913. II W L W II W I. W D.vrr. A.M. A M. r.M. r M. 2nd 10.56, 4.38, 11.2«, 5.23 3rd 11.40, 5.52, Nil. «.3« 4th 12.1«, «.23, 12.23, 7.18 sth 1.0 4, 7.11, 1.05, 759 6th 1.49, 7 55, 1.45, 8.39 7th 2.33,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 APIOLINE CHAPOTEAUT U APIOLINE CHAPOTEAUT LADIES SAFE REMEDY for functional troubles, belay, pain ana those irregularities peculiar to the sex. PARIS S, rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemists IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A CAR RING UP 420. Wc have a large fleet of up-to-date cars in PENANG BUTTERWORTH. Buses
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    • 92 10 Don't Netltct Your Family. When you fail to provide jour familv with a lx>ttle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbeea Remedy at this season of the year, you are neglecting them, as bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to be trifled with.
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    • 167 10 Can You Afford the Risk Were jou ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a lx»tUe of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house? Don’t take such risks. A dose or two will cure vou before a doctor could possible be called, and
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    • 555 10 TRy Beecfum Pills, they are iu*t the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to he compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Pills have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 416 11 HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? -hr -V*5i’ This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk, but this is erroneous. Here is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1471 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. \\f HOLE SALE ludenta promptly exe"w cutedat lowest ca**h prices for all kindM of British and Continental good', including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Eart lien ware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, ?aoct Goods and
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