Straits Echo, 1 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1025 1 tom aTonio and none* ibinff to nourish you, drink OCSHEADCUINNESS’S stout and look for thi* IaUI /V a to HM a Urn» is ▼on ti TIANG LEF. fl* Co., Sola A|C*l|. idrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. i.'V.G. Whisky. SAMILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S. DAVID CORSAR
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    • 19 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. *v US2SS H <y m *-.uSC oe IH vt il k* id BEST TOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 418 2 NATURA MILK LION BRANDJ (STERILIZED) J 1 The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. i* Chop" Singah. V J Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. a Grand Prix: *(JA 1900 St. Louis 1904W 1 f.
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  • 2643 3 After the Storm. 'V k, ven a^or conclusion of peace between 1 urkej aud the Balkan States, it ran hardly o!* l, L^* lil !> political baiometer stands at rair, and sumo of the weather prop »et« are already talking of p-Msible future < ll -*rii
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  • 299 3 How to Lessen and Overcome It. No matter how regularly he lives or how much care lie takes of his health, the busy business min sometimes finds his nerves are overstrained as the result of his work. Unlersuch circumstances, his friends constantlv recommend a holiday, forgetting
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  • 192 3 July, 1913. 11. W. L. W. II. W. L. W. Date. a.m. a m. p.m. p.m. 1st 10.11, 3.31, 10.31, 5.00 2nd 10.50, 1.38, 11.20, 5.23 3rd* 11.40, 5.52, Nil. 0.30 4th 12.10, 0.23, 12.23, 7.18 5th 1.01, 7.11, 1.05, 7 59 0th 1.49, 7 55,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 in case, portmanteau ami bag, Ti« knapsack and swag. Tis carne<l 6 teatuer and train, ()’er ocean and to maintain Ererrone carries it,^a v svrup 0 f »,,uill For no powder or pill. No mixture or lotion potion No brandy or rum. no whisk For coughs equals Woods’ 01». mint
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    • 349 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have on hand always a large stock of GLACIAL ACETIC ACID, BISULPHITE of SODIUM. QUININE and its Salts, and Pure CASTOR OIL. As we buy our goods in bulk for cash on advantageous terms we can afford to offer them to customers at low prices with a
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    • 87 4 Nam Bang, Br. 2,591, Oilroy, June 30, Calcutta, June 24, Gen.—B. A Co. Indraairi, I>ut. a.*., 150, Bauer, June 30, Deli, June 29, Qen.—U. L. A Co. Cornelia, Br. a.a, 194, Campbell, June 30, Singapore, June 28, Oen.—E. S. Co, Ltd. Malaya, Oer. aa, 348, Pet era, July 1,
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    • 50 4 Jult 1. Malacca, for Tongkah. Indragiri, for Deli and Laugsa. Leong Ho, for Batu Bahra. Cornelia, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. Pangkor, for Bindings and Sitiawan. Ilrhe, for Teluk A neon. Tot if Hong, for Rangoon. Klang, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. Trang, for Trang. Jin Ho, lor Asahan.
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    • 345 4 ton Alor Star (Kedah) Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 7 a m. Langaa, Edi, T. Semawe, Begli, Olehleh and Babang—Per Speelman, to-morrow, 11 Singapore and Japan—Per Indrodeo, to-morrow, 11 a.n>. Rangoon—Per Seang Ckoon, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Aneon —Per Hole Canton, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden,
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  • 121 4 Pmit, Jt*.T 1. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank —2/ V« 4 month»* fight Bank 2 '4| 3 Credit 2,41 3 Documentary.. 2,4 A Calcutta, Demand Bank R*. 174$ 3 days* sight Priest* 175} Bombay, Demand Ban» 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173* 3 day»’ sight 175$
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  • 237 4 Gold Leaf 164.60 Black Pepper wo stock White Pepper 31.87} teller» Trang Peppor 20.50 nominal Cloves ...3 9 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 92.50 sales Nutmegs 110 s. 21.50 buyers f No. 1 6 50 sale* Sugar j N 2 6.3) salri (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed)
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  • 171 4 r k axo. July 1 Bkef— cts. Soup "pe catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry M**ai... lb Kun.p Ste.ik 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Ft et t 15 Ileart 30 Lirer per catt y 55 Pork— Pork r*' cattv 38 Pig’» Baui— -i
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  • 972 4 p.C. Name. ►> a e GO RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate. Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate, Ltd. Chaugkat Serdang Estate, Ltd. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co.. Ltd. Malakoff Rnbl>er Co., Ltd. Nellmay Rublier Co., Ltd. New Sereudah Rublier Co., Ltd. Perak River
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 Blazon Typ« Not Ntcmary. ~J 'hanitMrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy needs no glaring headline to attract the public rye. The simple statement that all chemists sell it is sufficient, as every family knows its value. It has been used for forty years and is just what its name implies.
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    • 53 4 Cramp Colic. No need of suffering from cramp* in the •tomach, or intestinal paina. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nerer fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-day, there will be no time to send for it after the attack comes on. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 54 4 h 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compnd TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparationof COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset J the stomach. Highly re commended by th medi cal profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS J
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  • 914 5 (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS. FIRS'! DA\ Tuesday, 22nd Julv, 1913. SECOND DAY Thursday, 24th Juiy, 1913. 1HIRD DAI Saturday, 26th July, 1918. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22tul July, 1913. 1. The Mixed Handicap. Value §500. A Handicap for horses which
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  • 1074 5 Carr or the Figure. For a woman who would retain a youthful appearance the care of the figur>* is of paramount importance importance, iud-ed, upon which too much stress cannot l*e laid It has been said that when fat appears romance disappears, and various other more or
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  • 343 5 The air is full of schemes for the regeneration of the Asiatic dominions of the Sultan It is a new form of the Eastern question, but very much like the old. Some of the roles are in uew hands; the staging is different and more
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  • 166 5 A barrister in one of our Australian colonies some years ago secured the acquittal of a notorious murderer by concluding his speech for the defence thus At great length, Geutlemen of the Jury, I have stated the reasons which cause uie to balieve in the prisoner’s innocence,
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  • 186 5 Libels on the dead, as wo were reminded in the course of the Douglas libel suit, are not penalised by our laws. Foreign legislation shows itself more stringent in this connection. Dumas pere had to sustain two actions for libel on historical characters. The Marquis do
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  • 116 5 Wednesday, July 2.Esplanade, fl p.m. 1 Selection The Orchid Carvll 2 Two Step... Creole Belle L mpe 3 Waltz Pastoral Songs... Uoq iit 4 Mazurka Bacilii Eduard r F > March Die Mudk Spiel. M >gulescu Friday, J-.-ly i. Esplanade, fl r u. 1 Fantasia Fleur do Lys
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 331 5 Entries Close jt 5 p.m., on Thursday, 10th July, 1913. the First Day will be published 14th July. 1913. on Handicaps or before for the ,M‘iialt v of 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by the winner of any Race run subsetothe publication of the weights and of 12
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    • 10 5 For Chronic Che»t Complaint*. Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure, I*. 6d
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    • 248 5 4; Sn Obtainable Everywhere, PRICE 00 cents a ilb. tin. APENTA APENTA NATURAL APERIENT WATER THE BEST RotlUd (I l the Spring*, BmU<prst, llmujnnj. aturil ApCllfe.t Water. GOLD MEDAL, St. Louis 1904. DOSE. A Wineylamsful in the morning g es tion V” A Course of Apenta tak«n before breakfast is
      248 words

  • 95 6 TdHiihed daily (except Sundays and pvfclio holidays) AT TIB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. sb. Peach Street, Penang. Puck Duly Local $24 per annum. Omtstation... Postage Extra. Mul Edition (Post Free) $17.50 OABLI ADDEE9S ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Noe. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jr.K-All boa ism* communication* should ba
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  • 2154 6 Our Singapore correspondent’s telegram contradicting, on the authority of the Colonial Secretary, the report that tlv* Straits Government contemplates ceiling the tcriitory of the D.mlings to the State of lVrjk in return for portions of North Perak contiguous to Province Wellesley will not, wo think, cause
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  • 879 6 (From Our O'cn Correspondent Taiping, July 1. I hear upor g«*' *1 authority that Mr. B. O N Andereou, S:ute Engiucer of Perak, is going home on leave very shortly; aud that Mr J E. Jackson executive engineer, «ill come up from Kuala r.umpur to take his place
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 a o C) j* S) n D^CD?CZ)«C D#C 3# ••r* r 1 w D .I: £au dc Cologne ce Water is JUST THE THING li Jta n'» ‘a W’ F»y< 'nirv.m ft t .-»»*•<*! It •> J- ,ru >i 1 J ©d r 'f> w rh r. f; 34 for
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  • 52 7 THE REPORTED CESSION. (I'~wn Our (hub Correspond' nfS) Si eg* pore, June JO. I have seen the lion. R J Wilkinson, "lonial Secretary, who stator that there is tm foundation for the report that tho Government contemplates the cession of the Minding» to Perak or
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  • 80 7 The Penang Board. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 1. A Government Gazette Extraordinary proclaimed the formation of tho Harbour Boards of Singapore aud Penang. Tho Singapore Board is constituted as follows: Messrs. J. R. Nicholson, R. J Wilkinson, 1). T. Boyd, O’. W. Darbishiro and E.
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  • 390 7 Tlio following was the result of tlio play for tlio Ladies’ Monthly Medal for June: J.Crabb Watt* 38 39=5= 77 2 79 J. H. l’ye 52+42= 94-13= 81 C. W.Ballantyue... 47 53=100-18= 82 1). C. Maciutvre... 47 50=103—20= 83 C. R. A. Goatly 48 50=104-20= 8f T.
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  • 198 7 (Reuter.) London, June 3\ Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the Colonies in Mr. A. J. Balfour’s ad ministration, who became seriously indisposed after a Foreign Office dinner oo June 26, has undergone a serious operation. Slight Ground For Hope London, July 1. Mr. Alfred Lyttelton
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  • 101 7 Probable Rejection. (Reuter.) Berlin, June 30. It would appear that the Centre party voted for the taxation of property held by the Federal Princes through a mistake aud the defeat of the proposal on the third reading of the hill is, therefore, certain, in which event the
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  • 48 7 The “Time»** Fund. Reuter.) Loudon, June 30. The Times gives prominence to a fund it is opening in response to appeal from the Lord Mayor to secure the «£90,000 still required in order to purchase the Crystal Palace. The Times starts tho fund with 41,000.
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  • 81 7 Accident at Liege. lleuter Liege, Juno 30, The aviator Parisot was flving across the road when the wing of his machine struck a young uian, killing him instantaneously. The machine fell, injuring the aviator who expired almost immediately. Another at Brighton. London, June 30. Tm persons
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  • 35 7 Proposed Visit to r ew Zealand (lieuter.) Wellington, July 1. General Sir lan Hamilton will visit New Zealand in 191 t and report on the results of tiie present system of training.
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  • 34 7 (Reuter.) London, July 1. At Chesterfield, Leicester beat Derbyshire by an innings and f 3 runs. The match lietween Middlesex and Essex, which was played at Leyton, ended in a draw.
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  • 131 7 Yr»t«»rJ»y. To-day. Iliw or Buyr* Sell.'ro Buyer. Srt*-r* Pall RIIBBXR i, a. d. a a. Am:l« Mslar. 10 I*l 11“ 1» >4 IIBjXil Mcruyiuu. 4 1 'h* laoncM* •£0 5 •10 3 3 jSSTlSalar. 8 104 »104 8 104 104 Mitchlutdt ..M 3 53 b W 9 -9a •■fcL
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  • 374 7 RUMANIA’S ATTITUDE. (Renter.) Bukhareet, June JO. It is believed that the Balkan question will bo settled by arbitration. Rumania’s real wish is peace in the Balkans, but if this is impossible Rumania will certainly take action in view not only of her frontier but also of the
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  • 59 7 i London, January 30. The Reichstag has finally passed the Defence Bill agreeing to six new cavalry regiments, three of which the Committee had previously struck out. The Reichstag adopted the Opposition proposal introducing in the military penal code the principle of extenuating circumstances and providing, in
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  • 119 7 Muller —Beresford-Ash A quiet wedJiug took place at 12 o’clock to-day at the St. George’s Church, the contracting parties being Mr. Gilbert Cornelius Grenon Muller, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court and Third Magistrate, and Miss Bet tine Mary Sloman BeresfordAsh, of Paddington, London, who arrived here yesterday
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  • 60 7 The following articlos will be found on >ur outside pages Page 3.—June Reviews and Magazines. s.—My Lady’s Toilet. The Problem of Asiatic Turkey. Not a Menace Libels on the Dead. 8. —R übb e r and Tin Some Historical Pens. New Models for Dancers. The God of Wine. The
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  • 99 7 The following business in fin ha- here lone to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange Kbuyers, no sellers Singapore Straits Trading Co., 100 tons at 97-50 Tin is quoted in London to-day at X 193 15s. cash and X 194 10s. three months’ sight R ing«xm rice is
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  • 1339 7 At the F M S. dinner in London Sir Ernest Birch waied righteously indignant over the insinuation that a K.C M.G., or tho hope of it. had anything whatever to do with the “gift” of the Malayan BreadI nought. But while we are quite prepared i to endorse
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 431 7 nannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnccDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannna THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f LTD. Head Office:— SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent* for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. J. P. GROWTH ER, District Manager. I.ocal Ojfice: —No. 7, Union Stufft Penang Sales Room. Weekly Rubber Auction Sales
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  • 182 7 Obituary. Syed Mahmood Abdul Kader. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 30. The death has taken place of Sved Mahmood Abdul Kader, formerly a writer in the Education Office. He was the author of a Malay dictionary, Kamusal Mahmmliah,” which was the first dictionary in the Malay language and edited
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  • 739 8 The Uskasy Market. From all we can gather at this distance from the world’s central hub London—the recent weakness both in rubber and tin values m»y be explained from a pyrelv money-market point of new The issue of many natioua!. Mat© aud city loans has been rather
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  • 191 8 It would be interesting to know whether any steps have been taken to preserve the jKMis used by the delegates when signing the I reaty of Loudon. In the French Foreign i Gffioe there is a small collection of historic pens preserved in a show-case. These range
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  • 1078 8 One does not look for much braius in dancing boys or d incing girls, any more than in dancing dolls. There is nothing surprising iu their accepting the negroid importations from America with enthusiasm. It is a Dew toy a “fine 1 .rk," as precisely the
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  • 1055 8 i From time immemorial, Bacchus has had > ardent devotees in this country. The idea 1 has become rooted in the minds of scholars and literati brimming over with learning and erudition that the capacity to woo at i Bacchnalian shrines is a heavenly attribute, and
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  • 457 8 Lord Mersey’s Committee lias not seen its way to interfere materially with the present practice in relation to juries. This is mt ,iii p? ising, for the jury-box is valued botfi by the Bench and the Bar, and to the public ii is one of the most
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  • 51 8 0-7 T To-hat 27th Day of sth Moon. Band, Golf Club, 6 pin K^*.r T °£Ll. Kual. fwlf C ™““‘<W*pl>. I’en;,n« Road. Penang Motton Picture s& w< To-morrow. 28th Day of sth Moon. Baud, Esplanade, 6 p. m Cinematograph, Ku.l. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road S. t,O |,ict re Sh
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1003 8 The Straits Cinema. Location :—rENANG ROAD. Tempore mutsntur ct not mutamur in illis.” FEATURING THE RESURRECTION OF ZIGOMAR IN 3 PARTS I. The Resurrection. II. The Burgling Elephant. III. The Aeroplane Battle. 3 The uaual monthly sale of PawnbrokerC forfeited pledges for sums exceeding S10 will be held punctually at
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    • 43 8 Care f r Blau. I Correct that disordered stouiach with a few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets, and I that feeling of distress and despondency j disappear like magic. They are a sure cure for the blues. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 84 8 C*n You AfforJ the Rhk e ere J°u ever seized with a save, i r fP^ ol c diarrhoea wither tt irk of Chamber Jam’s Colie attack it a bottle a and l)iartunc or of Chamberlain's Colic, Choh rh<-ea Remedy in the hi «ucli risks. A d.,se orjft ‘*\r ~'T
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    • 44 8 This is IT! Waterbury’s Meiabolized Cod Li ver Oil Compound .Jl scientific pre j fcCODLivEK I oil.. DcA all that js claimed for the <jld'Ushj oucd emulsions which Upset the stomach. Highly re commeuded by the modical profession. c: ALL CHF-.MfSTS *l-25 a&4 92-00
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  • 35 9 Vettfc ton i Agent» Due M.arnkor' 1 i l[1 'r re v i. Colombo V’"‘ Colombo I)’nU» Sin K*P on B M ACo BM.ACo. A.G.ACo. A .q.A^ 2ndJulv 3rd n 9th 12th mr
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  • 19 9 If Hckar>^ rti Yorek Attaye DevanbA r Agent» Leave» Colombo Singapore SinKapore Colombo B.MACo B.M.AOo. A.O.ACo. A-G.ACo. July.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 310 9 P.&0. nV S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall 8arvlea. Outward. JuI.t 9 Assay* connecting wiih Mongolia 23 P® a- Macedonia Aug. 6 Arcadia Malwa Homeward LARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 EXTRA 8TEAMER8. Intermediate Sen ice.
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    • 1201 9 \S H P PI NG. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD Fon Intended to Sail. Steamer. Telephone No. 521. Telegrams: LIEBERT 81 Co. Huttlikb.” Penang, Agents. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ mmSCBEB LL07D. BMEN, IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINS. fllHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Companj sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg
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  • 1089 10  -  Bt A Wozzlrcte. We have lieen indulging in one of the new parcel teas. To the more ignorant of my readers I will explaiu that you are asked to tea bv some knob of the upper crust of society, and you have to bring a parcel of
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  • 933 10 Tbe lease of Poit Arthur has lapsed, and with it the leas* uf Weihaiwei. This, put in tbe baldest possible manner, is tbe position at the momeut. So many things of a more exciting nature than the mere effluxion of time bare kept us busy of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 459 10 The Worlds An indescribably delightful sensation is procured by those who accustom themselves, immediately before retiring to rest, to clean their teeth and rinse their mouths with the dentifrice and mouthwash Odol. Odol penetrates the cavities of the teeth and impregnates the whole mucous membrane of the mouth, and its
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    • 92 10 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble it, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at onca and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the the pain of bums and scalds
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    • 495 10 Wisconsin Detachable Row Boat Motor V/ 2 Horse Power Speed —6 to 10 Miles per Hour A superior type of detachable motor. Quickly attached to any row boat, or sail boat without altering craft in any particular. Weighs only 50 pounds. Easily removed and transported. Tlie Wisconsin Motor C-/ is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 421 11 HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST V.' WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? This is a much more important question than it appears to he at first sight. Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk, but this is erroneous. Here is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1408 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all fcindu of British and Continental goods, including;— Rooks and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and I*eather, and Druggists’ Sundries, Ellina, K-m then ware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, drapery. Millinery and Piece Goods, fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery
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