Straits Echo, 25 June 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1030 1 If yon roquir a Tonic and something' to nourish you, drink DOC'S HEAD GUINNESS'S STOUT and look for this label A to MS u that m you get it TIANG LEE 6* Co., Sols Assets. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOB PENANG
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. tmjs <5 m\ i«3 «s 5* «N V v$ H *x BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 NATO mm r- ii L LION BRAND.! (STERILIZED) The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour* “Chop” Singah. r, R Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. vu’ea-^v Grand Frix: V Pa, imu st Louis (904. U
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  • 1732 3 Lovk axi> the Imperishable. Blossom-tune is the time to read Plato Like all Immortals, P ato savs the last I word about Essentials. That is the distinction between the Immortals and transient folk who pass by aud are forgotteu. From I j Confucius to Carlyle, the great thiukers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 otel. ■:o:« C! SAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. A Rare Chance for Motorists. Mr. M. GRAY of Taiping HAS FOR SALE An A. C. Sociable 1913 Model DE LUXE, COMPLETE WITH Lamps, Hood and all Accessories. What Offers 'v-S If n o 'J «*<- M <. < 4?*^ i ■sr&‘Z*7s
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    • 39 3 Something Dependable. Diarrhoea in always more or less preva'ent purintr this weather. lie prej#ared for it. Cbamlterlaiu’tf Colic, Cholera and Diarrbtea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 99 3 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twiuee of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 69 4 Koerber, Am. m 3.136, Zamara, June 24, Trie*te, June 2, Gen.—B. K. A Co. Omavere, Br. 354, Morn*, June 24, Tavoy, June 19, Gen. —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Janet Niro!l, Br. 474, Eade., June; 24, Malai'f ■<, June Vl, Gen. —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Treeta, Br. 3.428, Willi», June2s,
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    • 37 4 June 25 Trent a, for Negapatam and Madraa. Atjeh, for Langaa, Edi, T. Semawe, Seglt, Olehleh and Sabang. Hole Canton, for Teluk An»<n. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping, China, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 372 4 h OB A lor Star (Kedah)— Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 10 a m. Trang—Per Trang, to-morrow, 11 am. Deli Per Malaya, to-morrow, 2 p m. Port Swettenham. Port Dickson and Malacca —Per Janet Nicoll, to-morrow, P Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per a Tara, to-morrow, 3 p m. Dindinga, Sitiawan
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  • 126 4 Pwravo. Junk 25. (By cows"tesy of ike Chartered Bank.) Ijondon, Demand Bank —2/ 4 J 4 mouths* sight Bank 24§ M 8 Credit 241 8 Documentary.. 2/4j T Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 174$ n 3 days* sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 174 J Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 n
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  • 219 4 Gold Leaf 164.60 Black Pepper wo stork White Pepper 32 .—sales Tiang Peppor 20.50 nominal Cloves ...39 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 93. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 21.60 buyers SNo. 1 650 sale* 2 630 sab s Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) ...11.9J buyers f Tahbun 190.
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  • 2108 4 6 1 i I o 0 Number of I *3 1 d, v *-5 2 7» Capital. Shares > P Dividends. Name. 3 5 I issued. 3 5* Q S PQ O* tH KH M 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. j p.c. p.c. 1909 *****0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 Bowel Complftint in Children. During the lummer months mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy ca» always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 54 4 Op~ntions Averted. i i Do you know that a very large per cent t of supposed cases of appendicitis are only an f inflammation of the bowels brought on by i constipation Chamberlain’s Tablets cure constipation even after it becomes chronic, s Give them a trial. For sale by all
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    • 52 4 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized God liver Oil Compound c r;r£t TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS Price $1.25
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    • 113 4 SELF CURE NO FICTION. THI U N EW* FFtENO H° R tV*”* THERAPION .«0. 1 in a rrtnarkably >hort time, often a few days only Cures dischargcs<either sex>superselling injections THERAPION N 0.2 Cure- blood po:son. ln«! <*rs. pores, painful twlhtl joints,&c. when immi ial treatment fails THERAPION N 0.3 Cures
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    • 179 4 PENANG SIN POE.” Chinese Daily Newspaper. IF you want to make your goods known to the Chinese, advertise in the Penang Sin Foe which is the best advertising medium of its kind in the Straits and F. M. S. For contract and non-contract advertisements, apply to THE MANAGER, Criterion Prett
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  • 2473 5 Proposed Rubber Association. A Special General Meeting of the mem- of the Penang Chamber of Commerce i waa *t the Chamber yesterday afternoon to discuss and, if approved, adopt the following resolution:— That desirable in the interest of the Trade of the Port that an Asso- ciation
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  • 91 5 Penang June 25, 1213. 4 m/s Bank drafts on London 2/4| D/D 2/4*% T/T 2/4 3 m/s Credits 2 60 d/s 2/4I 30 2/4* D/D Bank buying 2/4,% New York 56| Paris 294', Hamburg 238* Java, Bank deinind 14»* m buying D/D Ill* Calcutta T.T. 17«% Rangoon T.T.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 668 5 Penang Association Football League. (1LUB SECRETARIES are reminded J that the entries for the forthcoming Penang Football 1/e.igue C inj e*iti *u close on the *2Hth inst. T. .1. WILLIAMS. 24*6-lH 455 Hon. Secretary. TRONOH MINES, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). DIVIDEND NO. 37. 4 DIVIDEND of 2/6 per share free
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    • 53 5 Let dogs delight to bark and bite, for ’tis their nature to. But never more I’ll do the like, I’ve better work to do I’ve barked all night, from dark till light, Great strife I did endure. But I’ll bark no more, for I’ve been to the store, For Woods’
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    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaint#, Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure. li. 6d.
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    • 153 5 A Obtainable Everywhere PRICE 90 cents a ilb. tin. nnuuunmmmuuunuu n n n n n n MARTIN MOTOR CYCLES. n n n n n a m L. j i- rr r g THE MARTIN CYCLE is RENOWNED for its g n PERFECT WORKMANSHIP n g DELICATE FINISH :j D ABSOLUTE
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  • 89 6 piMisbed daily (except Sunday* and poblio holiday*) at n* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street. Penang. Paicm Daily Local P® r num m Outatation... Postage Extra. **>;i Edition (Port Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDMM echo^-penang." Telephone Not. Echo 586 Printing Departncnt 343 koiiMH eomwunie.tioiio ihould k* *<id
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  • 1336 6 Becky Sharp said that she could be a good woman on an income of JBo/HX) a year, and although the increased cost of living would doubtless cause that interesting young 1 idy to put rather a higher price on virtue nowadays, the theory enunciated in the
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  • 266 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO In spite of the note of alarm sounded by the Penang Police in demanding an inspection of the manuscript of “What Every Woman Knows” all Kuala Lumpur flocked to the Town Hall last evening to witness a performance of
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  • 257 6 Unlike the Tronoh, whose dividends for last year were smaller than for the preceding twelve months, the Laliat was al lo to t»ive its shareholders a somewhat larger return for 1912 At £23,688 the Lahat’s pr< fi f was nearly £1,6 0 larger than before and the
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  • 413 6 Mr. Dallas had every reason to be satisfied with the state of his booking plan on his arrival last night. There is every prospect of a bumper house to-night for Baby Mine.” The essence of a good repertory is variety and contrast. Mr. Dallas has done wisely
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  • 203 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 25. Mr. Lowther Kemp, presiding at the annua general meeting of the Kinta Association, said that the loss on the year’s working was $11,891-04, after a liberal depreciation had been made, and the actual loss on mining 124,687-93.
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  • 41 6 {From, Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, June 25. Sherdal Khan, a warder at the Taiping Gao), was assaulted by a Chinese prisoner this morning and died. It is believed that an enlarged spleen contributed to the fatality.
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  • 99 6 Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 25. At the rubber auction at Singapore 45,556 lb. were offered for sale and 43,944 lb. were sold at the following prices: Smoked Sheet $131 —$149 per picul Unsmoked $110—$141 Fir>t Crepe $150-$158 Sec nd $134 —$143 Third $118—$131 Fourth 96—$109
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  • 62 6 A Congo Move. Brussels, June 14. The Congo export duties on rubber have been lowered from 1-75 francs to one franc. London, June 21. There is much dissatisfaction at the overwhelming proportion of inferior grades at auction, and the average price is only 2s. Bjd.; forward
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  • 43 6 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 3s. Bid. Fine Para Forward 3s. 7*d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 2s. lid. Market steady. June 25, 1913.
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  • 22 6 (Reuter.) London, Jane 24. Sir Leander Starr Jameson has been elected President of the British South Afrioa Company.
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  • 33 6 Reuter) Calgary, June 24 lue American Pelkey, charged with manslaughter for killing' Luther McCarty, the American “white hope” in a prize fight on May 24, has been found not guilty.
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  • 26 6 (Reuter.) m, 0 London, June 24. Suffragettes, Saunders and Clayton, who were imprisoned in connection with the Suffragette Conspiracy trial, have been released.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 Just Arrived. NEWfcSHIPMENT OF;’.» C»N VINCIBLE” ;CYCLI.S. British Made Throughout, m an c hi;,,, ~r .-Uss which las for the British Material, *„f pUie the m.rket. of .be world. p T v -j s Can be had wilb Dunlop T tt\ tf preferred, rule. 0.1, ».t adjmted readv for immediate
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  • 207 7 THE ATTITUDE OF RUMANIA. (Reuter.) London. June 24 The depaiture of the Tsar and 1 i« f„ni',| on a yachting tour to the Finnish Skernes w regarded as indicating .ome lightening of the Eastern situation which is nevertheless obscure If M. Pash itch is i ««appointed the
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  • 107 7 A Public Execution. Reuter.) Constantinople, Juno 25. The twelve conspirators who were senfenced to death on June 23 for being concerned in the murder of the late Grand Vizier, Shefket, Pasha, were publicly executed in the Bay a/.id Square. They showed the utmost bravery, some of
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  • 51 7 A Popular Victory. (Reuter.) London, June 24 J. H. Taylor has won the Golf Cliampionsliip at Hoylake with a score of 304. His victory was very popular. The scores of the other competitors wero: Ray 312, H Vanlon and Moran 313, Renouf and McDermott (the American Champion)
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  • 20 7 (lleuter.) London, June 24. His Majesty King Georgo received the King of Uganda in audience to-day.
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  • 21 7 Reuter.) London, June 24. The match between Essex and Surrey was d'awti. Northamptonshire beat Derbyshire by 1* wickets.
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  • 34 7 Reuter.) London, June 24. It is announced that from January 1, lit 14, the maximum draught of water allowed to ships using the Suez Canal will be increased to 29 ft.
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  • 86 7 (Renter.) London, June 24. I lie airman, Fairbairns fell in the 1 hames near The Nore and wai drowned. Our Singapore correspondent wires that a Hylatn, who was caught breaking into the Hotel van Wijk was yesterday morning sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment. Iu connection
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  • 745 7 ENTHUSIASM in ENGLAND. ACCIDENT AT CHERBOURG. (Reuter.) London, June 24. While President Poincare was at Cberh“W «o England an a cident took place while the fourth saluting gun as tired, killing two of the gunner* and wounding eight, four of them serioudy A"® Ll uto naiit in
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  • 105 7 Ye*tenl*y. To-<Uy. K.*e *»r Buyer* Seller* Buyer* Seller* Full. RUBBER. »„k. I» (>«J* >} l it i-‘ i U l :8w £***32« BiM 9 5 7\i 974 ..3d Oc»e M*l*y* 50 J 50 6 53 9 3* 6d Highland. ..47 w 3 17 j+uim jggLnrf- ::BIJ «IM «00 £6156
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  • 92 7 THE INSURANCE AMENDMENT ACT. (Reuter.) London, June 25. In the House of Commons, Mr. Lloyd George introduced a Bill amending various notable defects of the Insurance Act. Defeat of Mr. CktobcrUit'i Ameadmeat. London, June 24. The amendment of Mr. Austen Chamberlain, expressing the opinion that the suppression
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  • 887 7 Will Son Yat-Sea Fight T Dr. Sun Yat-sen has thrown down the gauntlet to uan Shih-k’ai. Our correspondent Hupeh,” who points this out, says The Central China Post, dwells on the seriousness of the challenge and the doubts it raise to the future peace of China.
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  • 1713 7 Soother of Cares is the poetical title bestowed by the Malay chronichrs on the professional story-teller who figured at the old Malayan Courts, in the good old days long before d’Albuquerque came to Malacca, or roamed, a welcome guest, j from kampong to kampong like the trou-
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  • 118 7 The following business in tin has been lone to-day r Penang Straits Trading Co.. J buyers, no sellers 0 Penang Tin Exchange 12* tons at 98.35 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 99.C0 Total 112£ tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£197 108. cash aud
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  • 43 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages P.»ge 3.—On I'eautr. m —Chamber of Commerce. n B.—The Powers and the Allies. A Romance of the Peerage. Tbo Colonj’s Finances. ,i 10.— Rubber Company Notes. Delicious Coffee. Gang Robbery at Cheraor.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 275 7 i I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. H«ai) Orrica:—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR. MURRAY A CO. J P. CROWTHER, District Manager. Local Office: —No. 7. Union Stbkkt. TOWN HALL, PENANG. ONLY 3 NIGHTS. Commencing To-night, Wednesday 25th
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  • 37 7 Obituary. (Reuter.) London, June 24. The death has taken place of tho emiuent. surgeon, Sir Jonathan Hutch in sou. He was a member of various Royal Commissions and held strenuously the theory of leprosy’s connection with fish-eating.
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  • 1627 8 In a fare Sir Edward Ora,'. a. d.Ucate* to let the Power» end their We London might here by fun- j ny In fact it wa* rude. Worse, it wu be bectering w«y to conceal ho are tbe»e Power. They are the l**>P le ho
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  • 165 8 A romance of the peerage seems destined to be unveiled here, says a Simla message of June 13. Several years ago a Mr. p arrived in India, and it is stated that on his deathbed he got his son. who is a clerk in the
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  • 77 8 To-dat. 21st Day of sth Moon. Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Dallas Comedy Co., Town Hall. Volunteer Drill, C” Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Eangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Peuang Road. To-Moanow. 22nd Day of sth Moon. Dallas Comedv Co., Town
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  • 730 8 In the Government Gazette of Friday there appears a very interesting statement of the Assets and Liabilities of the Colony under Loan Account. We do not remember having seen this account before, and rather think it is now published in consequence of the recent debate in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 Tkt Most SmMiml liu** W® of the Catvry. “Under Burning Skies” A B.'i Dramatic Maeterpiece. 3>oo “Terrible Discovery A Traffic Drama ot Higb Oeniu. and Trem,ndou. appeal by tb« American Company. 3,000 FT. It’, our exclueive Feature in tbm Internet Compelling Bill. This Wednesday AT George Town Kinematograph. Kuala Kanfsa
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    • 43 8 Central Sales Room. The undersigned are instructed to sell bj PUBLIC AUCTION, At Fort Cornwallis, On Thursday, 26th June, 1913, AT 11-30 A il. Unserviceable Clothings, Confiscated Property and Intestate Estate, etc. Tbkms :—Cash before delivery. CUNNINGHAM CLARK Co., 19-6-13 A4B Licensed Auctioneers.
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    • 51 8 THIS IS IT WATERBLRY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS C. 4 The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly lecommended by the medical profession. OF ALL'CHEMISTS nMnmnmnnmmnmniniim lIIITTTTTT’IITTIII Price >l-23 12-00
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    • 628 8 The SdbecrSptio» I»Ut will C- o.,. «K* dote »1 or before 4 o’clock P oo Mo.dey, Ike 50th Jooe, 1»15. MALAYAN COLLIERIES. LTD. (INCORPORATED UNDER THE COMPANIES’ ENACTMENT. IM7.) CAPITAL $2,000,000 Divided into 200.000 Shares of t'Oeach. ISSUE OF 89,000 SHARES OF $10 EACH. Payable as follows $j PER
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  • 27 9 Vetielt trom Agent» Dne China Arcadia Scharnhorti Yorck Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo 1 j A.G.ACo. *J6t bJune A.OACo. 28th BMACo. 2ml J uk BM.ACo. 3rd
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  • 19 9 VtueU For Agenlt heave* China Singapore A.G.ACo. June. Arcadia Colombo Scharnhvrtt Colombo B.MACo Julj. Yorck Singapore B.M.AJo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. June 25 China connecting with Alaloja July 9 Assaye Mongolia 23 Delta Macedonia Aug. 6 Arcadia Malwa Homeward Dato. Steamer, with S.S. June 28 July 12 Aug., Sept., Arcadia Devanha 26 China 9 Assaye 23 Delta 6 Arcadia Marmora Medina Moldavia Maloja Mongolia
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    • 1361 9 <S H P P N G.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. For Intended to Sail. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenhara and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria PomtTMeriiiTTavoj, Yoh"and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore and Australia.” (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Thur 2r*th June, 4pm. Sat. 28th June, 4 p.m.
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  • 929 10 (UNDER S. K. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE D Tuesday, 22ml July, lyLS i FIRST DAY Thursday, 24th July, 1913. SECOND DAV Saturday, 2Gtl. July, 1913. I THIRD DAY FIRST DAY. J Tuesday» 2^rut July, 1913. The Mixed Handicap. Value $500. A Handicap for
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  • 1052 10 THE POSITION OF TiINGGI. Past Pad Manaobmkbt. (Fiom Truth In the l~r share market the issue of the I.iutri report his naturally been the main feature of interest. Although the most p.i si mi.«tie fears hava not l>een rea- j li«ed it mu-t he confessed that the
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  • 547 10 The Secret ok Its Making. j C ffee-making appears to tie a simple enough operation, but there is more ait required in the making of a govd cup of this beverage than strikes the eye of the ordinary observer. The coffee served after dinner should, above all, be
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  • 158 10 Escape of the Ckimixal3. A sensational episode occurred on tic’ Chernor United Estate on Friday night. About 11 30 o’clock Mr. J. A. A. Toft, the manager, heard cries in Chinese of Gan" robl**rs! gang robbers Mr. Toft dressed hurriedly and ran out to ascertain the
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  • 153 10 June, 1913. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. Date. a m x p .m. p.m. 25th 1.08, 9 59, 3 25, 10.35 26th 4 47, 10.38, 4 02, 11.10 27th 5.51, 11.39, 4.54, Nil. 28th 7.21, 12.01, 6.33, 1.13 29th 8.28, 1.05, 8.19 257
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 325 10 F 4. at 5 p.m., on Thursday, 10th July, 1913. Handicaps for LniflCS vlOSfc the First Day will be published on or before the 14th July. 1913. A txmaltv o£ 7 lbs. is incurred in a Handicap by the winner of any Race run subsequent to the publication of the
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    • 12 10 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, Is. 6d
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    • 43 10 Economy in the End. j It costs but a small amount to keep .Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy always in your medicine and it is economy in the end. Tt alwavs cures and cures quickly. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 683 10 4. i' a '4 *x i vLS^-.'J l'WH|(|l''\i t L n w This has given me New Health and Nerve Power!” A new lease of health, new strength and vitality, stronger nerves, better diRcstao,, w;h*« was nervous exhaustion with all s ilUon has been the happy experience of more than
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 414 11 HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? HRBI This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. 3lany people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk, but this is erroneous. Here is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1389 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promp‘lj executed at lowest cash price» for all kinds of British and Ciutinental gocds, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, .Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, lard ware, Machinery
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