Straits Echo, 12 June 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1099 1 If von requir Tonic and something to nourish yon, drink DOC'S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look urn iOj for this label to see that N <2 o>, SBm yon get it XIANG LEE tf Co., Sola Agents. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.,' AGENTS
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    • 21 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. *v NZ2SB f-> ss/ T* ■M p.'j s F* -V 'IN r»- XA i BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 p NATURA ILK L r LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) i The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. 14 Chop” Sfngah. <1 Gold Medals. LONDON 1393 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. Grand I’rix: V Fa,i 1900 St. Louis 1904j i
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  • 910 3 From F.-ugtien in the far north from Szechwan in the far west: and from Canton in the distant south, there eomes but one cry. Give peace iu our time. We want mi war: we want na turmoil: we want uo excitement. Give us peace and quiet:
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  • 70 3 The California Legislature has passedl a law prohibiting representation wov ng picture Elms of girls with their shirts Ajing n the wind. This is a fair sample of the und public-morals legislation the ois getting under the new of universal regulation. lut ce «’aliforma Legislature not
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  • 328 3 i On September 28. 1911, Lord Kitchener i r,Te<l »n Egypt to fill the po.t uf British Miuist-r. liatever may have n the case elsewhere, it cannot *b i said that the appointment was viewed with approbation in Egypt,” writes the Cairo j* orrespondent of the Manchester
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  • 284 3 “Tho sensational novelist is always getting beaten by tho Law Courts,” says the Daily yfail "An instance in point is the very strauge case of William Robertson Lidd< rdale, which has beeu before the Probate Division. “In the highly respectable town of Ilminster there lived a couinlctely respectable
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  • 176 3 Even the most agnostic must admit the wonderful law aud order that rules throughout the great scheme of Nature. So marvellous aud complete is it that when I am informed that there is no personal God I answer to mvsolf that of this great scheme I have
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  • 151 3 The Ambassadors’ Conference has now reached the real problem of constituting an Albanian State. A draft Constitution has been prepared by Austria and Italv. and about its main articles there will be little dispute. Turkish sovereignty disappears completely, if the published summaries are accurate.
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  • 728 3 I. an* am» Recoonitioe I b'uPOTA-ful ll itatioa of the rir».t Quintuple I in loan. huJ general knowledge I of the t ct llnf the < urnu«y loan and a I supple i entary renrgan zation loan probablv I will l-«\ i>gwi] b* f. re tlie
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  • 120 3 June, 101-5. Datb. H.W. T,.W. H.W. L.W. A.M. AM. P.M. PM. 12th 7.0 4, Nil. «»0:3, 12.22 13th 8.11, 1.04, 7.49, 2.18 14th 9.08, 2.13, 9.01, 2.40 loth 9.52, 3.17. 10.03, 4 42 lGth 10 31, 4.14, 10.54, 5 29 17tl, 11.09, 5.04, 11.43, 6.10 18*h
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 Operations Averted. l)o you know that a very larf« P*' < f t-upjtosed cases of appendicitis intlain nation of the bowe s brought on y t mtipatiou Chamberlain’. Tableta cure cuuitipatioa ereu after it become» (Jive them a trial. For sale by all lanes and Dealers.
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    • 342 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Wo have just received along with numerous other good: GLACIAL ACETIC ACID. 5 tons; BISULPHIDE of SODIUM. 2 tons; QUININE and its Salts. 2 cwts.; Pure Fine CASTOR OIL. 1.000 lbs. As we buy our goods in bulk on advantageous terms we can afford to offer them to
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    • 49 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. Doripp the summer months mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When piren prompt attention at thi3 time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy eai always l>e depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 92 4 S.Wm. I)an. M. 8.. 3.173, Gab», June 11. Copenhagen, April 16, Gen.y G. H. Slot A Co. Atjeh, Dut. 1.1., 393. Heit, June 11, Sabang, June 6, Gen. —H. L. Co. Alma, Br I a 354, Bell, June 11, Tongkab, June 10, Gen. —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Vevanh'i, Br.
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    • 68 4 June 12 Teng Chuan, for Alor Star (Kedah) Trang, for Traug. Malay*, for Deli. lianWhatt Soon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Janet Nicoll, for Port Swettenham, 1 ort Dickson and Malacca. Lombok, for Singapore. Avagyee,lor Bindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Taroba, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Van iler Parra,
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    • 331 4 toi Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kedah, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Colombo and Tuticorin—Per Persia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli —Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkab, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Omapere, to-mcrrow, 2 p.m. Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang—Per
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  • 128 4 Pbnajio, June 12. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 f 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4f 3 Credit 2/44 3 Documentary.. 2/4 T^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 1744 3 days’ sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmeiu, Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 1754
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  • 226 4 Gold 1/oal |61.6b Black Popper no stock White Pepper 33. —buyers Trang Pepper 21 —buyers Clo Tee ...39 out ofseason Mace 120 nominal Pickings 97.50 sales Nutmegs 110 s. 22.50 buyers C No. 1 6 50 sale Sugar < 2 630 sales C Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (miiod) 11.99
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  • 188 4 Fe iano, June 12 Bkek cts. Soup po catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail oacii 30 Tongue... 55 H Feet 15 Uoart 30 Liver p;r catty 55 Pork Pork po* catty 38 Pig’s Head.., 24 Feet im 28
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  • 1957 4 Or I I K a I J3 i a 0.2 Number of j "3 eh I .2 2 g jCapital. Shares > Dividends. Name. E A E issued. S s 2 Q 4 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. I p.c. 1909 450 000* 130,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 Economy in the End. It coats but a small amount to keep Chamberlain’s Colic* Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy always in your medicine chest, and it is economy in the end. It always cures and cures quickly. For sale by all Dispensaries and I>ealers.
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    • 12 4 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, Is. 6d
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    • 58 4 jiuuiiuiiu»»iiuiuamiiuiiuituumtiiiuuuuiu.uiuuaumiuuiii mmumm THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound I TASTELESS ODORLESS faWA V&RTd *1 cast The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly tecommended by the medical profession. OF
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  • 1255 5 The eleventh annual general meeting of the shareholder* of the Tronoh Mines, I, imi ted, w is held on May 22 at the Cannon«(reef lb>f**l, London, Mr. Charles Vivian Thomas (chairman of the comp my) presiding J'lie Secretary (Mr. A. II Cul on, C. A having rea<l
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  • 1074 5 j Output Considerably ik Excess or the Estimate. The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Dencistown (Krian, FM|S) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held j on May 22, at Winchester House, Old Broad Btreet, E C, the Right Hon Chas P Allen, M
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  • 789 5 PEKING V. THE PROVINCES. (J. O. P. Bl no in Obteroer.) The struggle, which reached its latest crisis in the signature of the Five Power* loan agreement at three o’clock on the I morning of China Sunday,” April 27, stands unmistakably revealed as the old struggle between Peking
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  • 27 5 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Single Handicap. Cunningham r<* Rose. C'/trf nip ion uhip. Starr vt W Motion Jr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 47 5 He wouldn't take Woods’ Peppermint Cure, And so be coughed. He coughed until bis face was red He coughed until he was half dead His throat was sore. His voice was soft. And still he eoughod, and coughed and coughed, For want of Woods Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 190 5 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ “Embassy”* Cigarettes. A New Brand ef Virginia Cigarettes. Packed in Air-tight tins of 50 and 25. OBTAINABLE AT MESSRS. PRITCHARD A CO. And All the Leading Stores in Penang. Price per tin of 25: 28 cents. m tf 50 55 APENTA APENTA NATURAL APERIENT
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  • 89 6 ptMieM daily (eioept Sunday» and p«klio holidays) at in CRITERION PRESB, Lid. No. s'.*, Beach Street, Penang. PftlCß My Local »24 per annum. OntoUtion... Postage Extra. £4xtson (Post Fro») »17.50 oablb ADDnnss: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noo. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 boats*** communication* «hould kt »ddr*#**d m MAHAOKR
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  • 1317 6 Asked to explain the juxtaposition in the last F. M. 8. Government Gazette of the annual reports on Education and Museums, a friend who shall be nameless ascrilied it to the subtlety of the Government Printer and his desire to emphasize thereby the presence »f much fossilized
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  • 831 6 Mr. Stamford C. Raffles (of the Federated Malay Btatesj has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute. The arrivals by tho P O. mail included Captain MacDarmot, of Jebong Estate, and Mrs. MacDerinot Mr. J. R. Nichols >u, of Tanjong Pagar, and Mrs. Nieholson loft
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  • 993 6 The European, named J. B. Farquharson, who was arrested on board the b a. Palawan. on Sa f urday last, was arraigned before Mr. A. V. Brown this morning on two charges First, that he on May 3 did cheat one Tollaratn by pretending that hit
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  • 812 6 (From Our Oirn Correspondent Taiping, June 12. The homeless government officials, who are stranded at the Taiping rest-house, not having responded to the District Officer’s kind invitation to step outside and make the street their home, are now being bombarded by heavier artillery, in the shape of notices
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  • 117 6 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Th« following was the result of the tie played off vasterdav Mired Double* Handicap. Mrs Dunn and Goldie beat Hon W Evans and Miss B Evans 7—5, 6—4. Ihe following ties have been filed for to-morrow:— Men's Doubles Handicap A. Maj and Acton vs
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  • 51 6 ANOTHER COUP D’ ETAT. Reuter.) Constantinople, June 11. A rising against tbe Cons mittee of Union and Progress has taken place and the Grand Vizier, Shefket I’asha, has been assassiaated. Constantinople, June 12. Shefket Pasha was motoring to the Porte when two men shot at him with
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  • 45 6 Government and Aeroplane Engines. Reuter.) London, June 11. The Government offers a prize of jK5,000 for the best aeroplane engine. The competition begins at Farnborough and order* to the value of 10,000 will be given to the makers of the engines fulfilling the requirements.
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  • 42 6 Seizure By The Police. Reuter.) London, Juno 11. The Police have seized 4,0(0 rifles and bayonets from the stables at Hammersmith from which it is alleged that the rifles which were intended to be smuggled into Ulster were despatched.
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  • 49 6 (Reuter.) London, June 11. An app .al, signed by Lord Haldane, Lord Roberts, Lord Kitchener and others, has been issued for subscriptions from Great Britain and the Dominions for a memorial to the late Viscount Wolseley. H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught is the patron.
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  • 171 6 Yesterday. To-day. Ria* or Buyer* Seller* Buyer* Seller* Fall. RUBBER. d. d. d. H Amslo Malay 10 41$ 11 41$ 10 41$ 11 41* Bukit Mertajam. 2 11$ 2 7 2 Hi 2 7 Cheraonese 2 101$ 3 4 2 101$ 3 4 Con*. Malays 9 10 9 10
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  • 429 6 1 Relations between the United States and 1 Japan do not improve. It would be a grave mistake to underestimate the chances of a conflict. The rather lightly-expressed > opinion that the Japanese will never go to war to enforce their treaty rights in 1 California, or
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  • 70 7 WISE COUNSEL BY POWERS. Reuter.) Vienna, June 11. The Powers are working very vigorously towards peace and Rtusi.i and Germany particularly a said units in counselling moderation. France, the principal creditor f t he Balkan States. lias named Bulgaria nhe will give no financial r.sdetanoe in
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  • 25 7 Renter.) London, June 11. Vice-Admiral Rol>ert Lowry has l>een appointed to the now poat of Senior Officer on the coast of Scotland.
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  • 85 7 Disorder at the Meetings. (Renter London, June 11. Chinese labour is the chief question at Wandsworth, where a by-elect on is necessitated by the resignation of Sir H. Kimber (Pmouist). Mr. Havelock Wilson attacked Mr. Samuel Samuel, the Conservative candidate, for employing Asiatics on his ships. Mr.
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  • 88 7 A Foolish Youth's Escnpndc. (Renter.) London, Juue 11. In the House of Commons, while Mr. H. Asquith was speaking on the Finance Hill, a youth in the Gallery threw a twopound paper hag of flour which passed over the Premier’s shoulder and burst near tho Speaker's chair,
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  • 43 7 iieuler.) London, June 11 M. Moulinais, the French aviator, covered the last 280 miles of his flight from I’ans to Berlin in two hours. In the front "f a gale he proceeded to Warsaw where he arrived :U hours later.
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  • 46 7 Calcutta, June 5 The Am riba Bazar Patrika has been ordered by Government to deposit Its 5,0 0 under the Press Act, for breaking its provisions in connection with the Jagatlii Assam Riot The money was deposited in the Police Court to-day.
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  • 348 7 Calcu'ta, June 5. 7a chests of opium were sold to-day at an average price of Ks 2,'86 per chest There is a fall of three lakhs in the price as against the previous sale. It is now definitely stated in Paris that, in consequence of the
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  • 500 7 DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. .ED RESISTANCE.'' I Renter) London, June 11. I ,e Home Rule deflate in the Uou.e of oinuians, Sir Edward Carson said that the cause of Ulster was never stronger tbau toI day. Because of the open declaration of Mr Bonar Law and
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  • 61 7 A Challenge by the Loser. (Renter.) London, June 10. Carpentier is appearing in a boxing turn in tho Revue at the London Opera House. Bombardier Wells, whom Carpentier recently defeated for the Heavy-Weight Championship of Europe, occupi «1 a b *x and challenge 1 Carpentier saving that
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  • 286 7 Reduction of T«intion. Rio de Janeiro, Juue 4. A dec-ee of the President authorises the Government to sign an agreement with the Government of Para to obtain a reduction or exemption of taxation on the rubber produced iu Para, and institute measures for the protection of rubber
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  • 209 7 DEFEAT OF ENGLISH TEAM. (Reuter.) London, June 11. i In the first match for the International Polo Cup, America scored 5j goals and England 3. The play opened surprisingly. Outriding J their opponents the Americans scored three I goals in the first period to the Englishmen’s nil. The
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) London, June 11. Yorkshire beat Leicestershire by au innings and 108 runs Sussex beat I>erbyshire by an innings aud 02 runs. Warwickshire heat Hampshire by 8 wickets.
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  • 91 7 Vienna, June 5. Baron von George, the Austrian Minister of Defence, who made a statement iu connection with the suicide of Colonel Redl, said that he would prefer to throw an impenetrable veil over the execrable act of treason. Lxbaustive details of the court martial are given.
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  • 49 7 London, June 5. In the House of Commons, Mr. King asked whether the time speDt abroad by Messrs. Trench ami Brandon, who were recently released from fortresses in Germany, would count, for promotion and peusion as if they had been at home. Mr. Churchill—“ Certainly.”
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  • 397 7 Are the Japanese Malays If the Japanese are not Mongolians, wha are they That is the question propounded by Viator in ♦he Suudav Observer, his invest gat ions being induced by the Californian anti-Japanese legislation The Bill, as our readers know, proposes to exclude Japanese from the privilege of owning
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  • 107 7 (Renter.) London, June 11. Lord Murray of Elibank, late Chief Whip of the Rad ical Party, has cabled from South America to the Marconi Committee confirming his brother’s explanation of his (Lord Murray's) investment of Party funds in American Marconi shares, and adding that outside the dealings
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  • 85 7 The Carey United Rubber Estates, Ltd., pays an interim dividend of 5 per cent. The Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Company Limited pays an interim dividend of 25 per cent. The Bidor Rubber Estate, Limited declares a final dividend of 20 per cent, making 35 per cent and carries
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  • 43 7 The following was the result of the Ladies Presgrave Cup for June Mrs. Oxenham 2 down (winner) Mrs. Edwards 4 do Miss L. Heim 5 do Mrs. Masterton, Miss E Heim, and Miss Brown also played hut made no return.
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  • 432 7 The following business in tin ha> 1 eei done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 125 tons at $103 05 Penang Penang Tin Exchange \2\ 103. 0 Total YA7\ tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£206 5s. cash and .£200 10s. three months’ sight. The F. M.
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  • 308 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—The Call for Peace. A Windy Day Law. The New Kitchener. Fiction Outdone. A Scientist’s Confession. A New State In The Making. The Crisis in China. s.—Tronoh Mines, Limited Dennistowu (Krian, F.M.S Rubber Estates. China’s Problem. P. C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 329 7 the great eastern LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Orric* —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent* for Penang, SELLAR. MURRAY A CO. J P. GROWTH ER, District Manager. Local Office: No. 7, Union Stfnct. Penang Auction Mart. Important Auction Sale OF Valuable Jewellery
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  • 833 8 Now that the bulk of rubber company report! for the year 1912 hare made their appearance, share market interest is in the main centred in the commodity. In this direction price movements latterly have been very erratic—a fact which has served to quicken interest in the market. The
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  • 128 8 The weekly report of Meters. Guthrie A Co., dated, Singapore, June 10, states The quantity offered at to-day’s Auction was 25* tons, practically all of which was sold. Bidding was slow at the opening but improved considerably later, there being quite a brisk demand for several lota
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  • 309 8 The Greet de Villiers,” who has established e unique reputation as e wisard throughout the East, opened a short season last night at the King Street Theatre Hall The attendance might have been better for j the show presented last night was very good indeed. De
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  • 175 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw, Co. Sir Robert Laidlaw, presiding at the meeting of Whiteaway, Laidlaw, A Co. (Limited) on May 23, said that for the year under review their profits were 13£ percent more than the prjfits of the previous year, 16 J per cent, more than the year before that, and
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  • 156 8 The P. O. Mail Contract. A Simla telegram states that the Indian Government are extending the present P. and O. mail contract till January, 1916, pending the discussion of the terms to govern the mail contract in future. The preseat P. and O. contract for the carriage of mails between
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  • 931 8 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL LOAN. The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wu helu et the Municipal Offices yeeterdaj afternoon when the following gentlemen were present: Mr. W. Peel (President). Mr. F. Duxburj, Mr. W. T. Chapman, and Mr. Yeoh Ouan Seok, with Mr. L. M. Bell (Engineer) and Mr.
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  • 411 8 A man who was convicted of importing morphia pills into Kuala Lumpur the other day was sentenced to a month's imprisonment, and has since been ordered to be banished. Unless there was some other eerious i ffence proved against him to the satisfaction of the Resident in Council,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 718 8 M To»night I To-night!! “TkeGrrat DfVilliers Magician. llhiiMAiitt I Tr»nifar«Uti The Strongest European Company Travelling East. Marvellous work without «xeggeretiou. Milo letter tku ter IH«io»istj Vke l«er Thitel fc*u|. The only Genuine European Company 0Kti*t Niflt Itth Jw*. 1913. (WEDNESDAY). 8EA80N AT The Standard Kinematograph, The Straits Cinema. Location —PENANG
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    • 64 8 I THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound Met; y.-a TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific prc paration of COD LIVER OIL. I)ocs all (bat is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned einulsious which upset the stomach. Hlyhly recommended by the medical profession. OF AUL CHEMISTS Price >l-29
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    • 250 8 WANTED POSTAGE STAMPS of every description as taken off letters, parcels and documents. Send whatever jou have and I will remit highest Cash Price per return mail. Satisfaction Guaranteed. L. BRAND, 59, Teignmouth Road, Gricklewood, England. The Criterion Press, LIMITED HAVE REMOVED TO No. 59, Beach Street. T elephone No.
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  • 28 9 Vturl» brom Agenti Due Dnuiii.i Colouilw At-iyt Singapore i+-b* i« Singapore Prmz Ettcl t rit’lrich Colombo A.G.ACo. 121b June A.G.ACo. 14th BMACo 18tb BM.ACo. 19tb 1
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  • 20 9 Vttieli For Agent* Leave* bevanha Singapore J*wrje Colombo hen Colombo Print Etiel Friedrich Singapore A.O.ACo. A. B. B.M.&Co. June.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 291 9 S.N.C tjpC ctcd Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Jiida 1- I tevanba connecting with Moldavia Maloja 2*» China juiV 1" Assay* 24 Delta Aug- Arcadia Mongolia Macedonia Malwa Homeward. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class -o bunion by Sea $505-72 1377-14 \i uBcilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29
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    • 1509 9 (SHIPPING.) Fob BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Singapor (Three times a week) Fort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). ictoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). i Singapore and Australia. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly.) Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Jaflua and Negapatam. (Fortnightly.) Sat. 14tb June, 2
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  • 1028 10 llow many people, we wonder, have st ill a lingering belief in magie We reviewed in our Literary Supplement yesterday a translation of a French history of magic in which it ia taken quite seriously. not merely a* a subject for curious inquiry, but asarrediblo fact.
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  • 77 10 A census of tho airships built m Europe in the lust eight \ears, with particulars of the life history of each, would,” in the opinion of the Kution, 1* a very illuminating d'icument. Take into account in it an added fraction of risk in the case of
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  • 901 10 Sir Edward Gket—A Ttie or English Reserve and Rigidity The devastating war in tbe Balkans, thanks in large measure to the tact and fine qualities of Sir Edward Grey, may be considered to hare come at last to a defiuite end. With misgiving thau for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 422 10 The World) The opinion that the teeth require only brushing is based upon the belief, once universal, that they are discoloured, and ultimately injured by impurities that can be brushed off. But modern science has discovered that the teeth are injured by chemical processes caused by the presence of microbes.
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    • 89 10 Chanfcerlaio's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble ia, Chamberlain’s Pain Halm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of bums and scalds
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    • 583 10 mSm Let Sanatogen Renew Your Nerves. Thou»»* upon thouwnd. of people «e daily gaining new nerve* powerT*healthT and strength from Sanatogen-the tome food with lasting effects. Amongst them are many of the most famous people in the world—such as those whose letters are quoted below. And over >6,000 doctors have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 Wm 01 o' U:- hs-rt .v prr y, f *<** t> I r.I TO H.M, IHE KINO ’.^vTWUap* ®o*4^4£lsr FOUR GOOD THINGS IN THE DON’T MISS THEM. HOUSE, Milkmaid Condensed SWISS MILK (Sweetened). $ll-00 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALER’S SHOP, NOT DELIVERED.) 48 TINS IN CASE. Ideal Condensed SWISS MILK
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1430 12 EUROPEAN AGENCY. DOOoQC DQoOOC WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental good', including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemi<»ilH and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware,
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    • 350 12 to THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY ROYAT, CHARTER A.D. 1720. r pHE undersigned, having been appointed A. Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRjg r'sks at current rates. PATERSON, SIMONS A CO.. LTD Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. lie Don.Is of
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