Straits Echo, 2 June 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1155 1 If you rwjuir a Tonic and mine- \l miHU ou>i nvtuo* tiling to nourish yon, drink DOG'S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look for Aiis J label N to 80« that A yon g-et it TlANG LEE V Co., Sole Agent*. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDIIANBS. BUTTERY 8
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    • 19 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. ~ss N is *5 m ?c- -«> to 2 a»’ ■fsm K‘ V.^ BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 431 2 NAT k’ [l% H L r AND. (STERILIZED) J *-ap V r*: vv* ttir' SpTt -v > if** The Ideal Milk ?or use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. “Chop” Singah. t i i. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN
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  • 965 3 I The re|>ort from Router’* Peking rrf „|H>«<lent that it in the intention of I j» r# .„,,l«»nt Yuan to address a series of very I nt suggestions to the Senate should I ~r.o»ition to the Quintuple Loan continue, I interesting It indicates that the
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  • 568 3 A speech which was much appreciated at the Royal Academy banquet on Saturday, whs that of Canon Hanna v ('’Geoige A. Birmingham”), who responded to the toast of Literature,” and touched lightly on some popular conceptions of the clergyman and the man of letters. I suppose,”
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  • 354 3 It lias been said that there is no hatred like that engendered by fear, and this no doubt accounts for tho extreme rancour with which President Yuan Shih-k’ai is pursued by his political opponents, the members of the Kuomingtang. A year or two ago he was brought
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 For a Lame Back. W ben vou Lave pains or lameness in tlie Wk lathe the parts with Chamberlain’s ii Balm twice a day, massaging with the W in of the hand for fire minutes at each atiou. Then dampen a piece of tlannel 1 'iflit v with this liniment
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    • 690 3 John Bazley White 8 Brothers’ PORTLAND CEMENT.. “LION BRAND" S%ttdilands, Buttery 6* Co AGENTS PENANG 6» F. M S. SELF CURF. NO FICTION! NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DE6P/ l¥>, THE NEW FRENCH REIV>EtJY. THERAPION r4o. 1 in r<:n crkably short time, often ft w day* only Curesdiv har«t -(cither sex
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    • 53 3 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life ha* lteen saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined v Such persons seldom miss an opportunitv to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all
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    • 483 3 t Don’t Turn Uf Your Nos* Alice. IT IS KESHRANJAN, The World’s Best Hair Grower 8 Restorer, This is the greatest Indian hair Food most decidedly superior to all other Foreign Brands. Most persistent flavour, iminenselv cooling medicinal properties. Your Hair will grow as you use Keshranjan. Re. 1 per
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    • 68 4 Ekma. Br. it., 2,356. Nicolson June 1 Singapore, May 29, Gen. —H. L. A Co, Glen/aUoch, Br. 1,434, Gardner, June. I, Amoy. May 20. Gen.-Ho Hong A Co Hebe. Br. 346, Scott, June eluk Anson, M*y 31, Gen.—A. G A Co. Dunera. Br. 3.403 Hamijn Jen. l, Calcutta, May
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    • 65 4 June 2. Atjeh, for Lang.a, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Ban Whati Soon, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Cornelia, tor PortSwettenhaun, Port Dickson, Malacca aad Singapore. (Jlenfalloch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Avagyee, for Bindings, Sitiawan and Teluk An.on. Padang, for Pulau Langkawi and Perils. Tong
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    • 289 4 ton Tongkah —Per Malarca, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and vii Naples, for Europe etc.—Per Print Ludwig, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Klang, to-morrow, 4-S0 p.m. On W ikk Dats. Taipmg, 7-15 a.m., 1 p.m. and
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  • 123 4 Pbnaxo, June 2. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3 f 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4X 3 Credit 2/411 3 Documentary.. 2/4^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1744 3 days* sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 1/4$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 8 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 220 4 Gold Leaf »64.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 32.87$ sales Tiang Pepper 21 —sales Cloves ...39 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 97.50 tales Nutmegs 110 s. 23.50 sales SNo. 1 6.50 sale* 2 6.30 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mirod) 11.8 nominal f Tahbuu 190. —tellers
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  • 186 4 PbnanJune 2 Berk— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... lb Rump Steak 24 Ox Tul oach oO Tongue... 55 Feet .1 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork pe. catty 38 Pig’s Head.., 2* I* 0®t tM o 28 Tonguo
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  • 1983 4 I I I I i a a j i »2 3 0.2 I Number of "a jL XT S« Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. I J A issued. r2 p *8 A 2 0D o* t»4 M W I I I—*——' 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913' RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. 1909
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 54 4 Mary, Mary, quit# contrary, Why are you ineezing bo When Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is here, And bida your cold to go Go get a apoon and take a doae, And amile once more at me, W r ith the rednesß gone from your little nose, And your eyes from
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    • 51 4 A Good Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 65 4 [MiiinmimiwmTTmnHwnMmiiiiiiiimmmmmr For Chronic Chest Complaint*. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d. THIS IS IT WATERBURYS METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTE LCSS ODORLBSS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly tecommended
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  • 1157 5 Annual Gymkhana The members of the Penang Hunt Club held their Anuml Gymkhana at the race 'course on Saturday afternoon. There was ja largo crowd of spectators, among whom 'were the Hon. \Y. Evans and Mrs. Evans, H. 11 Tunku Mahmud and H. H. Tunku Bahadurshah of
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  • 310 5 C NCERT AND DANCE. More favoured than the Hunt Club which saw the success of its gymkhana seriously compromised by the downpour on Saturday afternoon, the Penang Golf Club’s al fresco concert and «iuderella dance which took place the same evening were carried through without any interruption
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  • 140 5 The following were the scores mule by the Penang Ladies’ Kille Club at Kamp-ug Bahru this morning Murray Trophy—200 yards. Miss J Smith *11 Mrs Wright-Motion 20 I Miss L Smith 2/ 1 -q» Miss E Mathieu 20 Miss Gawthorne 2d Mrs Oxenham 23J Miss W
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 490 5 GLASS RUBBER TAPPING CUPS. (Half Lemon Shape) Size: 10 ozs. H U G s E 1 Q u A K L I r r Y Used oft the Leading Estates Locally and the F.M.S. SAMPLE FREE ON APPLICATION. N. K. CHOON Co., Ltd. Cbunghwa Shangyeh Maatschappij. MEDAN. DELI. (THE CHINESE
      490 words
    • 29 5 MARTIN’S IPS for Ledies. French Remedy for ell lrva|nl»nli«9 ai ;n <A .irj ef »h« S) u. hinitri if. T Wsc w*j- t*- omwcn t I»» r«#w»0» t «pt
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    • 286 5 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS' “Embassy” Cigarettes. A New Brand of Virginia Cigarettes. Packed in Air-tight tins of 50 and 25. OBTAINABLE AT MESSRS. PRITCHARD A CO. And All the Leading Stores in Penang. Price per tin of 25: 28 cents. 50: 55 r oc DOOo OC DO ooO
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  • 93 6 P*Wished daily (axcept Sundays and pvblio holidays) AT TUB V CRITERION PRESS, Lrn. No. 59, Bosch Street, Penang. Puck Daily Local 924 per annum. Ontatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OABLK ADDEK9S ECHO—PENANO.” Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 jr.j.—All butiMM e*mmunie*tion* ibnuM b«
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  • 24 6 Thorxtox On June 1, at G Victoria Square, Lower Grosveuor Place, London, S. W., the wife of Maxwell Ruthven Thornton, of a daughter.
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  • 1262 6 When it was decided to build the first of tlie Government Railways in the Native States, the Secretary of State for the Colonies of that day laid down, in the despatch in which he gave official sanction to the scheme, that the line when completed must be managed
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  • 772 6 The Singapore evening paper, whose acting Editor can have but little personal experience of the question, is at great pains iu its leading article of the >1 st May to defend the colonial police, which it describes as a loyal and efficient body of men,” an opinion
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  • 41 6 The following was the output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the month of May: Dredge No. 1, working 046 hour«=24B pci*. M 545 475 3, 110 „129 „4, 009 507 5, 544 249 Total 2,454 1,608
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  • 908 6 Mr. B. W. Allen, Police Probationer, hx* passed his final examination in the HoWi, dialect. klen Mr. S Codriiigton succeeds Mr. B tf un as Commissioner of Currency, the annoin* 0 rnent dating from the 7th Mav. Mr. aud Mrs. James Gordon left v d’Or Estate, Province
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 c UDfiVINIA PER j A Floral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bouquet ov exquisite and lasting fragrance. Fashionable^' Favorite-Perfume IWotFF&Som PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE BERLIN VIENNA FUME, 0 The charm and subllctjlJ cl Divinia has secured fcijj it the highest popularity Q in European Society. ItsQ refreshing sweetness
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  • 929 7 THE BRITISH TEAM IN U. S. A Reuter.) New York, May 81. The British polo team have justplared the fastest and most brilliant game they have put up since tip ir arrival in America. They beat a strong scratch team ou the Piping Rock ground by 17] goals
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  • 62 7 The Rob#rt»-Se«ly D«b»t«. (lieu ter.) London, May 31. There has been various criticisms from «1 1 fieri nt standpoints of the projected debate n National Service l>etween Field-Marshal Ford Roberts and Colonel Seely, Secretary of State for War. It has now l*eu decided that Lord Rolierts will dmo
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  • 39 7 (Reuter.) London, May 81. Kent l»eat Northampton by ten wickets. The following matches were drawn Yorkshire and Cambridge Warwick and •Surrey (in favour of Warwick on points) '•l'>ucester and Sussex (in favour of t»ter on points)
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  • 617 7 DELEGATES INTERVIEWED. (Renter.) London, May 31. I The actual signature of tho preliminaries of peace between Turkey and the Balkan I League only occupied a few minutes but j t he discussion of the various appendices and I protocols lasted for half an hour. 1 1
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) Berlin, May 31. Fifty million marks of the German I<s loan and tho Prussian 4 per cent, loan have been issued at 97 and 90 respectively. The mouev is being raised exclusively for reproductive purposes, particularly railways.
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  • 32 7 (Renter.) London, May 31. Mr. George Smith, c. xr 0.. Colonial, «U-cretar* of Mauritius, has been gazetted Governor of the Nyaealaud Protectorate in succession to Sir W. H Manning.
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  • 108 7 FURTHER OUTRAGES. (Renter London, May 31. The signal box at Wendover has been burned down. The outrage is supp >sed to be the work of Suffragettes. A cardboard box, filled with oil-aoaked cotton wool and rags, was found in a rooir at the Royal Academy. A number
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  • 115 7 Vital Secrets Betrayed. lieuter.) Vienna, May 31. It is believed that Colonel Redl, of the Austrian General Staff, whose suicide was reported on the 29tli inst., had betrayed to Russia military secrets of vital importance Ho was specially entrusted with the dolectiou of espionage. It is stated
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  • 105 7 An Important Scratching' (Reuter.) London, May 31. Vulcain, one of the French candidates for the Derby, was scratched at 5 o’clock yesterday evening. The Probable Starters. London, June 1. The following are the probables for the Derby which will be run next YVednesday Atjadir (Earl), Aldegond (Plant), Amir
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  • 58 7 "Advance All /long the Line." (Reuter.) London, June 1. Sir J. A. Simon, Solicitor-General, speaking at Oxford, said that the Lilieral reply to Newmarket and Altrincham must be a prompt and bold advance all along the liuo. The time to tackle the task of raising the level
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  • 57 7 Favourable Reception. (Reuter.) Washington, May 31. Mr W. J. Bryan, the U S Secretary of State, announced that Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Brazil and Peru have responded favourably to his peace plan and have asked for details. No nation replied adversely to his
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  • 54 7 (Rsuter.) London, May 31. Their Majesties the King and Queen visited the Naval and Military Tournament at Olvmpia and witnessed the displays and competitions, including the jumping competition for the King’s Cup open to officers His Majesty presented the Cup to the winner in this competition,
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  • 42 7 (Reuter.) Washington, Juno 2 Mr. W. J. Brvan, the U. S. Secretary of State, and Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British ambassador at Washington, have signed a renewal for another term of five years of the Anglo-American General Arbitration Treatv.
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  • 34 7 Probable Composition. (Router) Melbourne, June 1. The Federal election returns so far indicate a decreased Labour majoritv in the House of Representatives and an metease of Labour seats in the Senate
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  • 102 7 (From Our Oien Correspondent). Singapore, June 2. The following was the result of the j Wantage competition at the S. R. A. Rifle meeting: A. Class.—Wee Keh Kiat 36, Galistan 35, Butcher 31. B. Class. Marsh 29, Tay Jim Quoe 22, Leo Chee Wah 18,
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  • 30 7 (Reuter.) London. June 2. The German Cruiser. Bluecher, which ran ashore on the Great Belt, is still aground. She is discharging her ammunition, coal and guns.
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  • 34 7 I efcat of Bombardier Wells. (Renter.) Ghent, June 12. Iu a twenty-round contest for the heavyweight championship of Europe the French pugilist Carpentier knocked out Bombardier Wells iu the fourth round.
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  • 28 7 (Reuter.) London, June 1. Mr. J. R. Atkius, K. C who was recently appointed an additional judge of the King’s Bench, has been knighted
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  • 391 7 Tejtnis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played on Thursday last: Mijred Doubles Handicap. Mrs Dunu and Goldie beat Mr and Mrs Neubronner 6—4, 6 —4. Men's Doubles Handicap A. Peel and Sellar beat Hepworth and Evans G—3,6 —o. Haslam and Sells vs Bennett
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  • 197 7 CANADA AND THE NAVY. Knit nr. Ottawa, May 31. The general opinion in Canadian Conservative quarters is that there will be no general election this year as a result of the Senate’s rejection of the Governni-ut’s naval proposals. It is thought that the Government will probably evolve a
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  • 75 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—President Yuan and the Senate; The Literary Man’s Freedom. 5. —Penang Hunt Club, Annual Gymkhana Golf Club Concert and Dance; P.L R C., this Morning’s Scores. 8 —K i n g‘s Birthday: Kedah Festivities The Straits Polico Women
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  • 46 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. Tho East Asiatic j Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 3s. B|d. i Fine Para Forward 3s. 7]d. First latex Crepo delivery next three months 3s. 2d. I Market weak. June 2, 1913.
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  • 37 7 ID Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd. 1b,002 Karan Kubl>er Co., Ltd. 5,50 b Samagaga Rubber Co., Ltd. 2,890 The output uf the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of May was 720 pikuls.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkao Office SINGAPORE Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Ayeiits fur Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. J. P. CROWTHER, District Manager. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Stt.ekt. OCDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncDO 0 0 n n n n n n n
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    • 396 7 The Chinese Steamship Co., Ltd. For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy 8 Swatow. I Tho s a. Glcnogle, 3,750 tons, Captain W. t MacGhie, is expected to arrire litre from I Rangoon on Wednesday, the -ith inut., and i wifi leave for tho above ports on tlio same day at 4 p.m.
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  • 137 7 Obituary. Mr Albert Daniel. It is with regret that we announce tho death at the Taiping Hospital last night of Mr. Albert Daniel, brother of Captain F. Daniel, formerly a Pilot here, and of Mr. W. Daniel, proprietor of the Sea view Hotel. Tho deceased gentleman, who was formerly employed
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  • 265 8 Kedah Festivities. The following is the programme of feati*, ▼ities to be held at Alor Star n honour of H.M. the Kin z- Emperor’s Birthday, June 3, 27th Jemsdil-Akhir 1331. 10 a m—Assembly of Government Officials at Ba’ai Be<ar Koval Salute of 21 guns. Boat Races from 2
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  • 236 8 PRCwSX R C. Tlio match between the PRCandthe SX lIC which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon ended in a win for the PR C "by 27 runs. The greater part of the game was played in the rain. The scores are appended PRC S A
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  • 224 8 Correspondence ha* passed l>etween the Women’s Freedom League, the London County Council, and the Home Secretary with regard to the appointment of two women doctors in the County Council’s Health Department under the condition of resigning should they marry.” In a letter to Mr. Cyril Cobb,
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  • 800 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your leading article of the 21st inst., under the heading of “our Philoaophers” column 2, you state that we in Singapore M have a police force as reliable and quick at detection as any iu the East." Well,
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  • 258 8 Hrigadier-General Whitacre Alien, Officer Commanding the Troop» in Ceylon, who is shortly leaving the island on completion of his four years’ term of command there, «ai good enough to graut au Ohaerver representative a farewell interview when, in an interesting chat, he discussed volunteering matters as
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  • 621 8 His Excellency The High Commissioner,; r Sir Arthur Young k c m o„ returned to i Singapore on 3(>th inst. after a most sue- i cessful tour of inspection in Upper Perak. c Accompanied by Sir Edward Brockman k.c.m.o. Chief Secretary F.M S Mr.
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  • 399 8 LARGE LOSS OF LIFE OFF BAR AT BANGKOK. Terrible Mxdnioht Disaster. A terrible disaster occurred at the bar of the Bangkok river on the night of May 22 by which it is feared some fifty-four people lost their lives As far as can be ascertained, says the
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  • 93 8 Penang, June 2, 1913. 4 m/s Bank drafts on London 24 i D/D 2/4* 171’ 2/4* 3 m/s Credits 2/4*; 30 d/s 2/4f 30 d/s 2/4* D/D Bank buying 2/4* New York 56* Paris 294; Hamburg 238; Java, Bank demand 140 j buying D/D 141] Calcutta T.T. 174;
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  • 61 8 To-day. 28th Day of 4th Moon. Bind, Esplanade, 0 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, IVnang Road. To-morrow, 29xh Day of 4th Moon. King’s Birthday. Birthday Tarade, Race Course, 6-45 a m. Resident Councillor’s Reception at Town Hall, 9-15 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 421 8 I Real Features io a Thousand Iff Ais ,A Saturday. Money A Kings r\*vl Mission of OR It tf Diplomacy 9.000 ft. 3 Reel». 3 Part» Thie fine feature is a Genuine Thriller costs a fortune to produce and should never be missed. Nick Winter’s Favourite The Best of Detective
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    • 549 8 IA First Class Excellence in a New Police Drama “Nick Winter” 9,000 FT. 3 REELS. 3 PARTS. Patbes Sensational Detective Masterpiece. Supported by Biograph Features. The Gibson Goddess NOW SHOWING AT The Standard Kinematograph, Entrance: King Street. THE CRYSTAL PICTURE PALACE. 1 PROGRAMME. > Sunshine Sue 3 1 Two of
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    • 81 8 Thu disease is so dangerous and so rapid m its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it cau be obtained Chamberlain’s
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    • 195 8 HOTEL NORMAN, (Formerly Raffles by-lhe-Sea.) Penang's Select Residential and Transit Hotel. The proprietor begs to announce that he can offer furnished rooms cither with or without hoard at 1 teach House (almost opposite the Hotel.) Special dressing-rooms have been reserved for ladies and gentlemen residing at Hotel Norman who wish
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  • 27 9 Vt iielt brom Agente Due P. Ludwig Singapore B.M ACo 4th June terfflinfer Colombo BM.ACo. 5th U'l'anha Colombo A.G.ACo. 12th Anay$ Singapore A.G.ACo. i 14th
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  • 21 9 For Agent* Leave* Lwlicig b> rjjlinger bn an ha Aiiafe Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo i B.MACo B.M.ACo. AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. June.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 291 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Judo 12 Devsnba connecting with Moldavia China Maloja juiv 10 Assay* Mongolia 24 Delta Macedonia Aug 7 Arcadia Malwa Homeward. fo Loudon by Sea $565-72 $377-14 T,, M irseillos or Qibraltar $528-00 $358-29 extra steamers. Intermediate Service. nrTlTll excellent accommodation for a
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    • 1267 9 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Singapore (Ihree time» a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Yoh~and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon <fc Calcutta. (Weekly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Jaffna. (Fortnightly.) MIMTSCHER LL07D, SEEM. N. Y. K. IMPERIAL
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  • 849 10 The Counters Marie Larisch’s book, My Paet,” is quite the moat entertaining of the works of thia class that Mr. Eveleigh Naali haa publiahed. Ita interest lies not so much in the light—no Terr new light—that it throws on the death of the Crewn Prince Rudolf,
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  • 129 10 Mr. J. M. Robertson has supplied Mr Charles Bathurst with statistics of the tinplate trade in 1909 and 1912. In the former >ear 64,100 tons of tinplates were exported from Great Britain to the l nited States, and in 1912 only 2.100 tons. In 1909 Canada Imported
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  • 841 10 M. Rostand has just been paying 4n eloquent tribute to the city of Paris at a meeting of the Socictĕ das Conference* Etrangt res. It was a fit occasion for such a tribute, since Paris has two different reputations among her foreign visitors and one of
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  • 125 10 Juki, 1913. Datb. H W L. W. H. W. L. W. am. A M. r.M. P M. 2ri(] 10.48, 4.31, 10.55, 5.21 3rd 11.20, 5.11, 11.35, 5.58 tth 11.54, 5.50, Nil. 0.38 sth 12.16, 6.28, 12.29. 7.20 oth 12.59, 7.07, 1.05, 8.03 'th 1.43, 7.47, 1.41,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 Wood»' Great Peppermint Cure, For Cough» and Cold», never fail», 1». 6d
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    • 133 10 E. O. Hotel. •:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. FOR SNOW-WHITE LINEN. CO TO LAM AH KEE’S LAUNDRY. MARKET ROAD. TAIPING. PRICES '400ERATE. WORKMANSHIP EXQUISITE. A. .A 4 OAOf ROYAL DRINK. k Scotch Whisky “King George IV” is known and appreciated everywhere for its purity, flavour, age, and digestive p;<pcities.
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    • 45 10 Now h the Tim«. ror rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and tee how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Fo sale by all Di»f*n■anes and Dealers.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 EFT &S A &e r ’itlrfiJ fs*9 TO H.M. THE KING FOUR GOOD THINGS IN THE HOUS DON’T MISS THEM. VF Milkmaid Condensed SWISS MILK (Sweetened). $11-00 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALER’S SHOP. NOT DELIVERED.) if! M L*i i 48 TINS IN CASE. Ideal Condensed SWISS MILK (Unsweetened). Price: $7.75
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1562 12 Guide to Penang, nr THI LATB E. F. Skertchly, f..e. s. JUST ARRIVED. A new shipment of Continuous Cartridge Drawing Pai*?r, Tracing Paper and Tracing Cloth. Prices on application per yard or roll. The Criterion Press, Limited. Price 5 O cents, i" Worth a Bolter a copy."} SOLD AT STRAITS
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