Straits Echo, 21 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1120 1 If von r<«jnir a Tonic and something to nourish yon, drink DOG SHEADCUINNESS’S STOUT and look to for this label A to see that m you get she ao TIANG LEE t Co., Sole Agents. Andrew Usher U Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDiLANDS, BUTTERY I! Co.. AGENTS POE PENANG
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    • 20 1 TIGER BRAND CLMENT. mam A 258 ri /5 5* t'.V t *-a to 5» <5, COJ= BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 420 2 NATURA (STERILIZED) l r LION BRANDJ T t^w The Ideal Milk for use in the tropica» being absolutely pyre whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. Chop*' Singah. Natura Milk Lionf" Brand can be obtained at every store in Penang, the Federated Malay States, Kedah, Sumatra and Siam. Gold Medals.
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  • 1735 3 Dramatic fceres at Peking Descbibed The signing of the QuiEtuple Loan agicement is described in the following des pitch, dated April 27, by the correspondent of the North China Daily Nevt' 1 List night just before midnight the parties to the Quintuple Loan commenced signing tho
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 Group. 1 disease is so dangerous and so rapid c *t« development that every mother of oud K children should Ije prepared for it. flB TH rv riskj to wait until the attack of r °uji appears and then send for medicine iu.j let the child suffer until it can
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    • 8 3 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 51 4 AiMia. Oer. 260. Fiwm. M»j 21. y Siog.p°n>. Maj 16. U, 2 _B *ii 4 Itemnen. Br. 2 010. Be™. Lirarpool. April 16. Oen.-W. M. A <-» Dilyara. IT M*«. “‘X.* 1, Calcutta, Maj 16. O.U.—A. A. Co. Bohemia. Au.. 2.305. “*Z go Shanghai, May 10. Oeu -3. K.
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    • 65 4 Mat 21. Atjeh, for Laug.a, EJi, T. Suma*.. Sog». Olehlob ami Sabang. Fan Outkoorn, for Singapore. Hok Canton, for Tongkab. Ayulhia, for Asahaa. Fatilka, for Singapore. BHelm*, for Ceylon. Au.tralaa.a, Ind Aden, Egypt and Tin Naples, for Europe, Diluuxra, for Singapore, China and Japan. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld
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    • 311 4 I* OR Yen—Per Bok Eah, to-morrow 7 a m. Singapore, China and Japan—1 #r Scharnhortt, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Deli —Per Malay, to-morrow, 11 am. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per i Taroba, to-morrow, 3 p m. Calcutta—Per Jelunga, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc., Tii Bombay-Pe*
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  • 124 4, Mat 21. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Rmk 3 Credit 2,4.5 3 Documentary.. 2/41 Calcutta, Demand Bank R*. J74s 3 days’ sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173* 3 days’ sight Private 175* I Vladras, Demand Bank 17
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  • 220 4 Gold Leaf 364.60 Black Pepper *o stork White Pepper 331 buyers Trang Pepper 21.05 tales Cloves 39 out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 98 50 buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 23.50 buyers No. 1 8.20 sales Sugar < 2 8.10 sal's Basket i. 15 foyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers
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  • 204 4 I b, May 21 Bkkk— c^ 8 Soup po: catty 14 Roast •> Steaks Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak •> Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pokk I Pork pe: catty 36 Pig’s Hoad..* 26 Feet 28
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  • 1558 4 a O .2 s Q E Capital. N umbor of Shares issued. 0 0 2. P 3 x dB *3 I p l Dividends. 10 1 5011 1 15 100 32 11*09 19*» 11*10 11*05 11*01* 11*10 1904 1906 1901* 1909 11*09 1909 1903 1910 1909 1909 1905 11*05
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 A fever germ set out one day, Said he: Some prettj pranks I H play I’ll find a man who’s ill and weak, Dance on his lungs and make him Then when lie’s racked to death with pain, I’ll make him fairly howl again. That germ got killed, his boasts
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    • 52 4 A Cood Rule for the Home Make it a rule of your home to alwayß keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It alwavs cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all DispenI saries
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    • 116 4 4-Mi THIS IS IT! 1 WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compnd TASTELESS ODORLESS .5 The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by thj medi cal profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS Price
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  • 622 5 To the Editor or the Malay Mail. Sir, —I do not think that the Government can be aware of the very strong feelings that prevail both as to the war that the Banishment Enactment is administered, and the great increase in the numbers of all kinds of common informers.
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  • 203 5 Gharry Syce Killed. Harold Berningham Winter, of 27-1, Taujang Katong, was charged in the second police court at Singapore with causiug the death of a Malay named Maubok bin Abubakar by a rash aud negligent act, not amounting to culpable homicide, on May 7th. On that date,
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  • 428 5 CHIEF JUSTICE DECIDES POINT OF LAW. A Mckdeb Charge. On the conclusion of the hearing of the attempted murder case in the Assize Court on Saturday, the Chief Justice (Sir William Hyndman-Jones) heard furthei argument on the subject of Mr. Gannt’s application for the Diang Osman case to
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  • 272 5 The following is the Report to the Members of the Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association for the period from Ist Julv, 1012, to 31st March, 1913. Your Committee beg to present to you their Report and Statement of Accounts for the period above mentioned. Your
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 275 5 !ftC M i&t. 'ia., jw'i -r v m THE “LONG RUN” TYRE. ALL SIZES IN STOCK. Stock Holders: CHIN SKN6 Co., Ltd. CHIN KOOI Co. TAX SENG Si Co. AGFNTS: SELLAR. MURRAY CO. IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A CAR RING UP 420. We have a large fleet of up-to-date
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    • 46 5 Nov Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better th in Charaberlaiu’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see bow <|uiekly it will relieve the pain aud soreness Fo sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 50 5 THIS IS IT J WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly lecomuiended by the medical profession. OF ALL'CHE MISTS Price $1.25 and $2.00.
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    • 279 5 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ j“ Embassy” Cigarettes. A New Brand of Virginia Cigarettes Packed in Air-tight tins of 50 and 25. OBTAINABLE AT MESSRS. PRITCHARD CO. And All the Leading Stores in Penang. Price per tin of 25: M I» 50: 28 cents. 55 TANSAN LEMONADE AND DRY
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  • 93 6 Flhbshed daily (except Sundays and poMio holidays) AT TMS CRITERION PRESB, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paioa Daily Local 924 per annum. OutsUtion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 117.50 OABLH ADDKISS v ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JT.J.—AII kuiiMM communication* should b*
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  • 1312 6 Englishmen everywhere will welcome the d-tente in Anglo-German relations which has taken peace during the past few months and will reciprocate the sentiments which the German official organ is moved to express apropos of the meeting in Berlin of the King, the Kaiser and the Tsar. Under j)
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  • 792 6 Mr. B. E. Mitchell will b# going Home about the middle of next month. Owing to the illness of Mr. P. A. P. David, Mr. E. Column’* departure for Malacca, fixed for Maj 27, has been postponed, without a date being fixed. e e e e Mr.
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  • 93 6 May—Schwab*. A very quiet wedding, attended onlv bv the relations of the pi.ties, took place at 8t George s Church this morning Iben cLh a Tf, r Schwab of Cheraa Estate, was married to Rorenc EH» Maj. d.ugb." Mr. F. H. May of Brighton Mi,«
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  • 1070 6 June 3 with its usual “Birthday Honours is drawing near. We shall be curions to see how much of the shower of what Mr. Gladstone used to refer to rather contemptuously as terminal initials” will descend on this part of the world. o ne K. C. M. G.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 212 6 «CDCZ5CDCDCZ)CDC=):CZ)! P DIVINIA PERFUME'S 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 A Floral Bouquet or exquisite And lasting o fragrance. •CDCDC Fashion able Favorite-Perfume EWOIFF&SCWB PERFUMERS KARLSRUHE BERLIN VIENNA The charm and subtle!) ol Diwinia has secured loi it the highest popularity Q in European Society. Its refreshing sweetness wilfO
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  • 144 7 SINGAPORE. From Our Own ('orreepondeni.) Singapore, May 21. At the rubber auction at Singapore lb. were offered for sale and 65,141 |l>. were sold at the following prices: Snx'ked Sheet, 5150 to ISO per picul Unstnokod 5'48 1170 tf Kir >t Crepe 5164 5177 Se nd >145 $l6O
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  • 47 7 (Bv Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Co.) Fine l’ara Spot 3s. Iod. Kiue Bara Forward 3s. 9|d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 3s. 4]d. Market quieter with Jecliniug tendency. Mav 21, 1913.
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  • 235 7 A large Increase. Reuter.) Berlin. May 20. The Budget Committee of the Reichstag Ins agreed to the Army Bill and adopted tli« provisions increasing the battalions, foot and artillery, from forty-eight to fifty-five, the engineer battalions from 33 to 44, and the battalions of communication troops from
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  • 74 7 Rcorganisa'ioA Gold Loan." (lleuter.) London, May 21. The Chinese loan of 4120,000,000 will be issued at 90 under the title The 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan, 1913 The list flows at the latest on May 23. ■l‘7,‘Uti.iWO of the loan will l>e issued in London, of which the
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  • 99 7 Chancellor’* Land Proposals. Allahabad, May 10. The Pioneers Loudon correspondent cables Mr. Lloyd George, during a debate on ,iu adjournment, appealed for the nonput v handling of the question of rural conditions. Agricultural labour was a national question There was no question uf attacking or critici ing
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  • 155 7 Y«**t«nlsy. To-dsjr. R ,s or Buyer* Seller* Buyer* Seller* Kail. RUBBER. d. d. s. d. d *n«l" Mslsy 1J S 13 3 1* 3 13 3 *ik t M*-rt*j*m. 3 f t# 33 3 o Malnyt 11 6 It 6 11 6 1* i. HmhUiid* ..65 67 9 64
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  • 164 7 DEPARTURE OF THEIR MAJESTIES FOR BERLIN. < Reuter.) London, May 20. M*j e *tj the King gave an audience to Sir Edward Grey and Lord Haldane in MM afternoon and embarked in the evening with Her Majesty the Queen in the Royal acht at Sheerness en route
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  • 104 7 Growimg Friendliness. (Renter.) London, May 20. The English papers generally welcome the release by the Kaiser of Lieutenant Brandon and the other British spies" as evidence of the growing Anglo-German friendliness. Telease of Captain Trench. London, May 21. Reuter’s correspondent at Glatz says that tbe Commandant of the
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  • 72 7 Newmarket Stakes Probables. (Reuter.) London, May 20. i The following are tbe probables, with their jockeys, for tbe Newmarket Stakes j (1 miles) which will lie run to-morrow j Flippant (Wootton), Craganour (Maher j, j Magnijico (Whallev), Louvois (O’Neill), i Barker (Scourse), Sun Yat (W. Huxley), j
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  • 44 7 (Reuter.) Rome, May 20. Italy has informed the United States that it will carefully and sympathetically consider the invitation to the Powers to conclude a convention providing for the submission of all disputes to an International Commission before resorting to hostilities
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  • 138 7 Society Polo-Crazy. Loudon, May 13. A message to the Daily Telegraph from New York says that the American Polo Team has suspended practice owing to an accident to Mr. Milburn. He was thrown ou Thursday and kicked in the face, which was badly 'lacerated. He was carried off the
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  • 74 7 TKc Arbitration Treaty. British Acquiescence Certain. London, May 10. A message from Washington to the Times states that the United States Government will shortly suggest to Great B< itain the renewal of the General Arbitration Treatv which lapses in June. Great Britain’s acquiescence is considered certain in
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  • 204 7 SUGGESTION OF A RFFERENDUM. (Reuter.) Washington, May 20. Mr. W. J. Bryan, the U. S. Secretary of State, has handed the reply of the L nited States' Government to M. Chinda, the Japanese Minister at Washington, who I immediately cabled it to Tokio. No details of the
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  • 136 7 The Bulgarian View. f Reuter.) London, May 20. Reuter states that Dr. Daueff, the Bul- garian delegate, had a long conference with Sir Edward Grey. The Bulgarian view is I that, if the Allies will not sign the preliminaries of peace, it is the duty of the
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  • 29 7 {Reuter.) Loudon, May 20. Scurr, the President of the Dockers’ Union, has been arrested for inciting to disorder by his speeches at Leeds and elsewhere.
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  • 45 7 Fusso-Chinese Agreement Denied. Renter.) Hague, May 21. The Chinese Legation emphatically denies the statement of the Daily Telegraph's Peking correspondent on the loth inst., that the Russian Minister and the Chinese Foreign Office had signed an agreement conceding entire autonomy to Outer Mongolia.
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  • 53 7 Basra, May 8. The Arabs are discontented with the terms of the new law of administration in the Basra Vilayet. The situation is not reassuring. There is some excitement and anxiety prevails among the authorities. H. M Sloop, the Alert arrived on May 4. The new Vali arrived
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  • 238 7 New York, May 9. In pursuance of the vigorous campaign against police corruption in New York, instituted by the State Attorney-Genera 1 four leiding inspectors have been convicted of defeating the ends of justice by preventing a witness in a corruption case from giving evidence before the
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  • 425 7 STIRRING ADDRESS BY THE PREMIER. LMJRIERS POLICY OF P. OCR AS TIN ATION.” (Renter.) > Toronto, May 20. Mr. R. L. Borden, the Canadian Premier, i addressed a demonstration of 10,000 per- «ons, the largest ever held in Canada, on the i subject of the Navy Bill.
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  • 118 7 Demonstrations in France (Renter.) Belfort, May 20. The men of the Thirty-Fifth lino regiment held a demonstration against the Three-Years-ServUe Bill and sang the Internationale. They maltreated a SergeantMajor. Colonel MacMahon immediately assembled his regiment in the barracks and, ia a stirring address, explained the necessity of sacrifice
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  • 16 7 (Reuter.) London, May 20. Yorkshire beat Somerset by an innings and 132 runs.
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  • 154 7 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mired Doubles Handicap. Miss Baruet and Turner vs Miss L Heim and Wood unfinished Miss Beckett and Craig heal Mr and Mrs Peel 6—l, 6-0. Mens' Singles Handicap A. S F B Martin beat
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  • 165 7 Td«k*u| Gu| RokUry. (Before Mr. Justice Fishi'r. The last case on the list was called for hearing this morning when Hong Ah Tbiarn was placed in the dock on a charge of gang robbery. Mr. J. Crabb-Watt, Acting SolicitorGeneral, prosecuted. It is alleged that at al>out midnight on
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  • 151 7 Three Men Killed. A landslip occurred yesterday afternoon in the excavation of the new reservoir at Ayer Etam, which is at present under construction. The heat of the past day or two, after the many rainy days we have had, caused the bank to crack and
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  • 97 7 Cvropcaa Attacked. The most serious news yesterday of the small-pox outbreak is that a European has fallen a victim to the disease. Mr. E. R. Cropley. the Inspector of Boilers, is now lying ill with small-pox at his residence in Batu Gajah. He apparently contracted it while
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  • 221 7 The following business in tin has keen done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange buyers, no sellers) Singapore Straits Trading Co., 125 tons at 107.45 Tin is quoted in London to-day at .£217 15s. cash and j£2l3 12s. 6d. three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted here
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  • 102 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Fage 3. Signing of the T<oan. s.—Banishment. European’s Alleged Rashness Singapore Assizes. Straits Settlements Association. 8. —New Political Party in China. Feminism in Japan. P. C. C. Bowls. A White Ribbon Administration. 10. —Cnmpiug. China’s Strong Man. Politics in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 274 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent s for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. J. P. CROWTHER, District Manager. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Street. BOARD 8 LODGING. OFFERED to one or two Bachelors, in
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  • 207 8 Stkuo«lb foe an Abdoluti Majoeitt. The Peking correspondent of the Asahi wire* that the Republicans, Democrats and Unionists, with a section of the Nationalists, bare bad a scheme on foot for some time to form a new party, which will command am absolute majority in
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  • 297 8 The Asahi reports that the sale of the Jothi Bundan, or Girls Literary World,” has been prohibited by the police on account of its harmful articles. It will be remembered that the sale of the February number of the Seito another girls’ magazine, was forbidden some time
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  • 71 8 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Championship Pairs. Goodwin and Hambly i r.o. from Pentney and Owen Goldie and Cunningham heat Sandeman and Davies 21—11. Single Handicap. H Starr beat H A Neubronner 21—14. The following ties have been fixed for
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  • 93 8 Penang May 21 1913. 4m s Bank drafts on London 2/4j? D/D 2/4* T/T 2/4* 3m e Credits 2/4? *>od's 2/4f 30 2/4* D D Bank buying 2/4* New York 56g Paris 294' Hamburg 238 f Java, Bank demand 140" h buying D/D 141* Calcutta T.T. 1741 Rangoon,,
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  • 680 8 A White Ribbon” A dministration. The announcement that no wine will be served at any of the entertainment! given by the Wilsons, the Marshalls or tie Bryans during their residence in Washington recalls the time when Mrs. John B. Henderson caused the choice contents of the cellars of Boundary Castle
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  • 91 8 To- DAT 16th Day of 4th Moon. Volunteer Maxim and Bearer Sections. Hunt Club Gymkhana, Entries Close Volunteer Musketry Drill, C” Co. Cup Tie Old Farquhars vs Crescent. Band, Esplanade, 9 p in. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road.
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  • 16 8 China Buelow ...21st May German Schamhorst) ...22nd English Arcadia 9 <*th China (Delta) SUt
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  • 38 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWAED. HoMaWAED Arc&tluk 29 May. I Delta 31 Mav. Devanka 12 June. Atsaye U J une> Eitra Service. O®™" HOM.WARD. Sunda 21 May. I Nile 22 Mav Socotra 22 Peekaxcur 1 J un^'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 527 8 ANOTHER GRAND PROGRAMME. An Extraordinary Selection for To-night. AT THE George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangu Road Theatre. The one and only Genuine Show in Penang. Always Keeping up with the Times. Will ahow a large variety of Maker*’ film*. AN EXCELLENT PIOORAVMr. The Betrothed in the Well Itala Refractory Pottage
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    • 511 8 The Straits Cinema. Location —PENANG EOAD. Tempo ra mutantur et not mutamur in 111»*'. An Extraordinary Production. THE C A S T A W A Y. PRICES AS USUAL. W. dc BURGH, General Manager. a r r e t t t GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. Applications are invited for the post
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    • 63 8 For t Um Eack. ben jou have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a dar, massaging with the palm of the hand for fire minutes at each applicatmn. Then dampen a piece of flannel slight]? with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 454 8 Perak River Valley Rubber Company, Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that the Second Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Saturday, the 24th May, 1913, at noon, for the purpose of receiving the Directors’ Report and Accounts
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    • 380 8 \T id ie 36 g. n, V jd a :r not liig. I. al, ■ee bj 5 l a >nils th. 3 j£ »n, sk. i), ilk ies ive 1. C in L. e e y t. r r, Health Literature OF 150 Pages Free. Applj to— Vaidya Shastri, Manishanker
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  • 27 9 1 1 1 eetelt 1■ rom Agent* Due Singapore >rl < iri,hurst Colombo I Colombo B.M ACo BM.ACo. A.G.ACo. A.G.ACo. 21 at May 22nd 29th 31it
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  • 21 9 W Vessels For Agentt Leaves ■8 Colombo B. M A C o Singapore ll.M.AOo. Singapore A.G.ACo. Colombo A.G.ACo. 1 May.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 S.N.Q Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. y tV 2!< Arcadia connecting with Medina ,n 12 Devanha Moldavia 26 China Maloja j n |v 1" As save Mongolia 24 Delta Macedonia homeward Mav Julv Aug Sept. 1 \HF.S BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class London by Sea $565-72 $377-14
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    • 457 9 f SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore (Throe times a week) I’ort Swcttenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmem. (Fortnightly). Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Jaffna. (Fortnightly.) Thur. 22nd May, 4
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    • 1085 9 mSCHEB LL07D, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bromon Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples- (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice verm), Port Said, Suoz, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Kobo, Yokohama and
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  • 812 10 Thera ia no crime more heinoua in the •yea of the planter than that of crimping, and yet if we are to believe half ofthejj atoriea which drift into the editorial sanetarn or are to be met with during con▼eraation at the cluba, Malaya ia reeking with the offence.
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  • 76 10 Friday, May 2.1, 191.1. 1 Selection Casse Noisette. Tschaikowsky 2 Galop Mail Coach Lecocq .1 Walt/. Thou and Thou. Strauss 4 Spanish Patrol. Iteshayes 5 March Meal American. Chamtars Saturday, May 24, 1913. Golf Club. 1 Selection The Farl and the Girl Cary 11 2 Cake Walk. The
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  • 370 10 Perhaps the most significant news from Chine is, not that the new National Assembly has actually met, and that its much-perturbed members are likely to elect Tuan-Sbi-Kai definitely to the Presidency, but that Yuen-Shi-Kai, even before the deputies met, took up his quarters in the Forbidden City
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  • 243 10 The Making of Wilson. Now that Woodrow Wilson is firmly seated in the presidential chair, the wise ones are telling how it all happened. Marse Henry announces in the Courier Journal “It was George Harvey that discovered the Presidential equition in I Woodrow Wilson. But for George
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  • 768 10 Eceofean Capitalist Opinion. Says the Japan Chronicle of April 23 European capitalists still continue to protest strongly against the Land Bill, says a San Francisco message of the 20th instant. The amendment adopted by the Senate Committee, which, by making the Bill apply to all aliens
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  • 76 10 Mat, 1913. Date. H W W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A M. P.M. p m 8t 1235 < 6-42, 12.40, 7.33 p"? 7.19, 1.14, 8.1 i 24H Itn 7-53, 1.40, 8.47 neo 8 2.15, 9.22 2otJi 3.00, 8.55, 2.41 9 w 27 th it|’ ,IV'
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  • 1022 10 A considerable amount of controversy has been aroused at Home over the attitude of the London Stock Exchange toward» new companies which come into existence in an irregular way, and over the responsibility of brokers for safeguarding the interests of their clients in relation to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 Alwey* Rtcoameai It. in almost ever}' community there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Sueh persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great Popularity. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 217 10 j Plain Crutl)s on the snhjcct of Health are the only acceptable pronouncements. KxiirRerated statements nut by convinfInjt no one rather <lo they create suspicion, and Rive rise to doubt. But yon may safely listen to universal opinion. The public have for lone known the value of Beechutn's Tills in
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    • 832 10 APIOLINE CHAPOTEAUT APTOLIIE H 1 LADIES SAFE REMEDY for functional troubles, delay, pain and those irregularities peculiar to the PARIS S, rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemittt There is no simpler, safer, or more agreeable preparation than ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT,’ THE OLD TIME, EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR i >
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    • 8 10 Hacking Cough at Night, Wooda 1 Ore.»^C.r.,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 BY APPOINTMENT 01 'V 11 TO H.M. THE KING. FOUR GOOD THINGS IN THE HOUSE, DON’T MISS THEM. Milkmaid Condensed SWISS MILK (Sweetened). $ll-00 Cash Plvß CASE. (IN DEALERS SHOP, NOT DELIVERED.) 48 TINS IN CASE. Ideal Condense SWISS MILK (Unsweetened). Price: $7.75 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALERS SHOP, NOT
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1892 12 FOR Guide to Penang, JUST ARRIVED. A new shipment of Continuous Cartridge Drawing Paper, Tracing Paper and Tracing Cloth. Prices on application per yard or roll. L'T THI LATE E. F. Skertchly, The Criterion Press, Limited. The Insular Life Assurance Co.. Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office 25, Market Street,
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