Straits Echo, 19 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1069 1 niiliiiiiiniiiiUiiHil If yon reqnir a Tonic and Romething 1 to nourish yon, drink DOC'S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look for thia label that N yon get it TIANG LEE V Co., Sola Afeata. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. Q.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY U Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S.
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    • 18 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. ts N? 258 £y .V •f *l* ■s^ IN vt m BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 •1 NATU ILK L r LION BRAND.! (STERILIZE!» j t The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. ft Chop” Singah. i Gold Medals. i LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. < a Mf> Oirand Frix: *(3/% r
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  • 305 3 A Bittkr Attack. The Montagtseitnng. a Berlin weekly, «as suppressed by the police on Tuesday, A!arch 28, liecause of its bitter attack on the Crown Prince. The Montageseitung asserted that the Crown Prince is to return to Berlin permanently during the coming cummer, as his
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  • 266 3 A Mucu-marribi> Woman. A rather amu-ing case as to how a Mahomedan woman was making money by marrying came to a climax when arrangements were being made for a sixth husband. It appears that ouo Phconee Bibi, a worn-a of prepossessing looks, was in consideration of some
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  • 185 3 Persons who were in the neighbourhood of Flower Street, the other evening, had the opportunity of enjoying a gratuitous and unrehearsed tragi-comedy. A young Chinese woman was bargaining for a bunch of Mower?, when one of the hawkers made a facetious, aud apparently offensive remark about her
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  • 88 3 May, 1913. n H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A M. P.M. P.M. 19th 11.33, 5.35, 11.53, 614 20th 12.06, 6.01, Nil. 6.54 21st 12 35. 6.42, 12.40, 7.33 22ml 1.15, 7.19, 1.11, 8.11 23rJ 1.53, 7.53, 1.46, 8.17 24th 2.29, 8.25, 2.15,
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  • 870 3 Turkish Pasha and Albanian Chief. At the outbreak of the war tho Vali of Skutari and Couimauder of the Skutari Division of the Ottoman Army wa* Hassan Riza Pasha, an officer of real ability and high character. A member of the Committee in tho oaily days
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 E. O. Hotel. FOR SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. SNOW-WHITE LINEN. CO TO LAM AH K££’S LAUNDRY. MARKET ROAD. TAIPING. PRICL5 .iOJwRATE WO IKMAN3IUP EXQUISITE. km it". v 4* efr M X*. *£>*♦ 'V i n 1J •V*- &.>e? fir* 8§*H' Pgfc a'- v>v? V ft *5 J* 5sv WxP
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    • 52 3 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whoso life has l>een saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Such jxmsohs seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations aud its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 206 4 Mar* Austin, Br. a.a, 97, Cawaray, May *l7, Bernam, May 16, Gen. —E. S Co., Ltd. Malaya, Ger. 348, Peter«, May 17, Deli, May 16, Gen. —B. M. A Co. Cornelia Br. 194, Cane, May 17, Malacca, May 15, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Malacca, Br. a.a., 405, Stach, May
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    • 35 4 Mat 19. Chuneang, for Singapore, China and Japan. Avagyee, for Dindingß, Sitiawan and Teluk Anaon. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi and Perlis. Tong Chay Un, for Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 285 4 t* OK Tongkah—Per Malacca, to-morrow, Ipm. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Klang, to-morrow, 4-30 p.m. Teluk Anaon —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, Hcngkong, Amoy and Swatow —Per Seang Choon, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe, etc. —Per Bneloic, 21st instant,
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  • 121 4 Pbnano, Mat 19. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months* aigbt Rank 24^ 3 Credit 44f M 3 Documentary.. 2 4s|Calcutta, Demand Bank 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulinein, Demand Bank 173> 8 days* sight Private Kss Madras, Demand
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  • 230 4 Gi Id Leaf 16 LG0 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 33 buyers Trang Pepper 21 —buyers Cloves ...3d out of season Mace 120 nominal Pickings 98 50 sales Nutmegs 110 s. 23.50 buyers No. 1 8.20 sale.-: Sugar < 2 8.10 sal“8 Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (muted) 10.60
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  • 188 4 Fk uno, May 19 Bkkk cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Mom*... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Fokk Pork po catty 3*» Pig’s Head... 26 Feet >m n 28
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  • 1963 4 f g S 9 Number of; cL .2 I 2 Capital. Shares t 3 Dividends. Name. O S issued. o b a 1 2 Cm p5 Cm B go O’ 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1905» *****0 130,(HX) 1 1 Ayer Kuning Rubber
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 279 5 F C C vt. S X R C. This match which was played on th< Esplanade on Saturday afternoon resultei in «a win for the 1' C C by 81 iiim. Tin l> <J C, batting first, scored 140 fowardi which total Fettes contributed 12, Neubronner 25, Wright-Motion
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  • 36 5 Tim following ties have liecn fixed for Tuesday, 20th inst. Champion Pairs: Goodwin aud Hambly i iVntney aud Owen Goldie and Cunuinglam iv. Sundeinan aud Davies. Single Handicap Starr cs. Neubronuer.
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  • 522 5 h’ecent telegrams have made some reference to unrest in French Indo-China, where m 11 io opinion of the Governor-General Aiiminite revolutionaries are being advised and subsidised by Chinese revolutionaries m Canton or Hongkong. There luve 1 jeu of late several assassinations in China, effected from political motives
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  • 745 5 CHINESE OPPOSITION TO THE BILL. I I I Governor Johnson’s Firm Attitude. J Sau Fraucisco despatches to the Tokyo I Asahi state that Chinese residents at Sau I h raucisco have presented to the Californian I Legislature a strong protest against the I Aliens Land-Ownership Law Bill. Chinese
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  • 1422 5 Sekemhan Assizes. The Jir*t cate one in ieh ir l ('hong Ken ms sentenced to ii»n>rtsoitment for life, J or returning after being banished from the Straits Sett’ements. Accused pleaded guilty saying that he trie brought here as a coolie The above paragraph appeared in Thursday's issue
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  • 64 5 To-dat 14th Day of 4th Moon. St. Dunstan. Bind, Esplanade, C p m. Volunteer Recruits, A and B” Cos. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. 15tii Dav of 4th Moon. Band, Golf Club, 6 p m. George Town
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  • 20 5 O Full Moon May 20th Cast Quarfor 2Hth O Now Moon June 5th (h irst Quarter 11 th
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  • 15 5 German (Schurnhorst) ...22ndMaj. China Ttuclow ...21st English (Arcadia) ...29th China (Delta) ...31 st
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  • 37 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Wad Service. Outward. Homeward. A rradii 20 Mat. Delia 31 May. Deranha 12 Juno. Astaye 1-4 June. Fx.ra Service. Outward. Homeward. Sunda 20 May. I Nile 22 May. '"'ocotra 23 I Veshawnr 1 June.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 101 5 i I THIS IS IT! «M x t in WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound C *4 TASTELESS ODORLESS SI The latest scientific pre paration o? COD LIVER OIL Docs all that is claimed for it and super- scdes the old fashioned emulsions which upset Jj the stomach. Highly re
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    • 235 5 J Q. sĔfSk\ Mb* 4k tnc ft*nare T7TV cn Capsule of i' b*>ars the Name mutations PY m and FuDY Cos !frl«U OP 'tyfav/f?eli e f without PARIS, 8 rue Vivienne. Sold by all Chemists Why vizste your good money after cheap rubbish article T F>e sure to get only
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    • 118 5 NOTICE LABOUR CODE, 1912, F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911.” OF INDIAN LABOUR J are hereby reminded assessment returns for (he preceding quarter must l»o si*nt to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour. Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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  • 97 6 noii.htd daily (except Sunday* aad pablio holiday*) AT TU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puck Daily Local 924 per annum. OntsUtion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 OABLI ADD mss: V echo—PENANG.” Telephone Not. Echo 586 Printing Department 543 JT.#.—All Ruiimm communication* ahouM
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  • 2020 6 Libel actions, beyond all other processes of the law, have a peculiar interest for the newspaper reader, and three cases which have recently been tried in London and have been very fully reported by the Home Press have attracted a good deal of attention even in Penang. In
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  • 864 6 Dr. and Mrs. Travers and Miss Travers were passengers by the s s. Klang from Port Swettenham this morning. The lion E. C. Ellis has been given twelve months’ leave from his duties as a member of the Legislative Council. Mr. H. E. Darby, of Narborough Rubber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 CxiDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncDO PRITCHARD’S j I FOR EVERYTHING. I o 0 OCDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncDO KODAK. Always with you Never in the Way The VEST POCKET KODAK. A NEW .“VEST POCKET- DAINTY KODAK KODAK P.CTURES FOR THE ARE EASILY MADE WAISTCOAT- POSTCARD SIZE POCKET IN THE V.P.K. ENLARGER A-VV PRICE $l5 nett. Simple to|work. Loaded
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  • 65 6 Death. Cheah Scan Neoh. Messrs. Boey Tiang Beng and Boev Tiang Huat (Klang) beg to tender their thanks through the medium of the Straits Echo” to those ladies and gentlemen who attended the funeral of their mother yesterday or sent wreaths, letters of condolence, etc. Wreaths were received from the
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  • 145 7 I'nwi Our Own Vorre*pondcnt Singapoie, May 19. Tl,erc was a largo attendance at. the ((inU tl meeting of the District Grand and District. Gr ind Chapter, inIndine Wor. Bros the Hon I’. Young, A. p Hulibacii, F. •> Saunders E. VV. Harvey »u.l C. Darby T ',e
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  • 69 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Singipore, May 19. Harold B. Winter was charged with the death of a Malay syce by a ra H nd negligent act It is alleged that |P amused, who was on a motor cycle, frightened the pony which bolted and threw „lf the
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  • 70 7 (From Ou r Own, Correspondent') Singapore, May 10. The opening day of tin Rifle Association meeting was very successful The attendance and entries were good. There were 43 entrant» for the President’s Priise, of whom H scored 00 nett and upwards. The imintr was Neubronner with a
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  • 250 7 Sir E. Carson And the Use of Force. Reuter.) London, May 17. Sir Kdward Carson, leader of the Irish Unionists, made an important speech at the l*Mimg of a drill-hall in Belfast last night IU declared that Home Rule would if necessary lie resisted by force,
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  • 112 7 A Saddening Report. Renter.) London, May 17. Hie report <>f tho leader of tho Norwegian expedition which was sent in search f Schroeder-Strauz party has heeu received n Heriin from Spit/.bergeu. It makes Urrowing reading and says that of the ten '•ertnan in >mbers of the
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  • 152 7 (Reuter.) London, May 17. Light thousand persons have been renderK homeless by a fire at Pressburg Hungary). The conflagration which “uoWeJ six streets broke out at 2 o’clock i‘P afternoon and was still raging at A “‘1 in the evening. A fireman and a L w
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  • 245 7 GRECO-BULG ARIAN DIFFERENCES. SIGNIFICANT MOVEMENT OF T.tCJOPS. Reuter.) London, May 17. According to telegrams from Salonika it bas now become known that during the last fortnight there has lieen a great movement of Bulgarian troops towards the west t rom the Bth to the 12th of May,
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  • 52 7 (Renter.) Berlin, May 17. The elections for the Prussian Diet have resulted in the Conservatives and the Clerical Centre losing ten seats, of which seven wero captured by the National Lilrerals and one by the Socialists; the overwhelming superiority of the Conser-vative-Centre Alliauco in the Diet is
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  • 38 7 Important Arrests. (Reuter Calcutta, May 17. Tho Police here have arrested nineteen respectable Bengalis, charged with conspiracy to wage war against tho King-Emperor. The Bengali Press says that the arrests have made a tremendous sensation.
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  • 59 7 (Reuter Washington, May 17. The Governor of Ariz >ni has signed the Bill fnisscd by the State,Assembly prohibiting any alien who has not declared his intention of becoming naturalised from acquiring r--al property within the jurisdiction of that State. This Bill affects not. only Japanese but also
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  • 32 7 Reuter.) St. Petersburg, May 18. A hundred aud eleven persons, who took part in a demonstration on the Russian May Day, hare been sentenced to three months’ imprisonment.
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  • 26 7 (Reuter.) London, May 18. A telegram from Belpe Valley, Obie, states that sixteen people were killed in a mine explosion in that town.
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  • 35 7 Reuier.) London, May 17. The trouble in the South ales coalfields has come to an end all the nonunionists in the collieries idle since May 1 having joined the Miners’ Federation.
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  • 24 7 (Reuter.) London, May 17. Mr Edwin Tate has given £lO,OOO to the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, initiated bv the late King Edward.
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  • 310 7 IMPORTANT SPEECH BY M. PICHON. TiIB’JTJ TO Sir EDWARD GREY. (Reuter.) Paris, May 17. M. Pichoc, Minister for Foreign Affairs, made an important speech on the international rituation in the Chamber of Deputies yesterday. Referring to the Balkans, he said that the policy of France had been inspired
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  • 260 7 (Reuter.) Ottawa, May 17. The Canadian Naval Bill has been read a third time in the House of Commons bv 99 votes to G 6. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, leader of the Opposition, offering a last, protest, against its passage, denounced the Government’s poliev as a makeshift
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  • 104 7 The County Championship. Advisory Committee's Decision. (Renter.) London, May 17. At a meeting of the Advisory Coun.v Cricket Committee held at Lord’s yesterday, with Lord Harris in the chair, it was unanimously decided not to alter the scheme for the County championship until after 1914, except as
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  • 29 7 (Renter.) Washington, Mav 17. Continuous heavy landslides threaten to delay the opening of the Panama Canal beyond January, 1915, the date officially fixed for its inauguration.
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  • 384 7 A UNIONIST WIN. PRESS COMMENTS. (Reuter.) London, May 18. The result of tho by-election in the Newmarket Division of Cambridgeshire, j where a vacancy was created by the death of Sir Charles Rose (Liberal), was as I follows I>eni»on Pender (Unionist) 5,251 Nicholls (Liberal) 4,400 Unionist Majority... 851
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  • 57 7 Methods of Barbarism R e uter.) Shanghai, May 18. A Press report from Western Hunan states that the local geutry aad farmers, resenting the action of tho troops in uprooting tbe opium crops in Shen-chow-ting, met in the Temple to discuss tho matter, whereupon the troops set tire
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  • 170 7 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off on Saturday Mired Double* Handicap. Miss Evans and Macnamara beat Mrs K>'SS and Laidlaw G—2. 0 3 Hon W Evans and Miss B Evans beat Mr and Mrs Saye G— 1, G 3. Mr and
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  • 44 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Co.) Fine Para Spot 3s. ltd. Fine Para Forward 3s. 9|d. First latex Crepe delivery uext three months 3s. sd. Market firm. May 19, 1913.
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  • 988 7 A PERJURY CHARGE. In the Supreme Court this ru-ruing Mr. J Justice W. W. Fisher commenced the hear- j ing, before a special jury, of the case against T. Abdullah alias Tbyriar Abdullah, alias Abdullah KfTendi, Editor of the Tamil paper, T 'he Penang (Initnamtrian The accused was
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  • 65 7 The following articles will l»e found on our outside pages Pjige 3.—The Crown Prince of Germany. A u A muffing Case. An Excellent Precedent. 'The Defenders of Skut.ui. .1 5. Cricket Tournament. P C C. Bowls Tournament. Unrest in Indo-Chiua. Californian Problem. Banishment of Chinese. 8—The I,aw of Libel.
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  • 71 7 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lOB 05 buyers no sellers, and iu Singapore (re lined) at $109.25 buyers uo .sellers. <>ur Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that a d.iuco was given in honour of Mrs. and Miss Travers at the S*dang«»r Club ou Saturday night. A large
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 307 7 WAKTTED. A <- EKTIFICATEDENGINK Dim'Eß ■£-1- for the oil engine at the New Quarantine Station, Pulau Jerejak, on a salary of s3'X> per annum and free quarters. Applications to l>e sent to PORT HEALTH OFFICER, 19-5-13 371 Penang. GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. WANTED HEAD DRESSER for Ifulim Hospital, Kedah. luitial salary
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  • 889 8 Some Reflections on the Recent Trial. By a Legal Correspondent. The recent trial of the action brought bv Miss Liud-af-Hagebv against Dr. Saleeby anJ the Pull, Mall Gazette brings into very promiuent light the existing deplorable condition of the English Law on the su»*j* ct of
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  • 1017 8 Closing a Chapter. In another column we deal to-day, ail too brieflv and imperfectly, with tbe story of i the Tanjoug Pagar Dock Company and its successor the Taujong Pagar D>-cl: hoard u Looking back upon those records of early i enterprise in the colony, one cannot fail
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  • 666 8 Thee \ts or Repudiation are Silly.’ The National Review (Shanghai) com- j meats on the Loan situation as follows Many things hare happened. The Loan 1 Agreement has been signed, and there is much ado respecting it. If there was excitement before, there is fever now. Every
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1040 8 Full satisfact ion ia what you always g«t at our “CRYSTAL PICTURE PALACE The Standard Kinematograph Entrance* King Street A Cbulia Street The show that eeta the Standard All enlivening aubjecU for thia aeaaon. To-morrow Night, (Saturday). A Nevcr-cadiag Source of Eotcrfoiomcnt. Three Hours Solid Show. A Long Scream from
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    • 81 8 Crcu». Tins disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should lie prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 45 8 New h the Tim*. **or rheumatism yen wiil find nothing better than Ckumberlain’s l*ain Balm. Now i« the time to "6t rid of it. Try this liniment and see bow .juicily it will relieve tbe pain and soreness. Fo sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 242 8 NOTICE A MEETING of the Board of Licensing Justices will he held in the District Court on Wednesday, the 18th June, 1013, at 2.13 p m to consider applications for new licences, for l ander of existing Public House Licences aud for removals and also applications for new licences, transfer
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    • 315 8 George Town Sales Room. NOTICE OF SALE. Ponies Ponies Ponies MR. McFARLANE WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Church Street Ghaut, On Tuesday, 20th May, 1913. Commencing at 3 p m. Th> following Penang Griffins: No. 4 Bay Mare S years old 14.0 j Conditions ok Sale. Cash beforo delivery.
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  • 34 9 1 t ‘JStfls bron% Amenta Dm€ Hvtlotr Singapore B M ACo 2 Ut Mav 1 r nhursf Colombo BM .A Co. |2*2cd Air hi in Colombo A.G.AXk). 291 h Singapore A.G.ACo. 3lst
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  • 20 9 1 For Agent* Leave* Colombo hdt irnkortt Singapore r >m1ui Singapore btHa Colombo B.MACo B.M.AJo. A.G.ACo. A.G.ACo. i May.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 273 9 OTAL I xpcctcd Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward, M.iv M Arcadia connecting with Medina Jmio 12 Devanha Moldavia 20 China Maloja July I" Assays Mongolia 21 Delta Macedonia Homeward LAKES liY MAIL STEAMERS'. 1st class 2nd class r I nd«-n h.v Sea $5G5-72 1377-14 Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29
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    • 1575 9 <S H P P N G.) S. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. INTENDED TO SAIL. Steam re. Singapore (Three timet» a week). Pori Swciunhatn and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mersui, Tavoy, Yeh arul Sat. 24th Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Foitaightly.) Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly.) Ncgapatam, Madras,
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  • 1229 10 The Strait* Time» of Thursday prints some very interesting notes on the Indian immigration question from the pen of Mr. C. C. Malet and f ffers, in a leading article, the following comment on them:— There are few more controversial subjects than labour recruiting, and Mr. C. C.
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  • 228 10 Republican simplicity is an excellent thing in its way, but it is not so admirable when it becomes ostentatious'. President Woodrow Wilson may be commended for his desire to live the simple life, and his total abstention from alcohol will probably have the effect of a good
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  • 374 10 A foreigner, writing in the Pekimj Daily Neu-s, compares the Kuomintang party to the most powerful of the Japanese political parties, namely the Seiyukai, in that they both aim at government on party lines. The members of the Kuomintang, however, are pot nearly so competent to perform legislative
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 460 10 A BLESSING TO WOMEN. Throughout the m-ny stages of woman's life, from peevish girlhood through womanhood, motherhood, to the declining years of old age. there is no better, milder, or more effective medical companion to women-folk than Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills. They promote a healthy and regular condition,
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    • 51 10 A food Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of jour home to always keep on lian.i a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints*. It aiwajs cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale bj all Dispensaries and
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    • 72 10 For Lame Back. When you have pa-ns or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for live minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of Hannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on over
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    • 762 10 A Lay Preacher ii N k j mfr jVy». ••*1 X ~0.-. d mg&Jii y Llr \\a I «r -J 'X f 'V- v ,1 Off >t i .U« v vTAi rs f a l v ‘•iP~ Z r vl Brain Fag, Nervous Exhaustion Just a change of op ini
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 148 11 T 4S mwm FOUR GOOD THINGS IN THE HOUSE, DON’T MISS THEM. Milkmaid Condensed Ideal Condensed ti SWISS MILK (Sweetened). $ll-00 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALER’S SHOP, NOT DELIVERED.) 48 TINS IN CASE. SWISS MILK (U nsweetened). Price: $7.75 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALER’S SHOP, NOT DELIVERED.) 48 TINS IN
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1848 12 Guide to Penang, BT TUB LATE E. F. Skertchly, 1..1. s. Price SO cent»• Worth a Dollar a copy. HOLD AT STRAITS ECHO OFFICE. AND AT THI SAVM-TWOILI HM. Chinese Scribbling Paper rot office use. Price, <1 per packet of 180 full sheet» (Can be c»t to 12* x B*.)
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