Straits Echo, 13 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1148 1 If von re'jnir a Tonic an<l someth ing l to nourish von, drink DOC’S HEAD GUINNESS’S STOUT and look for this lalxd <-»■ M to see u that you got it. TIANG LEE C Co., Sole Agents. }#C Audrey/ Usher Co.’s. SPECttL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky.' LANDS. BUTTERY S Co.. AGENTS
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    • 21 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. /V* *v i-a s- V *6 p&> IN v$ s> 5 5 9 I BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 i NATURA MILK LION BRAND.! The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. “Chop” Singah. a K i m Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. A®v,\>r a Aj /f ‘I Cnml I'rix: y ril *9 5,|
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  • 1446 3 Equipment or BwoiKi«mno Depart xrsT. We litTi* iwive«l from th»* Ufa# of the Faculty of Engineering at the University a lint of t xperiinentul appira ui and machine presented to that centre of learning. Upwards of 90 firms hare promised assistance, «nd it is expeot**d that there
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  • 114 3 May, 191:3. n H. W. L. W. H. 1 Dat a.m. am. p.m. 13th 5 12, 10.32, 5.43, Nj 14th 8.08, 12.10, 7.1*. 15th 9.08, 2.08. 8.39, 16th 9 52 :M5. 9. A Jj 17th 10.28. 1.02, 10.26, fj 18th 10.11, 1.45, 11 1° J 19th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 208 4 Sore Br. 4,188, Aaburr. May 9. Yokohama, Apr. 18, Gen. —A.G A Co. Mlbinj, Ger. sa., 3,107, Brauer, May 10. Batavia. Apr. 16, Gen.—B. M. A Co. Hong Mob. Br. aa 2.555, Bambridge. May 10. Amoy, Apr. 25, Geu.— H*-ng Moh A Co. Cornelia, Br. aa, 194, Cane, say
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    • 42 4 Mat 13 Malacca, for Tongkah Jndragiri, for T>eh and Batu Bahra. Hebe, for Teluk Anaon Mamhang, for Setill. Pangkor, for Dindinga and Sitiawan. Slang, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore China, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Laitan-i for Calcutta Hong \f'ih, for Singipore
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    • 317 4 an» Ytn—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a ni Negapatam and Madras IVr Tee la, to morrow, 11 a m Singapore. China and Japan Per At« >ye, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan —IVr Git da, 15th instant, noox. Port Swettenham and Singapore --IVr Tara. 15«li instant, 3
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  • 128 4 i’bnan**. Mat 13 (Bj eonr<*f oj -‘he Chartered Bank.) «ondon, Bank l 4 n 4ui mtn* i|»tit ft>n« 2 4j*t A Ored.l 2 4VJ 4 Uoeuin**«iuiry.. V 4jy lent la, D*mii.m> B 1. 4) 3 day*’ Pritan 1754 wulmj, Niip is:d M>ii 71) 4 lul’iinti). I) into ♦.»•»>
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  • 242 4 i Hold 4i*M» Black Puppet "o »(oc White Pepp«n 33. —tal t Tifcug P«pp»o 20 50 buyer* CICTtiH 'A9 out of teuton I Miu e >2 nominal M Pickings 93 50 *alet Vutineg* 11«)». 23 5 0 buyer» i No. I 8.20 ttiJr ■v»gj4i < 2 ..8,10 5.15 buyer»
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  • 195 4 k Mat 13 BKrte— cit. Soup p>* call. 14 K liial 24 St»Wk.» 24 StOW Or Curry M a 1... 16 Kin.p Steak 24 -we* 30 Tongue... 55, F».et 15 Heart 30 L Ter p*i caM *55 Bok k Pork |»e ra it 36 P g’i Head.»
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  • 2116 4 a 1 1 i i j j o 9 j Numl>erof ~S d. 1 .r Si Capital. Shan* > Dividends. j N WUH k l te j j i !H»f* 191«* 1911 1912 1913 RUBBf'R DOLLAR SHARES. p |*-c. p.c. j J i. N j -11 (mmi i *****0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 N w Is the Tine. Kor i hpuinatinn jou will tin»l nothing letter than Chaiubarla n’s Pain Balm. Now is the tiino to rid of it. Irj this liniment and w*e how quirk I j it will relieve the pain and aorenes*. Fo silebv a’l D •aries and Itealera.
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    • 57 4 A r ood Rale for ike Home Make it a rule of your home to »lwa s keep on hand a t>otfle of Chamber Liu’* Colic, Cholera ami Diatrhoea Remedy a* a •af-guard against bowel compl lints It n I way* < urea promptly and no household ia ■«fe without
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    • 118 4 Always Rcc mnrnl It. in linont ercrv community there i* s<>m« t* v\ li. lif.. hta I een »aved by Chamber* Uin’i. Coii<\ Cholera an* Diarrhoea Remed y Bucb peraona mI loiii n»i«s an opportunity to let'oiiuu* ml it, aud r* coiuuiendationn nud it* otter failing qurlitie* account f>r its
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  • 873 5 Meeting at Kuala Li'JtPt'*A meeting of the Indian Iminigra i"ii Committee wa* held -it Kutlt Lumpur on Mondav, May 5. 1 here were present: Mr. J.’ II <> Ald worth. Controller of Labour (Chairman). the Director of Public Work*, Federated Malar States (Mr. J. Trump), the Principal
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  • 290 5 F M. S. Appointment. The following appointments appear in the late t F.M.B. (Jaiette Messrs F F Faithfull and A J Slater to be Executive Enginrers, P W D. Mr S C R*til to be Superintendent, Chaudu Department, Perak Mr F de la Mare Norrs to lie an Assistant Agricultural
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  • 172 5 St. Xkfitr'i Beat Free Sekool. The following were tlie scores of a Team Competition lietween the Cadets of PenaDg Free School and St. Xavier’s Institution which took place at Kampong Bahru on Whit Monday. St. Xavier's won by 4 points St. Xavier's School. 100 150 200 Tot;l Sergt
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  • 141 5 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of last Saturday’s piny J fixed Double Handicap. Mrs Dunn ami Goldie beat Mrs L>ennys and Crab-Watt G—2, 6 2. M r and Mrs Edwards beat Mrs Welli im and Sellar 3 —0, o—3, 0— 4 Miss E Heim and
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  • 17 5 The as. Edaran-x from Calcutta discharged 14,050 bags if «ice and 2,0 jQ bags of bran.
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  • 41 5 To-i>at 8th Day of 4th Moon. Whit Tuesday. The Mascott*,” Town Hall, 9-15 p.m. Volunteer Maaitn and Bearer Sections Band, Golf Club, 6 pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 333 5 }o<=>oo< r oc DOOoQC THE BERNESE ALPS MILK Co.’s 8 I*• fxliii’tr «cm awardM (lie GRAND PRIX iiiglie<st award oh(aiualilc) At ill r«i»nrpi*l iti'l Oilcniil Rxhiliition, liiu.vd*, 1910. O SLEDGE MILK i« Mipplird (o all the Government Mrdical l.niilulions in the Federated Malay States. Lccai Agents: Sandilands, Buttery 8 Co.
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    • 82 5 Creep. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its developnw nt that every mother of young children should lie prepared for it It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be
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    • 52 5 My sons and daughters, father, mother. My sisters, and each separate brother My uncles, aunts, and cousins all. My mother-in-law and wife so tall— All swear by Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, It drives their colds away I’m sure And if you ask them, I’ve no doubt They'll say they cannot
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    • 195 5 Urryy' —jocr _>oc Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ Embassy” Cigarettes. A New Brand of Virginia Cigarettes. Packed in Air-tight tins of 50 and 25. OBTAINABLE AT MESSRS. PRITCHARD CO And All the Leading Stores in Penang. Price per tin of 25: 28 cents. 50: 55 »1 n n TANSAN
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  • 96 6 daily (except Sunday» and pnblio holidays) AT TAB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. PUCE Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.60 OABLB ADDBBSB ECHO—PEN A NO.” Telephone No». Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JKJ.-AU buiiMM comm unicat ions
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  • 974 6 We had thought that we had made our views on the Banishment Laws in the Colony and the F.M.S. quite clear in our leading article of Saturday, but a correspondent writes and asks us to define them with a little more pirticularity. For his benefit and that of
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  • 342 6 From to-day, the office of the “Straits Echo” will be at 59, Beach Street, to which address the Criterion Press, Ltd., will also be transferred in the course of the next few days. The exact date will be notified later. Meantime, we must ask the indulgence of
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  • 911 6 Raja Chulan of Perak is on a visit to Penang. Capt. S. R. Perkins, Senior Boarding Officer, who had been laid up with fever for some days, resumed work vesterday. Captain Matthew is now in charge of the 6,s. To»ff llonq temporarily relieving Captain Bell who is
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  • 478 6 WELCOME TO M. DUVELLE. M. Duvelle, the father of the Revd. L Duvelle, acting Vicar of the Church ef the Assumption, who arrived in Penang on the 9th instant receivod a cordial welcome m the Parish Hall after Vespers last Sunday, when the whole congregati >n present
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  • 392 6 The Mascots, who are playing at the Town Hall to-night, hare won golden opinions in other places where they have appeared and after recommending them to the public ourselves we will quote from one or two press notices they have received elsewhere. The Empire (Calcutta). I liis clever
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 E. O. Hotel. •:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. oonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoo 0 o n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n OCDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnpnnnnnnciDQ mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m m m PRITCHARD’S FOB EVERYTH*. Price $l-25 m m m m m m m Less 10
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  • 454 7 THE INDEMNITY. Reuter.) Constant inoplr. May 11. The Allies demand ;f. indemnity of .£60,000,000. It is Imliered that all the Powers now agree with the Russian view in favour of an indemnity which, however, must lx 1 small. A Trait Collision. London, Mas* 2. The
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  • 221 7 Reuter.) London. May 11. Kins; Aifonso of Spuu has left l*«t»i< for home after a most, successful visit. The I’resg is discussing the possibility of tin entry of Spain into the Triple Entente and comments upon the cxtraordii ary anti Anarchist precautions which were taken.
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) London, May 10. Much damage was done everywhere by the persmteut rains, especially in Scotland "here there were record spates in the rivers of Perthshire and Aberdeenshire and tuurmoui losses of crops and live stock.
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  • 274 7 (Reuter.) Sacramento, May 10. A new bill, providing for a census of the Japanese population in California and the collection of statistics as to the class and fereage of the land he'd by them, will lie introduced into (he Senate i Washington, May 11. President Wilson is
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  • 132 7 Closure Motion Carried. Reuter.') London, May 10. Mr. 11. L. Barden, the Canadian Premier, moved tho closure motion w T hich was carried. The discussion of tho Naval Bill closes automatic illy in the House of Commons at 2 o’clock on the morning of May 10, when
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  • 134 7 At Berac. (Reuter.) London, May 11. A conference of the French and German Socialists is sitting at Berne. Ninety-eight French incinb rs of Parliament and thirtythree members of the Reichstag attended The conference adopted the proposal of M. Liebuocht appealing to the Swiss Government to tako the initiative
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  • 70 7 f Renter, j Rio de Janeiro, Mav 12 Japanese labourers to tho number of 1 00, have landed at Sautes, a seaport in Brazil. They are the advance guard sent bv the new Japanese company, with a capital of a million yen, which has been organised to
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  • 25 7 Reuter. London, May 10. The match between Surrey and Northamptonshire at the Oval resulted in a draw in favour of Surrey on points
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  • 146 7 (Reuter.) Hongkong, May 12. The Portuguese Cruiser Adamastor struck a rock near Dumb Bell Island and has sent an urgent wireless message for as istance. The destroyer Otter, two tugs, and the Portugue-e gunboat Patna have gone to her help. Hongkong, May 13. The Otter reports that
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  • 359 7 BOMB AND FIRE FIENDS. The Bit of Cost a. Reuter.) London, May 11. The Suffragettes burned down the mansion" Faringdon Hall” near Dundee, the damage done lieing estimated at .£l,OOO. A bomb exploded at the University Paviliou at Cambridge. The total damage done by the Suffragettes during
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  • 138 7 Av Effort Towards Perpetual Peace. (Reuter.) New York, May 10. At the Peace Centenary Banquet Mr. W. J. Bryan, the U. S. Secretary of State, announced that President Wilson proposed international agreements with the nations of the world that there should be no declaration or commencement of
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  • 111 7 Fine Aviation Display. (Reuter.) London, May 10. Their Majesties the King and Queen are spending Whitsuntide at Aldershot. Tester day they witnessed a jumping expedition b. the Dragoons without r»ins and saddles. Seventeen aeroplanes were simultaneously in the air, including a monoplane which made its first
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  • 146 7 Outbid r's Victory. Reuter.) London, May 11. The result, of the Korapton Park Jubilee Handicap (1* miles) which was run yesterday, was as follows Absolute Talana Hill 2 Cigar 3 Sixteen ran. Won by a length; three-quarters of a length between second and third. S.P. 33 to
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  • 61 7 THE SINGAPORE SCORE. (From Our o>en Correspondent.) Singapore, May 13. Singapore «hot for the Interport match under excellent weather conditions The scores weie as follows Neubrouner 99 Tan Chow Kiin 98 Long 97 Charter 96 Kemp 94 Elliot 93 de Silva 89 Me Vittie 88 Galistan 88 Total
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  • 32 7 (From Our Onn Correspondent.) Singapore, May 11. It is alleged that the second cashier of tho Taujong Pagar Dock Board has committed defalcations to the amount of 320,0 0.
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  • 40 7 (Reuter.) Sydney, May 13. Dr. Mawson has sent a wireless message to tho effect that members of his expedition are well and that they published a twentyfcix page monthly magazine, tho Adebe Blizzard, which greets its contemporaries.
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  • 42 7 Reuter.) Loudon, May 13. Two records wore made at Stamford Bridge yesterday: E. F. Lloyd ran 50 miles iu 0 hr. 13 min. 58 sec. and H. Greene ran the Marathon distance in 22 hr. 38 min. 10* sec.
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  • 21 7 (Reuter) London, May 10. Lieutenant Addison was washed off a destroyer iu the Pentland Firth anl drowned.
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  • 30 7 (Reuter.) London, May 12. Tho French aviator, M. Brindejone, has arrived at Hendon from Bremen. He infringed, apparently unwittingly, almost all the aerial regulations. He was unmolested.
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  • 24 7 (Reuter.) Cettinje, May 10. The Montenegrin troops controlled the fire at Skutari. Twenty shops in the Turkish bazaar were burned.
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  • 28 7 (Reuter.) New York, May 12 Tbe most disastrous typhoon for years struck Manila. Many vessels were wrecked and fifty-eight lives aro known to be lost.
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  • 20 7 (Reuter.) London, May 13. H. R H. the Duchess of Connaught continues to show satisfactory progress.
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  • 146 7 The following was the result of the Fiesgrave Cup for May Prksokave Cup (Ladies) for May Mrs. Dunn 9 down Mrs. Masterton 10 down Miss Brown returned a card showing 2 down, but it was not marked properly and could not be accepted. Mrs. Pinhorn and Mrs.
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  • 107 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Co) Fine Para Spot 3s. 9d. Fine Para Forward 3s. 9d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 3s. 5^d. Market firm. May 13, 1913. A case which has excited the
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  • 1033 7 DISTURBING ELEMENTS. A PLEA FOX PEACi. The trustees of the Chinese Town Hail has received the following telegrams from the Cantonese aud Hokien Residents Association m Peking Peking, May 10. For the establishment of the Ropubli how much money has Iteen spent an I how much brains
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  • 164 7 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages Page 3.—University of Hongkong. i‘. lndiau Immigration Committee. F M S. Appointment. Shooting Competition. Penang Golf Club. 8 —Singapore Races Inter-State Cricket. B'fle Shooting. Football. P. C. C. Bowls Tournament. 10.—Some Go id Stori*\s. Who Paid? The Portuguese Republic.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Myelin}» of the Municipal C.Miimisaiouer* will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.iu. on Thursday, the 15th inst. (By Order) L. A. Coutikk BIGGS, Secretary. KTOTICH. j f|MIE SALE of Yeoh Tuan Neoh’s proj L parties kuown as Lot 107 of T.B XT I
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  • 24 7 Obituary. (Reuter.) London, May 12. The death has taken place of Mr P A Meehan, Nationalist member for the Leix Division of Queen’s County.
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  • 526 8 (From Our Otrn (Wrowurfot*.) Singapore. May 12, 1913. I The last day of ths Singapore mating < we* eoaside el De beet d»T of the three It iir ported the» the Steward* fin «1 Tennant $5OO for n t providing n rider for The Monk in the Griffin
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  • 229 8 I (From (Jv Otca Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 10. I In t'*i i..ter-»t<t* match between Pe *k *'‘d Sola- gor, which was played at Kuala L-impur, the Perak team batted first with til»- fi llowing result A II Voules c Linncll b Gei i« r 6 M ansur
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  • 153 8 The second shooting competition between the P. V. Rill s Club end H M S. Clio, took place on Sunday afternoon. The P. V. R. C. won again. The scores are appended; P. V. R. C. 200 500 «00 Total vds. yds. yds Mrs. Wright Motion... '17 33
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  • 446 8 P. c. C. v*. H. M. S. Clin. The friendly game of football between these teams on the Esplanade on Saturday evening, was witnessed bj a large concourse of spectators, and proved to be the best game jot seen on the padang —a clean and fast game all through.
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  • 52 8 The following was the result of the tie played off yesterday Championship. W. Hamilton heal A. H. Foggio. 21—18. The following ties have ba*n fixed for to-morrow Chnmpionthip: Cunningham r*. G E Wright Motion Jr; K N Goodwin r*. S C Ambrose W Daniel re.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 351 8 The Straits Cinema.' Locf.o.».—PENANO HOAD. Tempora n«Uit«r et no» mutamwr in illi»". Feature Film A. NOR HI 'K Co. SENSATIONAL 3 Part». 3 Acts. 8.000 ft.| The Fatal Lie NORDISK SPELLS BUUCHS Feature Film P. 8. C. A G. L. MASTERPIECE. “To Right the Wrong” 2 Reels. 2 Parts. 5.000
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    • 656 8 SEEIK IS lEUETIM 1 NOTE WELL. NOTE WELL. Penang Motion dicture Show, Lorn lion Penang Rond. Splendid Selection of the best Makers of Films. TO INTEREST. AMUSE A ENTERTAIN The Prrf mme’} Pri cinl Coat nts in o«r I Topical Gaumont Graphics. 1 PROGRAMME. 1 Hi* Owu Fault—Farcical ('on***!* (All)
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    • 7 8 For Chronic Cheat Comp’amts, Greet Peppermint Cere
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    • 57 8 THIS IS IT Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS tSfflgff. The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Decs all that is I claimed for it and super- scJcs the old fashioned emulsions which upset 1 the stomach. Highly re j commended by the inedi cal profession. C>*
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    • 1113 8 NOTICE. d»t© hereof, our business hitherto carried on in Penang as N K Choon A Co. will be carried ou as N. K. Choon A Co.. Ltd. N. K. CHOON A Co., Ltd 6-5-13 34b S.S. ALMA”. OWING to the docking of this steamer there will be no sailings on
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  • 27 9 1 'Hfk front AjCtUt Due Colombo i, Singapore Siutfapore >rl trnhijrtt Colombo A.G.AO. A.G.ACo. K M ACo BM ACo. 151b May 17tb 21 at 22nd
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  • 25 9 Y«*$'U For Agrnt$ Lr.avtt (•'At ha ft*e!oir (JO 5' 5 "3 3 A. QA.Cn. May. .n ACo Colombo H MACo kkarnhont Singapore B M.AJc.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 294 9 S.N.C Eipccted Arrivals and Departures. M*r Mail Service Outward. Assave connecting with Maim>»ra ;!> Arcadia Me<ina I ,n<> 12 I Vranha Moldavia 2»; China Maloja Ju'i't ]0 Ansars Mongolia 24 Pelt» Maced on i t’omcwiri M«t jjD<* Julv u. I A«tS I V MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class r,
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    • 1598 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fo* I.NTKNDKD TO SAIL. Steamer. IfORDBEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. THI'i fast and well-known mail stoamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg ria Rotterdam, Autwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa !V AFlIOi r<nntliV>f «<>•« lf« mmm. Ef 1_ A l lU
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  • 646 10 There ire *om** very good stories in a collection ju-t published under the title of ••Chestnut», Ho» Mil Cold.” Here area f.*w of then.: Golfer's Suarui-iF. A golfing s»n y told by a high diguitary of the Church i* of ma t who had done bins If
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  • 198 10 .!n l k Renbml. who -.ilho wn s'ulun T.rifT Reform d*M»plv. t»ld a» amusing sb n at the d in n *r of the A-s «mu* ion of K rs ft i f .r.w! t th* time wh*n the M xicin wo* 4«. in M xico and o*.
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  • 145 10 A strong indictment of the new n l,m »n Portugal has been framed by Adolne I Michels of Bedford in a pimph let entitl'd Portuguese Political Prisoner*. <>£ gathers from it tint the so j that the Koyilist prisoner geb Portugal to-dar is of the same brand
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  • 811 10 In the St. Geoi> Chaj el Prayer-books, Mrs. Clare Jerrold tells you in The Marriel Life of Queen Victori*,” the pronouns denoting the Queen were in capitals, while those denoting the Persons of the Trinity were in ordinary type. When the Prince Consort was about, to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 731 10 rri: rr Sj 1 4* 1 wr Teeth. Has no one been slru-:k by the fact That in spite of the regular daily cleansing of the teeth with toothp nvJers and tooth-pastes, the teeth (and particularly the hack teeth) frequently become decayed and hollow And is not that a convincing
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    • 54 10 THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound &r&f. TASTELESS ODORLEBS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all tl>at is claimed for it and .super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re Commended bv the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS Price
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    • 478 10 e 19 11 :j 8 r i i i i i i i 1>«*N t Turn Up Yoi'K Nose Alice. KESHRANJAN, The World's Best Hair Grower 8 Restorer. Tins is tlie greatest Indian hair Food most decidedh- superior lo all other Foreign Brands. Most persistent flavour, immense) cooling medicinal properties.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 J3Y A. PPOINTMEKT O' n i r. v R XO H.M. THE KING Four good things in the DON’T MISS THEM. HOUSE, Milkmaid Condensed SWISS MILK Ideal Condensed (Sweetened). $ll-00 Cash PER CASE. SWISS MILK (Unsweetened). Price: $7.75 Cash PER CASE. (IN DEALERS SHOP, NOT DELIVERED.) 48 TINS IN CASE.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1981 12 Guide to Penang, Br thb un E. F. Skertchly. m. v Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy.") •OLD AT STRAITS KHO" OfFICf. AK V AT THI S4II-D TMDILI flit for sale. JUST ARRIVED. Anew shipment of Coni in noun Cartii’ce Drawing Tracing Paper and Tracing Cloth. Prices on
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