Straits Echo, 28 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1061 1 If von require a Toni»* and something tu nourish you, drink DOC'S HEAD CUINNE SS’S STOUT and look rv'-'ts', TIANG LEE Co., So!« for tfiia I:tl»« 1 to FM that you get A gtnt* Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F.
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    • 13 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. r> <** ,-3 < ivtf* r: r iO BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 The Silent INDIAN Motor Cycle. 1913 MODELS JUST ARRIVED. (3 4 The 3* H.P. Single Cylinder with Two Speed Gear and Free Engine Clutch. Standard heavy non-skid 28 in. X 2£ in. Tyres to both wheels, improved 4 inch Mudguards front and rear, Spring Frame, Front Stand, Improved Kick Starter,
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  • 1405 3 y r o hi Our Own Cnrretpomlent. Loudon, March 7. Parliament ro-asseinbhfs to-day to gather w tli** end* °f *h e *e*«>oa ai l to pre,rf f„r the formal opening of the uew lotion oo Monday next. Kr.'in l;e preparations male by both the ijorerniueiit and the
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  • 252 3 Sir Ernest W. Birch presided at an extraurdinaty general meeting of the Malayan Tin Dredging, Limited, held on March 3. lie moved the confirmation of a resolution agreed to on February 17 last, increasing the capital of the comjiany to £125,000 by tho creation of 25,000 further
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  • 155 3 Lomlon, March 5. Apropos of the Betting Inducements Bill, some interesting letters have passed be 1 ween Mr. Randall, the secretary of the Turf Guardian Society, and Lord Durham. The society, which has rendered goo«l service by its ffforts to protect the public from swindling bookmakers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 Criterion Press, LIMITED. Office Stationery Requisites. i Jf v JSL St Cast-Brass Pet Rack with Pen Brush in centre. Price $l-00 each. G "0M)Y” a paste for clei people. Price 30 eta. each. o 6 CO «o cz o >• K) a. CO <JS CO s> xYWSsS s Sjr <
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    • 212 4 Lutiow, Ger. 5,116, Bortfehlt, 27th Mar., Bremen, 19th Feb, Gen. —B. M A Co. Tecsta, Br. a a., 3,428, Willis, 27th Mar., Madras, 20th Mar, Gen -H. L A Co. Rotorua, Br. aa, 556, Bell, 27th Mar., Tongkah, 26th Ma Gen.—E. S Co, Ltd Tkongvea, Br. a a 6,298.
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    • 53 4 March 28 Seang Choon, for Rangoon. Alma, for Fort Swettenliam and Singapore Hebe, for Teluk Anson. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi and Perlis. Pangkor for Dindinga, Sitiawan and Began Datoh. Pert jut, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Flying Dragon, for Port eld and Taiping. Namur, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Tong
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    • 316 4 lot Madiai taking mads for Europe, etc via Bomber —Per Taroha to-morrow, 10 a m. Rangoon and Calcutta —Per Ellenga to-morrow, 3 p in Port Swettenliam and Singapore —Per Lama, to-morrow, 3-1 P p m. Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sahang, Padang Ac. Batavia Per kfaetsuijehrr, to-morrow, 4
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  • 124 4 Pbhako, March 28. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank,) Londr n, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months' sight Bank 2 4J 3 Credit 2/4* J 3 Documentary.. 2,4/J Calcutta, Demand Bank 174 f w 3 days’ eight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 171$ Monlmein, Demand Bnuk 173* f 3 days’
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  • 227 4 Gold I/eaf $61.60 Black Pepper no slock White Pepper 31.75 tale* Trang Pepper 19.30 tales Cloves 39 out of stock Mace 120 —tellers Pickings 98 .—teller» Nutmegs 110 s. 21.75 seller» C No. 1 8.20 taJe< Sugar j 2 8.10 sal t (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers
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  • 207 4 Pknako. March 28 Bbbk cts. Soup pe- catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 it Fbrft 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork po: catty 36 Pig’s Iload. M 26 Feet .m h«
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  • 1037 4 p.c. RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Kublier Estate, Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate, Lt<l. Changkat Serdaug Estate, Ltd. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. Malakoff Rubl>er Co., Ltd. Nellmay Rubber Co., Ltd. New Sorendah Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. Sandycroft
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 8 4 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure,
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    • 55 4 FR ++++++4+++++'H4++++*fl| THIS i is IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound l TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it aud supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by tb mcdi cal profession. OF ALL
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  • 754 5 CLAIM OVER GUERNSEY ESTATE. In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon Mr Justice 3. Ii Thornton returned the liiuriugofthe case in which Mr. Chmuiug r. Harding, M auaging Director of the Segari Rubber Co. Ltd Lomu*, brought a riTil suit against Mr. Walter Cyril Boomgardt, of Guernsey Estate,
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  • 1867 5 Claim For 15,0.0 Damages Mr Walter Cvril Boomgardt, of Guernsey hstate, brought a lilwd action against Mr t banning l’, Harding, Mauagiug Director of the .Si'gari Kubber Co. Ltd., claiming $•»,000 damages. The case was begun l**t re Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton yesterday afternoon, on the
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  • 15 5 English Devanha) ...3rd Apr. China {lndia) ...4th China (Yorck) ...Btb Gerram (Bttelow) ...10th
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  • 20 5 lots’. Quarter Mar. 29th ij New Moon Apr. 7th (h ir-.t Quarter 1 ith O Full Moon 21st
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  • 36 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outward. Homeward Detanka 3 Apr. I India 4 Apr. China 17 j Af/ay' 19 Ei a Service. Outward. Homeward. Sarruuy 1 Apr. Nankin, 1 Apr eeh iicar 2 j Nt/aniu 24
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 fr'T Children'# Hacking Cough at Night, 'Vood«' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 54 5 Not gold, or diamond», silver, pearls, Tbe luck of kings or belted earls Not titles, prestige, no, uor weiltli Would I exchange for my good health. I never have the slightest pain. Nor fear have I of snow or lain I just take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cur Gainst doctors’ pills
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    • 52 5 When You Are Bilious. Food fersueuts in jour stomach when jou are bilious. Quit eating ami take a full «lose of (jhairberlaiu’s Tablets. Th*»j will clean on* and strengthen jour stomach ami to-morrow vou v. ill relish vour f«x>d again. The best ever for biliousness. For sale bj all Dispensaries
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    • 895 5 UUiUuUIuUUu THIS IS IT' WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Conipou nd TASTELESS ODORLESS Cn J «E The latest scientific preparation of CO I> LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. 11 ighly recommended l»v the medical profession. OF
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  • 93 6 Pmbliab*d daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local 124 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. y»il Edition (Port Free) 917.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No». (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 MB.— All bu*ia»M c«ninun>rati"n» *houUl b«
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  • 1433 6 The fall of Adrianople and the capture of the Cbatalja lines should serve to diive homo with irresistible force tho “Lessen of the Btlkan War” which Lord Roberts, f ho g <'u‘e t soldier of the day, preaches in in aitide reproduced from the Englirh
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  • 382 6 POLICS-CoHSTABLE ChARUBD WITH THE Ml EDIK OF HIS COKPOKAL. (From Ov‘‘ Oven Coi respondent Taiping, March 27, 1913. Befora Mr. T. W. Patton in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday the preliminary en?uiry into the charge of murder against '.C. Haahim, who is charged with shooting Corporal Hussain with
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  • 233 6 Yeo Choon Hin-Lim Saw Boey. Yesterday the marriago took place of Mr. Yeo Choon Hin, son of Mr. Yco Boon Swee, Chief Cashier of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, to Miss Lini Saw Boey, youngest daughter of the late Mr. I’huah Hin Loong and sister
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  • 276 6 Merely formal business was transacted at yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commission, the geutlemen present being: Mr. W. Peel (Pre>i lent). Mr. \V. T. Chapman, Mr. F Duxbury, and Mr. Yeoh Gum Seok with Mr. L. M II Oi (Fugineer) and Mr. L A 0 Higgs (Secretary) in
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  • 114 6 (From Our Own Corrcxpotulnif.) Singapore, March 27. The case in which the owners of the s s Penang are claiming $130,000 from the owners of the s. s. So go Maru for salragn when the latter vessel caught fire iu the Straits of Malacca in October
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  • 66 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 28. At the adjourned special meeting of the Singapore Poultry and Dairy Farm onlv two shareholders put in an appearance. A motion in favour of liquidation was moved by the Chairman, Mr. Robertson, but was not seconded. Mr. \V. Makepeace then
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  • 75 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March V 7. Twenty-two Indian engiue room hands of the s.s. Kioto, bound from Cebu to New York, were charged at the Mariue Court with disobedience of orders. They complained that they had no time to re t and asked to he
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  • 55 6 (F*om Our Own Corresjxmdmf.) Singapore, March 28. Messrs. Frasor A Co’s Singapore Share Circular states that owing to the holidays, business has been small, but to-day's advice» show a better feeling at Home. Locally there has been more enquiry for tins and a slight decline in industrials,
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  • 78 6 Reuter London, March 27. The funeral of the late Field-Marshal Vis.ouut Wolseley will he the most impressive accorded to a British soldier since that of the Duke of Wellington in 1852. Sii thousand troops will take part and the King has commanded that every possible honour is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 260 6 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmrn» w m m m m m m m m m KODAK Pictures make the Best Diary* KODAK snapshots will give you the best possible record of your daily life abroad. An album of KODAK snapshots will be a lasting record of the places you visit, the people you meet
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  • 360 6 Obituary. Renter.) London, March 27. The death has taken place at the ape of 54, of the well-known song writer, Mr. Clifton Bingham. Dr. A. L. Hoops, State Surgeon of Kedah, who is on a short visit to Penang in present up the Hills. Inspector Little, of the Detective Station,
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  • 3119 7 the race in armaments. MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL’S SPEECH. London, March 27. Mr. Winston Churchill, First L*»rd of the Admiralty, in introducing the Naval Estimates, explained at the outset the causes of the increase in naval expenditure, which were Firstly, owiug to the decision of a policy to
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  • 158 7 MONTENEGRIN DISMAY. (Renter.) London, March 27. Reuter’s Agency learns that the Austrian Miuister at Cettinje communicated to Montenegro the decision of the Powers with regard to the northern frontier of Albania as it will affect Montenegro. The terms of this decision caused such surprise that Montenegro sent
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  • 165 7 Scenes in the Commons. Reuter.) London, March 20. Iu the House of Commons an attempt by the Opposition to force a snap division on the Appropriation Ili'l leal to a heated scene. Supporters of the Ministry rose to continue the debate until the Government forces could be
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  • 195 7 The Financial Situation. (Reuter.) London, March 27. A special article iu tho Times, on the occasion of tho ]iassing of the Japinoso Budget, discusses the financial situation in Japan aud considers that it is on tho whole satisfactory, despite the heavy burdeus imposed on the country. It commends
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  • 486 7 ADRIANOPLE STORMED. BAYONET CHARGES AND FEARFUL CARNAGE. (Reuter.) i Belgrade, March 27. An official Servian account of the fall of Adrianople sava that Chukri Pash», the Turkish Commander, opened negotiations with a view to the surrender of the fortress to the Servians, hut the Servian Commander declined to
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  • 228 7 Dayton's T illable Plight- Reuter.) New York, March 27. Six of the Middle-West States were stricken with the greatest disaster since ti e San Francisco earthquake. The floods ate iucreasing aud are sweeping everything in their way, especially in Ohio and ludiaua where incalculable destruction was dime.
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  • 76 7 Reuter.) Ottawa, Mart’ll 27. Mr. K L ilorden. the Canadian Premier, wll introduce a Uill in the House of Commons this tveet, providing for Canada’s adhesion to the Anglo-Japanese Treat y of Commerce and Navigation, 1911. The treatv will l>e aeceptetl in its entirety with the exception
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  • 97 7 Following were the scores in ado by the P \t RC. at Kampong Bahru this morning: 200 Yards Deliberate. Miss J. Smith h Miss Mclntyre Mrs. Oxenham 24 Miss W. Gawthorne 22 Mrs. Liston 20 Miss Gawthorne 1* Miss E. Mathieu 14 ISO Yards DclihrraJ-. Miss
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  • 187 7 YrsU-rday. T«-d»y. Hi#* 'or Buyer# Srl’er# Buyer# Seller. Fall. Rubber. <l. s. d. a. d i d. Anglo M.Uay ..IS 104 U 104 IS 74 >4 74 —3d K.ikit M, -rtajam. t 6 210 2 44 *lO —Hid l'l .1 .1 in .1 1 t 14 Con*. M.ilay# ..IS
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  • 46 7 (P»y Courtesy of Messrs. Tho East Asiatic Co., Ltd. tluough their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 3s. 10d. Fine Para Forward 3*. IOJd. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 3s. lOd. Market weaker buyers holding back. March 28, 1913.
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  • 47 7 The following articles will l>e found on our outside pages:— Page 3. —Our London Letter. Malayan Tin Dredging. Lord Durham on Petting. 5. Harding vs Bootngardt. 8. —Malakoff Coinpauy. Penang Golf Club. m 10. —The Lesson of the Balkan War. The Price of Tin. Shipping Notes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 226 7 WANTED A CASHIER. Must furnish $5,000 security. Apply to NO. 10, 28-3-13 236 c/o Strait# Echo. WANTED. llEQUlKEL) AN ENERGETIC COL- I EC 1 OR with 51,000. guarantee. Salary an<l commission paid. Applv HOTEL NORMAN. 28-3-13 237 Penang. The Free School, Penang. WANTKIJ TWO ASSISTANT MAS- TERS. Salarv according to
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  • 934 8 EXCELLENT GROWTH OF THE RUBBER The Coconuts Improving. The annual general meeting of the Mala- li koff Rubltcr Co., Ltd was held ia the i Exchange on Tueiiby. Mr. V. Gibbons presided and the other .-hareh jlders present were: Messrs. A. Agnew J. Sellar, J. Love Montgomerie, J.
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  • 55 8 To-dat 21 si l>a_v of 2n>l Moon. Band, Esplanade, t> p.uo. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Hoad. Straits Ciueuiatograph, Penang Road. Peuaug Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. 22nd Dav of 2nd Moon. i>and, Golf Club, S p.ui. George Town Cinematogiapb, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang
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  • 117 8 kwtrJ Skipaisat. s s Lama 50 bags betelnuts io rubbe 4 d 21 coffee s.s. 02 copra s.s. Trang 54 tin ore ss. 20 slabs tin ,8 28 bags pepper s.s* Rotorua ...1.650 tin ore S.B. I* C ®P ra t 93 slabs tiu sb. Flying Dragon 30 cases
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  • 104 8 Following was the result of the Ladies’ Monthly Medal for March Miss E Heim (Winner) -48 +3B 86 —2o= 66 Miss Brown 34+39= /3 5= 68 Mrs W Evans 43 43= 86—16 =7O Miss L lleim 50+47= 97—24=73 Mis Duuu 43 40= 83 8=75 Mrs Simuel 35
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  • 93 8 Penang, March 28, 1013. 4id 8 Bank drafts on London 2/4/* D/D 2/4/, T/T 2/4,’, 3 m/s Crnlits '2/4} 60 d/s 2/4§ 30 d/s 2/4/, D/D Bank buying 2/4/, New York 56| Paris 294} Hamburg 238} Java, Bank demand 140} buying D/D 141} Calcutta T.T. 175 Rangoon,, T.T.
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  • 281 8 And How to Strengthen Them. The strenuous life, which is now as general in the tiopics as everywhere else, is chiefly responsible for the weak nerves from which so many people suffer. They are caused by too rapidly using up the body’s store of phosphorus. On this phosphorus
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1064 8 Penang Motion Picture Show. Location: —Penang Road. TO-NIGHT’S PROGRAMME Ist Show 7-45 p.m. 1 Tbe Wonderful Beehive (coloured) 2 Oaliuo taken in Boarder* 3 Bonaparte at the Arcole Bridge War 4 Boxing Fever 5 At Moukden —War 2nd Jhow 9 p.m. prompt. 6 Founded again 7 Sticky Simon (Patbe) 8
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    • 52 8 ftnt Medicine Made. A better medicine can not be made than Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy. It relieres the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assist* nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Besides, *t contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take. For sale bv all Dispensaries
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    • 405 8 WANTED* 'i WO EXPERIENCED PRESS 1 MACHINE-MEN, with some knowledge of English. Salary according to qualifications. Apply personally to THE CRITERION PRESS LTD. The Chinese Commercial Bank, Limited. < AUTHORISED CAPITAL S*’ ooo ISSUED CAPITAL *2,010,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lee Choon Guan. Esq.- Chairman. Lim Peng Siang, Esq —Deputy Chairman.
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    • 420 8 NOTICE OF SALE BY OKDEK OF THE THUS I EES OF F. S. BROWN, Deceased. The undersigned will sail by PUBLIC AUCTION. On Wednesday* 2nd April, 1913, AT 11 AM. In the entrance of Logan Building», Beach Street, Penang. All that piece of land situate in Anaon Road, Penang, forming
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  • 27 9 Vestelt brom Atjenit Dh* Heranha I m/ia Vurck Hu* low Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. 13 M.AOo. BM.ACo. 3rd Apr. 4th 8th h loth
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  • 21 9 VceeeU For A<jenU Leaves Dciianha Singapore A.G.ACo. Apr. 1 ndia Colombo A.G.ACo. Yvrck Colombo B.MACo Singapore 1 B M ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 279 9 P.&0. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Apr. 3 Devanha connecting with Maiwa Apr. 1" China Mooltan May 1 Delta Morea May 15 Assaye Marmora Homeward SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K.A1.S India April 4th. i ares by mail steamers. 1st class 2nd class r, liondon by Sea 8565-72 $377-14
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    • 1566 9 <SH/P P N G BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO,, LTD. MMUTSCM LLOYD, BEFffl. N. Y. K. Fob Singapore (Three times a week). Fort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Mouimein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. Intended to Saii.. Sat 29th Mar., 4 p in.
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  • 2137 10  -  Ft Lori* Ror.ruT* The first greit lesson tint ha* l**en given to ua a* to whit ii requi red from the soldier in modern w irfare was taught hjr the Kua»o-J.i{»ane#e campaign. Manchuria, however, was no far away, and the difficulty of arriving at
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  • 670 10 Loudon, March 5. Tin has had a drop, but the present price is above tho recent worst. There has l»een free selling from the East, and speculators for the fall ure state-1 to have been jiersistently attacking the market. Consumers have been buying on a satisfactory
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  • Shipping Notes.
    • 83 10 Messrs. D and W. Henderson A (jo Pat tick, launched recently the screw «teaser CkakraUi, of about 5,800 tons gross, winch th«y have built for the British India Steam Navigation Company, London, for their Eastern trade. The vessel is 420 ft l„ n between perpendiculars, r
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    • 164 10 On the authority of tho German Consul at Genoa, the Bntaen-Zeihtng of Berlin states that Italian shipbu lding yarJs participated in the general prosperity which characterise,l shipbuilding during 1912 At the end of last year there were at least half a dozen large vessels being built for
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    • 185 10 The statement made by Colonel Goetbals (chief engineer of the Panama Canal and jrospective Governor of the canal zone) before the House of Representatives on January 18, that a garrison of 25,000 would be necessary to guard the waterway, only confirms the views expressed by" most competent
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    • 264 10 Tho N.C. Daily News states that Captain A. Getley, one of the most familiar figure* in Shanghai shipping circles, died at Port Said on his way home to England. The sad news was cabled to Shanghai ami though it was not altogether unexpected, it was received with
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    • 253 10 A Bill to amend the law relating tu sea* men (the title of which is A Bill to abolish the involuntary servitude imposed upon seamen in the merchant marine of the Lnited States while in foreign ports, and the involuntary servitude imposed upon seamen of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 77 10 A Family Necessity. Every funilv should bo provided with Chamberlain’* Pain Balm at all times. Sprains uiav be erred iu much less time when promptly treated. Lame 1 aek, lame shoulder, p»in* in the side and chest and rheumatic pains arc some of the diseases for which it is e*paciillv
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    • 50 10 Ri K It In. A to > 1 many people tliink rheumatism can not U* cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massa;jed thoroughly into the skiu has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedv in existence and gives relief quicker. For i bale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 44 10 Trouble Averted. I i iiat little cold and soro throat of vours be checked at once or it mav develop into something worse. Take a few doses if Chamberlain’s Cough Rented? and rour troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 275 10 V jrovr g vrd money after cheap rubbish article f lie sure to get only Paul A Sons* <irs& t V T Tit T“S" >! .kj V MOHON FLUTE. The King of all harmoniums. Tho best and t strongest ore vet known. Its unquestion* 'M y able reputation 19 thoroughly
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 131 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO -H. M. THE KINO. CONTRACTORS TO fhe British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States The India Office. MILKMA I LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1694 12 FOR. Guide to Penani, BT THl LAT■ E. F. Skcrtchly, e.e.s. The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market Street Price SO ceote. Worth a Dollar a copy- ■OLD AT STRAITS ECHO" OFFICE. ABO AT THl SAYl CTEOUILI FIE 4. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special
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