Straits Echo, 22 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 51 1 Straits Echo t l *-p 1%3 j > 3„* r' > -.r *A| x a Wi to m a iH4 DAILY CHRONICLE OF EVENTS. CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND THE FAR EAST GENERALLY. VOL. 11* $24 Per Annum. PENANG, SATURDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1913. Single Copy, 10
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1138 1 if you require a Toni»’ and *ome«hinir t" nouri.'h you, drink pOG’S HEAD GUINNE SS'S STOUT •J' ami look for this label to set* tbal *.N .V g r* V-i; > '..x/Vv»you get it. TIANG LEE V Co.. Sole Afcati. Andrew Usher 3 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 21 1 □nnnnnnnanannaaannnnnnnrjn# n a TO LET House No. 50, McAlister Road. Immediate Entry. APPLY YEOH PAIK KEAT. 53, Beach Street, Penang. ♦nnpnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaa□□□□□n#
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 The Silent INDIAN Motor Cycle. JUST ARRIVED. T r is Two Speed Gear and Free Engine Clutch. m Standard heavy non-skid 28 in. X 2£ in. Tyres to both wheels, improved 4 inch Mudguards front and rear, Spring Frame, Front Stand, Improved Kick Starter, Foot Clutch Control, Saddle Laminated Springs,
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  • 1017 3 Had Y*rr for Sexn:n. 0*iiig chi»--fly to Hi- s<of the Titinic, i ,i -i !e s a tmn lx-longing to i r ,t v!s registered in tie United d .ling tic* year eiwl d J n i 30 in A coi ii ig to a Bo aid »»f
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  • 530 3 M.P. As Dibectok. Huge Paymkht to Absent Peomote;:. j In London on February 28 before Mr. .Manson, the public inquiry was resumed at the Bankruptcy Comt into the affairs of tho Ksscquibo Rubber and Tobacco I Lsfates, Salisbury House. Mr Chausav, the promoter of the
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  • 110 3 A Poem” of Mookerjee. Writing on t.ha P-oenn of one Mookerj in tlie Neir Wil ies*, I\lr J. N. Pope giv :s j the following amusing extract: Iu another poem we get an interesting j glimpse of tho Gaekwar of Bir di, o ie of j whose speeches i- •■u’.o.m
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  • 116 3 At a recent meeting of the Agricultural Association for Elbing and Marienburg I exception was taken to the statement, made bv the German Emperor in his speech before the Agricultural Council that ho had turned out a teuaut on his Cadinen estate because ho was uo good.”
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  • 38 3 Rangoon, March 8. The reeeufc earthquake did no damage nt Mandalay, but brought down tho Gold 1 m linal la steeple of the Sbwo Maw Di pagoda at Pegu, which is valued at eight lakhs.
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  • 1159 3 On-e upon a t me a ljueeu of England di**d. By her polit cal action she bad male many enemies. One of these was a eleruyinau, and as the custom is he preached a funtral sermon on the cuuJay after li.*r Maj*sty’s dea'h. He look as
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  • 353 3 "No Ft’itriiKR, Kki'orm Till Asarcht is Stamped Oct.” Allahabad, March 2nd. Commenting on articles iu tho March number of the Round Table on the Delhi outline, arguing that as Nationalist leaders are in opposition to Government influences and extremists iu the direction of political crimes,
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  • 306 3 Mr W N NVilii.-’s lastest book, Western Men witli Eastern Morals” (Stanley Paul and (V>.), re-alls the a> tides which appeared in Trn'li under a similar tide some two years acre, and made a pood deal of stir, particularly in Burma and the Middle East.
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  • 75 3 “What!” exclaimed Mr. Plowden with astonishment, when a youth of mv. nteen was brought l**fore him at Maryh lame, charged with Indue a deserter from"*ho f>th Koyal Fusiliers at Hounslow. Deserter from the Army—or the nursery (Laughter.) The youth explaiued that he had only beeu in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 IJf Chronic Cheat Qomplaiuts, Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 51 3 Be&t Medicine Made. A better medicine cm not be made than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It relieves the hiugK, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and as>i>ts nature in restoring the *vst' ni to a healthy condition. Besides •t contains no opiates and is perfectly to take. For sale brail Dispensaries ana
      51 words
    • 463 3 ft 5Av m SANATOGEN3 I\ J _7. /'V s; -n--i 4 r i'& h) ■xii W*pW \VUv I Xi V'\\r ■‘'gi'% \A> i vim V' -V f i 4» r,-' #w:l lww.ul 'o', v y-.-/* .jMtf.gVk *\\n IV\ WW-MW 'i v-. v t v v. < >?V ,'•>•;■ '\C \i
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    • 77 3 A Family Necessity. Every family should provided with Chamberlain's Pain i>alm at all tiuus.-j Sprains may be cured in much less tune when promptly treated. Lame back, lanioi shoulder, pains in the side and chest and j rheumatic pains are ,oice of the diseases for: which it Is especially valuable.
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    • 41 3 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore tbrout of _\oura must be checked at ouoe.or it mar develop iuto sometbiutr wonto Tate a few doses of Chamberlain's Ketnedr and rour troubles will soon vanish For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 214 4 Afuikia, Be. a.a, 69i, Curtia, 20th Mur., ChicutU, 14th liar., Coal. B. Bros. A Co. 1W Ibra Jap. aa, 3,610, halo, 2Ut Mar., Calcutta, 10th Mar., Gen P.B ACo. Lama, Br. a a., 957, Sinclair, 2lit Mar., Singapore, 19th Mar., Gan. —H. L A Co. Valentijn, Dut. s 248,
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    • 57 4 March 22 Circe, for Deli. Malaya, for Deli. Ellora, for Rangoon. Delta, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and *via Brindisi, for Europe etc. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson, Dindings and Sitiawan. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Lama, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Tong Chay Un, for Setul. Jit Seng,
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    • 309 4 Hoi Singapore—Per Ellenga, ‘24th instant* 11 am. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Hong Wan I, 24th instant, 11 a.m. Tongkah— Per Calypso 25th instant, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Klang, 2'tb instant, 4-30 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and f\k Naples, for Europe etc.—Per P. E
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  • 214 4 Gold Leaf H MS 164.60 Black Pepper tnrk White Pepper 31 Tn*gV*9V** IftMaoSifoi Cloves 30 nu t ifif Mace ...120—w/er, Pickings •ss 98 *as*t Nutmegs 110 a. 25 No. 1 8.20 Sugar <„ 2 8.10 ml, C Basket 515 buyer, Copr» (nmod) lo.flj w, n j suau 2,z kßamtxm.'
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  • 190 4 MARK ET P RI CES., March 22 Bkkv— c(l Soup pe catty 14 Boast tt 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Currv Meat... jo Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 w Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork pc catty 82 Pig’s Head... 20
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 111 4 E. O. Hotel SPECIAL TIFFIN FOR SNOW-WHITE LINEN. CO TO LAM AH KEE'S LAUNDRY. 69. BARRACK ROAD. TAIPINQ. EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. OPFKATE woukmansh.p exquisite J, -is**- -Tf iiv 4 C-' <-. C-. jrvr.v > i <s .•..-r'y'* A ROYAL DRINK. a George IV’ Scotch Whisky “King George IV” is known
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    • 45 4 CL6 AN St YOUR BLOOD with GRIMAUL.T &k C°' s SARSAPARILLA Er S tzl r 2 5 The original sarsaparilla. recommended for the last 40 years for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorders of the skin. G1UMACLT ft C I, *W mif.lM, PA RJ3
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    • 54 4 Read! “The National Review” (CHINA). PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT SHANGHAI. The Authority on Chinese Affairs. It ia in the closest touch with the progressive Government Authorities and influenced those mainsprings of development now coming eo rapidly into play in the Republic. 14/- per annum postage tree. Local Agent:— Khoo Hock Tye,
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  • 1112 5 (From Our Oien Correspondent.) London, Februarv 27. The approaching session of Parliament will 1, a very busy one, and it is hardly that all the contemplated business will be gottlirugh. this include the I itb Home Rule Bill, the Welsh Church Disestablishment Bill—both rejected by the Lords—the
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  • 502 5 Some interesting reflections are raised concerning public sanitation in China by a paper contributed to a Shanghai journal by Artbur Stanley, the Municipal Health Officer of that port. The average Western I critic has more or less hazy notions eoneeiuj Chinese civilization, and harbours in hi** mind
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  • 765 5 TH« Rot Cura. The danger of playing oneself stale is a commonplace of the game, but probably nine out of every ten golfers would prefer that risk to tbe awful uncertainty of what is likely to happen tbe first time they go out after two or three months’
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  • 543 5 BEGINNING OF A GREAT UNDERTAKING. From Aden to Hoxokoho. The s 'heme for the improvement of cable communication lietweeu this country and ,the East, which has been undertaken by the Eastern Telegraph Company and the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China I Telegraph Company, is one of
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  • 281 5 United Patano. The British North Borneo Rubber Tiust obtained in February of last year the appointment of a receiver of the assets of the United Butang Rubber Estates in respect of their mortgage, aud have since been endeavouring to force on the sale of the estates The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 ft *7« I V V -vv?T Crippled by Rheumatism. In no disease does the blood become bin so rapidly as in rheumatism. Not only ioes it become thin but it is loaded with mpurities—the rheumatic poisons. Without ►roper treatment these poisons increase, the attained joints swell and the patient ►ecomes
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    • 58 5 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound A Cmĕ t £2 TASTELESS ODORLEBS The lateot •Mtntific pre j>a: *tiiMt of '< *l> LIVEK OIL. !>■•( al! '.bit i. claimed f«‘i it and mi per sedes the old fashioned emulsions hich upset the stomach. 11 ijjhly re commended by
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    • 48 5 RuH It In. A good man? j>eop!e thick- iheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Malm mists aged thoroughly into the skiu has cure.] far more rheumatism than any internal remedy m existence and gives relief quicker. For •ale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 90 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pwblio holidays) AT TH« CRITERION PRE3S, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Peicr Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS t ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 SB.— All business eomiminiestion* should b*
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  • 771 6 A quarterly report of Mr. Farqubarson, the Deputy Commissioner of Labour for Cevlon, published in the first issue of the Ceylon Planting Gazette, the new organ of the Plauters Association of Ceylon, is of .nitirulir interest. In it Mr. Farqubarson makes a special nppeal to Ceylon estates
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  • 578 6 During the holidays events in the Balkans have developed with some rapidity. There is quite possibly more connection than appears on the surface between the demonstration bv the Austrian fleet on the coasts of Montenegro aud Albaui i and the departure of the Serbo-Greek armada from Salonika for
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  • 855 6 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott, of Singapore, are paying a visit to Penaug Hill. Mr. F. N. Baddeley, Superintendent, Government Monopolies, Singapore, reported his return from leave on the 8th inst. The leave of absence granted to the Hon. Robert Young, unofficial member of the LeJ'lative
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  • 530 6 THE SECOND CONCERT. When the moment arrived for the opening of Marie Hall’s second and final Concert, the desolate array of empty chairs, as viewel from behind the scenes,’ must have been somewhat depressing. But punctualitv is not markedly of the virtues retaiued by the hardy
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  • 314 6 Mrs. Haefeld’s Prize. The following was the result of the Competition for Mrs. Hoefeld’s Prize host of two rounds. Miss Evan» (winner) 42 43= 85—24=61 MrsC D D Hogan 42+45= 87—20=6/ MrsSFB Martin ...36 37= 73- 5=68 Mrs Park 44+40= 84—16=68 Miss Mahler 44 +44 88 20=
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 Akiha’i Ricshas. World-Renowned To l>e disposed of at a moderate charge. Repairs of any description to Carriage or Ricsha Wheels WILL HE UNDERTAKEN. New or Old Tyres On Im fiiou or reliie I by a jpecial new pr-ceas at a moment', notice. Aing Cheang Go.i 59, Magazine Rosd. WHYTrouble yourself?
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  • 568 7 local share market. (Fr»m Our (hm CorrefjtonJe.nt.) Singapore, March 20. M**i*r<. Fraser A Coy.'s Weekly Share Ko|»>rt states that the market coutnines dull and lifeless. Industrials a*-o slightly I tetter. Rubber and mining quotation* hare l„* u wider thiu for a«*uie time aud business limited. Strait* Sir*m»Kip Company.
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  • 36 7 Singapore Penang* I'mtn Our Otrn Correspondent.) Singapore, March 22. Singapore beat Penang iu tlio interport match hy 10 holes up. hi the match, Singapore r* Visitors. (Singh*») Singapore won lor 4] matches to matches.
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  • 88 7 A Privy Council Case. Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, March 20. A cattle receive! here from Loudon states that the appeal to the Privy Council by 1 "kav Loke Yew ngainst the decision of the K.M S. Court of Appeal sitting at Kuala I.umpur in the case
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  • 43 7 Reuter Sydney, March 21. The ferry employees struck work owing t" the delay of the wages board iu dealing w ith their claims. They also demand a forty*‘ght hours’ week. Harbour traffic iu the northern suburbs is held up
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  • 23 7 (Reuter.) New York, March 20. the Royal Ulster Yacht Club has requested reconsideration of Sir Thomas Lipton’s America Cup challenge.
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  • 551 7 SIGNIFICANT AUSTRIAN MOVE. Reuter. London, March 20. Importance is attached to the sailing of the Austrian fleet from Pola It is officially stated that it has left for the purpose of manoeuvre*, but the step is believed to have lieen taken in conuecti >n with the searching of
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  • 141 7 Reuter.) Pa; is, March 20. The Cabinet crisis here, due to the resignation of M. Briand’s Ministry following an adverse vote in the Senate, is most serious as it has thrown the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies into eonffict, the latter have repeatedly declared itself iu
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  • 622 7 OFFICERS’ PAY INCREASED. The Invasion Problem. (Reuter.) London, March 20. r Colonel Seely, Secretary of State for War. introducing the Army Estimates in the House of Commons said that all the experts are agreed that there is small danger of an immediate and overwhelming invasion; it was
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  • 65 7 American Bankers' Move. Reuter.) New York, March 20. T 1 e American group of bankers interested in the Chinese loan have i-sued a statement announcing their entire withdrawal from the negotiations Washington. March 20. Diplomats here consider that I>r. Woodrow Wilson’s declaration regarding the Chinese loan foreshadows
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  • 38 7 (Reuter.) London, March 20. The newest German military Zeppelin airship has been destroyed by a gale after landing at Karlsruhe. This was the ship which was su|»|H>sed to have made a surreptitious trip to Eugltnd.
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  • 41 7 (Reuter.) Cobleutz, March 20. H. B. H. the Prince of Wales motored from here to the famous Niederwald National Monument above Bingen-on the-Rhine, and thence to Wiesbadeu where lie will make a two days’ stay.
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  • 353 7 TRIBUTE FROM THE COMMONS. (Reuter.) Salonika, March 20. Tbe examination of Schinas, the assassin of King George of the Hellenes, lasted all night but failed to elicit any evidence that he had accomplices in his crime. Schinas, who was formerly a teacher in Athens, where
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  • 48 7 (Reuter London, March 22. Admiral Sir Henry May has been promoted to l>e Admiral of the Fleet iu succession to Admiral Sir Charles Frederick Hotham, retired. In consequence of that promotion, Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Scott is made an Admiral and Rear-Admiral Frederick Sidney Pelham, Vice-Admiral.
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  • 182 7 Correspondence lias passe 1 between th< Nation 1 Pea"o Council and the Colonial Office ou the subject of t he vote of £2,25 *,OOO by the Council of the Federated Malay States for the provision of a battleship f the Imperial Navy. Writing on Janu
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  • 215 7 The teams will line up as follows in th** interoort match at Dito Kramat (his evening: Penang. (Green and Black.) Abdul rah man (Crescent), Che Pufeh (H.L.), ludoot (Crescent). Kichi (II L V Yahya (Sabrol Jamii), Wanchee (H.L.), Siui Merican (Crescent), Fedin (Bahro’ Alaro), Husin (I K.F.C.),
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  • 78 7 The following articles will be fouuil on our outside pages:— Page 3.—Shipping Notes A Rubl>er Company’» Affairs. A Poem of Mookerjee. The Kaiset’s Tenant Earthquake iu Burma. The liate Empress l>owacer. Results of the I>e 11. i Outrage. Western Men w itL Eastern Morals. Army or Nursery 5. Our
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 283 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE 1 CO., LTD. j Head Orric*:—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in AH Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent» for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. 12. C. BOYCE, District Manager. j Local Of at: No. 7. Union Street. The Grand Opera Co. KINC STREET THEATRE.
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  • 19 7 Obituary. (fieu/er.) London, March 21. The death has taken place of the Welsh harpist and composer, Mr. John Thomas.
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  • 733 8 Lord Macnaghtan’a mm wu little known to the public, but in his own profession be was universally recognised as one of the greatest lawyers and most brilliant Judges of his generation. A Chancery barrister, however gifted, does not often figure prominently in the newspapers, and even at the
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  • 40 8 March, 1913. Bat.. H W L W H.W. L. W. A.M. A M. P.M. P.M. 22nd Nil. 6.29, 12.29, 6.47 23rd 12.33, 7.03, 1.02, 7.24 24th 1.12, 7.36, 1.35, 8.01 25th 1.47, 8.08, 2 07, 8.31
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  • 147 8 Abdul Hamid’s view that tbe elave in a Turkish household is muck better off than a servant-girl is full/ supported by Mr. Duckett Ferriman in Turkey and tbe Turks.” Tbe chief points urged are that tbe owner is responsible for the slave's maintenance and cannot turn her adrift,
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  • 106 8 The s.a. Ayuthia of the Bengal Assam Steamship Co Ltd. which arrived here on Tbursdav from Calcutta is discharging 1,531 tons of coa! at I'rai for Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Thess. Tom Ataru brought 279 tons of general cargo for this port in which were included 1,000 bags cf rice.
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  • 67 8 To-DAT 16th Day of 2nd Moon. Holy Saturday. Public Holiday. Malar Association Football Penang vt. Singapore, Dato Kramat, 4-45 p.m. Band, Golf Club, 6 p in. George Town Cinematograph, Kuals Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penaug Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-moreow. 16th Day of 2nd Moon. Easter
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  • 18 8 China (Delta) ...22nd Mar. China (P. Eitel Friedrich ...25th German Luetzow ...27th English (Devanha) ...3rd Apr.
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  • 18 8 O Full Moon Mar. 22nd Last Quarter 29th O New Moon Apr. 7th (hirst Quarter 14th
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  • 37 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward Devanha 3 Apr. I Delta 22 Mar. China 17 J India 4 Apr Extra Service. Outward Homeward. Nile 25 Mar. I Namur 27 Mar. Narrung 1 Apr. Nankin 10 Apr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1037 8 The Straits Cinema, Location —PENANG ROAD. Temp or» mutantur et not outanvr in illia”. Saturday Night. Special F^ure: MAX UNDER AS A JOCKEY IN Over the Sticks Rory O’More The Great Irish Drama. MONS. WINCE Looking for Work.” The Miuiug Camp Drama A Female of the Species." Nick Winter, A.B.,
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    • 61 8 THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Co mpou n d i 'r* l TASTELESS ODORLESS j i The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVKK OIL. Dees all that is ol li.ucd for it and super scJcs the old fashioned emuLioui wjiieh upset ’-he stomach. Ilijhlyrc commended by the
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    • 178 8 NOTICE THE MOHAMMEDAN AND HINDU ENDOWMENTS BOARD. TENDERS aie invited for pulling down and re constructing the Abdul Kader Alimsah Mosque and repairing the Shrine adjoining the same in Chulia Street. Plans and specifications can be inspected at the Land Office or at Mr. H. A. Neubronner’s Office, No. 33,
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    • 982 8 The Chinese Commercial Bank, Limited. AUTHORISED CAPITAL ISSUED CAPITAL $4,000,000 12,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lee Choon Guan, Esq.— Chairman. Lim Peng Siang, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. The Hon. Tan Jiak 1 Kim, C.M.G. Tan Chay Tan, Esq. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Dr. S. C. Yin. j Seow Eng Tin, Eiq. Liao Chia
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  • 29 9 Vessels hrom Agent» Due Dr Ita Singapore A.O.ACo. 22nd Mar Print Eitet Frinlricti Singapore B.M.AJo. 25th Luetsow Colombo BM.ACo. 2/th H Dexanha Colombo AO.ACo. 3rd Apr. i
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  • 24 9 VesteD For Agent» Leave» Delta iColoxnbo A-G.ACo. Mar. rritu Fit el Fri uirich Colombo li.MACo L■uettiw Sinitapere B.M ACo. Dr.ianha Singapore A.G.AO. Apr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 321 9 P.&O. 4? s.n.c Expected Arrival» and Departure». Mall Service. Outward. Apr. 3 Orranha connecting with Malwa Apr. 17 China Mooltan Mar 1 Delta Morea Mar 15 Assaye Marmora Homeward K.M.S. India April 4th. fakes ry mail STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class r, London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or
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    • 1593 9 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Fon Intended to Sail. Sti Singapore (Three times a wwk). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly.) Sat. 22nd Mar., 4 p m. Sun. 23rd Mar I p.m. Thur. 27th
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  • 1627 10 Brazilian Bur he it Bdustet. The facttbat the* Govern»? ent of Brazil i has at length coin" "o a decision respecting I certain reforms in connection with the rubber industry is rhi« fly f interest l**cause i it denotes tout matter Luv« leached a critical, if not sn
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  • 248 10 The reports ot the United States Consular officials in the Far East cover a wide field, and often include matteis that would never find a place, say, in a British Consular report. The latest instance of this may bo found iu a series of reporis on tennis
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  • 201 10 Loudon, February 28. There is no stronger opponent of Women’s Suffrage iu the kingdom than Mr. McKenna, the Home Secretary. Yet. by the irony of circumstances he is the only member of the Liberal Government for whom the militant women have feelings of friendliness. They have
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1419 10 $200 A MONTH Be Your Own Boss ?/Y.qU! If you *rr kins U*s than $50 week y nu should «rite I us to-day. We I can help you I to »<a!th and lnd<pe n dense i by our plan. You can work when you please, where you please, always have
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    • 52 10 Wh?Q You Are Bilicvs. ferments in jour stomach when vou :ire bilious. Quit eating and take a full dose of Chair berlain’s Tablets. Thev will e;,an out and strengthen jour stomach and to-morrow you will relish jour food again. '1 he best ever for biliousness. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 10 10 For Children's Hacking Cough al Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 467 10 stiifiame/h^xA U I ■< commended fey my doctor.” 2 Garden Terrace, Seal, Sevenoaks. Dear Sirs—I am in the teaching profession, and whenever I get nm down I find Angier’s Emulsion is the surest pick-me-up. It was recommended me 1 my doctor to get back mji strength alter a se\ere illness
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 I TC If BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. CONTRACTORS TO fhe British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. The India Office, a fiir m fev hf LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading Medical men, as well as
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1747 12 Guide to Peaang, The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. BY THI LATR E. F. Skcrtchly, 1.1. Head Office 25, Market Street, Manilla. P.I. F. A. SHAILEK, Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, Disability,” and Return Premium Clauses.” Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy-”)
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