Straits Echo, 14 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1104 1 ]f von require Tonic a»«l x me{(jjujr to nourish you, drink dogsheaocuinnesss STOUT &C' and look for this v\T t it-V-.t,!!» r laljcl r:;j* to see ''j A l 2* /< that you get it. TIANG LEE C t Co., Sole Akdli. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky,
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    • 39 1 ♦□□dddd □□unnn DaabcJbi a a a a a a a a g APPLY TO LET House No. 50. McAlister Road. Entry from 10th inst. n n n a ♦□□□□□□nncncnndunnan□□□□□□ YEOH PAIK KEAT, 93, Back Street, Pene*|. □□□□□C □□DDDODn Q□□qqq^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 The Silent INDIAN Motor Cycle. 1913 MODELS JUST ARRIVED. The 3i H.P. Single Cylinder with Two Speed Gear and Free Engine Clutch. Standard heavy non-skid 28 in. X 2£ in. Tyres to both wheels, improved 4 inch Mudguards front and rear, Spring Frame, Front Stand, Improved Kick Starter, Foot Clutch
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  • 326 3 Satisfactory Reports from Estate. I'll (> third ordinary general meet fog of the Belong (Perak) Rubber Estate, Limited, V, ,> held on F*bruirr 20 at the London C’hamlier of Commerce. Mr. JL. LoudouuSliMiid (tin* cbairinau of the company) presided, and, in moving the adoption of the rep»rt
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  • 137 3 Miss Loie Fuller, in her Life, just published. relates a conversation with Kawakami mid Sada Yacco. His little boy, five years „1,1, was always drawing, and Miss Fuller remarked that the eyes of his figures we:o drawn in a very peculiar manner. “It is liecause the European eye is
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  • 273 3 A Cakeku or Treachery. If British'investors in Mexican seemities imagine that the coup d’etat of Geneials Huerta and Blanquet means tie* picitic.ition of that, sord tr e<i fit it**, they are fated to suffer a rude disillusion. it i» true, of Cour#«, that tlie dreamer Madero was not
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  • 111 3 Mrs. Fawcett, speaking at a meeting of the Loudon Society the Nitioiil Union of Woman Suff rage S etics, held at Westminster Palace Hotel, condemned the recent militint tactics as outrages which were detestable and injurious to their cause They were crimes that were exciu iL: > only
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  • 1038 3 Bio lsc in Quantity. London February 21. Although the ast auctions at Mincing Lane weie concluded pretty satisfactorily, tin result haviug in fact turned out rather better than had I ecu exp-*cteJ, there ha» bj* u none too much confidence felt with regard to the f
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 (iklll. ovs Humber MOTOR CYCLES. 1912 MODELS. I^l "5 p= j '(< V^j IN STOCK. 2h p. Light-Weight, Single-Speed, Mod*d No 1, Price $325 2h p. Litrlit-Weipl t. Free-Krgiue Iluh Minlel No. 2, no atock, Price 350 h p Medium-Wright, Single-S; ted Model No. 1, no stock. Price 375 2,
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    • 141 4 Shinkai Mam, Jap. 8.8, 3,025, Asai, 13th Mar. Dairen, 21 at Feb., Coal. —P. S. JL Co. I'rinze** Ahcc, Ger. s s., 0,020, traock, 13th Mar Hamburg, 6th Feb., Gen. BM.ACo. Yan Ifogendoef, Hut. a s., 303, Lis, 13th Mar., Singapore, 7ili Mar., Gen. H. L A Co. Uymettus,
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    • 69 4 Mabch 14 Valentijn, for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olelileh and Sabang. Ba/lang, for B'.tu Bahra. Somali, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Alma, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. ffehe, f«.r Teluk Anson. Un Veng, for Pulau Langkawi and Perlis. Tong Chay Un, for Setul. Vangkor, for Diudings, Sit la wan
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    • 352 4 t os Vf n —Per Jit Seng, to-niorrow, 7 a m Madras taking umls for Europe, etc via Bombav —P**r 7V to-morrow, 10 a.*n. Deli —Per Circe, to m rrow. 3 pin. Port Swettenham and Singapore 1 er Lama, to-moir >w, 3-15 p m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and
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  • 116 4 Mabch, 1913. 11. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. Date. A.M. A 31. P.M. P M. 14t t 2.59, 9.01, 3.20, 9.48 15th 3.31, 9 28, 3.57, 10.46 16rh 4.16, 10 12, 5.03, Nil. 17th 8.04, 12.52, 8.02, 12.18 18:h 10.05, 3.43, 9.34, 3.44 19rh
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  • 135 4 Pknano, March 14. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) iWon, Deratnl Bnk 1$ 4 inmths’ sight Bn* 2 ljf 3 Cel t -2 4* 3 f> Dtcutsivutiry.. klj Ca’cutta, Demand Bank R-. 1’ 11 3 day-»’ dght IV.v+cm 175 f Bombay, Damn.-11 3«n i7.s tioalmein, D a I Luli
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  • 229 4 Gold Jjeml s6>.6j Black Pepj er no stock White Pep} os 32 6) nominal Trang Peppe» 19 .7tj nominal C.’orei 39 out of dock Vfa£o ...12) —tellers Pickings 98 —sales Nutmegs 110 s. 25 'o sales (No. 1 8.23 saleSugar < 2 8.10 sals (Bwkii 5.15 buyers Copra (mxel)
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  • 166 4 PenaNvJ, March 1 1 Bske— cts. Soup p d c;. tty J 4 Roast 24 Steaks M 24 Stew or Curry Moat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tr,U each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver p 3r catty 55 PoilK p 3. catty 32 Pier’s Head.-
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  • 2118 4 a I I i J I j i I j •m-2 Number ol d* Capital. Shares > IMridends. Name. j J 3 1 is»™». I I g =>£ j 3 (2 j e j v 19WI 1910 1911 l»12|lt*14! RUBBER COLLAR SHARES p.c. p.c.: p.c. i ifi.vii 8 )7(((Uki
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 RuH It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not l>o cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skill has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Pispeusarics and Dealers.
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  • 633 5 SUCCESSFUL PENANG CANDIDATES We give below a liafc of the successful Penang candidates who sat for the Cambridge Local Examinations which were held in December last. The candidates from St. Xavier’» Institution again obtained honours. Liui Chong Kuog obtained first class honours, while three other boys from
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  • 949 5 Opium and Thieet. In the House of Commons on February 14 on the motion for the adjournment. Sir J. D. Rees referred to tue opium question. A new factor, he said, had arisen since last he raised this matter. It had now become almost certaiu that the Central
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 New Shipment of Account Sc JUST ARRIVED. V# A a.'.v-.k Books, i rrvv *SEK til 2 j J fcf&ft aicS-» m Ruled Faint or with money coluntni Of 100 Lbatbs. Price 91.00 V «1.20 me k. Manifolding Copying Books. Quarto size «1-20. Octavo size 40 fir 60 Cts. 1 <C>.
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    • 33 5 t"fr-t"#-4~*"n--i-++-t-*"*+++++4 I !J THIS '4* X IS IT! T 4; 4H' X 3' I WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre Ji’ i Price M. 25 and $2.00.
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    • 54 5 Best Medicine Mad’. A better medicine c.u not l>e u adc than Chamberlain’s Cougb lleinedj. If iclitvis the lungs, op<ijs the secietious, aid- expectoration and assist >s nature in restoring the svsttm to a healthy condition. lieside*, •t contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take. For sale "by
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  • 92 6 flbliihad daily (except Sundays and pablio holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick Daily Local 624 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) 617.50 CABLE ADDKKSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 S.B.— All business cw.!B'*ti>'n« *h«oW b*
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  • 1135 6 Insofar as it refers to the revival of iLe military spirit in France, there is some truth in the statement by the Cologne Gazette of which Reuter cabled as a summary ye.-te’-day. As we hare told our readers on several occasions, there h is been a very
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  • 602 6 Mr. P. J. Weld, Acting Resideut, Pahang, leave» for Home on April 3. Mr. P. S. Nairn has botn appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class for Selangor. It is reported that Mr. F. G. Harvey, Manager of the Petaliug Estate, will be going Home
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  • 189 6 Ladies' Cup. Miss J. G Go-drich 4 up Mrs. Park Miss M lhler 1 down Mrs. Edwards M Mrs Masterton 4 Mrs. Hoefeld 6 Mrs Rodvk .6 M rs. W. Evans 6 Mrs. May 6 Miss E. Heim 8 Mrs. Martin, Miss Brown, and Miss J.
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  • 912 6 UNDERGROUND SEWAGE SYSTEM An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissi m wan held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, the following gentlemen being prerent: Mr. W. pji (President), Mr. W. T. Cbapmm, Mr Yeoh Guau Seok and Mr. Quah B n.a Kw, with Mr. L. M. Bell (Engineer)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 319 6 NOTICE OF SALE. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The undersigned is instructed to take possession of and put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, TO THR HIGHEST BIDDERB, On Wednesday, I9th March. 1913, AT 1 PM. At Pagan Tuan Kechil I’olice Station, Province Wellesley. The undermentioned property of TAN YAH
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  • 74 7 (From Our Own (orrcxjxmrfent.) Singapore, March 14. Messrs. Fiasor A Co’s weekly report states that there was a fall in the price of raw material. Th« re was a falling off in tho tin outputs, also a steady decline in sterling rubber shares. 'Though to-day's advices show
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  • 97 7 Improving Prie s. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 13. Improving prices are a feature at the Ljndou rubber auctions. There was a strong demand for rubl>er of medium description. Lanadrou block fetched 1». 3d. per lb. Owing to the holidays another sale will he h-dd on the
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  • 134 7 Christening Ceremony. Reuter. London, March 13 Lord Denman, Governor-GeneraJ of Australia, laid the foundation of Australia’s new capital which is named Canberra. It was a fiuo morning and the site of the new capital was early astir. A special train from Sydney and Melbourne conveyed a distinguished
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  • 126 7 Important Speech By Germat Ambassador. (Reuter.) London, March 13 Mr. Sydney Buxton, President of the Board of Trade, and Prince Lichuowsky, Berman Ambassador in London were among the guests at the banquet given by the Association of the Chambers of Comljr'reo. Mr. Buxton declared that the war
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  • 65 7 A Dark Blue Win. Reuter.) London, March 13. 1 Respite unprecedented misfortunes in the shajK» of break-downs aud substitutions, the Cambridge crew displayed such pace as to disquiet the prophets. Nevertheless Oxford is a strong favourite. Tho question is whether Cambridge, with au imperfectly traiued crew, can
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  • 77 7 Sir Thomas Lipton'a Ch»llen*« Declined. Reuter.) London, March 13 The New York Yacht Club has declined 3ir Thomas Lipton’s challenge for The America Cup. 1 lie challenge is declined because the terms impose the condition that the defending yacht shall not exceed 75 ft. in length at
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  • 437 7 the reply of the allie (Reuter.) t Sofia, March 13. 3 rh re pb of the Allies to the note of the I oweri will ask: (a) 1 hat a line from Midia to Rodosto Is* made tho Turco-Bulgariau frontier. (b) Tho •ession of all occupied territories with
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  • 75 7 (Reuter.) London, March 13. Mr. H. H. Asquith stated that the Government was considering tho necessity of altering the law in order to deal with Suffragette outrages. Raid on A Studio. The Police raided a studio at Netting Hill and arrested a Suffragette who is charged with
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  • 76 7 Impending Retirement. (Reuter.) London, March 13 Iu a speech last night Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Scott announced that he was retiring from the Navy at the end of the w.»ek. Sir Percy Scott explained that his remaining on the active list would only delay the promotion of
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  • 57 7 In t Motor Accident. Reuter.) Los Angelos. March 13. Madame Sarah Bernhardt, while proceeding to the theatre, met with an accident Her motor car collided with a truck and was wrecked. Madame Bernhardt was cut in the lips, her ankles were wrenched and her body was bruised.
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  • 14 7 Reuter) Lyttelton, March 13. The Terra Nova has sailed for England
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  • 237 7 BITTER DENUNCIATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. (Reuter.) liOndon, Maich 13. Mr. Walter Long, iu moving the OppOsi- j tion amendment to the address of the House of Commons in reply to the King’s Speech, bitterly denounced the methods by which it was proposed to force through the Home
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  • 46 7 (Reuter.) London, March 13. In the House of Commons Mr. Winston Churchill stated that the whole of the correspondence, quoted by the Canadian Premier during the debate on the naval question, would he fil'd on the table of the House of Commons.
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  • 35 7 Reuter.) London, March 13. Marcellus Raymond Morand, an actor, has obtained a divorce from his wife with £5,-500 damages against the co-respondent, Captain James Archibald Morrison, exinember of tho House of Commons.
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  • 187 7 Yesterday. To-day. Kiss or Buyers Seders Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. s- >l. s. ri. s. d. s. d. Anglo Malay ..13 74 14 74 14— 15— 44d rfokit M rtajarn. 2 4 2 94 2 5 210 Id Ohersonese ..3 3 3 8 3 44 3 94 14-1 Cons.
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  • 75 7 Sheik Mohamed Ibrahim, a clerk employed in the Post Office, appeared before Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton this morning on a charge of theft as a servant of a postal order of the value of eight shillings. Inspector Sheedy, who arrested the accused yesterday,
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  • 50 7 The Pen&ng Road Tragedy. The case against Leong Sam, who was charged with the murder of aChiuese woman, Le ng Hu, at Penang Road, was concluded ye-terday evening The accused was unanimously found guilty of the capital charge by the special Jury. His Lordship passed sentence of death.
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  • 82 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—Gedong (Perak) Rubber Pigs. Mexico’s President. Savig-» Crimes.” The Rubber Market s.—Cambridge Local Examinations Imperial Parliament. n B.—The Arnold Case. 1 desperate Remedies. The Europe in Situation. A General’s Conversion The Book Merah. Parish Hall Billiard Tournament. Decreasing
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  • 372 7 NAUDIN TEN CATE CO. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. AFFAIRS OF PENANG BRANCH. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders in the Banking aud 8 Trading Corporation Naudin ten Cate m kid-. wa held in Medan on March 10, for the purpose of electing i two directors in the placo of Mr.
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  • 442 7 The United Serdang Company. London, February 25. The transfer of the Serdang Rubber aud Produce Compauy’s properties to the United Serdang Company is uow completed. The former Company will proceed to voluntary liquidation. Hevea Trusts’ Options. Proposals are to be submitted to the shareholders of the Hevea Rubber
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  • 561 7 lo THE EDITOR O? THE STRAITS Ec iO Sir, I have read with interefrt the letter written by An Eager Schooling,” which appeared in your issue of the 10th inst. under the heading of A schoolboy's ploa for scholarships.” Noble and well-intontioced as Eager f schoolboy’s” object
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  • 342 7 THE PENANG REPRESENTATIVES. The Selection Committee of the M. F. A held a meeting last night to select the players for the match against Singapore. The following players have been select* d to represent Penang in the inter-port mat 1; which will be played on
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  • 49 7 ((By Com test of Messrs. Tho East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents O. H. Slot A Co.) Fine Pam Spot 3s. lid. Fine Para Forward 3s. 11 Jd. First latox Crepe delivery next three months 3s. 11'd. Market weaker buyers holding back. March 14, 1913.
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  • 52 7 European's Mysterious Death. Calcutta, March 4. A youiii» European named Wilcox, an ;mt in a local firm, was found on Sunday morning outside tho Bristol grill unconscious Ho was taken to hospital who re ho died. Injuries wore found on his person but tho cause of them
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  • 49 7 Tm (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $10.5 15 buyers no sellers at Singapore (refined) at $lO .021 buye r s no sellers, a*>l in Loudon at j£2oB 15s. cash and «£205 10s. three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted to-day at $l.‘H per covan.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 351 7 JXTOTICE r > HE POSITIONS advertised for Two •1- Junior Assistants have l>cou tilled F. \V. BARKER Co., 12-3-13 192 Penang. FOR SALE. I Rubber-tyred Paianquin.silmost now, and also a very smart Deli Pony, very quiet in harness. No reasonable offer will bo refused. For full particulars apply to “OWNER,”
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  • 57 7 Obituary. (From Our Own Vorre*jtondentf) Singapore, March 14. Mr. Arnold Otto Meyer, founder ol Messrs. Bebn, Meyer A Co is dead. (Renter.) London, March 13. The death has taken place, at the age of 71, of Admiral Sir Archibald Lucius Douglas who was Lord of the Admiralty from 1*99—1902 aud
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  • 172 8 Says the Pall Mall Gazette of February 20. VVa have not hitherto commented on the case of Mr. Chaoning Arnold, the editor of the Burma Critic, who was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment for defaming a district magistrate.” As Mr. [Arnold’s sentence was reduced by the I
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  • 143 8 Berlin, February 21. The Berliner Tageblatt says a prisoner in the Ploetzen-ee Piison named Georg Sehlick has made various attempts to force the prison authorities to discharge him, or at anv rate to remove him to the hospital ward He at first simu’ated insanity, ar.d when this failed
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  • 138 8 The Europe an Situation. Alth ugh the French reply to the promis d in* cane in the German Auny has been ca'mly received by the Austrian l'ress t the aj point men t of M. Delcassc to the French Embassy in St. Petersburg and the fearless tone of President Poincare’s
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  • 103 8 Paris, February 20. General Bazaine Hayter, now on the retired list, who supported the proposal for reducing the term of service with the coloui s to two years, when it was introduced into France, lias given an interview to a representative of the Matin In this ho
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  • 41 8 The 15. 1. s.s. Hymettus is discharging 5,883 bags of rico and 500 bags of bran. The s.s. Circe which arrived here this morning from Deli is alongside the wharf discharging 1,921 bales of tobacco and 670 cases of rubber.
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  • 36 8 s s Hok Canton ...I,Gi8 bags tin ore s s. 10 cases rubber s s Ban Whatt Soon 193 bags patchouli leaves p.s. 48 betelnuts s s. 84 cases rubber s.s Flying Dragon 30
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  • 128 8 The Straits Directory the 1913 edition of which has just come to hand, continues to increase in bulk and usefulness This is the 34th year of its publication and while the essential features are retained year bv year, every new edition sees a mass of useful information
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  • 74 8 The following were the rc*ult«of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap. V ReutenB —5O beat P M Langan —5O by 49 points. T J Williams 125 beat J Fde Mello 20 by 98 points. The Prince «I Wales’s Oxford ntme («a s London Opinion is
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  • 280 8 Depression fills the mind, and despair is apt to take possession of the soul of everyone who feels that he is losing- mental and physical fotce. Difficult as it is to convince such sufferers, there is evei v reason why they should get perfectly wed
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  • 63 8 To-day 7th Dav of 2nd Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. Bth Day of 2nd Moon. Penang Swiinmi g Club, Water .Carnival, 3 p m. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Towu Cinematograph,
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  • 17 8 English (Assaycj ...20th Mar China (Delta) ...22nd China (P. Eitel Friedrich) ...25th German Luetzou ...27th
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  • 18 8 (First Quarter Mar. 16th O Full Moon 22nd Last Quarter 29th O New Moon Apr. 7th
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  • 38 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward Assaye 20 Mar. j Delta 22 Mar. Devanha 3 Apr. j India 4 Apr. tx'.ra Service. Outward Homeward. Nile 25 Mar. I Namur 27 Mar. Nvbia 8 Apr. Nankin 10 Apr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 491 8 The Cinema, Location :—PENANG HOAD. Tcmpora mutantur et nos mutamur in iliis”. For Saturday** Change of Programme. EXTRA SPECIAL FEATURE. Miss Asta Nielsen, (The famous German Actress and Beauty) j IN i “Youth Folly” A FARCICAL COMEDY III Parts. Ill >cts. 10,000 Feet. CURRENT TOPICS. THE WARWICK CHRONICLE NO. 134.
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    • 497 8 n o n n HURRAH! hurrah: I To-nigM, We will stage That Most Interesting PUy. PAKDAMA DILARAM. Capital ActiDg Most Comical Clowns Charming Actresses I To-niftht AH the Ladies are Cornin* Doors open at 7-30 p in. Musical Selections 8 30 to 0 p m. Curtain rises 1* p m.
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    • 63 8 Lu;kr or ri hr Which would you rather l>e? Is a question which has greatly puzzled me, hether ’tis better lucky to be born. Or rich, and able poverty to scorn. Hut this I say, it matters "not at all, And as a circumstance is very, verv small. The great
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    • 65 8 jiimimumimmmmiMimmUi! mnnnnmniiimnHHimimm Hum M ItHHlililiiliiiiiHiu.ihn.i.iliiaiin.Uinnui.uiiu.iiinHiiiniiiiHiiiliii, THIS IS IT ij WATERBURVS j METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS u "-r.x' CtJ l. 1 he latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset' the stomach. 11ighly recommended
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    • 464 8 KTOTICE. WE BEG TO NOTIFY that wo have established ourselves as Drapers and General Commission Agents at No. 161», Beach Street, and solicit a share of the public patronage. BAN HONG BEE CO. 22-2-13 143 I A. WANTED PARTNER in a first class cash business transaction. Apply to 1-3-13 160
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    • 551 8 FOR SALE. ONE LIGHTWEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE. 3 speed gear, froy engine. First class condition. Apply to TKENGOVE, 110, Data Kraut at 11-3-13 187 THE WONDERFUL HAIR OIL. This fragrant ami rkFRESHING PREPARATION will arrest the falling-off of the hair cleanse the seal}); and keep the head cool and the brain
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  • 32 9 Yestel» hrovx Agentt Due .1 <i ye Colombo />< Ha Singapore I'lint EiUl b'r ird rich Singapore hurt sow Colombo 1 AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. li.M.AJo. BM.ACo. UUli Mar 22ml m 25tli •27th
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  • 23 9 Ve»»ela For Agent» Leave» A mo ye Singapore A.O.ACo. Mar. IMta Colombo A.G.&Co. Print F\tel Prlfdrieh Colombo B.MACo l‘.i' (tO'9 Singapore BMACo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 P.&O. S.N.C l xpccted Arritals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Mar. ‘JO Assaye connecting with Macedonia Apr. 3 Devanha Malwa Apr. 1” China Mooltau Mav I Delta Morea Hninc«trd. Connorting fatcamer with S.S Due Condon. Apr. May SPECIAL THROUCH STEAMER. K.M.S. India April 4th. IAKtS BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist class
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    • 1617 9 (S H I P P I N G.) BRITISH INDIA STEAL! NAVIGATION CO., LTD. IV 'OEDOTSCHER LLO7D. SEMEN. IKPS&IAL GEEK AW MAIL LISTS. THI' fast and Wi 11-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra an<l
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  • 851 10 SOME COMPARISONS WITH ENGLAND. Life and Labour In TAc Standard, Sir Gilbert Parker makes reference to a little book issued by the Dresdner Bank of Berlin called Germany's Economic Forces,’ a copy of which ha. ’also reached in iu this office, from the Consul-General for Germany. Sir Gilbc.t
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  • 865 10 Everybody knows who knows anything a all about tbe Chinese Revolution that not the least remarkable thing connected with it has been the awakening of a spirit of greater independence amongst Chinese ladies. We use the higher society term since, as wo believe, it is only amongst
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  • 362 10 We thiuk that a few <fletrfiD of this industry may bo.of interest to our reid-rrs. The Towie Harbour Coal Company, Limited, has a concession f(K the mining rights under a suiface area of 2» square miles, which may < be selected 4«wn**u>ea of 900 square
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  • 171 10 A New Waist for Women. The new feminine modes and the heavily dr.iped skirts shown at Auteuil will necessitate a» radical change in the feminine out line. A fashiou expert, reports the Mail Paris correspondent, sivs that the days of the corset with a straight Hue have gono.
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  • 167 10 At the Annual General Meeting of the English Bar, in tho Inner Temple, four distinguished barristers spoke very strongly iu favour of admitting women to tho Bar one of them rather cynically lidding that he could w-ell imagine how- aec< ptable it would be to some
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  • 127 10 M. Leonce Botquet, the owner of famous vineyards in the Beaune of France, who died a few days ago, left a will in which ho expressed the desire to be buried in one of the cellars of his picturesque chateau, which is several centuries old. The
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  • 804 10 Serious Problem m Hongkong. The continued high rate o f exchange and tho great uncertainty as to the future of silver are, states the American Vice-Consul-General A. E. Carietou, Hongkong, having serious effects en the economic situ it ion iu Hongkong, more particularly in tonnec* tion
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  • 139 10 Bones should be given to little children to gnaw as soon as they have teeth,” saj* Dr. WiLliam Brady, a New York practitioner, according to the Expre** correspondent. They also ought to crack nuts like other little animals. Tooth brushes never won any hattl** We are unduly
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 76 10 A Family Necessity. Every family should lie provided with Chamberlain’s Paiu llalui at all times. Sprains may be cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, (iains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 8 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
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    • 343 10 per. -ZDtc D0C ~>9C pm SAVE-U-TROUBLE FIRM tuc W A V win do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you. ALL KINDS OF COMMISSION BUSINESS UNDERTAKEN. W rr or t.anding-R«.: 0 [IwhytIouble yourself? L When the U ALL KINDS OF COMMISSION BUSINESS b ih 0 §Al-rii. l n| B.Hp«tinC-Booking for t 8h
      343 words
    • 51 10 When You Are Bilious. Food ferments in your stomach when you are bilious. Quit eating and take a full dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets They will clean out and strengthen your stomach and to-morrow you will relish your food again. The best ever for biliousness. For sale bv all Dispensaries and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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