Straits Echo, 11 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo i2-PAGaE EfflGDGi^ DAILY CHRONICLE or j. Cl! CHEATING THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, TH(hFEUERATED MALAY STATES AND THE EAR CAST GENERALLY. VOL. 11. $24 Per Annum. PEXANG, ill-S DAY. *ti.MAK(II, 1913. Sir. 3 Copy, 10 cents No. 56
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1060 1 If \on require Tonic ami *cmeihiiig li* nourish you, dritsk DOG SS S STOUT XIANG LF,E tf Co., SoU Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. DAVID CORSAR
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    • 24 1 nnnnncfncncnatnnnnnnnnnnnnn# •□□□□□a nnannnaannan inanoDßQ# TO LET House No. 50, McAlister Road. Entry from 10th inst. APPLY YEOH PAIK KEAT. 53, Beach Street, Penaftjt. nnDDncnDDDDDnnDnnnoannnnan#
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 The Silent INDIAN Motor Cycle. 1913 MODELS JUST ARRIVED. V The H.P. Single Cylinder with Two Speed Gear and Free Engine Clutch. 4 Standard heavy noh-skid 28 in. X in. Tyres to both wheels, improved 4 inch Mudguards front and rear, Spring Frame, Front Stand, Improved Kick Starter, Foot Clutch
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  • 710 3 Tk« Hskita of Sailors. Sir V “Hw K unci man, speaking at the ,f the Tiue Mariners' licuevolent liistitu* iu Newcastle ►aij tbc vices of «ailor*. *l»'ir reckless habit* an.] «*•< cut r ic jollity, vo»# talk**.! of flippaut'v. Their inode r ’ife undoubtedly bred whiuuical
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  • 979 3 REPRESENTATIVES IN PEKING. S)EE* M BT THE PItEHIDEWT. Gf very great interest to our Chinese readers should be the Pillowing translation of a speech by President Yuan Sbi Kai which we lift from the Peking Daily Newt The following m a translation of the fjieeob of the
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  • 1223 3 I he vast region of Mongolia, the birthI place of hordes which have time and again altered the current of historv, has definitely ceased to be part of the Chinese Republic. Such is the purport of the Parliamentary paper issued last week, containing the Russo-Mongolian Agreement
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  • 174 3 Until 1912 there had been but little change among the Ambassadors accredited to the Court of St. James, but within the last twelve months one, Count Wolff-Metter-nich, has retired two, Baron Marschall von Bieberstein and Mr. Whitelaw Reid, have died and Baron Kato has left, aud will
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  • 141 3 The Oxford manner has been a favourite target of outside critics for years. In the latest Inis Oxford aims the shaft at itself with a good deal of humour, and gives tho equ’valent in Oxford of the Madisonsquare smile” in New York. Tho hit does not tell
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  • 132 3 Makch, 1013. Di«. W T W II L.W. A.M. A M. I'.M. p M. lltli 1.50, 8.13, 2.08 B°B 12»)i 2.11. 8.20, 2 20, 830 13th 2.34, 8.45, 2.52, 014 14th 2.50, 0.04, 3.20, 0.48 15th 3.31, 0.28, 3.57, 10.46 16th 4.16, 10.12, 5.03, Nil 17th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 THIS IS IT 1 WATERBI'RY'S METABOLIZED j Cod Liver Oil Compound I TASTELESS ODORLESS The late.-t scientific preparation of COD I-IN LR OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the tomach. Highly recommended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS Price
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    • 8 3 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cut
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    • 437 3 Ate. i/yu AM State! U/ou&L StowCtog&n} Ae£fo yne* 'JJ'XDOUBTEDLY it would—for Sanatogen has helped millions of nerve sufferers to gain new health and vitality. If you feel run down, weary, depressed—let Sanatogen help yon. It is a scientific health food, with true tonic properties—endorsed by over 16,000 doctors. Buy a
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    • 53 3 lot Medicine Made. A better medicine cm not be mad" than Chamberlain's Cough Reinedv. It relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assists nature in restoring the 'vstem to a healthj condition. Besides, •t ccntains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 51 3 When You Are Bilious. Food ferment* in tout stomach when vou are bilious. Quit eating and take a full dose of Chamberlain's Tablets Tin y will cleanout and strengthen Tuur stouiacb and to-morrow jou will relish jour fooJ again. The best ever for biliousness. For sale hr all Dispensaries and
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    • 123 4 Pin Seng, Br i 378. Davidson. 10th Mar., Singapore, Bth Mar Gen. E. 8. Co, Ltd. prtrel, Br. s.*., 124, Caniplxdl, 10th Mar., T. Balei, Oth Mar., Gen —E. 3. Co, Ltd. tll Wakool, Br. M, 5,004, Girwood, 11th Mar, London, 26th Jan.. Gen —A. G. Circa. Br. a>
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    • 63 4 March 11. Calypso, for Tongkah. Circe, for Deli. Imiragiri, for Deli and Langaa. Petrel, for Asahan. Tramj, for Trang. Jin Ho, for Pangkalan Brandan. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langk&t. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hebe, for Teluk Anaon. Panykor, for Dindinga and bitiawan. Klang, for Port Swettenham
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    • 305 4 from Calcutta —Per Jajtan, to-morrow, 4 p m. Orion, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and ria Naples, for Europe etc. Per Derfflinger to-morrow, G p.m Yen—Per Jit Seng, 13th instant, 7am Port Swettenham' and Singapore—Per I Tara 13th instant, 3 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan —Per Primes» Alice, 13th
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  • 124 4 PeifAivo, March 11. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4J 4 months* sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4y* 3 Documentary.. 2,4$ Julcutta, Demand Bank R&. 174} 3 days* sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Ban 17»$ Moulmein, Demand Bark l""V- 8 days* sgnt Private Iss Madras, Demsnd
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  • 219 4 Goid l,eat 161.60 Black Pepper no stock WTiite Peppor 32 63 sales Trang Peppor 19.76 nominal Cloves 39. —sellers Mace 120 —sellers Pickings 100. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 26 —ssUert f No. 1 8.20 sale < Sugar < 2 8.10 sal*s (Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers f
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  • 192 4 MARKET P RIC E S. Pr.nano, March 11 Bkkk cts. Soup por catty 14 Roant 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat.., 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork poi catty 32 Pip’s Head... 20 .M n
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  • 2116 4 I -“Tl 7 c 1 I I g O 1 0 f ■S-J Numlier of '3 ft.! XT I 2 Capital. Shares > P Dividends. i,&me I t E issued. j 3 3 c °fa 3 j fa fa W O* 1909 1910j 1911 1912! ***** RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 Ruh It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gires relief quicker. For ■ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 43 4 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of yours must be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 29 4 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active > Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. !TS m (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF v TUBERCULOSIS > OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists.
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  • 829 5 To a pessimistic observer it is ve r j distressing to mti*» the piesent complicated situation. The Provisional Government is over, and the pennaueut one lias not vet Ijeen introduced. The house has not vet set iu order, and we have to tax our
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  • 102 5 Wednesday, March 12, 1913. 1 Selection Moses in Egypt... Rossini 2 Two Step The Brigade Major. Faus* 3 Waltz Bright Angel Peeurini 4 Gavotte Stephanie Czibulka 5 March Lea Victiraes du Devoir Wilt man. Friday, March 14, 1913. 1 Overture Norma Billini 2 Two Step... Gnats Eckerslev 3
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  • 125 5 Inward Shipment. s.s. Tong Chay Un 216 bags pepper ss. Kedah 40 paddy ss. 120 rice ;s s Petrel 138 copra sB.B in Whatt Soon 12 patchouli leaves as. n 68 betelnuts s.s. 16 cases rubber ss. Perak 13 as. 13 bags betelnuts s.s Circe 154 cases rubber 88.
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  • 78 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Singi.e Handicap. Father Durelle (—25) beat R. X. Reutens 90) by 6 points. R. Tegjew (—35) beat V. A. Reutens (+10) by 9 points. Docbi.f. Handicap. W. N. Fletcher and V. Reutens 60) beat C.
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  • 75 5 The following were the results of the ti« s played off yesterday Ladies' Double Handicap. Mrs Dunn and Mrs Neubronner beat Mrs Phillips and Mis? Jones 6—l, 6—4. Single Handicap A W Harries beat Greeson 6 —l, 3 —6, 6-3. Single Handicap C. C D I) Hogan
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  • 97 5 Penang, March 11, 1913. 4uis Bank drafts on Loudon 2 4* DD 2/4« TT 2/4* 3in s Credits 2/4^* 60 d/8 2/4 30 d/s 2/4* D/D Bank buying 2/4.* New York 56| Paris 294 j Hamburg 238; Java, Bank demand 140} buying D/D 141 Calcutta T.T. 174. Rangoon,,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 564 5 Wh, your *ood money »f,„ ch p rubblll> r(icl f ]so sure to get only Paul A gone* MOHON FLUTE. The King cf ttil littrirntniuiua. Tito liest and froDLcnt one jrt known. Its unquestionable reputation in thoroughly established all over the Straits for a very long time. Unsurpassed in tone,
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    • 69 5 ■♦-i t -t H't+++++4+ r-f+t 4- Lt THIS IS IT! WATERBURY S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound I t ■frsrr.* TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 The latest scientific pre par at ion of COD LIVER OIL L>ocs all that is +1 claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset
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    • 76 5 A Family Necessity. E'ery family should be provided with Chanilierhtiit's Pain Kahn at all times. Sprrins wav 1<• cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame lack, lame shoulder, puius in the side and dost and rheumatic j.»ins are some of the diseases for which it i* especially valuable.
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    • 316 5 laws i TANSAN LEMONADE AND DRY CINGERALE POSSESS ALL THE INVIGORATING PROPERTIES OF TANSAN. R. T. REID CO., PENANG, SOLE AGENTS. IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A CAR RING UP 420. have a large fleet of up-to-date cars in PENANG BUTTERWORTH. Buses run daily from Bridge Street to Telok Kumbar.
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  • 85 6 drily (except Sunday» and pnbho holiday») at the CBITEEION PKE3S. Ltd. Ho. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Pnic* Daily Local ...»24 per annum. H Outatation... Postage Extra. Edition (Poet Free) 117.60 h CABLB ADDBKBS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo, 586 Printing Depnrtnent 343 /f g —All bu.ißM. c!«n»»un>c»tion. .bould
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  • 1672 6 Every journalist worth the name, and every layman who realises the vital import- j ance to himself and every other member of the public of a Pres» which i» not only free aud independent of government control but untrammelled by private interests, will approve the
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  • 243 6 Another Unwilling Bachelor” writes to the Malay Mail In these enlightened times a man wants to marry for comfort not for show. etc. Look at the lot of a bachelor in the F. M. S. to-dav He finishes work, goes home to change, rushes off again to
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  • 139 6 Mr. R. O. Winstedt, District Officer of Kuala Pilah and author of several papers in the useful series of pamphlets on Malay life and literature published bv the F.M S Government, has written a Malay Grammar intended to meet the want of such a work among
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  • 365 6 STRAITS CHAMPIONSHIP. Messrs. D. A. M. Brown, J. Crabb Watt, 3. F. B. Martin and C. T. Durward will represent Penang in the Straits Golf Championship competition which will take place at Singapore on March 22. We give below the programme of tbe meeting: Pkookammk. Friday, March 21.
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  • 366 6 The Assizes opened in the Second Divisional Court this morning before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebdcn. The Hon. A. R. Adams, Acting Solicitor-General, prosecuted in the following cases A Notorious Thief. The first case called for hearing was that against a Malay, named Omar, who was charged with
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  • 896 6 (From Our Oxen Correspondent,} Taiping, Match 10. Mr. M. H. Whitley. Deputy Public Prosecutor for the State of Selangor, visited Taiping for a few hours ou his way South last week. Mr. Whitley has just returned from leave in England. He was legal adviser to tho Sultan of
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  • 778 6 CHARGE AGAINST A LANCE CORPORAL The hearing of the case against Sheriff Lance Corporal No. 238, who was charged with extorting the sum of two cents on three occasions from hawkers at Rope Walk, was resumed yesterday afternoon before .Mr. E E. Colmau. Chiei Detective Inspector Kirke prosecuted,
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  • 251 6 Yesterday. To-day. nr Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller* Rubber. s. d. s. d. s. d. s d. Anglo Malay 13 9 14 9 13 74 14 74 d dukit Mertajam. 244 294 2 4 2 9 l -<j Chersonese ..3 3 3 8 3 34 3 74 id Cons. Malays
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  • 146 7 COMPARATIVELY SMALL OUTPUT. (From Our Own Corrrnporule ut Singapore, March 'O. The report of the Gleuealy Kubbet Estate ■hows that tbo tot il amount available for distribution is $19,918 68cts. The repoit recommends a dividend of 5 per cent. The output was only 27,3601 b. against an
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  • 165 7 Popular Retentm nt. (Reuter.) London, March 10. Suffragette letter-box outrages and the cutting of telegraph and telephone wires continue daily, exacerbating the popular anger. Attempted meetings at Hyde Park, Wimbledon Common and Hampstead Heath yesterday wore rendered impossible by tho continuous uproar of hostile crowds of many thousands,
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  • 74 7 The First Offender. (Reuter.) Loudon, March 10. The first aeroplaue proceeding to Euglaud since the uow aerial regulations entered yesterday, traversing tho prohibited area at. >over. It was manned by a Frenchman with an ‘English passenger. The coast guards telephoned to the inland points I lie police
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  • 55 7 A Failure." Reuter.) Loudon, March 10, While two comparatively small loans—the Imperial Loan of .£‘2,500,000 and the Piussiau loau of -£5.000,(00 —were successful. the Prussian Treasury bonds were a failure. It is said that barely half lias been subscribed; this is the tirst time that a German
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  • 48 7 Smita Troops for Scutari. (Reuter.) London, March 10. 5.000 more Servian troops with a number of Krupp guns and guns captured from the luils sailed from Salouika for San Giovanni to help the Montenegrins at utari. The rest of a complete divisiou of ■Ji/H» will follow.
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  • 28 7 Resignation of President. (Ri uter.) San Domiugo, March 10. Archbishop Noval, who was elected President of the Republic *»f San Domiugo -u December 3, has resigned.
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  • 846 7 A BRILLIANT CEREMONY. (Reuter.) j London, March 10. r Despite the drizzle dense crowds gathered n Fall Mall and Whitehall to see Their Majesties the King and Qu«v»n drive to Westminster for the o|*euing of Parliament. i They cheered the King and Queen who bowed their acknowledgements.
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  • 116 7 HIGH DISCOUNT RATES. (Reuter.) London. March 10 The private discount of 4* per cent, which is nearly the bank rate, is an unusual condition for this season of the year, but no 1 increase in the Bank of England rate is anticipated. The present stringency of the
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  • 96 7 Reuter.) London, March 10. The explosion of four gun cotton stores at Nobel’s works at Ar.leer, Ayrshire, caused the dea’h of »ix people. Seven were seriously injured The windows of the houses iu the town of Irvine were shattered. There were dense clouds of smoko. Many
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  • 99 7 The Death Sentence. (Reuter.) Allahabad, March 11. The trial of Lieut. Harry Lovell William Clarke (44) of the Indian Subordinate Medical Department, Agra, aud of Mrs. Augusta Fairfield Fullham (37) has concluded in Allahabad High Court liefora the Chief Justice, Sir Henry Richards, aud a jury.
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  • 116 7 Speech by the Kaiser. Reuter.) Londou, March iO. At the memorial ceremony at Berlin in connection with the War of Liberation festivi ies, the Kaiser, addressing the military deputations, declared that the heroism of their ancestors should recall to the living generalim the poet’s words:
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  • 22 7 (Reuter.) Melbourne, March 10. Lady Scott aud her brother arc staying with Lord Denman, Governor-General of Australia, at Government House.
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  • 29 7 (Reuter.) London, March 10. M. Jaurĕ was howled down at a meeting at Nice as a protest against his attitude t*. wards the Army Bill.
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  • 64 7 The following business in tin has been lone to-day Penang Ponang Tin Exchange, «io- osbuyers, no sellers j Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 105.55 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 105.62 i Total 200 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £212 cash and £2OB
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  • 49 7 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot <i Co.) Fine Para Spot 3 H^d. Fine Para Forward 3j. H d. First latex Crepe delive.v next three mouths 3s li d Market weaker buvers holding back. March 11, 1913.
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  • 251 7 STATEMENT BY MR. ASQUITH. (Reuter.) London, March 10. In the House of Commons this afternoon j Mr. Asquith said that the deliberations of the Ambassadors at the Foreign Office had resulted in agreement on two vital points, the first of which was the question of the
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  • 62 7 The following articles will be fouud on our outside pages Page 3. —Shipping and Naval Notes. Tho Chinese Abroad. The Future of Mongolia. The London Embassies. The Oxford Manner. s.—The Possibilities of the Chinese Republic. Parish Hall Billiard Tournament. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. 8.-Chinese Finance. Australian Cricket Trouble. Tribute To
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 326 7 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance 1911." 1 EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR J are hereby reminded that assessireni returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to tho Oflice of the Deputy Control!ei of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for
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    • 551 7 I SAT .P!. For Singapore, Hongkong. Svatow 8 Amoy. ONE LIGHTWEIGHT M O TQK C\ CLE. 3 speed pear, free eug’uo. First class condition. Apply to 11-3-13 187 TRENOOVB, HO, Dato Kramat. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. H«ad Ornc*:—SINGAPORE Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES.
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  • 604 8 Ivranviaw Wot mu H»w Financial. Commission be. j Reuter’s representative has had an inUr- j view with Mr. Tsung-Yuan Chang, Vice- President of the Board of Finance, and former)v head of the College of Economics and Finance, who has just arrived in this country as Financial Commissioner for
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  • 112 8 A meeting of the Investigation Committee of the Board of Control was held at Sydney lately, says the Daily Mail's correspondent, to consider the charges in reference to the conduct of certain members of the Australian cricket team which visited Eugl&ud last summer. The committee found that
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  • 99 8 In recording the death of Sir John Worrell Carrington, who had a distinguished public career as a lawyer in the West Indies, where he was born in 1847, the Times says: Sir John Carrington was one of the most •bservant critics to whom the Times has
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  • 35 8 Mar 11 Haji Kassim Jamatol Muslim 12 Babusabar Bahrol Alam 13 Sungei Ara Muhahatol Islam 14 Sabrul Jamil Muthibol Ahzan 15 Penang United Mejlis II 1G Crescent Crescent Star
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  • 59 8 To-day 4th Day of 2nd Moon. Penang Assizes. Band. Golf Club, p m George Town Cinematograph, Kuan Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Koad. Penang Motiou Picture Show, Penang Road. T« «-morrow. sth Day of 2nd Moon. St. Gregory. Band, Esplanade. 6 p.m. George Town C'nMmatogmph. Kuala Kangsar lioad. Straits
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  • 17 8 China Dcrjflinger MaF German Priuz*** A ‘ice) ...13th English Assay e, ...20th China De'ta) ...2-nd
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  • 22 8 Quarter Mar. 16th O Full M w, n 22nd liHst Q uit'*» 29th O New M■ «I «it Apr. 7th
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  • 36 8 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai v-vcf. Outward. Homeward Assaye 20 Mar. Drlt 22 Mar Decanha 3 Apr. I adit 4 Apr Extra service. Outward Homeward. Nors 11 Mar. I Somali 13 Mar. Nils ,25 I Namur 27
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 471 8 The Straits CinemaJf Location :—PENANG ROAD. Tempora mutantur «t no» motamor in »11*»”Wednesday Programme INCLUDES A.V. AMERICAN VITA. A.B. AMERICAN 810. A.K AMERICAN KINEMA. Max Linder. The Latest Pathe Gazette. A Huge Variety AND A Change Throughout. Ist #bow B—9 p m. 2nd ahow 9—ll-30 p.m. Tickets sold at the
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    • 535 8 Kins Street Theatre. To-night, T «tui»rck. 1 Grand Gala NigKt!!! WHEN The Grand Opera Co. I will singe That Mont Interesting Play, entitled “Roseline and Cathelina on The Baker’s Daughters. Clever Acting! New Scenery and Costumes Beautiful Singing! Price* of Admission. |2 $1 50 cts A 25 cts. Ladies (downstairs)
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    • 58 8 A sillv old codger named Grav, W as coughiog and sneezing oue dar. ilia muster came back, gare Lim the sack, A* d said be did nothing but plav. Poor Graj made a terrible threat, DeUiimined some work he would get, A good wage he now makes, for to work
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    • 266 8 THE WONDERFUL HAIR OIL. This fragrant ami refreshing PREPARATION will arrest the falling-off of the hair cleanse the scalp and keep the head cool and the brain fresh. It has also valuable medicinal properties, and is cheaper than any other Indian Hair Oil. A single bottle will convince you of
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    • 921 8 CL6ANS6 YOUR BLOOD with CRIMAULT C° SARSAPARILLA :A UdUkt t ?LThe #cautif 6 ‘Jill ST*e iy f-s Z i r? The original sarsaparilla* recommended tor the last 4° y c rs for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorders of the skin. r Z r »-a 6RIMAULT C* |,-W il'lfUDf,
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  • 30 9 Vceielt brom Agent» Due I lujer V. Alice .1 *.<.i ye Dtlta Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore B.M.A Jo. BM.ACo. AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. 11th Mar 13th 19th 22 ml 1
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  • 23 9 VcueU For Ay r *lt Lwwi DrrMinqer i\ Alice Antayc L'lla Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo B.MACo„ B.M ACo. A.G.AC0. A.G.ACo. 1 M&r.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 259 9 P.&O. *TAL S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Mar. 20 Assaye connecting with Macedonia Apr. 3 Devanha Malwa Apr. 17 China Mooltan Mav 1 Delta Morea HomcwarJ SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. U.M.S. India April 4th. UKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist cIaHH 2nd class London by Sea 1505-72 $377-14 o
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    • 1618 9 <S HIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. NOBMTTSEM LlOTDlm Fob Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Thur. mt. Mar.. 4 p in Tara Sat. 15th Mar., 4 pm. Sun. 10th Mar., 4 Thur. 20th Mar., 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Slrgajuyre. (Twice a week). ictoria
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  • 1289 10 LQcAl.lTlßa AMD DmFBCT». I Peking, Januaiy 15. An important «lament of n«w China is the PrMt Peking i« credited with something lik« 70 journal», and other centre» l»oa»t newspaper» by the «core. Keen far up country there are few oities that do not produce a daily
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  • 626 10 In the fourth Court in Singapore on Thursday afternoon. Mr. W. B Stephens, mauager of the Bukit Tiuisli Rubber Estates, was prosecuted by Mr. Rodesse, Superintendent of the Indian Immigration Department, for failing to send in hi» returns of Indian labour employed under him, within the
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  • 1287 10 Caiticisms and Appreciations or Bome Famous Waiters. Mr. Q. K. Chesterton has certainly written one of the liveliest volumes in the Home University Library—Williams ami Norgale's splendid Is. volumes. He skirmishes through The Victorian Age in Literature in 251 pages, and his pace so lively that the editors
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 For Children’■ Hacking Cough at Night, Woo U' Great Peppermint Cere.
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    • 206 10 Criterion Press, LIMITED. W//////////////////W//M//M Office Stationery A Requisites. Cast-Brass tt\ Rack with Pea Brush in centre. Price $1-00 each. “ttJiOY*’ a paste for clam people. Price 30 eta. each. to 6 CO *o e CO a» 'OC Id Ilil 2 < xi o a 0) < €8Oh o C W-dTi
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    • 432 10 TRY —I Beecham's Pills, they are just the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Pills
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H» M. THE KINQ. CONTRACTORS TO fhe British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. The India Office, MILKM LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY and EXCELLENCE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1703 12 for Si\.li£lGuide to Penang, The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market StreefcMa BY THU LATK E. F. Skcrtchly, i. i. v Price 5 0 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy-") Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. M Special Features, Disability,” and Return Premrnm Clauds. NO OTHER
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