Straits Echo, 10 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 42 1 Straits Echo I2?PAC£ JWMjOli. daily chronicle of events. circulating THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS,* TJ; I FEDERATED MALAY STATES and the far east generally. Ai -S»« *|L k VOL. 11. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, MONDAY** 10th MARCH, 1913. Single Copy, 10 cents No. 55
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 If von r«|uire anil Korneihiiuf <" i>h you. drink DOG'S SS'S STOUT 3?‘c v «lid look '•<r r-r V Y th ->V j mm 7*ir* for (his I.ilm I tO KM tiiat yon get it. iIANG LEE S' Co, Sot* Agrnti. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS.
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    • 33 1 □□DDnccoac r.acDnnannnnnoann# TO LET ♦□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ojpaaaaaDD# a a a a a a a n House Wo. 50.' McAlister Road. R Entry from 10th inst. APPLY YEOH PAIK KEAT. 53, Beach Street, Penang. innnnn □□nnnnnnnnnnnaaonoao
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 The Silent INL.AN Motor Cycle. 1913 MODELS JUST ARRIVED. A3 rr. V The H.P. Single Cylinder with Two Speed Gear and Free Engine Clutch. Standard heavy non-skid 28 in. X 2£ in. Tyres to both wheels, improved 4 inch Mudguards front and rear, Spring Frame, Front Stand, Im--9 proved Kick
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  • 883 3 A Playwright's Esr&ings We read ia a Home paper; Mr. Graham Moffit is m the North, paying his first visit to Glasgow since bo achieved world-wide fame. 4 Tho reporters of his native laud deal proudly with him in interviews, and tell how he travail d to Loudon
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  • 925 3 /nomnlita in Ike Navy Liat. By the overhauling cf tho uiouthly Navy List some curious anomalies have*been left in thecurreut issue. For instance, in the classification table the Royal Sovereign* aro arranged iu their proper order in the list of battleships, aud the inference from this,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 89 3 A Family Nicessity. Kveiv family should l>o provided with iiinil cr'diiM Fa n Film at a’l times 'piaint. uiay 1 c cured in much less time when pm ui ptly treat id. Lauio 1 ark, l.iuie h. uider, pains in tie side and ehest and rheumatic j .tins are some
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    • 46 3 Trouble Averted. That lit tle cold and aore throat of touts must bj checked at once or it may di ve'op into something worav Take a few doses of Cbautbei lain's Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vani&lj. For salo by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 154 4 Devmnha Br. a a., 4.785, Hickey, Bth Mar, Shanghai, 25th Fib., On. —A. G. A Co. Theseus, Br. a.a., 4,296. Smallwood, Bth Mar., Liverpool, Bth Feb., Gen. W M A Co. Calypso, Br. a a., 339, Sta *h, Bth Mar Tongkah, 2nd Mar., Gen —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Cornelia,
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    • 35 4 March 10 Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickaon and Malacca. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Aneon. Dunera, for Singapore. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiptng. Tolunga, for Calcutta. Pnngak, for Pang Ngn.
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    • 305 4 roi Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 am. Tongkah—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli— Per Circe, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anaon —Per Hebe, to-monow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per Klang to-morrow, 4- f 'o p m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc.
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  • 64 4 To-day 3rd Day of 2nd Moon. The Isle of Pearl,” Town Hall, 5-45 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. 4th Day of 2nd Moon. Penang Assizes. Band. Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Town
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  • 16 4 China Derjjlinger ...11th Mir. German (Prinzoss Alice) ...13th English (Assays) ...20th China (Delta) ...22nd
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  • 19 4 (h irst Quarter Mar. 16tli O Full Moon 22nd liast Quarter 29th O New Moon Apr. 7th
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  • 135 4 Pbhamo. March 10. (Df emerteey gf the Chartered Book.) London, Demand Bank —2, H n 4 months’ eight Bank 8/4} n 3 Credit 2,4^ m ,t n Documents* y~ 2,4} Oak itta, Demand Bank Rs. 174} n 8 day»* sight Private 175} dombey. Demand Ban» 17*4 Monlmein. Demand Rank
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  • 231 4 Jokl Leaf 364.60 Black Pepper no ttock White Pepper 32 6) sale» Trang Pepper 19.76 nominal Cloves 39. —tellers Mace 120 —tellers Pickings 100. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 26 —sellers No. I 8.20 sale* Sugar < 2 8.10 sal's (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.6) buyers f Tahbuu 190.
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  • 190 4 Prnano, March 10 Bkev cts. Soup pe catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver par catty 55 Pork— Pork pai catty 32 Pig’« Head... m* 20 Feet mi m N
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  • 2145 4 1 a I i B Number of s, 2 Capital. 8hares *=> Dividends. Name. C J 8 1 issued. s a 4 a S o> j j |i|[ 1909 1910 1911 191« ***** RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. i I I I I It lii p.c. p.c. p.c. 1909 1$ 450
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 When You Are Eiliovs. Food ferments in jour stomach when you are bilious. Quit eating and take a full dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets. They will clean out and strengthen your stomach and to-morrow you will relish your food again. Tbe beat erer for biliousness. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 10 4 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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  • 1116 5 We are accused sometimes of writing from an iin practicably id-a! standpoint about the code of honour which should lie maintained jn local business circle*. Almost w-* are told |>ecause business is business it Ims nothing to do with honour, and that th 1 iu'e ot ererv nun
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  • 477 5 Thk Gknkrai. Position. In common with other metals tin has had a weak market, the recent sharp squeze having, as anticijtated, proved merely a temporary affair. Unquestionably the po«iti »n is deteri jrating, and a very much lower rjnge of values than that luting for so long is in
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  • 191 5 A new philosopher has been t apped by the American Magazine. His name is Kin Hubbard, and lie says: It’s no disgrace t’ bo poor, but it might as well l>e Live so you kin go t* th’ theater without makin’ your grocer mad. The
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  • 42 5 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, 12th iust. Championship: II E Mason (Runuer-up) is. E S Haslam (Holder) (I). Mired Double Handicap Mrs Goodrich and M K Whitlock vs Miss Jones and H R Adatis (Final) (6).
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  • 298 5 ANNUAL RIFLE MEETING. The undermentioned competitions in con nection with The Penang Volunteers Annual Rifle Meeting were fired c ff at the Rifle Range, K-anipong Bahru, yesterday. The light was dull at the commencement but improved towards the end. A rear wind sprang up at the 800 yds
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  • 126 5 The result of the shooting by the P. L. U. C. at Kampong Bahru this morning was as follows: Monthly “Spoon” Shoot (150 yards). H’cap. Score. Miss Gawthorne .84 34.36* Mrs. Liston 83 34 32 Miss W. Gawthorne .89 34 23 Mrs. Oxenham .86 33.00 Miss
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  • 152 5 Inward Shipment. !.s. Calypso ...1,147 bags tin ore s.s. 23 copra s's. Cornelia 30 betelnuts s.s. ...1,273 tin ore s.s. Pading 88 copra s.s. 218 bales tob ;cco s.s. 10 cases rubber s.s. Pungah 443 bags tin oie s s. Flying Dragon 20 Ireteluuts s.s. Trang 21 pep|>er s.s.
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  • 82 5 The following were the results of the ties played off on Saturday and Sunday Single Handic\i\ B. I>oral —35 l>eat J. B. Robles* —4O by 15‘pts. A. C. Lesslar +6O W. N. Fletclie— 40 by 2 pts. H. S. Balliet bet —5O Clifton Aeria—3o by 110
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  • 40 5 Mar. 10 PranukanJPrai I> Masudiah 11 Hnji Kassim Jauiatol Muslim 12 Babusabar Bahrol A lam 13 Suugei Ara Muhabatol Islam 14 Sabrul Jamil Mutbibol 15 Penang United Mcjlis JI 10 Crescent Crescent Star
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  • 97 5 Penamj, March 10, 1913. 4 m's Bauk drafts on London 2/4, T 5 1)1) 2/4' r r 24 1 3 m/s Cr »dits 2'4j(J 60 d s 2/4’} 30 d (S 2/4,\ D D Bank buying 24,’,New York 50* Paris 2941 Hamburg 238\ Java, Bank demand 14-0 j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 "r Chromic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Curo.
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    • 60 5 THIS IS IT! t WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre partitionof COP LIY I K OIL Poes all that s claimed for it and super scdcs the old fashioned emulsions which upset ibe stomach. Highly ic commended by lh ratdi cal profession Oh ALL
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    • 434 5 JAUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder hut the symptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow in «'is manner instead of entering the intestines to
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    • 55 5 Best Medicine Made. A better medicine cm not be made than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It relieves the lungs, opens the sec ret ions, aids toratiun and assists nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Besides, •t contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take. For sale by
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    • 299 5 Poor Mary Aim caught such a cold, They said it was the 11 u,” She took a lot of drugs and things, But worse aud worie she grew At last they called the doctor in, No need for me,” he said But to the chemist’s go aud buy Wo ds’
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  • 93 6 Pmblished daily (except Sundays and pnblie holiday!) at Tan CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 326—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local >24 per annum. Oatetation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nob. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 K.B.— All*M ihould b. .Mr**»*!
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  • 339 6 During the last few months or so a couple of houses of ill-fame with European inmates have been opened in the heart of the native quirter of Penang, flaunting iu the fare of the shocked or mocking Asiatic the gaud.' 'xterior, illuminated signs and all the
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  • 779 6 Some little display of firmness and energy would seem to be necessary if British prestige is to be properly upheld in the protected State of Johore. According to information which reaches ue from trustworthy sources, the attitude of the Sultan towards the officers who have been seconded from
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  • 96 6 It is stated that the report of the Commission on the Colonial Medical Department is practically ready for publication Rumour has it that the report deals rather severely with the administrative side of the Depart ment, and bolds that the hospitals. ire understaffed l»oth as regards doctors
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  • 600 6 Mr. Geo. Macbain and Mr. H. Nirrnheim r turned this morning by the s.s. Klang. Mr. and Mrs. Meadows Frost, of Kedah, have been on a short visit to Penang. Mr. Joseph Heim has been recognised as Consular agent of the United States at Penang. Mr. Y.
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  • 241 6 M-. Ad aaj' SuccessorFrom alia* we cm gather, Mr. John Mitchell, of Messrs F. W. Barker <fc Co., is most likely to b! chosen by the Pennng Chamber of Commerce to act as the Chamber’s nomine** on the Legislative Council when the Hon. A. It. Adi ms
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  • 808 6 A SCHOOLBOY'S PLEA FOR SCHOLARSHIPS. To TIIE Kuiior or HIE mtuaits tCHO Dear Sir, My intention in writing this is to call the attention of the Chinese community 0 f Penang to some important facts with regard to education. As the Straits Government has now withdrawn the
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  • 105 6 Shipping Intelligence.” to Til K tUIIoR OF THE STRAITS KCHO Sir, —Where on earth does the Gazette get its shipping intelligence from The following paragraph occup TlDi a prominent position in Saturday’s issue i* too good to be missed It is very rarely that two ocean goinil steamers of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 KODAK Pictures make the Best Diary. m m m S’ m KODAK snapshots will give you the best possible m record of your daily life abroad. An album of KODAK snapshots will be a lasting record -of the places you visit, the people you meet and the things you do.
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  • 61 7 MORE BIG DIVIDENDS. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 8. (’staling has |*ai«l t% final dividend of 100%. A mini of il 1.500 w.i# put to the reserve atd 4.'“,238 carried forward. Stag brook has paid a dividend of 12* and New Crocodile 5% At Tuesday’* sale
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  • 124 7 Ditchirfe of the Accused. I From Our Own Correspondent^) Singapore, March 10. The Chinaman, charged at Johore with the nmrder of Mr. D. C. Oakley, was di«harged, after the evidence had been heard, Sved Omar, who appeared for tho accused, commented on the faat that from
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  • 146 7 Annual General Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 10. At the first annual general meeting of the Model Dairy Farm, Captain Pahncke, the Chairman, regretted that it had been an unsuccessful year. Australian cattle had not turned out well and not until they bought Indian cattle
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  • 102 7 Imm Our Own Correspondent Singapore, March 10. At the Annual General Meeting of the Hukit Tiuiah Rubber Company, Mr Mundell, who presided, said that the toml*>nv had hid a very successful ear. The)* i >1 used some of the profits for the pu*poses f capital expenditure;
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  • 80 7 Two More Victims. f rom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, March 10. The bodies of a Sakai woman aud a Javanese coolie minus one leg were found °u a small island opposite Carey Island, n on Saturday afternoon and the other the K anie evening. Roth had been
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  • 66 7 Threatened Strike. Reuter) London, March 10. Ihe engineers at the Devoupo t dockyard Live refused to work overtime until the Admiralty concedes their demand for a wage ®Tul to the standard of private yards. A ha lot iv at present being taken bv the engineer a at
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  • 202 7 ALLIES AND THE OFFE1 OF THE POWERS. (Reuter.) London, March 8 The reply of the Allies to the offer of nwdiation by the Powers is still awaited. It is stated in Berlin that the information ■o far received indicates that their unm*lined assent is not exited. Bulgarian
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  • 90 7 Demand For a Minimum Wage (Reuter London, March 8. The Londou bakers threaten a strike on March 15. They demand a minimum wage of 30/- weekly for adults iu the shops and 32/- weekly for adults in the factories. They also demand 54 hours of work a
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  • 45 7 Appointment Offered to Mr. Olney. Reuter.) Washington, March 8. Dr. Woodrow Wilson has offered the ambassadorship to Great Britain, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Whitelaw Reid, to Mr. Richard Olney who was Secretary of State in Prĕsident Cleveland’s Cabinet.
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  • 50 7 (Reuter.) London, March 8. The Premier, the Hon. John Scaddan, and the gent-Oenoral of Western Australia in London, the Hon. Sir N. J. Moore, together with a party of Colonial visitors were shown round the naval establishment at Portsmouth. They made a tour of the battleship*.
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  • 55 7 German Encouragement. Renter.) Berlin, March 8. The Reichstag has passed a credit of £lO,OOO for cotton cultivation in East Africa Dr. Solf, the Colonial Minister, remarked that Germany must follow England’s lead in competing with America The House passed a resolution in favour of making adequate provision for
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  • 31 7 (Reuter.) Beilin, March 8. It is stated that the German aud Prussian loans, which were underwritten by a so-called Prussian Syndicate, have been oversubscribed by 68,000,000 marks.
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  • 78 7 Dr. Mtwson in Winter Quarters. (Reuter.) Melbourne, March 8. l)r. Mawson is in his winter camp at Adelie Laud. Wireless messages state that the climate is probably the severest on earth. The average wind velocity is fiftymiles an hour, aud the prevalent wind from the Pole causes deluges
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  • 97 7 SHOOTING OUTRAGE AT BUSHIRE. (Reuter.) Teheran. March 8. While M. Constant, the Beigian Director of Customs at Busbire, was driving home with im wife from dinner la-t night, an uuknown Persian ran alongside his carriage and fired repeatedly at the occupants. Madame Constant was killed aii'l her
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  • 122 7 Wide Spread Damage. {Uniter.) Baltimore, March 8. Twenty people wero killed, fifty injured, and forty are missing as the result of an explosion on tlie British steamer Alum Chine which was being loaded with dynamite iu the harbour of Baltimore Thirty-two of the victims were on board
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  • 85 7 Ratification By The Chamber. Reuter.) Paris, March 8. The French Chamber unanimously passed tho Bill ratifying the Franco-Spanish Moroccan Convention, after cheering the speech of tho Foreign Minister, M. Jonnart, who paid a tribute to France’s chivalrous Spanish neighbours in Morocco and said that tho two Governments were
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  • 79 7 Opposition Tactic*. (Reuter.) Ottawa, March 9. The Canadian House of Commons rose at midnight after an entire week’s continuous session in Committee on the Navy Bill. The Opposition members are talking against time with the object of compelling tho Government to appeal to the country. Mr. R.
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  • 39 7 Schoolboys* Memorial. (Reuter.) London, March 9. The schoolboys of France are sending a signed memorial to the Government saying that thev would gladly spend three years in barracks since the interests of national defence require self-sacrificc.
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  • 50 7 Fire on the Turakina.” (Reuter.) London, March 8. The fire on board the s.s. Turakina off Rio de Janeiro, which was reported to have been extinguished, has broken out afresh and the underwriters apprehend a hss of £300,000. The passengers will be conveyed to London bv the first available steamer.
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  • 50 7 Fiaes for Obstructionists. (Reuter.) Budapest, March 9. Government has introduced into Parliament new Standing Orders which are chiefly designed to prevent obstruction. Thrv include fines of £4 ou members who are reprimanded, 16 daily ou members wlo are su*j»ended, and £2O if the suspend'd memlrer re-enters the House.
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  • 40 7 L< nlou, February 22. A Rio de Janeiro wire tta.Ua: The reduction of the export dutv on rubier will be effective in 1914, a*id will be grxduiUv continued until tb? limit of fifty per cni is reached.
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  • 54 7 SETTLEMENT. {Renter.) London, March 9. The Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants accepts the of the Midland Railway and hopes that there will be more amicable relation* between master* and men in the future. It congratulates guard Richardson and the members of the society generally for their
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  • 24 7 (Reuter.) London, March 9. Wales beat Ireland by 1G points to 13 iu the Rugby football match which wa6 played at Swau*ea.
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  • 423 7 LEAVE TO APPEAL GRANTED. A Denial or Natural Justice. 1 London, February 21. The application to the Privy Council for an apiieal has been granted iu the Arnold Ca se. ""Tho application was heard by Lord Haldane, Lord Robertson, Lord Shaw, and Lord Moulton. Counsel for petitioner
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  • 181 7 A Planter's View. In the course of a letter to the Kuala Lumpur paper, Ulu Pahang utters this touching cri du coeur: Honestly, sir. could any decent Englishman, when he calls back to memory his home and surronndings in the Old Country, ask any decent girl brought
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  • 180 7 To-day. Rim or Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller. Kali. Rcbber. s. d. s. d. s. d. d a. agio M .Ur 13 9 14 13 9 1« 9 M.rtajarn 2 4'j 9*4 2 4'j 2 Ohersonew ..33 38 33 38 Cone. M.«l. ys 13 3 14 3 13 3
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  • 147 7 The s.s. Glrnlochy, which was being brought into the harbour br Pilot Liddell at nr mornin S- collided with the Hi Ennpura which was at anchor in tlie roads. The Glenlorhy was being *te6r- the Erinpura and the Jdungu when she ran into the stern of
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  • 76 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page 3.—Literarv Notes. Shipping aud Naval Notes. b. —Disputed Partnership. Tin. What A New Philosopl ler Bars. P. C. O. Tennis Tournament. Penang Volunteers. P. L R. C Parish Hall Billiard Tournament. B. Legislative Council. Hanover and Prussia. 1®-
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  • 61 7 The competitions for March will take place on the following dates :—Ladies' Presgr&vo Cup 11th and 12th inst, Men’s Presgrave Cup 15th aud 1 Gth inst., Ladies’ Monthly Medal 25th and 26th inst Men’s Monthly Medal 20th and 30th inst. Prizes have been kindly presented bv Mrs.
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  • 61 7 It is reported from Penang that Mr Lnngham Carter, at present District Officer at Bukit Mertajam, has been appointed British Adviser to the Governineut cf Kelantan. This is not strictlv correct, for we learn on enquiry here that Mr. Langliara Carter has lieen asked to act
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  • 50 7 I (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agctit9 G. H. Slot A Co.) Pine Para Spot 3s. 11 |d. Pine Para Forward 3j. Il,d. First latex Ckepe delivery next three months 3s. ll ‘d. Market weaker buvers holding back. March 10, 10H.
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  • 41 7 The following business in tin has teen done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12} tons at $lO6. Singapoie Straits Trading Co., 50 100 55 Total 02} tons. Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at $l5O per coyan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 383 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Muuicipal Commissioners will beheld at the Municipal Office at 4 p ui. on Thursday, the 13th inst. L. A. Coutikk BIGGS, Peer cl ary. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Of kick SINGAPORE Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL
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  • 27 7 Obituary(Reuter.) London, March 8. The death has taken place of G«»eral git James Graham who MiiTud m the aJLc campaigns. 1854-5 and »n the Egyptian War, 1882.
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  • 348 8 ORDINARY MEETING. FRIDAY, MARCH 7. rrsei*t. H. E. Th»» Ciovr. Sir Arthur Young, k.c.h.o. Lt. Col. A.G. Marrabl#*. Ist K.0.Y.L.1., O.C.T. Hon. Col. Secretary. R. J. Wilkinson, c.m.o. Col. Treasurer. J. O. Anthonisz. Col. Engineer. F. J. Piggott. Actiiur Attorney-General. (E. C. Ellis.) Dr. W. Gilmore Ellis. P.c.M.o.
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  • 862 8 Mr. Hctt bnbach’s Protest. The following protest by Mr. A. Hiitteubach, temporarily Member of the Legislative Council ot the Straits Settlements, against the passing by the Official Vote of Subsection 5 of Section 137 of the Municipal Bill 1913, in particular, and against the j methods of Compensation
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  • 200 8 Prince Ernest Augustus of Cumberland, whose engagement to the Kaiser’s only daughter, Priuc. ss Louise, is announced this morniug, is now iu his twenty-sixth vear, while the youDg lady is twenty-one, so that, for one thing, their age relationships is a very natural and proper oue. As
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 492 8 The Straits Cinema, Location —PENANG ROAD. Tempo ra mutantur ct not mutnmur in illis”. TONIGHT! AT 9 P.M. TONIGHT!! Tho very latent sensational Feature Picture “The Sleeping Carman 2 Parts 6,000 ft. A Tremendous Success!!! A B. The Crooked Path. A B. Iu days of ’4O. A.B. The Root of
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    • 546 8 WE BEG TO NOTIFY that we bare established ourselves as Drapers and General Commission Agents at No. 169, Beach Bfreet,8 f reet, and solicit a share of the public pittonage BAN HONG BEE A CO. 22-2-13 143 NOTICE. INFORMATION having l>een received that plague is endemic in Hongkong and many
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    • 92 8 S lilliUiuiliiiiiiii liUilU.t THIS IS IT i WATERBURV’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil 1 Compound I AS Tilings 64 N. asti Cc. I ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned 1 emulsions which upset the stomach. H lyhly
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    • 524 8 TANSAN LEMONADE AND DRY CINCERALE POSSESS ALL THE INVICORATINC PROPERTIES OF TANSAN. R. T. REID CO., PENANG, .SOLE AGENTS. The Chinese Commercial Bank, Limited. AUTHORISED CAPITAL $4,000,000 ISSUED CAPITAL f 2,0 0,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lee Choon Guan, Esq Chairman. Lim PengjSiang, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. The Hon. Tan Jialc Kim, C.M.G.
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    • 504 8 —a—mb ■-i 3—— —jnr——— THE WONDERFUL HAIR OIL, THIS FRAGRANT ami rk. FRESHING PREPARATION "ill arrest tlie falling-off of the hair cleanse the scalp and keep the head cool and the brain fresh. It has also valuable medicinal properties, and is cheaper than another Indian Hair Oil. A single bottle
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  • 26 9 Veuele hrom Agent» Due DrjjfUtujtr Singapore B.M.AOo. 11 tli Mar Alice Colombo BMACo. 13th Atxaye Colombo AG.ACo. 19th I)< Ita 'Singapore A.G.ACo. 22nd i
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  • 22 9 Vessels For Agent» Leaves br ljl miter Colombo B.MACo.. Mar. 1‘. Alice A «aye Jj'lta Singapore B.M ACo. Singapore Colombo A.Q.ACo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 345 9 P.&O. vV 5.N.6 ipected Arrival» and Departure». Mall Service Outward. Mar. 20 Assaye connecting with Maced nia Apr. 3 Devanha Malwa Apr. 17 China Mooltan Mav 1 Delta Morea Menu *sr<! >aV. Connect I I)ue ~fl ner with S.i3. London. M ir K\>r. >elta 4 India lit Assay e >lav
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    • 1396 9 I.SHIPPING. Po BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. mum LLOYD. BREMEN N. Y. K. Irrnroio to Sail. Steam*. 018X4* HAIL LINE. su.».i ip C 0.,..,, lm. r lihlh fast ana well-known mail ste&mors of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen -1- Hamburg via. Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar. Algiors, Genoa Naples
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  • 2525 10 Lecture by Mr. Eugene Chen. Au interesting paper ou ‘‘Chinese Affair*,” setting forth China’s point of view regarding the principal questions of her foreign politics at the piesent time, was read before the Central Asian Society, London, on February 12, by Eugene Chen, of the Ministry of
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  • 195 10 It. is understood that the Prince of Wale* li s s greatly enjoyed his first term at Oxford and has received so much valuable know led e and experience that the ex*ension of i>is me year’s ievidence into two is under < i-cu*sion,” says tho Mail.
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  • 144 10 “An interesting Parliamentary figure just now is that of Mr. William Glvune Oh tries Gladstone,” says the Pall Mall. It is interesting apart from the patronymic which its owner bears, for in the eighteen niDntlis that have pissed since he was returned for Kilmarnock Burghs Mr. Gladstone
    144 words
  • 86 10 Air. Jacobs, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Houghton, Mr. Maugham to name only a few —openly write for the theatre as a trade. What a c mtrast is hero with the great age of English comedy says the Saturday Review. Etherege, Wycherley, Congreve and Vanbrugh were amateurs of
    86 words
  • 90 10 Captain Scott’s sou is a blue-eyed, faiihaired boy 31 years old. He was only 10 months old when his father sailed. The boy was quite excited,” says the Pall Mall. when be was told that his father would be home «ood, and after Mrs. Scott left Englaud
    90 words
  • 326 10 Singapore Opinion. The Straits Golf competitions will take place in Singapore at Easter and we sincerely hope will get letter weather than the present samples. It is reasonable to hope that Singapore will do exceptionally well as at least a dozen top class ineu ran l>e counted
    326 words
  • 274 10 All kinds of advice is freely proferred iu these days of specialists, but rarely has more genuine common-sense been found up than that which appears in a booklet published by Messrs. Wells, Gardner, Darton A Co., Limited. Airs. Blanche Ebbutt has written a series of “Dout’s for
    274 words
  • 91 10 There are still a few States that encourage gambling in the shape of State lotteries. Italy has just formally ended the custom, and France only did so*last year. “In Ireland this was a common wav of raising money at one time,” says the Irish Timet, and perhaps no
    91 words
  • 126 10 March, 1913. Date. H W. H. W. I. A.M. AM. r.M. rJf. 10th 1.24, 7 51, 1.48, s-'-' 7 11th 1.50, 8.13, 2.08. tJ- 5 12th 2.11, 8.29, 2 29, 8.5® 13th 2.3 d! 8.45’ 2.52, 9M 14th 2.59, 9.0 t, 3.20, 15th 3.31, 9.28, 3.57,
    126 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 RuS It In. A good many people think rheumatism can uot 1* cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain's Pain Balm inasfaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remed? in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      47 words
    • 696 10 A Lay Preacher k ,1 Cy<L i r 4 m% 'll lf i w *"N .T u »-.i 7 $> l'< *4 I ttfft'4 S |f h c-* •."m -y• —Tli i— < AV .V >D. ,-J -:'4V Jy/< h "i> i < *S»v i> >" i ’t.;-:. G\ Brain
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    • 8 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Ore&t Peppermint Cure
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    • 129 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KINO, CONTRACTORS TO fhe British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States The India Office, MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY and EXCELLENCE
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    • 1705 12 for SA.IjB. Guide to Penang, BT THI LAT* E. F. Skcrtchly, f. e.v The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office 25, Market Street, Manilla. P.I. a JJ F. A. SHAILER, Managin Managing Director. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy-") Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special
      1,705 words