Straits Echo, 7 March 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1139 1 f If you require a Tonic ami «ome* iiiinjr (o iiouri'h you. <lriuk DOO SS‘S STOUT ami look y r-- .;;v yf f v '*V r: j* V/ /r T for tlii* to f.OO that you tret it, fiANG LEE Co., Sole Agent*. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G.
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    • 29 1 DDnnnnnnannnDDnncDnnnnnnnn# ♦□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□BDDDDD4 TO LET I n House No. 50, f McAlister Road. s Entry from 10th inst. n a APPLY n YEOH PAIK KEAT. 53. Back Street. Penang. lanncannnonnnnanpnnnannan#
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 NATURA MILK =LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) r The Ideal Milk for use in being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. a Chop Singah. Cold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. v UV a Afj, Grand Prix: 4 GA V Pan's I9of, q, I.nuis 1904. <
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  • 1941 3 Tbeno are rather dull times in Rubber share circles. It is too early yet for the rejx»rts of those companies whose fiscal »ear corresponds with that of the calendar, and in the absence of lublier company meetings few expressions of opinion as to the outlook f,,r the industry
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain's Pain Palm at all times. Sprains may lie cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, paius in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 78 3 Criterion Press, i LIMITED. V/////////////// ////////////M Office Stationery Requisites. Cast-Brass Pet Rack with Pen Brush in centre. Price $l-00 each. Q a paste for clean people. Price 30 cts each. •o as B CO So a cO So Km V m .-\r m ■n Registered Ink-Protector Ruler, does not smear
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    • 107 4 Ahuta Marti Jap. 8 8., 5,284, Nagao, 6tb Mar., Yokohama, 12th Feb, Gen.— B. C<>. India. I»r. *B., 4,198, Gordon, Otb Mar, Bombay, 26tli Feb Gen.—A. G. A Co. Petrel, Br. 124, Cauipliell. Gth Mar., Teluk Anson, sth Mar, Gen —E. 3. Co, Ltd. Alma, Br. «.a., 3*4, Lyon*.
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    • 73 4 March 7. Ateuta Maru, for Colombo and Tuticorin Petrel, for A Kalian. Omajtere, for Tongkab, Kopab, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Perak, for Deli. Alma, for Port Swtttmham and Singapore. Vn Peng, for Pnlau Langkawi and Perlis. Pangkor, for Bindings, Sitiawan and Bagan Da toll. Tong Chay Un,
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    • 360 4 I*OB Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 7 a.w Langkat—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow. 1 Pang Nga and Trang—Per Fungah, to-morrow, 2 pm. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2pm Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe etc.—Per Devanha, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Tungkah
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  • 47 4 Saturd.y, March H, 1913. 1 Reminiscences Of VVal s Godfrey 2 Two Step I’m Afraid to Come Home in the Dark Alsfyue 3 Selection San Toy Jones 4 Waltz The Chooolate Soldier Strauss 5 Three Dance Morris Shepherd’s Torch... German 6 March A Frangesa Costa
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  • 127 4 Pbnanq, March 7. (Ey courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Linden, Demand Bank 2 tj 4 months* flight Bink 2/41 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary- 2, 1$ Calcutta, Demand Bank R». 1711 3 days’ sight Private 175] Bombay, Demand Bank 174^ Moulrnem, Demand Bank 173* 3 days’ sight Private PoJ
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  • 222 4 Gold lastl 161.6'J Black Pepper no stoc.i White Peppei 32 G > tales Tj ang Pepper 19.76 nominal Cjoves 39 .sellers ...12* —sellers Pickings 100 sellers Nutmegs 110 s 2 6 -sellers (No. 1 8.20 saleSugar j 2 8.10 sal s (.Basko* 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers I
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  • 163 4 Pbnano. March 7 Bkek— cts. Soup po catt' 11 Roast ‘24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tril each 30 Tongue... 55 Fbdt 15 Heart ft 39 Liver per catt 55 POK* P‘>rk po catty 32 Pis’s Head... M 9 >M ft* Tongue
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  • 2096 4 SHAR ES. d I I I s *i5 2 Number of [3d, .0 y Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. 'I a S issued. p ?S s Q O x eJ 1 S "T p W C-, PQ CG O* j J 1 I I I j 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 10 4 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 47 4 Rob It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in eiistence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 43 4 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of jours must be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses of Chamlterlain’s Cough Jtemedv and vour troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 521 5 A Committee and Associates Meeting of the M.CL. vu held at the Residency yesterday, at 5 o’clock. Twelve members were present and the President, Mrs. Evans, whom everyone was delighted to welcome back, took the Chair. In the course of thejbusiness, Mrs.(Evans made the welcome announcement that
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  • 43 5 Inward Shipment s.s. Lama 320 bags rice s.s. 35 betelmits *.s. 150 sugar s.s. 17 tin ore ss. 38 copra and coffee s.s. Hok Canton 966 tin ore ss. 00 ,i bran s.s. Kedah 500 paddy ».s. Flving Dragon 30 cases rubber.
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  • 1474 5 (From our own Correspondent). London, February 14. The ardour of the Opposition has been considerably cooled down by the many disasters it has recently suffered under, and ,there is considerably less talk about wild schemes to throw the Government out by raising a revolution in the country.
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  • 335 5 i Following were the rewult-s of the tie* pla ed off yesterday Profession Pairs. (Final) E S Haslatn and C C Rogers beat Cunradi and Hadden t> 4, 6—4. Single Hantlicap C. (Semi Final) C D 1> Hogan beat H R Adams 8 3, 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 77 5 4 ITHIS IS IT! rv’s f -4 Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELES3 ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of O >l> LIVI£K OIL. Does .ill that is claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re Commended by the modi cal profession.
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    • 120 5 26* ■arn* h\ TANSAN LEMONADE AND DRY CINCERALE POSSESS ALL THE INVIGORATING PROPERTIES OF TANSAN. R. T. REID CO., PENANG, SOLE AGENTS. Golden Burma Cheroots, MILD, MEDIUM AND STRONG. *17 IS?'; In this shape obtainable in 4 different size3 No. A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4. *1-40. 12-00.
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sundays and publio holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local $24 per annum. h Outetation.„ Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 bj.iH.*. cctnmun cati'-.n* ahould b*
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  • 2019 6 We would warn the leader who Lappens I on this article unawares that it does not Ideal with a matter which can pioperly l>e It Mined one of public interest. It inereL oncerus the relations between the Pinang Gazette and the Strait* Echo. The recital [of th**
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  • 419 6 TRILBY. The popularity of Trilby is based the popularity of the Latin Quarter certain phase of its life. That is permanent m all those who have entertained very la, ambitions in very small rooms t|„. MJI the room the larger the a., bitiou. s u r added
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  • 579 6 Biffles on Ethics. oT” T,,E Ko,Tor ‘»f tiik Straits Kcuo Dear Sir, Your Random Shots”, or is t Notes ?—are a never failing delight to Peggy and me, especially when times are 7 UI and "0 weary of the common task id this particular part of back-of-bevoud. We agree with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 Special Offer of Bedsteads. Be«t English Made. All parts correspond. Compare our price and quality before buying elsewher#. We can give yon the best value for your money. r j* Massive 4-post liedstead. japanned black, key banded V f n r? fr rrX m I pillars 1 2 ins. thick,
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  • 147 7 MR. MALCOLM CUMMING SUED (From Our Oici Cor respo rule nt Singapore, Maie’j 6. Ju the Supreme Court J. J. Mactaggart brought an action against J. D. Sauuderg and Male lin Cuiumiog, claiming an account of the partnership dealings. The plaintiff alleges that Mr. Cummiog became a
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  • 126 7 The Report. (From Our Own Correepondent) Singapore, March 6. The report of the Tapah Rubber Estates shows that there is available for distribution a sum of $11,893.3b. The directors recommend a dividend of 7£ per cent, out of this Bum, the balance to be carried forward. The
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  • 59 7 i From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 7. Messrs. Fraser A Co’s report states that the market is still quiet and restricted. Most of the sterling rubber shares received a sharp set-back. There was a general tendency at this end to watch events till the tone in
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  • 49 7 V From Our Own Corresjwndenf.) Singapore, March 7. The Mi lay Football Association is sending a team to Penang at Easter to play the Penang M F A. Tin team leaves by the Luma on March 19 and the milch will take place on Saturday or Suuday.
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  • 28 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 7. Miss Marie Hall received another great reception last night. H. E. the Governor was preseut at the recital.
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  • 27 7 From (htr Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 6. '1 he shallow draught «tenner, Sa A, burIt ?it Tanjong Pagar, has made a successful trial ruu.
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  • 48 7 Opposition Tactic*. (Reuter.) Ottawa, March <». The House is still discussing the Navy luestion. The Opposition is uninterruptedly against time. Meauwhi e i is intimated that the Government will allow the present tactics till the enu o ie when thev waj reaort to the closure
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  • 321 7 ALLIES' REPLY TO THE POWERS. 4 Reuter) London, March 6. The Powers have nor| approached all the t Allies, asking whether they are willing to i Rcuept mediation. They received a uniform reply stating that the other? Allies must be first consulted. A telegram from Cettioje indicates that
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  • 83 7 Request for Jtl.OOO.OOO. (Reuter.) London, March 6. A conference convened by the Navy league passed a resolution asking for a Treasury \oto of j£1,000,000 for the development of theKoyal Flying Corps, and also expressing surprise at the undignified publication” of the aerial rules in view of the
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  • 75 7 Lessons of A Hundred Years Ago. (Reuter.) Brervfen, March 6 The Kaiser, on ret timing from Heligoland, made a speech at the luncheon given in his honour by the Municipality. Fe recallod the lessons of a century ago Now as then the country was confronted with the
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  • 35 7 The Middleweight Championship. (Reuter.) London, March 6. Frank Klaus was awarded the middleweight championship of the world, the referee stopping the tight in the fifteenth round on account of the irregularities of Billy Papke.
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  • 72 7 The Death Roll. (Reuter Berlin, March 6. It is officially announced that seventy perished in the sinking of the German torpedo boat No. S 178. Official Announcement. It is officially announced that the collision between the torpedo boat and the cruiser Yorrk took place when the vessels
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  • 52 7 Calcutta, Februaiy 18 Burma Frontier reports say that the* greatest disorder exists m Yunan where the soldiery have engineered a new revolution, and all t rade has been stoppaj Calcutta, February 19. The revolt in Yunan is extending. The provincial capital. Talifu, has been burnt uud sacked
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  • 223 7 AN IMPERIAL MANIFESTO. (Reuter.) St. Petersburg, March b. The celebration of the tercentenary of the Romanoff dynasty begau yesterdaf with a requiem mas» at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in the presence of the Tsar, the Dowager Empress, and the Grand Dukes. The absence
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  • 50 7 (Jtevter.) Sydney, March 6. After the meeting at the Town Hall the Lord Mayor went to the gas works, changed his clothos, and worked with the other volunteers.. The Premier has iuvited the masters and men to a conference in order to arrange an amicable settlement.
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  • 82 7 Three-Years' Service Bill(Reuter.) Paris, March b. The three-years’ service bill was introduced in the Chamber. The extreme left noisily interrupted the speech of M. Etienne, the War Minister. There was a scene of much confusion. The President long and vainly tried to restore order. The bill was
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  • 63 7 The Brothers Madero. (Reuter.) Sau Antonio, (Texas), March 0. Seuor Emilio Madero and Senor Raoul Madero, who have frequently been reported dead, have arrived here after travelling ♦5OO miles on horseback. They were met by their brother Gabriel and will remain here till the other members of the family
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  • 92 7 (Renter.) i London, March 6. When the House of Commons reas=embled, Mr. 11.. If. Asquith announced that the Government had decided to agree to the «taiiraion of the five-year limit from the Railway Bill. Mr. McKinnon Wood announced that the Scottish Temperance Bill would be dropped iu
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  • 53 7 Nc wfoMncHand s Offer Reuter.) St. John’s, March 6. The speech from the Throne at the opening of the Newfoundland legislature announced that the Government had opened negotiations with the Imperial Cabiuet with a view to the participation of the. Colony in the naval defence
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  • 54 7 The following ties have l>eeo- fixed for Monday 10: dMaE»., Loili'S Double Handicap Mrs- Duun and Mrs Neubronner rt. Mrs Phillips and Miss Jones (Final) (2). Single Handicap B A W Harries rt F C Gregsou (Final) (G). Single Handicap -C: J C Cowap r*. C 1>
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  • 145 7 AN EXCELLENT APPOINTMENT j We learn on good authority that Mr. W I liangham-Carter, Senior District Officer of I Province Wellesley/’ has been appointed I Adviser to the Government of Kelantan. The appointment is from every point of I view an excellent one. Mr. Carter is
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  • 119 7 Mr. 6. Togo, a son of Admiral Togo, is a passenger by the ss. Atsuta Mam which arrived here yesterday evening. He is proceeding to England to study agriculture. L On the same vessel are Commander J. Tanaka, Lieut. H. Tagoshimi, Sub.-Lieut. R. Tokari, Sub-Lieut i*. liuaidzumi,
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  • 194 7 Yoatorday. To-day. Uis. or Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller» Fall. Rubber. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Anglo Malay ..14 14 15 14 13 104 14 JOU fcl Bukit Mcrtajam. 2 44 2 94 2 54 2 94 +ld Chersonese 3 4 39- 3 4 3 9 |Cons.
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  • 64 7 The following business in tin has beet lone to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, tons at $lO7. Leong Fee A Co., 25 u 107.65 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 T 107 50 Total 1 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £2IG 10s. cash and <£2l3
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  • 338 7 (By. Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co.. Ltd. through their agents G. If. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 3s. lid. Fine Para Forward 3j. ll*d. First latex Crepe delivery next thcee months 3s. 11 |d Market weak. March 7, 1913. The return football match between the
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  • 975 7 SEH YCOH KONGSI SUED. (Before Mr. Justice Ehdcn). [Plaintiffs.—Attorney-General and Yeoh Paik Tatt (relator iu this snit). Defendant*. —President and Coiuuiitt«v of the Seh Yeoh Kongsi. seventeen in number Counsel.—For the plaintiffs, the Hon. A. R. Adams. For the defendants. Mr. W. F. Chstver. The plaintiffs
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  • 44 7 ®Tho following articles will l>e found on our outside pages Page 3. Rubber Notes. 5. Ministering Children’s league. Our London Letter. P C.C. Tennis Tournament. 8. Seh Yeoh Kong*i Case. m 10.— Kenoog Dredging. Britain's Air Peril. An Editoi’s letters. Smoking and Germs
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  • 91 7 Excessive B.axiian E tim-lcs. London, February *2l. The Brazilian Commission's estimates of plantation rubber output in UH3 of r >4.f>so tons and the acreage of Imillions are l*oth regarded as excessive. The Dual p Rubber Comp ay. Loudon, February 10. At the Dunlop Rubber Company meeting yesterday, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 199 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office:— SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. t LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penalty. SELLAR. MURRAY A C(1. U. C. BOYCE, District Manager. Local Office: No. 7, Union Stukkt. Penang Sales Room. The undersignod will sell by PUBLIC
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  • 27 7 Obituary. {From Our Otrn Cor respondent.) Singapore, March 7. The death has taken place in Cheshiro it the age of 73of Captain Darke, a former Singapore pilot.
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  • 1478 8 The following documents were read os the opening daj of the S**h Yeoh Kongsi case:— Plaintiff Affidavit. In tii Svrnßian Court or the Straits i*bttlrxents, Settlement of Penang, Hltwiri His Majesty’s Attorney General for the Colony ef the Straits Settlement at and by the relation of
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  • 60 8 To- DAT 50th Day of Ist Moon. St. Perpetua. Legislative Council. Sungei Batu Meeting, 3 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Allan Wilki% Town Hall, 9-1 r pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-morrow. Ist Day of 2nd Moon.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 954 8 Penang Motion Picture Show. Locution: Penang Roa 4. 500 Scholars of St. Xavier's Institution will be Riven a free WE BEG TO NOTIFY that we hate established ourselves a* Draper* and General Commission Agent* at No. 169, Beach Street, and folicit a share of the public patronage. BAN HONG BEE
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    • 59 8 THIS IS IT I j Waterbury's Metabolized! jCod Liver Oil Com pound TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 he latent scientific prt*. j paralion of COI) L1VKR (UL. Dees all that is j claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions vhiuh the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession.
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    • 856 8 The Commercial Bull, Limited. AUTHORISED CAPITAL ISSUED CAPITAL $4,000,000 12,0'JO.OOO BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Lee Choon Oman, Eeq Chairman. Lino Peng8iang, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman The Hon. 'Thn Jiak Kim, CM.O. Tan Char Tan, Eaq. Dr. Lim Boon Ken g. Dr. 8. C. Yin. Seow EDg Tin, Eaq. Liao Chia Heng, Eaq Yeo
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  • 31 9 Vettels Iron Agent* ue 1>< cun ha Dr/Jflinijer 1\ Alice *4 ><a ye Singapore Singapore Colombo Colombo 1 A.G.ACo. -th Mar. li.M.&Jo 11 tli BM.ACo. 13tb AG.ACo. \\9th 1
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  • 23 9 Vcttclt For Agent» 1 Leave» Vevanha b'-rjjliiitjer f. Alice Aotaye Colombo Colombo Singapore Singapore A.G.ACo. B MACo.. B M ACo. A.G.ACo. Mar.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 335 9 S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mar Apr. AprMay Mail Service Outward. JO Assaye connecting with Macedonia 3 Derail ha Malwa 17 China Mooltan I Delta m Morea t w SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K M.S. India April 4th. iakes by mail STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class Land nil by Sea ssbs-72
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    • 532 9 ">• BRITISH INDIA STEA r a NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT SI Co., Penang, Agents. w W KONINKLDKE PAKETYAART Id AATSCHAPPiJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PAlKEl COMPANY.) >'oB Intended to Sail. Steam hi Dell, Asanau, i'aue** ami Singapore». (Weekly). +Also: Bengkalis. •Also: Tan j. Leidong and Taudj. Mengeidar. Dili and C-.tu «jaiira
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    • 875 9 (S.H I P PI NG.> JOMn LL07D, BBUD. IMPERIAL, (TEEM &ST MAIL LINE. THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa 1 1 Naples- (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, i Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 2288 10 Impeovsi» Output Increased Propit Tb© fourth annual general meeting of the Renong Dredging Company, Limited, was held on Februarj 10, at the registered office of the company, 5, Wbittiogtor Avenue, E.C., Mr. Arthur Forbes Nicol presiding. Mr. W. E. Leatham (representing Messrs Guthrie and Co., Limited, the secretaries)
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  • 587 10 Biitain’s peril in the air is tbe subject of a vigorous article iu the curreut issue of tbe I Review of Review*, io which an appeal is made to the public for funds to establish a great aerial fleet capable of meeting any oneuiv. “Surely,” says tbe
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  • 55 10 Mar. JJ StiaTaujongTukcng vt Aver Raja 8 Everlasting Hutton Lane 9 D. A man Sri Selatan 10 Pranakan Prai D Masudiab 11 Haji Kassim Jamatol Muslim 12 Babusabar Bahrol Alam 13 Sungei Ara Mubabatol Islam 14 Sabrul Jamil Mutbibol Abzan 15 Penang United Mejlia
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  • 629 10 The Case or Mb. Masse. The attitude of Mr. Leo Masse, Editor of the National Review who, as we stated ir “M. A. P” yesterday, has refused to divulge the names of his informants to tl m Marconi Inquiry Committee is widely supported by the London Press.
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  • 224 10 It is not surprising to learn that tobacco •moke is inimical to the activity of rnierootgamsms, since it contains, amongst many other things, pyridin, which has been shown to be a powerful germicide. Definite experiments, says The Dancet, have recently been made, which show that tobacco smoke
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 11 **1, ate i’»l. -a. >« *ui tike a full dos j of Oburberliin’* Tablets. The? will cieauout aud streugtheu your stomach and to-morrow you will relish your iooJ again. Tho best ever for biliousness. F«.r sale byall Dispeusaries and I>e tiers
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    • 55 10 TH* «♦rone wp-ot the strong I’t© heard, m« e’er spike a ♦ruer word h \ou’ I 1**' strong, make no delay But mre that wretched cold to-daj; One thing alone can set it right, I Take Wood»’ Peppermint Cure at night There’s migie in th a healing balm, It ctver
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    • 300 10 ik «Oo <&*■ Eac Beware '•rVTf Capsule If of "a r SE& bears imitation^ the Name and 'ra'.T--' m Cn «erfeila ,y- lob >. iWstf e belief without PARTS. ft rue Sold bv all Cheml«b •Java—Australia Line OF THE Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatchappy (Royal Dutch Packet Company.) Regular monthly service
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    • 8 10 For Chronic Cheet Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 BY APPOINT MENT TO H. M. THE KING CONTRACTORS TO fhc British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. The India Office. MILK MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1761 12 FOR SiLLB. The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. vittldc to P£l\oT»/L Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla. P.I. w F. A. feaAITJ.II, llrnagm ug l)iredor. DT Tit*s LA K E. F. Skcrtch’y. :.e.x. Price 50 cents. a Dollar a copy. HOLD AT STFAITS to o" OFHCC. AND
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