Straits Echo, 30 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 995 1 If you’"requin* nTonic and r nom«. thinp to nourish yon. drink STOUT and look for this Si'-. lal**! to feu L‘J/Z t hut you it. TIANG LEE V Co., Sole Agents. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co., AOKNTS FOK PENANG S’ F. M. S.
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    • 34 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. DOC S HEAD CUINNESSS STOUT. The Tonic Oil cheers ond soothes and doesn't harm. Ckserve this label, it is on twy |en«ine Nip. TIANG LEE and Co., Sole Ayent».
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 TURA MILK (STERILIZED) r IaUIN The Ide?! Milk for use in the'tropics, 'being absolutely pure whilst'iretaininglj itsj natural qualities and flavour. Sts > Chop Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. V Par,s >9OO St. Louis 1904k>nd lit >893 •fa Si.. B'"”" ll* 1 >893. ,r
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  • 1338 3 t FROSt A CORHBfIPONDKNT.) There is little doubt that the largest amount of protoplasm Huxley’* phvsieal Iwaia °f life" -i- "rappel up*in the liodie* „f insects Not only do insects exist in vnmuious numbers as individuals, but the number of their species which are known and doscribed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 778 3 I Famous Humber MOTOR CYCLES. 1912 MODELS. m 2 b p. 2 h p. 2 4 h p 2, h p o' t h.p 3} h.p. S| b.p. IN STOCK. Light Wepl.t, Si ugle-Speed. Model No 1, Trice Light-Weight, Tree-Engine Hub Model No. 2. uo stock, Price Medium-Weight, Siiigie-Speed Model
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  • 1151 4 I. l rr a First-Class Carriage Dowager Well, Min Slade, did you hare a good look at them Companion Yen Dowager: la that all jou ran tell me'' 1 win!) jou wouldn’t answer m that curt waj Were they sober Companion Y'es, quite sober. DtAvager What
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  • 70 4 To-DAT 2lru Day of 12th Moon. Selangor Turf Club, New Y'esr Meeting Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Merrie Euglaud,” Town Hall, p.m. Hand, Golf Club, ti p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Komi. Straits Cinematograph. Penang Rom l Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Koad. To-morrow. 25th Day of 12th Mo*n.
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  • 16 4 German Derjtinger) 30th Jau. English (Dtranha ...Oth Feb, China (Ateiye) Bth China (Goes»’/i) ...11th
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  • 37 4 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail aci vice. Outward. Homeward Dmnfta t> Feb. I JL**atje H Feb. Delta 20 I Htiittifoya 21 t'x ra *crvuc. Outward Homkwabd. Nankin II Feb. I Norara .1 > Jan Syoma 2o SunHa 1:3 Feb.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 ■i,uuui,.u t uniimiiui,>,tinii>nmii^iigiuuiu>mikika THIS IS IT WATERBUR V’ S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTHLBSS OOORI.rsS 1C L*4 l. sm The luti si scientific pre- E paration of COD LI VEK Ĕ OIL. Docs all that is claitm J for it and super- sede~ the old fashiooed E cmul-ions which
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    • 95 4 Stra ght at It. There is no u*e cf cur beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it first at last. We want you to trv Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the next tune you have a cough or cold. The r e is no reason so far as
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    • 1882 4 Reserve your Scats for the G.O.C.’s Grand Opening Night SATURDAY, IST FEBRUARY, 1913, AT THE S.U.T. FIRM, NO. 120. PITT STREET. ’phone Noar.f*. King Street Theatre. Look Out! Look Out!! FOR THE COMING OF THE £RAND QPERA QO. OF PENANG. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, Saturday, Ist Feb., 1913. Gorgeous Scenery Beautiful
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  • 29 5 Vrttelt hrom Ageni» Dm* ItrrjHimjt r DrvanJtti Atr.iyt 'ini btll Colombo Colombo Singapore Singapore BM.ACo. AG.ACo. A. B. 1 ;iOtb .lan. rtth Feb. 8th tf lltli 1
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  • 21 5 Vessel* For Agents Leaves Dnjhuger Detanha A*myr (i*> ben Singapore Singapore Colombo Colombo B.M ACo. A.G.ACo. A. B. Jan. Feb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 jMPwlfid A «rivals and Departures Mall Service Outward. Kel>. 6 iJevanha connecting with Medina Feb. 20 Itelta Moldavia Mar. 0 India Mongolia Mar. 10 A suave Macedonia Apr. 5 Devanba Malwa Homeward SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. R.M.B. India April 4th. LARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class I\ London by
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    • 1272 5 f SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, INTENDED TO SAIL. Steamer. Singapore. (Three times a week). l‘ort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). V ictoria Point, MerguiTTiivov, Teh and Moulmein (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A^Oalcutta. (Weekly.) Thur. 30th Jan., 4 p m. Sat. Ist Feb., 4
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  • 97 6 PlbliiW daily (except Sundays and publio holidays) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Pair*. Dailj Local 924 per annum Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 CABLE ADDRESS “ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo. 586 Printing Department 343 JV. B. —All bo«inM« crmm'inication»
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  • 1239 6 “There was the veil through which I might not see”. Inventions of one kind and another have been crowding upon us so fast during recent years that one fancies that m another hundred years or so all the secrets of Nature will have lieeu unlocked and the solution
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  • 822 6 It is understood that Mr. Meadows Frost will go to Batu Gsjah iu Mr. Kendall’s place. v Mr. H. G. Hodder, of the Cold Storage Co., was a passenger by the s.s. Circe which arrived here yesterday from I>eli. Mr. J. Beech man, of Gloegoer Estate, Medan,
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  • 509 6 TO-DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr Justice S. L. Thornton commenced the hearing of the case in which (’hop Kong Yoon, alias Kwong Yoon, alias Kong Yuen alias Kwong Yuen, alias Koong Yuen asked for an injunction to restrain the defendants, from carryiug on
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  • 271 6 Thus the Strait* Timet The arrangements for the visit of a cricket teain trom the S C.C. to Sereraban for a twodays match at Chinese New Year have l>een completed, and tlie general body of member* of the Club will not, it may lie guessed, l*e too pleased
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  • 62 6 The following bumn**H« in tin has done to-daj:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange, i7i tons at $ll-’ Straits Trading Co. t 100 113 >' Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 113.# Total 287 J tons. Tin is quoted in London to*dav at X- ca ail, l £22» 10s.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 SIEMENS 6. BEACH STREET, PENANG. Telegrams: Siemens, Penanj. Telephone No. 479. SIEMENS ii WOTAN 99 LAMPS l The first pure-drawn TUNGSTEN Filament Lamp produced f Candle power*, from 10 to 1,000. STRONG DURABLE AND HIGHLY ECONOMICAL ft 1 1 'wmM liTil 'i MAY BE USED IN ANY POSITION. Consumers are
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  • 804 7 PEACE OR WAR turkey s grave position. Reuter. London, Januar? 21*. A It hoii<; li Iho presentation of the note of ll,o \llies I* -day marks a definite rupture in the inference diplomats in London still h*>|*c that a renewal of (ho war will lie avoided, owing to Turkey’s grave
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  • 48 7 Steamer Run* Down Ssilis* Vettel. lieutrr Havre, January 29. The French steamer Phymc from Algeria Rouen ran down, off t ape Ia Hogue, tii** Herman four-master, l>oun in Hamburg to Valparaiso. The ue of the largest sailing vessel* >u the r.d. t our people were saved.
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  • 148 7 MORE WINDOW.BREAKING. t (Reu ter.) Loudon, January 21*. 1 hirty Suffragette* were arrested vester»lay evening. Several shop-wiudowi were broken in R*gent and Oxford Street*. oug jt is described by those prominent in the Suffragette rank* a* only the opening of the episode of guerilla warfare. Spiritless Demonstration. Yesterday
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  • 83 7 Company with Capital of £.1,000,000 Formed Ileuler. London, January 21*. A company with a capital of X 1,01*0,000 has been formed under the chairmanship of Sir Marcus Samuel to build motor ships. Contracts for 0,000 tons cargo vessels have already lieen placed. Accident on a Submarine. Commander Washed
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  • 457 7 There are 17 articles in the RussoMongolian treaty. Russian subjects are to have the right to live and move at will in Mongolia, to trade, and to hold concessions. They are to have the right to export and import Russian or foreign (including Chinese) products free of
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  • 91 7 TO-DAY'S SCRATCHING*. < .■■ho \iee t iiL'. Kuala Lumpur, January 30. i The scratching for to-day’s races are Hack I. Pickles, Qaltrim, Cimlers. S fragette, Toreador, Maori Roy. ll.— Rirersdale, Lodestar, Querns Medallist, Fillefogi. lll.— Peanut, Agali, Tetrarrh. IV. Broirn Comet V.— San Sebastian, Millionaire, Lodestar, Seronok, Queen
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  • 59 7 (AJc/to Special.') Singapore, January 30. Messrs. Fraser A Co’s weekly report states that the dulness in the market is to l»e attributed to a general easier tone in London. Local rubber shares are being bought on the decline but orders are small. Tiu shares, except Sungei Gau
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  • 258 7 In a document published in the Daily Telegraph Sir R Bredon says that, as far us China is concerned, the outcome of the Crisp loan only means that her more pressing financial needs have been met to the extent of <£4,41*0,000 (less certain commissions aud indemnifications), and
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  • 47 7 The following ties have been fixe*! lor to-morrow Ladies’ Doubles Mrs Dunn and Mrs Neubronner vs. Mrs Park aud Mrs Edwards. Mixed Doublet: Miss Jones and H R Adams vs. Miss Wemyss and E H Syer. Championship R N Holmes vs. H A Neubronner.
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  • 173 7 Ywtvrday. To-day. R.»* <>r Buyers Seller* Buyer* Seller* Fell. Rubber. d. d. d. d. Amilo Malay ..14 104 15 74 14 104 IS 74 Rukil Mertajara. i .4 1 SI Chert, •m**»* 3»4 414 3»4 ft 1 Con« M.l.ys ..14 44 1* 4 << 4 IS Highland* 74 •>
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  • 38 7 The following articles will !>e found on our outside pages Page 3.—lnsects And Ihse&se. 4—“ The Right to Dnnk.” 9.—The Innocent Golfer. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. 10—Rubber in 191* Indian Marriage Customs. A Chinese Rallyav Crisis.
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  • 878 7 GUTHRIE’S WEEKLY REPORT. Messrs. Guthrie A Co’* Weekly Rubber Report, dated Singapore. January 28, say»: During the last week, the market has continued its downward trend and it is improbable that there will be any change until after the auctions in London this week. This depression is said to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 574 7 TO BE LET AS OFFICES, tbe Ist and 2nd floor* above the Mercantile Bank of India Ltd.'s new building »n Kuala Lumpur. Apply to I Notes for Merchants THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA Lid.. Singajtorr or Kuala Lumpur. 30-1-13 83 Central Sales Room. Important Auction Sale OF MERCHANDISE COMPRISING Al>out
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    • 106 8 Schouten, Dut. 1,800. Vi* man. 29th Jan Babang, 27tb Jau., Geu.— H. L A Co. Circe, Br. ss, 314, Banuantyne, 29th Jau ])eli, 28tb Jan., o**n—W. M.A Co. Speelman Dut. 030, Dsndey, 29th Jan Balaog, 25th Jan Gen.— H. L. A Co. Patrol, Br, 1,229. Bred«*n»**rg. 29tb Jan., Singapore,
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    • 47 8 Januart 3<* Fazilka, for Singapore. Omaprre, for Deli. Pegu, for Port Swetteuham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Tara, for Port Swettenham and Singapore Avagyee, for Dindinga, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Kum Sang, for Calcutta. Mamba ng, for Setnl. Malaya, for Deli. Derringer, for Singapore, China and Japan
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    • 369 8 (on Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Kedah, to-morrow, 10 a.tu. Colombo and Tuticorin—Per Novara to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenhaiu and Singapore—Per Alma, to-morrow. 8 p m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Thongva, to-morrow, 4 Pulau I*angkawi, Perlia and Fetul— Per Un Peng, to-morrow, 4 p.ui Pulau Lmgkawi—Per Tong Choy Un,
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  • 133 8 Fshano, January 30. (By court*ey of Ik* Chartered Bank.) LonJor. Demand Bank 4 months’ eight Bank 2/4 3 Credit 2/4 if <f 3 Documentary.. 2/4*] Calcutta, Demand Bank EL. 17} l n 3 days’ eight Private IVo] Bombay, Demand Bank 174 i Houlmein, Demand Bank 1' n 3 days’
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  • 215 8 Gold Loaf 164.60 Riack Pepper no stork White Popper 33] sellers Trang Pepper 23.75 nominal Cloves 39. —tellers Mace 120 —tellers Pickings I*9. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 27]. —sellers !No. 1 8.20 tale- 2 8.10 sain Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers Tahbuu 190.— seie.s n Sooude 245.
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  • 200 8 Pshano, January 30 Bkek— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Lirer per catty 55 Pork— Pork fei catty 32 Pig’s HcsdaM m« h 24 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 1767 8 c *o Numlierof c. -2 2 Capital. Share* > Dividends. Name. E g «J 2 j s i i* w ;h o« co O* j— j 1<»09 1910 1911 1912 191:t RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. pc. p.c. pc. I 1909 450 000 1 130,000 1 1 Ayer Kanin# Rubber Estate,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 Let doctors talk of medicine Of potion and of pill I'd rather tell what chemists soil Which cures each human ill. A cough they sav oft paves the way For other things much worse You may lie sure Woods’ Peppermint Cure Saves you and saves your purse.
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    • 87 8 Wf-rm Days their pleasures some discomforts. Then it is really refreshing to remove every trace of dust and perspiration by using CALVERT’S Carbolic T oilet Soap and any day it is a good soap to choose far ordinary toilet use. Pure and cleansing, pleasantly perfumed and antiseptic—for 10 crystal carbolic
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  • 1367 9 SIMI’LE DelioHT* UK THE NoVlCl's Game. Writing recently iu-* contemporary, Mr. Fdson Young remarked that “it it (tie beginners who should write on golf it is they who know everythin!; about the game, though they cannot play it." I am in entire agreement with Mr. Filson I
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  • 116 9 Following are the results of the ties played yesterday Single Hand,rap D. W Brown beat P J Hall 7 -5, 0 —O. Mir 'd Double Handicap. Mr aud Mrs Neubronner l>eat Mr and Mrs S F B Martin 6—2, 7—5. Mr and Mrs C I> I) Hogan
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  • 73 9 inward Shipment. h 8. Hebe 037 eases rubber h s. 85 bags tin ore s.s. I'augkor 97 cases i ubber 8.8. 107 sieds 8.s. -1-1 bags copra s s. L'u Peng 32 tin ore s.s. Tong Chay Uu 255 pepper s.s. 11 (l copra s.s. Alina ...1,497 tin ore
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 690 9 New Shipment of Account Books JUST ARRIVED. f Blank Books, "ACETIC ACID 99 100 l PUKt (GLACIAL). «V *1 Uule.l Faiut or with money columns Or 100 Lbatbs. Trice $l.OO fif $1.20 each. mm i jjc ri* 'i -tA i J i iu m Manifolding Copying Books. Quarto size $l-20.
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    • 63 9 THIS jP ,s IT ip 11 WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound J :r==S TSSt m «r-J TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre parationof COD LIVKK OIL l> >cs *ll that is claimed for it and supersedes tl«c old fashioned emulsions Inch up-a t the stomach. Highly re commended ty
      63 words
    • 83 9 CHAPOTEAUT'S NO I’RATIVE TASTE kIVIPIX o or SM ELL < on O it* i:h N K I SEA on MORRHUOL I *i i<> K biiN. jiH «r Oil, it eurrs j II cfaitii jil > imlhlu >..t It lit.* M ,m»i >i raji uie m ralracU»! Intcii at« a i
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  • 1593 10 GREAT PROGRESS IN EVERY DIR KOI lON. Gow, Wilson anh ttaxtos’s Report. In their india-ruhler nit. Let report for the tear I 9“, Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanton Ihiring the |Mi»t rear remarkable procr*-?* in eveiy direction ha* characterised ih# plantation rubber industry, and few paraUrl* could
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  • 1539 10 IjIOHT 05 A 5 SuBJBOT. The recent issue of the Bombay Census report coutains a deal of interesting matter regarding the law, regu'ations aud customs of marriage among the different sections of people in this Presidency, observes the Adtoatte of India It has been the wisdom
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  • 272 10 Minister ok Communications Resioni. General Hoan Hsin, Superintendent of Railways, according to a Peking dispatch, has demanded an appropriat ion of Y 1 ,000,000 for the management of the HaukowKwautung railway, but the Minister of Communications, Mr. Cbu, has declined to accede to the demand, and
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  • 75 10 Friday January .7/, UJl'i. Esplanade. 1 Overture The Children of the Mist I’.iih T 2 Gavotte Fire Flies r.inrke 3 Selection Of Mendelssohn 's <rolfre 4 Waltz Phyllis n 5 March Regimental Two Step Stern. Saturday, February l, 1913, Golf Club. 1 Overture Feat Buraia 2 Jutermezzo. Auona
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 296 10 hy wsstc your gvu d after cheap rubbish article T A X. l'« nuie to get only I *ul A S' ns MOHON FLUTE. Tbe King of all harmonium». Tho best and strongest one jet known. Ita unqueationahle reputation is thoroughly •stabhibediall over the Straits for a very long
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    • 67 10 Krerj young child is susceptible to croup. Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one l»fore tou prepare for it. It come* in the night when chemists’ «hops are usually closed, an l this alone should be a warning. Get and keep Chamberlain’s Cough Kerned r on han.f
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    • 42 10 Do You Coufh T Don’t overstrain the tioo membrane of tout throat in trying to dislodge the phlegm. Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy will accomplish thu for you, and cure the cold that is causing it. For sale by all Di pensaries and Dealers
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    • 10 10 For Children’» Hacking Cough at Xigkt* Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 BY APPOINTMENT m TO H. M. THE KING. CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. ILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. i. Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1487 12 FOR. SALE. The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY. Guide to Penang, fit I HI LATH CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manila P.I. F. A. bHAlLEK, Managing Director. E. F. Skertchly, f. i. s. Price 50 cents. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable Special
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