Straits Echo, 28 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1067 1 If you r«w|uir«* a Tonic and aom*. thing to i.onrixh yon. drink DOCSMEADCUINNCSS S STOUT nd, k for thi. 4 t < j 1 \y you got it. TIANO Ltl ft* Co Sole Agertti, that Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O-V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. DOC'S HEAD CUINNESSS STOUT. The Tonic flat cbcers and soothes and doesa’t Ura. Ckmvc tbis label, it is on every fenviae N.p. TIAN6 LEE lid Co., fWe Ayrnit.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 H y i NATURA MILK (STERILIZED) r UUIN The Milk for use in the tropics, {being absolutely pure whilst retaining J itsj natural qualities and flavour. Chop Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN *BB9. a Aj,Grand Prix: *QA p *ris 1900 St. Louis 1904. .> 1893
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  • 2988 3 PROPOSAL FUR DEBENTURES TO be issued. A VALUATION OK TUB PitOI’EKTT. I 1,. report by t e directors of Lunas i;ul lier Estates. Ltol, will In prevented to tl„. s nd auuuil general me ding of the shareholders, in the Exchange Buildings, S'luraper®, ou Saturday, February 1,
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  • 441 3 My first eveniug in Ceylou—more tbau twenty years ago now—was spent in the company of several planters whose conversation consisted chiefly of what I know to have been unmitigated l mean misstatements on the subject of snakes. At that period, however, I was young, very young,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 44 3 Do You Cough? 1» ut overstrain the tine membrane of r thruat iu trvmg to dislodge the ph»egui. aiuberlam'a Cough Remedy will accom‘»h tin» fur vou, and cure the cold that is an» ng it. Kor sale bv all bi |*ensaries .D'l I balers.
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    • 42 3 Somethin* to Remember. In buving a cough medicine for children, bear in mind that Chamberlain» Cough Reinedj is the be«t for cold», croup and whooping cough, and that it contains no harmful drug. For safe by all lb»peu.a l nes and Ltealers-
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    • 146 3 C.L6ANS6 YOUR BLOOD vVITH cqimault <■“ SARSAPARILLA 'ISU E <*r--4 51 IS 3 The original »ar* saparilla, recommended for the last 40 years for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorder* ot the skin. GRIMAGLT C 1 1,-tf ,'wcsf, PP RIS JUST ARRIVED. A new shipment of Continuous Cartridge Drawing
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    • 370 3 Java —Australia Line OF THE Koninkiyke Paketvaart Maatckappy •(Royal Dutch Packet Company.) Regular month It service of the magnificent passenger steamers Van Linschoten r R T \an Waerwijk t> w R.T. between Java Ports and Brisbane. Sydney. Melbourne via Thursday Island and P(»rt aJ«'r»>>liy I apua), leaving Sourabaya ami Sydney
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  • 777 4 The Greatest or Sauer ard His Three Words. China and the Chinese are cast in the mould of Confucius. To understand the Celestials wc must understand their sage, so says the lion. Cl e ter Holcombe who contributed to the /nternativ al Journal of Ethics a most interesting and
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  • 124 4 Following are the result» of the tie» playod off yesterday Singh Handicap —A K N Holme» beat A Q Anthony 1 —6, 5, 9 -7. Singh Handicap B. R K Turner beat F N Day 6 2, 6—0 R F Kelc-v leat R C B Hav 7—5,
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  • 45 4 The ss. Malaya is alongside the wharf discharging 2,806 bales of tobacco and 182 bags of coffee. Inward Shipment. ss. Fadang 29 bags copra I *.i. Petrel 304 is. 45 lietclnuts m Hole Canton ...3,486 tin ore s.s 42 copra ■s. 25 slabs tin
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  • 157 4 Tuesday. January 1912. lioir ()i.on 1 Selection Florodora Retford 2 Two St*p My Little Black Sweetheart Frederikaen 3 Reminiscent'»'* of M**ve*t>eer Got ifrey 4 Waltz Li Burc.i olle Fetra* 5 Song Whisper and I Shall lbar Piccolomini ti Marc'» Tt.e ttau artl 11*mcr Fahrbach. Wednetd ty, January 29,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 'ntTTT!’*mm"*Tnrr THIS IS IT W AT E RBU RVS METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound T AS it. t.rss onoktrss '1 lie laleM brientific prr pai.ilkmofCOI) I.IVKR (»11.. lV*'* .*11 ih.n i> claimed («>r it a> .1 Mij>*rseje.' tlif old (aihioncd CIIUlljJOIl* Avlllch lipM't ihc stomai !i. Hijjhlvrccommend* *1 !>y t!»c
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    • 290 4 Straight at It. There is no use of our heating around the hush.” We might as well out with it first at last. We want you to try Chamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy the nest.time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why
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    • 435 4 THIS COMPANY POSITHftY lIAYES PENANC NEXT WEEK. To-night! To-night!! THE Parsee Ripon Theatrical Co. OF BOMBAY AT THIC KING STREET THEATRE. Dil Farab. Prices of Admissioi $2, $l, 60 cts. and 30 cts. I Julies, 60 cts. and 30 cts. I,«oL out for this uraud Complete CKanff of Proir»m«i Tkroufhoat
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    • 1606 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. refund of assessment. Cl AIMS TO It MAH THIS MONTH. WANTED ANNOUNCEMENT. ALL PERSONS claiming refund of assessment iu rr*pect of dwelling house* want for any portion* of the balfrt«r ending 31*t December, 1912, are be ret)J reminded that *uch claim* must be •ent in t the Coinmi*-i
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  • 27 5 Venfflt b ro*H Agr*l* Due V. Lmhriij Singapore Drrjflihtjrr Colombo />« van Ini Colombo Sinfjapore B M.AJo. BM.ACo. AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. 2Mb Jau 30th 6th Feb 8th
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  • 25 5 YtticU For Agrnii Leave• Lu.lwig It> jihuyt r Ltt tan La Colombo Sinjjapo.'e Singapore} Colombo i B.MACo BM ACo A.OACo. AO. ACo. Jan. Feb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 319 5 P.&O. S.N.G Cxpueted Arrlrals and Departures Mall Barvlc« Outward. I VI). 6 llevanha connecting with Medina Feb 20 Delta Moldavia Mar. India tt Mongolia Homeward SPECIAL THROUCH STEAMER. K.M.S. India April 4th TARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class r. London by Sea $505-72 $377-14 T> Marseille» or (Gibraltar
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    • 1270 5 r SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. SOMMER LLOTE. BREMEN. QERMA.Iv MAIL LINE. fTVHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen JL Hamburg eta Rotterdam, Antwe: For Intended to Sail. Steamer. rD, Southampton, Gibraltar. Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice vena), Port
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  • 95 6 PtMiated daily (except Sundays and pablie kolidaya) 4T Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Pcnanf. Paica. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANO.” Telephone Nos. (Echo. 586 Printing Department 343 SB —All boainMW cnaaunieations shmild bs
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  • 1323 6 A fascinating subject of speculation is the sensation one experiences when death in 1 any shape is approaching or actually taking place. It is a sensation in whic!) naturally all of us aro interested, since it must, tie some day our own. The evidence procur--5 j able
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  • 308 6 fQ Til EDITOR 9» TRt RTRAITB Bcio. Da^rßir, I hare m» 1 with interest tha report of the diacuMion on the Municipal Bill in the Legislative Council. With regard to the back lane*, it is propose* 1 that where the laud required is occupied by a building which
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  • 140 6 To tub Kuiior or tub siuaiis Echo. Dear Sir, With reference to your leader regarding five-foot ways at Mos«rs. Pritchard A Co’s premises and the vicinity, which apjieared in yesterday’s issue of the Strait s Echo, I think that the time has arrived when the wall between the
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  • 56 6 The following businegn in tin has 1 eon done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, OJ buyers, no sellers) Singapore Straits Trading Co.. 75 tons at 112.62* Tin is quoted in London to-day at A*226 5». ca»b aud A'22l- three months’ sight. Rangoon run is quoted here
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  • 233 6 (Bv Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co, Ltd. th ougli their a< r ents G. H. Slot A Co Fine Para Spot 4„ 41 j Fine Para F- rwrwd 4*. 4Jd. *rst latex Crepe delivery next three months 4g 4^d. Market steidr. January 28, 11» 13.
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  • 82 6 To-day's Scratching». (Echo Sfur ini.} Kuala Lumpur, January 28. Following are the scratching» for the first day of the Selangor meeting which opens to-day: Race I. Galtriin and Suffragette. II —Lady Athlone, Misting Link, Grisette, Glad Eye and Flapper. IV. —Major Dooley. M Vl. Freopd, Lah and Millionaire.
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  • 115 6 Genera! Meeting. l.rho Sfuriaf.) Kuala Lumpur, January 27. Mr. George Cumming presided at the annual meeting of the Negri Sembilan Sporting Club at Seremban. The accounts presented for last year showed a sum of $6,650.10 to the credit, of the Club. The year had been very
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  • 66 6 Annual General Meeting. r.rhn Sfteein!.') Kuala Lumpur, January 27. At the anuual general meeting of St. Mary’s Church the reports and aecountß were adopted. The Rev. P. G. Graham, the present Chaplain who is going home, will 1>« succeeded by the Rev. \V. S. Kelly who has
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  • 187 6 Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton heard two appeal cases yesterday. In both the convictions were upheld but the sentence in one instance was reduced. Possession of Bhang. The first appeal heard was that of Babjee against the conviction of Mr. R. B. Osborne who fined him slsoor
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  • 164 6 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—Lunas Rubl>er Estates. A Ceylon Snake Story. *—Confucius. P. C. C. Tenm» Tournament. 9.—A Kettle of Tin. Phosphorm Starvation. 10.—Eton’s Headmaster And The Gospel Of Silence. Matthew Arnold and His Message Messrs. K©ng A Co. announce a big
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 212 6 I PERFUMERY SOAPS. m m m m m m Extract Otto of Rose. An exquisite Feriume possessing charm ot Otto of Rose. all the Price $2-50 per bottle. St X. K 1 *V {M9O m m m A Toilet Soap of «aeqaslled Parity and Fragrraec. Price $l-50 per box. 10J£
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  • 239 7 PEACE OR WAR Balkan Bluff Reuter. London, January 27. it i* ili* opinion in some quarter*. f lallv m view of a rettain in<|f finite ness ,n p frrruce to the immediate effect* of the Balkan delegate*’ decision which their .(.dement* do not assist to remove, that I,- ir action
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  • 327 7 Aitiilnnce shed Agninst Chinn. Reuter.) London, January 27. The correspondent of the Daily Teleyri//( at St. Petersburg states that the Mongolian ambassador on Saf. rduy visited M JilinsLy, Chief of the General Staff. He begged for further military assistance to organise the Mongolian forces against a I-iiil.le
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  • 39 7 Schucttclaag Airskip Conpiny. (Reuter.) Mannheim, January 27. I'lit* German government has acquired the reign .itents of the Schuettelang Airship Citnpauy with whom negotiations were o|>cned with a view to the eon"t: i t;m of their airships in England
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  • 52 7 1b A hunting A««iii#t(Renter.) iiondon. January 27. line m full cry with the Eseex fox Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood s wan impaled on a wood fence. Sir yn, who was nearly 75, kept h»r seat. Hn l. rrnwed a gun from a farm and himse.f ‘t
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  • 27 7 Crown Prince Promoted. (Reuter.) Berlin, January 2*. Ihe Kaiser on his birthday (27th inst.) I rouj. ta»«i the Crown Prince to the rank of Colonel.
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  • 396 7 Cahtnct Decision. Reuter.) London, January 27. d Jul? a P ro,on ed Cabinet meeting it vai lecided to drop the Franchise Bill. In the Commons. In tue House of Commons, after the discussion was closured bv 283 votes to 112, M r^x nC i 1 v BiH withdrawn.
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  • 125 7 Attends Council Meet's*. (Reuter.) Delhi, January 28. The legislative Council met in the new Counci Chamlier. Lord and Lady Hardinge drove to the meeting along police lined route. The Viceroy, on entering the Chamber, received an ovation. The cheering lasted a minute. He thanked the Council for their
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  • 64 7 Reuter.) Loudon. January 27. After the Franchise liill was withdrawn the House of Commons began the debate on the Trade- Union Bill. Sir Bufus Isaacs said that though the funds of tlie Unions will be exempted from reference to tin acts of their officials yet it was
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  • 178 7 Yislrnin. To-day. Ri»* or Buyer. Seller. Buyer» Sailor» Fall. RI'BBER. ad..d d d Anal" M «l*y M 1»>'1 IS 7’t 1* l m l If* 7'» B'lkil MffUjaiti. 2 R i I 2 R 3 1 (/Vraoww 3 H 41 39 4S -rid CVum. Malay. 14 41* 13 I
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  • 1038 7 Mok*a<4 Ariff'» E» »l* In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton resumed the hearing of three petitions for letters of administration of the estate and effects of Mohamed Ariff, the Mohamedan millionaire who died a few months ago —one by Che I ha,
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  • 247 7 The Hongkong Telegraph, commenting on the attack on Mr. D. C. Oakley of Sedeaak 1 Estate, assumes (an assumption which we now know to be false) that he was attacked by his own coolies. It condemns the present system of coolie management on rubber estate in these words
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  • 291 7 Is Ywan SHih-Kai Becoming Autocratic 7 The Chinese papers are commenting keenly regarding the recent Presidential orders, promulgating temporary Provincial laws and regulations. The o gans sympathetic towards the Government justify President Yuan Shih-kai on the grounds that it is necessary to establish better order in tbe Provinces
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  • 125 7 Following were the scores made by the P. L. R C. at Kampong Bahru yesterday Practice Shoot. I «0 8 8 Miss J. Smith 31 3 > 01 Mrs. Liston 29 30 59 Miss Gawthorne 21 20 47 Miss W. Gawthorne 24 IS 12 Mrs. Ba;lev
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  • 77 7 The following ties have been fii -d for Thursday 30: M K Whitlock re DA M Brown. S L Thompson r» R O Wood. Single Han>lieuj>—D: B E Mitchell rtf. A H Foggie. Single Handicap -B R R Turner r* R Fi xjrd Kelcey. F C Gregs*>n
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  • 264 7 CHANCE OR SKILL liefore Mr. E. E. Col man after- noon Inspector Law, of the Gambling Suppression Department, charged several men with playing and assisting m the manage ment of a gams, known as Toh Gdaag” which it plajed in this war: On a slanting table are stack at certain
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 Cro«|Ever? young child i« suaceptibl* to croup Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. It conies in the night when chemist*’ shops are usually closed, aud this alone should be a warning. Oet and keep Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy on hand It never
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    • 442 7 NOTICE OF SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The undersign*] i* instructs! to take pos>**Bion of and put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, TO THI HIC.HKST BIDDERS, On Wednesday. 29th January, 1913. AT 12 NOON. .O h nixing Smamj Police Station, Province WfUetlry. Tliq undermentioned property of EN\ GHEE
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    • 94 8 Han Whalt Soon, Br. 199. Ce«e, 26th Jan., 24th Jan, o**u. K S. Co., Lid. Athall, Br. hi, 3,031, Sathy, 27tb Jan Liverpool, 2!it Dc<~. (Jen —B. B. A Co. Jin Ho, Br. 111, Pvaeon, 27th Jan Pangkot, 26tb Jan, u K S Co, Ltd I’m Seng, l'.r. an,
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    • 95 8 January 25. Calypto, for Tcngkah. Indnujiri, for Deli and Laugsa. 'lrang, for Trang. Han Whatl Soon, for Langkat Petrel, for Axmhan. Perak, for I >♦* li. Jin Ho, for P.tngkalau Biandan. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore Padang, for Bitu Balira. Hang lire, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and
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    • 325 8 COB I)eli Per Circe, to-inorrow, 2 p ro. Teluk Anson Per Hok Canton, to morrow, 3 pro. Yen—Per Jit Seng, 30th initaut, 7 ».m Port Swettenham and Sing*pore Per Tara. 70th instant. 3 pro. Calcutta —IVr Kum Sang, 3)th instant, 4 pm. Singapore. China and J«pvi— Per Her(ftin.grr,
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  • 127 8 Pisaso. Jisci*! 28. By oowrtety of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2 4 **i 4 months' eight Bank 9/4 j* 3 Credit 2/4 j} 9 3 2/4* Calcutta, Demand Bunk R»- 174 J n 3 days* sight Pn rate 1751 Bombay, Demand Ban* 17*1 Mini mein. Demand Bank
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  • 234 8 tol l 64.t>o Black Peppor a-» ttoe.k White Peppji telle Tiang Peppei 23 75 nominal ’lores 39. teller» Mace 12)— teller» Pickings y‘J.— buyer» Nutmegs 110 s, 37L teller» i No, 1 tale Sugar 2 BJO tal 5.V> buyer» CoprA (iuual) 10 (1 l buyer» i Tahbuu IDO.-m.m a,.n.
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  • 187 8 PI.NAN*I, 2S t Bxkk— ctt. Soup pa catty 14 Boast 21 Steaks 21 Stew o: Curry Al »at... 16 Buu.p Steak 21 Tv.l each 30 Tongue... 55 o 15 Heart 3) Liver par catty 55 Pork— I Pork pei catty 32 Pig’* Head... 29 F'iflt I. 04 Tongue
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  • 2031 8 5 s t *3 B Number of a. c 2 Capital. Shares I 3 Dividends. Name. t. e 5S 2 issued. 75. >• s 5 I IfXM., 1910 1911 1912 1913 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. I 1!XK» 8 450 «XX, I i:tO.<MM» 1 1 Ayer Kuuing Rubber
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 11 8 For Chihlroi/s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' (Ji«»at I eppermiiit Curo.
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    • 47 8 When coughs distract you every day, lo pain and suffering jou re a prey; Just go and get without deity Woods’ Peppermint Cure You’ll find yourself in one short night Become ijuite well again and bright You’ll shout your heart will feel so light Woods’ Peppermiut Cure!”
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    • 32 8 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active > I’rincii'le of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote I Hi (Chnpoteaut) If El.l iBLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF v TL'BEHCI'LOSIS > PULMONARY PHTHISIS OR Sold all Che Ists by
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  • 659 9 A most picturesque and vivid description of a visit to some Cornish tin works, to see A Boil of Tin,” is given bv Mr. Harold Begbie, in the Daily Chronicle. In one of the large sheds stands what the smelter calls a kettle of tin—a vast,
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  • 76 9 To-day 22nd l>av of 12th Moon. Band, Golf Club, 0 p m. Merrie England," Press Rehearsal, 9 p in. Selangor Turf Club, New Year M etii g George Town Cinemntograpli, K nais Kangsar Hoad. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. To-mobbow 23rd I>av of !2th
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  • 16 9 China (Ptinz LnJwij) ...28th Jan German Derjfiiuger) ..30th English (Drranha) ...oth Feb, China Bth
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  • 20 9 Tasl Q-nrter Jan 29th O New Moon Feb f»th (hr 4 Qiuirter 1 |th O Full M>*in 21st
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  • 43 9 Ma.l Service Outward. Homeward L»> jnha t> Feb. t A'tau* H Feb. I felt a 20 Himtalnyt 21 Ei:ra Sc nr us O CT WARD HoMEWABD Namur 28 Jan I Sovarj. 3 i Nan Inn 11 Feb. s'uu/fa 13 Feb
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  • 562 9 How it Causes Nervous Disorders. That phosphorus is an absolutely ueoessary food for the health of the uervous system most people know. What they do not know is that it is equally necessary for the health of the blood, a fact insisted upon by Sir William Gowers, one
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 539 9 New Shipment of Account Books JUST ARRIVED. '.£*o vtA xtw V AS >y T M, u < •V Blank Books, Rulfn] Faint or with mon«j columni Or 100 Lbatbs. ri*' 1 -4 p nce 11.00 11.20 each. BSBKeH VtjT e-* rv HP v& m Manifolding Copying Books. Quarto size $l-20.
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    • 8 9 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cum.
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    • 145 9 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound it ■rrSMT, u:TASTELES3 ODORLESS 4 The latest scientific pre ion of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset i the stomach. Highly re commended by th medt cal profession.
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  • 1230 10 The Hor. and Hon K. Lyttelton, the Headmaster of Eton, ha* a most interesting analysis in the January Contemporary J»Vrir«r of a new look which nets out the (jospol of the New Mysticism. which is iu effect —rrjrnf ration ami hr alt i
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  • 551 10 In an admirable critical estimate of M it- thow Arnold, the reviewer ears: “He i ‘eminently a man of ideals and. in a less degree, a man of ideas—not for the iu j part his own The quality of his notions w is not native
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 674 10 BT APPOINTMENT TO Tbeir Highn the N i/.iui of Hyderabad the Mah i raj a of Mysore, f ruvancore. 1 8 mm w& < MH °f7he Jodhpur, Kashmir, Indore Ac. ocautif u j V P 8 R •t C. K. SEN Co.. ‘jy t CoJootula Street, CALCUII A, Ours is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 124 11 SUBCONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. MILK fig AID LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY and EXCELLENCE of MILKMAID MILK, that is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1597 12 FOR SALE. The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. Guide to Penang, CAPITAL Ps. 500.000 Head Office: BY THU LAT* 25, Market Street, M.\ni la P.l. F. A. lllAi' KB, Managing Director. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Northam Road. Penang. Straits Settle meats. The English Continental Hotel Health Resort. recommended by medical authorities. E.
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