Straits Echo, 25 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1135 1 If jom require a Tonio and som» th'flK to nourish jou, Drink Head Guinness's Stout, and look fur thiH Label to aeo that you get it. TIAN'I fiBK A Co., 80U Agent*. S/, 'l'<l V 1 tf/A--1,; 'K?~hE AO Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESEkVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1UNDS, BUTTERY 8
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANG LEE A Co.. Sol* Agent».
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 430 2 NATURA MILK (STERILIZED) r LION A The Idcrvl Milk for «3; in the tropics, Jbe:n£ absolutely pure whilst retaining J itsj natural qualities and flavou-. Chop Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. Natura Milk Lion Brand can be obtained at every store in Penang, the
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  • 753 3 S- hem* ok U*oro vmhvriox Outlined (Jenume business ability aud thorough Mstcm v ill govern the destiny of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company, if ftplans outlined for the reorganisation „„,1 rehabilitation of the concern by the ('Imiese syndicate that is taking over control p
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  • 122 3 father was Irishman, and my in ilx«r was an Irishwoman, and both were T te-tants, the intensity of whose faith would have lieen described by a large numlier of their fellow-couutrymen as '.inguiuarv Trotestaiitism. A large part lnv mother’s duties to me were disLarged bv an
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  • 1022 3 Mr. E J. id The Financier taji there in an interesting but unconvincing i kapP‘ n K process described in the latest issue of the Indti Rubber World, of N**w \ork. It. ir"a system of tapping by electricity, the invention of a German civil engi- neer,
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  • 1833 3 Br Lie ix the Republican 1 Advocate. Despite ap|iearance* to the cont'Xirv, th** Chinese h ive for two thousand years rnaiui tamed under every disadvantage and disi couragement, a spirit of persouil afi«. communal independence, which compares favourably even with the si- ailed lib**ib in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 Cyc That Coujh WLen you Lave a troublesome it •oe* not mean that vou Lave consumption r that you are to Lave it, but it does tl at vour aie threatened, and it ju*t at well to lie on tlie safe side and t 'Lauiljei latu’s Remedy before it loo
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    • 117 3 Straight at It. There is no u e of our beating «round the bush.” We might as well out viith it first at lart. We waut you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the ue*t t nue you have a cough or «’old. There is no reason v> far as we
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    • 573 3 Q m Builds up after Illness The combined healing, tonic and strengthening properties of Angier’s Emulsion make it invaluable after any illness affecting the lungs or digestive organs. It heals the diseased tissues, improves appetite and digestion, and builds up health and strength. Angier’s Emulsion is prescribed by the medical
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  • 559 4 Dinhkr or the Institute or JOURNALISTS. The King caused the following message to be sent tu the chairman of the Ijondon branch of the Institute of Journalist» at its annual diuuer on December I t in the Connaught Rooms The King heartily thanks those London
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  • 198 4 Tim Dishvnuku Souher Panokr. A Dairen dispatch to the Aea/ii states that after the shipment of mutineers by the Dairen steamer from Cliefoo, on Monday afternoon (titii inst iut) tho city has been less strictly guirdel, aud a proclamation was issued on Tuesday morning assuring the inhabitants of
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  • 115 4 Following were the results of the ties played yestenUy: Single Ha it il f/ip D. B E MitcLell w.o from W McKnight Young A Lindley beat V G Back ♦>—l, 62. Mir'tl Double Hinii -aji. Mis* Heim A E Heim wo. from Mr A Mrs Jarvis. Mrs
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  • 51 4 The s.s. Cirer and the s.s Malay* alongside the wharf are discha ging 2.796 aud 540 l>ales of tobacco respectively. Inward Shipment. s.s. Omapere 97 bags copra as 14 lietelnuts ss. I jama 30 tin ore ss. 211 coffee and copra s.s r. 93 rice s.s. 381 rice and
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  • 36 4 To-iiat 19 1 H I >av of !2t h Moon. ('•ami. Golf Club, ti p m. < Town Cinematograph, Kuila K. ngsir Road Straits Cnmm itograph, Pen mg Road. IVnaiivr Moiioii liciue slow, Penang R i«d.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 r THIS IS IT B \7atcrl>ury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil j C o iii p o u ii d > TA:.Tf.LI NS ODORLESS I ho Kite t scientific pro J' nation of C()I> IJ\ I K oil.. all that I mm il ft i t* ,t:*o upor tt Jo»
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    • 219 4 THIS COMPANY POSITIY LY IEAYES PEiUNG NEXT WELK. To-night! To-night!! ti: e Parsec Ripon Theatrical Co. CF 3'MDAY AT '1IIR KING STREET THEATRE. Daria Dil. Prices of Admission $2, $1, 60 cts. and 30 cts. Ladies, 60 cts. and 30 cts. Grand Opening Night. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I! OF THE Penang
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    • 1871 4 li L Sit .W BEWARE of IMITATIONS Rl GAUD’S GE»UI»E JAPAN KANSkGA Toilet iasia 7/ PARIS <* FRANCE SOLD BY ALL PERFUMERS NOTICE. are invited for the su;plyof IL uniform, clothine. f**>t«< f caps, putties, Ac., for the Kedah Police Force (Malay and Sikh contingents) for the \ear 913 Tender*
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  • 30 5 VfSfflt hrovi A'jmi4 Due 1 H'lui V. L-nln iy Drrjflinger Drvanha Siugapore Singapore Colombo Colombo 1 A.G.ACo. B M.AJo. BM.ACo. AG.ACo. I 25th Jan. !2bth 30th 6th Feb
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  • 29 5 YfttcU For Agents Leaves India 'Colombo A.G ACo. Jan. Luiliriy Colombo B MACo.. l>< rjjltuyrr Dt i a >t ha Singapore Singapore 6 M ACo A.G .ACo. Feb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 327 5 P.&O. S.N.C unx-ted Arrival* and Departure* Mall Barvlc« Outward. Jan. 23 Himalaya connecting with Marmcra Feb. fi Deranha n Medina Feb 20 Delta Moldavia Mar. 6 India Mongolia Homeward SPECIAL THROUCH STEAMER. K.M.S India April 4th. t-AkES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lat class 2ndclass To Loudon by Sea $565-72 $377-14 T>
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    • 1229 5 SHIPPING.> BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. WOEDDEITTSCHER LLO7D. BREMEN HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Si Co.. Penang, Agents. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIME. TIIK fast aud well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said,
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  • 97 6 Fltklirtld daily (except Sundays and ptblio holidays) ax m CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 226—232 Reach Street, Penang. Pnicx. Daily Local $24 per annum Outststion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLI ADDRESS M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All baaiitM* ccranem cation.
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  • 1316 6 The experiment which the Municipality tried a few years ago, of running all the principal markets within its jurisdiction, has proved so eminently satisfactory to all concerned that we are glad it ha* not revert* d to the old custom of letting them out to the highest bidder,
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  • 621 6 Mr. and Mr*. Arathoon, of Singapore, touched here bv the Nam Sai »y vesterdaj on their way to Singapore. Mr. E- E. Watson, of the Straits Trading Company. Butterworth, leaves for Home on long leave by the P. X O. s.s Iwlia to-day. Mrs. Watson accompanies her
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  • 100 6 £>*»pl y rf Fircworln. I he Taipusam celebration came to au end yesterday evening „ith a ~r aU)] display of firework* at the Kaca Course, which 'was witnessed by a very large crowd. The olice are to l*e congratulated on the exca lent regulation of the traffic
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  • 42 6 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The Fast gTsUACo*)- ,hr Ugh the,r ntS Fine Para Spot Jine Para Forward 4, rj First latex Crepe delivery next three months Ma r ket weak. Jauuarv 25, 11»! 3. Kv*k°c^r^ u,ur for 11,13 whh
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  • 947 6 “THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST” As a first night performance tlm mem. hers of the above elnb who took part in this product ion mar ba cordially congratulated on scoring a distinct success. v have no inteution of criticising the plav Abler pens than ours have
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  • 43 6 The following business in tin has leco done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange, buyers, no sellers j 911 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 75 tons at 11- 3". quoted in London to-da v at £'i~ cash and .£223 15s. three mouths’ light
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 r nnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnn FOR A GOOD 8 RELIABLE RICSHA “8 GO TO AING CHEANG CO., 59, MAGAZINE ROAD oonnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnoo n n n n n n n n n 0 E. 0. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIVINIA PEG
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  • 317 7 MUNICIPAL BILL. (folio Sjkthu.) Singapore, January 25. \t the legislative Council vestenlav the Municipal Bill further discussed jn roininittee. Back Lancs. The Hon. E. C. Ellis moved an am-n 1tnell t regarding the special rat« leviable on wn**r« whose bouses open into hack lanes. He m.m'l that the
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  • 173 7 Court I terpret r Charged. f S'.'lni Taiping, January 2‘>. Tlu« case of Dorasamy Pillay, Court Interpreter, who was charged with receiving an illegal gratification of five dollars was called at the Magistrate's Court this morning, when Mr. A. B Voules sat as Magistrate Mr Hewlett defeuded
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  • 162 7 I < h i Sjnriut. Singapore, January 25. The aviat*>rs, M. Pourpe aud M Verio- l»o, are arranging to flv over the riu*e I'niirs»* Permission has been grante«l by 1 h«- Police and the military authorities aud tli. ar<> now awaiting the decisi«>u of the Spirting Club.
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  • 105 7 Dispute about Commission. Reuter.) London, January 24. Mi hirchall, the arranger ot the Crisp n in Peking, has apphe«l to the Chancery 1 uit fir an injunction restraining Mr. lhi .'h Crisp’s International lnTestmeut trust ■md Mr. Jackson from paying to the Chinese i.-rniucut further proceeds of
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  • 30 7 *****0 Rupr#» Reward. {Reuter.) Delhi, January 24. Ite Governiucut 1» dow offeriug a lxc of fur information that will le*»l to the .«»t of Lord llardiuge's assailant.
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  • 619 7 NAZIM PASHA KILLED Reuter.) Constantinople, January 24 5 The crisis war dramatically sudden The i Cabinet met at noon to prepare the note accepting the proposals of the Powers. The crowd assembled outs'de the Porte deputed Euver Bey and Nadji Biy to inform i the Cabinet
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  • 106 7 Kutukhta's Profound Appreciation. (Reuter.) St. Petersburg. January 24. The Noi'oije Vremya states that M. Djorjieff recently «juitte«l Urga for Europe to solicit Russian and British recognition of the indepomlence of Til»et. The Time* correspondent at St. Petersburg states that tbe Mongolian Mission to-dav presented the Tsar with
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  • 63 7 Dies oa the Stage. lit-uter.') [jondon. January 24 Tlx» de-tfh has taker of th»> a-tor-musician Auguste Tan Riene. who died on the «UR* of the theatre at Rrigliton w.;ile enacting the rart of a pennile« dying mu-i cian Ho was plaving the last har* ou his ,i„lio<*llo
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  • 366 7 Mr. Lloyt Georce on The Speaker’* Reliax. (Reuter.) London, January 24 Lord K>bert Cecil interpreted the Speaker’s ruling as meaning that if the Suffrage amendment was adopted the Bill could not lje lead the third time He. therefore, asked the Government for a definite assurance regarding the
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  • 252 7 A Reply to Sir Fdward Grey. Reuter.) London, January 24. Mr. P. C. Knox, the U. S. Secretary of State, in reply to Sir Edward Grey iu reference to the Panama Canal, contends that the latter’s objections were formulated in ignorance of the fact that the tolls
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  • 55 7 H. M. S. New Zealand.” Renter London. January 24. His Majesty King George will inspoct the new l«attleship 11. M. S. Neir Zealand on Februarv 5. The Hon. Sir W. HallJones, k.c. m. o High Commissioner in London, is arranging for a visit of representative citizens of the Dominions now
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  • 136 7 Mr. Bonar Law At Edinburgh. lleuter.) London, January 24 Mr. lionir Law, siting at Edinburgh, said that the flag of Imperial PreferHQ. e was not hauled dowp. If they return»»»! to power they weie going to iui|»n*» a moilerate tariff on foreign manufactures lower than that which existed
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  • 1208 7 In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice S L. Thornton resumed the hearing of three petitions for letters of a«lministration of the estate and effects of Mohamed Ariff, the Mobamedan millionaire who «lied a few months ago—one bv Cbe Cha, Jaughter of Md. Ariff*s predeceased wife, the
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  • 49 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—The China Merchants’ S. N. Co ti. B. S’s Nurse. Tapping by Electricity. The Spirit of Independence. 4.—The King and the Press Chinese Affairs. P. 0. C Tennis Tournament. 0. —How I Earn my iiPJO. 10.—Panama Canal.
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  • 186 7 Yesterday. To-day. Ri»* or Buyers Seller* Buyer* Seller* F*ll. Rubber. <l. d. <l. d. Anglo Malay IS 14 Ri IS 15 9 lljd Bukit Mertij un. 2 94 3 14 2 9 3 1 —ti«| Cht-.sonrw 310 4 2 3 94 4 llj —l*l Otm* Malay* 14 74 15
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 268 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., J/TD. lleai* OkkicbSINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agents for Penang. SELLAR, MURRAY A CO. !j. C. BOYCE, District Manager. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Street. NOTICE. Under Section 90 of Ordinance XY of 1896, IS HEREBY
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    • 474 7 Notes for Merchants |TA KE CAKE OF THE CENTS S< > THAT THE DOLLARS CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU. You lo»e money because your system does i not show you where every cent comes from. It does not tell you how much you have taken. A National Cash Register Does
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    • 94 8 Clematis, fir. s.s 2.3'Jl*, Robinson, 24th Jan Calcutta, 15lli "Tan., Coal —E S Co Ltd Hunt Sony, Hr. 2.591, Gilroy, 24th Jau Calcutta, 19th Jao, Gen. B. A Co. El'ora, Br. B s., 2,567, Rowmiir, 25th J.«n Singapoie, 23rd Jan, G- n II L. A Co. Cirre, Hr a.a
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    • 66 8 Javuarv 25. Atjfh for lull, LangsadKdi, T. fetiuse, S*<gli, Olehleh in<l Sabang. Etlora, for Rangoon au«l Calcutta Intlia, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Kuropo etc. Circe, for L>eli. tiotonu i, for Tougkah. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson, landings and Sitiawan. La inti, for
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    • 301 8 (•OB Tougkah Per Calypso, 28th instant, 1 p m. Port Swetteuliam and Singapore Per Klanj, 28th instant, 4-30 p.m. Ceylon. Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc—Per Prin» Liohrig, 28tL instant, 0 p.m. On Wans Dais. Taiping, 7-15 ».m., I p.m. and 4 pm daily
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  • 123 8 Pmie, Jarvary 25. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 1/»,*, 4 months* eight Bank 2f* 3 >, Credit 3 Documentary.. 2/ CaUutta, Demand Bank R- 174 3 days’eight Private 1761 Bombay, Demand Bans 17 i M on) mem, Demand Hank I"* 8 day»* sight Private I
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  • 229 8 J« Id ?j**uf #r»4.*»n B'ack Pepper no stock V\ hi to Pepper 33$ tellers Tiang Pepper 23 7o nominal Ciovea 39.— seller» Mace 1 'll—tellers tv Pickings i *9.—buyers Nutmegs 110 s 27 sellers (No. 1 820 sale--2 8.10 sal s Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (n ixod) 10.6 >
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  • 188 8 Pina*'*. January 25 Bur—> cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat... 16 Rump Steak 21Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 m Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver catty 55 Pork Pork po catty 32 Pig’s Head.- 20 Fist m >m it 24 Tongue
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  • 2019 8 6 •g-2 Number of a jL, .2 a, 5 Capital. Shares t* Dividends. Name. 2^1 To C issued. S >5 03 w O* 1 19**8 19**!* 1910 1911 1912 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. I p.c. p.c. p.c. j )<M*y 450 000 I 130,****** 1 1 Ayer Kuning Rubl>er Estate, Ltd.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1408 9 Hard Life of ax M. P. By J. M HOGUE. (Liberal it. P./or Kart Edinburgh The popular idea is that members do not earn their salary. There could be uo greiter fool shness. The money is earned —every penny of it. Hear in mind that
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  • 423 9 Might Have It Still But For Dr Williams’ Pink Pills. Manila Resident Describes His Cuke As Really Wonderful.” Head Superintendent iu the Manila Refining Company, Mr. Juaquiu Romero holds a position which calls for tho output of all his energies. Forineily Rheumatism (handicapped him so
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  • 41 9 follow iug I*.C C. Debenture* b.ive l»eeu dnwu for redemption on the 2«th February, 11* »3. 34, 72. 11.7«, 120. 43. :>0. 13. 83. 37, 09, i 70, 90. 71, 00. 170, 100, 130, 200, 60. 13-12-12 87o
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 503 9 New Shipment of Account hooks. JUST ARRIVED. TV ity waste '!>-»• your &oed money after cheap rubbish article T l’>e sure to get only 1’aul A Sons' MOHON FLUTE. H r* •v Books, Rule.l Taint or with money columns 100 Leave*. r Tiie King cf ail harmoniums. Tho best and
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    • 44 9 \Yoo£ft|. Peppermint Cure you rau’t deny A dozen ailments can defy Ycur sys'eiu it will fortify ’tiain»t coU'jli and cold. 1 think a mm is renr dense. If he’ll not spend a few small peace On a remedy which is defence. And his stioogliwld.
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  • 1449 10 TO BE OPENED NEXT YEAR. Stupendous Fieri. One of the gre*t romauees of Twentieth Century engine-ring is nearing completion, and shortly the Dan-tnix Csnil will be an accomplished fact. The C/timi /res* gives some interesting f<tcts almut the huge undertaking, and al*« the preparations lieing made to celebrate
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 608 10 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. /Vo 255, Penang Road Telephone A r o. 602 Fresh Salmon Turbot Soles Plaice. (.Office Shop Shop Hoiks HOURS. 9 a.m. to 5 p in. 5 a.ui. to 11 a.m. 2 p.m. to 7 p.ui. SUNDAYS. 5 to 11 a.m. only. e o*o*o#o4o#o*o*^o4o4o*o#o4o*os TO
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 131 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KINO CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. The India Office, MILKMAID LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the PURITY and EXCELLENCE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1278 12 FOR SALE. Guide to Penang, The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. CAPITAL Ps. *****0. lit Till LATH E. F. Skcrtchly. f. e. s. Head fffice: 25, Market Street, «Manilla P.I. F. A. fci.' \ltLl', Altimaymg Director. Policies Unconditional an 1 Incontestal !e Special Features, Disability, and Return I’rtmtum Cauie^' RUNNYMEDE
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    • 353 12 THE LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. 'pHK uudersigned, having been appoint X. Agents for the above Corporation, an now prepared to accept MARINE auj FIRE ’'■As at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A CO., LTD Commercial Union Assurance Company. LtdGUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. The Bonds of this Company are
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