Straits Echo, 23 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1019 1 if jo* r»|uira a fonio and iow« thin* to nourish yon, Drink Dog's Head Guinness's Stout, \o A \fesV and look for this a v 1 r*Übttl to /toe that you get it. TfANO fiKE Co., Sole Agent», Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co..
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothe* and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. i TIANQ T.KE Co.. Sole Ayente
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 NATURA MILK LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) r The Ideal Milk forQase in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its' natural qualities and flavour a Chop” Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. a Ai f Grand Prix: y P *fi» 1900 St. Louis 190 4 C
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  • 639 3 An Appreciation By An Americas. Iu a recent number of the Atlantic Monthly Mr. George McLean Harper publishes an elaborate appreciation of John Morley as a man of letter* and a philosopher rather than as a statesman. Mr. II up*r thinks that it cannot be an unprofitable ta>-k
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  • 233 3 America's Astonismni* Record. Smokin',? and drinking habits have ostahlished a tirm hold upon Americans, ae- "rding to Mr. R. K. Cabell, the l uited States Commissioner <>f Inland Revenue. He estimates that in the three months end'd September 30 last the Ameri an public Smoked 3, 800,000,000
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  • 816 3 r HIS IMPRESSIONS OF THE AMERICANS. The Heli.e or the Ship. j The latest instalment of Li Hung Chang's diary in the Observer recounts the great Chinese statesman's pleasant experiences of tlie Americans, also his unpleasant experi-l enoes of the intervening mad ocean.” I think
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 or Chrouic Chest Complaiuts, Wood*’ Uro<u i'eppetaiiut Cure.
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    • 118 3 Straght at It. There is no u*e of our “boating around, the hush." We might as well out with it first at last. We want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason »o far as we can see
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    • 236 3 8,000,000 Rubber Stumps. Nurseries 100 acres fully Planted References MR. A. B. MILNE. n :o: i lotel. SPEC' l TIFFIN Apply— L. HEINTZE. Tanjonc; Ranbutah Estatk. Verak M. S. Tanjong Rainbutan EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. Ju-Jitsu School. 15-7-12 257c Professor Y. K. MURAKAMI will be pleased to cotuiuunicate with any Gentleman
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  • 1174 4 QUARREL BETWEEN TRAINER AND BOOKMAKER. C. O. CairpUdl ap|*eare<l liefore Mr. R IV OsUirne in the Third Court on Tuesday afternoon ou a summons for assaulting Fred Lauder ou January 1 at Logan Road. The accused who was re; r**sented by Mr. C. R. Samuel claimed trial. Find
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 5 1 THIS IS IT V» ater!>:irys Metabolized C o d L i v e r 0 i 1 C o in p u n d •TASILL! n> > S'* <5 /z A t iz i*:x I he latest >cientif:«_ pro parattcuofl'Ol) I.IVLU OIL. Does all that i< ilunictl fisr
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    • 290 4 The Straits Cinema, I ENANG ROAD. Tcmpora mutantur ct nos mut&mur in illis To-nifcht! To-nijht!! Mina Classen 4 000 feet Speciality. 11 PARTS. Scandinavian Film Co. THE GIDDY WIDOW. (S|>ecial). A. B PRODUCTIONS. (American Itiograyli). The Indian Brother Rose of Kentucky Pocahontas The Lesson Facing, Fashions 6’ the latest news
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    • 709 4 “THE NEW HOWE BICYCLES! THE "SPEEDY" BICYCLES! Tl BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. STRONG IN CONSTRUCTION. LIGHT AND EASY RUNNING. T The only Bicycles in the market w hich have good quality and cheap price combined. i m i? 7a t V et' uit. i- •*vy F Specifications :—2'-’ A 2i" frames,
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    • 296 4 or» tut to id) KRAMAT PULAI LTD. I THE UNDEliSIUNEI> bereb, giro notion to all to whom it. may concern that I bh ill not untiert kt* to l>e responsible for auy I uture dividends on shares in this Con pan? in respect of winch I have alread signed blank
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    • 1009 4 this company positively leaves PENANc 1 The Standard Life Office NEXT WEEK. To-night! To-night!! THE Parsee Ripon Theatrical Co. OF BOMBAY AT THE KING STREET THEATRE INDRA SABHA. '/if s of Admissi 0/1 $2, 1, 60 cts. and 30 cts. Ladies, 60 cts. and 30 cts. WMMi T9 —I I
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  • 29 5 Vcetelt t rot.» Agmtt Due H i Hio/« ya lmlia 1'. l.Uiliriij />< ijHmger Colombo Siugmpore Singapore Colombo AG.ACo. A.O.ACo. HM.AJo. l'.M.ACo. i •23nl Jau 2Mh 2Mh 30th
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  • 24 5 V’fMfll For Agent» Lra vet Himalaya Singapore A.Q.ACo. Jan. 1 mha Colombo A.G.ACo. L titling Colombo BUACo. />• ijjltngt r Singapore b M ACo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 273 5 P.&0. *7 S.N.C fueled Arrival* and Departures Mall Service Outward. Jau 23 Himalaya connecting with Marinera Homeward SPECIAL THROUCH STEAMER. K.M.S India April 4th. JAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class P 1, >ndon by Sea $505-72 $377-14 T M trsoillos or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 tXTRA STEAMERS, Intermediate Senice.
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    • 1334 5 <SHIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAYICATION CO., LTD. Fob Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore (Throo tiraos a week). Pori Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh, Moulmein and Victoria Point (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Thur. 23rd Jan., 4 p.m. Sat. 25th Jan., 4
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  • 97 6 yHhW daily (except Sundays aad peblie holidays) at rma CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —233 Beach Street, PenangPaicr Daily Local 924 per annum. Outctation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) 917.50 Can LB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 556 Printing Department 343 S B. —All Imlim, to——itoSt—a
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  • 1205 6 For three days in every year during the Taiptisatn festival a little fair is held in tb< Temp’e grounds at the Wa'erfalls and two Tery popular games are played. It both there is an element of gambling which perhaps accounts for their popu larity; in lioth also
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  • 610 6 Mrs. and Miss Ward arrived from Alor Star vesterdar by the s s. Pangkor. Mr. Cheah Kee E* returned by there. Anqyee vesterdav from Teluk Anson. Mr. J. Turner. Mrs. Turner and Miss Turner left by the s.s. Himalaya to-Jay for Sings pore. Mr K h It
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  • 46 6 (By Courtesy of MesTrs. The East Asiatic Co, Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot A Co.) Fine Para Spot 4,. 514 Fine Para Forward 4*. 51^ First latex Crepe delivery next three months 4„ Market weaker, buyers holding liack. January 23, 1913.
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  • 67 6 The following business in tin has lee done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange, buyers, no sellers) 9112 90 Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 113.571 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 1 13.50 Total 200 tons. Tin is quoted in liondon to-dav at „£223 os. cash and
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  • 267 6 EUROTEAN CHARGED. Before Mr. E. E. Colman this morning tbe case against a European named T K. Simpson, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of ?330, tbo pro. erty of the Federated Engineering Co Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, was called for hearing. Mr.
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  • 308 6 To ms Kioto* or tiik Straits Bcao. Sir, Your leader of the 18th inst. on the domiciled class is interesting reading and shows your keen observation of things local. His surroundings and circuinstances do not make him ambitious, hence his drifting along with no idea of his future.
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  • 152 6 Yesterday was a day of penance for the Hindoos and froir sunrise to sunset a large number of Hindoos from Province Welleslev and the outlying districts flocked to the Temple at the Waterfalls, some to undergo ablution as a means of purification from their past sins, and
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  • 66 6 The case in which C.O. Campbell was sum* rooned for assaulting Fred Lander on New Years Dav was concluded before Mr R. B. Osborne this afternoon. Major H Barry de Hwael and Mr. E. L. Cuscadeu gave evidence. His Worship found the accused guiltv and fined him
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 530 6 WANTED A {STOREKEEPER for the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. at Bagan Luar. For Urm< etc apply personally with testimonials to the Manager. 2d-1 -13 67 WANTED. SMALL FUKSISHED IlUN«ALOW. moderate rent. Arp 1 No I. 23-1-13 03 r -j Strait» Echo NOTICE. ri'ENhEKS are invited for the *u ply of
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  • 544 7 Forward Sales. (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, Januirv 22. The following forward sales hare lieen effected Malaysia—12 ton* at 4*. OJd. per lb. Kspar Para—2$ tous at 4s. 7d 11 tons at 4s 2d. and a total of 125 tons at an average of 4a. 4’d per lb. The Yam
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  • 189 7 Lecture by Dr. Motts l Krh» S/tecial.) Singapore, January 23. I'li.' lion. K. J. Wilkinson, Colonial So-retarv, presided at the lecture on Education winch was giveu by l>r. Motts The lecturer congratulated the Singapore I'lunese on what they had accomplished -m. e his last visit eleven years ago. He
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  • 30 7 (Echo Spec tat.) Singapore, January 22. The s m Northbrook biought 3 r > N. f *'s <*ud men from Hongkong The Buff* for Madras on Saturdav.
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  • 71 7 Prosper'** Issued. (Hr ho S/ierial.) Singapore, January 23 The prospectus of the Jeram (Kuantan) Rubber Estate has been issued with a capital of *200,000 of which 50,000 one dollar shares will be offered for subscription. The property has an area of 2,543 acres, of which »10 acres
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  • 107 7 (Reuter.) London, January 22. In the IIou»e of Commons Mr. H. 11. Asquith stated that he hoped to conclude the Disestablishment and Franchise Bills by February 12. He thought that they should also carry the Trades Uuion aud Railway Bills, the latter in fulfilment of their pledge
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  • 73 7 (Reuter.) London, January 22. A dariug attempt was made during the week end to rob a safe containing pearls valued at j£B,ooo from the office of the pearl merchant, Rubin, in Hclborn Viaduct. The thieves were disturbed when they had almost drilled through the safe. They decamped
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  • 37 7 rnglaad’a Congratulations. (Reuter.) London, January 22. The Rt. Hon. Sir Francis L. Bertie, Hritish ambassador at Paris, conveyed to M. Poincare the British Government’s congratulations on the occasion of his election as President of France.
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  • 43 7 Archibald Currie Fleet Taken Over. (Reuter.) London, January 22. It is announced that the British India Company has acquired the fleet of the Archibald Currie Compauy of Melliourne consisting of five modern steamers with a total tonnage of 22,099.
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  • 21 7 (Renter.) London, Januaiy 22. The by-election at Flinteburgh has resulted as follows Parry (Liberal) 2,152 Roberts (Unionist) 1,9 41.
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  • 71 7 (Reuter.) London, January 22. Lo d Avebury presided over an influential meeting in the City which was attended by Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Mr. C. T. Ritchie, Sir Edgar Speyer and Sir J. L Inchapc among others. A resolution was passed in favour of Free Trade and declaring
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  • 50 7 Tke Tariff Qucsti:». (Reuter.) London, Jauuary 21. The Hon. J. lluine Cook, who succeeds the Hon. Mr. Alfred lH*akin as leader of the Opposition, says that the hscal policy will be the maintenance of the present tariff A non-political body will be appointed to inquire into the subject.
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  • 36 7 (Reuter.) Suakitn, Januarv 23. A caravan of Indian pilgrims at El Hatnra, midway betweeu Medina and Yetnbo, were overwhelmed by sudden floods from the mountains. 350 were drowned and 50 were saved.
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  • 37 7 Sailiat* S«»y«MiL Neuter.) Lisbon, January 22. The sailings of the Portuguese and East Africa liners have l>cen suspended owing to the strike of the sailors and dock labourers duj to the dismissal of a sailor
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  • 760 7 TURKEY GIVES IN. Greek Naval Victory. (Reuter.) r I Loudon, January 20. > It is undoubted tbit the Greeks scored a I considerable naval success. The Allies I warmly congratulated Greece. Athens, January 20. It i* officially stated that the Turkish squadron consisted of 18 units with
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  • 681 7 Botk Side* Hopelessly Divided (Reuter.) London, January 21. Political interest momentarily centres round the Franchise Bill to which Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary, will move an amendment on Fridav to extend the franchise to women. Both the front benches and the rauk and file of both parties are
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  • 23 7 (Reuter.) Montreal, Jauuary 22 The Duchess of Connaught has sufficiently recovered to leave hospital. Sha remain* at Montreal at present
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  • 114 7 M rcosi C mptsjf Asks To da Released. Router.) London, January 20 At the meeting <.f the Marc ui Committee a letter was read from the Marcoui Company to tiie Postmaster-General stating that the c *mpany had accumulated material and a staff who may be idle for
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  • 105 7 Latest Forecast. (Reuter.) Pan», January 22. M Briand is very busy forming bis Cabinet. The Jatest forecasts are that M. Kibot or M. Jonnart (ex-Governor of Algeria) will take the Foreigu Office, M. Etienne will be appointed Minister for War, and M. Baudin Minister of Marine. Tbc
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  • 100 7 Qaes'ioa in Parliament. {Reuter.) London, January 22. In the House of Commons Mr.* J. L. Baird, Conservative member for Rugby, asked for information concerning Somaliland. He described the condition in the interior as derogatory to British honour. The Unionist members, Mr. H. T. Baker and Mr. Glazebrook, urged the
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  • 77 7 Further Provisions of the Agreement. Renter.) St. Petersburg, January 21. A telegram from Urga states that, according to the agreement between Mongolia and Tibet, in addition to the provisions already mentioned, the Dalai Lama will accept the p oclamation of Kutu Khan as ruler of the Mongolians.
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  • 76 7 Pitiable Plight of Passengers. Reuter.) London, January 22. The Russian liuer Etthonia caught fire in the Red Sea on Thursday The flames spread very rapidly and the captain and ten iren were burned to death or were forced to jump overboard. The third engineer was burned at
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  • 71 7 Tkc Tol's Question. (Reuter.) Washington, January 22. Senator Rowe, in supporting the bill to amend the Panama Canal Act by eliminating the exemption of American coasting vessels from tolls, said that the corner stone of America's rights in the canal was that it should be opened t o
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  • 42 7 Operations To Be Resumed. Reuter.) Pari*, January 22. The French at Mogador are resuming operations on January 13 with a strong force composed of six battalions of infantry, two squadrons of cavalry, with artillory and numerous machine guns.
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  • 41 7 Preparations Completed. Reuter.) London, January 22. The Timet understand* tl at preparition* for the building of the warship presen‘ed by the Federated Malay Slates have been completed and that the contract will be placed in a few dav*.
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  • 84 7 Caaw of Some New York Fires. (Reuter.) New York, January 22. The ama/iog revelation* of the convicted incendiary Stein ha* led to a numlier of arrest* among minor Insurance officials It appeirs that Stein belonged to a gang which, with the connivance of vena! Insurance Insjecto:*. u u
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  • 91 7 Australian Opinion. (Reuter.) Melbourne, January 22 The Hon. G. P. Pearce, Minister for Defence, said that ho thought they should have an Australian Minister on the Imperial Defence Committee because the Australian policy was known and had the approval of the Admiralty. That policy differed from that of
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  • 185 7 Yeatorday. To-day. Kin. or Buyers Srllora Buyer. Heller* Kail. RCBBKK. s. d. a. d. d. a. d Anglo Malay 14 101$ 13 9 15 14 |fi 14 -Kid Bukit Mertajara. 8 3 1 210 3 2 2.1 Chersonese ..37 4 3 9 42 ~2d Cons Malay. ..14 44 IS
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  • 50 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 3.—“ John Morley.” Slaves To Tobacco. Li Hung Chang as Journalist. 4—Alleged Assault. >. 9.—The Secret of Hamit d Houses Tingkil Tin. PC C. Tennis Tournament. 10—The Delhi Outrage. China and the Queue. Round The Clock With A
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  • 86 7 The following ties have been fixed for Friday 24: Sin.jle Handicap D. McKnight Young i». B E Mitchell, A Bindley rs V G Back. Mix d Double*. —Mrs Adamson A Turner re. Miss Young A Sandeman, Mrs. Dennys A Holmes r*. Mrs May A Rogers, Mrs Phillips
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 257 7 Harmston's Circus. Grand Opening Night. •Saturday, January 25th Location Da‘o Knmat Ga'dm. Harrmtou’s Circus Lave much pleasure in presenting to the Public of I’enang, for the First Time, the following all Star London aud Continental Artistes. THE WATSONS! THE WATSONS!! The Greatest Sensation of the Day. The W'atsons’ Somersaulting Motor
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  • 34 7 Obituary, Sir J. Coala. Re litter. London, January 22. The death has taken place, at the age of 09, of Sir James Coats, the thread magnate. He was director of J. P. Coats Ltd.
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    • 181 8 Pegu, Br. ’.34, William*, 21st Jan.. Malacca, 19th Jan.. Gen.— K. li. Co, Ltd. Ckanfaboon, Ger. 2*>o, Sachif, 2l*t Jan., I*. Urimlan, 20th Jan., Gen. E S Co., Ltd. Taroba Br 3,657, Addenbror he. 22nd Jan Singapore, iHIh J.iu Gen H. L. A Co Tenrer, Br 5,Hi»», arwoud, 22u«1
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    • 62 8 Jaw art 23 Tracer, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Perak, for I)eli. Trang, for Trang. Pegu, for Port Swattenh im, Port Dick*ou and Malacca Le-tng Ho, for Batu Bahia Teeata, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. 4 vagyee, for Binding*. Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. mnlaya, for Singapore, China aud Jaj
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    • 215 8 hoi A kalian—Per Petrel, to morrow, 1 p ui. Port Swett nhain and Singapore Per Alma, to-morrow, 3 pm Singapore— Per Seang Pee, to morrow, 4 Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Fetul— Per Un Peng, to-morrow, 4 pm Pulau Lmgkawi—Per Tonj Chay Un, to-morrow, 4 p m. Teluk
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  • 131 8 PiiAifo. Jawaet 23. (By courtesy of the Char‘ered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4,*, 4 months’ night Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2/4 if ft 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank R*. 174 J n 3 dajs’ sight Fnr*»* 1754 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 k Monlmein, Demand Bank I<3 n 8
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  • 234 8 told 564.6 U tlack Pepper no tine.'. White Pepjioi 33] selle s "rang Popp*»» 23 7 5 nominal ’loves 39 —tellers vface 120— seller* Pickings s-9. buyers iutmegs 110 s. 27j. —sellers No. I 8 2U sale* Sngtr 2 810 sal Basko* 5.15 buyers Jopr t mixed) 10 6
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  • 205 8 Pbnamo. Januaut 23 Bi$KK cts. Soup pe- catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat... 16 Ruu.p Steak 2 4 Ox each 30 Tongue... 55 Ftdt 15 Heart 30 Liver p?r catty 55 Pokk— Pork pe catty 32 Pig’s Head... M 20 Feet n 24
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  • 2158 8 a a *o'C Nmnl-Tof "x d, g Capital. Shares Dividends. Name. t issued. a 3 g. a 2 J cS o* 1908 11K)9 1910 1911 1912 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. 11*0!) 4.5« >KK> 1 13n,(KK, 1 1 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate. Ltd. 9«) < t- $1 19«
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 IN* walked ten Tii i I«ih in a blinding storm. Which tilled hi* wife with great alarm 'I hat he would come to grievous harm She felt so Mire. Next day he had no hacking cough, At inHuen/.i he could scoff He’d taken just, to ward it off
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    • 66 8 Every young child is susceptible to croup. Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one beforo you prepare for it. It. comes iu the night when chemists’ shops are usually closed, and this alone should l»e a warning. Get and keep Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy on hand It ncv**r
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    • 48 8 Recommended by Medical Authorities for the immediate relief of Asthma and Bronchial trouble, Hay Fever, Laryngitis and Irritation of the air passages. GRIMAULT’S CIGARETTES ease the feeling of tightness across the chest and give a relief from gasping for breath GRIM AULT S. C'\ 8, r. Viotenns. Paris
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  • 988 9 Mk. R. H. Benson’s Explanation. Id the Dublin A‘< n ic appears an article on the phantasms of the dead, by Mr. K. 11. Benson. He says: I have listened patiently to every ghoststory that has come iny way —1 have read all the literature
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  • 214 9 FRESH SHARES ISSUED. (h. h» Sftecial.') 1 Singapore. January 21. A special meeting of the Tingkil Tin Companv was held to discuss the raising of further funds and the means of raising them. Mr. Kenneth Stevens, who presided, explained that the necessity arose m connection with the extra
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  • 161 9 Follow ing are the results of tho ties played off ou Tuesday evening Single Handicap A.— C Cunradi ic.«. from E H Syer, II Waugh beat A F*G Anderson 6—l. o—2, S F B Martin beat C 11 Mackay 6—2, 6—4. Single Handicap I>. —li E Prentis
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  • 54 9 The ss. Kirin Mtiru from Calcutta discharged 132 tons of general cargo. The s.s. Ceylon Maru and the s.s. Aki Maru are discharging 355 and 15 tons of general cargo respectively. The s.s. Seang lice from Rangoon is discharging 24,308 bags of rice, 3, ‘5O bags of bran and
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  • 87 9 s.s. Bail Whatt Soon. 210 bags copra ss. Mary Austin 820 tin ore s.s. 7 slabs tin s.s Avagvee 34 lags betelnuts s.s. Chantaboon 136 patchouli leaves ss. ...11,, pepper ss. 239 betelnuts s.s. Leoug Ho 11l copra s.s. Pangkor... 100 paddy s.s. 5 tin ore. s s
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  • 43 9 To- DAY 17th Day of 12th Moon. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-morrow. 18th Day of 12th Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road. straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 466 9 ft* ACETIC ACID 99 1002 PURE (GLACIAL). «1 *:o:« Packed in demijohns containing 44 lbs.^cach. Price $9.00|per demijohn v APPLY TO G. H. SLOT CO.,' PENANG THE BERNESE ALPS MILK CO.s Products wore awarded the GRAND PRIX (The lushest award obtainable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition Rrussels 1910 SLEDGE
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    • 274 9 THE Penang Motion Picture Show, PENANG ROAD. Owing to some unforeseen delay the proprietors of the above show regret that they are compelled to postpone their opening night to an indefinite date. Why v.aslc your good money after cheap rubbish article? Be sure to get only Paul Son»’ MOHON FLUTE.
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    • 12 9 Wor Children's Hacking Cough at X Lt, V. oudh’ U:ea‘ i'fcj, Cura.
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    • 56 9 i rtf» I h' I THIS IS IT Waterbary's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre‘ paration of COD LIVCK OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended hv the medical profession. Oh
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  • 797 10 Lady Hardi nob's Account oi the BoMII-Th KOWtXfi. Lord STdmhim, the Governor, on tin* Btli iast. at a public meeting of citizens held in the Town Hall, Bombiy, to exprets abhorrence of the attempt on the lit»*» of the Viceroy and Ladj llvding" In the course of
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  • 844 10 A Pkoblem Full of Dikticcltiks. The official announcement in a recent Chinese newipijrer that the Government has ordered Chao Erh-bsua. Tutuh of hengtien, to cut off bi* queue,” is an interestin'; example of the most significant outward effect of the Revolution, un the Glob* Till little
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  • 1278 10 An lNr*«s«Tixo Ixswht. Hardly ary iervouag*» ia the world is turrou'idel liy higher n dge» of etiquette and rol tap liou a lumla-in, for lie is a mighty iu *n in d aud lar reiuove<l from the unctuniis imv Clesiul winch forms the preconceive
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 131 10 Do You Cough i pon’J overstrain the tine membrane of vour tliruu* iu t to dislodge the phlegm' Chamberlain's Remedy will accomplish thi* f.»r you, ami cure the coM that is causing it. For sale by all Dispensaries and Deal* r«. Wf.rrn Pay» bring wi|b their pleasures some discomforts. Then
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    • 82 10 CKAPOTEAUT’S HUO/ ~< r NO T.Mivr TASTE t. •i:i v NO "r S Mi: LI. r.»D NO I IVI'R NAUSEA oil. MORRHUOL II «iifwri»r K*ir.’ on* <«r Oi!. it mr*'* I 1 1 1 *ti n. C. i». Brun- I-» 'ii.> y .mol 3 'rattrvl :p-in u ..uiiil v4 o»»l
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    • 45 10 vOKtt »'04 Is Riajitber. In buying a cough medicine for children l>ear ia mind that Ch Inin’s C >u d k is th« l»est f„r cold., croup au, whooping cough, and that it wntains n. harmful drug. For *Ue t.j all Dispel nes and D*\ler».
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    • 329 10 BY APPOINTMENT TO Their Highnesses th«* Nizam of Hyderabad the Mah iraja of Mysore, Travancoro, 3S8 sm r ■r*K mm w 8 *2 cm if Jodhpur, Kashmir, Indore Ac C. K. SEN 6* Co., 20, Coloolola Street, CALC fill .4, Ours is admittedly the best, biggest, rich est. and the
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    • 282 10 New Shipment of Account Books. JUST ARRIVED. Blank Books, V' Ruled Faint or with inoncv columns ta&s.-a >r m a a /raWfrri‘ »^S| [graS&^il itA'* Ok 100 Leaves. Ji.oofi* U. 20 each. Oblong Books RULED FAINT OK K* V*S^Sl- 7 >• ys w,TH MONEY COLUMNS V.'l VSfl Manifolding Copying
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. S CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. MILK m -n’ LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Our leading Medical men, as well as the Public, recognise the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1590 12 ■sfr' The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. Guide to Penang, CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Bead Office: 25. Market Mrnilla PX BT TH* LATB E. F. Skertchly, m.v Price 50 cents. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable Special Features, Disability/' and Return Prrtimm Clauses. NO OTHER OFFERS THESE ADVANTAGES. Supervision.” fc* Strict Government RUNNYMEDE
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