Straits Echo, 16 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1055 1 If jo require a Tome and amt* thing to nourish you, Drink Dog*s Head Guii\i\ess*B Stout, il look for thin label to see that you get it. TTANQ fiEB A Co., BoU Agentt. <h j i ji A t\ Vi/' •> i&Sid Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky.
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agentt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 I NATURA MILK —LION BRAND. (STERILIZED) r The Ideal Milk for use in the trep c«, be ng absolutely pure whilst retaining its naturel qualities and flavou*. Chop Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. Grand Prix: A V Paris >900 St. Louis: 19° 4 !>
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  • 1080 3 A First rate Phrase Maker. 8*1*1." otherwise H. H. Munm, ha* won for himself a reputation for his witty transcript» of society and of what Hava. If society in not witty enough to »ay all that he a««ril»»» to it, that is no matter. Saki ip
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  • 274 3 i lu the Hindustan Review Shaikh Ferozuddin Murad, MSe. B. A., M. A. S. 1 show how Islam has kept alight through the agrs the torch of knowledge. Algebra is a result of the fertility of Moslem intellect. The work cf Gel>er in chemistry is also well
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 539 3 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active N Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. i 8 HI (Cha poteaut) RELIABLE AGEBT IN TREATMENT OF v TUBERCULOSIS OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists SIEMENS 6. BEACH STREET. PENANG. Telegrams: “Siemens, Penang." Telephone No. 479. MANUFACTURERS OF Electrical Machinery, Apparatus and Accessories
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  • 1595 4 Oue of the tnoat amusing of Mr. James I’ayu’* shoit sketches describes the visit of two ladies, aunt and niece, fresh from 1 European travel, to their stay-at-home relatives in England. The uunt can talk of nothing but her routmeutal experiences, and is coitioually eilollng tbn beauty of.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 66 4 THIS IS IT Waterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Comp o u n d TASTELt SS ODO»LES*i 1 he Ulc-t sctcnlifii. pe p:uatlc:t of COD I.IVIIU OIL. 1>.?3 all that i> claimed ft.i it and sujt.r toje-i the oid fadiUmt) cmulauai « up/ct fee stomach, llijhlyie commended by t!i? i ie.!i
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    • 101 4 Perfectly Safe. Never hesitate about giving C*hatnl»erlaiu’s Cough Remedy to children It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confidence. As a «juick cure for coughs aud colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. For sale by sail I>is|*ensaries and Ife.ilers. i I
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    • 324 4 Ike Company leaves Penang next week. To-night! To-night!! THE Parsee Ripon Theatrical Co. Or BOMBAY. At the KING STREET THEATRE. King Mahomed of Ghazeni. TO-MORROW KIGHL Nuksh-A-Sulemani. Irices (f Admission: —$2, $1, i 60 ct.s. 30 ets. Ladies, 60 cts. 30 ets. THE Penang Amateur Dramatic Club WILL PRODUCE On
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    • 1696 4 Selangor Turf Club. NEW YEAR MEETING. For Sintoporc, Hongkong, Swalow t> Amoy. HOTEL NORMAN. Tho st*\ini!»liip Hong U'.i*j Captain J. (FORMERLY KNOWN AS RAFFLES HOTEL.) Mason, is expected t. arrive here on *•>>“, PENANC’S SELECT RESIDENTIAL AND ENTRIES CLOSE. 1913, Saturday, 18tfi January, AT 8 P Af. To The SEC
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  • 29 5 VeeeeU Iron Agent» Due It mum Jlinmlaija holia V. L ml n ig Colombo Colombo Singapore Singapore BM.ACo. AO.ACo. jA.G.ACo. jB M.AOo. lt>tb J»n 23rd 25th 28th
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  • 22 5 Yeetels For AgtnU Leaves 11 rente u Himalaya India 1 J Ludiriy Singapore Singapore Colombo Colombo B.MACo A.O.*Co. A. B. Jan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 P.&O. S.N.C f/wtwl Arrivals and Departnrea Mall B«rvlcs Outward. Jan. 23 Himalaya connecting with Marmcra Feb. 6 Devanha M Medina Feb. 20 Delta Moldavia ilar. 6 India Mongolia Homeward. SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K.M.S. India April 4th. FAKES by mail steamers. Ist class 2nd class To London by Sea 9565-72 9377-14
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    • 1333 5 iSHIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Intended to Sail. Steam»». Singapore. (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mertfui, Tavoy, Yeh, Moulmein and Victoria Point. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) fW 18th Jan., 4 p.m. Sun. 19th Jan., 4
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  • 97 6 Published daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) AT THW CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Pkicf. Daily Local $24 per annum. Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CARLS ADDEKSS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 SB All bu.inPM rrmimini<-»tU'n« WouM
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  • 1388 6 We are cjcstirtlv reminded that the ing rules over u: ;ro Orientals than any sovereign m the world, aud one would, therefore, mppj-e that the way would be made cuv lor su li of his natural-born sun jeets as mav wish to acquire some know edge o r
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  • 666 6 Taipicg, January 4. I>r Campbell of Indunopolis, U S. A pr«. fessor ol botany at California University, in at present iti Taiping making a collection of plants of the lower order*. f**rus aud their allies. He arrived from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and is .-taring at the Raj
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  • 198 6 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. through their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 4 S Fine Para Forward 4,. d. hirst latex Crejie delivery next three months 4*. t}' r Market steady. January 16, PJI3. The German s s. Mnlnja will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 466 6 maaummmmamm i SIEMENS 6, BEACH STREET. PENANC. Si. men Tcnang. T<*l«*pV>m* tb 479. SIEMENS WOT AN LAMPS The first pure-drawn TUNGSTEN Filament L\irn produced Candle powers from 10 to I,OO'J V VJ TRONG DURABLE AND HIGHLY ECONOMICAL V PA MAY BE USED IN ANY POSITION. Penang Sales Room. I’.Y OKf’LR
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  • 947 7 TilK INQUEST. Fw I 1 pqui y. /17 Sjmxiu/.) Singapore, January 15. the resumption of the inquest into the do.ith <*f Mr. 1). C. Oakley, of Sedenak Estate, I>r. Gilmore Kills, PC.M.O, was «••nt, also Mr. E. P. li. Edlin and Mr. I’.u e, tho
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  • 143 7 l who >S i-r-rutt.) New Flotation. Kuala Lumpur, January 15. There were record sales in London on I ttesday. 1,320 tons were sold. The amalgamation of United Sumatra with London Sumatra i* proposed. I he Orient Trust pays a dividend of 5% and carries forward Vi 1
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  • 52 7 (Flclto Srieetaf.") Singapore, January 15. 23,151 lbs. of rubl>er were sold at the Singapore Kublier Auction. The following prices were obtained Smoked Sheet $228 $2t8 per picul. Unsmoked Sheet ...$23l $236 First Crepe ...$225—$243 Second ...5204- $221 Thiid ...$1!»6—$200 Fourth ...SI 71 Virgin Scrap ..,$185—$200 Untreated Se
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  • 84 7 Revised Interim Report. Reuter.) Loudon, January 15. The Marconi committee have revised their interim report to the extent of requiring a committee of independent expet t*, with a chairman of a judicial or an administrative capacity, to report within three months on the merits of tlie various
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  • 58 7 Renter.) Montreal, January 15 Tho Puchesß of Connaught has tnad< further improvement. Her Royal Highnest is now able to take nourishment regular!) aud sleeps well. No Further Bulletins. Montreal’s, January 16. The Duchess of Connaught has so improved that no further bulletins will be issued. But
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  • 58 7 Extended For A Decade. Reuter.) St. Petersburg, January 15. Tl.e Tsar has confirmed the decision of the Council of Ministers to extend the Russo-Chinese Commercial Treaty of 1881 for a further decade, simultaneously rendering inoperative the provisions appended to the treaty for duty-free trade ou Russian territory
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  • 67 7 Disastrous Year For Lloyd's. Reuter. Loudon, January 15. HU 2 was a very disastrous year for Lloyd’s who o losses were over £7,000,000 and would have been much uu-re serious bu* for the remarkably line salvaging of the Delhi and the Oceana Altogether the casualties were 6,031. 228 ships
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  • 45 7 The Dell* He ut> r London. January 15. It is stated that 1 lap bail’s in »storpu-cv, the Madouua Della tjuercu, arrive*! in I«. union yesterday. It was smuggled out of Italv to* a hotel iu the Stmnd winch iguarded by detective».
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  • 37 7 Kias Alfonso Conffrs wilK Pa«l> Leaders. (Reuter.) Madrid, January 15. Kin*' \lfon>o i»slrikin’oat n nev. ’in* ic summoning tbo R-publVan and S*.culi»l leaders to the Palace to leani thc.r v,, im on different political question-.
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  • 154 7 (Hauler.) London. January 15. We’l informed people in London consider that a little fighting will prove the short »t way to peace, as Adrianople is not expected to re*i<t another attack. Sofia, January 15. King Ferdinand and the Bulgarian Ministers are proceeding to Mustapha Pasha to meet
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  • 166 7 Buff ted By The Storm. Renter.) London, January 15. A very dramatic story of the recent «tornas is that of'Fumes; liner Snowdon Rouge, which was buffeted iu the Atlantic i for riftv days without a rudder. She was' giv up ::t Lloyd’s as lost when
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  • 95 7 Comments of the Papers. Reuter.) London, January 15. The Uni nist papers gene:ally welcome Mr. Bonar Law’s loiter with relief and thankfulness. They are of opinion that tho future can now be faced with calm confidence. The Morning Poe 4 though shares tho apprehensions of Mr. Austen
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  • 46 7 The Sanita*ion Question. (Reuter.) London, January 15. In the House of Common* Mr. L V Harcourt, Colonial Secretary, announced that he was considering, iu consultation with the Governor aud expert advisers, the litot means of improving Nairobi aud the East Africa Protectorate «generally.
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  • 35 7 And American Coasting Vessels. (Reuter.) Washington, January 15. In the Senate Mr. Elihu Root introduced a Bill to amend tho Panama Canal Act b}’ eliminating the exemption of American coasting vessels from tolls.
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  • 43 7 Mr. Lloyd Gcor’e Memorialis’d. (Reuter.) London, January 15. 17 k I,ilieral members of the House of Common* signed a memorial to Mr. Lloyd George asking for the reduction of the taxi'ion on tea, sugar, and other articles of food
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  • 34 7 C Renter Sa- raiuento (California) January 111. Three bills, designed to prohibit the hulJt of land in t tlifornta bv foreigner* n inadmissible for citizenship», will 1« du;e»J into the State legislature.
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  • 392 7 Mr. Balfovr's Warning. r t 1 Renter.) London, January 15. The House of Commons was crowded ai i the third reading of the Home Rule Bill. 1 Mr. A. J. Balfour, who was cheered whet he entered first by the Unionists th*»n bv the Liberal*, moved the rejection
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  • 544 7 to the Kuiior ov hie Straus Kcjio Dear Sir, —The report of the Municipal Council Meeting on January 14 contain* so many misleading statements on motor nutters, that it. almost becomes a du‘y to claim the publicity of your columns, to prevent the public from receiving wrong im
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  • 396 7 $50! DAMAGES. The action iu which Chin I,ee Foo sued the Goldsmiths Guild for damages for his expulsion from the Guild and Lew Cbeok Kong and fifteen ethers for damages for lil»el, was concluded yesterdav evening before Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton The Court l confined its
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  • 195 7 Yesterday. To-day. Ris» or Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fall. RUBBER. s. d. s. d. s. d. s d. An-rlo Malay 14 9 J 5 f> 15 15 9 43d Bukit Mertajam. 2 K 5 1 2 9- 3 1 „Id Chersonese 3 6 311 3 9 4 2 „:M
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  • 46 7 t The following- articles will be found on our outside page* Fage 3.—The Sayings of Saki. Science <i and Islam. I 4 —Travellers’ Tales. i>.—Kainpar Mine Tragedy. 10.—The Cost of Living. The Biographic Elect. The Boxer Indemnity. Registration of Servants. The Home of Commons. 1
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  • 60 7 The following business in tin ha* lee* done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, «11» t b lyers, no sellers j v J > Singapore Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 114. Tin i* quoted in Loudon to-day at JL’227 cash and £228 I-"**, three months sight
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 i a liiau with a delicate chest, Mv .-old’s had au-aiu. we». Fui lest J t ,1.0 far sure Woods’ Peppermint Cure, '1 trust iu puod luck for the re t.’ i tii<- choiuis t’s he wont with a Hop, lie saw there just made his heart stop u tarried
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    • 55 7 THE CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. Head Ok kick :—eiViAPORIi Life Assurance and Endowment in Ali Forms LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW KATES Financial Ay*nf* for Petony. SELLAR, MURRAY CO. C. DOYCM, D'tfric* Mancycr. Itooil OtVee: —No. 7, l r .vi< > v S'tl ki. t. i *u\sa\o 9 sztjrnn f.
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    • 537 7 1 Notes for Merchants TA h K CARE < IF THE CENTS SO THAT THE lHII.LARS CAN TAKE CARE OF YolJ. You ic*9 money because vuur system d<x» s not *how you where every cent comes from. It n >t tell you how much v»>u bare taken. A National Cash
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  • 19 7 Obituary. Reuter London, January 15. The death has taken phice at the'age of i of the Karl of Ashburnhaiu
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    • 58 8 Jiu Ha, Br. 111, Dyason, 15tb Jan, Alor Btar, 15th Jan, Gen. —E. 8. Ltd. Ban Whmtt Soon. Br. 199. Ferguson, 16th Jan.. Selangor. 12th Jan., Gsn E. 8. Co. Ltd Alma, Br. 354. Lyons, 16th J*n. hingapor**. 14th Jan, Gen. —E. S. Co, ud7 Botorna. Br. 556, Bell.
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    • 41 8 Jabcabt 16. Jin Ho, for Alor Star Kedah. ChonfahooH, for (.angkat and PangLalan B randan. Tryu. for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Tarohn, for Pott Swettenham and Singapore. Avagye*, for Binding*. Sitiawan and Teluk Anton. Mamin ng, for Setul.
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    • 326 8 I* on Alor Btar (Kedah)-Per InibeUa, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Singapore, China and Japan —Per Bremen, to-roorrow, 2 p.m. Ragan Datoli and Teluk Anaon —Per Hfbr, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Yen —Per Jit Seng, 18th instant, 7 a.m. Madra. taking mails for Europe, etc., rii Bombay—Per Tara, 18th instant, 10
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  • 128 8 Prum, Junjiir 16. (Jy sswrtssf of tka OkmrUtad Btmk.) London, Bank V d 4 months’ sight Bank 9/415 Z l n Credit 9/4 3 Documentary 2/4U Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174* n S days* sight Private lift* Bombay, Dsmsnd Bank J7J* Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 days* sight Priv»«e 175*
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  • 224 8 Gold Leaf *6t.6U Black Pepper Mark White Pepper H 33} *ellr Trang Pepper 23 75 nominal Cloves 39 —teller» Mace 120— sellers Pickings M i»9.— buyer* Nutmegs 110 s. 27j.— teller* iNo. 1 820 tale* „2 8.10 ral Basket 5.15 buyer* Copra (mixed) 10 8 buyer* Tahbun 190. —te
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  • 213 8 PaNANo. January 16 Bkkk— ct*. Soup ps catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox TSil each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork «H pei catty 32 Pig’s Head... SO Fee* —m» u 24
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  • 2019 8 a i a a g *0 '-5 NuiiOmt of *2 A *42 a Capital. Shares > U Dividends. Name. E A S issued. a i 01 l-Nts 1 -Mr* 191« 1911 1912 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1909 450 000 I 130,* *00 1 1 Ayer Kuning Rubber
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 553 9 Inquest and Yerdici. I Kam par. Jan. 14. —An inquest was held at 11 o’clock this morning into the circumstance* attending the death of Owen Gilbert j O’Connor, Assistant Manager, Sultan Idri* Mine, Sungei Petaj, and a coolie, named Chen Yeng (35), Luried in u landslide. It
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  • 74 9 The P. A O. extra steamer Sumatra, hai ing left Singapore at noon yesterday, is expected to arrive here via Port Swettenham, to-morrow daylight, and will leavo for Colombo, Marseilles, London and Antwerp at 2 p in. the same day. Inward Shipment. s.s. Alma 154 bags sugar s.s.* 31G
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  • 44 9 To-dat 10th Day of 12th Moon. Hand, Golf Club, G p in. George Town Cinerratogi aph, Kuala Kangsar Road. straits Cinematograph, Penang Roid. To-morrow. 11th Day of 12th Moon. Rand, Ksplanade, G p.m. George Town Ciuematograph, Kuala hangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • 17 9 German (Bremen) H*h J an English (Himalaya) ..A3rd China (India) ...25th China Prim Ludwig ...28th
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  • 20 9 O Full Moon Jan. 22nd T<ast Quarter 2S*th O New Moon Feb. 6th (1* irst Quarter m IRh
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  • 39 9 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward Himalaya 23 Jan. I India 25 .lan Dr ran In G Feb. J Afttayr p e Fxira Scrvue.* Outward. Homeward. Namur 2H Jan. I Sumatra 1G Jan Nankii, 11 Feb. Sumatra )G
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 496 9 Wh> waste your good money after cheap rubbish article f tV v jr |i 1*8 sure to get only I’aul A Sods* 7*. <V>; >r* rrvV^ g- w MOHON FLUTE. 1 i The King of all harmonium*. The best and jjTjj. 'X Strongest one yet known. Its unqueation* able reputation
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    • 164 9 THIS 13 IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Cil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS i «••■v I CM 1.... O.i gjfel -m The laic t scientific pre paration of COD LI VICK OIL. I>.R ull (bat is claimed for n and super lifdf t’, iM l cl; is which upset the stomach.
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    • 332 9 BY APPOINTMENT TO 'lheir Highnesses the Nizam of Ilyderalad the Maharaja of Mysore, Travancoro, V/S/sy. /f, mm m. 'y.% W m) fm Jodhpur, Kashmir, ludore Ac. C. K. SEN Co., 29, Colootola Sired, CALCUTTA, Ours is admittedly the liest, biggest, rich est and the most respectable Hindu Medical Kdobliduiunt in
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  • 1393 10 THE RISING COST OF UMNO. I |f Hr 1>k. David Stark Jordan, President i Stan rot d Uimvek ity. |i The rite iu cott of article» of ncce»«ity 1 about I Hit". It it worldwide, a little greater in high tariff countrie«, Iwcsuss of I the shelter
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  • 276 10 Sir Sidney Leo. iu the Km t-’enth write» of tho completion of the second supplement of the Dictionary of Notional Ilintjriphy. lie says that lie is the sole survivor of the baud of active organisers who lit the Dictionary on its road nearly thirty veirs ago.
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  • 201 10 Wo understand that the request of the Chinese Government for the pos'ponement for twelve months of the payment of anrears of tlie Boxer Indemnity was considered at a uieetiug of the Diplomatic Body held on Friday afternoon last. The Russian Minister opposed the postponement, as might l>e
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  • 1520 10 It has l*een represented to ui—and we are verv glad to hear if, —that in anticipation of the fruning of the Domestic Servants Ordminc*. the headmen of the Hai'.siu Khuwm have l»eeu fully informer! of the p-op »«ed Ordinance, its ■cope and the nature of the provisions
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  • 353 10 The House of Commons is trounced vigorously by Mr. Hilaire llelloc in the Orj'nrd on l l Cambridge Reeirtc iu his last paper on Reform.” All will shortly lie up with the House of Commons, lie evidently thinks. He says With very rare excepti »ns a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 81 10 &r»tr< of Colds. Children are mooli more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have chi*. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever an<l consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child ha* a cold. That w why all medical authorities say lieware ol colds. For the quick cure
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    • 67 10 RecommendJ Everywhere. Mr. Piet A. Uvs. living at Lieiievlei, Frankfort I'istri t. Orange Eirer Colony, Africa, say* “We can give evidence to the iieuetit of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it several times for our children and ourselves and have found it excellent We eipcct to continue using it
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    • 61 10 A Follower of laflvnuo. An attack of inHuen/a is often followed bv a persistent cou/b, which to mauv proves a great annovance. Chamberlain’s Cough Retried? ha* i»een extensively used and with good success for tlie relief *aad cure of tbia cough. Man? cases have been cured after other well known
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    • 43 10 Somethin* Dependable. Chamberlain'a Cuu »h Remedy never disappoints those who use it for obstina’e coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and Hugs. It ataoda unrivalled aa a remedy for all throat and luat; disease». For sale by all l hapensariee and Dealers.
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    • 312 10 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. /Vo 255, Penang Road. Telephone No 602. Fresh Salmon Turbot Halibut Soles Plaice. HOURS. Office Shop Shop Hours 1* a.m. to 5p m. 5 a.ui. to 11 a.m. 2 to 7 p.m. SUNDAYS. 5 a.ui. to II a.ui. oulv. WHY NOT ALL THAT A
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY, i CONTRACTORS TO THE WAR OFFICE. 1 THE INDIA OFFICE. MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. It is guaranteed lo be absolutely Pure and free from Preservatives. Have you tried our Unsweetened Condensed Milk? IT IS CALLED Milkmaid Evaporated Cream
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1569 12 The Insular Life Assurance Co., Limited. Guide to Penang, :o: CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: BT TUB LATB E. F. Skcrtchly, f. i.s. Price J O cents. 25, Market Stiect, Manilla P.I. F. A. til A lI.KK, Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and I neon*enable. Special Features, Disability,” aud Return Premium
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